Modular test report WCDMA part 1


Test Report

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                                              TEST REPORT
                                            No.: TR16-1-0019501T05a

                                                                According to:
                                                             FCC Regulations
                                                         Part 22, Part 24, Part 15C

                                                   RSS-132 Issue 3, RSS-133 Issue 6,
                                                          RSS-Gen Issue 4


                                                          u-Blox AG

                                  GSM/W-CDMA Module SARA-U201
                                                     FCC-ID: XPY1CGM5NNN
                                                      IC: 8595A-1CGM5NNN
                                                        PMN: SARA-U201
                                                        HVIN: SARA-U201

                                             Laboratory Accreditation and Listings

                                                                                                       Voluntary Controls for
                                                                               Industry Canada      Electromagnetic Emissions
                                                                              Reg. No.: 3462D-1             Reg. No.:
                                                       MRA US-EU 0003         Reg. No.: 3462D-2          R-2666 C-2914,
                                                                              Reg. No.: 3462D-3          T-1967, G-301

                                       accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025
                                                     CETECOM GmbH
                               Laboratory Radio Communications & Electromagnetic Compatibility
                                           Im Teelbruch 116 • 45219 Essen • Germany
                                  Registered in Essen, Germany, Reg. No.: HRB Essen 8984
                                Tel.: + 49 (0) 20 54 / 95 19-954 • Fax: + 49 (0) 20 54 / 95 19-964
                                    E-mail: • Internet:

                                                                                                                              Page 1 of 33
The test results relate only to the individual items which have been tested. This report shall not be reproduced in parts without the written
approval of the testing laboratory                                                  © Copyright: All rights reserved by CETECOM

Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 2 of 33

Table of contents
1. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS...................................................................................................................... 3
  1.1. Tests overview of US CFR Title 47 Part 22/24 and Canada IC (RSS) Standards ........................................... 3
  1.2. RX mode, tests overview according FCC Part 15B and Canadian RSS Standards ......................................... 4
  1.3. Attestation:....................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. ADMINISTRATIVE DATA ............................................................................................................................... 5
  2.1. Identification of the testing laboratory ............................................................................................................. 5
  2.2. Test location .................................................................................................................................................... 5
  2.3. Organizational items ........................................................................................................................................ 5
  2.4. Applicant’s details ........................................................................................................................................... 5
  2.5. Manufacturer’s details ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3. EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) ................................................................................................................. 6
  3.1. TECHNICAL DATA OF MAIN EUT DECLARED BY APPLICANT ......................................................... 6
  3.2. EUT: Type, S/N etc. and short descriptions used in this test report ................................................................ 7
  3.3. Auxiliary Equipment (AE): Type, S/N etc. and short descriptions .................................................................. 7
  3.4. EUT set-ups ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
  3.5. EUT operating modes ...................................................................................................................................... 8
  3.6. Configuration of cables used for testing .......................................................................................................... 8
4. DESCRIPTION OF TEST SYSTEM SET-UP’S .............................................................................................. 9
  4.1. Test system set-up for conducted measurements at antenna port .................................................................... 9
  4.2. Test system set-up for radiated spurious emission measurements ................................................................... 11
5. MEASUREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................. 12
  5.1. RF-Parameter - RF Peak power output conducted and PAPR-Value .............................................................. 12
  5.2. RF-Parameter - Occupied bandwidth and emission bandwidth ....................................................................... 14
  5.3. RF-Parameter - Conducted out of Band RF emissions and Band Edge ................................................... 16
  5.4. RF-Parameter - Radiated out of Band RF emissions and Band Edge ...................................................... 18
  5.5. RF-Parameter - Frequency stability on temperature and voltage variations........................................... 21
  5.6. General Limit - Radiated field strength emissions below 30 MHz .................................................................. 26
  5.7. Measurement uncertainties .............................................................................................................................. 28
6. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT ................................................................................................. 29
8. INSTRUMENTS AND ANCILLARY ................................................................................................................ 30
  8.1. Used equiment “CTC” ..................................................................................................................................... 30
9. VERSIONS OF TEST REPORTS (CHANGE HISTORY) ............................................................................. 33

Table of annex                                                                                                                                         Total pages
Annex 1: Measurement diagrams                                                                                                                                         43
Annex 2: External photographs of EUT                                                                                                                                    8
Annex 3: Internal photographs of EUT                                                                           TO BE PROVIDED BY APPLICANT
Annex 4: Test set-up photographs                                                                                                                                        9

The listed attachments are an integral part of this report.


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 3 of 33

1. Summary of test results
The test results apply exclusively to the test samples as presented in this Report. The CETECOM GmbH
does not assume responsibility for any conclusions and generalizations taken in conjunction with other
specimens or samples of the type of the item presented to tests. Also we refer on special conditions which
the applicant should fulfill according §2.927 to §2.948, special focus regarding modification of the
equipment and availability of sample equipment for market surveilance tests.

The Equipment Under Test (in this report, hereinafter referred as EUT) supports radiofrequency technologies. This
test report shows results for GPRS and (E)GPRS technologies only. Other implemented wireless technologies
were not considered within this test report.

Following tests have been performed to show compliance with applicable FCC Part 2, Part 22, Subpart H, Part 24,
Subpart E (Broadband PCS) and Part 15 Subpart C of the FCC CFR Title 47 Rules, Edition 4th November 2015
and Canada RSS-132 Issue 3, RSS-133 Issue 6 and RSS-Gen Issue 4 standards.

1.1. Tests overview of US CFR Title 47 Part 22/24 and Canada IC (RSS) Standards
  No. of                                                     References & Limits                                 EUT
 Diagram       Test case         Port                                                                             op-     Result
  group                                     FCC Standard       RSS Section            Test limit                 mode
                AC-                                                                 §15.207 limits
             Power Lines         AC-
              Emissions         Power                        RSS-Gen, Issue                                              Remark
    1                            lines        §15.207                                                     --      --
              Conducted                                      4: Chapter 8.8                                                1.)
                                                                                     IC: Table 3
            (0,15 - 30 MHz)
              General field                                    RSS-Gen,
                                                                                  2400/F(kHz) µV/m
                strength                                        Issue 4:
    2                                        §15.209(a)                          24000/F(kHz) µV/m        2      1+2     passed
               emissions                                      Chapter 8.9,
                                                                                      30 µV/m
           (9 kHz - 30 MHz)                                    Table 5+6
                                                                                   < 7 Watt (ERP)
                                                            RSS-132, Issue 3:
                                              §2.1046         Chapter 5.4                                                Passed
                                                            SRSP-503: 5.1.3                                              (calculated
              RF-Power                                                             < 2 Watt (EIRP)                       with antenna
    7                         Enclosure     §22.913(a)(2)                                                 --     1+2
             (ERP/EIRP)                                                                                                    gain and
                                  +                         RSS-133, Issue 6                                              conducted
                                             §24.232(c)      Chapter 4.1/6.4                                            power values)
                              connecting                    SRSP-510: 5.1.2
                                                                                   < 1 Watt (EIRP)
              Spurious                                         RSS-132:
    8                                                                                                     1      1+2     passed
              emissions                      §2.1053(a)     Chapter 5.5(i)(ii)
                                                                                 Required attenuation
                                                                                   below P(dBW):
                                            §22.917(a)(b)      RSS-133:
                                                                                  43+10log(P) dBc
             Band-Edge                      §24.238(a)(b)       Chapter
    9                                                          6.5.1(i)(ii)                               1      1+2      passed


Test Report TR16—1—0019501T05a, Page 4 of 33

  No. of                                                                References & Limits                               EUT       EUT
 Diagram           Test case               Port                                   —                       ——             seus        op—       Result
  group                                             FCC Standard         RSS Section                Test limit                P     mode
                                                                          Chapter 5.4                   ,
                                                                       srsp—s03: 5.13             <7 Watt (ERP)
     30           RF Power                               §2.1046                                                            1        2         passed
                                                                        Chapter 4.1/6.4         «2 Wett (EIBP)
                                                                       SRSP—510: 5.1.2
               26dB Emission
                       ;                               §2.202
                                                       4\                     —                                                       +
                                                     §2.1049(h)           RSS—Gen,,                                        2         1+2       passed
     2           bandwidth
                               4                     5                         Issue 4:            99% Power
     35        BotsOecupied
                 bandwidth           Anteisa
                                     rerminal        §229170)
                                                     §24.238(a)           Chapter 6.6‘                                     2         1+2    P passed
                  Spurious                                                 y               .
     36           emissions          feondusted)         §21051       RSS—1 27. I§eue 2: Required attenuation              2         1+2    passed
                                                         §2.1057          5.5((i)          below PidBwy
                                                                  RSS—133, ie
                                                                           Issue 6:             43‘;‘1"& 0 ((P) dé‘c
     37          compliance                         §24.238(a)(b)         6.5.10(i)                         E              2         1+2    Passed

