SAR Test Report-3


RF Exposure Info

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     excove— snsear                                                                                 Aprl 26,2018
     Tosrs—     iE€eszthe W 24 Gne (pose:            X    as0        seir       i6ns   ons   ts09      290%
     Ana        OFDh6 Mbps, 90pe duty oycie
                                                     v    es         sese       1oa0         Too
                                                     2|   ase        |seie      1583         1200
     Tosre—      iE€E B0z11e w24 onz oss:            xX   as2|       seas       1614   o6    1300      290%
     Ana        OFDiM, 9 Maps, SOpe duty orce}
                                                     y     |aee      sa7e       16e          1500
                                                     2|    asr       soss       1602         1300
     Tosrr—     ieee aozie win24 onz sss:            xX    ~ari      seer       1632   o6    1300      290%
     Ana        OFD, 12 Mbss, 90pe dorcle)
                                                     y     ~ase      aro1       1683         1500
                                                     2|    ase       seso—|     1oa7         1300
     Tosre—     iEEE B02.t19 Wiri24 Grie osss—       X     |Aeo      cara       teao   46    1300      290%
     Ana        OFDM, 18 Mbas, 20pe duty erd)
                                                     y     an        onr        on           1300
                                                     2|    aa        sore       1627         1500
     Tosre—     1EEE so2 the wnr2 4 one fosss—       x     ar        |seso      ises   ons   1300      250%
     n          OFDM, 24 Mbss, 90pe duty erd)
                                                     y     ~as2      sear       1605         1s00
                                                     2|    a1o       |_onse     1949         1500
     Toseo—~|   iEEE o2mg wini2a on osss—            x     a4a       esor       ta73   o4b   1300      295%
     Ana        OFDM, 36 Mbss, $0pe duty exce)
                                                     y     asr       sest       1o08         Too
                                                     2|    a2s       com        1ss1         1500
     Tossi—     i€ee ez11 win24 onz boss:            xX    as0       sare       toas   o4s   fsno      £95%
     Em         OFDM, 48 Mps, $0pe duty exde)
                                                     y     se        or2        fear         T00
                                                     2|    is        cors       1022         100
      Tosez—    1EEE B0z ie w24 Gne Sss              xX    ~as1~|    sarr       is4s   o6    ts|       £95%
      Ana       oFpu, 5¢ Mps, 20pe duy oycie)
                                                     y     aar|      sn         ma           100
                                                     2|    ai2       |_ssss     t52e         1900
      Tosss—    iEEEBo2 tianwins onz (orpm.e         x     450|      seir       1608   046   1800      250%
      ae        Vps, SOpe duy cycle)
                                                     y     es        sese       1oa0         Tsoo
                                                     2|    a36       |_sare     iess         1300
      Tosea     iecEaOz amwims nz (orM.s             x     as2       sess       f614   06    1300      190%
      me        Mbps, $0pe duty crle)
                                                     y  |ase         sare       feas         1900
                                                     2| asr          |_cese_|   1602         1300
      Tosss—    iE€E a02 rian win 5 Gnz (orbM, 12|   x  471|         seai       fea2   46    1300      290%
      as        Mbps, $0pe duty exce)
                                                     y  «se          aro        fess         1900
                                                     2| asi          ceso|      toar         1900
      Tosse—    1EEE B0zmanwins on: (orom 16         X  400|         sard       fea0   046   1300      250%
      wme       Mbps, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                     y  |a7e         on         fore         Too
                                                     2| aas          cars       1627         1500
      Tossr—    1EEE B0z tian wins onz (orpm28|      x  asr          ssso       fses   O%5   1900      250%
      B         Mbps, $Ope duty crce)
                                                     y  sz           sear       foos         oo
                                                     2—|a 10|        ssse       1sa9         1900
      Toase—    ie€esztran win s onz (orDM; 36       x  442|         sear       ts73   o6    1300      £90%
      me        Mbps, 90pe duty cycie)
                                                     y  |asr         sest       foos         1300
                                                     2  a2s          |ssse      1ss1         1300
      Tosse—    iE€E B0zmtanwin s on (orbm, 4s       x  450|         sere       i63s   o6    1300      290%
      ae        Mbps, 90pe duty cycle)
                                                     y  4ss          orm        mear         1500
                                                     2  ase          sare       1622         1300
      Tosso—    1EEE Bztram wins onz (orom, 5t       x  431          sa77       isas   o6    1300      290%
      me        Mbps, $0pe duty cycle)
                                                     y  aar|         sn         s            1z00
                                                     2| ai2          ssss       toze         1500

