Users Manual

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              Certification Test Report

Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Transmitter

                     FCC ID: R7PEC1R2S4
                      IC: 5294A-EC1R2S4

              FCC Rule Part: 15.247
    IC Radio Standards Specification: RSS-210

               ACS Report Number: 07-0269

          Manufacturer: Cellnet Technology, Inc.
          Model: L+G S4e 2G Utilinet Endpoint

                   Installation Guide

5015 B.U. Bowman Drive Buford, GA 30518 USA Voice: 770-831-8048 Fax: 770-831-8598

Cellnet Landis + Gyr S4e
      2G UtiliNet Module

   Technical Reference Guide

                                     Proprietary Rights Notice

     This manual is an unpublished work and contains the trade secrets and confidential
     information of Cellnet, which are not to be divulged to third parties and may not be
     reproduced or transmitted in whole or part, in any form or by any means, electronic or
     mechanical for any purpose, without the express written permission of Cellnet. All rights
     to designs or inventions disclosed herein, including the right to manufacture, are reserved
     to Cellnet.

     The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Cellnet
     reserves the right to change the product specifications at any time without incurring any

     Trademarks Used in This Manual
     Cellnet® is a registered trademark of Cellnet Innovations, Inc.
     Other brands or product names are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their
     respective holders.

       Cellnet Concentrator User and Installation Guide



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                            This guide includes technical information about Cellnet’s UtiliNet endpoint
                            module (“the module”) for the Landis + Gyr S4e 2G meter. Any training provided
                            directly by the utility or by the Cellnet project management team takes
                            precedence over this guide.

                            This is the May 2007 edition of the Cellnet Landis + Gyr S4e 2G UtiliNet Module
                            Technical Reference Guide. It provides:
                            •    Definition and purpose of the module.
                            •    Features, functions, and communications of the module.
                            •    Troubleshooting.

Who Should Use This Guide
                            This guide is intended for use by utility or Cellnet engineers, technicians, and
                            project managers. It does not assume an expert level of industry or computer
                            knowledge. This guide does assume that you are familiar with basic:
                                 –       Utility operations.
                                 –       Terminology of your industry.
                                 –       Landis + Gyr S4e meter and meter operations.

How This Guide Is Organized
                            Table P.1 illustrates how this guide is organized.

                                                             Table P.1 Description of Chapters

                                Chapter              Title                               Description
                                     N       lîÉêîáÉï               ^Äçìí=íÜÉ=åÉíïçêâI=ãçÇìäÉI=~åÇ=ëçÑíï~êÉ
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                            This section describes the conventions used in this guide to make finding and
                            understanding information easier. Text formatting identifies special information.

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                  Convention                      Description
                  All bold, initial capital       Refers to field names, buttons, menus, menu
                  letters                         options, and keys. Examples: Device field, Open
                                                  button, File menu, or Ctrl key.
                  All bold lower‐case letters     Refers to the exact keystrokes you enter. What you
                                                  type is always shown in lowercase letters.
                                                  Example: Type local in the Device field.
                  Italicized lower‐case word      Refers to variables that occur in item names.
                  between less‐than sign (<)      Example: Add Sub Network To <network name>
                  and greater‐than sign (>)       dialog, where <network name> refers to the name of
                                                  a network.
                  <menu> | <option> |             Refers to the sequence of choices you should make
                  <option>...                     to access a specific dialog or menu option.
                                                  Examples: choose Start | Settings | Control Panel
                                                  or choose File | Open.
                  Plus sign (+) between keys      Refers to pressing the keys at the same time.
                                                  Example: Alt+B.
                  Comma (,) between keys          Refers to keys which are pressed sequentially.
                                                  Example: Alt,F.

                  Note boxes provide essential information about the module.

                  Cautions provide information that you must read to avoid making relatively moderate errors
                  when working with the module.

                  Warnings provide special must-read information. If you ignore a warning, you may
                  omit essential data or make a critical error. Warnings are in the same format as
                  notes, except they are shown in bold red text.