                                                    §2.1055(a)(2)     RSS—132, Issue 3:             FCCAC:
                                                       §22.355           Chapter 5.3               <+2.5ppm
                 Frequency                                                                     FCC/IC:‘ fundamental                   +
     28            stability                             table C1     |RSS—133, Issua 6: ombsionsstay within               *         ‘*2   passed
                                                         §24.235          Chapter 6.3          the authorized bands
                                                                                                 IC: <+2.5ppm

1.2. RX mode, tests overview according FCC Part 15B and Canadian RSS Standards
   No. of                                                               References & Limits                              EUT        EUT
  Diagram          Test case            Port                                                                             scan       op—        Result
   group                                            FCC Standard          RSS Section               Test limit                  °_|_mode
               AC—Power Lines
                               .                                                                  FCC
      1                              AC—Power            §15.107       RSS—Gen, Issue 8:          ;}';s;;lll:::‘ss         _         _         Faswed
                  conducted             lines            §15.207          Chapter 8.8             *
                  Emissions                                                                                                                Remark 1
                                                                                                RSS—Gen: Table 3
                                                                           RSS—132,                FCC 15.109
                   Receiver          Cobiers             §15.109          Issue 3: 6.6            class B limits                               Poged
      3             radiated
                                      ng cables
                                                                           Kss —Can
                                                                          Issue 4: 5.3              RSS—Gen:
                                                                                                                          —«         «—    R        k1
                   emissions           8                  §15.             RSS 133,            Chapter 5.3+Chapter                             «e
                                                                          Issue 6: 6.6                 712
Remark: 1.) See separate test report 16—1—0088301TO1a for measurements according Part 15, Subpart B.

1.3. Attestation:
1 declare thatall measurements wereperformed by me or under my supervision and that all measurements have been performed and are correct
to my best knowledge and belief to Industry Canada standards. All requirements as shown in above table are met in accordance with enumerated

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Dipl.—Ing. Rachid Acharkaoui                                                                                         Dipl.—Ing. C. Lorenz
Responsible for test section                                                                                    Responsible for test report


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 5 of 33

2. Administrative Data
2.1. Identification of the testing laboratory
Company name:                                                         CETECOM GmbH
Address:                                                              Im Teelbruch 116
                                                                      45219 Essen - Kettwig
Responsible for testing laboratory:                                   Dipl.-Ing. Rachid Acharkaoui
Deputy:                                                               Dipl.-Ing. Niels Jeß

2.2. Test location
2.2.1. Test laboratory “CTC”
Company name:                                                         see chapter 2.1. Identification of the testing laboratory

2.3. Organizational items

Responsible for test report and
project leader:                                                       Dipl.-Ing. C. Lorenz
Receipt of EUT:                                                       2016-06-06
Date(s) of test:                                                      2016-06-07 to 2016-06-20
Date of report:                                                       2016-06-28

Version of template:             13.02
2.4. Applicant’s details

Applicant’s name:                                                     u-Blox AG
Address:                                                              Zürcherstrasse 68
                                                                      8800 Thalwil

Contact person:                                                       Mr. Marco Barchitta

2.5. Manufacturer’s details

Manufacturer’s name:                                                  please see Applicant's details

Address:                                                              please see Applicant's details


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 6 of 33

3. Equipment under test (EUT)

TX-frequency range                    FDD Band 2: 1852.4–1907.6 MHz (Uplink), 1930-1990 MHz (Downlink)
                                      FDD Band 4: 1712.4–1752.6 MHz (Uplink), 2110-2155 MHz (Downlink)
                                      FDD Band 5: 826.4-846.6 MHz (Uplink), 869-894 MHz (Downlink)
Type of modulation                    FDD-Mode Release99: QPSK
                                      FDD Mode Release 7: 16QAM additional
Number of channels                    FDD Band 2: UARFCN range 9262 – 9400 – 9538
                                      FDD Band 4: UARFCN range 1312 – 1450 – 1513 FDD Band 5:
                                     UARFCN range 4132 – 4183 – 4233
UMTS-HSPA connectivity                Uplink speed: 5.76 Mb/s
Test Channel frequencies             Channel 9262, 9400, 9538
                                     Channel 4132, 4185, 4233
Emission designator(s)               FDD Mode: 4M07F9W
Antenna Type                          Integrated (enclosure)
                                      External - dedicated, no RF- connector
                                      External, separate RF-connector
                                      Value from Data sheet GSA.8827.A.101111 Phoenix for 1m cable length
Antenna Gain Tx (main)               850MHz Band: -0.44dBd (1.71 dBi)
                                     1900MHz Band: 2.32dBi
Antenna Gain Dx (diversity)           Not applicable
MAX Output Power:                    Calculated with antenna details for 1m cable length:
Radiated              FDD-Mode 2 24.14 (AV) + 2.32dBi (1m cable) = 26.46 dBm EIRP
                      FDD-Mode 5 23.59 (AV) - 0.44dBd (1m cable) = 23.15 dBm ERP
MAX Output Power:
Conducted             FDD-Mode 2 24.14 (AV)
                      FDD-Mode 5 23.59 (AV)
Installed option                      GSM 900 and GSM 1800 Bands (not usable in USA/Canada)
                                      W-CDMA Band I and Band VIII (not usable in USA/Canada)
Power supply                          Board (AE1):over AC/DC adapter: 120V/60 Hz
                                      DC power only: VNOM=3.8 Volt, Range: VMIN = 3.3V, VMAX = 4.4V
Special EMI components               --
Does EUT contain devices              yes
susceptible to magnetic fields, e.g.  no
Hall elements, electrodynamics
microphones, etc.?
EUT sample type                       Production                     Pre-Production      Engineering
FCC label attached                    yes                            no


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 7 of 33

3.2. EUT: Type, S/N etc. and short descriptions used in this test report

                                                                      S/N              HW                 SW
 descrip-            EUT                       Type
                                                                 serial number    hardware status    software status
               GSM/W-CDMA                                           IMEI:
 EUT A            Module                   SARA-U201            357520070020          261A01              23.56

               GSM/W-CDMA                                           IMEI:
 EUT B            Module                   SARA-U201            357520070020          261A01              23.56

 EUT C                 --                        --                    --                 --                --
*) EUT short description is used to simplify the identification of the EUT in this test report.

3.3. Auxiliary Equipment (AE): Type, S/N etc. and short descriptions

                                                                      S/N              HW                 SW
   short     Auxiliary Equipment               Type
                                                                 serial number    hardware status    software status
  tion *)
  AE 1       AC/DC power adapter         UUX-324-1215            F04-0026561              --                --

  AE 2       Evaluation Test Board          EVB-WL3               BS090514                --                --

  AE 3             Headset                    HDC-5                    --                 --                --

  AE 4         Cellular antenna        GSA.8827.A.101111                                  --                --

  AE 5            USB cable            Mini-USB to USB A               --               1.5m                --

                 Dell Latitude                                                                       Win 7 + Putty-
  AE 6                                         2120              “ctc062011”              --
                  Notebook                                                                             Program
*) AE short description is used to simplify the identification of the auxiliary equipment in this test report.

3.4. EUT set-ups

 EUT set-up
                       Combination of EUT and AE                                      Remarks

                EUT A + AE 1 + AE 2+ AE 3+ AE 4 + AE
    set. 1                                                           AE 6 used temporary for AT commands
                              5 + AE 6

                                                                   Conducted RF-tests performed except power
                EUT B + AE 1 + AE 2+ AE 3+ AE 4 + AE
    set. 2                                                                 conducted measurements,
                              5 + AE 6
                                                                     AE 6 used temporary for AT commands
*) EUT set-up no. is used to simplify the identification of the EUT set-up in this test report.


