RF Exposure Report Part 3


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                                        kvvice e ccew wery
                                                                                                               cugw rer viguy

Calibration Laboratory of                                                                               Sctwweizerischer Kalibrirdionst
Schmid & Partner                                                                                        Service suisse crétatonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                                        Sarvizio svizzero dtarturn
Zeughaustrasse 3, 8004 zurich, Swizoriand                                                               Swiss Calloration Service

Accrodted by he Sviss Accredtation Sonice (GAS)                                       Accreditation No: SCS 108
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatoris to the EA
Multiateral Agreement for the recagnition of callbraion certficates
Cient         CTTL(Auden)                                                             Cortficate No: D2450V2—853_Jul14

CAcieRATion centiricAte                                                                                                                   ]
 Object                            D2450V2 — SN: 853

 Cattraton procadure(s)           QA CAL—O5.w9
                                  Calibration procedure for dipole validation kits above 700 MHz

 Caltvation date:                 July 24, 2014

 This caltration ceriicate documents the tracnabiity to natlonlstandards, which realzethe physical unts of meascrements(S)
 "The measuremonts and the uneoraliles wilh confddance probabiiy are gven on thefalowing pages and are par ofthe certicate.
 Allcalbratons have been canducted in the closed lboratoy faciy: envronmenttemperature (22 3)°C and humiity« 70%.
 CalbratonEqulpment used (METE criicalfor calbraton)
 Primary Standards                  n«                     CalDate(Gorticate No                             Scheduled Gaftration
 Pover moter EPM—440A               Gesrasoree             te—oci1s (No. 217—0r827)                         on
 Pover sensor HP 8481A              ussraserss             ces13 (io. 2r.—0re07)                            Octrs
 Power sensor HP 8481A              mvarooesr?             0o—0si13 (No. 2tz—0re00)                         Gc+na
 Reference 20 d Attnsator           sn: sose 209           copers (io. 217.0r010)                           Apeis
 TypeN mismatch combinaton          |SN: 8047206327        Ca—fpe14 (No.217.018e1)                          Apers
 Reterence Probe ES3OV3             sht azos               20—bee—13 (no. Es>—s205_Decio)                   Deors
 oase                               sit so1                30—per4 (No. Dat+601_Aprid)                      »peis
 Secondary Standards                n«                     Chask Date house)                                Scheduled Chack
 RF genertor RAS SMT—06             100005                 —1u9—90 (n house chook Oct19)                    in house checkc Oct16
 Notwotk Analyzer HP 8750E          useradoses $1208       18—0ct01 (inhousecheck Oc+13)                    In house checkc Octté

                                    Name                               Furcton                                     e
 Cattrated by:                      Claudio Louber                     Laboratoy Techrican

 Approved by:                       Katis Porovic                      Techrical Manager          M’

                                                                                                            Issuedt Juy 24,2014
 This calbration carticete shall not breproduced except in ful wthout witen anproval ofthe laboratoy.

Certicate No: D2450V2—053_Jultd                                Page 1 of8

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ANNEX I   Accreditation Certificate

                                      ©Copyright. All rights reserved by CTTL.

Document Created: 2015-05-12 15:01:50
Document Modified: 2015-05-12 15:01:50

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