

Users Manual

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Leica CTR35
User Manual

              Version 1.0

Purchase              Congratulations on the purchase of a Leica CTR35.

                      This manual contains important safety directions as well as instructions for setting up
                      the product and operating it. Refer to "1 Safety Directions" for further information.
                      Read carefully through the User Manual before you switch on the product.

Product Identifica-   The model and serial number of your product are indicated on the type plate.
tion                  Always refer to this information when you need to contact your agency or Leica
                      Geosystems authorised service workshop.

Symbols               The symbols used in this manual have the following meanings:

                      Type                  Description

                       DANGER              Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not
                                            avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

                       WARNING             Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unintended
                                            use which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

                       CAUTION             Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unintended
                                            use which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate
                                            Indicates a potentially hazardous situation or an unintended
                                            use which, if not avoided, may result in appreciable material,
                                            financial and environmental damage.

                                           Important paragraphs which must be adhered to in practice as
                                            they enable the product to be used in a technically correct and
                                            efficient manner.

CTR35, Introduction                                                                                           2

Table of Contents
In this manual       Chapter                                             Page

                     1     Safety Directions                               4
                           1.1     General Introduction                    4
                           1.2     Definition of Use                       4
                           1.3     Limits of Use                           4
                           1.4     Responsibilities                        5
                           1.5     Hazards of Use                          5
                           1.6     Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC       6
                           1.7     FCC Statement, Applicable in U.S.       7
                           1.8     IC Statement, Applicable in Canada.     7
                     2     Description of the System                       8
                     3     Operation                                       9
                     4     Configuration                                  10
                     5     Troubleshooting                                13
                     6     Care and Transport                             14
                           6.1     Transport                              14
                           6.2     Storage                                14
                           6.3     Cleaning and Drying                    14
                     7     Technical Data                                 15
                           7.1     CTR35 Technical Data                   15
                           7.2     Conformity to National Regulations     16

CTR35, Table of Contents                                                   3

1                    Safety Directions
1.1                  General Introduction

Description          The following directions enable the person responsible for the product, and the
                     person who actually uses the equipment, to anticipate and avoid operational hazards.

                     The person responsible for the product must ensure that all users understand these
                     directions and adhere to them.

1.2                  Definition of Use

Intended use         • Remote control of product.
                     • Data communication with external appliances.

Reasonably fore-     •     Use of the product without instruction.
seeable misuse       •     Use outside of the intended use and limits.
                     •     Disabling safety systems.
                     •     Removal of hazard notices.
                     •     Opening the product using tools, for example screwdriver, unless this is permitted
                           for certain functions.
                     •     Modification or conversion of the product.
                     •     Use after misappropriation.
                     •     Use of products with obvious damages or defects.
                     •     Use with accessories from other manufacturers without the prior explicit approval
                           of Leica Geosystems.
                     •     Inadequate safeguards at the working site.

1.3                  Limits of Use

Environment          Suitable for use in an atmosphere appropriate for permanent human habitation: not
                     suitable for use in aggressive or explosive environments.

 DANGER             Local safety authorities and safety experts must be contacted before working in
                     hazardous areas, or close to electrical installations or similar situations by the person
                     in charge of the product.

CTR35, Safety Directions                                                                                     4

1.4                  Responsibilities

Manufacturer of      Leica Geosystems AG, CH-9435 Heerbrugg, hereinafter referred to as Leica Geosys-
the product          tems, is responsible for supplying the product, including the user manual and original
                     accessories, in a safe condition.

Person responsible   The person responsible for the product has the following duties:
for the product      • To understand the safety instructions on the product and the instructions in the
                        user manual.
                     • To ensure that it is used in accordance with the instructions.
                     • To be familiar with local regulations relating to safety and accident prevention.
                     • To inform Leica Geosystems immediately if the product and the application
                        becomes unsafe.
                     • To ensure that the national laws, regulations and conditions for the operation of
                        e.g. radio transmitters or lasers are respected.

1.5                  Hazards of Use

 WARNING            Inadequate securing of the working site can lead to dangerous situations, for example
                     in traffic, on building sites and at industrial installations.
                     Always ensure that the working site is adequately secured. Adhere to the regulations
                     governing safety, accident prevention and road traffic.