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 8 of 33

3.5. EUT operating modes
EUT         Description of      Additional information
operating   operating modes
                               A communication link is established between the mobile station (UE) and the test
   op. 1
                               simulator. The transmitter is operated on its maximum rated output
           FDD-Band 2          power class: 21 dBm or 24dBm nominal.
                               The input signal to the receiver is modulated with normal test modulation.
           12.2 kbps RMC       The wanted RF input signal level to the receiver of the mobile station is set to a
                               level to provide a stable communication link according Table E5.1/Table E5.1A as
                               described in 3GPP TS34.121, Annex E.
                               A communication link is established between the mobile station (UE) and the test
    op. 2
                               simulator. The transmitter is operated on its maximum rated output
           FDD-Band 5          power class: 21 dBm or 24dBm nominal.
                               The input signal to the receiver is modulated with normal test modulation.
           12.2 kbps RMC       The wanted RF input signal level to the receiver of the mobile station is set to a
                               level to provide a stable communication link according Table E5.1/Table E5.1A as
                               described in 3GPP TS34.121, Annex E.
*) EUT operating mode no. is used to simplify the test report.

3.6. Configuration of cables used for testing
                                                                  S/N             HW            Cable length
 number             Item                    Type
                                                             serial number   hardware status
Cable 1          USB cable           Mini-USB to USB A            --              1.5m               --


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4. Description of test system set-up’s
4.1. Test system set-up for conducted measurements at antenna port
                                    Cellular Conducted RF-Setup 1 (Cel-1 Set-up)

 Tests Specification:             Conducted spurious emissions, Emission Bandwidth

 General Description:             The EUT‘s RF-signal is coupled out by a suitable antenna coupling connector (1). The
                                  signal is first attenuated (2) before it is 0° divided by a power divider (3). One of the RF-
                                  signal path is connected to the test unit communication tester (4), other RF-path is
                                  connected to the spectrum – analyzer (5) for specific RF-measurements. The specific
                                  attenuation losses for both signal paths/branches are determined prior to the
                                  measurement within a set-up calibration. These are then taken into account by correcting
                                  the measurement readings on the spectrum-analyzer.


 Used Equipment:                  Passive Elements          Test Equipment          Remark:

                                   10 dB               CMU200                     See List of equipment under each test
                                  Attenuator           Communication Test-          case and chapter 8 for calibration info
                                  (#530)               Unit for GSM/W-
                                   Low loss RF-        DC-Power Supply
                                   6 dB resistive      Spectrum-Analyser

 Testing method:                  ANSI C63.26-2015, KDB 971168 D01 v02r02

 Measurement uncertainty:         See chapter Measurement Uncertainties (Cel-1)


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 10 of 33

                                    Cellular Conducted RF-Setup 2 (Cel-2 Set-up)

 Tests Specification:             Conducted Carrier power, Frequency Error

 Schematic:                       Following modified test set-up apply for tests performed inside the climatic chamber
                                  (frequency stability) or conducted RF-carrier power-measurement. The EUT RF-Signal
                                  is directly connected over suitable RF-connector over low-loss cable and an attenuator
                                  (2) to the cellular radio communication test-unit. (5)

 Testing method:                  ANSI C63.10:2013, KDB 971168 D01 v02r02

 Used Equipment                    Passive Elements          Test Equipment         Remark:

                                   20 dB                CMU200                    See List of equipment under each
                                  Attenuator            Communication Test-         test case and chapter 8 for
                                  (#613)                Unit for GSM/W-CDMA         calibration info
                                   Low loss RF-         DC-Power Supply

 Measurement uncertainty          See chapter Measurement Uncertainties (Cel-2)


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4.2. Test system set-up for radiated spurious emission measurements

 Specification:              ANSI C63.4-2014 chapter 8.3, ANSI C63.10-2013 chapter & 6.6.4

 General Description:        Evaluating the emissions have to be done first by an exploratory emissions
                             measurement and a final measurement for most critical frequencies. The tests are
                             performed in a CISPR 16-1-4:2010 compliant fully anechoic room (FAR)
                             recognized by the regulatory commission. The measurement distance was set to 3
                             meter for frequencies up to 18 GHz and 2 meter above 18 GHz. A logarithmic
                             periodic antenna is used for the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 GHz. Horn antennas
                             are used for frequency range 1 GHz to 40 GHz. The EUT is aligned within 3 dB
                             beam width of the measurement antenna with three orthogonal axis measurements
                             on the EUT.

 Testing method:             Exploratory, preliminary measurements                Final measurement on critical frequencies
                             The EUT and its associated accessories are placed    Based on the exploratory measurements, the most
                             on a non-conductive position manipulator (tipping    critical frequencies are re-measured by main-
                             device) of 1.50 m height which is placed on the      taining the EUT’s worst-case operation mode,
                             turntable. By rotating the turntable (range 0° to    cable position, etc.
                             360°, step 45°) and the EUT itself on 3-             First a frequency zoom around the critical
                             orthogonal axis (the emission spectrum and it’s      frequency is done to locate the frequency more
                             characteristics was recorded with an EMI-            precisely. After this step, for all identified critical
                             receiver, broadband antenna and software.            frequencies, the maximum peak was determined.
                             The measurements are performed in horizontal         Following parameters were varied: the turntable
                             and vertical polarization of the measurement         angle continuously in the range 0 to 360 degree,
                             antennas. The results are documented in a            the EUT itself over 3-orthogonal axis and the
                             diagram. Critical frequencies (low margin to         height for EUT with large dimensions.
                             limit) are saved within a table for further          On the determined worst-case position, a final
                             investigations. If various operating modes are       measurement with necessary bandwidth and
                             supported, further investigations are made to find   detector according standard has been carried out.
                             the worst-case of them. Also the interconnection     The readings on the spectrum analyzer are
                             cables and equipment position were varied in         corrected with conversion value between field
                             order to maximize the emissions.                     strength and E(I)RP, so the readings shown are
                                                                                  equivalent to ERP/EIRP values. Critical
                                                                                  measurements near the limit are re-measured with
                                                                                  a substitution method accord. ANSI/TIA/EIA 603
 Formula:                    EC = ER + AF + CL + DF - GA (1)                       EC = Electrical field – corrected value
                                                                                   ER = Receiver reading
                             EcE(I)RP = Ec - 95.2 dB                               M = Margin
                                                                                   LT = Limit
                             M = LT - EcE(I)RP                                     AF = Antenna factor
                                                                                   CL = Cable loss
                                                                                   DF = Distance correction factor (if used)
                                                                                   GA = Gain of pre-amplifier (if used)
                                                                                   EcE(I)RP = Electrical field corrected for E(I)RP

                             All units are dB-units, positive margin means value is below limit.


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5. Measurements
5.1. RF-Parameter - RF Peak power output conducted and PAPR-Value
5.1.1. Test location and equipments (for reference numbers please see chapter 'List of test equipment')
 test location       CETECOM Essen (Chapter. 2.2.1)        Please see Chapter. 2.2.2
 test site           347 Radio.lab. 1       Radio.lab. 2
 spectr. analys.     584 FSU           489 ESU 40         264 FSEK              620 ESU 26
 signaling           392 MT8820A  436 CMU                 547 CMU               460 CMU
 otherwise                                                                              Filter
                     400 FTC40x15E  401 FTC40x15E  110 USB LWL  482                         378                 RadiSense
 DC power            611 E3636A        463 HP3245A  459 EA 2032-50  268 EA- 3050  494                           AG6632A  498 NGPE 40
 otherwise           331 HC 4055       248 6 dB Att.      529 Power div.  - cable OTA20
 line voltage        230 V 50 Hz via public mains          060 120 V/ 60 Hz via PAS 5000

5.1.2. Requirements and limits
                       §2.1046
                       §22.913(a)(2)
                       § 24.232(c)
                       § 27.50(d)(4)
                       RSS-132, Issue 3: 5.4 + SRSP 503:5.1.3
  IC                   RSS-133, Issue 6: 4.1/6.4 + SRSP-510:5.1.2
                       RSS-139, Issue 3: 6.5
  KDB                 971168 D01 v02r02, October 2014
  ANSI                C63.26-2015, Chapter 5.2
                      Maximum Power Output of the wireless device should be determined while measured radiated E(I)RP

                       Limit FDD Band 5: 7 Watt ERP (38.4 dBm)
  Limits               Limit FDD Band 2: 2 Watt EIRP (33.0 dBm)
                       Limit FDD Band 4: 1 Watt EIRP (30.0 dBm)
                      PAPR ≤ 13dB

5.1.3. Test condition and test set-up
             Climatic conditions             Temperature: (22±3°C)                         Rel. humidity: (40±20)%
             Test system set-up              Please see chapter “Test system set-up for conducted measurements on antenna port” ANRITSU
                                             The measurements were performed with the integrated power measurement function of the „radio
                                             communication tester CMU200 from Rohde&Schwarz company. In this way spectrum-analyzers
                                             instrument limitations can be avoided or minimized. Instead, CMU manufacturers declared
                                             measurement error can be considered for this measurement.

