RFF-IIS01 UserMan


Users Manual

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Leica BLK3D

Overview               2
Technical data         3
Instrument Set-up      7
Reality Capture       11
Laser                 14
Sketch & Document     17
Organiser             21
Care                  22
Warranty              23
Safety instructions   24

Leica BLK3D                1

Ov e rv ie w

  Components                                   Home screen
  The Leica BLK3D is a remote meas-
  urement tool with a class 2 laser. It
  enables to measure distances within a pic-
  ture at any time. See chapter Technical
  data for scope of use.

                1.   Measure
                2.   Touch screen
                3.   Back
                4.   Home
                                                 1.   Status bar
                5.   Measure
                                                 2.   Side menu
                6.   Recents
                                                 3.   Reality Capture
                7.   Camera
                                                 4.   Laser
                8.   USB port protection lid
                                                 5.   Sketch & Document
                9.   USB port
                                                 6.   New Project
               10.   ON/OFF
                                                 7.   Organiser

Leica BLK3D                                                               2

  Technical data
         Distance measurement (ISO 163331-1):
T e c h n ic a ld a ta

         Accuracy with favourable conditions: *                              ± 1.0 mm / 0.04 in ***
         Accuracy with unfavourable conditions: **                           ± 2.0 mm / 0.08 in ***
         Range with favourable conditions: *                                 250 m / 820 ft
         Range with unfavourable conditions: ****                            120 m / 394 ft
         Smallest unit displayed:                                            0.1 mm / 1/32 in
         X-Range Power Technology™:                                          yes
         Ø laser point at distances:                                         6 /30 / 60 mm (10 / 50 / 100 m)

         Tilt measurement:
         Measuring tolerance to laser beam: *****                            ± 0.2°
         Measuring tolerance to housing: *****                               ± 0.2°
         Range:                                                              360°

  * applies for 100 % target reflectivity (white painted wall), low background illumination, 25 ºC
  ** applies for 10 to 100 % target reflectivity, high background illumination, - 10 ºC to + 50 ºC
  *** Tolerances apply from 0.05 m to 10 m with a confidence level of 95%. The maximum tolerance may deteriorate to 0.1 mm/m between 10 m to 30 m, to 0.20 mm/m between 30 m to
  100 m and to 0.30 mm/m for distances above 100 m
  **** applies for 100 % target reflectivity, background illumination of approximately 30'000 lux
  ***** after user calibration. Additional angle related deviation of +/- 0.01° per degree up to +/-45° in each quadrant.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                                   3

Technical data
P2P measurement with DST 360 (optional):
Working range vertical sensor:                             -64° to > 90°
Accuracy vertical sensor up to:                            +/- 0.1°
Working range horizontal sensor:                           360°
Accuracy horizontal sensor up to:                          +/- 0.1°
Tolerance P2P function at distances                        +/- 2 mm / 2 m
(combination of sensors and distance measuring) approx.:   +/- 5 mm / 5 m
                                                           +/- 10 mm /10 m
Levelling range:                                           +/- 5°

Dimensions (H x W x D):                                    180.6 x 77.6 x 27.1 mm (7.11 x 3.06 x 1.07 in)
Weight (with rechargeable battery):                        480 g / 17 oz
Temperature range:                                         Storage: -25 to 60 °C / -13 to 140 °F
                                                           Operation: -10 to 50 °C / 14 to 122 °F
                                                           Charging: 0 to 40 °C / 32 to 104 °F
Tripod adapter:                                            supports 1/4-20 UNC screw adapters

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                 4

Technical data
Operating system:                  Android 7 (Nougat)
Processor (with integrated GPU):   Snapdragon 820 QuadCore (2.2 GHz)
RAM Memory:                        4 GB
Real-time processor:               STM32F446
Screen:                            5.0" IPS, HD 720x1280 LCD capacitive multi-touch screen, chemically strengthened, brightness: 450 cd/m2
Stereo camera:                     Pixels: 2 x 10 MP (15.8 cm diagonal base line)
                                   Field of view: 80°
                                   Focal length: 4.0 mm (22 mm in 35 mm equiv. in 1:1)
                                   Aperture: F3.0
DISTO™ camera:                     Pixels: 2 MP
                                   Field of view: 14°
I/O:                               USB Type-C 1.0 for data transfer and charging (water-resistant), integrated speaker and microphone
Keyboard:                          Three physical buttons (Power, DIST, Camera), four touch buttons (Back, Home, Recents, DIST)
Additional sensors:                Compass, 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope
Laser class:                       2
Laser type:                        635 nm, < 1 mW

