

RF Exposure Info

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     China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

              MPE REPORT

Type of Equipment:         PremierWave XC
Type of Designation: PremierWave XC
Manufacturer:              iWOW Connections Pte Ltd

                            ACCORDING TO

Section 2.1091 Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation:
mobile devices

            China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

Month date, year
Mar, 6, 2012


He Guili

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Part 2.1091
         Equipment: PremierWave XC                                     REPORT NO.: I11GC0275-FCC-MPE-2

          FCC ID:                                  R68PWXC

          Report Date:                             2012-3-6

          Test Firm Name:                          China Telecommunication Technology Labs

          Registration Number:                     840587

          The report is a Maximum Permissible Exposure evaluation report according to
          FCC CFR part 2.1091.

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

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                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Part 2.1091
         Equipment: PremierWave XC                                             REPORT NO.: I11GC0275-FCC-MPE-2

          1 GENERAL INFORMATION ....................................................................... 4

            1.1 NOTES ................................................................................................ 4
            1.2 EDITOR ............................................................................................... 5
            1.3 TESTING LABORATORY INFORMATION ............................................................. 6
            1.4 DETAILS OF APPLICANT OR MANUFACTURER ...................................................... 7

          2 TEST ITEM ............................................................................................. 8

            2.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................ 8
            2.2 OUTLINE OF EUT .................................................................................... 8
            2.3 MODIFICATIONS INCORPORATED IN EUT......................................................... 8
            2.4 EQUIPMENT CONFIGURATION ...................................................................... 8
            2.5 OTHER INFORMATION ............................................................................... 8

          3 SUMMARY OF RESULTS .......................................................................... 9

          4 RESULTS .............................................................................................. 10

            4.1 APPLICABLE STANDARDS ......................................................................... 10
            4.2 CONDUCTED RF POWER OUTPUT ................................................................ 11
            4.3 CALCULATION INFOMATION ...................................................................... 11
            4.4 EVALUATION RESULT .............................................................................. 11

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                       Page 3 of 13

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Part 2.1091
         Equipment: PremierWave XC                                     REPORT NO.: I11GC0275-FCC-MPE-2

          1 General Information
          1.1 Notes
          The MPE report was carried out on a sample equipment to demonstrate limited
          compliance with FCC CFR 47 Part 2.1091.

          The test results of this report relate exclusively to the item(s) tested as specified
          in section 2.

          China Telecommunication Technology Labs.(CTTL) authorizes the applicant or
          manufacturer (see section 1.4) to reproduce this report provided, and the MPE
          report may only be reproduced or published in full. Reproduction or publication
          of extracts from the report requires the prior written approval of CTTL Mr. He

          Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions
          to be made based on it, are the responsibility of such third parties. CTTL accepts
          no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of
          decisions made or actions based on this report.

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

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                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Part 2.1091
         Equipment: PremierWave XC                                     REPORT NO.: I11GC0275-FCC-MPE-2

          1.2 Editor

          Editor of this test report:

          Name:                         Li Guoqing

          Position:                     Engineer

          Department:                   Department of EMC test

          Date:                         2012-3-6


          Technical responsibility for area of testing:

          Name:                         Zou Dongyi

          Position:                     Manager

          Department:                   Department of EMC test

          Date:                         2012-3-6


Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 5 of 13

                 China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Part 2.1091
         Equipment: PremierWave XC                                     REPORT NO.: I11GC0275-FCC-MPE-2

          1.3 Testing Laboratory information
          1.3.1 Location

          Name:                         China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

          Address:                      No. 11, Yue Tan Nan Jie, Xi Cheng District


                                        P. R. CHINA, 100045

          Tel:                          +86 10 68094053

          Fax:                          +86 10 68011404

          Email:                        emc@chinattl.com

          1.3.2 Details of accreditation status

          Accredited by:                DATech Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle Technik in der

                                        TGA GmbH(German Accreditation Body for Technology

                                        in the TGA)

          Lab number:                   DA7130

          DAR Registration              DAT-PL-162/04-01


          Standard:                     ISO/IEC 17025:2005

          1.3.3 Test location, where different from section 1.3.1

          Name:                         ------

          Address:                      ------

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 6 of 13

                 China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Part 2.1091
         Equipment: PremierWave XC                                     REPORT NO.: I11GC0275-FCC-MPE-2

          1.4 Details of applicant or manufacturer
          1.4.1 Applicant

          Name:                         Lantronix, Inc.