                                             The attenuation (insertion loss) at the RF Inputs/Outputs of CMU were set according the path loss
                                             of the test set-up, determined in a step before starting the measurements. A suitable artificial antenna
           Measurement method
                                             or RF-connector is provided by the applicant in order to perform the conducted measurements. Any
                                             data provided with the artificial antenna or connector, have been taken in account in order to correct
                                             the measurement data. (typical 0.3dB for attenuation of antenna connector)

                                             Peak and Average Values have been recorded for each channel on test set-up Cel-1. The Peak-to -
                                             Average-Power Ratio is determined by devices integrated CCDF capability with corresponding
                                             settings. (see annex 1 plots)
                                             A call was established on highest power transmit conditions in GMSK and RMC99 mode.

                                             UE is set TX mode, highest transmit power conditions, DTX, MPR or other power saving techniques
                                             have been disabled
                   EUT settings

                                             The measurements were made at the low, middle and high carrier frequencies of each of the supported
                                             operating band. Choosing three TX-carrier frequencies of the wireless device, should be sufficient to
                                             demonstrate compliance.


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 13 of 33

5.1.4. Measurement Results

                                                        FDD Band 2
             EUT                                                  Set-up 2, Op. Mode 1
                                                        Power value [dBm]                            Limit
                                 UARFCN no.               UARFCN no.      UARFCN no.
           Test case                9262                     9400            9538                            Result
                                  PK            AV        PK          AV       PK            AV      [dBm]

          Release 99
                                 26.76          23.59    26.59        23.49   26.49          23.47    33     Passed
        12.2kbps RMC
      Peak-to-Average power
     ratio on 0.1% probability       2.92               2.88                          2.85            13     Passed
   1.) AV-values within applicant’s declared power range (tune-up range)

                                                        FDD Band 5
             EUT                                                  Set-up 1, Op. Mode 2
                                                        Power value [dBm]                            Limit
                                 UARFCN no.               UARFCN no.      UARFCN no.
           Test case                 4132                     4185           4233                            Result
                                  PK      AV               PK      AV     PK      AV                 [dBm]

          Release 99
                                  26.8          23.8     26.75        23.74   27.05          24.14   38.4    Passed
        12.2kbps RMC

    Peak-to Average ratio [dB]           2.80                  2.77                   2.79            13     Passed

   2.) AV-values within applicant’s declared power range (tune-up range)


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 14 of 33

5.2. RF-Parameter - Occupied bandwidth and emission bandwidth
5.2.1. Test location and equipments (for reference numbers please see chapter 'List of test equipment')
 test site          347 Radio.lab. 1       Radio.lab. 2
 spectr. analys.    584 FSU           489 ESU              264 FSEK         620 ESU26
 attenuator         530 10 dB                             
 signaling          392 MT8820A  436 CMU                   547 CMU
 DC Power           611 E3636A        087 EA3013           354 NGPE 40      086 LNG50-10
 otherwise          529 6dB divider  530 10dB
 line voltage       230 V 50 Hz via public mains            060 120 V/ 60 Hz via PAS 5000

5.2.2. Requirements and Limits
                          CFR47, §2.202(a), §2.1049(h)
         FCC               FDD-Band 5: §22.917(b)
                           FDD-Band 2: §24.238(b)                                            „the occupied bandwidth is the frequency
                                                                                               bandwidth, such that, below it lower and
          IC               RSS-Gen, Issue 4: §6.6                                             above it upper frequency limits, the mean
                                                                                             powers radiated are each equal to 0.5 percent
        ANSI              C63.26-2015                                                              of the total mean power radiated”

         KDB              971168 D01 v02r02, Chapter 4

5.2.3. Test condition and test set-up
            Climatic conditions              Temperature: (22±3°C)                         Rel. humidity: (40±20)%
             Test system set-up              Please see chapter “Test system set-up for conducted measurements at antenna port”
                           Parameter                     Occupied bandwidth:                            Emission bandwidth
                           Scan Mode                   Spectrum analyser mode                         Spectrum analyser mode
     Spectrum                 Span                              6 MHz                                          6 MHz
     Analyzer                 RBW                               50 kHz                                         50 kHz
      Settings                VBW                              300 kHz                                        300 kHz
                          Sweep time                       Coupled (Auto)                                  Coupled (Auto)
                          Sweep mode                     Repetitive, max-hold                           Repetitive, max-hold
                            Detector                             Peak                                           Peak
                                             The used spectrum analyzer FSE or ESU Bandwidth defined between 2 markers with are
                                             from Rohde & Schwarz contains an                 26dBc compared to highest In-Band Peak
                                             integrated function to calculate the occupied                   Emission.
                                             bandwidth automatically. From left and right
                                             display margin, the upper and lower
           Measurement method
                                             frequency points where the accumulated
                                             power becomes 0.5% of the total power, are
                                             calculated. Subtracting the previous
                                             determined two frequency points, yields the
                                             occupied bandwidth.
                                             A call was established on highest power transmit conditions in RMC99 mode.

                   EUT settings              The measurements were made at the low, middle and high carrier frequencies of each of the
                                             supported operating band. Choosing three TX-carrier frequencies of the wireless device, should
                                             be sufficient to demonstrate compliance.


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 15 of 33

5.2.4. Results

                                      Channel no.               Occupied 99%   26 dBc Emission
     Operating band                                              bandwidth        bandwidth
                                 Range              No.            [MHz]            [MHz]

                                                     Set-up 2
                              Channel Low           9262         4.057692308    4.625000000
                               (1852.4 MHz)

      FDD Band 2             Channel Middle         9400         4.057692308    4.615384615
                               (1880.0 MHz)

                             Channel High           9538         4.057692308    4.615384615
                               (1907.6 MHz)

                              Channel Low           4132         4.067307692    4.644230796
                               (826.4 MHz)

      FDD Band 5             Channel Middle         4185         4.076923077    4.634615385
                               (836.6 MHz)

                             Channel High           4233         4.067307692    4.625000000
                               (846.6 MHz)
Remarks: see diagrams in separate annex 4


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 16 of 33

5.3. RF-Parameter - Conducted out of Band RF emissions and Band Edge
5.3.1. Test location and equipments (for reference numbers please see chapter 'List of test equipment')
 test location      CETECOM Essen (Chapter. 2.2.1)           Please see Chapter. 2.2.2                 Please see Chapter. 2.2.3
 test site          347 Radio.lab. 1       Radio.lab. 2
 spectr. analys.    584 FSU           120 FSEM              264   FSEK        489 ESU
 signaling          017 CMD 65        323 CMD 55            340   CMD 55
 signaling          392 MT8820A  436 CMU                    670   CMU
 power supply       611 E3636A        457 EA 3013A          459   EA 2032-50  268 EA- 3050           494 AG6632A  498 NGPE 40
 otherwise          529 6dB divider  530 10dB Att.          431   Near field
 line voltage       230 V 50 Hz via public mains             060   120 V/ 60 Hz via PAS 5000

5.3.2. Requirements and limits

                      FDD-Band 5: RSS-132, Issue 3: 5.5(i)(ii)
                      FDD-Band 2: RSS-133, Issue 6: 6.5.1(i)(ii)
       ANSI          C63.26-2015

       Limit         „the power of emissions shall be attenuated below the transmitter output power (p) by at least 43+10Log(P) dB“

5.3.3. Test condition and test set-up
              Climatic conditions             Temperature: (22±3°C)                         Rel. humidity: (40±20)%
              Test system set-up              Please see chapter “Test system set-up for conducted measurements on antenna port”
                                              The spectrum was scanned from 9 kHz to the 10th harmonic of the highest frequency generated
                                              within the equipment. A PEAK detector was used except measurements near the Band-Edge where
                                              a AVERAGE detector applied.
             Measurement method               A suitable artificial antenna or RF-connector is provided by the applicant in order to perform the
                                              conducted measurements. Any data provided with the artificial antenna or connector, have been
                                              taken in account in order to correct the measurement data. (typical 0.3dB for attenuation of
                                              antenna connector)
        Spectrum-Analyzer settings            See below tables
                                              A call was established on highest power transmit conditions in RMC99 mode.

