DFS Test Report


Test Report

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 \ntl                                                                                 Report Number: 1810FR14

                                        DFS Test Report

 Applicant                   :    NETSCOUT Systems Inc.

 Product Type                :    11ac Wireless Dual—Band Selectable USB Adapter

 Trade Name                  :    NETSCOUT

 Model Number                :    EW—7822UNC — US

 Applicable Standard         _:   FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART E
                                  ANSI €63.10:2013

 Receive Date                :    Sep. 03, 2018

 Test Period                 :    Sep. 25, 2018

 Issue Date                  :    Nov. 01, 2018

                                                  Issue by

 A Test Lab Techno Corp.                                                              tm                   &
                                                                                    S 2
 No. 140—1, Changan Street, Bade District,                                         ifi{fi @
                                                                                    y—mg           °
 Tacyuan City 33465, Taiwan (R.0.C)                                                  TfoyS         wrrmenis
 Tel : +886—3—2710188 / Fax : +886—3—2710190

 Taiwan Accreditation Foundation accreditation number: 1330
 Test Firm MRA designation number: TWOO010

  Note: This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of A Test Lab Techno
  Corp. This document may be altered or revised by A Test.Lab Techno Corp. personnel only, and shall be
  noted in the revision section of the document. The client should not use it to claim product endorsement by
  TAF, or any government agencies.. The test results in the report.only apply to the tested sample.

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                                                      Report Number: 1810FR14

                                  Revision History
Rev.    Issue Date                        Revisions        Revised By
00     Nov. 01, 2018   Initial Issue                       Janet Chao

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@l                                                                                      Report Number: 1810FR14

                      Verification of Compliance
                                                                                Issued Date: Nov. 01, 2018

 Applicant                        NETSCOUT Systems Inc.

 Product Type                     11ac Wireless Dual—Band Selectable USB Adapter

 Trade Name                       NETSCOUT

 Model Number                     EW—7822UNC — US

 FCC ID                           RD7—7822UNCUS

 EUT Rated Voltage                DC 5 V

 Test Voltage                     120 Vac / 60 Hz

 Applicable Standard              FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART E
                                  ANSI C€63.10:2013

 Test Result                      Complied

 Performing Lab.                                                                        N/z        &
                                  A Test Lab Techno Corp.                              iitg;% (TA\_D
                                  No. 140—1, Changan Street, Bade District, 8MRA _‘
                                  Taoyuan City 33465, Taiwan (R.O0.C)                   Adas           im_
                                  Tel : +886—3—2710188 / Fax : +886—3—2710190
                                  Taiwan Accreditation Foundation accreditation number: 1330

A Test Lab Techno Corp. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements set forth in the above
standards. All indications of Pass/Fail in this report are opinions expressed by A Test Lab Techno Corp. based on
interpretations and/or observations of test results. The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of
demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.

 Approved By          :    zly ‘;/           [A      Reviewed By                Efl’f@          Ou Y@Tg
                            &0         Lz*

 (Manager)                      (Fly Lu)             (Testing Engineer)                  (Eric Ou Yang)

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                                                                                                                   Report Number: 1810FR14

                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS
1   EUT Description .......................................................................................................................... 5
2   Test Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 7
3   Dynamic Frequency Selection ................................................................................................... 8
    3.1. Limits .................................................................................................................................... 8
    3.2. Test and Measurement System .......................................................................................... 12
    3.3. Test Instruments ................................................................................................................. 13
4   Test Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 14
    4.1. Mode of Operation .............................................................................................................. 14
    4.2. EUT Test Step..................................................................................................................... 14
    4.3. Test Site Environment ......................................................................................................... 14
5   Test Results............................................................................................................................... 15
    5.1. Radar Waveforms and Traffic ............................................................................................. 15
    5.2. Channel Move Time and Channel Closing Transmission Time ........................................... 19
    5.3. Non-Occupancy Period....................................................................................................... 20
    5.4. Non-Associated Test ........................................................................................................... 21

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@l                                                                             Report Number: 1810FR 14