 CAUTION            If the accessories used with the product are not properly secured and the product is
                     subjected to mechanical shock, for example blows or falling, the product may be
                     damaged or people can sustain injury.
                     When setting-up the product, make sure that the accessories are correctly adapted,
                     fitted, secured, and locked in position.
                     Avoid subjecting the product to mechanical stress.

 WARNING            If the product is improperly disposed of, the following can happen:
                     • If polymer parts are burnt, poisonous gases are produced which may impair health.
                     • By disposing of the product irresponsibly you may enable unauthorised persons to
                         use it in contravention of the regulations, exposing themselves and third parties to
                         the risk of severe injury and rendering the environment liable to contamination.
                                     The product must not be disposed with household waste.
                                     Dispose of the product appropriately in accordance with the national
                                     regulations in force in your country.
                                     Always prevent access to the product by unauthorised personnel.
                     Product-specific treatment and waste management information can be downloaded
                     from the Leica Geosystems home page at http://www.leica-
                     geosystems.com/treatment or received from your Leica Geosystems distributor.

CTR35, Safety Directions                                                                                   5

1.6                  Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC

Description          The term Electromagnetic Compatibility is taken to mean the capability of the product
                     to function smoothly in an environment where electromagnetic radiation and electro-
                     static discharges are present, and without causing electromagnetic disturbances to
                     other equipment.

 WARNING            Electromagnetic radiation can cause disturbances in other equipment.

                     Although the product meets the strict regulations and standards which are in force in
                     this respect, Leica Geosystems cannot completely exclude the possibility that other
                     equipment may be disturbed.

 CAUTION            There is a risk that disturbances may be caused in other equipment if the product is
                     used with accessories from other manufacturers, for example field computers,
                     personal computers or other electronic equipment, non-standard cables or external
                     Use only the equipment and accessories recommended by Leica Geosystems. When
                     combined with the product, they meet the strict requirements stipulated by the guide-
                     lines and standards. When using computers or other electronic equipment, pay atten-
                     tion to the information about electromagnetic compatibility provided by the manufac-

 CAUTION            Disturbances caused by electromagnetic radiation can result in erroneous measure-
                     Although the product meets the strict regulations and standards which are in force in
                     this respect, Leica Geosystems cannot completely exclude the possibility that the
                     product may be disturbed by intense electromagnetic radiation, for example, near
                     radio transmitters, two-way radios or diesel generators.
                     Check the plausibility of results obtained under these conditions.

 CAUTION            If the product is operated with connecting cables attached at only one of their two
                     ends, for example external supply cables, interface cables, the permitted level of elec-
                     tromagnetic radiation may be exceeded and the correct functioning of other products
                     may be impaired.
                     While the product is in use, connecting cables, for example product to external battery,
                     product to computer, must be connected at both ends.

 WARNING            Electromagnetic fields can cause disturbances in other equipment, in installations, in
                     medical devices, for example pacemakers or hearing aids and in aircraft. It can also
                     affect humans and animals.
                     Although the product meets the strict regulations and standards which are in force in
                     this respect, Leica Geosystems cannot completely exclude the possibility that other
                     equipment can be disturbed or that humans or animals can be affected.

                     • Do not operate the product with radio or digital cellular phone devices in the vicinity
                       of filling stations or chemical installations, or in other areas where an explosion
                       hazard exists.
                     • Do not operate the product with radio or digital cellular phone devices near to
                       medical equipment.
                     • Do not operate the product with radio or digital cellular phone devices in aircraft.

CTR35, Safety Directions                                                                                     6

1.7                  FCC Statement, Applicable in U.S.

 WARNING            Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Leica Geosystems for compliance
                     could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

 WARNING            This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
                     digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules.
                     These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interfer-
                     ence in a residential installation.
                     This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
                     installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
                     to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
                     occur in a particular installation.
                     If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
                     which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged
                     to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
                     • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
                     • Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
                     • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
                         receiver is connected.
                     • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Labelling CTR35

                                                                 Model: CTR35 S/N: XXXXX
                                                                 Art. No. : 844474
                                                                 5V nominal / 0.5A max
                                                                 Leica Geosystems AG
                                                                 CH-9435 Heerbrugg     FCC ID: RFD-CTR35
                                                                 Manufactured: YYYY    IC: 3177A-CTR35
                                                                 Made in Germany


1.8                  IC Statement, Applicable in Canada

 WARNING            This Class (B) digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
                     Cet appareil numérique de la classe (B) est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.