             Mobile phone settings            The measurements were made at the low, middle and high carrier frequencies of each of the
                                              supported operating band. Choosing three TX-carrier frequencies of the mobile phone, should be
                                              sufficient to demonstrate compliance.

Spectrum-Analyzer settings for FDD Band 2
                                      Start         Stop          R-BW           V-BW          Sweep
                                      freq.         freq.                                       time                           Detector
                                      MHz           MHz            MHz            MHz           sec.
 Sweep 1 (subrange 1)      0.009      0.150                       0.0001           --1.)         10           25             MaxH-PK
 Sweep 1 (subrange 2)      0.150        1                          0.009           --1.)         10           25             MaxH-PK
 Sweep 1 (subrange 3)         1         30                           0.1           --1.)          5           25             MaxH-PK
 Sweep 2 (subrange 1)        30      19500                            1            --1.)         >60          35             MaxH-PK
 Sweep 3a (Band-Edge)       1849      1850                          0.05           --1.)         30           35             MaxH-PK
 Sweep 3b (Band-Edge)       1849      1850                          0.05           --1.)         30           35             MaxH-AV
 Sweep 4a (Band-Edge)       1910      1911                          0.05           --1.)         30           35             MaxH-PK
 Sweep 4b (Band-Edge)       1910      1911                          0.05           --1.)         30           35             MaxH-AV
Remark: 1.) EMI 6dB receiver mode used


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 17 of 33

Spectrum-Analyzer Settings FDD Band 5
                                Start         Stop         R-BW         V-BW          Sweep
                                freq.         freq.                                    time       Att.          Detector
                                MHz           MHz          MHz           MHz           sec.
 Sweep 1 (subrange 1)      0.009      0.150                0.0001         --1.)        10         25           MaxH-PK
 Sweep 1 (subrange 2)      0.150        1                   0.009         --1.)        10         25           MaxH-PK
 Sweep 1 (subrange 3)          1        30                    0.1         --1.)         5         25           MaxH-PK
 Sweep 2 (subrange 1)         30      9000                     1          --1.)        >60        35           MaxH-PK
 Sweep 3a (Band-Edge)        823       824                   0.05         --1.)        30         35           MaxH-PK
 Sweep 3b (Band-Edge)        823       824                   0.05         --1.)        30         35           MaxH-AV
 Sweep 4a (Band-Edge)        850       851                   0.05         --1.)        30         35           MaxH-PK
 Sweep 4b (Band-Edge)        850       851                   0.05         --1.)        30         35           MaxH-AV
Remark: 1.) EMI 6dB receiver mode used

5.3.4. Results

The results are presented below in summary form only. For more information please see each diagramm
enclosed in annex 4. FDD Band 2: Op. Mode 1, Set-up 2
  Dia-       Carrier Channel                          OP-                                           Used detector
  gram                         Frequency range        mode                   Remark
   no.                                                 no.
             Range     No.                                                                         PK    AV    QP
  36.01       Low               9kHz to 30MHz                                    --                                passed
                                  30 MHz to                         Carrier visible on diagram,
  36.02       Low     9262                                                                                         passed
                                   19.5GHz                           not relevant for results
  37.01       Low              1849 – 1850 MHz                       Band Edge Compliance                          passed
  36.03      Middle             9kHz to 30MHz                                    --                                passed
                      9400        30 MHz to            1            Carrier visible on diagram,
  36.04      Middle                                                                                                passed
                                   19.5GHz                           not relevant for results
  36.05      High               9kHz to 30MHz                                    --                                passed
                                  30 MHz to                         Carrier visible on diagram,
  36.06      High     9538                                                                                         passed
                                   19.5GHz                           not relevant for results
  37.02    High                1910 – 1911 MHz                       Band-Edge compliance                          passed
Remark: -- FDD Band 5: Op. Mode 2, Set-up 2
  Dia-       Carrier Channel                          OP-                                           Used detector
  gram                         Frequency range        mode                   Remark
   no.                                                 no.
             Range     No.                                                                         PK    AV    QP
  36.07       Low              9kHz to 30MHz                                     --                                passed
                                                                    Carrier visible on diagram,
  36.08       Low     4132     30 MHz to 9GHz                                                                      passed
                                                                     not relevant for results
  37.03       Low               822 – 824 MHz                        Band Edge Compliance                          passed
  36.09      Middle            9kHz to 30MHz           2                         --                                passed
  36.10      Middle            30 MHz to 9GHz                       Carrier visible on diagram,                    passed
  36.11      High              9kHz to 30MHz                         not relevant-- for results                    passed
  36.12      High     4233     30 MHz to 9GHz                       Carrier visible on diagram,                    passed
  37.04      High               849 – 851 MHz                        not relevantcompliance
                                                                     Band-Edge      for results                    passed
Remark: --


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 18 of 33

5.4. RF-Parameter - Radiated out of Band RF emissions and Band Edge
5.4.1. Test location and equipments (for reference numbers please see chapter 'List of test equipment')
 test location       CETECOM Essen (Chapter. 2.2.1)          Please see Chapter. 2.2.2                 Please see Chapter. 2.2.3
 test site           441 EMI SAR  487 SAR NSA               443 FAR           347 Radio.lab.1        347 Radio.lab.2
 receiver            377 ESCS30        001 ESS              489 ESU 40               ESU 26
 spectr. analys.     584 FSU           120 FSEM             264 FSEK
 antenna             439 HL 562        549 HL 025           302 BBHA9170  289 CBL 6141               030 HFH-Z2          477 GPS
 signaling           017 CMD 65        323 CMD 55           340 CMD 55
 signaling           392 MT8820A  546 CMU                   547 CMU
 power supply        611 E3636A        457 EA 3013A         459 EA 2032-50  268 EA- 3050             494 AG6632A 498 NGPE 40
 otherwise           529 6dB divider  530 6dB Att.          110 USB LWL  482 Filter Matrix           431 Near field
 line voltage        230 V 50 Hz via public mains            060 120 V/ 60 Hz via PAS 5000

5.4.2. Requirements and limits
                                  General: §2.1053(a) , §2.1057(a)
                                   FDD Band 5: Part 22: §22.917(a)(b)
                                   FDD Band 2: Part 24: §24.238(a)(b)
                                   FDD Band 4: Part 27: §27.53(h)
                                   FDD Band 5: RSS-132, Issue 3: 5.5(i)(ii)
              IC                   FDD Band 2: RSS-133, Issue 6: 6.5.1(i)(ii)
                                   FDD Band 4: RSS-139, Issue 3: 6.6 (i)(ii)
                                  „the power of emissions shall be attenuated below the transmitter output power (p) by at least 43+10Log(P)
             Limit                dB“
                                  -> Resulting limits for all power levels of the Mobile Phone: -13dBm

5.4.3. Test condition and test set-up

        link to test system (if used):         air link        cable connection            
               EUT-grounding                   none            with power supply            additional connection
              Equipment set up                 table top                                     floor standing
            Climatic conditions               Temperature: (22±3°C)                          Rel. humidity: (40±20)%
             Test system set-up               Please see chapter “Test system set-up for radiated spurious emission measurements up to 20 GHz”
                                              The spectrum was scanned from 9 kHz to the 10th harmonic of the highest frequency generated within
                                              the equipment. A PEAK detector was used except measurements near the Band-Edge where a
                                              AVERAGE detector applied for critical measurements.
           Measurement method
                                              According chapter 4.2

                                               A call was established on highest power transmit conditions in RMC99 mode.
                                               The measurements were made at the low, middle and high carrier frequencies of each of the supported
                   EUT settings
                                               operating band. Choosing three TX-carrier frequencies of the wireless device, should be sufficient to
                                               demonstrate compliance.