                  Cellnet technical support is available by telephone or email. When you contact
                 technical support, be prepared to give exact descriptions of:
                 •   The problem you encountered
                 •   What happened and what you were doing when the problem occurred
                 •   How you tried to solve the problem
                 •   The exact text of any error messages

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Telephone Access
                            Technical support is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
                            (EST) by calling 800‐791‐2567. If all support technicians are helping other
                            customers, your call will be routed to the Cellnet Support voice mail system.
                            Leave a brief message that includes the following information:
                            •   Your name
                            •   Your company’s name
                            •   Your telephone number
                            A support technician will return your call as soon as possible within normal
                            business hours. Technicians return all calls in the order that they are received.

Email Access
                            If you prefer, you may email a description of your problem to:
                            A support technician will return your email as soon as possible within normal
                            business hours. Technicians return all emails in the order that they are received.

                            Ordering Publications
                            You can order publications from your sales representative. To order additional
                            copies of this manual, use order number:

                            Publication Comments
                            Cellnet welcomes your feedback and comments. If you have comments or
                            suggestions for improving this publication, there is a form for reader’s comments
                            at the back of this manual. If you would like a reply, include your contact
                            •   Name
                            •   Telephone number or fax number
                            •   Email address
                            •   Company name and address
                            Be sure to include the following information along with your comment:
                            •   Title and number of this manual
                            •   Page number or topic related to your comment

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                  The following documents provide important related information.

                                                 Table P.2 Related Publications

                         Document Name                                Document Description
                   `ÉääåÉí=bäÉÅíêáÅ=jÉíÉê            aÉëÅêáÄÉë=ÉäÉÅíêáÅ=ãÉíÉê=áåëí~ää~íáçå=éêçÅÉÇìêÉëK
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                            This chapter contains an overview of the Cellnet network and the module.

                            Prior to starting the installation process, you must develop and launch an installer
                            safety training plan for initial, refresher and ongoing safety training. Ensure that
                            installers receive appropriate initial and refresher training to meet their specific
                            safety‐related responsibilities. You must provide safety training when
                            •    An existing installer assumes new duties for which he or she has not
                                 previously received training
                            •    New processes and methodologies representing new risks are introduced
                                 into the installation environment
                            •    Previously unidentified risks are reported.
                            The installation supervisory team assumes responsibility for ensuring that
                            installers are properly trained, authorized, and continually qualified to perform
                            their work. The team must also take responsibility for the safety of their installers
                            and to assure safe work methodologies. Installers must understand that their
                            supervisorʹs responsibility does not relieve them from their individual
                            responsibility to perform the work safely and to follow all safety rules and
                            procedures applicable to their work.

                            The Cellnet Automated Meter Infrastructure (AMI) network transfers
                            information from a number of endpoints, usually distributed over a large
                            geographical area to a back‐end host. The most common endpoints are from
                            electrical, gas and water meters. The network includes a Radio Frequency (RF)
                            Wide Area Network (WAN) and an RF Local Area Network (LAN). The WAN
                            includes Take Out Points (TOPs), repeaters, and concentrators. The LAN is the
                            radio frequency (RF) link between the concentrator and Cellnet endpoints.
                            •    1‐way endpoints transmit data via RF to the concentrator, where it is stored
                                 and processed. The concentrator transmits the data via RF to the TOP.
                            •    2‐way endpoints transmit data via RF to UtiliNet network radios, which pass
                                 data via RF to the TOP. The TOP sends data to the utility via Ethernet.

                            To work with the module, you need one of the following software tools:

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                  •   UtiliNet Solution Center
                  •   RadioShop
                  •   Network Configuration Manager
                  •   L+G 1132Prog application
                  •   Endpoint Testing Manager
                  •   Endpoint Implementation Manager

                  The module is the Cellnet radio that communicates with the network.

                                    FCC ID         IC ID


                                                                                 LAN ID
                                          Figure 1.1 Module with labels called out

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                            The module is not available as a stand‐alone product. To order a S4e 2G module,
                            the Cellnet kit number is 40‐1083. To order directly from L+G, visit their website
                            The meter kit includes:
                            •   meter
                            •   module
                            •   antenna.(qualified with Landis + Gyr PN 71654)

                                                      Figure 1.2 Landis + Gyr S4e 2G meter

About the LAN ID
                            The LAN ID is a unique identifier for each Cellnet module. It always displays in
                            hex. Cellnet provides the LAN address. You cannot change the LAN ID of a radio.