          Address:                      167 Technology Drive. Irvine, CA 92618 USA

          Country:                      USA

          Telephone:                    949-453-7133

          Fax:                          949-453-3995

          Contact:                      Walton Leung

          Telephone:                    949-453-7133

          Email:                        walton.leung@lantronix.com

          1.4.2 Manufacturer (if different from applicant in section 1.4.1)

          Name:                         iWOW Connections Pte Ltd

          Address:                      1 Lorong 2 Toa Payoh #04-01 Yellow Pages Building

                                        Singapore 319637

          1.4.3 Manufactory (if different from applicant in section 1.4.1)

          Name:                         iWOW Connections Pte Ltd

          Address:                      1 Lorong 2 Toa Payoh #04-01 Yellow Pages Building

                                        Singapore 319637

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 7 of 13

                   China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Part 2.1091
         Equipment: PremierWave XC                                                 REPORT NO.: I11GC0275-FCC-MPE-2

          2 Test Item
          2.1 General Information
          Manufacturer:                               iWOW Connections Pte Ltd
          Name:                                       PremierWave XC
          Model Number:                               PremierWave XC
          Serial Number:                              355292020252775
          Production Status:                          Product
          Receipt date of test item:                  2011-05-04

          2.2 Outline of EUT
          EUT is a cellular Radio Module suporting GPRS of 850/900/1800/1900. For GPRS, its
          multi-slot class is 12 with maximum 4 up slots.

          2.3 Modifications Incorporated in EUT
          The EUT has not been modified from what is described by the brand name and unique
          type identification stated above.

          2.4 Equipment Configuration
          Equipment configuration list:
            Item      Generic Description             Manufacturer                   Type            Serial No.   Remarks

                                             iWOW Connections Pte             PremierWave       355292020
           A            GSM Module                                                                                None
                                             Ltd                              XC                252775
                                             Click Technology (SHEN           CPS012A12010
           B         adapter                                                                    --                None
                                             ZHEN) CO.LTD                     0*
           C         battery                 --                               --                --                None
           D         Earphone                --                               --                --                None
           E         Antenna                 --                               --                --                None
            Item          Cable Type             Manufacturer        Length        Shield       Quantity          Remarks

                        DC cable on
               1                                  Unknown            170            No                1            None
          Note: the EUT has no adaptor, battery, earphone and cable.

          2.5 Other Information
                     HW Version:            --

                     SW Version:            --

          Antenna information (provided by applicant):

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                         Page 8 of 13

                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Part 2.1091
         Equipment: PremierWave XC                                     REPORT NO.: I11GC0275-FCC-MPE-2

          Typical Antenna Gain:
          band 850 MHz: Antenna Gain= 0.08 dBi
          band 1900 MHz: Antenna Gain= 4.42 dBi

          3 Summary of Results
        A brief summary of the tests carried out is shown as following.
        Specification Clause                         Name of Test                               Result
        2.1091                                             MPE                                   Pass
        Note: --

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

                                                  Page 9 of 13

                 China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Part 2.1091
         Equipment: PremierWave XC                                     REPORT NO.: I11GC0275-FCC-MPE-2

          4 Results
          4.1 Applicable Standards
          Systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be operated in a
          manner that ensures that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy
          level in excess limit for maximum permissible exposure. In accordance with 47
          CFR FCC Part 2 Subpart J, section 2.1091 this device has been defined as a
          mobile device whereby a distance of 0.2m normally can be maintained between
          the user and the device.
          (a)     Limits for Occupational / Controlled Exposure
            Frequency          Electric Field     Magnetic Field     Power Density
                                                                                           Times |E|2,
              Range            Strength (E)       Strength (H)           (S)
                                                                                            |H|2 or S
              [MHz]               [V/m]              [A/m]             [mW/cm2]
             0.3 – 3.0              614                1.63               (100)*                 6
             3.0 – 30             1824/f              4.89/f             (900/f)*                6
             30 – 300               61.4               0.163                1.0                  6
            300 – 1500               --                  --               F/300                  6
                1500 -
                                     --                  --                  5                   6

          (b)     Limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
            Frequency          Electric Field     Magnetic Field     Power Density
                                                                                           Times |E|2,
              Range            Strength (E)       Strength (H)           (S)
                                                                                            |H|2 or S
              [MHz]               [V/m]              [A/m]             [mW/cm2]
            0.3 – 1.34              614                1.63               (100)*                30
             1.34 – 30             824/f              2.19/f             (180/f)*               30
             30 – 300               27.5               0.073                0.2                 30
            300 – 1500               --                  --               F/1500                30
                1500 -
                                     --                  --                 1.0                 30
          Note: f=frequency in MHz; *Plane-wave equivalent power density

          For the DUT, the limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure are

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

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                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Part 2.1091
         Equipment: PremierWave XC                                     REPORT NO.: I11GC0275-FCC-MPE-2

