Test report


Test Report

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                                                      ISO/IEC17025 Accredited Lab.

Report No:             FCC 1503076
File reference No:     2015-04-01

Applicant:           King of Fans, Inc.

Product:             52’’ Maxwell

Model No:            52-MH

Trademark:           N/A

Test Standards:      FCC Part 15 Subpart B: 2012

                     It is herewith confirmed and found to comply with the requirements
Test result:
                     set up by ANSI C63.4&FCC Part 15 regulations for the evaluation of
                     electromagnetic compatibility

Approved By

Jack Chung


Dated:               April 01, 2015

Results appearing herein relate only to the sample tested
The technical reports is issued errors and omissions exempt and is subject to
withdrawal at

 Room 512-519, 5/F., East Tower, Building 4, Anhua Industrial Zone, Futian District,
                           Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
    Tel (755) 83448688, Fax (755) 83442996, E-Mail:info@timewaytech.com

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                        Page 2 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

         Special Statement˖
             The testing quality ability of our laboratory meet with "Quality Law of People's Republic
         of China" Clause 19.
             The testing quality system of our laboratory meet with ISO/IEC-17025 requirements,
         which is approved by CNAS. This approval result is accepted by MRA of APLAC.

                 Our test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:

              CNAS-LAB Code: L2292
              The EMC Laboratory has been assessed and in compliance with CNAS-CL01
         accreditation criteria for testing Laboratories (identical to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 General
         Requirements) for the Competence of testing Laboratories.

              FCC-Registration No.: 899988
              The EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully described in a report filed with the
         (FCC) Federal Communications commission. The acceptance letter from the FCC is maintained
         in our files. Registration No.: 899988.

                 IC- Registration No.: IC5205A-02
              The EMC Laboratory has been registered and fully described in a report filed with the (IC)
         Industry Canada. The acceptance letter from the IC is maintained in our files. Registration IC
         No.: 5205A-02.

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                              Page 3 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

         Test Report Conclusion
1.0      General Details ……………………..…………………………..……………………………..…                                                                                  4
1.1      Test Lab Details…………………………………………………………..………………….……                                                                                    4
1.2      Applicant Details………………………………………………………….……………….……..                                                                                   4
1.3      Description of EUT ………..……………………………………………………..………….……                                                                                 4
1.4      Test Uncertainty…………………………..……………………………………..………………..                                                                                  4
1.5      Submitted Sample…………………………………….…………………………………..………                                                                                     4
1.6      Test Duration………………………………………….…….……………………………………                                                                                       4
2.0      List of Measurement Equipment………………………………………………………………                                                                                 5
2.1      Conducted Emission Test………………..………………………………………………………..                                                                                5
2.2      Radiated electromagnetic disturbance test………………………………………………….…….                                                                      5
2.3      Auxiliary Equipment……………………………………………………………………………...                                                                                   5
3.0      Technical Details…………………………………………………………………………………                                                                                      6
3.1      Investigations Requested……………………………………………………………….…………                                                                                 6
3.2      Test Standards……………………………………………………………………….…………….                                                                                      6
4.0      Power line Conducted Emission Test……………………………………………………..…….                                                                           7
5.0      Radiated Disturbance Test……………………..……………….…………………………….....                                                                            11
6.0      FCC ID Label ……………………..……………….…………………………….........................                                                                    18
7.0      Photo of testing…...............................................................................................………................   19

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                        Page 4 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

1.0         General Details

1.1         Test Lab Details
            Name :                           SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES.
            Address:                         Room 512-519,5/F., East Tower,Building 4, Anhua Industrial Zone,
                                             Futian District,Shenzhen, Guangdong China
            Telephone:                       (755) 83448688
            Fax:                             (755) 83442996
            Site on File with the Federal Communications Commission – United Sates
            Registration Number: 899988
            For 3m & 10 m OATS
            Site Listed with Industry Canada of Ottawa, Canada
            Registration Number: IC: 5205A-02
            For 3m & 10 m OATS

1.2         Applicant Details
            Applicant:                                  King of Fans, Inc.
            Address:                                    1951 N.W. 22nd Street,Fort Lauderdale, FL33311,USA
            Telephone:                                  954-484-7500
            Fax:                                        954-784-7602

1.3         Description of EUT
            Product:                         52’’ Maxwell
            Manufacturer:                    Chienluen Industries (zhongshan) LTD
            Address:                         Da che Industrial Area,Nanlang Town,zhongshan,Guangdong
                                             China 528451
            Brand Name:                      N/A
            Model Number:                    52-MH
            Rating: Input:120V, 60Hz; FAN W/O light kit 0.5A 60W; FAN W/Light kit: 1.5A, 180W
            Rx Frequency: 303.835MHz

1.4         Submitted Sample: 2 Samples

1.5         Test Duration: 2015-03-12 to 2015-04-01

1.6         Test Uncertainty
            Conducted Emissions Uncertainty =3.6dB
            Radiated Emissions Uncertainty =4.7dB

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                        Page 5 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