                            The module includes the following labels:
                            •   Cellnet LAN ID, includes programmed module part number (printed and
                            •   Cellnet Product ID (printed and barcoded)
                            •   FCC ID: R7PEC1R2S4 (stamped)
                            •   ICC ID: 5294A‐EC1R2S4 (stamped)

Shock Hazard
                            Beware of hazardous electrical voltages. Do not touch the board or any external
                            connections, such as the antenna, when the meter board is powered up.

                            The module meets the following standards:
                            •   ANSI C12.20
                                American National Standard for Electricity Meters ‐ 0.2 and 0.5 Accuracy

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                •   ANSI C12.1
                    American National Standard for electricity Meters ‐ code for electricity
                •   FCC ‐ CFR Part 15.247
                    Radio Frequency Devices, Subparts A‐General and B‐Unintentional Radiators
                For details on FCC and Industrie Canada compliance, see Appendix B,


                 Operating Temperature Range              ‐40° to +85° Celsius
                 Storage Temperature Range                ‐40° to +85° Celsius
                 Operating Vibration                      IEC 68‐2‐6
                 Operating Shock IEC                      68‐2‐27
                 Humidity ANSI 12.20            

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                            Using the Landis + Gyr S4e with 2G module, you can:
                            •    Integrate module into all forms, classes and voltages of the S4E meter
                            •    Communicate via serial connection between the module and the meter
                                 through the meterʹs provided interface
                            •    Support all levels of meter passwords
                            •    Download radio firmware

Communicating via Meter to Module Connection
                            The serial connection is a 12‐pin ribbon cable that contains:
                            •    Full duplex serial connection. The baud rate is 9600, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no
                                 hardware hand‐shaking.
                            •    Power fail indication signal from the meter that tells the module to disconnect
                                 from drawing power from the meter.
                            •    DC power line which supplies power to the module from the meter.

                                               Figure 2.1 Serial connection between module and meter

Endpoint Registration
                            After the endpoint is installed in the field, register it with the USC Host. You can
                            register the endpoint during installation using the UtiliNet 2‐Way
                            Implementation Manger tool, or from the host. See the UtiliNet Solution Center

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                         Users Guide for more information, The Host sends the endpoint registration
                         command to the endpoint. The command configures several services provided by
                         the communication module, including the following:
                         •   Default Take Out Point destination
                         •   Reporting interval for Register Data
                         •   Reporting interval for Interval Data
                         •   Meterʹs AMR‐level security password
                         •   Time Synchronization parameters
                         •   GMT offset
                         This command also initializes several processes, including the following:
                         •   Periodic Register Data reporting
                         •   Periodic LP Data reporting
                         •   Time Synchronization process
                         The command reads and returns key meter and module configuration data
                         required by the Host to properly interpret data collected by the meter.

Retrieving Data
                         The module performs data retrieval from the meter on request (ORR) or
                         autonomously (periodically reported).
                         Availability of the following features depends on meter configuration. On
                         Request Reads (ORR) available with this module are:
                         •   Register Data (Standard Table 23) which includes consumption, demand and
                             TOU values
                         •   Load Profile or Interval Data (Standard Table 64)
                         •   Revenue Integrity Services which includes instantaneous measurements
                             related to line voltage, current and phase angle
                         Availability of the following features depends on meter configuration. Options
                         for periodic reported data with this module include:
                         •   Register Data & Status Flags (Standard Tables 23 & 3) which includes
                             consumption, demand, TOU values and meter status
                         •   Load Profile or Interval Data & Status Flags (Standard Tables 64 & 3) which
                             includes interval data and meter status

Demand Reset
                         When the USC Host delivers a Demand Reset command, the communication
                         module passes the command to the meter, which performs the Demand Reset on
                         the meter. The endpoint then passes the previous demand data captured by the
                         meter (Standard Table 25) to the USC Host for processing.

