Users Manual Safety Instructions


Users Manual

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Safety Instructions
Version 1.0
                                                                !          Important paragraphs which must be adhered to in
                                                                practice as they enabled the product to be used in a techni-
                                                                                                                               •      Inadequate safeguards at the surveying site (e.g. when
                                                                                                                                      measuring on roads, etc.)
                                                                cally correct and efficient manner.
                                                                                                                                         Prohibited use can lead to injury, malfunction, and
                The User Manual (part2) in a separate           Use of the instrument                                          material damage. It is the task of the person responsible for    es
                brochure, forms a part of the safety            Permitted use                                                  the instrument to inform the user about hazards and how to       pt
                instructions.                                   The permitted use of the Leica DISTO™ are the following:       counteract them. The Leica DISTO™ is not to be operated          nl
"              Carefully read the User Manual before using
                this product.
                                                                • Measuring distances
                                                                • Computing areas and volumes
                                                                                                                               until the user has been instructed.
                                                                                                                               Limits of use
The following directions should enable the person               • Storing measurements (BLUETOOTH®)
responsible for the Leica DISTO™, and the person who
actually uses the instrument, to anticipateand avoid
operational hazards.
                                                                Prohibited use
                                                                •    Using the instrument without instruction
                                                                                                                               !          See section “Technical Data“.
                                                                •    Using outside the stated limits                           Suitable for use in an atmosphere appropriate for permanent      ja
The person responsible for the instrument must ensure that                                                                     human habitation. Cannot be used in an aggressive or
all users understand these directions and adhere to them.       •    Deactivation of safety systems and removal of             explosive* environment. Use in rain is permissible for limited
                                                                     explanatory and hazard labels                             periods.                                                         ko
Symbols used                                                    •    Opening of the equipment by using tools (screwdrivers,
                                                                     etc.), as far as not specifically permitted for certain   * Potentially explosive atmospheres:                             pl
The symbols used in the User Manual have the following
                                                                     cases                                                          Areas with potentially explosive atmospheres are often,     hr
                                                                                                                                    but not always clearly marked. They include fuelling
         Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an
                                                                     Carrying out modification or conversion of the product
                                                                     Use after misappropriation
                                                                                                                                    area, such as petrol stations, below deck on boats, fuel
                                                                                                                                    or chemical transfer facilities, and areas where the air
unintended use which, if not avoided, will result in death or   •    Use of accessories from other manufacturers without            contains chemcals or particles, such as grain, dust or      cz
serious injury.                                                      the express approval of Leica Geosystems.                      metal powder.                                               el
         Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an
                                                                •    Deliberate or irresponsible behaviour on scaffolding,
                                                                     when using ladders, when measuring near machines                                                                            lt
unintended use which, if not avoided, may result in minor            which are running, or near parts of machines or                                                                            lv
injury and/or in appreciable material, financial and                 installations which are unprotected                                                                                        et
environmental damage.                                           •    Aiming directly into the sun
                                                                •    Deliberate dazzling of third parties; also in the dark                                                                     si
Leica DISTO™ GB                                                                              1                                                                                                  ml