Canada Compliance    This device complies with Industry Canada‘s licence-exempt RSS 247. Operation is
Statement            subject to the following two conditions:
                     1) This device may not cause interference; and
                     2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause
                        undesired operation of the device.

Canada Déclaration   Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR 247 d’Industrie Canada applicables aux
de Conformité        appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions
                     1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;
                     2) l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage
                        est susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.

CTR35, Safety Directions                                                                                   7

2                    Description of the System

General              Technology
                     The CTR35 is a radio device having a long-range radio module. It can be used on Leica
                     CS35 tablets only to extend the radio range.
                     The CTR35 is intended to be connected to the following radio devices:
                     • RH16/RH17
                     • TCPS29/TCPS30

                     The CTR35 operates in the "2.4 GHz radio band". Using the latest in spread-spectrum,
                     frequency hopping technology, ensures maximum security for the high speed, wireless
                     transfer of data and video.

Diagram CTR35


                                                                       a)   Cover
                                                                   d   b)   USB 2.0 port
                                                                       c)   Housing
                                                                       d)   LED
                     012079_001                                        e)   Latch

Physical features    Housing
                     The robust housing with the sealing attached to the CS35 meets the IP54 standards.
                     It provides a high level of protection against environmental influences such as rain and

                     USB Port
                     USB 2.0 interface for power and communications.

                           The CTR35 is only intended to be used with the top USB port of a CS35 tablet.

Description of the
                     LED Status                                  Definition
LED indicator
                     LED off                                     The CTR35 is not powered.
                     Flashing blue, several seconds on and       The CTR35 is searching for connection.
                     then off again
                     Permanently blue                            The CTR35 is connected and transferring
                                                                 Depending on the data transmission rate,
                                                                 the LED is continuously on or flashing

CTR35, Description of the System                                                                            8

3                      Operation

Standard setup with                                              Standard setup at the CS35 for remote
CTR35 on CS35                                                    surveying using the CTR35.

                                                                 The CTR35 can be connected to the
                                                                 following radio devices:
                                                                 • RH16/RH17
                                                                 • TCPS29/TCPS30

                                                                 These radio devices can be attached to the
                                                                 following instruments:
                                                                 • MS60/TS60/TS16
                                                                 • MS50/TS50/TM50/TS15
                                                                 • TS30/TM30/TPS1200+


Pairing of the CTR35   The pairing is done from the CS35 with the steps described in the following chapter,
                       refer to Configuration.

CTR35, Operation                                                                                          9

4                      Configuration

Requirements for       • Leica Captivate version 2.0 or higher
the correct configu-   • The configuration process as described below only needs to be done once.
ration of the CS35

Mount the CTR35 to     The CTR35 has to be mounted to the CS35 as follows for a robust fixing:
the CS35
                       Step     Description
                       1.       Open the door of the top USB port on the CS35 completely.
                       2.       Hold down the opened door of the CS35.
                       3.       Insert the CTR35 with the USB plug into the top USB port of the CS35 as far
                                as possible.

                                       Take care that the CTR35 properly snaps in.
                                Release the door of the CS35.

                                 The seal of the door must sit on the latch of the CTR35.
How to figure out      The correct configuration procedure for the CTR35 is dependent on the
the correct configu-   Leica Captivate version running on the CS35 tablet:
ration procedure
                       Step     Description
                       1.       Start the CS35.
                       2.       Start File Explorer.
                       3.       Go to the root of the C: drive.
                       4.       Double tap on the file called lgs Version.
                                Notepad opens the text file.
                       5.       Note the Leica Captivate version and the release date.
                       6.       Close Notepad.