Internal storage:                  64 GB
Single shots:                      14000 pictures
Multi shots:                       5000 pictures

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                  5

Technical data
Bluetooth® Smart:                                            Bluetooth v4.1 and v2.1
                                                             Radiated power: 1.78 mW (BLE)
                                                             Radiated power: 10.00 mW (BT classic)
                                                             Frequency: 2402-2480 MHz
WLAN:                                                        Standard: 802.11 b/g/n
                                                             Radiated power: 6.31 mW
                                                             Frequency: 2412-2462 MHz
GPS:                                                         A-GPS and GLONASS

Power Management:
Battery:                                                     Rechargeable battery pack Li-Ion (3.80 V, 3880 mAh, 14.7 Wh) (included)
Power Management:                                            AC adaptor (input: 100-240 V AC) (included)
                                                             External charger (input: 100-240 V AC) (optional)
Charge time:                                                 < 3.5 h (with AC adaptor)
                                                             < 5 h (with optional external charger)
Operating time:                                              Typical capture*: 4 h / 220 multi-shot captures
                                                             Continuous capture*: 2.5 h / 1000 single-shot captures
                                                             Laser measurements: 6.5 h / 9500 laser measurements
                                                             Auto power off: 3 h

* Wi-Fi, Bluetooth® off, flash off, screen luminosity 50 %

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                            6

  Instrument Set-up
In s tru me n tS e t-u p

                                                                                                                    Charge Li-Ion battery by USB port             Charge Li-Ion battery by USB char-
  Introduction                                                      Charging Li-Ion battery                         on the device                                 ger (optional)
                           The safety instructions (see Safety
                                                                         Charge batteries when battery icon
                           Instructions) and the user manual
                                                                         in status bar is flashing and before
                           should be read through carefully
                                                                         using it for the first time. While char-
                           before the product is used for the
                                                                         ging, the device may heat up. This is
                           first time.
                                                                         normal and should not affect the
                                                                         device’s lifespan or performance. If
                           The person responsible for the                the battery gets hotter than 40°C /
                           product must ensure that all users            104°F, the charger stops. At a
                           understand these directions and               recommended storage temperature
                           adhere to them.                               of -20°C to +30°C (-4°F to +86°F),
                                                                         batteries containing a 50% to 100%
                                                                         charge can be stored up to 1 year.
  The symbols used have the following                                    After this storage period the bat-
  meanings:                                                              teries must be recharged. To save
                                                                         energy, unplug the charger when not
                           WARNING                                       in use.

  Indicates a potentially hazardous situation
  or an unintended use which, if not avoided,                            CAUTION
  will result in death or serious injury.
                                                                    Connecting the charger improperly may
                                                                                                                    Use the provided USB-C cable to charge        Remove battery cover (1) by opening the
                           CAUTION                                  cause serious damage to the device. Any
                                                                                                                    the BLK3D. Open the lid (1) and plug the      slider (2) from left to right. Remove battery
                                                                    damage caused by misuse is not covered
                                                                                                                    cable into the port of the device (2). Plug   (3) and place it into charger (4). Insert the
                                                                    by the warranty. Use only Leica-approved
  Indicates a potentially hazardous situation                                                                       the end of the USB-C cable into one of the    USB cable into the port (5). Plug the char-
                                                                    chargers, batteries, and cables. Unap-
  or an unintended use which, if not avoided,                                                                       provided adaptors. Select the appropriate     ger into an electrical socket. Charging is
                                                                    proved chargers or cables can cause the
  may result in minor injury and/or appre-                                                                          one for your country. The device can also     completed when indicator light (6) turns
                                                                    battery to explode or damage the device.
  ciable material, financial and envir-                                                                             be charged connecting the USB-C cable to      green.
  onmental damage.                                                                                                  the computer, but this takes more time. If
                                                                                                                    the device is connected to the computer
                           Important paragraphs which must                                                          via USB cable, you can download and
                           be adhered to in practice as they                                                        upload data. During charging, the device
                           enable the product to be used in a                                                       cannot be used for measuring or acquiring
                           technically correct and efficient man-                                                   images.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                                                                   7

