Test rpt SAR Part3


Test Report

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EX3DV4 — SN:3893                                                                September 20, 2018

                      Probe EX3DV4


                                  Manufactured:            October 9, 2012
                                  Calibrated:              September 20, 2018

                                 Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                                    (Note: non—compatible with DASY2 system!)

Certificate No: EX3—3893_Sep18                    Page 3 of 11

EXSDV4— SN:3893                                                                                                           September 20, 2018

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3893
Basic Calibration Parameters
                                                Sensor X                         Sensor Y                    Sensor Z              Unc (k=2)
 Norm (pVI(V/m)z)A                                 0.55                           0.41                         0.32                £10.1 %
 DCP (mV)"                                        103.1                           101.4                        100.3

Modulation Calibration Parameters
 UID           Communication System Name                                    A             B          ¢          D          VR          Unc®
                                                                           dB        dByuV                      dB         mV          (k=2)
 0             Cw                                                 X        0.0          0.0         1.0        0.00       1754        23.3 %
                                                                  Y        0.0          0.0         1.0                   190.9
                                                                  Z        0.0          0.0.        1.0                   196.1

 The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
 multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
 probability of approximately 95%.

* The uncertainties of Norm X,Y,Z do not affect the E*—field uncertainty inside TSL (see Pages 5 and 6).
  Numerical linearization parameter: uncertainty not required.
& Uncertainty is determined using the max. deviation from linear response applying rectangular distribution and is expressed for the square of the
field value.

Certificate No: EX3—3893_Sep18                                     Page 4 of 11

EX3DV4— SN:3893                                                                                                           September 20, 2018

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3893

Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media
                        Relative          Conductivity                                                                Depth °           Unc
     f (MHz)°        Permittivity"           (S/m)"          ConvF X        ConvFY         ConvFZ        Alpha®         _(mm)          (k=2)
        300               45.3                 0.87            12.19          12.19          12.19         0.08         1.20         15.3 %
        450               43.5                 0.87            1143           11.33          11.33         0.14         1.20         *13.3 %
        750               41.9                 0.89            10.63          10.63          10.63         0.49         0.80         £12.0 %
        900               41.5                 0.97             9.99           9.99          9.99          0.46         0.85         £12.0 %
        1750              40.1                 1.37             9.08          9.08           9.08          0.35         0.88         + 12.0 %
        1810              40.0                 140              8.79           8.79          8.79          0.28         0.90         + 12.0 %
        1950              40.0                 1.40             8.35           8.35          8.35          0.35         0.84         £12.0 %
       2150               39.7                 1.53             8.33           8.33          8.33          0.29         0.87         + 12.0 %
       2450               39.2                 1.80             7.49           7.49          7.49          0.38         0.84         * 12.0 %
       2600               39.0                 1.96             7.38           7.38          7.38          0.43         0.81         + 12.0 %
        5200              36.0                4.66              5.19           5.19          5.19          0.40         1.80         £*13.1 %
       5500               35.6                4.96              5.05           5.05          5.05          0.40         1.80         £13.1 %
        5800              35.3                 5.27             4.89          4.89           4.89          0.40         1.80         £13.1 %

© Frequency validity above 300 MHz of + 100 MHz only applies for DASY v4.4 and higher (see Page 2), else it is restricted to + 50 MHz. The
uncertainty is the RSS of the ConvF uncertainty at calibration frequency and the uncertainty for the indicated frequency band. Frequency validity
below 300 MHzis + 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHz for Convr assessments at 30, 64, 128, 150 and 220 MHz respectively. Above 5 GHz frequency
validity can be extended to + 110 MHz.
" At frequencies below 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (e and 0) can be relaxed to + 10% if liquid compensation formula is applied to
measured SAR values. At frequencies above 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (c and 0) is restricted to + 5%. The uncertainty is the RSS of
the ConvF uncertainty for indicated target tissue parameters.
& Alpha/Depth are determined during calibration. SPEAG warrants that the remaining deviation due to the boundary effect after compensationis
always less than + 1% for frequencies below 3 GHz and below + 2% for frequencies between 3—6 GHz at any distance larger than half the probe tip
diameterfrom the boundary.

Certificate No: EX3—3893_Sep18                                     Page 5 of 11

EX3DV4— SN:3893                                                                                                           September 20, 2018

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3893

Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media
                        Relative          Conductivity                                                                Depth °           Unc
     f(MHz)°         Permittivity"           (S/m)"          ConvFX         ConvF¥Y        ConvFZ        Aipha®         _(mm)          (k=2)
        300               58.2                 0.92            11.71          11.71          11.71         0.05         1.20         £13.3 %
        450               56.7                 0.94            11.55          11.55          11.55         0.08         1.20         £ 13.3 %
        750               55.5                 0.96            10.54          10.54          10.54         0.39         0.93         £12.0 %
        900               55.0                 1.05            10.17          10.17          10.17         0.41         0.90         +12.0 %
        1750              53.4                 149              8.66           8.66          8.66          0.32         0.96         +12.0 %
        1810              53.3                 1.52             8.47           8.47          8.47          0.33         0.98         +12.0 %
        1950              53.3                 1.52             8.38          8.38           8.38          0.39         0.85         £12.0 %
       2150               53.1                 1.66             8.20          8.20           8.20          0.40         0.85         £12.0 %
        2450              52.7                 1.95             7.88           7.88          7.88          0.32         0.85         +12.0 %
        2600              52.5                 2.16             7.56          7.55           7.55          0.31         0.97         +12.0 %
        5200              49.0                 5.30             4.59          4.59           4.59          0.50         1.90         *13.1 %
        5500              48.6                 5.65             4.15          4.15           4.15          0.50         1.90         £13.1%
        5800              48.2                 6.00             4.23          4.23           4.23          0.50         1.90         +13.1 %