                       If the release date of Leica Captivate is before 2016-02-09 then execute all following
                       • Procedure 1, refer to Install the driver of the CTR35 on the CS35.
                       • Procedure 2, refer to Set the COM Port on the CS35.
                       • Procedure 3, refer to Run the executable file on the CS35.
                       • Procedure 4, refer to Configure the CTR35 with Leica Captivate on the CS35.

                       If the release date of Leica Captivate is 2016-02-09 or newer then only execute the
                       following two procedures:
                       • Procedure 2, refer to Set the COM Port on the CS35.
                       • Procedure 4, refer to Configure the CTR35 with Leica Captivate on the CS35.

CTR35, Configuration                                                                                      10

Install the driver of
                        Step   Description
the CTR35 on the
CS35                    1.     Download the CTR35 driver from myWorld.

                                    It is found in the folder Controller\CS35\Tools.
                               Mount the CTR35 to the top USB port of the CS35, refer to Mount the
                               CTR35 to the CS35.
                        3.     Open the Start screen.
                        4.     Tap the Control Panel tile.
                        5.     Choose Device Manager.
                        6.     Open Other devices from the tree view.
                        7.     Tap and hold onto CTR35.
                        8.     Choose Update Driver Software... from the context menu.
                        9.     Choose Browse my computer for driver software .
                        10.    Browse to the location of the driver folder.
                        11.    Select the folder.
                        12.    Press OK.
                        13.    Press Next.
                        14.    Follow the instructions until the driver is installed.

                                     It can happen that the installation has to be done several times.
                                      After the installation of the driver the Device Manager panel is still
                        15.    Close the Device Manager.

Set the COM Port
                        Step   Description
on the CS35
                              Mount the CTR35 to the top USB port of the CS35, refer to Mount the
                               CTR35 to the CS35.
                        1.     Open the Start screen.
                        2.     Tap the Control Panel tile.
                        3.     Choose Device Manager.
                        4.     Open Ports (COM & LPT) from the tree view.
                        5.     Tap and hold on USB Serial Port CTR35 (COMxx).

                                    Context menu is opened.
                               Choose Properties from the context menu.
                        7.     Choose the Port Settings page tab.
                        8.     Press the Advanced button.

                                     A new panel opens up.
                               Choose COM96 from the drop-down list of COM Port Number.
                        10.    Press the OK button.
                        11.    Return to the Device Manager.
                        12.    Close the Device Manager.

CTR35, Configuration                                                                                      11

Run the executable
                       Step     Description
file on the CS35
                       1.       Download the executable file CTR35NetConnInstaller.exe from myWorld.

                                     It is found in the folder Controller\CS35\Tools.
                                Run the executable file CTR35NetConnInstaller.exe either from a
                                USB stick or from the CS35.

                                      The net configurations are installed.
                                Close all applications.

Configure the          A wizard guides through the Leica Captivate connection settings.
CTR35 with
Leica Captivate on           The TS Connection Wizard only runs with Leica Captivate version 2.0 or higher.

the CS35               Step     Description
                       1.       Start Leica Captivate
                       2.       Choose Settings.
                       3.       Choose Connections.
                       4.       Run the TS Connection Wizard.
                       5.       Follow instructions of the TS Connection Wizard.
                       6.       Close all applications.

CTR35, Configuration                                                                                     12

5                   Troubleshooting

                    Problem                                  Troubleshooting
                    CTR35 is not powered.                    • Check, if CTR35 is properly connected
                                                               to the correct USB port of the CS35.
                                                             • Check status of the LED.
                                                               Refer to Description of the LED indi-
                    Leica Captivate error message: "Attach   • Check driver installation and COM port
                    CTR35 LRBT stick" (but CTR35 is            setting.
                    powered).                                  Refer to Install the driver of the
                                                               CTR35 on the CS35 and Set the
                                                               COM Port on the CS35.
                    No data transfer or no synchronisation to • Check the Total Station type configura-
                    total station.                              tion on the CS35.
                                                              • Check, if the same Leica Captivate
                                                                version is running on the CS35 and the
                                                                total station.
                                                              • Run executable file again.
                                                                Refer to Run the executable file on
                                                                the CS35.
                    Range is limited.                        • Switch off the internal radio and
                                                               Wi-Fi of the CS35.

