User Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                          whenever low battery is encountered. When battery becomes low, LED              Please refer to your mobile phone user guide for details.                                   time. When one of them receives an incoming call, the other phone will be
                                                                                          will flash red every 3 seconds. Under low battery condition, if headset is      (5) Last Number Re-Dialing                                                                  disconnected from headset but resume connection automatically after the
                                                                                          continuously used, it’ll decrease durability of battery as well as standby           Under standby mode, short press the “MFB” button twice for last number                 first one has finished the phone call.
                                                                                          time and cause longer charge time than normal 2 hrs. Also, the headset will          redial.
                                                                                          power off.                                                                                                                                                             11. Low Voltage Protection of Battery
                                                                                                                                                                          (6) Adjusting the Volume
                                                                                      (3) The red LED will flash on while charging, and blue LED will flash on when                                                                                              When the voltage of battery decreased to 3.3V, the red LED will flash in every 3
                                                                                                                                                                               During a call, press the “V+” or “V-” buttons repeatedly until you reach the
                                                                                          charging is completed.                                                                                                                                                 seconds, and the headset will be power off automatically when the voltage under
                                                                                                                                                                               desired volume level.
                                                                                                                                                                          (7) Mute & Un-Mute                                                                     3.0V.
                                                                                      5. Turning ON/OFF the Headset
                                                                                                                                                                               a. Mute: During a call, press and hold the “V-” button for 3 seconds to
                                                                                      Power ON:                                                                                    mute the headset. The red LED will flash on during mute mode.                 12. Restore to Default Setting
                                                                                      When Headset is under off mode, press and hold the “MFB” for 3 seconds until             b. Un-Mute: Press and hold the “V-” button 3 seconds to un-mute the               Please follow the steps below to reset the headset to its original setting and
                                                                                      you hear a short beep. The blue LED will flash 5 times, and then the headset will            headset.                                                                      remove all the previous pairing and connection.
                                                                                      automatically connect to the last connected mobile phone.                                                                                                                  (1). Ensure the headset is under standby mode.
                                                                                                                                                                          (8) Transferring Calls
                                                                                      Power OFF:                                                                                                                                                                 (2). Press and hold both of “V+” and “V-” buttons for 10 seconds until the blue
                                                                                                                                                                               a. Headset to Mobile Phone: During a call, press and hold the “V+” button
                                                                                      When headset is under standby mode, press and hold the “MFB” button for 3                    for 3 seconds, and the call is routed to your mobile phone.                         and red LED flash 5 times, then the headset will resume standby mode.
                                                                                      seconds until you hear a short beep. The red LED will flash 5 times before power                                                                                                 The headset is now back to original setting, and after power on the headset
                                                                                                                                                                               b. Mobile Phone to Headset: Press and hold the “V+” button for 3 seconds
                                                                                      off.                                                                                                                                                                             again, it will enter pairing mode automatically.
                                                                                                                                                                                   to route the call to headset.
                                                                                                                                                                          (9) Hold the Call                                                                      NOTES: If the headset is connected with a mobile phone before restore to default

            MONO HEADSET
                                                                                      6. Pairing                                                                                                                                                                 setting, it will enter pairing mode automatically after restored to default. If the
                                                                                                                                                                               During a call, press the “MFB” button twice to hold the phone call. Press “MFB”
                                                                                      Prior to using the headset for the first time, you must pair it with a Bluetooth-                                                                                          headset is not connected with the mobile phone before restore to default setting,
                                                                                                                                                                               button twice again to resume conversation.
                                                                                      enabled mobile phone. The steps below describe pairing instructions for a typical                                                                                          it will be under standby mode after restored to default setting.
                                                                                                                                                                          (10) Answer the Second Call
                                                                                      Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone.
                                                                                                                                                                               a. When receiving a second call, press “MFB” button twice to hold the first
                                                                                      (1) Place the headset and mobile phone no more than 1 meter apart.                                                                                                         13. LED Indication
                                                                                                                                                                                   call on line and answer the second call.
                                                                                      (2) Ensure the headset is under OFF mode.
                                                                                                                                                                               b. When receiving a second call, press “MFB” button once to end the first          Headset Status                             LED Indication
                                                                                      (3) Press and hold the “MFB” button for 6 seconds until the LED flash red and                call and answer the second call.
