Test Report


Test Report

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AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456

            NUMBER: 720267
                                                                                                                                    Test report No:
                                                                                                                                NIE: 43846RRF.001
            NUMBER IC 4621A-1

                                                                                             Test report
                                                           REFERENCE STANDARD:
                                                            USA FCC Part 22 & Part 24
                                                          CANADA IC RSS-132, RSS-133
            Identificación del objeto ensayado......................:                    EGSM/GPRS Module
            Identification of item tested

            Marca ...................................................................:   Telit

            Modelo y/o referencia tipo ..................................:               GE866-QUAD
            Model and /or type reference

            Other identification of the product ....................:                    Commercial name: GE866-QUAD
                                                                                         FCC ID: RI7GE866
                                                                                         IC: 5131A-GE866
            Final HW version ................................................:           1
            Final SW version .................................................:          16.01.200
            IMEI TAC ...........................................................:        356306059400094
            Características .....................................................:       EGSM-GPRS cellular 850/1900 MHz, DC power supplied

            Peticionario .........................................................:      TELIT COMMUNICATIONS SPA
                                                                                         Viale Stazione di Prosecco 5/B, 34010 Sgonico (TS). Italy.
                                                                                         VAT: 03711600266
                                                                                         Contact person: Antonino Sgroi
                                                                                         Telephone: +39 0404192111 / Fax: +39 040 4192 383
                                                                                         e-mail: antonino.sgroi@telit.com

            Método de ensayo solicitado, norma...................:                       USA FCC Part 22 10-01-13 Edition: 22.917. Radiated emissions
            Test method requested, standard
                                                                                         USA FCC Part 24 10-01-13 Edition: 24.238. Radiated emissions
                                                                                         CANADA IC RSS-132 Issue 3, Jan. 2013.
                                                                                         CANADA IC RSS-133 Issue 6, Jan. 2013.
                                                                                         Measurement Guidance 971168 D01 v02r01 for certification of
                                                                                         Licensed Digital Transmitters
            Resultado ..............................................................:    IN COMPLIANCE

            Aprobado por (nombre / cargo y firma) ...........:                           A. Llamas                                     Firmado digitalmente
            Approved by (name / position & signature)                                                                                  por Alejandro Llamas
                                                                                         RF Lab. Manager                               Rodríguez
                                                                                                                                       Fecha: 2014.11.17
            Fecha de realización ...........................................:            2014-11-17                                    16:03:06 +01'00'
            Date of issue

            Formato de informe No. ......................................:               FDT08_15
            Report template No

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                                                  Page 1 of 24                                              2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456

    Competences and guarantees .........................................................................................................................3
    General conditions .........................................................................................................................................3
    Uncertainty ....................................................................................................................................................3
    Usage of samples ...........................................................................................................................................3
    Test sample description .................................................................................................................................4
    Test samples supplier ....................................................................................................................................4
    Testing period ................................................................................................................................................4
    Environmental conditions..............................................................................................................................4
    Remarks and comments .................................................................................................................................5
    Testing verdicts .............................................................................................................................................6
    Appendix A – Test result for FCC Part 22 & 24 ...........................................................................................7

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                                   Page 2 of 24                                                                     2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456

    Competences and guarantees
    AT4 wireless is a laboratory with a measurement facility in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.948 of the
    FCC rules and has been added to the list of facilities whose measurements data will be accepted in conjuction with
    applications for Certification under Parts 15 or 18 of the Commission's Rules. Registration Number: 720267.
    AT4 wireless is a laboratory with a measurement site in compliance with the requirements of RSS 212, Issue 1
    (Provisional) and has been added to the list of filed sites of the Canadian Certification and Engineering Bureau.
    Reference File Number: IC 4621A-1.
    In order to assure the traceability to other national and international laboratories, AT4 wireless has a calibration and
    maintenance program for its measurement equipment.
    AT4 wireless guarantees the reliability of the data presented in this report, which is the result of the measurements and
    the tests performed to the item under test on the date and under the conditions stated on the report and, it is based on
    the knowledge and technical facilities available at AT4 wireless at the time of performance of the test.
    AT4 wireless is liable to the client for the maintenance of the confidentiality of all information related to the item
    under test and the results of the test.
    The results presented in this Test Report apply only to the particular item under test established in this document.
    IMPORTANT: No parts of this report may be reproduced or quoted out of context, in any form or by any means,
    except in full, without the previous written permission of AT4 wireless.