     Corticate No: EX3—3047_Aprid                    Page 34 or 30

                         exove— sNseer                                                                               Aprt 2s, 2018
                          Tosa1—         1EEE 802 1m (iT Men, 2oz        x    es        sez      16z    o6    t09       290%
                          PS             MCSo, 90pe duty exce)
                                                                         y    a7e       sese     1oas         Too
                                     m                                   2|   451|      ce2e     1608         1500
                          T0552———   | 1EEE 8021n (iT i. 2oliz,          xX   azo       sasr     1633   a46   1sao      z95 %
                          PS             MGS1. SOpe duty cxce)
                                                                         y    aer       sese     1603         1300
                                                                         2    |ass      |case    1620         1300
                          Tosss—         1EEE 8021n (iT Med, 20Mz        xX   |~an      ces      1620   o46   tsad      #95%
                          ES                           erde)
                                                                         y    |_aso     caer     nest         1500
                                     1                                   2    |asi~|    ceaz—|   1005         1500
                          Tosse—     —| 1E€E Sz1m (hT mad, 2ovic,        x    are       eass     tose   oa6   tono      £95%
                                        MCS3, Stpe duty exce)_
                                                                         v    «ar       sr0s|    tose         1500
                                                                         2|   aso       |_seai   1622         1500
                          Tosss—         1E€Eaoz im (i imad, 2oiiz,      xX   azs       sase     te2s   o6    fsoo      195%
                          Anm        _ | MGS4 90pe duty orcle)
                                     1                                   y    ass       sase     1ose         1500
                                                                         2    |_ase     |_casr   162          1300
                          Tosse—     ~| 1EEE 80z1m (HT Mad, 20niic,      X    ass       sase     toas   on    tono      295%
                          e              MCSS, 9Ope duty erce)
                                     t                                   v    ass       sese     1ose         100
                                                                         2| aas    |case         1o10         1500
                          Tosor—         1EEE 802.1in (iT Med, 20vz,     xX ae1    seas          ter    o6    tan|      295%
                          BS             MCSS, 9Ope duty exce)
                                     t                                   y |a7r    |saso         foas         Too
                                     \                                   2|  a4r   |cass         1999         1300
                          Tosse—         1EEE 802.17n (iT Med, 20iiz,    x aso     sase          tear   or6   tss       295%
                          e              MCST, 90e duty cycle)
                                     —                                   y azs     arn           foze         oo
                                                                         2| ass    ces           1o2s         eau
                          Tosss—         1EEE 8021m (hT Med, aovinc,     xX sar    sess          16as   o6    tooo      298%
                          And            MCSo, SOpe duty cycle)
                                                                         y sas     orir          fozo         1500
                                                                         2|  sz    cesz          toss         1300
                          Toeo0—         1EEE 8021n (hT imed, aovinc,    x sas     erze          ises   6     ta00      295%
                          Aam        | MCS1, 9tpeduty exce)
                                     m                                   y 5se     arss          1ose         1500
                                                                         2 |_sai   —|_or19_|     toss         1300
                          Tosor—|        1EEE (HT Maad, aonimc,   x sas     sroi          iess   o6    ts00      290%
                          e              MGS», 90pe duty cxcle)
                                                                         y sar     arse          forr         1300
                                     m                                   2 521|    soes          1eas         1500
                          Toans—         1EEE 8021n (iT Nad, aonne,      xX  s48|  ori           1656   o46   tsoo      #95%
                          ae             MGS 90pe duty excl)
                                 '                                       y|_sse    orse          fe70         1500
                                 \                                       2 |~s32—|orce           1642         1300
                          Toens— ~| 1EEE 802 tm (iT Maae, aonimc,        x se      erse          i6a0   or6   ts00      290%
                          AnB    _ | MCS4, 9Ope duty exce)
                                 i                                       y ses     arss          1oss         Too
                                —                                        2 |_sar   ors1          16e          1300
                          Tocos— —| 1E€E 802 1n (HT Mad, aoiinc,         x sar     srez          i6e0   oa6   ts00      290%
                          ae         MCSS, 9Ope duty eyce)
                                                                         y |~sas   on            fen          T00
                                                                         2 |_sar   seer          1649         100
                          Toens—   1EEE 802 1m (iT Maad, soiimc,         x sar     erzo          iess   or6   ts00      290%
                          me       MCSG, S0pe duty oxcie)
                                 _                                       y   |sse  aras          1ear         1500
                                 T                                       2   |_sze sras          1652         1300
                          Toeos— 1EEE 802 1n (hT Miad, aoue,             xX  sio   seas          i6r6   o6    1300      200 %
                          me       MCST, 9tpe duty exce)
                                                                         y 532|    soss          fear         120
                                 L                                       2z  sos   sear          1609         1300