Instrument Set-up

Switching ON/OFF                           Update                                       Using the touch screen
                                                                                                                                   Tap on the display to open an application or
                                                                                                                                   to make a selection.
                                                                                           It is recommended to use fingers on
                                                                                           the touchscreen. Do not allow the
                                                                                           touch screen to come into contact
                                                                                           with other electrical devices. Elec-    Touch and hold object and drag it to the tar-
                                                                                           trostatic discharges can cause the      get position.
                                                                                           touch screen to malfunction. Do not
                                                                                           allow the touch screen to get in con-   Double tap
                                                                                           tact with water. The touch screen
                                                                                           may malfunction in humid conditions     Double tap on image to zoom it. Double tap
                                                                                           or when exposed to water. To avoid      again to return.
                                                                                           damaging the touch screen, do not
                                                                                           tap it with anything sharp or do not    Spread and pinch
                                                                                           apply excessive pressure to it with
                                                                                           your fingertips.                        Spread two fingers apart on image to
                                           Connect the BLK3D to the internet via WiFi                                              zoom. Pinch to zoom out.
Switching ON
                                           to get the latest updates.
Press ON/OFF button (1) to switch device
ON.                                                                                                                                Swipe from left to right on the screen to
                                                                                                                                   scroll side Menu. Swipe downwards to
Switching OFF                                                                                                                      scroll through options.
Press ON/OFF button (1) for at least 2
seconds to switch device OFF.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                                    8

Instrument Set-up


                                        Copy your data from another device or set   Connect to a WiFi network.   Protect your device with a PIN or a pass-
                                        up as new.                                                               word (optional).
Select language for operating system.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                  9

Instrument Set-up


                          Enter user data.   Select measurement unit.   Select language.

Select “Settings” menu.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                10

  Reality Capture
Re a lity Ca p tu re

1. Take photo
                                                                                                                   Timer: set a time delay for the
                                                                                                                   photo acquisition.
                                                                                                                   Grid: show grid lines on display for
                                                                                                                   better orientation.
                                                                                                                   Flash: set the flash ON/OFF.

                                                                                                                   Cancel: cancel last operation and
                                                                                                                   go back to home screen.

    1                  Select "Reality Capture" function.         2   Choose between different settings:           Menu: show menu for main nav-          3   Take a photo of the objects you want
                                                                                                                   igation.                                   to measure.

                                                                                                                                                                 New: Cancel and create new "Real-
                                                                                                                                                                 ity Capture" scene.

    4                  To increase measurement accuracy           5   Review photos. Press "Remove" to       6   Go to Measure mode (see 2. Measure
                       take an additional photo from a slightly       delete unwanted photos and "Keep" to       distances in photo).
                       other perspective.                             exit Review mode.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                                                     11

Reality Capture

2. Measure distances in photo

1   Select "Distance". Place fingers on the    2   Tap a point on photo to start measuring   3   Tap the second point. The measured       4   Tap on any measured point again to
    edges of the object you want to meas-          process.                                      distance is automatically shown above        activate Precise mode.
    ure. Spread fingers apart to enlarge the                                                     the line.
    object.                                           Snap: Automatic snap to edges in
                                                      photo (activated by default).
                                                      Delete: delete selected measuring
                                                      Undo: erase last operation.

5   Drag and spread to precisely center        6   Select Tools to add Tags, Rename or       7   Select a line and measure the distance   8   Choose different options:
    the point you want to measure in the           Delete scene, Move scene to a project         with Laser. Laser measurement is
    hair cross.                                    (see Organiser), measure distances            shown in brackets (see Laser).                  New: exits Measure mode to take
                                                   with Laser (see Laser).                                                                       a new photo.
       Done: confirm measuring point pos-
       ition.                                                                                                                                    Export: export the scene in JPG or
                                                                                                                                                 PDF format.
       Next: jump the next measuring
       point for precise point selection.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                                      12

Reality Capture

3. Measure areas in photo

1   Select "Area". Place fingers on the        2   Tap a point on photo to start measuring   3   Tap on next measuring points to com-      4   Drag and spread to precisely center
    edges of the object you want to meas-          process.                                      plete the area. Tap on any measured           the point you want to measure in the
    ure. Spread fingers apart to enlarge the                                                     point again to activate Precise mode.         hair cross.
    object.                                           Snap: Automatic snap to edges in           Define more points to complete the
                                                      photo (activated by default).              area. Tap on any point to activate Pre-          Done: confirm measuring point pos-
                                                                                                 cise mode.                                       ition.
                                                      Delete: delete selected measuring
                                                      point/line.                                                                                 Next: jump the next measuring
                                                                                                                                                  point for precise point selection.
                                                      Undo: erase last operation.