                                                                                           blue alternatively. It is now ready for pairing.                                                                                                                       Power Off Mode                             Off
                                                                                                                                                                          (11) Reject the Second Call
                                                                                      (4) Activate the Bluetooth function on your mobile phone and search fro                                                                                                     Power On                                   Blue LED flash 5 times rapidly
                                                                                                                                                                               When receiving a second call, press and hold the “MFB” button for 2 seconds
                                                                                           accessible Bluetooth device by referring to your mobile phone user guide for                                                                                           Power Off                                  Red LED flash 5 times rapidly
                                                                                                                                                                               to reject the second call.
                                                                                                                                                                          (12) Switch between 2 Phone Calls                                                       Standby Mode                               Blue LED flash once every 3 seconds
                                                                                      (5) Select “BT Headset” from the list.
                                                                                                                                                                               a. When having 2 calls on the line, press “MFB” button twice to switch             Standby (Disconnect Bluetooth              Blue LED flash twice every 3
                                                                                      (6) Enter the pre-programmed code “0000” and press “OK” to pair the headset
                                                                                                                                                                                   between these 2 phone calls.                                                   device)                                    seconds
                                                                                           and the phone. When pairing is completed, the blue and red LED stop
                                                                                           flashing, the headset is under the standby mode with the blue LED flashes in        b. When having 2 calls on the line, press “MFB” button once to end the first       Standby-Low Voltage                        Red LED flash once every 3 seconds
                                                                                           every 3 seconds.                                                                        call and stay with the second call.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Talk in progress                           Blue LED flash once every 6 seconds
                                                                                      (7) Press “Return” to go back to your mobile phone’s main menu. Please place
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mute                                       Red LED steady on
                                                                                           the mobile phone and the headset within 10 meters sensing distance. You        10. MultiPoint Feature
                                                                                           should now be able to make and receive calls using your headset.               (1) Activate Multipoint Connection                                                                                                 The red and blue LED flash on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Pairing in progress
                            User Manual                                               Note: If the pairing cannot be completed within 2 minutes after the pairing mode    The default setting of Headset’s multipoint function is off. Please activate the

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1. About Bluetooth Technology                                                         is activated, the headset will power off automatically. Please repeat steps above   multipoint function for connecting with 2 mobile phones in the same time.               Charging in progress                       Red LED steady on
Bluetooth wireless technology is set to revolutionize the personal connectivity       to pair the headset and mobile phone again.                                         a. Multipoint On: Under standby mode, press and hold “V+” button for 10
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Charging completed                         Blue LED steady on
by providing freedom from wired connections-enabling links and connectivity                                                                                                    seconds until you hear a beep. After turn on the multipoint function, the
between notebook/laptop, mobile phones, portable handheld devices and other           7. Connection/Link between Headset and Mobile Phone                                      headset will automatically connect to the last 2 mobile phones that has been
Bluetooth enabled devices within 10 meters. Utilizing global sound & digital data     After pairing is completed, headset is always under standby mode. Before you             paired before.                                                                    14. Product Specification
2.4GHz ISM transmission, it makes global communication in the way you’ve never        place or answer a call, if the headset icon is not shown on phone screen, please    b. Multipoint Off: Under standby mode, press and hold “V-” button for 10               Bluetooth Compliance: Bluetooth V2.1+EDR
dreamed of!                                                                           follow the steps below to activate the Bluetooth connection/link through your            seconds until you hear a beep. The headset will turn off the multipoint           Operating Frequency Band: 2.4GHz ~ 2.48GHz unlicensed ISM band
                                                                                      mobile phone or headset until the headset icon is on the screen.                         function and power off automatically. When power on the headset again, it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Output Power: Class 2, up to 10 meters
2. Getting to Know Your Bluetooth Headset                                             (1) On phone: Select the “BT Headset” from the paired list on your phone                 will only connect to the last connected Bluetooth device.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Support Profiles: HSP and HFP 1.5 Profiles
To use your Bluetooth Headset, please follow these simple steps:                           screen.                                                                        (2) Multipoint Pairing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Support Multiple Paired Device: Memorize paired data of 8 Bluetooth phones (Only
(1) Charge your Headset. Prior to using the Headset, it is recommended to             (2) On headset: Short press “MFB” and select “Accept” on phone screen to                 a. First mobile phone: Pair the headset with one of the Bluetooth-enabled
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2 connections at any time)
     charge the battery fully for the first time. Normal full charge time is 2 hrs.        accept connection.                                                                       mobile phone.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Stand-by Time: Up to 150 hours
     (approx.)                                                                                                                                                                 b. Second mobile phone: Power off the headset. Press and hold the “MFB”
                                                                                                                                                                                    button for 6 seconds to enter pairing mode again to pair and connect         Talk Time: Up to 6~8 hours
(2) Place your Headset and a Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone within 1 meter            8. Disconnection between Headset and Mobile Phone
     for pairing.                                                                                                                                                                   with the second mobile phone.                                                Battery Charging Time: About 2 hours
                                                                                      When you need to connect your headset with another Bluetooth-enabled mobile
(3) Ensure your Headset and mobile phone is placed within 10 meters Bluetooth                                                                                                  c. Connect with the first paired mobile phone to the headset.                     Charger Voltage: DC 5.0V, 300mA
                                                                                      phone, please follow the steps below to disconnect the headset with the pre-
     sensing distance. (Obstruction could cause shorter sensing distance.)            paired mobile phone.                                                                (3) Multipoint Connection/Link with 2 Mobile Phones                                    Battery: 85mA (Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Battery)
                                                                                      (1) Power off the Headset.                                                               After the multipoint function is activated, please follow the steps below to
3.    Appearance and Function                                                         (2) Select “Disconnecting” on the Bluetooth device list of your mobile phone to          connect with 2 Bluetooth enabled mobile phones in the same time.