                                                                  Environment of powerful transmit-
                                                                   ters working within the same
                                                                   frequency band may cause distur-

CTR35, Troubleshooting                                                                              13

6                     Care and Transport
6.1                   Transport

Transport in a road   Never carry the product loose in a road vehicle, as it can be affected by shock and
vehicle               vibration. Always carry the product in its transport container, original packaging or
                      equivalent and secure it.

Shipping              When transporting the product by rail, air or sea, always use the complete original
                      Leica Geosystems packaging, transport container and cardboard box, or its equivalent,
                      to protect against shock and vibration.

6.2                   Storage

Product               Respect the temperature limits when storing the equipment, particularly in summer if
                      the equipment is inside a vehicle. Refer to "7 Technical Data" for information about
                      temperature limits.

6.3                   Cleaning and Drying

Product and acces-    • Use only a clean, soft, lint-free cloth for cleaning. If necessary, moisten the cloth
sories                  with water or pure alcohol. Do not use other liquids; these may attack the polymer

Damp products         Dry the product, the transport container, the foam inserts and the accessories at a
                      temperature not greater than 40 °C/104 °F and clean them. Do not repack until every-
                      thing is dry. Always close the transport container when using in the field.

Cables and plugs      Keep plugs clean and dry. Blow away any dirt lodged in the plugs of the connecting

CTR35, Care and Transport                                                                                     14

7                       Technical Data
7.1                     CTR35 Technical Data

Dimensions (with
                        Length [mm]                  Width [mm]                 Thickness [mm]
                        81.65                        21.40                      17.06

                        Length [in]                  Width [in]                 Thickness [in]
                        3.21                         0.84                       0.67

                        Weight [g]                                Weight [oz]
                        18                                        0.63

                        Power supply                              Power consumption
                        By USB 2.0 Interface:
                        Nominal voltage 5.0 V DC (   )            < 80 mA nominal
                        Voltage range 4.75–5.25 V                 150 mA maximum

                        Setup and Conditions                                        [m]          [ft]
                        With RH16/RH17 under optimal conditions (without video
                        streaming), range up to:                                    400          1312

                        Temperature                      [°C]                      [°F]
                        Operating temperature            −10 … +50                +14 … +122
                        Storage temperature              −20 … +60                −4 … +140

                        External Influences              Protection
                        Water, dust and sand             IP54 (IEC60529)
                        Humidity                         Up to 90%
                                                         Effectively counteract the effects of condensation
                                                         by periodically drying out the CTR35.

                        USB 2.0

                        Type of connector
                        USB 2.0 A, for power supply and communication

CTR35, Technical Data                                                                                    15

7.2                     Conformity to National Regulations

Conformity to           • FCC Part 15 (applicable in US)
national regulations    • Hereby, Leica Geosystems AG, declares that the product CTR35 are in compliance
                          with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive
                          1999/5/EC and other applicable European Directives. The declaration of conformity
                          can be consulted at
                                        Class 1 equipment according European Directive 1999/5/EC (R&TTE)
                                        can be placed on the market and be put into service without restric-
                                        tions in any EEA member state.
                        • The conformity for countries with other national regulations not covered by the FCC
                          part 15 or European directive 1999/5/EC has to be approved prior to use and oper-
                        • Japanese Radio Law and Japanese Telecommunications Business Law Compliance.
                          – This device is granted pursuant to the Japanese Radio Law and the Japanese
                              Telecommunications Business Law.
                          – This device should not be modified (otherwise the granted designation number
                              will become invalid).
                        • This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
                          following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
                          (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
                          may cause undesired operation.

Frequency band
                        Range [MHz]
                        Limited to 2402–2480

Output power
                        Type         Radiated power                                Output power [mW]
                        Radio        Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP)     50

CTR35, Technical Data                                                                                     16

CTR35, Technical Data   17

                           Original text
                           Printed in Switzerland
                            © 2016 Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg, Switzerland

Leica Geosystems AG
CH-9435 Heerbrugg
Phone +41 71 727 31 31

CTR35, Technical Data   19

CTR35, Technical Data   20

CTR35, Technical Data   21

Document Created: 2016-05-19 13:27:47
Document Modified: 2016-05-19 13:27:47

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