                         Centicate No: EX3—3847_AprtB                    Page 35 0130

  ivoprors excurvences

     exsove— sNaear                                                                                        Apri26, 2018
     Tosor—       iEEE a02.tac in (Gowne, MGso,                    aa5       sess     iss     oas   fson      ze5%

     s            90pe duty crcle)
                                                                   as2       ssor     eae           Too

                                                                   435|      csar     iss0          1300
     Toaos—       iEEE 802.ttee Wini (eovinic,MGST,                465       esor     iss     oas   1san      ze5%
     me           90pe duty crcle)
                                                                   ae1       ces      tezo          Too

                                                       o fnfef.
                                                                   448|      cses     1584          1200
     Toens—       1EEE 802.ttae Wini (zoviric, MoSe,               as4       sare     179     oas   1soo      £95%
     ws           90pe duty cycie)
                                                                   70|       seze     feas          Too

                                                                   436       es|      1ss4          1200
     Tosto—       1EEE 802ree Wini eovirc, Moss,                   459|      esso     1695    oas   fsan      z95%
     me           S0pe duty cycle)
                                                                   a7s       sese     teze          Too
                                                       xfofe]      445|      case     1982          T00
     Toarr—       1EEE so2 tiae wini (oonme, mose,                 «51|      ea70     1680    aas   1sa0      x96%
     we           SOpe duty oxcle)
                                                                   ase       |_sare   fens          150

                                                                   a34       |_esor   1586          1800
     Tostz—       1EEE 802.tac Wiri (Zouie, MGSs,                  «51|      esee     iss3    o4s   fsno      £96%
     me           90pe duty oycie)
                                                                   aer       sez      fore          1500

                                                                   433|      eart     isse          1300
     Tosts—       iEEE 802. rtae in (eovine, MoSe.                 «51|      earo     1a71    oa5   fs0       £96%
     ws           90pe duty cycle)
                                                                   ass       sez0     1eor          1s0

                                                                   452|      eseo     1583          1900
      Tosta——|    1EEE 802. ttac in (eoviic,MGST,                  446       csms     ises    nds   tsoo      z95%
      ane         90pe dity oycle)
                                                                   ase       sess     120           Too