    General conditions
        1. This report is only referred to the item that has undergone the test.
        2. This report does not constitute or imply on its own an approval of the product by the Certification Bodies or
           competent Authorities.
        3. This document is only valid if complete; no partial reproduction can be made without previous written permission of
           AT4 wireless.
        4. This test report cannot be used partially or in full for publicity and/or promotional purposes without previous written
           permission of AT4 wireless and the Accreditation Bodies.

    Uncertainty (factor k=2) was calculated according to the AT4 wireless internal document PODT000.

    Usage of samples
    Samples undergoing test have been selected by: the client.
    Sample M/01 is composed of the following elements:

       Control Nº                       Description                 Model               Serial Nº           Date of reception

                                  EGSM GPRS module             GE866-QUAD                IMEI:
        43846/003                                                                   356306059400094            2014-10-21

        43846/005                        Test board                    ---            113990002537             2014-10-21

        34074/013                          Antenna                     ---                  ---                2011-10-27

        1. Sample M/01 has undergone the test(s).
             All radiated tests indicated in appendix A.

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                 Page 3 of 24                                                  2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456

    Test sample description
    The test sample consists of a test board with EGPRS/GSM cellular module operating in the 850 MHz and 1900 MHz

    Test samples supplier
    Viale Stazione di Prosecco 5/B, 34010 Sgonico (TS). Italy.
    VAT: 03711600266
    Contact person: Antonino Sgroi
    Telephone: +39 0404192111 / Fax: +39 040 4192 383
    e-mail: antonino.sgroi@telit.com

    Testing period
    The performed test started on 2014-10-31 and finished on 2014-11-03.
    The tests have been performed at AT4 wireless.

    Environmental conditions
    In the control chamber, the following limits were not exceeded during the test:

                                                             Min. = 21.66 ºC
                                                             Max. = 22.18 ºC
                                                             Min. = 43.65 %
              Relative humidity
                                                             Max. = 44.32 %
              Shielding effectiveness                        > 100 dB
              Electric insulation                            > 10 kΩ
              Reference resistance to earth                  < 0,5 Ω

    In the semianechoic chamber the following limits were not exceeded during the test.

                                                             Min. = 19.86 ºC
                                                             Max. = 20.20 ºC
                                                             Min. = 41.61 %
              Relative humidity
                                                             Max. = 44.14 %
                                                             Min. = 1010 mbar
              Air pressure
                                                             Max. = 1014 mbar
              Shielding effectiveness                        > 100 dB
              Electric insulation                            > 10 kΩ
              Reference resistance to earth                  < 0,5 Ω
                                                             < ±4 dB at 10 m distance between item under test and
              Normal site attenuation (NSA)
                                                             receiver antenna, (30 MHz to 1000 MHz)
                                                             More than 75% of illuminated surface is between 0 and 6
              Field homogeneity
                                                             dB (26 MHz to 1000 MHz).

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                 Page 4 of 24                                              2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456

    Remarks and comments
    1: Used instrumentation.

