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                                     RF-EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT REPORT
                                                          FCC 47 CFR Part 2.1091
                                                         Industry Canada RSS-102
                                       RF-Exposure evaluation of mobile equipment

Report Reference No. ..................... :              G0M-1702-6292-TFC091ME-V01

Testing Laboratory ......................... :            Eurofins Product Service GmbH

Address............................................. :    Storkower Str. 38c
                                                          15526 Reichenwalde

Accreditation ..................................... :

                                                          DAkkS - Registration number : D-PL-12092-01-03 (ISED)
                                                          ISED Testing Laboratory site: 3470A-2
                                                          DAkkS - Registration number : D-PL-12092-01-04 (FCC)
                                                          FCC Filed Test Laboratory, Reg.-No.: 96970

Applicant’s name ............................ :           Leica Geosystems AG

Address............................................. :    Heinrich Wild Strasse
                                                          9435 Heerbrugg

Test specification:

Standard ........................................... :    47 CFR 2.1091
                                                          KDB 447498 D01 v06:2015-10-23
                                                          RSS-102, Issue 5:2015-03

Equipment under test (EUT):

Product description                                       Radio Module 300m

Model No.                                                 CT301

Additional Model(s)                                       None

Brand Name(s)                                             Leica

Hardware version                                          P2-B

Firmware / Software version                               0x6CB

                                                          FCC-ID: RFD-CT301                IC: 3177A-CT301

Test result                                               Passed

                                     Test Report No.: G0M-1702-6292-TFC091ME-V01
                                                     Eurofins Product Service GmbH
                                       Storkower Str. 38c, D-15526 Reichenwalde, Germany
                                                                                                             Page 1 of 13

«s eurofins |
                                     Product Service

Possible test case verdicts:

— neither assessed nor tested...                                  N/N
— required by standard but not appl. to test object..             N/A

— required by standard but not tested.....                        NT

— not required by standard for the test object...                 N/R

— test object does meet the requirement.......................:   P (Pass)
— test object does not meet the requirement.................:     F (Fail)


TeSt L@b T@MP@FANUPE..............cccmmemmmmee=}.                 20— 23 °C

TESt L@D HUMIGlty...........commmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeerrcee s          32— 38 %

Date@ Of r@C&IPt Of t@St It@M ..............c.csceeeeeee..:       2019—01—31

Dat@ ($) Of ASS@SSM@Nt ..........cccscemeeeee .                   2019—04—30

COMPiI@U DY ..........sccceemmeeeeeee :         Toralf Jahn

Assessed by (+ signature) ............... :                                          %7\/
(Responsible for Assessment)                TOFAIf J@RN                            .emmemmnefianmmmememeees

                + signature)............... a                                        «2.       eé
Approved by (meignative)                        Christian Weber                    %Q‘»...............
(Head of Lab)

DAt@ Of ISSU® .......scs cce :                  2019—05—03

Total number of pages ..                        13

General remarks:

The test results presented in this report relate only to the object tested.
The results contained in this report reflect the results for this particular model and serial
number. It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure that all production models meet
the intent of the requirements detailed within this report.

This report shall not be reproduced, exceptin full, without the written approval of the Issuing testing

Additional comments:

                              Test Report No.: GOM—1702—6292—TFCO91ME—V01
                                              Eurofins Product Service GmbH
                               Storkower Str. 38c, D—15526 Reichenwalde, Germany
                                                                                                 Page 2 of 13

Version History
Version   Issue Date      Remarks                                          Revised by
01        2019-05-03      Initial Release

                       Test Report No.: G0M-1702-6292-TFC091ME-V01
                                     Eurofins Product Service GmbH
                       Storkower Str. 38c, D-15526 Reichenwalde, Germany
                                                                            Page 3 of 13


1     EQUIPMENT (TEST ITEM) DESCRIPTION                                                5

1.1   Reference Documents                                                              6
1.2   Standalone Radiation Sources                                                     7
1.3   Concurrent-Transmitter Modes                                                     7

2     RESULT SUMMARY                                                                   8

3     RF-EXPOSURE CLASSIFICATIONS                                                      9

4     ASSESSMENT                                                                      10

4.1   MPE Assessment Conditions – 47 CFR 2.1091 / RSS-102                             10
4.2   Single-Transmitter Assessment – 47 CFR 2.1091 / RSS-102                         13

                        Test Report No.: G0M-1702-6292-TFC091ME-V01
                                       Eurofins Product Service GmbH
                         Storkower Str. 38c, D-15526 Reichenwalde, Germany
                                                                             Page 4 of 13