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 19 of 33

Spectrum-Analyzer settings for FDD band 2
                              Start      Stop    R-BW   V-BW   Sweep
                              freq.      freq.                  time          Detector
                              MHz        MHz     MHz    MHz     sec.
 Sweep 1 (subrange 1)          30        1000     1      1      10     10     MaxH-PK
 Sweep 1 (subrange 2)         1000       2800     1      1      15     0      MaxH-PK
 Sweep 1 (subrange 3)         2800      20000     1      1      60     10     MaxH-PK
 Sweep 2a (Band-Edge)         1849       1850                   30     35     MaxH-PK
 Sweep 2b (Band-Edge)         1849       1850                   30     35     MaxH-AV
                                                 0.05    0.5
 Sweep 3a (Band-Edge)         1910       1911                   30     35     MaxH-PK
 Sweep 3b (Band-Edge)         1910       1911                   30     35     MaxH-AV

Spectrum-analyzer settings for FDD Band 5
                              Start      Stop    R-BW   V-BW   Sweep
                              freq.      freq.                  time   Att.   Detector
                              MHz        MHz     MHz    MHz     sec.
 Sweep 1 (subrange 1)           30       1000     1      1       10    10     MaxH-PK
 Sweep 1 (subrange 2)         1000       2800     1      1       15    0      MaxH-PK
 Sweep 1 (subrange 3)         2800      12000     1      1      160    10     MaxH-PK
 Sweep 2a (Band-Edge)          823       824                     30    35     MaxH-PK
 Sweep 2b (Band-Edge)          823       824                     30    35     MaxH-AV
                                                 0.05    0.5
 Sweep 3a (Band-Edge)          850       851                     30    35     MaxH-PK
 Sweep 3b (Band-Edge)          850       851                     30    35     MaxH-AV


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 20 of 33

5.4.4. Results

The results are presented below in summary form only. For more information please see each diagramm
enclosed in annex 4. FDD Band 2: Op. Mode 1, Set-up 1
  Dia-       Carrier Channel                     OP-                                    Used detector
  gram                         Frequency range   mode              Remark
   no.                                            no.
             Range     No.                                                              PK   AV    QP

                                  30 MHz to               Carrier visible on diagram.
   8.20       Low                                                                                      passed
                                   19.5GHz                 Not relevant for results
                                                            Band Edge Compliance
   9.20       Low              1849 – 1850 MHz                                                         passed

                               30 MHz to 19.5             Carrier visible on diagram.
   8.21      Middle   9400                        1                                                    passed
                                   GHz                     Not relevant for results

                               30 MHz to 19.5             Carrier visible on diagram.
   8.22      High                                                                                      passed
                                   GHz                     Not relevant for results
                                                            Band-Edge compliance:
   9.21      High              1910 – 1911 MHz                                                         passed

Remark: -- FDD Band 5: Op. Mode 2, Set-up 1
  Dia-       Carrier Channel                     OP-                                    Used detector
  gram                         Frequency range   mode              Remark
   no.                                            no.
             Range     No.                                                              PK   AV    QP

                                                          Carrier visible on diagram.
   8.50       Low              30 MHz to 9 GHz                                                         passed
                                                           Not relevant for results
                                                            Band Edge Compliance
   9.50       Low               823 – 824 MHz                                                          passed

                                                          Carrier visible on diagram.
   8.51      Middle   4185     30 MHz to 9 GHz    2                                                    passed
                                                           Not relevant for results

                                                          Carrier visible on diagram.
   8.52      High              30 MHz to 9 GHz                                                         passed
                                                           Not relevant for results
                                                            Band-Edge compliance
   9.51      High               849 – 850 MHz                                                          passed

Remark: a mathematical correction of used RBW=30kHz for measurements to required 1% RBW of EBW was used


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 21 of 33

5.5. RF-Parameter - Frequency stability on temperature and voltage variations
5.5.1. Test location and equipments (for reference numbers please see chapter 'List of test equipment')
 test location      CETECOM Essen (Chapter. 2.2.1)        Please see Chapter. 2.2.2                 Please see Chapter. 2.2.3
 test site          347 Radio.lab.1      Radio.lab.2                                                                
 spectr. analys.    584 FSU          489 ESU 40          264   FSEK        620 ESU 26                             
 signaling          392 MT8820A  436 CMU                 547   CMU
 DC power           456 EA 3013A  457 EA 3013A           459   EA 2032-50  268 EA- 3050           494 AG6632A  498 NGPE 40
 otherwise          529 6dB divider  530 10dB Att.       431   Near field  341 Fluke 112
 Climatic test
                    331 HC 4055       331 VT 4002        627 OPUS 1
 line voltage       230 V 50 Hz via public mains          060 120 V/ 60 Hz via PAS 5000

5.5.2. Requirements and limits
                                            FDD Band 5: §22.355, Table C-1
                                            FDD Band 2: §24.235
                                            FDD Band 4: §27.54

                                            FDD Band 5: RSS-132, Issue 3: 5.3
                     IC                     FDD Band 2: RSS-133, Issue 6: 6.3
                                            FDD Band 4: RSS-139, Issue 3: 6.4

                    ANSI                   C63.26-2015, chapter 5.6

                                           “The frequency stability shall be sufficient to ensure that the fundamental emission stays
                    Limit                  within the authorized frequency block”

5.5.3. Test condition and test set-up
                                          Please see chapter “Test system set-up for conducted measurements on antenna port”

            Test system set-up            In order to maintain the voltage constant over the time period of the tests, a dummy battery was
                                          connected to a laboratory power supply. The power supply voltage was controlled on the input of
                                          the power supply terminals of the EUT.
                                          The RF Channel spacing is 200 kHz according W-CDMA-Spec, with a guard band. The aim of the
                                          EUT is to function under all extreme conditions within authorized sub-bands in regard to temperature
                                          and voltage variations. The frequency deviation was recorded with base station’s build in capability.
           Measurement method             (CMU)

                                          As the standard requires that the fundamental emissions stays within the authorized band, a limit of
                                          0.1ppm is considered low enough to ensure this.
                                          A call was established on highest power transmit conditions in RMC99 mode.

                                          The measurements were made at the low, middle and high carrier frequencies of each of the supported
          Mobile phone settings           operating band. Choosing three TX-carrier frequencies of the mobile phone, should be sufficient to
                                          demonstrate compliance.

                                          Tests have been done in Rel99, 12.2 kbps RMC operating mode. Frequency shift of carrier against a voltage range at constant nominal temperature of 20° Celsius

     1.) determine the carrier frequency for the lowest and highest channel at room temperature and nominal
         voltage [20°C]
     2.) The voltage was reduced in 0.1 Volt steps to the lower end point, where the mobile phone stops working.
         (this shall be specified by the manufacturer) Record the carrier frequency shift within 2 minutes after
         powering on the mobile phone, to prevent for self heating effects.
     3.) The voltage was increased in 0.1 Volt steps to the upper declared voltage of the battery. Record the
         carrier frequency shift within 2 minutes after powering on the mobile phone, to prevent for self heating


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 22 of 33

5.5.4. Measurement Results: FDD Band 5

FDD Band V - Channel 4185
   Voltage       Nominal      Maximum frequency error         Verdict
     [V]          [MHz]          [Hz]           [ppm]    Limit= +/- 2.5ppm

     3,30                        -27            -0,032
     3,80       8,370E+08        -28            -0,033        passed
     4,40                        -29            -0,035

FDD Band V - Channel 4132
   Voltage       Nominal      Maximum frequency error         Verdict
                                 [Hz]           [ppm]    Limit= +/- 2.5ppm
     [V]          [MHz]

     3,30                        -30            -0,036
     3,80       8,264E+08        -31            -0,038        passed
     4,40                        -29            -0,035

FDD Band V - Channel 4233
  Voltage       Nominal       Maximum frequency error         Verdict
                                 [Hz]           [ppm]    Limit= +/- 2.5ppm
     [V]         [MHz]

