Antenna Information 1

FCC ID: REP-3200-2

Operational Description

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                     Cable KHfg

                   ARMFEMETH      ................ 10,\16

                   XMISTERMEHE    ................ 17~20

                RF Antenna Cable Assembly


1. Electrical Properties :

    1.1   Frequency Range........... 4.9GHz ~ 5.825GHz
    1.2   Impedance .................. 500 Nominal
    1.3   VSWR ............. es 1.92 Max.
    1.4   Return Loss................. —10 dB Maximum
    1.5   Electrical Wave............. 1/2 A Dipole
    1.6   Gain(peak)................... 4 dBi
    1.7   Admitted Power............ 1W

2. Physical Properties :

    2.1 C@bl@.............2...2. ... .. RG—178 Coaxial Cable
    2.2 Antenna Cover.............. TPE
    2.3 Antenna Base............... PC
    2.4 Operating Temp. ........... —20°C ~+65°C
    2.5 Storage Temp. .............. —30°C ~+75°C
    2.6 COIOF ......2.2......6 6e k Gray
    2.7 COnnector .................2. SMA Straight Plug/Reverse

                                                                                                                                                REV     DATE           DESCRIPTION
                                                                              1075                                                               X1    3722005           New Issue

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  @/ Shrink Line
       0   o   o   o
                                                                                                          6    |Cable                    RG—178 Coaxial Cable               1

                                                                                                          5 |Connector              Big SMA Straight Plug/Reverse(Black)   1
                                                                                                          4 |Rivet                        Brass , Plated (Black)           2
                                                                                                          3 Bottom Fixed Base             PBT ; Color : Gray                1
                                                                                                          2 |Upper Fixed Base               PC ; Color : Gray               1
                                                                                                          1     Antenma Cap                 TPE ; Color : Gray              1
                                                                                                          no                                DESCRIPTION                    oTy| REMARK
  Packing : 10 pes/bag                                       o 80
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                         CUSTOMER‘S SINGATURE                xX       410     %,45(%2” gPAR’I'NAMB:            RF Antenna Assembly                 ZBKEED tR                    L
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                                                                                                                 Oi37—510585—A                Te mravng mmmmngs%
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     RF Antenna Assembly
P/NO :C037-510585-A SPEC : 5 GHz


      Far-field amplitude of C037-510585-A-V.nsi
4.900000 GHz                   5.150000 GHz                 5.250000 GHz

5.350000 GHz                   5.725000 GHz                 5.825000 GHz
                         345                   15

                   330                                30

             315                                              45

       300                                                          60

 285                                                                      75

270                                                                        90
                                              -20    -10       0     dB

 255                                                                      105

       240                                                          120

             225                                              135

                   210                                150

                         195                   165

      Far-field amplitude of C037-510585-A-H.nsi
4.900000 GHz                   5.150000 GHz                 5.250000 GHz

5.350000 GHz                   5.725000 GHz                 5.825000 GHz
                         345                   15

                   330                                30

             315                                              45

       300                                                          60

 285                                                                      75

270                                                                        90
                                              -20    -10       0     dB

 255                                                                      105

       240                                                          120

             225                                              135

                   210                                150

                         195                   165

            Arnitel                                        XRREMVE!STNETe
            polyether esters
            esters de polyether                      fl

 Units         EM400         EM460         EL550     EL630      EL740    PL380
                 1.12             1.16      1.20      1.23       1.27     1.18
  °C             195              185       202       212        221      197
 m/m.k           220              160       180       140        110      150
  °C               \                \       110       115        120        \

   °C            130              150       180       200        200      145
   °C             \               50        85        115        150       \

   To           0.30              0.30     0.20      0.20       0.15     0.40
   To           0.75              0.70     0.55      0.60       0.90      7.0
    *           HB                HB       HB        HB         HB       HB

  Mpa            55               110       220       375        900        60

  Mpa            4.0              7.1       13.2     20.2       26.9      3.5
  Mpa            5.4              9.0       15.7      23        22.6      5.2
  Mpa            8.4              11.4      16.6     22.0       26.3      8.5
  Mpa             17               21        32       40         45        16
   To            700              800       600      600        360       450

  Ig/m           NB               NB        NB        NB         NB       NB
  Ig/m           NB               NB        NB        NB         200      NB
  Ig/m           NB               NB        NB        NB          9       NB
  Ig/m           NB               NB        20         4          4       NB
                 38               45        55        63         74       38