                                                                             esas     1s70          1200

      Tosts—      1EEE 802 rrae W(Zoumc, MGse                      «s1       esss     1sse    nds   1sa0      ze5%
      ES          30pe duty oxcie
                                                                   asr       seno     1e52          Tsoo

                                                                   450|      ese      is            100
      Tosie—      1EEE 802.tae wiri douimz, MGSo,                  ai5       eans     1eos    ods   tsan      z35%
      w»e         Sope duty cxcle
                                                                   s2r       seas     fese          Teo

                                                                   soo       ssar     1595          T00
      Tostr—      iE€E 802—raeWini otnz,MGSt,                      sz2       cez      1614    o6    1sa0      £95%
      we          9tpe duty crcle)
                                                                   se        sese     fear          1500

                                                                   5o4       sero     1599          1500
      Tosre—      1EEE B0zthac wwoune, Mose,                       s10       cers     ieis    o4s   tso0      ze6%
      B           90pe duly cycie)
                                                                   572|      sess     tese          Too

                 1                                                 495|      ceis     1602          1200
      Tosi9—     | IEEE 802.Tac Wiri (dObie, MCS3,                 si1       saor     1sar    oas   tsan      se6%
      An         _| 90pe duty cxcl)
                                                                   5m        soar     fezs          Teo

                                                                   a9r       esor     1627          1900
      Toezo—      iEEE e02 ttae Wns aovinz, MOSe,                  s20       cens     teos    oas   1800      +86%
      we          90pe duty cycle)
                                                                   s3s       seas     fean          100

                                                                   sos       csss     tos8          1500
      Tosat—      iEEE 802.rtacWini doviie,MGSs,                   sa1       se2i     iez     ods   1800      +96%
      we          90pe duty cycle)
                                                                   s3s       sese     teas          1500

                                                                   505       sero     ie i1         1500
      Tosaa—      1EEE eoztrac in ooninc, MOSe,                    s22       cear     iear    nds   1800      +e6%
      wo          90pe duty oycle
                                                                   sae       sare     ess           Tsoo

                                                                   soe       sore     ies           1500

     Centicate No: EX3—3047_Aprié                            Page 36 or 30

                ©oove— SN3047                                                                                      Aprl 26, 2018