5   Select Tools to add Tags, Rename or        6   Select a line and measure the distance    7   Choose different options:
    Delete scene, Move scene to a project          with Laser. Laser measurement is
    (see Organiser), measure distances             shown in brackets (see Laser).                   New: exits Measure mode to take
    with Laser (see Laser).                                                                         a new photo.
                                                                                                    Export: export the scene in JPG or
                                                                                                    PDF format.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                                            13



  1     Select "Laser" function.                2   Adjust measuring reference:            3   Select "Distance" from "Tools". Aim      4   Press "Measure" button (see
                                                                                               laser at the target.                         Overview). Measured distance is
                                                Back: Distance is measured from the bot-                                                    shown at the bottom of the screen.
                                                tom of the device (default setting).
                                                Front: Distance is measured from the top
                                                of the device.
                                                Corner adaptor: Distance is measured
                                                from the corner adapter (optional).

  5     Select "Tools" to choose between dif-   6   Select "Calc" and choose between       7   Swipe right to left to delete a single
        ferent measurements (Distance,              "Add" and "Subtract". Take another         measurement, or select "Clear" to can-
        Smart Horizontal, Area and Volume)          Distance measurement to Add/Sub-           cel the measurement list.
        and export measurement into a PDF           tract to/from the previous one.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                                      14


Smart Horizontal

1   Select "Smart Horizontal" from "Tools".   2   Aim active laser at target. Measure       3   Vertical and horizontal distances are
    Adjust measure reference if needed.           with "Measure" button.                        calculated.


1   Press or "Measure" button for 2           2   Press or "Measure" button again to fin-
    seconds to activate tracking mode.            ish the measurement.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                             15



1   Select "Area" from "Tools". Adjust    2   Measure two distances (length and        3   Circumference and Area are auto-
    measure reference if needed.              width) with "Measure" button.                matically calculated.


1   Select "Volue" from "Tools". Adjust   2   Measure three distances (length, width   3   Area, Wall Area, Circumference and
    measure reference if needed.              and height) with "Measure" button.           Volume are automatically calculated.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                       16

 Sketch & Document
Sk e tc h &Do c u me n t

Sketch Plan (Advanced)

   1                       Select "Sketch Plan" function from      2   Select "Line" or "Area" and draw by    3   Select a line and press "Laser" to meas-   4   The sketch is automatically scaled.
                           "Sketch & Document" menu.                   dragging or tapping.                       ure the length.                                Calculated values are in brackets.

   5                       Alternatively select a line and press   6   Select a line and press "Opening" to   7   Drag the opening to move it or select      8   Select opening and press "Modify" to
                           “Enter” to add length.                      add doors or windows.                      the distance from the wall and meas-           change type and enter width and
                                                                                                                  ure it.                                        height.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                                                            17

Sketch & Document

9   Switch to "3D" mode. A room height   10   Switch to "Document" and select an      11   Select a placeholder to review the   12   Select a placeholder to "Delete" or
    can be entered.                           empty placeholder to add Reality Cap-        scenes. Press the scene preview to        "Add" Reality Capture scenes.
                                              ture scenes.                                 open it.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                                18

Sketch & Document

Smart Room (Advanced)

1   Select "Smart Room" function from        2   Keep screen oriented away from the   3   Measure room clockwise/anti-clock-   4   Room Height can be measured any-
    "Sketch & Document" menu.                    wall while measuring.                    wise. Reverse measurements can be        time.

5   All measured values are displayed.       6   The floorplan can be modified in
    After the last measurement press "Fin-       "Sketch" mode (see Sketch Plan).

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                       19

Sketch & Document

Measure Plan (Advanced)

1   Connect BLK3D to Leica DST 360   2   Select “Measure Plan” function from   3   Measure lines, areas or points. Follow
    adapter.                             “Sketch & Document” menu.                 on-screen instructions.

Measure Facade (Advanced)

1   Connect BLK3D to Leica DST 360   2   Select “Measure Facade” function      3   Measure lines, areas or points on a
    adapter.                             from “Sketch & Document” menu.            facade. Follow on-screen instructions.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                 20

Org a n is e r

    1            Select "Organiser" function.                2   All the sketches and scenes are stored   3   Open the category "All". All the plans,   4   Use the "Select" button to select an
                                                                 in four categories:                          Reality Capture scenes and projects           item. Different actions are available:
                                                                                                              are stored.                                   Export, Move to Project, Rename, Tag
                                                                  1.   All                                                                                  and Delete.
                                                                  2.   Projects
                                                                  3.   Scenes
                                                                  4.   Plans