1   EUT Description
                          NETSCOUT Systems Inc
    Applcant              310 Liffeton Road, Westford, Massachusetts, 01886—4105, United States
    Menutacturer          EDIM®X TEcHNoL 06y c0 . LtD
                          No 278. Xinhu 1st Road Neihu Dist, Teipei City, Tewen (R.0.C.}
    Product Type          1120 Wreless Dusl—Band Selectable USB Adapter
    Trade Name            NEtscout
    Model Number          Ew—reazuNc—us
    reeio                 Ror—re22uncus
                                           Frequency Band                 Frequency
                                                                               fihoRange      Number
                                                     U—NII Band     IFA      52605820              a
                          EEE 802110
                                                     U—NII Band     iC       |___se00—5700         s
                          EEE 802.11n 5 GHz 20 tite |U—NIl Band     tA       $260—5320             a
    Operate Frequency     /IEEE 802.ttee 20 Mz       (u—NiI8end     TLC      5500 —5700            s
                          EEE 802.11n 5 GHz 40 titz. |U—NIl Band    tA       $270—Se10             2
                          11EEE 802. 118040 Wz           U—Nil Band I+C      sero—sero              3
                                                         U—NI Band ThA           s2eo               1
                          IEEE 802.1 18e 80 MHz
                                                         U—NII Band I—C          seeo               1
    Medulation Type       orom
    Equipment Type        Client devices
                          Antenna             Model             Type          Frequency       Mex. Gain
                              —                                             U—NII Band ThA        ase
                           ANTO        viermteapaes           Merenste
                           (Main)                              Anterna      U—NII Band I—C        165
    Antenna information      —                                              U—NII Band ThA        151
                           ANU         eviermteazaes          Morente
                            (Aux)                              Antern®      U—NIIBend IC          3.07
                                                                            U—NII Band I+A         1.05
                                                                            U—NI Band tC          —0.10
    [Antenns Delvery      Reference section 3.1
    Frequency Stabiity    + 20 pom
    Operate Temp.Range    a— «40 °c

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@l                                                                                    Report Number: 1810FR 14
                tems                                                   Description
  Communication Mode                    NP Based (Load Based)                 CFrame Based
  TPC Function                          Mikle                                 CWithout TPC
  Westher Band (5600 — 5650 MHz)        C¥ $600 — 5650 Mz                     NVthout 5600 — 5650 MHz
  Beamforming Function                  RNVth Geamforming                 CWWithout Beemforming
                                        Coutdoor eecess point
                                        indoor acsess point
  Equipment Type
                                        CF ied pointo—point access points
                                        RCiient devices
                                        CCientwith reder detection
                                        ICent without radar detection
  Opersting mode
  TestAP FoC ID                         preisioosie
 Nete DFS controls (nardware or softwere} related to radar detection are NOT accessible t the user.
 Menufacturerstatement confiming thatinformation regarding the paremeters of the detected Redar Wave frms is not
 available tothe end user.
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                                                                              Report Number: 1810FR14

2   Test Methodology
    The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with ANSI C63.10-2013, FCC CFR
    47 Part 2, FCC CFR 47 Part 15.

    The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with FCC KDB request:
        FCC KDB 905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New Rules v02
        FCC KDB 905462 D03 UNII Clients Without Radar Detection New Rules v01r02

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(K\fl-‘tl                                                                                         Report Number: 1810°R 14
  3      Dynamic Frequency Selection
  3.1.   Limits
         §15.407 (h) and FCC KDB 905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New Rules v02 Compliance
         measurement procedures for unlicensed—national information infrastructure deveies operating in the
         5250—5350 MHZ and 5470—5725 MHZ bands incorporating dynamic frequency selection
                             Table 1: Applicability of DFS Requirements Prior to Use of a Channel
                                                                          Operstional Mose
          Requirement                                                                Clent                     Cient
                                                           Master               (without redar         (with redar detection)
                                                                                  detection )
          Non—Occupancy Period                              Yes                   Notrequired                   Yes
          DFS Detection Threshald                           Yes                   Notrequired                  Yes
          Chamel Availabiity Check Time                     Yes                   Notrequired              Notrequired
          U—Hl Detection Bandwicth                          Yes                   Notrequired                   Yes
                              Table 2: Applicability of DFS requirements during normal operation
                                                                           Operational Mode
          Requirement                                   Master Device or Client
                                                         With Redar Detection                Client without Redar Detection
          DFS Detection Threshold                                   Yes                              Notrequired
          Channel Closing Transmission Time                         Yes                                  Yes
          Chamnel Move Time                                         Yes                                  Yes
          U—hill Detection Bandwicth                                Yes                              Notrequired
          Additional requirements for devices with      Master Device or Client
          mutisle bandwicth modes                        WWith Redar Detection               Cent wihout Redar Detection
          U—Hl Detection
          Statisical      Bandwicth
                     Performance      and
                                  Chack              All BW modes must be tested                     Not required
          Channel Mave Time and Channel               Test using widest BW mode          Test using the widest BW mode
          Closing Trensmission Time                               available                       available forthe lnk
          All other tests                                Any single BW mode                          Notrequired
          Note Frequencies selected for statistical performance check (Section 7 8.4) should include several requencies
               within the redar detection bandvidth and frequencies neer the edge of the rader detection bandwicth. For
               802.11 devices itis suggested to select frequencies in all 20 MHz channel blocks and a nul frequencies
               between the bonded 20 Wz channel blocks
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                                                                                     Report Number: 1810FR14