 MV/m             \                \         \         \          \         \
 Q .cm          5*10"              10"¢     10"¢      10"¢       107        107
   Q             >~10"°           >~10"°    >~10"°    >~10"°     >10"°    >~10"°

                 4.1               \         \        3.8         \       4.7
                 4.0              4.4       4.0       3.4        3.3      4.4

  x10"            10               \         \        3.8         \       310
  x10"           170              350       400       350        300      350

                 800              800       600       600        600      800
                 600              600       600       800        800      600

 DSM Engineering Plastics                                                                 DSM 19
2.2 Product coding
The structure of the Arnitel productcodes is illustrated wirth the following example:
                                                               U M 55 1 — V
 Thermoplastic elastomer type:
 E = polyether ester; polyether = PTHF
 P = polyether ester; polyether = PEO/PPO
 U = polyester ester; (with extra urethane linkages)
 Indication of viscosity range or processing technique
 L, M = injection moulding and extrusion
 B = blow moulding grade
 Indication of hardness (Shore D)
 Serial number

Indication of additives, perfomance
 H = heat—stabilized
 L = light/UV stabilized
V =flame—retardant (not V—0)
S = flame—retardant (V—0)
Figure 2.2: Arnitel product coding

2.3 Product portfolio
The Arnitel productrange is available with a hardness from 38 to 74 Shore D. The general Amnitel grades
are shown in table 2.2. In order to enhance the flexibility of the portfolio a set of masterbatches (a.0. for
heat, UV, etc) are on offer (refer to § 2.4).
Because of the development of these masterbatches heat stabilised Amnitel P is suggested for application
areas where thermo—oxidative stability is an issue. For applications where colour and UV stability is
required, the Arnitel E range is advised.
                Shore D
                 20.;:—       M0k%ll.1 46002 $$Go.l                  ©B.l1LJ
                              EM400    EM46GO EL550                  EL630    EL740
                                              EMS5O                  EMG3O0__ EM740
                                       PL460  PL580
                                              UMS551                  UM622
i#          _                                           UMS5S52—V
Table 2.2: Arnitel productrange for general purpose

Besides these multi—purpose grades, specialty grades can be offered for specific purposes and/or
application areas. These grades are not intended for regular sales and are therefore restricted.
Permission from marketing is needed before sampling is initiated.

donunfuontnl              (Michbln:     {iAfteIP[|)no   (AftelU
 e CVJ boots              EB460
 e Boyplugs                              PL380—MO
 e Roofing foil           EM402—L
Table 2.3: Examples of specialty grades

Chapter II — 2                                                                                       May 1998

DSM Engineering Plastics                                                                                                            DSM    l‘)
Arnitel® EL630/EM630
2.8.31 General:
Amnite! is the brand name of a series polyester based thermoplastic elastomers. These polymers combine
excellent processability with good elastomeric properties between —40 and 200°C. Amite! EL630 and
EM630 are excellent materials for injection moulding and extrusion applications respectively.
The chemical stucture of Amite! EL630/EM630 is shown below.

                                                                     0O  O
   R/\o                                              o\/\/\ OM \/\4 J\Q/“\
                                                                   O       R
                                                o                           n                     O         m

Figure 2.9: Chemical structure ofAmnite! EL630/EM630.

Another way of writing the structure of Arnitels is shown below in Figure 2.

         AAAAAAAAAAAAAA                       PBT         ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AMM       PBT       anmnmmmmmmmrmmmes

Figure 2.10: .Simplified structure of Arnite! ELG63O/EM630 .

Amnite! EL630/EM630 is TOSCA registered (including DSL—Canada) under CAS 37282—12—5

2.8.32 Thermal properties:

e                              Modulus—temperature behaviour:
The materials have a glass transition at circa —40°C and a typical melting point at 213°C.
The modulus—temperature behaviour is shown in graph 2.76, for comparison, accompanied by other
Armnitel E types.
                                                Temperature—Modulus for the Arnite! E range.
                                                              test bars : 2153 Hz.
 Dynamic shear modules (MPa)





                                       —100         —50        0       50       100                         150            200
                                                               Temperature (°C)
Graph 2.76: Modulus—temperature behaviour ofAmitel EL630/EM630.

Chapter II — 62                                                                                                                           May 1998

Document Created: 2005-06-20 17:08:46
Document Modified: 2005-06-20 17:08:46

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