1      Equipment (Test item) Description

Description                       Radio Module 300m
Model                             CT301
Additional Model(s)               None
Brand Name(s)                     Leica
                                  Conducted: 1218520032
Serial number
                                  Radiated: 1218520034
Hardware version                  P2-B
Software / Firmware version       0x6CB
PMN                               CT301
HVIN                              CT301
FVIN                              None
HMN                               None
FCC-ID                            RFD-CT301
IC                                3177A-CT301
Equipment type                    End product

                       Test Report No.: G0M-1702-6292-TFC091ME-V01
                                      Eurofins Product Service GmbH
                        Storkower Str. 38c, D-15526 Reichenwalde, Germany
                                                                            Page 5 of 13

1.1    Reference Documents

      Document type              Document No.                           Issued by               Date

 FCC 15.247 Test Report   G0M-1702-6292-TFC247ZB-V01         Eurofins Product Service GmbH    2019-04-30

                          Test Report No.: G0M-1702-6292-TFC091ME-V01
                                        Eurofins Product Service GmbH
                          Storkower Str. 38c, D-15526 Reichenwalde, Germany
                                                                                             Page 6 of 13

1.2    Standalone Radiation Sources

      Mode #                                          Description

                Frequency range [MHz]                                        2405 - 2480
                Transmission modes                                            O-QPSK
                Maximum conducted power [dBm]                                  18.079
                Maximum radiated power [dBm]                                   18.779
IEEE 802.15.4
                Maximum transmission duty cycle [%]                              8.3
                Antenna gain [dBi]                                               0.7
                Antenna diameter [cm]                                            2
                Assessment Frequency [MHz]                                      2440

1.3    Concurrent-Transmitter Modes


                        Test Report No.: G0M-1702-6292-TFC091ME-V01
                                       Eurofins Product Service GmbH
                         Storkower Str. 38c, D-15526 Reichenwalde, Germany
                                                                                           Page 7 of 13

2      Result Summary

                                 FCC 47 CFR Part 2.1091, IC RSS-102

Product Specific
                                          Requirement                          Result   Remarks
Standard Section

    47 CFR 2.1091   Maximum permissible exposure @ 20cm below limit            PASS

    RSS-102 2.5.2   Maximum permissible exposure @ 20cm below limit            PASS


                          Test Report No.: G0M-1702-6292-TFC091ME-V01
                                         Eurofins Product Service GmbH
                           Storkower Str. 38c, D-15526 Reichenwalde, Germany
                                                                                        Page 8 of 13

3       RF-Exposure Classifications

                                             Device Types
                      A fixed device is defined as a device physically secured at one fixed location
                      and cannot be easily re-located.
                      A mobile device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used in other
                      than fixed locations and to generally be used in such a way that a separation
Mobile                distance of at least 20 centimeters is normally maintained between the
                      transmitter's radiating structure(s) and the body of the user or nearby persons.
                      (47 CFR 2.1091)
                      A portable device is defined as a transmitting device designed to be used so
Portable              that the radiating structure(s) of the device is/are within 20 centimeters of the
                      body of the user. (47 CFR 2.1093)
                                        Exposure Categories
                     Limits apply in situations in which persons are exposed as a consequence of
                     their employment provided those persons are fully aware of the potential for
Occupational /       exposure and can exercise control over their exposure. Limits for
Controlled           occupational/controlled exposure also apply in situations when an individual is
                     transient through a location where occupational/controlled limits apply provided
                     he or she is made aware of the potential for exposure.
                     Exposures apply in situations in which the general public may be exposed, or in
General population / which persons that are exposed as a consequence of their employment may
uncontrolled         not be fully aware of the potential for exposure or cannot exercise control over
                     their exposure.

                         Test Report No.: G0M-1702-6292-TFC091ME-V01
                                        Eurofins Product Service GmbH
                          Storkower Str. 38c, D-15526 Reichenwalde, Germany
                                                                                          Page 9 of 13