(1)   Speaker                                                    (3)                        remove the connection.                                                             a. When power on the headset, it will automatically search and connect the
(2)   Microphone                                                                      Note: When losing the connection/link, the headset will be automatically power                last 2 mobile phones that have been connected before.                        FCC Warning:
                                                  (4)                                 off in 10 minutes. The blue LED will flash twice in every 3 seconds when the             b. Under standby mode, press and hold “V+” button for 3 seconds until
(3)   Charging Socket                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
                                                                               (1)    headset is not connected with mobile phone.                                                   you hear a beep, then the headset will automatically connect the last 2      following two conditions:
(4)   Multi-Function Button (MFB)                          (5)
                                                                                                                                                                                    mobile phone that have been connected before.
(5)   Volume Increase (V+)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (1) The device may not cause harmful interference, and
                                                           (6)                        9. Using the Headset                                                                (4) Using the Secondary Mobile Phone through Headset
(6)   Volume Decrease (V-)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference
                                                                                      (1) Answering Call                                                                       When connected with 2 Bluetooth mobile phones, the first connected one            that may cause undesired operation.
                                                                                                                                                                               is primary phone that can use “MFB” button for voice dial and redial. The
                                                                                           When receiving a phone call, Press the “MFB” button to answer the call.                                                                                               Changes or modification not expressly approved by the party responsible for
4.   Charging Your Bluetooth                                                                                                                                                   second connected phone is secondary phone that will use "V+" button for
                                                                                      (2) Ending Call                                                                                                                                                            compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
     Headset                                 (2)                                                                                                                               voice dial and redial.
                                                       BH600E                              Press the “MFB” button to end a call.                                                                                                                                 FCC Radio Frequency Exposure statement:
The Bluetooth Headset comes with                                                                                                                                               a. Voice Dial: Press “V+” button once to activate the secondary phone's
a builti-in rechargeable battery.                                                     (3) Reject Call                                                                               voice dialing function.                                                      This product has been evaluated under FCC Bulletin OET 65C and found
Prior to using the headset, it is                                                                                                                                                                                                                                compliant to the requirement asset as set forth in CFR 47 section 1.1307(b),
                                                                                           When you hear the ringing tone, Press and hold the “MFB” button for 3               b. Re-Dialing: Press “V+” button twice to redial the last outgoing number of
recommended to charge the battery fully for the first time. Normal full charge                                                                                                                                                                                   2.1093 and 15.247(i) addressing RF Exposure from radio frequency device,
                                                                                           seconds to reject the call.                                                              secondary phone.
time is 2 hrs. (approx.)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the redialed output power of this product is far below the FCC radio frequency
                                                                                      (4) Voice Dial                                                                      Note:                                                                                  exposure limits.
IMPORTANT:                                                                                 If your mobile phone is voice dialing enabled, under standby mode, short       1. When the headset is in Multipoint off mode and connect with only 1 mobile
(1) Charging indication will be delayed for a few minutes if the headset has not           press the “MFB” button and say the voice tag after you hear a beep.                 phone, it can also enter voice dial function by press “V+” button once, or make
     been used for a long time or the battery is drained.                             Note: Please make sure to record voice tag into the mobile phone before using            last outgoing number re-dialing by press “V+” button twice.
(2) To prolong durability of battery, it’s recommended to charge the headset          voice dial function. Functionality varies depending on the mobile phone models.     2. The Multipoint headset can be paired with 2 mobile phones at the same

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Document Created: 2009-07-06 13:57:21
Document Modified: 2009-07-06 13:57:21

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