     3,30                        24             0,028
     3,80       8,466E+08        24             0,028         passed
     4,40                        -29            -0,034


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 23 of 33 FDD Band 2

FDD Band 2 - Channel 9400
   Voltage        Nominal      Maximum frequency error        Verdict
      [V]          [MHz]           [Hz]         [ppm]    Limit= +/- 0.1ppm

     3,30                          -59          -0,031
     3,80        1,880E+09         -56          -0,030        passed
     4,40                          -59          -0,031

FDD Band 2 - Channel 9262
  Voltage       Nominal
                               Maximum frequency error        Verdict
                                  [Hz]       [ppm]       Limit= +/- 0.1ppm
     [V]         [MHz]

     3,30                          -59          -0,032
     3,80        1,852E+09         -62          -0,033        passed
     4,40                          -56          -0,030

FDD Band 2 - Channel 9538
  Voltage       Nominal
                               Maximum frequency error        Verdict
                                  [Hz]       [ppm]       Limit= +/- 0.1ppm
     [V]         [MHz]

     3,30                          50           0,026
     3,80        1,9076E+09        -57          -0,030        passed
     4,40                          -58          -0,030


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 24 of 33 Frequency shift of carrier against temperature at constant power supply voltage

1.) determine the carrier frequency for the lowest, middle and highest channel at room temperature and nominal
    voltage [20°C]
2.) expose the mobile station to –30°C, wait sufficient time to have constant temperature.
3.) Perform the carrier frequencies measurements in 10°C increments from –30°C to +50°C. For about half hour
    at the specified temperature the mobile was powered-off. After powering-on, the measurements were made
    within 2 minute for the channel lower channel, in order to prevent self-warming of the mobile. FDD Band 2

                                          Maximum frequency error
                      Channel       Channel     Channel      Channel      Channel    Channel      Verdict
                       9262          9400         9538        9262         9400       9538
  Temperature                        [Hz]                                  [ppm]               Limit=±0.1ppm

       -30              52             -58            69         0,000      -0,031    0,036
       -20              50             -57            52         0,027      -0,030    0,027
       -10              -57            -38            -58        -0,031     -0,020    -0,030
        0               -59            -57            -57        -0,032     -0,030    -0,030
       10               -62            51             -62        -0,033     0,027     -0,033       PASS
       20               -58            52             -57        -0,031     0,028     -0,030
       30               -59            -65            -58        -0,032     -0,035    -0,030
       40               -56            -57            -61        -0,030     -0,030    -0,032
       50               -56            -56            51         -0,030     -0,030    0,027


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 25 of 33 FDD Band 5

                                        Maximum frequency error
                Channel       Channel      Channel     Channel    Channel   Channel
                 4132          4185         4233        4132       4183      4233     Limit=±0.1ppm
Temperature                     [Hz]                              [ppm]

     -30           31            27             26       0,038     0,032     0,031
     -20           29            26             25       0,035     0,031     0,030
     -10           -26           -28            -26     -0,031     -0,033    -0,031
      0            -29           -28            -30     -0,035     -0,033    -0,035
     10            -30           -29            -32     -0,036     -0,035    -0,038       Pass
     20            -32           -30            -28     -0,039     -0,036    -0,033
     30            -29           -30            -30     -0,035     -0,036    -0,035
     40            -31           -28            -31     -0,038     -0,033    -0,037
     50            18            -7             -9       0,022     -0,008    -0,011


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 26 of 33

5.6. General Limit - Radiated field strength emissions below 30 MHz
5.6.1. Test location and equipment
 test location        CETECOM Essen (Chapter. 2.2.1)              Please see Chapter. 2.2.2           Please see Chapter. 2.2.3
 test site            441 EMI SAR  487 SAR NSA                   347 Radio.lab.                                      
 receiver             377 ESCS30        001 ESS                                                                     
 spectr. analys.      584 FSU           120 FSEM                 264 FSEK                                           
 antenna              574 BTA-L         133 EMCO3115             302 BBHA9170  289 CBL 6141         030 HFH-Z2  477 GPS
 signaling            392 MT8820A  371 CBT32                     547 CMU           594 CMW
 otherwise            400 FTC40x15E  401 FTC40x15E               110 USB LWL  482 Filter Matrix     378 RadiSense
 DC power             456 EA 3013A  457 EA 3013A                 459 EA 2032-50  268 EA- 3050       494 AG6632A  498 NGPE 40
 line voltage         230 V 50 Hz via public mains                060 120 V 60 Hz via PAS 5000

5.6.2. Requirements
          IC                 RSS-Gen., Issue 4: Chapter 8.9, Table 5
         ANSI                C63.10-2009
      Frequency                        Field strength limit               Measurement
        [MHz]                   [μV/m]               [dBμV/m]              Distance                             Remarks
    0.009 – 0.490             2400/f (kHz)      67.6 – 20Log(f) (kHz)        300
                                                                                              ANSI 63.10:2013 Correction factor used due to
    0.490 – 1.705            24000/f (kHz)      87.6 – 20Log(f) (kHz)          30
                                                                                                     measurement distance of 3 m
      1.705 – 30                     30                  29.5                  30

5.6.3. Test condition and test set-up
 Signal link to test system (if used):            air link      cable connection        none
 EUT-grounding                                    none          with power supply  additional connection
 Equipment set up                                 table top                              floor standing
 Climatic conditions                             Temperature: (22±3°C)                   Rel. humidity: (40±20)%
                                                  9 – 150 kHz             RBW/VBW = 200 Hz           Scan step = 80 Hz
                           Scan data              150 kHz – 30 MHz RBW/VBW = 9 kHz                   Scan step = 4 kHz
                                                  other:
 EMI-Receiver or Scan-Mode                        6 dB EMI-Receiver Mode  3dB Spectrum analyser Mode
 Analyzer Settings Detector                      Peak (pre-measurement) and Quasi-PK/Average (final if applicable)
                   Mode:                         Repetitive-Scan, max-hold
                   Sweep-Time                    Coupled – calibrated display if continuous signal otherwise adapted to EUT’s individual
                                                 transmission duty-cycle
General measurement procedures                   Please see chapter “Test system set-up radiated magnetic field measurements below 30 MHz”

5.6.4. Measurement Results

The results are presented below in summary form only.For more information please see the diagrams.

Table of measurement results:
                     Carrier                                    Set-    OP-
 Diagram                                    Frequency                                                             Used detector
                     Channel                                     up     mode               Remark                                    Result
   No.                                        range
                                                                no.      no.
                   Range       No.                                                                               PK AV       QP
    2.20       Low            9262        9 kHz-30 MHz           1       1                    --                                  passed
    2.50       Low            4132        9 kHz-30 MHz           1       2                    --                                  passed
    2.21      Middle          9400        9 kHz-30 MHz           1       1                    --                                  passed
    2.51      Middle          4183        9 kHz-30 MHz           1       2                    --                                  passed
    2.22       High           9538        9 kHz-30 MHz           1       1                    --                                  passed
    2.52       High           4233        9 kHz-30 MHz           1       2                    --                                  passed


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 27 of 33

5.6.5. Correction factors due to reduced meas. distance (f< 30 MHz)

The used correction factors when the measurement distance is reduced compared to regulatory measurement
distance, are calculated according Extrapolation formulas valid for EUT’s with maximum dimension of
0.625xLambda. Formula 2+3+4 as presented in ANSI C63.10, Chapter 6.4.4 are used for the calculations of
proper extrapolation factors.


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 28 of 33

5.7. Measurement uncertainties

The reported uncertainties are calculated based on the standard uncertainty multiplied with the appropriate
coverage factor k, such that a confidence level of approximately 95% is achieved.
For uncertainty determination, each component used in the concrete measurement set-up was taken in account and
it’s contribution to the overall uncertainty according it’s statistical distribution calculated.

Following table shows expectable uncertainties for each measurement type performed.