      Areas of responsibility                                        •
                                                                          and the instructions in the User Manual.
                                                                          To be familiar with local safety regulations relating to           WARNING:
                                                                                                                                              Insufficient securing or marking of your
      Responsibilities of the manufacturer of the original                accident prevention.                                       measurement site could cause a dangerous situation on the
 it   equipment Leica Geosystems AG, CH-9435 Heerbrugg               •    To inform Leica Geosystems immediately if the              public highway, building site, or in the factory, etc.
es    (kurz Leica Geosystems):                                            equipment becomes unsafe.                                  Precautions:
pt    Leica Geosystems is responsible for supplying the product,                                                                     Always ensure your measurement site is appropriately
      including the User Manual and original accessories, in a       Hazards in use                                                  secured. Obey the local accident prevention regulations, and
nl    completely safe condition.                                     Important hazards in use                                        road safety rules, at all times.
da    Responsibilities of the manufacturer of non-Leica
sv    accessories:                                                           WARNING:
                                                                              The absence of instruction, or the inadequate
                                                                                                                                              In using the instrument for distance measurements
      !          The manufacturers of non-Leica accessories for
      the Leica DISTO™ are responsible for developing, imple-
                                                                     imparting of instruction, can lead to incorrect or prohibited
                                                                     use, and can give rise to accidents with far-reaching human,
                                                                                                                                     or for positioning moving objects (e.g. cranes, building
                                                                                                                                     equipment, platforms, etc.) unforeseen events may cause
      menting and communicating safety concepts for their            material and environmental consequences.                        erroneous measurements.
ja    products. They are also responsible for the effectiviness of
                                                                     Precautions:                                                    Precautions:
zh    these safety concepts in combination with the Leica Geosy-
                                                                     All users must follow the safety instructions given by the      Only use this product as a measuring sensor, not as a control
ko    stems equipment.                                                                                                               device. Your system must be configured and operated in
                                                                     manufacturer and the directions of the person responsible for
pl    Responsibilities of the person in charge of the                the instrument.                                                 such a way, that in case of an erroneous measurement,
                                                                                                                                     malfunction of the device or power failure due to installed
hr    instrument:
                                                                                                                                     safety measures (e.g. safety limit switch), it is assured that no
               The person responsible for the instrument must
                                                                              Watch out for erroneous distance measurements if
                                                                     the instrument is defective or if it has been dropped or has
                                                                                                                                     damage will occur.
cz    ensure that the equipment is used in accordance with the
      instructions. This person is also accountable for the
                                                                     been misused or modified.
                                                                                                                                              Dispose of the equipment appropiately in
el                                                                                                                                   accordance with the regulations in force in your country.
      deployment of personnel and for their training and for the     Carry out periodic test measurements. Particularly after the
                                                                                                                                     Always prevent access to the equipment by unauthorized
 lt   safety of the equipment when in use.                           instrument has been subject to abnormal use, and before,
lv    The person in charge of the instrument has the following       during and after important measurements.
et    duties:                                                        Make sure the Leica DISTO™ optics is kept clean and that                CAUTION:
                                                                                                                                              Be careful when pointing a telescope towards the
      • To understand the safety instructions on the product         there is no mechanical damage to the bumpers.                   sun, because the telescope functions as a burning glass and
ml                                                                                                 2                                                                            Leica DISTO™ GB

