User Manual (pages 23-44)


Users Manual

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4                    Operation
4.1                  Pedestrian Tag
4.1.1                General Working Information
Wearing the pedes—   The iCON PA tag comes with a clip that allows for different wearing options
trian tag            {Fig. 8). For choosing an optimal wearing option you need to balance the
                     importance of detection performance against wearing comfort:
                     a     Pocket: This wearing option offers a good compromise between perform—
                           ance and wearing comfort. The high position of the tag still ensures a
                           good detection performance due to less obstructions, while at the same
                           time the tag is comfortable to wear.
                     b     Belt: This wearing option is the most comfortable position, but results in
                           the lowest detection performance due to a lot of obstructions.
                     c     Helmet: This wearing option ensures the highest detection performance
                           due to the best "visibility" but it compromises the wearing comfort.

                            Fig. 8: Wearing options for the pedestrian tag

          24                                                                             Operation

4.1.2              Status Indicators

Operating status   During normal operation
                   To indicate normal operating status, the tag provides a visual "heartbeat" indi—
                   cation every 30 seconds for 0.1 seconds. The LED colour indicates the remain—
                   ing operation time based on the battery charge level.



                                                  Fig. 9: Visual "heartbeat" indication
                   a           Battery has sufficient charge for operation. Remaining operation time is
                               more than two hours.
                   b           Battery charge is low. Remaining operation time is less than two hours.
                   c           Battery charge is critically low with insufficient charge for correct opera—
                               tion. Battery needs to be recharged.

                   During shipping
                   At delivery, a special shipping firmware is installed on the tag in order to com—
                   ply with battery shipping regulations. This firmware disables all transmit func—
                   tions and makes sure that the battery charge level is low enough for shipping.
                   In order to operate the tag, update it with the standard firmware. Refer to
                   "4.1.5 Firmware update".

                    C 0.1/0.3s                    C© 0.2/0.9s            © 0.5s              © 0.5s

                   a           Shipping firmware installed on the tag, tag is not operable. Battery charge
                               level is low enough for shipping.
                   b           Shipping firmware installed on the tag, tag is not operable. Battery charge
                               level is too high for shipping.

Operation                                                                                     25

                 Error on the tag


Alarm signals   Alarms to indicate proximity to a machine
                The iCON PA system supports three different detection zones. Each zone has a
                specific alarm signal which is clearly distinguishable from the alarms of the
                other zones.


                                   Fig. 10: Alarms to indicate proximity to a machine
                         Far: Left and right LED flash alternately green.
                OJ Q

                         Near: Left and right LED flash alternately yellow.
                 c       Close (danger zone): Left and right LED flash alternately red. Buzzer and
                         vibration generator emit a high—frequency alarm signal.

           26                                                                           Operation













                    LED indication
                     LED pattern                                 Status                Possible causes
                                            Both LEDs are        No Firmware           Firmware on the
                                            permanently on       installed.          tag is not correct
                                            in blue.                                 or update was
                                                                                       not successful.


                                            Both LEDs are        Tag is inoperable   Firmware update
                                            permanently on       and needs a hard    was interrupted.
                                            in red when          reset.
                                            inserting tag into
                                            Tag is already in    Firmware update
                                            the programming      in progress.
                                            slot. Both LEDs
                                            are permanently
                                            on in red when
                                            starting the firm—
                                            ware update with
                                            the programming

Performing a hard    1.         Insert the pedestrian tag into the programming slot.
                    2.          Press the acknowledge key for more than 5 seconds.
                                After hard reset, the LEDs should either indicate the battery status or
                                indicate that no firmware is installed.

Operation                                                                                 31

4.2                  Machine Anchor
4.2.1                General Working Information
Cabin anchor func—   In order to reduce nuisance alarms, anchors mounted near the cabin of a vehi—
tionality            cle can be assigned as cabin anchor {Anchor ID = 0}. Cabin anchors suppress
                     alarms for tags that are within the configured cabin anchor radius (Fig. 15}.

                                   Fig. 15; Cabin anchor radius

            32                                                                         Operation
















Cables and plugs   Keep plugs clean and dry. Blow away any dirt lodged in the plugs of the con—
                   necting cables.

Damp products      Dry the product, the container, the foam inserts and the accessories at a tem—
                   perature not greater than 40 °C and clean them. Do not repack until everything
                   is completely dry.

          38                                                             Care and Transport






                       users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent
                       isotropically radiated power{e.i.r.p} is not more than that necessary for suc—
                       cessful communication.This device complies with Industry Canada license—
                       exempt RSS standard(s).
                       Operation is subject to the following two conditions:[1) This device may not
                       cause interference. (2) This device must accept any interference, including
                       interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
                       Le présent émetteur radio a été approuvé par Industrie Canada pour fonction—
                       ner avec les types d‘antenne énumérés ci—dessous et ayant un gain admissible
                       maximal et Fimpédance requise pour chaque type d‘antenne. Les types d‘ant—
                       enne non inclus dans cette liste, ou dont le gain est supérieur au gain maximal
                       indiqué, sont strictementinterdits pour F‘exploitation de Fémetteur.Conformé—
                       ment 3 la réglementation d‘Industrie Canada, le présent émetteur radio peut
                       fonctionner avec une antenne d‘un type et d‘un gain maximal (ou inférieur)
                       approuvé pour F‘émetteur par Industrie Canada. Dansle but de réduire les ris—
                       ques de brouillage radioélectrique a I‘intention des autres utilisateurs, il faut
                       choisir le type d‘antenne et son gain de sorte que la puissance isotrope rayon—
                       née équivalente (p.i.r.e.) ne dépasse pas I‘intensité nécessaire a I‘établisse—
                       ment d‘une communication satisfaisante.Le présent appareil est conforme aux
                       CNR d‘Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.L‘ex—
                       ploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :{1} L‘appareil ne doit
                       pas produire de brouillage.
                       {2} Uutilisateur de l‘appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,
                       méme si le brouillage est susceptible d‘en compromettre le fonctionnement.

Antenna types                                    QFO36 antenna                QFO37/CRS145
                        Mounting type            Through hole                 Magnetic
                        Weight                   480 g                        620 g
                        Impedance                50 Ohm nominal                50 Ohm nominal
                        WiFi gain                5 dBi                         5 dBi
                        RF gain                  3 dBi                        3 dBi
                        GPS gain                 5 dBi                         5 dBi

Radio Frequency (RF)   The radiated RF output power of the instrument is below the Health Canada‘s
Exposure Compliance    Safety Code 6 exclusion limit for portable devices {radiated element separation
Statement              distance between the radiating element and user and/or bystanderis below
                       20 cm}.

                       The antennas must be mounted more than 20 cm away from any other
                       antenna and from the human body.

          42                                                                           Technical Data




                          Original text
                          Printed in Switzeriand
                          © 2018 Leica Geosystems AG, Heerbrugg, Switzerfand

Lelen Geosystems AG
CH—9435 Heerbrugy
Phone +41 71727 31 31

Document Created: 2018-10-18 15:27:01
Document Modified: 2018-10-18 15:27:01

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