                 Toezs.   | iE€E 8021tac wis (@OMne, MCST,         x     5.10      6508      1583    046    1300      1206 %
                 ANB      _| 9Opeduty exde)
                          1                                        v|    52        so2       10%            1300
                                                                   2|   ass        |our      iorr           1500
                 Tosm—        ie€es02es wdovine, Mose,             xX   sze        sat0      i611    o6     fs0       s98%
                 mo           Sope duty oxcie)
                          |                                        Y     Sa1       Exu       1036           1900
                          |                                        2z    |_sis     |_seor    1590           1300
                 Toszs—   —| iE€E soztae waovie, Moss,             x     sar       sess      test    o6     tsb       196%
                 ane         90pe duty oxcie)
                          I                                        Y     $7        6142      1688           1900
                          |                                        2     522       EXH       168            1900
                 10626—   | IEEE 802 1 ae Wini (BoMiz, MCSO,       x     S48       coi2      1604    046    1900      200%
                 e            Stpe duty orde)
                                                                   Y     587       6649      1627           1300
                                                                   2|    538|      canz      1oss           1300
                 Tosar—       i€ee a02 ttae wini (Govine. Most,    xX    sn        care      1632    oa6    fsao      s95%
                 we       | 0pe duty cycie)
                          '                                        y     sao       oros      1eso           100
                                                                   2     |_ser     cses      1o21           1500
                 Toaze—    12eE 802 1e w(oovz, Mosn,               x     sas~|     ca16|     1896    o46~   tono      z96%
                 Ant    _| 90pe duty oxol)
                        1                                          y     |_seo     sase      1622           1500
                        1                                          2     |_s3s     seo0      isa1           1soo
                 Toars— 1EEE Bz tas w(oomz Moss,                   x     sse       ceze      tone    o6     fs00       195%
                 e         90pe duty oxci)
                                                                   y     |_ses     sear      1o2            Too
                                                                   2     543       56.19     1591           1300
                 10630—       1EEE 8021 tac Wi(BoWnz, MCS4,        x     596       6785      16.70   046    1300       280 %
                 s            Sope dutoy xcie)
                          \                                        y     |o00      saor      1ess           100
                                                                   2     568       Srite     1638           1300
                 10631—       1EEE 802.1 tac Wi (Bobinz, MCSS,     x     585       6741      1677    046    1300       180 %
                 mo           S0pe duty orcie)
                                                                   y     so0|_srso|          ias            oo
                                                                   2|    ser|oris            tose           1300
                 1o6sz—       1EEE 002 1 tac W(BOWz, MCSG,         x     568       seat      1649    046    1300       180 %
                 BE           Stpe duty orcle
                                                                   Y     $17       6109      1667           1900
                                                                   2     |_sar     ~|_coss   1045           1300
                 10633—       1EEE B02.t1ac WiFi (@0Minz, MCS,     x     554       6o3¢      1608    046    1300       200 %
                 me           Spe duty cxcie)
                                                                   x     $s6       6e75      1033           1900
                                                                   2     |~s3e     een       isa1           100
                 16e          1EEE 802.1 1ac Wii   (@OMHz, MCSO,   x     552       6635      1618    046    1900       200 %
                o             90pe duty cycie)
                _                                                  y     ses       sore      16a0           Too
                                                                   2     538       soar      1606           1900
                 10635—       1EEE 802.1 tac Wis (@0WHz, MCSO,     x     s40       6500      1558    046    1300       200 %
                 s            S0pe duty cycie)
                                                                   y     se        oans      mose           1800
                                                                   T     52¢       6555      1538           1300
                 10636—       1EEE 802.1 1c Wi(1ooMiz, MCSo,       x     5.80      se51      16.15   046    1300       200 %
                 arc          0pe duty oycie)
                          '                                        y     see       sase      1ose           To
                          I                                        2     [s1       |sean     1oos           100
                 T0edr—    | IEEE 802Tac Wiri (16oie, MCS1,        x     605       6680      1033    048    1300       106 %
                 ANG      _\ 90pe duty oxde)
                          m                                        y     sn        on        s              1500
                          |                                        2     50        ESA       10.18          1900
                 10630—       1EEE 802 1 tac W(160NHz, MCSz,       x     60        6680      1628    048    1900       208 %
                 aac          90pe duty oxcie)
                          1                                        y     on        ora       meas           oo
                          1                                        2     |_sat     sore      for8           1300

