RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                   Certification Exhibit

                     FCC ID: R7PEG6R3S2
                      IC: 5294A-EG6R3S2

              FCC Rule Part: 15.247
    IC Radio Standards Specification: RSS-210

          ACS Report Number: 08-0459 - 15C

          Manufacturer: Cellnet Technology, Inc.
                    Model: 25-1078

                         RF Exposure

5015 B.U. Bowman Drive Buford, GA 30518 USA Voice: 770-831-8048 Fax: 770-831-8598

Model: 25-1078                           FCC ID: R7PEG6R3S2                                 IC: 5294A-EG6R3S2

General Information:
Applicant:                        Cellnet Technology, Inc.
ACS Project:                      08-0459
Device Category:                  Mobile
Environment:                      General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure

Technical Information
Antenna Type: Integral Loop
Antenna Gain: -3dBi
Transmitter Conducted Power: 25.03dBm (318mW)
Maximum System EIRP: 22.03dBm (160mW)

MPE Calculation
The Power Density (mW/cm2) is calculated as follows:

     4πR 2
S = power density (in appropriate units, e.g. mW/cm2)
P = power input to the antenna (in appropriate units, e.g., mW)
G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna (appropriate units, e.g., cm)

                               MPE Calculator for Mobile Equipment
                      Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure*
  Transmit     Radio         Power        Radio    Antenna Antenna                              Power
 Frequency     Power Density Limit        Power      Gain      Gain                             Density
   (MHz)       (dBm)      (mW/Cm2)        (mW)       (dBi)   (mW eq.)                         (mW/cm^2)
   917.58       25.03         0.61        318.42       -3      0.501     20                      0.032

Installation Guidelines
The installation manual should contain text similar to the following advising how to install the equipment to
maintain compliance with the FCC RF exposure requirements:

RF Exposure
In accordance with FCC requirements of human exposure to radio frequency fields, the radiating element
shall be installed such that a minimum separation distance of 20 centimeters will be maintained.

This device complies with the MPE requirements by providing adequate separation between the device,
any radiating structure and the general population.

                 5015 B.U. Bowman Drive Buford, GA 30518 USA Voice: 770-831-8048 Fax: 770-831-8598

Document Created: 2009-02-04 12:27:57
Document Modified: 2009-02-04 12:27:57

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