        Radiated Measurements

                                                             Last Cal.        Cal. due
                                                               date            date
                   Semianechoic Absorber Lined
          1.                                                   N.A.            N.A.
                   Chamber ETS FACT3 200STP
                   BiconicalLog     antenna   ETS            2014/03          2017/03
                   LINDGREN 3142E
                   Multi Device Controller EMCO
          3.                                                   N.A.            N.A.
                   Double-ridge Guide Horn antenna
          4.       1-18    GHz     SCHWARZBECK               2013/11          2016/11
                   BBHA 9120 D
                   SHF-EHF Horn antenna 15-40 GHz
          5.                                                 2014/03          2017/03
                   Schwarbeck BBHA 9170
          6.       EMI Test Receiver R&S ESU 26              2013/08          2015/08
                   Spectrum analyser Rohde &
          7.                                                 2013/10          2015/10
                   Schwarz FSW50
                   RF pre-amplifier 10 MHz-6 GHz
          8.                                                 2014/02          2015/02
                   SCHWARZBECK BBV9743
                   RF pre-amplifier 1-18 GHz
          9.                                                 2014/02          2015/02
                   Schwarzbeck BBV 9718
                   RF pre-amplifier BONN BLMA
          10.                                                2014/02          2016/02
                   1840-1M 18-40 GHz.
                   Universal Radio communication
          11.                                                2014-02          2016-02
                   Tester R&S CMU200

    2. GSM mode has not been tested to prove USA FCC Part 22 and Part 24 and Canada IC RSS-132 and RSS-133
    compliance because the modulation scheme and the power maximum levels are the same as for GPRS mode.
    Taking into account the above comments, testing in GSM mode is redundant for FCC Parts 22 and Part 24 and IC RSS-132
    and RSS-133 as it is the same as GPRS mode. GPRS mode has been tested as indicated on the present test report.
    3. Test not requested.

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                   Page 5 of 24                                   2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456

    Testing verdicts
                           Not applicable ......................................................................... :           N/A

                           Pass .......................................................................................... :     P

                           Fail ........................................................................................... :    F

                           Not measured .......................................................................... :            N/M

                           FCC PART 22/IC RSS-132 PARAGRAPH                                                                       VERDICT
                                                                                                                                NA P   F NM
Clause 22.913/RSS-132 Clause 4.4: RF output power                                                                                         NM3

Clause 2.1047/RSS-132 Clause 4.2: Modulation characteristics                                                                                 NM3

Clause 22.355/RSS-132 Clause 4.3: Frequency stability                                                                                        NM3

Clause 2.1049: Occupied Bandwidth                                                                                                            NM3

Clause 22.917/RSS-132 Clause 4.5: Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                                                                    NM3

Clause 22.917/RSS-132 Clause 4.5: Radiated emissions                                                                                   P
3: See section “Remarks and comments”.

                           FCC PART 24/IC RSS-133 PARAGRAPH                                                                           VERDICT
                                                                                                                                NA     P   F NM
Clause 24.232/RSS-133 Clause 6.4: RF output power                                                                                             NM3

Clause 2.1047/RSS-133 Clause 6.2: Modulation characteristics                                                                                 NM3

Clause 24.235/RSS-133 Clause 6.3: Frequency stability                                                                                        NM3

Clause 2.1049: Occupied Bandwidth                                                                                                            NM3

Clause 24.238/RSS-133 Clause 6.5: Spurious emissions at antenna terminals                                                                    NM3

Clause 24.238/RSS-133 Clause 6.5: Radiated emissions                                                                                   P
3: See section “Remarks and comments”.

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                                       Page 6 of 24                                                2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456

    Appendix A – Test result for FCC Part 22 & 24

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                 Page 7 of 24   2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456

    TEST RESULTS FOR FCC PART 22 AND IC RSS-132 ...................................................................................... 9
     TEST CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 9

      Radiated emissions ............................................................................................................................................. 10

    TEST RESULTS FOR FCC PART 24 AND RSS-133 ......................................................................................... 16
     TEST CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 16

      Radiated emissions ............................................................................................................................................. 17

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                                Page 8 of 24                                                                   2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456