4       Assessment
4.1     MPE Assessment Conditions – 47 CFR 2.1091 / RSS-102

MPE ASSESSMENT ACC. TO 47 CFR 2.1091 / ISED RSS-102                                                   VERDICT: PASS

         Assessment according                                              Reference Method
             to reference                        FCC OET Bulletin 65 / RSS-102 & Safety Code 6
              Device type                                                       mobile
          Exposure category                                                 General public
                            IC Limits – Occupational / Controlled Exposure
    Frequency range          Electric field       Magnetic field                Power density          Averaging time
         [MHz]              strength [V/M]        strength [A/M]                        2
                                                                                   [W/m ]                  [min]
        0.003-10*                170                   180                            -                Instantaneous*
         0.1-10                    -                  1.6 / ƒ                            -                   6
                                         0.5                                                                  **
         1.29-10              193 / ƒ                    -                               -                   6
          10-20                  61.4                 0.163                          -10                     6
                                         0.25                     0.25                       0.5
          20-48              129.8 / ƒ            0.3444 / ƒ                     44.72 / ƒ                   6
         48-100                 49.33                0.1309                         6.455                    6
                                         0.25                     0.25                       0.5
        100-6000             15.60 ƒ              0.04138 ƒ                      0.6455 ƒ                    6
       6000-15000                137                  0.364                          50                      6
      15000-150000               137                  0.364                          50                 616000 / ƒ
                                         0.5                 -4     0.5                      -4                      1.2
      150000-300000           0.354 ƒ            9.40 x 10 ƒ                    3.33 x 10 ƒ             616000 / ƒ
                      IC Limits – General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
    Frequency range          Electric field       Magnetic field                Power density          Averaging time
         [MHz]              strength [V/M]        strength [A/M]                        2
                                                                                   [W/m ]                  [min]
        0.003-10*                 83                    90                            -                Instantaneous*
         0.1-10                    -                 0.73 / ƒ                            -                   6
                                        0.5                                                                   **
         1.1-10                87 / ƒ                    -                               -                   6
          10-20                 27.46                0.0728                           2                      6
                                         0.25                     0.25                       0.5
          20-48              58.07 / ƒ            0.1540 / ƒ                     8.944 / ƒ                   6
         48-300                 22.06                0.05852                        1.291                    6
                                        0.3417                    0.3417                     0.6834
        300-6000             3.142 ƒ             0.008335 ƒ                    0.02619 ƒ                     6
       6000-15000                61.4                 0.163                          10                      6
      15000-150000               61.4                 0.163                          10                 616000 / ƒ
                                         0.5                 -4     0.5                      -5                    1.2
      150000-300000           0.158 ƒ            4.21 x 10 ƒ                    6.67 x 10 ƒ             616000 /ƒ
* = Based on nerve stimulation
** = Bases on specific absorption rate

                            Test Report No.: G0M-1702-6292-TFC091ME-V01
                                          Eurofins Product Service GmbH
                            Storkower Str. 38c, D-15526 Reichenwalde, Germany
                                                                                                        Page 10 of 13

                         FCC Limits – Occupational / Controlled Exposure
  Frequency range          Electric field         Magnetic field        Power density      Averaging time
       [MHz]              strength [V/M]          strength [A/M]                 2
                                                                          [mW/cm ]             [min]
      0.3 – 3.0                   614                 1.63                    (100)*             6
       3.0 - 30                 1842 / f             4.89 / f                (900 / f )*         6
       30 - 300                  61.4                 0.163                     1.0              6
     300 - 1500                   N/A                  N/A                    f / 300            6
    1500 - 100000                 N/A                  N/A                      5.0              6
                    FCC Limits – General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
  Frequency range          Electric field         Magnetic field        Power density      Averaging time
       [MHz]              strength [V/M]          strength [A/M]                 2
                                                                          [mW/cm ]             [min]
      0.3 – 1.34                  614                 1.63                    (100)*            30
      1.34 - 30                 842 / f              2.19 / f                (180 / f )*        30
       30 - 300                  27.5                 0.073                     0.2             30
     300 - 1500                   N/A                  N/A                    f / 1500          30
    1500 - 100000                 N/A                  N/A                      1.0             30
* = Plane wave equivalent power density; f in MHz
                                           Assessment Relations

                                           𝑐[𝑠]                    2 βˆ™ 𝐷[π‘š]2
                                πœ†[π‘š] =             ; 𝑅𝐹𝐹 [π‘š] ≥
                                           𝑓[𝐻𝑧]                      πœ†[π‘š]

                                        𝑃𝐸.𝐼.𝑅.𝑃. [π‘šπ‘Š]             𝑃𝐸.𝐼.𝑅.𝑃. [π‘šπ‘Š]
                   𝑆[π‘šπ‘Š/π‘π‘š2 ] =                     2
                                                       ; 𝑅[π‘π‘š] = √
                                         4πœ‹π‘…[π‘π‘š]                  4πœ‹π‘†[π‘šπ‘Š/π‘π‘š2 ]

                   𝑃𝑅 [π‘šπ‘Š] = 𝑃𝐢 [π‘šπ‘Š] βˆ™ 𝐺 ; 𝑃𝑅 [π‘‘π΅π‘š] = 𝑃𝐢 [π‘‘π΅π‘š] + 𝐺[𝑑𝐡𝑖]