    5            Open the category "Projects". Press         6   Open the category "Scenes". All the      7   Open the category "Plans". All the        8   Press "S&D" button to add a new plan.
                 the "Project" button to create a new Pro-       Reality Capture scenes are stored.           plans, including plans with scenes
                 ject folder. Plans and scenes can be            Press "RC" button to add a new scene.        attached, are stored.
                 moved in project folders.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                                                   21

Ca re

        l   Clean the device with a damp, soft cloth.
        l   Never immerse the device in water.
        l   Never use aggressive cleaning agents or

Leica BLK3D                                             22

Wa ra n ty

  International Limited Warranty
  The Leica BLK3D comes with a two year warranty from
  Leica Geosystems AG. To receive an additional year war-
  ranty, the product must be registered on our website at
  http://myworld.leica-geosystems.com within eight
  weeks of the purchase date.
  If the product is not registered, our two year warranty
  More detailed information about the International Limited
  Warranty can be found on the internet at: www.leica-geo-

Leica BLK3D                                                   23

  Safety instructions
Sa fe ty in s tru c tio n s

                              The person responsible for the instrument must
                              ensure that all users understand these directions
                                                                                  Symbols used                                                Permitted use
                              and adhere to them. The product is permitted to     The symbols used have the following meanings:                  l   Capture interactive images
                              use for skilled persons only.
                                                                                                                                                 l   Measure in interactive images
                                                                                        WARNING                                                  l   Measure distances
                                                                                  Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unin-        l   Tilt measurement
                                                                                  tended use which, if not avoided, will result in death or      l   Point to point measurement
                                                                                  serious injury.
                                                                                                                                                 l   Data transfer with Bluetooth®/WLAN
                                                                                        CAUTION                                                  l   2D/3D CAD export

                                                                                  Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unin-
                                                                                  tended use which, if not avoided, may result in minor
                                                                                  injury and/or appreciable material, financial and envir-
                                                                                  onmental damage.

                                                                                        Important paragraphs which must be adhered to in
                                                                                        practice as they enable the product to be used in a
                                                                                        technically correct and efficient manner.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                                               24

Safety instructions

Prohibited use                                              Hazards in use                                               Limits of use
    l   Using the device for the first time without read-
        ing instructions                                          WARNING                                                   Refer to section Technical data. The device is
                                                                                                                            designed for use in areas permanently habitable by
    l   Using the device outside the stated limits of                                                                       humans. Do not use the product in explosion haz-
                                                            Watch out for erroneous measurements if the instrument
        use (see section Limits of use)                                                                                     ardous areas or in aggressive environments.
                                                            is defective or if it has been dropped or has been misused
    l   Deactivating safety systems and removing            or modified. Carry out periodic test measurements. Par-
        explanatory and hazard labels                       ticularly after the instrument has been subject to abnor-
                                                            mal use, and before, during and after important
    l   Opening of the equipment by using tools
        (screwdrivers, etc.)
    l   Using not approved accessories from other
        manufacturers                                             CAUTION
    l   Deliberate dazzling of third parties; also in the   Never attempt to repair the product yourself. In case of
        dark                                                damage, contact a local dealer.
    l   Using the device in surveying sites with inad-
        equate safeguards                                         WARNING
    l   Deliberate or irresponsible behaviour on scaf-
        folding, when using ladders, when measuring         Changes or modifications not expressly approved could
        near machines which are running or near parts       void the user´s authority to operate the equipment.
        of machines or installations which are unpro-
        tected                                                    CAUTION
    l   Aiming directly in the sun
                                                            Only use chargers recommended by the manufacturer to
                                                            charge the batteries.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                               25

Safety instructions

Areas of responsibility                                         Disposal                                                     Electromagnetic Compatibility
Responsibilities of the manufacturer of the ori-                      CAUTION
ginal equipment:
                                                                Flat batteries must not be disposed of with household              WARNING
Leica Geosystems AG                                             waste. Care for the environment and take them to the col-
Heinrich-Wild-Strasse                                           lection points provided in accordance with national or       The device conforms to the most stringent requirements
CH-9435 Heerbrugg                                               local regulations.                                           of the relevant standards and regulations. However, the
Internet: www.leica-geosystems.com                                                                                           possibility of causing interference in other devices can-
                                                                      The product must not be disposed with household
                                                                                                                             not be totally excluded.
The company above is responsible for supplying the                    waste. Dispose of the product appropriately in
product, including the User Manual in a completely safe               accordance with the national regulations in force in
condition.                                                            your country. Adhere to the national and country
                                                                      specific regulations.
The company above is not responsible for third party
                                                                Product specific treatment and waste management can
                                                                be downloaded from our homepage.
Responsibilities of the person in charge of the
      l   To understand the safety instructions on the
          product and the instructions in the User
      l   To be familiar with local safety regulations relat-
          ing to accident prevention.
      l   Always prevent access to the product by unau-
          thorised personnel.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                                        26