Time Synchronization
                         Time synchronization is the process of keeping the meter time synchronized with
                         the UtiliNet network time within a configurable limit. The communication
                         module automatically keeps its time synchronized with the UtiliNet network via
                         periodic background process. The communication module reads the meter date/
                         clock table (Standard Table 52) periodically, determined by its configuration. If
                         the time drift between meter and communication module exceeds the configured
                         threshold, it sends a time synchronization alert message to the USC Host. The
                         Host schedules a time change event for the meter and sends it to the

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                            communication module. The time of the change is determined such that the
                            meterʹs data integrity is maintained. At the scheduled time, the communication
                            module executes the standard procedure to change date/time on the meter.

Power Outage/Restoration
                            When an outage occurs, the meter uses an early power failure signal to alert the
                            communication module to disconnect from the meterʹs power immediately. The
                            communication module saves critical module data to non‐volatile memory and
                            creates and sends a power outage message. This message includes the following
                            •   LAN ID
                            •   Outage time
                            •   Reboot count.
                            The module sends the message, then assists with routing other packets until the
                            back‐up energy source can no longer keep the radio alive. The time that this
                            energy source is available varies with several factors, including amount of data
                            packets being routed, environmental conditions and age of endpoint. Generally, a
                            hold‐up time of ~45 seconds is typical.
                            At restoration, the communication module first acquires network connectivity.
                            With network communications restored, the module sends a power restoration
                            message that includes details such as:
                            •   LAN ID
                            •   Outage time
                            •   Restoration time
                            •   Reboot count.
                            The communications module stores a history of up to the last five power outage
                            and restoration event pairs. The USC Host can request this data.

Supporting Passwords
                            The meter/module supports passwords provided by the utility.

Downloading Firmware
                            Enable meter firmware remotely via host or RadioShop. The module can remotely
                            initiate a self‐restart with communications enabled, if the downloaded firmware
                            causes a catastrophic functional failure. Once the module completely receives the
                            new code, it operates with the new code.

Encrypting Data
                            The UtiliNet Network currently supports use of one encryption key per network.
                            If you enable the S4e with encryption, the host must have a matching encryption
                            key. For more information about encryption in the UtiliNet Solution Center host,
                            see the UtiliNet Solution Center Operators Guide.

                            The UtiliNet Module Configuration structure passes the data to configure the
                            module. It is used for both C&I and Residential applications. Detailed
                            information about the configuration tables is available in Appendix A,
                            Configuration Tables.

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                         This table is currently 55 bytes long. It contains information necessary to
                         configure several services on the module, such as firmware reads, autonomous
                         data return configuration.
                         The module receives the packet, and using the data, configures its own operation.
                         The host maintains a record of the module’s configuration.

                         Contact Cellnet Customer Support at or call 800‐
                         791‐2567 with any questions or problems, and they will guide you through the
                         troubleshooting process.

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                                             Table A.1 Module Configuration

          Item       S4e Default Value Descr          General Descr                                Notes
     m~ÅâÉí=         qÜÉ=`çåÑáÖ=_óíÉë=NJR=~êÉ=   fÇÉåíáÑáÉë=ïÜáÅÜ=              tÜÉå=íÜÉ=ÅçåÑáÖìê~íáçå=áë=ëÉåíI=~ää=RR=ÄóíÉë=
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                                               Table A.1 Module Configuration

           Item        S4e Default Value Descr           General Descr                                 Notes
      mìãé=mÉêáçÇ=     PSM=ãáåìíÉë=ES=ÜçìêëF        få=jáåìíÉëK=wÉêç=Çáë~ÄäÉë=
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      mìãé=mÉêáçÇ=     M=ãáåìíÉëI=ïÜáÅÜ=ãÉ~åë=      kçí=ìëÉÇK                      `ìêêÉåí=a`t=îÉêëáçå=ÇçÉë=åçí=ëìééçêí=
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      mìãé=mÉêáçÇ=     M=ãáåìíÉëI=ïÜáÅÜ=ãÉ~åë=      kçí=ìëÉÇK                      `ìêêÉåí=a`t=îÉêëáçå=ÇçÉë=åçí=ëìééçêí=
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                            This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the
                            following two conditions:
                            (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
                            (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that
                            may cause undesired operation.
                            This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
                            digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
                            provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
                            installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency
                            energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the Instructions, may
                            cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
                            guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
                            equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
                            can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
                            try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
                            •   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
                            •   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
                            •   Consult Cellnet or an experienced radio technician for help.