                         TEST RESULTS FOR FCC PART 22 AND IC RSS-132

                                                             TEST CONDITIONS

Power supply (V):
      Vnom = 3.8 Vdc
      Vmax = N/A
      Vmin = N/A
The subscripts nom, min and max indicate voltage test conditions (nominal, minimum and maximum respectively,
as declared by the applicant).
N/A: Not Applicable
Type of power supply = DC Voltage from external power supply
Type of antenna = External connectable antenna

    Lowest channel (128): 824.2 MHz
    Middle channel (190): 836.6 MHz
    Highest channel (251): 848.8 MHz

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                     Page 9 of 24                       2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456

                                                             Radiated emissions

§ 22.917


The measurement was performed with the EUT inside an anechoic chamber. The spectrum was scanned from 30
MHz to at least the 10th harmonic of the highest frequency generated within the equipment.
The EUT was placed on a 1 meter high non-conductive stand at a 3 meters distance from the measuring antenna for
measurements below 1 GHz and at 1 m distance for measurements above 1 GHz.
Detected emissions were maximized at each frequency by rotating the EUT and adjusting the measuring antenna
height and polarization. The maximum meter reading was recorded. The radiated emissions were measured with
peak detector and 1 MHz bandwidth.
Each detected emission is substituted by the Substitution method. in accordance with the ANSI/TIA/EIA-603-C:

Measurement Limit:

According to specification. the power of emissions shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) by a factor
of at least 43 + 10 log (P) dB. P in watts.
At Po transmitting power. the specified minimum attenuation becomes 43+10log (Po). and the level in dBm
relative Po becomes:

Po (dBm) – [43 + 10 log (Po in mwatts) - 30] = - 13 dBm


Frequency range 30 MHz-1000 MHz.
No radiated spurious signals were detected at less than 20 dB respect to the limit.

Frequency range 1 GHz-12.75 GHz.
No radiated spurious signals were detected at less than 20 dB respect to the limit.

Frequency range 30 MHz-1000 MHz.
No radiated spurious signals were detected at less than 20 dB respect to the limit.

Frequency range 1 GHz-12.75 GHz.
No radiated spurious signals were detected at less than 20 dB respect to the limit.

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                     Page 10 of 24                            2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456

Frequency range 30 MHz-1000 MHz.
No radiated spurious signals were detected at less than 20 dB respect to the limit.

Frequency range 1 GHz-12.75 GHz.
No radiated spurious signals were detected at less than 20 dB respect to the limit.

Verdict: PASS

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                 Page 11 of 24            2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456


Note: The peak above the limit is the carrier frequency.


Note: The peak above the limit is the carrier frequency.

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                 Page 12 of 24   2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456


Note: The peak above the limit is the carrier frequency.

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                 Page 13 of 24   2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456



Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                 Page 14 of 24   2014-11-17


  Multi¥iew ——| Spectrum
   Ref Level 0.00 dBm           ®@ RBW 1 MHz
®@ Att            0 dB ® SWT is ® VBW 1 MHz    Mode Auto Sweep
 1 Frequency Sweep

 —10 d&m
                      H1 —13.000 d&m

 —20 dBm

 —30 d&m

 —40 d&m

 —50 dBm

 —60 d&m

 —80 dBm

 90 d&m

  1.0 GHz                                       30000 pts                        1,.18 GHz/   12.75 GHz

axvrrvacs c vec ui vaxay
                                                                 n og— ce ~~~—

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456

                            TEST RESULTS FOR FCC PART 24 AND RSS-133

                                                             TEST CONDITIONS

Power supply (V):
      Vnom = 3.8 Vdc
      Vmax = N/A
      Vmin = N/A
The subscripts nom, min and max indicate voltage test conditions (nominal, minimum and maximum respectively,
as declared by the applicant).
N/A: Not Applicable
Type of power supply = DC Voltage from external power supply
Type of antenna = External connectable antenna

Lowest channel (512): 1850.2 MHz
Middle channel (662): 1880.2 MHz
Highest channel (810): 1909.8 MHz

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                     Page 16 of 24                      2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456