          4.2 Conducted RF Power Output

          Test Results for GPRS mode:
               ARFCN         Peak output         Peak output         Peak output         Peak output
                             power [dBm]         power [dBm]         power [dBm]         power [dBm]
                                1 slot              2 slot              3 slot              4 slot
                128               32.13               29.24              26.99              25.95
                190               33.90               31.79              30.31              29.64
                251               31.41               28.81              26.93              26.09
                512               30.48               29.60              28.10              26.85
                661               31.05               30.44              28.97              27.68
                810               30.96               30.56              29.14              27.97

           Time slot      Frequency                                           Frequency           Duty
                                             power            Channel
              No.            band                                               (MHz)             cycle
                            <1 GHz            33.90             190              836.6           0.125
                            >1 GHz            31.05             661             1880.0           0.125
                            <1 GHz            31.79             190              836.6            0.25
                            >1 GHz            30.56             810             1909.8            0.25
                            <1 GHz            30.31             190              836.6           0.375
                            >1 GHz            29.14             810             1909.8           0.375
                            <1 GHz            29.64             190              836.6             0.5
                            >1 GHz            27.97             810             1909.8             0.5

          4.3 Calculation Information
          From the antenna specifications provided by the applicant, the typical antenna
          gain is 0.08 dBi for 850MHz band and 4.42 dBi for 1900MHz band.

          So for conservative evaluation consideration, only maximum power of each
          frequency band based on the tighter limits respectively are used to calculate the
          boundary power density.

          Based on the FCC OET Bulletin 65 Supplement C and 47 CFR §2.1091, the DUT
          is evaluated as a mobile device.

          4.4 Evaluation Result

          (1) Operation in cellular band (824 – 849 MHz):

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

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                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Part 2.1091
         Equipment: PremierWave XC                                     REPORT NO.: I11GC0275-FCC-MPE-2

          Take the worst case as an example, in which an antenna with 0.08 dBi gain is
          used. The resulted power density at a distance of 20 cm can be deducted as

             Time         power         Antenna          EIRP          EIRP        Duty
           slot No.     conducted      Gain (dBi)       (dBm)         (mW)         Cycle

               1          33.90            0.08         33.98        2454.71       0.125        0.062

               2          31.79            0.08         31.87        1510.08       0.25         0.077

               3          30.31            0.08         30.39        1073.99       0.375        0.082

               4          29.64            0.08         29.72        920.45         0.5         0.093


          EIRP = Maximum power conducted (dBm)+ Antenna Gain (dBi),

          Power Density = EIRP*Duty Cycle/(4π R2),


          Considering the worse case of above two modes, we can get:

          Power densitymax =0.093 mW/cm2

          The MPE limit for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure is shown in the FCC
          OET Bulletin 65 Supplement C and can be calculated as follows:

          MPE limit = 836.6/1500 = 0.56 mW/cm2

          As we can see the resulted power density is below the MPE limit, therefore the
          DUT in Cellular band is compliant with the FCC rules on RF exposure.

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

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                China Telecommunication Technology Labs.

         FCC Part 2.1091
         Equipment: PremierWave XC                                     REPORT NO.: I11GC0275-FCC-MPE-2

          (2) Operation in PCS band (1850 – 1910 MHz):

          Take the worst case as an example, in which an antenna with 4.42 dBi gain is
          used. The resulted ERP can be expressed as follows:

             Time          power             Antenna
                                                              ERP (dBm)               ERP (mW)
           slot No.      conducted          Gain (dBi)

               1            31.05              4.42               33.32                2147.83

               2            30.56              4.42               32.83                1918.67

               3            29.14              4.42               31.41                1383.57

               4            27.97              4.42               30.24                1056.82


          ERP = Maximum power conducted (dBm)+ Antenna Gain (dBi) - 2.15dB

          The FCC OET Bulletin 65 Supplement C states that mobile devices identified in
          47 CFR §2.1091 that operate at frequencies above 1.5 GHz with an ERP of 3.0
          watts or more are required to perform routine environmental evaluation for RF
          exposure prior to equipment authorization or use; otherwise, they are
          categorically excluded.

          As we can see this resulted ERP is below 3 W, therefore routine environmental
          evaluation for RF exposure prior to equipment authorization or use for the DUT
          in PCS band is categorically excluded.

          Note: The tighter limits are used for low and high band in above tables.
                                         The End of this Report

Address:11 YUE TAN NAN JIE, BEIJING, P.R.C,100045 Tel:+86 10 68094053 FAX:+86 10 68011404 Web:http://www.chinattl.com

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Document Created: 2012-03-27 13:50:01
Document Modified: 2012-03-27 13:50:01

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