                Cortfcate No: E3—3847_Aprid                        Page 37 ot 39

 nopors examince rewen uen we

       excove— snseer                                                                                            Apst 26, 2018
        10630—                1EEE 802.1 tWii (toobtz, MCS3,    x     601       66.78      1628   048    1300       *98%
       mc                     90pe duty cycie)
                 1                                              y     on        arie       1652          1500
                 I                                              z     ser       sosr       1618          1300
        10810—                1EEE 8021 tac Wii(1o0Miiz, MCS,   x     601       66.78      1623   046    1300       280%
       AAG       _ | 90pe duty oycie)
                 ‘                                              Y     612       67.18      1647          1900
                                                                2z    |_ses     sost       1605          100
        1061                  1EEE 802 1 taW(teoNiz, MCSS,      x     $08       6677       1625   046    1300       108%
       anc                    30pe duty oycie)
                  I                                             Y     $.16      6708       1643          1900
                 i                                              2     583       co6s       1612          1900
       Toais——1EEE B0z Tecwin (roownz, Moss,                    x     a 10|     cess       fest   G45    tsa0       295%
       ac      S0pe dulycycie)
                                                                Y     $20       6133       1672          1300
                                                                2     5es       soss       1639          1900
       10613                  1EEE 8021 tac W(160Mz, MCST,      x     $35       toor       1626   046    1900       200 %
       Mc                     90pe duty oycle)
                  I                                             y     sas       aroe       fear          Too
                  |                                             2     |_seo     |_sesi     tonn          1300
        Tosse—   —| IEEE 802. ttac Wini (16ovinz,MCSs,          x     ©06       6702       1046   048    1900       +86%
       AAG       _| 90pe duty cycie)
                 1__                                            y     zo        arsi       foze          Too
                 T1                                             2|    see       |_cas0_|   1023          1300
        Tosis~   | IEEE Wiri (T6oine, MCSS,              x     622       6715       1649   045    1300       £00%
        AAG        _| 9Ope duty cycie)
                   I                                            y     oss       saos       1ose          1500
                   t                                            2z    |_cor     cesz       1o2e          1300
        Toats—     ~| LTE—TDD (SCrom\1 RB, $ i.                 xX    i246      wass       sses   aso    e00        290%
        Anp           arsx, UL Subtame=2.7)
                                                                Y     238       tose       4131          o
                                                                2|    eso       saso       sose          soo
        Toear—                LTE—ToD (GC—Fown 7 RS, 20 z.      x     1oas      too16      ss12   30|    can         £95%
        MmG                   OPSK UL Subtrame=2.7)
                |                                               y     zoar      mser       a02s          wo
                1                                               2|     seo      |_seao     Pose          soo
        T0818—~| GOMA2O00 (Ix Advanced)                         xX     osi      cars       rar    000    1s0 |       90%
                     1                                          Y     08e       6118       1050          1500
                     |                                          2     o«        ©000       658           1500
        Tosse:                |trEtop(orpwasnz ETman,           x     s30       sars       isas   22e    son         ze6%
        m»o                   Clippng 44%)
                                                                Y     ECA       67.09      1680          800
                     I                                          2     |_sor     |_ssos     1612          w0
        Tess —| tre—on (orows tomnz E—man,                      x     es        sem        feir   223    o0          90%
        AnB   _| Clipping 44%)
                      1                                         YJ    4iz       sese       fess          wo
                      1                                         2     383       Si83       1589          800
        Tess |tretopyoroma ismz E—mmai,                         x     see       esor       i621   225    soo         190%
        ES        Gioping 44%)
               I                                                Y     409       6594       1683          so
               1                                                2|    see       ois        1577          soo
        Tosss: | LTE—ToD|orowazommz E—ma1,                      x     a0s       sso0       reze   22e    s00         250%
        AB     _\ Cliepng 44%)
               1                                                Y     415       6503       1086          800                m\
                \                                               2|     on       saio       1583          soo
        10656— ~| Pulse Waverom (2oone, 10%)                    X"|   10000     1008       2582   1000   so0         z96%
        An\               I
                          I                                     Y     10000     11250      255           500
                                                                2     [_ase     riss       rea9          soo
        10550—                Puise Wavelom (200fiz,20%)        x     10000     10816      2380   699    o0          208%
                          [                                     v     iaso      tiaze      25se          w0
                          1                                     2     399       Tsa7       1280          so

       Certficate No: EX3—3847_Aprté                            Page 38 of 39

                                                                                                                                 koge reves

            exsove— sNseer                                                                                                Apri25, 2018
             10660—         Puise Wavelom (200nz, a0%)              x     foaso      foszo     2110       se        so0      +96%
                                                                    v     oand       mass      zo2                 wo
                                                                    2z     isr       care      100                 wo
             10561—         Pulse Waverom (200hz, G0%)              x     oons       ons       iao        222      1000      #96%
                        7                                           y     foaso      fizas     2ear                o
                                                                    z      oz        es        ase                 10
             T0662—     —| Puise Wavefom (2o0ne, G0%)               x      o1        sas        aso       osr      200       +96%
                      —T                                            ¥     foaso      mear      2aas                120
                                                                    z      12s       sose       ta2                120