Safety instructions

FCC statement (applicable in U.S.)                            ISED Statement (applicable in                                Japanese Radio Law and Japanese
This equipment has been tested and found to comply            Canada)                                                      Telecommunications Business Law
with the limits for a Class B digital instrument, pursuant
to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful inter-
                                                              This device complies with Industry Canada's license-         Compliance
                                                              exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two
ference in a residential installation. This equipment gen-    conditions:                                                  This device is granted pursuant to the Japanese Radio
erates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,                                                                   Law (電波法) and the Japanese Telecommunications
if not installed and used in accordance with the instruc-           l   This device may not cause harmful inter-
                                                                                                                           Business Law (電気通信事業法).
tions, may cause harmful interference to radio com-                     ference, and
munications.                                                        l   this device must accept any interference,
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not               including interference that may cause
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does              undesired operation of the device.
cause harmful interference to radio or television recep-      Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie
tion, which can be determined by turning the equipment        Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de
off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the      licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions
interference by one or more of the following measures:        suivantes :
      l   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna                l   l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;
      l   Increase the separation between the equip-                l   l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radi-
          ment and the receiver                                         oélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est sus-
      l   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a cir-                ceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
          cuit different from that to which the receiver is
                                                              Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Compliance
      l   Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV       Statement
          technician for help
                                                              The radiated rf output power of the instrument is below
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Oper-     the Health Canada's Safety Code 6 exclusion limit for
ation is subjected to the following two conditions:           portable devices (radiated element separation distance
      l   This device may not cause harmful inter-            between the radiating element and user and/or bystander
          ference, and                                        is below 20 cm).

      l   this device must accept any interference
          received, including interference that may
          cause undesired operation.

FCC Radiation Exposure Statement
The radiated rf output power of the instrument is below
the FCC radio frequency exposure limits for portable
devices according to KDB 447498.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                                    27

Safety instructions

Regulatory                                               Use of the product with Bluetooth®
Regulatory information, certification, and compliance
marks are available on BLK3D. Go to Android Settings >         WARNING
About phone > Regulatory labels.
                                                         Electromagnetic radiation can cause disturbances in
                                                         other equipment, in installations (e.g. medical ones such
                                                         as pacemakers or hearing aids) and in aircraft. It can also
                                                         affect humans and animals.

                                                         Although this product conforms to the most stringent
                                                         standards and regulations, the possibility of harm to
                                                         people and animals cannot be totally excluded.
                                                               l   Do not use the product near petrol stations,
                                                                   chemical plants, in areas with a potentially
                                                                   explosive atmosphere and where blasting
                                                                   takes place.
                                                               l   Do not use the product near medical equip-
                                                               l   Do not use the product in airplanes.
                                                               l   Do not use the product near your body for
                                                                   extended periods.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                            28

Safety instructions

Laser classification                                          Wavelength                                        Labelling
The device produces visible laser beams, which are emit-
                                                              655 nm
ted from the instrument: It is a Class 2 laser product in
accordance with:
                                                              Maximum radiant output power for classification
       l   IEC60825-1 : 2014 „Radiation safety of laser
           products“                                          0.95 mW

                                                              Pulse duration

                                                              400 ps

                                                              Pulse repetition frequency

                                                              320 MHz
Laser Class 2 products:
                                                              Beam divergence
Do not stare into the laser beam or direct it towards other
people unnecessarily. Eye protection is normally
afforded by aversion responses including the blink reflex.    0.16 x 0.6 mrad
                                                                                                                Subject to change (drawings, descriptions and technical
      WARNING                                                                                                   data) without prior notice.

Looking directly into the beam with optical aids (e.g. bin-
oculars, telescopes) can be hazardous.

Looking into the laser beam may be hazardous to the
eyes. Don't dazzle other individuals. Pay particular atten-
tion to the direction of the laser beam when remotely oper-
ating the product via an app or software. A measurement
could be triggered at any time.

Leica BLK3D                                                                                                                                                         29

Document Created: 2018-08-30 09:03:19
Document Modified: 2018-08-30 09:03:19

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