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   HughesNet                                                                                                               HKVanEs.
                                                                                                                              An EctoStarComoany
 Setting Up Your Hughes Wi—Fi Booster With Your HT2000W Modem

Check the box contents
Before you begin, make sure the bas has the cantents shownifigure 1

                 Hughes Wi—Fi Booster
         Power supply
                                                                                           Figure 2: Red LED — Boosteris ready forconfiguration
                                                                                 3. Connect the Booster to the HT2000W with the provided LAN cable.
                                                                                   Connect the cablefrom the yellow LAN port on the device to any LAN port
                                                                                   on the HT200OW, See Figure

                        .                     .——— LANcable

                           Figure 1: Box contents
Configure the Booster
For the nital setup, you must be near the HT2000W, To configure the Hughes
  1. Plug the Boosterinto a power outlet using the provided power supply.
    Push the Power button (€) ) on the back of the deviceto power it on.
  2. Lay the Booster horizontallyas shown nFigure 2,soyou can clealy see
     the LED on the bottom oftWaitfor the LED to turnred. This may take 1
     minute.The LED willturn ather colors before turning red.

                                                                            'I                Figure 3: Connectthe Boostertothe HT200OW                   2

1spz00rooso0)noat                                                                               1041400—0001 Revision B                           April6, 2017

 4. Watchthe LED on the Boosteras the device automatically syncs with the         What do the different LED colors mean?
    HT200OW, The LED wl blinklight purple for about1 minute while this
   happens, See Figure A                                                                                  Table 1:LED color mesnings
                                                                                    IEDcolor                             betintion
                                                                                   Sold biue    Good WFicommection No action required
        Nes                                e =———                                  Fshing       Comecting to the WLFi natwork IFt does not connect, the
                                                                                   blue         LED wil tum red
                mz                                  L 2s                           Amber        Poor conection to the HT2000W. Tiying moving the device
                                                                                   forange}     closertotheWFimodem:
                  Figure 4: Purple LED — Boosteris syncing                         Red          No comection tothe HT2000W,or the BoosterIsnotproperly
 5. When the LEDis solid blue, the sync is complete.Seetiqure$.                                 configured. Ty moving theBoosteclosertothe HT200OW or
                                                                                                try reconfiguringthe Booster by repeating thestepsin the
                                                                                                Configure the Boostersection
                                                                                   Tight purple The davice‘s booting Itcan take upto I mnute o fuly boot
                 nare                                  —oas
      emcgmmmmengoons                                                             Need help with the installation?
                    Figure 5t Blue LED — sync is complete                          Ifyou encountera problem during installaton, call Hughes Customer Support
                                                                                   at 866347—3202.
 6. Disconnectthe LAN cable from the HT2000W and the Booster. Store the
   cable in a safe place;you will not need it forthe rest ofthis process.         TAEERIEHERTITTINITIRRETLinocoaione snnuocoerccran
 7. Press the Power button (€h ) on the back ofthe Booster to power it down,
   then disconnect the device‘s power supply from the outlet. Leave the           ES MIetWrermleonl nnnmr aivanedinmrvin mon mcnoal y inin
   power cable connected to the Booster:                                          Engrmmdtnidt beoriemarapie t oorattionmemcalyonalirsmenymmen
Place the Booster                                                                 REERAATHIIRERRENRRNTD uon mesntinsanstncect e secen
 1. Relocatethe Booster to an ares ofthe house halfway between where you          MeEnnei l e e be ts Orntouic i ioen s ntcos 1tdere n cce
    have an excellent wireless signal and whereyou have no signa. You can         Wtenceaclon
                                                                                  Betmonnit? ie eintimlntolce:l on snn
                                                                                                            mieanmrnonsd    narorna hn rnannnnienmemen
                                                                                                                         seusrononmee       mmeie
    use the WeFisignal strength gauge in the HughesNiet Mobile App to help
    find this ares. Ensure the area around the Booster s not cluttered and
    provides adequate ventlation for the device.
 2. Plug inthe Booster and powerit on. The LED will turn blue when the                            Coltan0201 Magheretwor ontemsLtc
   Booster connects o the HT2000W‘s Wi—Fi network.This may take about 1
                                                                                   Allnatrsesemed hi publcatonara s conmns e mopteny t Maghes emworSptemsLC
                                                                                   M parotthispubleaton may bereprodced n ar omm ory any meanswthauttre wreer
    minute.Ifthe LED daes not turn blus,seeTable 1 to diagnose the issue.          sernimin e Muahes enworcSymmimLLC, 1171 Euploata Lane Germartoun,Marjand 20026
 3. Testthewireless connection using your smart device. Your smart device          HgnesNmwott SyremsLLC has mc eva affat ntie tcomtctneand comphtaressof
    will seamlessly connect to the Booster using the same SSD and pssword          the maniai thi abcimere Hughes eworSptemsLLC hal notbefafoarorcontined
                                                                                   bete, Te nfarmaton ittdosimere iutjer t charg witoue notce ‘ughestemoc
   thatyou use for the HT200OW,                                                    Sprems1LC mate no wartyay ind wiegard t hi maet ncbatnot ied
 4. Ftis not dready, orient the Booster in ts vertical operating position, with    1the molewarantsotmerchaniiilyand erefora martcdaruon
    the LED on the bottom afthe device.                                                                          Tocemats
                                                                              3   HenmorSpemsLLC Alotrertademariarethepropury oftharrespctvecuners
                                                                                                     1041400—0001 Revision B                         April6, 2017

Document Created: 2019-10-12 08:06:47
Document Modified: 2019-10-12 08:06:47

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