Test Report


Test Report

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No. DAT-P-114/01-01

              TEST                   REPORT
                        No. 2007TAR016

Product          OT-C717A

Model            C7SA

Client           T&A Mobile Phones

                Telecommunication Metrology Center

                  of Ministry of Information Industry

                      Telecommunication Metrology Center
                        of Ministry of Information Industry
No. 2007TAR016                                                                 Page 2 of 20


1. The test report shall be invalid if there is no “specified stamp for the test report” or the
   stamp of the test organization on it.
2. Copies of the test report shall be invalid if there is no “specified stamp for the test
   report” or the stamp of the test organization on it.
3. The test report shall be invalid if there are no signatures of the testing person,
   reviewing person and approving person on it.
4. The test report shall be invalid if it is altered.
5. Any demurral about the test shall be put forward to the testing organization within 15
   days after the receiving of the test report.
6. This test report standalone dose not constitute or imply by its own an approval of the
    product by any Certification Authorities or Competent Bodies.
7. This report is only valid if complete, and test report shall not be reproduced except in
   full, without written approval of the laboratory.
8. This report cannot be used partially or in full for publicity and/or promotional purposes
   without previous written approval of Telecommunication Metrology Center of MII and
   the Accreditation Bodies, if it applies.

 Address:       No. 52, Huayuan Bei Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China
                (Telecommunication Metrology Center of MII)
 Post code:     100083
 Telephone: +86 10 62302041                             Fax:     +86 10 62304793
 Web site:      http://www.emcite.com
 E-mail:        welcome@emcite.com

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                              of Ministry of Information Industry
No. 2007TAR016                                                                                          Page 3 of 20

                                         TABLE OF CONTENT

1. COMPETENCE AND WARRANTIES .....................................................................5
2. Testing Laboratory ................................................................................................5
2.1 Testing Location .................................................................................................5
2.2 Testing Environment...........................................................................................5
2.3 Testing Period .....................................................................................................6
3. Applicant Information ...........................................................................................6
3.1 Client Information................................................................................................6
3.2 Manufacture Information ....................................................................................7
4. Equipment Under Test (EUT) and Ancillary Equipment (AE).............................7
4.1 About EUT ...........................................................................................................7
4.2 Internal Identification of EUT used during the test...........................................7
4.3 Photographs of EUT............................................................................................7
5. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ............................................................................7
6. MAIN TEST INSTRUMENTS ..................................................................................8
ANNEX A MEASUREMENT RESULTS ......................................................................9
ANNEX B PHOTOGRAPH OF EUT..........................................................................12
ANNEX C TEST LAYOUT.........................................................................................20

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                               of Ministry of Information Industry
No. 2007TARO16                                                                                 Page 4 of 20

          Product                    OT—C717A                                            C7SA
                                                           Trade mark

            Client                                      T&A Mobile Phones

      Manufacturer                                      T&A Mobile Phones

        rrival Date
                 Date 0 of         July 16", 2007         Carrier
                                                            arrier of of the
                                                                          th          Ying Kong
          sample                                             samples
        Quantity of                       4                   Date of                      /
       the samples                                           product

      Series number          EUT1: 011095000001815

                             FCC Part 15 (10—1—06 Edition)

                             Final Judgment: Pass


                                                                               Date of issue: 2007—08—06

        Comment              The test result relates only to the tested samples.

                     {Z          4                          ty                                  $
Approved by               Q 2¥ L/é       Reviewed by                             Tested by      _     $ t
                     (Lu Bingsong)                        (Song Chongwen)                       (Zi Xiaogang)
(Lu Bingsong — Deputy Director of the laboratory)

                        Telecommunication Metrology Center
                          of Ministry of Information Industry
No. 2007TAR016                                                                           Page 5 of 20


Telecommunication Metrology Center of Ministry of Information Industry(hereinafter TMC) is
a test laboratory accredited by DAR (DATech) – Deutschen Akkreditierungs Rat (Deutsche
Akkreditierungsstelle Technik), for the tests indicated in the Certificate No. DAT-P-114/01-01.
TMC is a test laboratory accredited by CNAL – Accreditation Certificate of China National
Accreditation Board for Laboratories, for the tests indicated in the Certificate No. L0442.
TMC is FCC listed lab. FCC listed number is 733176.
The test site in TMC is registered in Industry Canada. The IC registration number is 6629.
TMC is a testing laboratory competent to carry out the tests described in this report.
TMC guarantees the reliability of the data presented in this report, which is the result of
measurements and tests performed to the item under test on the date and under the conditions
stated on the report and is based on the knowledge and technical facilities available at TMC at the
time of execution of the test.
TMC is liable to the client for the maintenance by its personnel of the confidentiality of all information
related to the item under test and the results of the test.