© Frequency validity above 300 MHz of + 100 MHz only applies for DASY v4.4 and higher (see Page 2), else it is restricted to + 50 MHz. The
uncertainty is the RSS of the ConvF uncertainty at calibration frequency and the uncertainty for theindicated frequency band. Frequency validity
below 300 MHz is + 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHz for ConvF assessments at 30, 64, 128, 150 and 220 MHz respectively. Above 5 GHz frequency
validity can be extended to + 110 MHz.
" At frequencies below 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (e and 0) can be relaxed to + 10% if liquid compensation formula is applied to
measured SAR values. At frequencies above 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (s and 0) is restricted to + 5%. The uncertainty is the RSS of
the ConvF uncertainty for indicated target tissue parameters.
© Alpha/Depth are determined during calibration. SPEAG warrants that the remaining deviation due to the boundary effect after compensation is
always less than + 1% for frequencies below 3 GHz and below + 2% for frequencies between 3—6 GHz at any distance larger than half the probe tip
diameter from the boundary.

Certificate No: EX3—3893_Sep18                                     Page 6 of 11

EX3DV4— SN:3893                                                                                           September 20, 2018

                                             Frequency Response of E—Field
          Frequency response (normalized)         (TEM—Cell:ifi110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

                                                                             11      i         1
                                                                         i                           1'
                                                                       1500                        2500
                                                                       t [MHz]
                                                     To                                     3
                                            Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—field: £ 6.3% (k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—3893_Sep18                                     Page 7 of 11

EX3DV4— SN:3893                                                                                                                                                     September 20, 2018

                                                                  Receiving Pattern (¢), 9 = 0°

                                           f=600 MHz,TEM                                                                    f=1800 MHz,R22
                                                             zo                                                                                   s

                                  135."              Micatiitns     ""            N as                             1357                               *~,                   a
                                           &>0+                          +               N                          *             *                         a
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                                                                             o   *                             $              F               —                 L    O‘k
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                                             4A                                          1
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                                                     P                                   os           ;                                                     o4      0s          os        ;
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                                                         ¥a. .+     #            & 315                             228                    %           4*                   V7%

                    e                        "e)                         e                           e                        _®]                       _0                           Co]
                   Tot                           X                       Y                         Tot                            X                         Y                             2
      Error [cB]

                                           100 MHz                                       600 MHz               1800_1MHz

                                                         Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment: + 0.5% (k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—3893_Sep18

EXSDV4— SN:3893                                                                                                       September 20, 2018

                                        Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                                  (TEM cell , feyai= 1900 MHz)


                   3. 104
                   € 104


                                            j           i——+—         t            T                t
                           103             102          101        10°            10‘           10                   10
                                                              SAR [mW/icm3]

                                          not compensated                          compensated


                                   i                    L                  1GH                          P1if
                             103            102         101          100         101          102              103
                                                              SAR [mW/cm3]
                                                  €a)                                   [e]
                                           not compensated                       compensated

                                       Uncertainty of Linearity Assessment: £ 0.6% (k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—3893_Sep18                                Page 9 of 11

EX3DV4— SN:3893                                                                                                                                                          September 20, 2018

                                                            Conversion Factor Assessment
                                  f = 900 MHz,WGLS R9 (H_convF)                                                             f= 1810 MHz.WGLS R22 (H_convF)

             1           %,
                              *%                                                                                            \
        &5                                                                                                                      %%
         2                               «
             1s!                                           :


                 o            a          a                opediniciorelitsiubuguiit     oudet 68. citor ues |         ofia—                   —            iss               cal       4s
                     o                  1                is        zo                   »        us        ao          0                 10         1       z       s      30      x        «0
                                                                2 fiim)                                                                                  : fmm]            _
                                       *)                                              "8]                                              _&J                               al
                                      niahical                                        masied                                           anahtat                          measured

                                                         Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                                                                         Error (¢, 8), f = 900 MHz

                                                    —1.0        —0.8         —0.6        —0.4       —0.2        0.0   0.2        0.4          0.6       08        1.0
                                                         Uncertainty of Spherical Isotropy Assessment: £ 2.6% (k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—3893_Sep18                                                                         Page 10 of 11

EX3DV4— SN:3893                                              September20, 2018

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3893

Other Probe Parameters
 Sensor Arrangement                                                Triangular
 Connector Angle (°)                                                    —23.2
 Mechanical Surface Detection Mode                                   enabled
 Optical Surface Detection Mode                                      disabled
 Probe Overall Length                                                337 mm
 Probe Body Diameter                                                  10 mm
 Tip Length                                                            9 mm
 Tip Diameter                                                         2.5 mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor X Calibration Point                               1 mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor Y Calibration Point                               1 mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor Z Calibration Point                                1 mm
 Recommended Measurement Distance from Surface                        1.4 mm

Certificate No: EX3—3893_Sep18               Page 11 of 11

Document Created: 2019-07-19 12:34:46
Document Modified: 2019-07-19 12:34:46

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