1.7         Test Engineer
            The sample tested by

                                                           Print Name: Terry Tong

2.0         List of Measurement Equipment

2.1         Conducted Emission Test
                                                                                                          Calibration          Calibration
   Name                           Model No.             Serial No.           Manufacturer                 Date                 Cycle
   EMI Test Receiver              ESH3                  860905/006           RS                           2014.08.21           1Year
   Spectrum Analyzer              ESA-L1500A            US37451154           HP                           2014.08.21           1Year
   PULSE LIMITER                  ESH3-Z2               100281               RS                           2014.08.22           1Year
   LISN                           ESH3-Z5               100294               RS                           2014.08.22           1Year
   LISN                           ESH3-Z5               100253               RS                           2014.08.22           1Year
   LISN                           LS16C                 10010947251          AFJ                          2014.08.21           1Year
   LISN (Three Phase)             NSLK 8126             8126453              Schwarebeck                  2014.08.22           1Year

2.2                  Radiated electromagnetic disturbance test
                                                                                                             Calibration          Calibration
 Name                                  Model No.             Serial No.              Manufacturer            Date                 Cycle
 EMI Test Receiver                     ESVD                  100008                  RS                      2014.08.21           1Year
 Coaxial Switch                        MP59B                 M70585                  ANRITSU                 N/A                  N/A
                                       8595E                 3441A00893
 Spectrum Analyzer                                                                   HP                                           1Year
 Amplifier                             8447D                 2727A05017              HP                      2014.08.22           1Year
 Bilog Antenna                         VULB9163              9163/340                Schwarebeck             2014.08.23           1Year
 Horn Antenna                           BBHA 9120D           9120D-631               Schwarebeck             2014.08.23           1Year
 Horn Antenna                            BBHA 9170           BBHA9170265             Schwarebeck             2014.08.23           1Year

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                        Page 6 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

3.0      Technical Details

3.1      Investigations Requested
         Perform Electromagnetic Interference [EMI] tests for FCC Requirement.

3.2      Test Standards
         FCC Part 15 Subpart B: 2012

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                        Page 7 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

4.0      Conducted Power line Test

4.1      Schematics of the test
                                       Test Receiver                                                               
      $&0DLQV                              /,61                                 (87                             ORDG

                                     EUT: Equipment Under Test
4.2      Test Method and test Procedure
         The EUT was tested according to ANSI C63.4-2009.The Frequency spectrum From 0.15MHz to 30MHz
         was investigated. The LISN used was 50ohm/50uH as specified by section 5.1 of ANSI C63.4
         –2009.Cables and peripherals were moved to find the maximum emission levels for each frequency.
         Actual Working Voltage and Frequency: 120V~, 60Hz
         Block diagram of Test setup

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                        Page 8 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

4.3      Power line conducted Emission Limit
                                       Class A Limits dB(V)                                   Class B       Limits dB(V)
                              Quasi-peak Level              Average Level             Quasi-peak Level               Average Level
   0.15 ̚ 0.50                        79.00                      66.00                  66.00̚56.00*                 56.00̚46.00*
   0.50 ̚ 5.00                        73.00                      60.00                        56.00                        46.00
   5.00 ̚ 30.00                       73.00                      60.00                        60.00                        50.00
         Notes:    1. *decreasing linearly with logarithm of frequency.
                   2. The tighter limit shall apply at the transition frequencies
4.4      Test Results
         The frequency spectrum from 0.15MHz to 30MHz was investigated. All reading are
         quasi-peak values with a resolution bandwidth of 9kHz.

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                        Page 9 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

A:         Conducted Emission on Live Terminal (150kHz to 30MHz)
           EUT Operating Environment
           Temperature: 26ć          Humidity: 65%RH        Atmospheric Pressure: 101 KPa
           EUT set Condition: Receiving Mode
           Equipment Level: Class B
           Results: PASS
           Please refer to following diagram for individual

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 10 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

B:         Conducted Emission on Neutral Terminal (150kHz to 30MHz)
           EUT Operating Environment
           Temperature: 26ć          Humidity: 65%RH        Atmospheric Pressure: 101 KPa
           EUT set Condition: Receiving Mode
           Equipment Level: Class B
           Results: Pass
           Please refer to following diagram for individual

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 11 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

5.0    Radiated Disturbance Test
5.1    Schematics of the test

                                             (87                              ORDG                                

5.2      Test Method and test Procedure:
         The EUT was tested according to ANSI C63.4 –2009; The frequency spectrum from 30MHz to 5GHz was
         investigated. All reading from 30MHz to 1GHz are quasi-peak values with a resolution bandwidth of
         120kHz. For measurement above 1GHz, peak values with RBW=VBW=1MHz and PK detector. AV value
         with RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz and PK
         Actual Working Voltage and Frequency: 120V~, 60Hz
         Block diagram of Test setup
                        Distance = 3m


                                                                                 Pre -Amplifier




                                     Ground Plane

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 12 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

5.3      Radiated Emission Limit
              Frequency Range (MHz)                        Distance (m)                       Field strength (dB­V/m)
                            30-88                                   3                                       40.00
                           88-216                                   3                                       43.50
                          216-960                                   3                                       46.00
                         Above 960                                  3                                       54.00
         Note: 1.The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies
         2.This is a handhold device. The radiated emissions should be tested under 3-axes position (Lying, Side,
         and Stand), After pre-test. It was found that the worse radiated emission was get at the lying position.
5.4      Test result
         The frequency spectrum from 30MHz to 5GHz was investigated. All reading from 30MHz to 1GHz are
         quasi-peak values with a resolution bandwidth of 120kHz. For measurement above 1GHz, peak values
         with RBW=VBW=1MHz and PK detector. AV value with RBW=1MHz, VBW=10Hz and PK.
         Measurements were made at 3 meters.