     Table 3: DFS Detection Thresholds for Master Devices and Client Devices With Radar Detection
Maximum Transmit Power                                                    Value (See Notes 1,2 and 3)
EIRP ≥ 200 milliwatt                                                                 -64 dBm
EIRP < 200 milliwatt and
                                                                                        -62 dBm
Power spectral density < 10 dBm/MHz
EIRP < 200 milliwatt that do not meet the power spectral
                                                                                        -64 dBm
density requirement
Note 1: This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna.
Note 2: Throughout these test procedures an additional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of the test
        transmission waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will ensure that the
        test signal is at or above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.
Note 3: EIRP is based on the highest antenna gain. For MIMO devices refer to FCC KDB Publication 662911

                                  Table 4: DFS Response Requirement Values
Parameter                                                                    Value
Non-occupancy period                                                  Minimum 30 minutes
Channel Availability Check Time                                            60 seconds
                                                                               10 seconds
Channel Move Time
                                                                               See Note 1.
                                                         200 milliseconds + an aggregate of 60 milliseconds over
Channel Closing Transmission Time                                      remaining 10 second period.
                                                                           See Notes 1 and 2.
                                                          Minimum 100 % of the U-NII 99 % transmission power
U-NII Detection Bandwidth
                                                                         bandwidth. See Note 3.
Note 1: Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time should be performed with Radar Type
        0. The measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst.
Note 2: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the beginning of the
        Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to facilitate a Channel move
        (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second period. The aggregate duration
        of control signals will not count quiet periods in between transmissions.
Note 3: During the U-NII Detection Bandwidth detection test, radar type 0 should be used. For each frequency
        step the minimum percentage of detection is 90 percent. Measurements are performed with no data

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                                                                                  Report Number: 1810FR14

                                Table 5: Short Pulse Radar Test Waveforms

                  Pulse Width           PRI               Number of        Percentage of
  Radar Type                                                                                    Number of
                    (μsec)             (μsec)              Pulses           Successful

       0               1                1428                  18            See Note 1         See Note 1

       1               1         Test A: 15 unique                             60 %                30
                                PRI values randomly
                                selected from the list
                                 of 23 PRI values in
                                      Table 5a
                                 Test B: 15 unique
                                PRI values randomly
                                 selected within the
                                 range of 518-3066
                                     μsec, with a
                                minimum increment
                                of 1 μsec, excluding
                                PRI values selected
                                      in Test A
       2              1-5             150-230               23-29              60 %                30
       3              6-10            200-500               16-18              60 %                30
       4             11-20            200-500               12-16              60 %                30
Aggregate (Radar Types 1-4)                                                    80 %                120
Note 1: Short Pulse Radar Type 0 should be used for the detection bandwidth test, channel move time, and
        channel closing time tests.

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                                                                                   Report Number: 1810FR14

                          Table 5a: Pulse Repetition Intervals Values for Test A

    Pulse Repetition Frequency         Pulse Repetition Frequency            Pulse Repetition Interval
             Number                       (Pulses Per Second)                    (Microseconds)

               1                                 1930.5                                 518
               2                                 1858.7                                 538
               3                                 1792.1                                 558
               4                                 1730.1                                 578
               5                                 1672.2                                 598
               6                                 1618.1                                 618
               7                                 1567.4                                 638
               8                                 1519.8                                 658
               9                                 1474.9                                 678
               10                                1432.7                                 698
               11                                1392.8                                 718
               12                                 1355                                  738
               13                                1319.3                                 758
               14                                1285.3                                 778
               15                                1253.1                                 798
               16                                1222.5                                 818
               17                                1193.3                                 838
               18                                1165.6                                 858
               19                                 1139                                  878
               20                                1113.6                                 898
               21                                1089.3                                 918
               22                                1066.1                                 938
               23                                326.2                                  3066