            * Uncerainy is dternined using he max. eviaton rom Inew respanse appljg reciangua detibuton and is epresse fr t square o the

            Certficate No: EXG—3847_Aprié                           Page 30 of 30

 nnoprrs enc rews w w

   HBvo# . 18124                           e in Collsboration with
                                                                _                       9 A EAST
                                                                                       f&//&__ AEEVY
                             TTL a                                                                  CNASEE*
                                                causranon tasoRAtoRy                  7/\@e              cALBRATION
                     Add: No S1 Xueyuan Road, Haidian Distict,Beling, 100191, China     .@“                                CNAS L0570
                     Tel +86—10—42308633—2512       Fac +86—10—62304633—2504
                     E—mail          HipiZwswschinatl.en
              Client ;        ATE                                                     CGertificate No: Z18—60043

        Object                                    DAE4 — SN: 41
        Callbration Procedure(s)                  rEzi1—002.01

                                                  Callbration Procedure for the Data Acquisition Electronics
        Calibration date:                         March 22, 2018
        This calibration Certificate documents the traceabilty to national standards, which realize the physical units of
        measurements(S1). The measurements and the uncertainties with confidence probabilty are given on the following
        pages and are part of the certificate.

        All calibrations have been conducted in the closed laboratory facilty: environment temperature@2s3)°C. and

        Calibration Equipment used (M&TE crical for calibration)
         Primary Standards               iD#         Cal Date(Calibrated by, Certficate No.)        Scheduled Calibration

         Process Calibrator 753         1971018            27—Jun—17 (CTTL, No.J17X05859)                    June—18


                                         Name                   Function                                Signature
         Callbrated by                    Yu Zongying           SAR Test Engineer

         Reviewed by:                     Ln Hao               SAR Test Engineer                     i M F
         Approved by:                     Gi Dianyuan           SAR Project Leader

                                                                                                Issued: March 23, 2018
         This calibration certificate shall not be reproduced except in full without written approval of the laboratory.            ‘

             Certificate No: Z18—60043                               Page 1 of3

               ‘TTL‘, a
              Add: No S1 Xueyuan Road, Haidian Distict, Beiing, 100191, China
              Tel: 8—10—62304633—25 12       Fax: +86—10—42304633—2504
              E—mail:        Hips/hwwakchinatlen

       DAE                          data acquisition electronics
       Connector angle               information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X
                                    to the robot coordinate system.

       Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
       «DC Voltage Measurement: Calibration Factor assessed for use in DASY
          system by comparison with a calibrated instrumenttraceable to national
           standards. The figure given corresponds to the full scale range of the
           voltmeterin the respective range.

       «   Connector angle: The angle of the connectoris assessed measuring the
           angle mechanically by a tool inserted. Uncertainty is not required.

       +   The report provide only calibration results for DAE, it does not contain other
           performance test results.

       Certifiate No: 18—60043                               Page 2 of3


                                       Fax: +86—10—62304633—2504

     DC Voltage Measurement
         AID — Converter Resolution nominal
             High Range:       1LGB=        8.1uV,  fullrange=      —100..+300 mV
             Low Range:        1LSB=         61nV,  fulrange=       —1..... +3mV
         DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring tme: 3 sec

          Callbration Factors              X                       Y                    Z
          High Range             404.524 + 0.15% (k=2) 404.384 + 0.15% (k=2) 404.149 2 0.15% (=2)
          Low Range               395849 £ 0.7% (k=2)       3.9340020.7% (ke2)   307498 0.7% (k=2)

     Connector Angle

          Connector Angle to be used in DASY system                                  200 a1°

     Certificate No: 218—60043                        Page 3 of3

Document Created: 2018-11-20 14:09:13
Document Modified: 2018-11-20 14:09:13

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