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 13 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

            Test result
            General Radiated Emission Data and Harmonics Radiated Emission Data

            Radiated Emission In Horizontal/ In Vertical (30MHz----1000MHz)

            EUT set Condition:               Receiving Mode

            Results:                         Pass

          Frequency (MHz)                Level@3m (dB­V/m)                     Antenna Polarity               Limit@3m (dB­V/m)
                231.08                              23.98                                H                              46.00
                136.20                              24.22                                H                              43.50

                116.160                             27.56                                V                              43.50

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 14 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

            Test Figure:
               MARKER 1                                                      RBW    120 kHz Marker 1 [T1 ]
                  231.08 MHz                                                 MT     50 µs           23.98 dBµV/m
                                                 Att 10 dB                   PREAMP ON         231.080000000 MHz
    dBµV                                          100 MHz
              80                                                                                      Marker 2 [T1 ] 1 GHz
                                                                                                              24.22 dBµV/m
                                                                                                         136.200000000 MHz
    1 PK





                                                                  2                  1




             30 MHz                                                                                                              1 GHz

    Date:              1.APR.2015           16:59:32

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 15 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

            Test Figure:
               MARKER 1                                                      RBW    120 kHz Marker 1 [T1 ]
                  116.16 MHz                                                 MT     50 µs           27.56 dBµV/m
                                                 Att 10 dB                   PREAMP ON         116.160000000 MHz
    dBµV      80                                  100 MHz                                                                       1 GHz

    1 PK





              30                                            1




             30 MHz                                                                                                              1 GHz

    Date:              13.MAR.2015            10:14:57

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 16 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

       Radiated Disturbance (1000MHz----5000MHz)

       EUT Operating Environment
       Temperature:25ć        Humidity: 75%RH                            Atmospheric Pressure: 101 KPa
       EUT set Condition: Receiving Mode
       Equipment Level: Class B
       Results: Pass

       Please refer to following diagram for individual

        Frequency (MHz)                Level@3m (dBV/m)                      Antenna Polarity              Limit@3m (dBV/m)
                  --                                 --                                  H                           54(AV)

Note: Due to the final radiated level much less than the limit, so necessary take down final radiated level

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 17 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

       Radiated Disturbance (1000MHz----5000MHz)

       EUT Operating Environment
       Temperature:25ć      Humidity: 75%RH                          Atmospheric Pressure: 101 KPa
       EUT set Condition: Receiving Mode
       Equipment Level: Class B
       Results: Pass

       Please refer to following diagram for individual

        Frequency (MHz)                Level@3m (dBV/m)                      Antenna Polarity              Limit@3m (dBV/m)
                  --                                 --                                  V                           54(AV)

Note: Due to the final radiated level much less than the limit, so necessary take down final radiated level

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 18 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

6.0       FCC ID Label
                                                             FCC ID: RGB-52MHR

          The label must not be a stick-on paper label. The label on these products must be permanently affixed to
          the product and readily visible at the time of purchase and must last the expected lifetime of the equipment
          not be readily detachable.

          Mark Location:

                                                                                                     Label Location

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 19 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

7.0    Photo of testing
7.1    Conducted test View--

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 20 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

7.2        Radiated emission test view--

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 21 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

       Photo for the EUT

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 22 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

       Photo for the EUT

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 23 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

       Photo for the EUT

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 24 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

       Photo for the EUT

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 25 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

       Photo for the EUT

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 26 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

       Photo for the EUT

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 27 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

       Photo for the EUT

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 28 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

       Photo for the EUT

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 29 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

       Photo for the EUT

The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

 Report No: FCC1503076                                                                                                      Page 30 of 30
 Date: 2015-04-01

       Photo for the EUT

                                                           -End of the report-
The report refers only to the sample tested and does not apply to the bulk.
This report is issued in confidence to the client and it will be strictly treated as such by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. It
may not be reproduced rather in its entirety or in part and it may not be used for adverting. The client to whom the report is issued may, however,
show or send it . or a certified copy there of prepared by the SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. to his customer. Supplier or
others persons directly concerned. SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. will not, without the consent of the client enter into any
discussion of correspondence with any third party concerning the contents of the report.
In the event of the improper use of the report. The SHENZHEN TIMEWAY TESTING LABORATORIES. reserves the rights to withdraw it and to
adopt any other remedies which may be appropriate.

Document Created: 2015-04-02 19:56:04
Document Modified: 2015-04-02 19:56:04

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