                               Table 6 – Long Pulse Radar Test Signal
                        Pulses    Pulse     Chirp                 Minimum Percentage
Radar                                                                                           Minimum
              Bursts     per      Width    Width     PRI (µsec)       of Successful
Waveform                                                                                         Trials
                        Burst    (µsec)    (MHz)                        Detection
5              8-20      1-3     50-100     5-20     1000-2000            80 %                      30

                           Table 7 – Frequency Hopping Radar Test Signal
              Pulse               Burst    Pulses    Hopping    Minimum Percentage
Radar                    PRI                                                                    Minimum
              Width              Length     per       Rate           of Successful
Waveform                (µsec)                                                                   Trials
              (µsec)              (ms)      Hop       (kHz)            Detection
6               1        333       300       9        0.333              70 %                       30

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(&\“_/tl                                                                                              Report Number: 1810FR14

  3.2.     Test and Measurement System
  3.2.1.   Setup for Client with injection at the Master

           Example Radiated Setup where UUT is a Client and Radar Test Waveforms are injected into the Master

             Radar Test                                                                        1O
             Signal Generator                                                                        Master

                                 Lw Spitter
                                     2viey                            s
                                                            amoe}—»| Spitter
                                      [atne II   Combiner                  Combiner

                   UUT                                                                                 Analyzer
                 (Client)                                                                       (wih 10 dBintenal

           Tested System Details

           The types for all equipments, plus descriptions of all cables used in the tested system (including inserted cards) are:

                            Product                     Manufacturer              Model No.                         ID

            1.          Netgear Access Point                Netgear                   R7800                FCC : PY35100319

  3.2.2.   System Calibration

           The short pulse types 0,1,2, 3 and 4, and the long pulse type 5 parameters are randomized at run—time.
           The hopping type 6 pulse parameters are fixed while the hopping sequence is based on the May 2014
           NTIA Hopping Frequency List. The initial starting point randomized at run—time and each subsequent
           starting point is incremented by 475. Each frequency in the 100—length segment is compared to the
           boundaries of the EUT Detection Bandwidth and the software creates a hopping burst pattern in
           accordance with Section Method #2 Simulated Frequency Hopping Radar Waveform Generating
           Subsystem of FCC KDB 905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New Rules v02 The frequency
           of the signal generator is incremented in 1 MHz steps from FL to FH for each successive trial. This
           incremental sequenceis repeated as required to generate a minimum of 30 total trials and to maintain a
           uniform frequency distribution over the entire Detection Bandwidth.
           The signal monitoring equipment consists of a spectrum analyzer. The aggregate ON time is calculated
           by multiplying the number of bins above a threshold during a particular observation period by the dwell
           time per bin, with the analyzer set to peak detection and max hold.

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                                                                                       Report Number: 1810FR14

3.2.3.   System Calibration

         The Interference Radar Detection Threshold Level is (-64 dBm), The above equipment setup was used
         to calibrate the radiated Radar Waveform. A vector signal generator was utilized to establish the test
         signal level for each radar type. During this process there were replace 50 ohm terminal form Master
         and Client device and no transmissions by either the Master or Client Device. The spectrum analyzer
         was switched to the zero span (Time Domain) at the frequency of the Radar Waveform generator. Peak
         detection was used.The spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth (RBW) and video bandwidth (VBW)
         were set to at least 3 MHz.
         The vector signal generator amplitude was set so that the power level measured at the spectrum
         analyzer was (-64 dBm). Capture the spectrum analyzer plots on short pulse radar types, long pulse
         radar type and hopping radar waveform.

3.2.4.   Adjustment of Displayed Traffic Level

         A link is established between the Master and Slave and the distance between the units is adjusted as
         needed to provide a suitable received level at the Master and Slave devices. Software to ping the client
         is permitted to simulate data transfer but must have random ping intervals. The monitoring antenna is
         adjusted so that the WLAN traffic level, as displayed on the spectrum analyzer, is at lower amplitude
         than the radar detection threshold.