2. Testing Laboratory

2.1 Testing Location
Company Name:              Telecommunication Metrology Center of Ministry of Information Industry
Address:                   No 52, Huayuan beilu, Haidian District, Beijing,P.R.China
Postal Code:               100083
Telephone:                 00861062303288
Fax:                       00861062304793

2.2 Testing Environment
Semi-anechoic chamber (23 meters×17meters×10meters) did not exceed following limits along
the EMC testing:
Temperature                                 Min. = 15 ℃, Max. = 30 ℃
Relative humidity                           Min. = 30 %, Max. = 60 %
Shielding effectiveness                     > 110 dB
Electrical insulation                       > 10 kΩ
Ground system resistance                    < 0.5 Ω
Normalised site attenuation (NSA)           < ±3.2 dB, 10 m distance, from 30 to 1000 MHz
Uniformity of field strength                Between 0 and 6 dB, from 26 to 1000 MHz

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Control room did not exceed following limits along the EMC testing:
Temperature                              Min. = 15 ℃, Max. = 35 ℃
Relative humidity                        Min. =30 %, Max. = 60 %
Shielding effectiveness                  > 110 dB
Electrical insulation                    > 10 kΩ
Ground system resistance                 < 0.5 Ω
Conducted chamber did not exceed following limits along the EMC testing:
Temperature                              Min. = 15 ℃, Max. = 30 ℃
Relative humidity                        Min. = 30 %, Max. = 60 %
Shielding effectiveness                  > 110 dB
Electrical insulation                    > 10 kΩ
Ground system resistance                 < 0.5 Ω

Fully-anechoic chamber (6.8 meters×3.08 meters×3.53 meters) did not exceed following limits
along the EMC testing:
Temperature                              Min. = 15 ℃, Max. = 30 ℃
Relative humidity                        Min. = 30 %, Max. = 60 %
Shielding effectiveness                  > 110 dB
Electrical insulation                    > 10 kΩ
Ground system resistance                 < 0.5 Ω
Uniformity of field strength             Between 0 and 6 dB, from 26 to 1000 MHz

2.3 Testing Period
 Testing Start Date:             July 18,2007
 Testing End Date:               July 28,2007

3. Applicant Information

3.1 Client Information
Name or Company         T&A Mobile Phones
Address/Post            4F, South Building, No.2966, JinKe Road, Zhangjiang High-Tech Park
City                    Shanghai
Postal Code             201203
Country                 China
Telephone               0086-21-61460853
Fax                     0086-21-61460602

                    Telecommunication Metrology Center
                      of Ministry of Information Industry
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3.2 Manufacture Information
Name or Company    T&A Mobile Phones
Address/Post       4F, South Building, No.2966, JinKe Road, Zhangjiang High-Tech Park
City               Shanghai
Postal Code        201203
Country            China
Telephone          0086-21-61460853
Fax                0086-21-61460602

4. Equipment under Test (EUT) and Ancillary Equipment (AE)

4.1 About EUT
 Model                      C7SA
 Description                OT-C717A
 FCC ID                     RAD055
 Hardware status            PIO
 Software status            V521
 Power supply               Battery or Charger (AC Adaptor)

4.2 Internal Identification of EUT used during the test
       EUT ID           SN or IMEI              HW Version                 SW Version
       EUT1          011095000001815                PIO                      V521

4.3 Photographs of EUT
Photographs of MS Hand Telephone Set and Charger are respectively shown in ANNEX B of this
test report.


  Abbreviations used in this clause:
                        P                         Pass
                       NA                         Not applicable
                        F                         Fail

   Clause                      List                       Clause in FCC rules       Verdict
        1              Radiated Emission                       15.109(a)                P
        2             Conducted Emission                       15.107(a)                P

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                          of Ministry of Information Industry
 No. 2007TAR016                                                       Page 8 of 20


                                             SERIES      MANUFACTUR        CAL DUE
NO.     Description             TYPE
                                             NUMBER          E              DATE
 1      Test Receiver           ESS         847151/015       R&S          2007-10-30
 2      Test Receiver           ESI40       831564/002       R&S           2008-2-11
 3     BiLog Antenna            3142B        9908-1403      EMCO           2008-1-16
 4     BiLog Antenna           VUL9163       9163 175    Schwarzbeck       2009-9-19
 5    Signal Generator         SMT06        831285/005       R&S          2007-12-26
 6    Signal Generator         SMP04          100070         R&S           2008-4-20
 7          LISN               ESH2-Z5      829991/012       R&S           2007-8-13
 8    Spectrum Analyzer        E4440A       MY41000262      Agilent        2008-4-18
       Universal Radio
 9     Communication           CMU200         100680         R&S           2007-8-23
        Dual-Ridge                                                          2008-3
10    Waveguide Horn            3115         9906-5827      EMCO
        Dual-Ridge                                                          2008-3
11    Waveguide Horn            3116           2663         EMCO
        Dual-Ridge                                                          2008-3
12    Waveguide Horn            3116           2661         EMCO
13    Climatic chamber         SH-241        92003546      ESPEC           2008-5-15
14    Spectrum Analyzer        FSU26          200030         R&S           2008-6-19
15     Bluetooth Tester        MT8852A      6K0002698      Anritsu         2009-3-19