                             Changes or modifications to this device not expressly approved by Cellnet
                             Technology, Inc. could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

RF Exposure
                            In accordance with FCC requirements of human exposure to radio frequency
                            fields, the radiating element shall be installed such that a minimum separation
                            distance of 20 centimeters will be maintained.

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                  This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian
                  Interference Causing Equipment Regulations. Operation is subject to the
                  following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
                  (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
                  may cause undesired operation.
                  To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain
                  should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is
                  not more than that permitted for successful communication.
                  This device has been designed to operate with an antenna having a maximum
                  gain of 2 dBi. Antennas with a gain greater than 2 dBi are strictly prohibited for
                  use with this device. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.
                  Cet appareillage numérique de la classe B répond à toutes les exigences de
                  lʹinterférence canadienne causant des règlements dʹéquipement. Lʹopération est
                  sujette aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) ce dispositif peut ne pas causer
                  lʹinterférence nocive, et (2) ce dispositif doit accepter nʹimporte quelle interférence
                  reçue, y compris lʹinterférence qui peut causer lʹopération peu désirée.
                  Pour réduire le risque dʹinterférer avec dʹautres utilisateurs, le type dʹantenne et
                  son gain doivent être choisis de telle sorte que la Puissance Isotrope Rayonnée
                  Equivalente (P.I.R.E) ne soit pas supérieure à celle autorisée pour une
                  communication réussie.
                  Cet appareil a été conçu pour opérer avec des antenne ayant un gain maximum
                  de 2dBi. Les antennes n’ayant pas un gain supérieur à 2 dBi sont strictement
                  interdites pour une utilisation avec cet appareil. Lʹimpédance dʹantenne requise
                  est de 50 ohms.

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 ANSI                                 The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) coordinates the
                                      development and use of voluntary consensus standards in the United
                                      States and represents the needs and views of U.S. stakeholders in
                                      standardization forums around the globe.

 C&I                                  Commercial & Industrial meters, usually solid state meters with
                                      demand notes.

 Concentrator                         Device that collects data and events from radio frequency local area
                                      network (RF LAN) devices for storage in the object database;
                                      communicates with the TOP to forward the metering data.

 DCW                                  A Device Control Word (DCW) is a not actually a word, but a program
                                      written in the UtiliNet programming language. DCWs execute within
                                      UtiliNet devices and provide the ability to control the device. The DCW
                                      sits on top of the firmware and directs the radio to do things such as
                                      reboot or perform advanced functions.

 Demand                               Meter rate.

 EEPROM                               Electrically Erasable Programmable Read‐Only Memory

 Host                                 The UtiliNet Network reports data to UtiliNet Solution Center software,
                                      which hosts the data and the tools to communicate remotesly with the

 Init Poll                            The first time the host requests data from an module, it is the
                                      Inititalization Poll (Init Poll). Configurable options, such as enhanced
                                      Restoration verification, may be set at this time.

 LAN                                  Local Area Network, consists of modules and RF link between
                                      endpoints and gathering devices such as Concentrators and TOPs

 Meter Forms

 Network Concentrator                 See Concentrator.

 NVRAM                                Non Volatile Random Access Memory

 On Request Read                      Operations Center DataBase. Endpoint Management system that reports
                                      to network, exchanges information with the utility.

 Outage                               Over the Air, versus a direct or indirect (router) serial cable connection.

 RAM                                  Random Access Memory


 Time Synchronization

 TOP                                  Take Out Point

 TOU                                  Time of Use. Specific meter rate where the usage is captured in intervals.

 Utilinet IWR                         Integrated WAN Radio. Used to communicate remotely to network.

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 WAN       Wide Area Network, consists of data gathering devices like
           Concentrators and endpoints

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                                  Reader’s Comment Form

Cellnet Landis + Gyr S4e 2G UtiliNet Module Technical Reference Guide (HW‐0070‐GB‐

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Attn.: Technical Documentation
30000 Mill Creek Ave.
Suite 100
Alpharetta, GA 30022


Document Created: 2007-08-07 14:34:52
Document Modified: 2007-08-07 14:34:52

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