                                                             Radiated emissions

§ 24.238

The measurement was performed with the EUT inside an anechoic chamber. The spectrum was scanned from 30
MHz to the 10th harmonic of the highest frequency generated within the equipment.
The EUT was placed on a 1 meter high non-conductive stand at a 3 meter distance from the measuring antenna for
measurements below 1 GHz and at 1 m distance for measurements above 1 GHz.
Detected emissions were maximized at each frequency by rotating the EUT and adjusting the measuring antenna
height and polarization. The maximum meter reading was recorded. The radiated emissions were measured with
peak detector and 1 MHz bandwidth.
Each detected emissions were substituted by the Substitution method. in accordance with the ANSI/TIA/EIA-603-
C: 2004.

Measurement Limit:

According to specification. the power of emissions shall be attenuated below the transmitter power (P) by a factor
of at least 43 + 10 log (P) dB. P in watts.
At Po transmitting power. the specified minimum attenuation becomes 43+10log (Po). and the level in dBm
relative Po becomes:

Po (dBm) – [43 + 10 log (Po in mwatts) - 30] = - 13 dBm

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                     Page 17 of 24                            2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456


Frequency range 30 MHz-1000 MHz.
No spurious signals were found in all the range.

Frequency range 1 GHz-20 GHz.
No radiated spurious signals were detected at less than 20 dB respect to the limit.

Frequency range 30 MHz-1000 MHz.
No spurious signals were found in all the range.

Frequency range 1 GHz-20 GHz.

Substitution method data
 Frequency       Instrument      Polarization      (1) Generator   (2) Cable         (3) Substitution      E.I.R.P. (dBm) =
   (MHz)           reading                         output (dBm)    loss (dB)         antenna gain Gi        (1) – (2) + (3)
                    (dBm)                                                          (respect to isotropic
                                                                                      radiator) (dB)
 5640.75           -35.93          Vertical            -37.08         7.38                13.20                -31.26

Frequency range 30 MHz-1000 MHz.
No spurious signals were found in all the range.

Frequency range 1 GHz-20 GHz.

Substitution method data
 Frequency       Instrument      Polarization      (1) Generator   (2) Cable         (3) Substitution      E.I.R.P. (dBm) =
   (MHz)           reading                         output (dBm)    loss (dB)         antenna gain Gi        (1) – (2) + (3)
                    (dBm)                                                          (respect to isotropic
                                                                                      radiator) (dB)
 5729.25           -36.41          Vertical            -37.56         7.38                13.20                -31.74

Verdict: PASS

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                       Page 18 of 24                                              2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456


(This plot is valid for all three channels)

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                 Page 19 of 24   2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456



Note: The peak above the limit is the carrier frequency.


Note: The peak above the limit is the carrier frequency.
Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                 Page 20 of 24   2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456


Note: The peak above the limit is the carrier frequency.

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                 Page 21 of 24   2014-11-17

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456



Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                 Page 22 of 24   2014-11-17


  Multi¥iew ——| Spectrum
  Ref Level 0.00 dBm           ®@ RBW 1 MHz
® Att            0 dB ® SWT is ® VBW 1 MHz    Mode Auto Sweep
1 Frequency Sweep

 —10 d&m
                      H1 —13.000 d&m

 —20 d&m

 —30 dBm

 —40 dBm

 —50 d&m

 —60 dBm

 —70 dBm

 —80 dBm

 90 d&m

  3.0 GHz                                      30000 pts                       1.5 GHz/   18.0 GHz

axvrrvacs c vec ui vaxay
                                                                nooge c ~o >

AT4 wireless, S.A.
Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía,
c/ Severo Ochoa nº 2 · 29590 Campanillas · Málaga · España
www.at4wireless.com · C.I.F. A29 507 456


(This plot is valid for all three channels)

Report No: (NIE)
43846RRF.001                                                 Page 24 of 24   2014-11-17

Document Created: 2014-11-17 16:03:06
Document Modified: 2014-11-17 16:03:06

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