3.3.     Test Instruments
         Test Period: Sep. 25, 2018
                 Equipment            Manufacturer    Model Number     Serial Number     Cal. Date    Remark
         Spectrum Analyzer
                                        Agilent         N9030A         MY53120541        01/02/2018    1 year
         (3 Hz~50 GHz)
         Signal Generator               Agilent         N5182B         MY53050382        05/24/2018    1 year

         Note N.C.R. = No Calibration Request.

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                                                                                             Report Number: 1810FR14

4      Test Methodology
4.1.   Mode of Operation

       Decision of Test ATL has verified the construction and function in typical operation. All the test modes
       were carried out with the EUT in normal operation, which was shown in this test report and defined as:
        Test Mode
        Mode 1: IEEE 802.11ac 80 MHz Continuous TX mode

       IEEE 802.11ac 80 MHz Continuous TX mode
       Unless otherwise noted, all tests were performed with the radar burst at the channel center frequency of 5530 MHz.

4.2.   EUT Test Step

        1.   Setup the EUT shown on 3.2.1

        2.   Turn on the power of all equipment.

        3.   Turn on Wi-Fi function link to Notebook.

        4.   The EUT is operated in the engineering mode to fix the TX frequency for the purposes of measurement.

4.3.   Test Site Environment

                       Items                       Required (IEC 60068-1)                         Actual

        Temperature (C)                                      15-35                                  26

        Humidity (%RH)                                        25-75                                  60

        Barometric pressure (mbar)                          860-1060                                990

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                                                                    Report Number: 1810FR14

5      Test Results
5.1.   Radar Waveforms and Traffic

       Mode 1: IEEE 802.11ac 80 MHz Continuous TX mode _ 5530 MHz

         Short Pulse Radar

              Type 0

         Short Pulse Radar

             Type 1A

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                                                             Report Number: 1810FR14

Mode 1: IEEE 802.11ac 80 MHz Continuous TX mode _ 5530 MHz

  Short Pulse Radar

      Type 1B

  Short Pulse Radar

       Type 2

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                                                             Report Number: 1810FR14

Mode 1: IEEE 802.11ac 80 MHz Continuous TX mode _ 5530 MHz

  Short Pulse Radar

       Type 3

  Short Pulse Radar

       Type 4

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                                                             Report Number: 1810FR14

Mode 1: IEEE 802.11ac 80 MHz Continuous TX mode _ 5530 MHz

  Short Pulse Radar

       Type 5

  Short Pulse Radar

       Type 6

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                                                                                        Report Number: 1810FR14

5.2.     Channel Move Time and Channel Closing Transmission Time
5.2.1.   Reporting Notes

         The reference marker is set at the end of last radar pulse.

         The delta marker is set at the end of the last WLAN transmission following the radar pulse.
         This delta is the channel move time.

         The aggregate channel closing transmission time is calculated as follows:
         Aggregate Transmission Time = (Number of analyzer bins showing transmission) * (dwell time per bin)

         The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the beginning of
         the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to facilitate a Channel
         move (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second period. The aggregate
         duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between transmissions.

             Frequency                                         Channel Move Time                       Limit
                                 Radar Type
               (MHz)                                                 (sec)                             (sec)
                5530               Type 0                              0.493                            10

             Frequency                             Aggregate Channel Closing Transmission Time          Limit
                                 Radar Type
               (MHz)                                                 (msec)                            (msec)
                5530               Type 0                              2.9999                           60

          Mode 1: IEEE 802.11ac 80 MHz Continuous TX mode _ 5530 MHz

            Channel Move and

               Closing Time

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                                                                                           Report Number: 1810FR14

5.3.   Non-Occupancy Period

        Mode 1: IEEE 802.11ac 80 MHz Continuous TX mode _ 5530 MHz

       Note: Non-Occupancy Period time is 30 minute during which a Channel will not be utilized after a Radar Waveform

       is detected on that Channel.

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                                                                                          Report Number: 1810FR14

5.4.   Non-Associated Test

        Mode 1: IEEE 802.11ac 80 MHz Continuous TX mode _ 5530 MHz


       Note: The non-associated Client Beacon Test is during the 30 minutes observation time. The EUT should not make

       any transmissions in the DFS band after EUT power up.

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Document Created: 2018-11-13 09:18:17
Document Modified: 2018-11-13 09:18:17

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