can injure your eyes and/or cause damage inside the Leica          Precautions:                                                        Use of the product with BLUETOOTH®:                               GB
                                                                   Do not look into the laser beam. Make sure the laser is aimed
                                                                   above or below eye level. (particularly with fixed installations,          WARNING:
                                                                                                                                               Electromagnetic radiation can cause disturbances in
Do not point the telescopic viewer directly at the sun.            in machines, etc.)                                                  other equipment, in installations (e.g. medical ones such as
Laser classification                                                       WARNING:
                                                                            Looking right at the reflected laser beam in a Leica
                                                                                                                                       pacemakers or hearing aids) and in aircraft. It can also affect
                                                                                                                                       humans and animals.
The Leica DISTO™ produces a visible laser beam which               DISTO™ operated with telescopic viewfinder could be                 Precautions:                                                      nl
emerges from the front of the instrument.                          dangerous when you aim at areas that reflect like a mirror, or      Athough this product conforms to the most stringent
It is a Class 2 laser product in accordance with:                  emit reflections unexpectedly (e.g. a mirror, metallic                                                                                da
                                                                                                                                       standards and regulations, Leica Geosystem cannot totally
• IEC60825-1 : 1993 "Radiation safety of laser products"           surfaces, windows, prisms, liquids).                                exclude the possibility of harm to people and animals.            sv
• EN60825-1 : 1994 "Radiation safety of laser products"            Precautions:                                                        • Do not use the product near petrol stations, chemical           no
It is a Class II laser product in accordance with:                 If you are using a telescopic viewfinder, do not aim at areas            plants, in areas with a potentially explosiveatmosphere       fi
• FDA 21CFR Ch.I §1040 : 2003 (US Department of                    that are reflective like a mirror, or which could produce                and where blasting takes place.                              ja
       Health and Human Service, Code of Federal                   unintended reflections (e.g. mirrors, metallic surfaces,            • Do not use the product near medical equiment.
       Regulations)                                                windows, prisms).                                                                                                                     zh
                                                                                                                                       • Do not use the product in airplanes.
Laser Class 2/ II products:                                                                                                            • Do not use the product near your body for extended              ko
Do not stare into the laser beam or direct it towards other
                                                                   Electromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)                                       periods.                                                     pl
                                                                   The term "electromagnetic compatibility" is taken to mean the
people unnecessarily. Eye protection is normally afforded by
aversion responses including the blink reflex.
                                                                   capability of the Leica DISTO™ to function smoothly in an
                                                                   environment where electromagnetic radiation and
                                                                                                                                               This BLUETOOTH® transmitter must not be
          Looking directly into the beam with optical aids (e.g.
                                                                   electrostatic discharges are present, and without causing
                                                                   electromagnetic interference to other equipment.
                                                                                                                                       operated in conjunction with any other transmitter or
                                                                                                                                       transmitting antenna.                                             ru
binoculars, telescopes) can be hazardous.                                                                                                                                                                cz
Precautions:                                                               WARNING:
                                                                            Electromagnetic radiation can cause interference in                                                                          el
Do not look directly into the beam with optical aids.              other equipment.                                                                                                                       lt
          Looking into the laser beam may be hazardous to
                                                                   Although the Leica DISTO™ meets the strict regulations and
                                                                   standards which are in force in this respect, Leica
the eyes.                                                          Geosystems cannot completely exclude the possibility that
                                                                   interference may be caused to other equipment.                                                                                        si
Leica DISTO™ GB                                                                                   3                                                                                                      ml

      FCC statement (applic. in U.S.)                                            WARNING:
                                                                                  Changes or modifications not expressly approved by
                                                                         Leica Geosystems for compliance could void the user’s
 it             WARNING:
                 This equipment has been tested and found to             authority to operate the equipment.
es    comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to
pt    part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to             Product labelling:
nl    provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in      This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.
      a residential installation.                                        Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This
da                                                                       device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this
      This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
sv    frequency energy and, if not installed and used in                 device must accept any interference received, including
no    accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful                interference that may cause undesired operation.
 fi   interference to radio communications.
ja    However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
      occur in a particular installation.
      If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
ko    television reception, which can be determined by turning the
pl    equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct
hr    the interference by one or more of the following measures:
      • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
      • Increase the separation between the equipment and
ru           receiver.
cz    • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
el           different from that to which the receiver is connected.
 lt   • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
             technician for help.
ml                                                                                                     4                                  Leica DISTO™ GB

Labelling                                                                                                                        fr
  Maximum radiant power:           0.95mW                                                                                       es
  Emitted wavelength:           620-690nm                                                                                       pt
  Standard applied:         EN60825-1: 1994                                                                                     nl
                           IEC60825-1: 1993                                                                                     da
                                              D5-Z1                                                                             no
                                                                  Beam divergence                  0.16 x 0.6 mrad               fi
                                                                  Pulse duration                   15 x 10-9 s                  ja
                           Laser beam outlet                      Max. radiant power               0.95 mW *                    zh
                                                                  Max. radiant power per pulse     8 mW                         ko
                                                                  * Measurement accuracy ±5%
                                              D5-Z2                     CAUTION:
                                                                         In case of damage, contact the local dealership.
                                                                  Never attempt to repair the product yourself.
                                              D5-Z3       D5-Z4
Leica DISTO™ GB                                       5                                                                         ml

Document Created: 2004-02-06 10:34:01
Document Modified: 2004-02-06 10:34:01

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