                                  𝐷𝐢𝐢 [𝑑𝐡] = 10 βˆ™ πΏπ‘œπ‘”10 (                )

                     𝑁       π‘Š     𝑀       𝑉 2  𝑂       𝐴 2
                         𝑆𝑖 [  ]      𝐸  [  ]      𝐻  [  ]
                    ∑       π‘š2 + ∑ ( 𝑗 π‘š ) + ∑ ( π‘˜ π‘š ) < 1
                             π‘Š             𝑉            𝐴
                    𝑖=1 𝑆𝐿𝑖 [ 2 ] 𝑗=1 𝐸𝐿𝑗 [π‘š ] π‘˜=1 π»πΏπ‘˜ [ ]
                             π‘š                          π‘š

                         Test Report No.: G0M-1702-6292-TFC091ME-V01
                                        Eurofins Product Service GmbH
                          Storkower Str. 38c, D-15526 Reichenwalde, Germany
                                                                                            Page 11 of 13

                                         Assessment procedure
Standalone operation assessment:

For each radio and frequency band the worst case transmission mode with the highest peak
conducted or radiated power is evaluated at the frequency that results in the most restrictive rf-
exposure limit. From the peak power values, antenna gains and duty cycles taken from the reference
documents, the source average radiated power values are calculated. From the average radiated
power the power densities at antenna far-field distance, at 20cm separation distance from the
radiation source is calculated. Compliance with the RF-Exposure limit is determined at 20cm
separation distance.

Concurrent operation assessment:

First the evaluation distance is set to 20 cm. The ratios of the power densities and/or field strength
values and the corresponding limits are calculated and summed and the sum is compared to the
maximum of 1.

                          Test Report No.: G0M-1702-6292-TFC091ME-V01
                                          Eurofins Product Service GmbH
                            Storkower Str. 38c, D-15526 Reichenwalde, Germany
                                                                                            Page 12 of 13

4.2   Single-Transmitter Assessment – 47 CFR 2.1091 / RSS-102

                                   Assessment result - IEEE 802.15.4
Transmission mode
Operating mode frequency range [MHz]                                         2405 - 2480
Assessment frequency (f) [MHz]                                                   2440
Transmission duty cycle (DC) [%]                                                  8.3
Peak conducted power (PC) [dBm]                                                  18.079
Peak radiated power (PR) [dBm e.i.r.p.]                                          18.779
Peak Antenna gain (G) [dBi]                                                       0.7
Maximum Antenna Diameter D [cm]                                                    2
Antenna far-field distance
Transmission frequency wavelength (λ)                         0.123 m                       12.30 cm
Antenna far-field distance (RFF)                              0.007 m                        0.65 cm
Power evaluation
Peak conducted power (PC)                                    64.25 mW                      18.08 dBm
Peak Antenna Gain (G)                                           1.17                        0.70 dBi
Calculated peak radiated power (PR-Calc)                     75.49 mW                      18.78 dBm
Measured peak radiated power (PR)                            75.49 mW                      18.78 dBm
Source average Power
Maximum transmission duty cycle (DC)                                             8.3 %
Duty cycle correction (DCC)                                     0.08                        -10.81 dB
Measured peak radiated power (PR)                            75.49 mW                      18.78 dBm
Averaged peak radiated power (PRAVG)                         6.27 mW                        7.97 dBm
Power density
                                                                         2                              2
Compliance power density limit FCC (SFCCLimit)            1.000 mW/cm                      10.00 W/m
                                                                         2                             2
Compliance power density limit IC (SICLimit)              0.541 mW/cm                       5.41 W/m
                                                                         2                                 2
Power density @ Antenna far-field distance                1.178 mW/cm                      11.777 W/m
                                                                         2                              2
Power density @ 20cm                                      0.001 mW/cm                      0.012 W/m
Distance for compliance power density FCC                     0.007 m                        0.71 cm
Distance for compliance power density IC                      0.010 m                        0.96 cm

                   The power density of the EUT at 20cm is below the FCC MPE limit!

                    The power density of the EUT at 20cm is below the IC MPE limit!


                             Test Report No.: G0M-1702-6292-TFC091ME-V01
                                           Eurofins Product Service GmbH
                             Storkower Str. 38c, D-15526 Reichenwalde, Germany
                                                                                                Page 13 of 13

Document Created: 2019-05-09 14:22:11
Document Modified: 2019-05-09 14:22:11

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