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                         of Ministry of Information Industry
No. 2007TAR016                                                                    Page 9 of 20


A.1 Radiated Emission (§15.109(a))

A.1.1 Method of measurement
The field strength of radiated emissions from the unintentional radiator (USB mode of MS) at a
distance of 3 meters is tested. The test set-up please refers to Annex C.1.

A.1.2 EUT Operating Mode:
The MS is operating in the USB mode. During the test MS is connected to a laptop via a USB cable.
The model of the laptop is IBM T42 2373-M6C, and the serial number of the laptop is 99-FV6P2. The
software is used to let the laptop keep on copying data to MS, reading and erasing the data after
copy action was finished.

A.1.3 Measurement Limit

  Frequency of emission (MHz)                      Field strength (microvolts/meter)
              30-88                                              100
             88-216                                              150
             216-960                                             200
            Above 960                                            500

A.1.4 Measurement Results

                       Figure A.1 Radiated Emission from 30MHz to 1GHz

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                          of Ministry of Information Industry
No. 2007TAR016                                                                             Page 10 of 20

                        Figure A.2 Radiated Emission from 1GHz to 3GHz

A.2 Conducted Emission (§15.107(a))

A.2.1 Method of measurement
For equipment that is designed to be connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the radio
frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the AC power line on any frequency or frequencies
within the band 150kHz to 30MHz shall not exceed the limits. The test set-up please refers to Annex

A.2.2 EUT Operating Mode:
The MS is operating in the USB mode. During the test MS is connected to a laptop via a USB cable.
The model of the laptop is IBM T42 2373-M6C, and the serial number of the laptop is 99-FV6P2. The
software is used to let the laptop keep on copying data to MS, reading and erasing the data after
copy action was finished.

A.2.3 Measurement Limit

 Frequency of emission (MHz)                                  Conducted limit (dBµV)
                                                 Quasi-peak                            Average
            0.15-0.5                              66 to 56*                            56 to 46*
              0.5-5                                  56                                   46
              5-30                                   60                                   50
*Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency

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                                         of Ministry of Information Industry
No. 2007TAR016                                                                                                          Page 11 of 20
A.2.4 Measurement Results

         Level [dB礦]


    40                                                                              xx




                 150k         300k         500k            1M                2M    3M            5M    7M    10M            30M
                                                            Frequency [Hz]

    x             MES   7TA505_DC_fin QP
    +             MES   7TA505_DC_fin AV
                  MES   7TA505_DC_pre PK
                  MES   7TA505_DC_pre AV

                       Figure A.3 Conducted Emission
Frequency                    Level                Transd         Limit            Margin              Line         PE
   MHz                       dBµV                   dB           dBµV              dB
 0.150000                    56.90                 10.1             66             9.1                L1           FLO
 0.490000                    47.40                 10.1             56             8.8                 N           FLO
 2.931808                    40.60                 10.1             56             15.4               L1           GND
 3.050972                    41.10                 10.1             56             14.9                N           GND
 3.383959                    42.30                 10.1             56             13.7                N           GND
 3.635548                    28.60                 10.1             56             27.4                N           FLO

Frequency                    Level                Transd         Limit            Margin              Line         PE
   MHz                       dBµV                   dB           dBµV              dB
 0.495000                    26.30                 10.1             46             19.8               L1           FLO
 1.465000                    35.20                 10.1             46             10.8               L1           GND

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External Photo

                              Mobile Phone

                              Mobile Phone

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                   of Ministry of Information Industry
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                               Mobile Phone

                          Charger (AC/DC Adapter)

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                   of Ministry of Information Industry
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                      Label of Charger (AC/DC Adapter)

                                USB Cable

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                   of Ministry of Information Industry
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Internal Photo

                         Mobile phone Disassembly

                         Mobile phone Disassembly

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                   of Ministry of Information Industry
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                         Mobile phone Disassembly

                         Mobile phone Disassembly

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                   of Ministry of Information Industry
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                         Mobile phone Disassembly

                         Mobile phone Disassembly

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                   of Ministry of Information Industry
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                         Mobile phone Disassembly

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                   of Ministry of Information Industry
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                         Pic C.1 Radiated Emission

                        Pic C.2 Conducted Emission

                        ***END OF REPORT BODY***

Document Created: 2007-08-06 17:01:04
Document Modified: 2007-08-06 17:01:04

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