                                                                       Calculated uncertainty based on a
     RF-Measurement           Reference         Frequency range                                                  Remarks
                                                                           confidence level of 95%
 Conducted emissions                      9 kHz - 150 kHz          4.0 dB
                             CISPR 16-2-1                                                                            -
 (U CISPR)                                150 kHz - 30 MHz         3.6 dB
 Radiated emissions                       30 MHz - 1 GHz           4.2 dB
                             CISPR 16-2-3                                                                         E-Field
 Enclosure                                1 GHz - 18 GHz           5.1 dB
 Disturbance power           CISPR 16-2-2 30 MHz - 300 MHz         -                                                 -
 Power Output radiated            -         30 MHz - 4 GHz         3.17 dB
                                                                   Cel- Cel-
                                            Set-up No.                          BT1 W1          W2         --
                                                                    C1     C2
 Power Output conducted           -         9 kHz - 12.75 GHz      N/A 0.60 0.7 0.25           N/A         --        -
                                            12.75 - 26.5GHz        N/A 0.82      --   N/A      N/A         --
 Conducted emissions              -         9 kHz - 2.8 GHz        0.70 N/A 0.70 N/A           0.69        --    N/A - not
 on RF-port                                 2.8 GHz - 12.75GHz     1.48 N/A 1.51 N/A           1.43        --    applicable
                                            12.75 GHz - 18GHz      1.81 N/A 1.83 N/A           1.77        --
                                            18 GHz - 26.5GHz       1.83 N/A 1.85 N/A           1.79        --
                                                                   0.1272 ppm (Delta Marker)                    Frequency
 Occupied bandwidth               -         9 kHz - 4 GHz                                                       error
                                                                   1.0 dB                                       Power
                                  -                                0.1272 ppm (Delta Marker)                    Frequency
 Emission bandwidth                         9 kHz - 4 GHz                                                       error
                                  -                                See above: 0.70 dB                           Power
 Frequency stability              -         9 kHz - 20 GHz         0.0636 ppm                                         -
                                            150 kHz - 30 MHz       5.0 dB                                       Magnetic
 Radiated emissions                         30 MHz - 1 GHz         4.2 dB                                       field
 Enclosure                                  1 GHz - 20 GHz         3.17 dB                                      E-field
Table: measurement uncertainties, valid for conducted/radiated measurements


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 29 of 33

6. Abbreviations used in this report
 The abbreviations
 ANSI                    American National Standards Institute
 AV , AVG, CAV           Average detector
 EIRP                    Equivalent isotropically radiated power, determined within a separate measurement
 EGPRS                   Enhanced General Packet Radio Service
 EUT                     Equipment Under Test
 FCC                     Federal Communications Commission, USA
 IC                      Industry Canada
 n.a.                    not applicable
 Op-Mode                 Operating mode of the equipment
 PK                      Peak
 RBW                     resolution bandwidth
 RF                      Radio frequency
 RSS                     Radio Standards Specification, Dokuments from Industry Canada
 Rx                      Receiver
 TCH                     Traffic channel
 Tx                      Transmitter
 QP                      Quasi peak detector
 VBW                     Video bandwidth
 ERP                     Effective radiated power

7. Accreditation details of CETECOM’s laboratories and test sites

 Ref.-   Accreditation                  Valid for laboratory area or test site
 No.      Certificate                                                                               Accreditation Body
 -          D-PL-                                                                             DAkkS, Deutsche
                         All laboratories and test sites of CETECOM GmbH, Essen
         12047-01-01                                                                          Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH
 337                 Radiated Measurements 30 MHz to 1 GHz, 3 m / 10 m (OATS)
                                                                                              FCC, Federal Communications
 487                 Radiated Measurements 30 MHz to 1 GHz, 3 m (SAR)
      (MRA US-EU                                                                              Commission
 558                 Radiated Measurements above 1 GHz, 3 m (FAR)
          0003)                                                                               Laboratory Division, USA
 348                 Mains Ports Conducted Interference Measurements
 348                 Telecommunication Ports Conducted Interference Measurem.
 337    3462D-1      Radiated Measurements 30 MHz to 1 GHz, 3 m / 10 m (OATS)
 487    3462D-2      Radiated Measurements 30 MHz to 1 GHz, 3 m (SAR)                         IC, Industry Canada Certification
 550    3462D-2      Radiated Measurements 1 GHz to 6 GHz, 3 m (SAR)                          and Engineering Bureau
 558    3462D-3      Radiated Measurements above 1 GHz, 3 m (FAR)
 487     R-2666      Radiated Measurements 30 MHz to 1 GHz, 3 m (SAR)
                                                                                              VCCI, Voluntary Control Council
 550     G-301       Radiated Measurements 1 GHz to 6 GHz, 3 m (SAR)
                                                                                              for Interference by Information
 348     C-2914      Mains Ports Conducted Interference Measurements
                                                                                              Technology Equipment, Japan
 348     T-1967      Telecommunication Ports Conducted Interference Measurem.
 OATS = Open Area Test Site, SAR = Semi Anechoic Room, FAR = Fully Anechoic Room


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 30 of 33

8. Instruments and Ancillary

8.1. Used equiment “CTC”
The “Ref.-No” in the left column of the following tables allows the clear identification of the laboratory

8.1.1. Test software and firmware of equipment

                            Equipment                            Type                  Serial-No.       Version of Firmware or Software during the test

001          EMI Test Receiver                         ESS                      825132/017          Firm.= 1.21 , OTP=2.0, GRA=2.0
012          Signal Generator (EMS-cond.)              SMY 01                   839069/027          Firm.= V 2.02
013          Power Meter (EMS cond.)                   NRVD                     839111/003          Firm.= V 1.51
017          Digital Radiocommunication Tester         CMD 60 M                 844365/014          Firmware = V 3.52 .22.01.99, DECT = D2.87 13.01.99
053          Audio Analyzer                            UPA3                     860612/022          Firm. V 4.3
119          RT Harmonics Analyzer dig. Flickermeter   B10                      G60547              Firm.= V 3.1DHG
140          Signal Generator                          SMHU                     831314/006          Firm.= 3.21
261          Thermal Power Sensor                      NRV-Z55                  825083/0008         EPROM-Datum 02.12.04, SE EE 1 B
262          Power Meter                               NRV-S                    825770/0010         Firm.= 2.6
263          Signal Generator                          SMP 04                   826190/0007         Firm.=3.21
                                                                                                    UNIT Firmware= 4.04, SW-Main=4.04, SW-BBP=1.04,
295          Racal Digital Radio Test Set              6103                     1572
                                                                                                    SW-DSP=1.02, Hardboot=1.02, Softboot=2.02
                                                                                                    R&S Test Firmware =3.53 /3.54 (current Testsoftw. f.
298          Univ. Radio Communication Tester          CMU 200                  832221/091
                                                                                                    all band used
323          Digital Radiocommunication Tester         CMD 55                   825878/0034         Firm.= 3.52 .22.01.99
335          CTC-EMS-Conducted                         System EMS Conducted     -                   EMC 32 V 8.52
340          Digital Radiocommunication Tester         CMD 55                   849709/037          Firm.= 3.52 .22.01.99
355          Power Meter                               URV 5                    891310/027          Firm.= 1.31
365          10V Insertion Unit 50 Ohm                 URV5-Z2                  100880              Eprom Data = 31.03.08
366          Ultra Compact Simulator                   UCS 500 M4               V0531100594         Firm. UCS 500=001925/3.06a02, rc=ISMIEC 4.10
371          Bluetooth Tester                          CBT32                    100153              CBT V5,30+ SW-Option K55, K57
377          EMI Test Receiver                         ESCS 30                  100160              Firm.= 2.30, OTP= 02.01, GRA= 02.36
378          Broadband RF Field Monitor                RadiSense III            03D00013SNO-08      Firm.= V.03D13
389          Digital Multimeter                        Keithley 2000            0583926             Firm. = A13 (Mainboard) A02 (Display)
                                                                                                    Firm.= 4.50 #005, IPL=4.01#001,OS=4.02#001,
392          Radio Communication Tester                MT8820A                  6K00000788          GSM=4.41#013, W-CDMA= 4.54#004, scenario=
                                                                                                    R&S Test Firmware Base=5.14, Mess-Software=
436          Univ. Radio Communication Tester          CMU 200                  103083
                                                                                                    GSM:5.14 WCDMA:5.14 (current Testsoftw. F. all band
441          CTC-SAR-EMI Cable Loss                    System EMI field (SAR)   -                   EMC 32 Version 8.52
442          CTC-SAR-EMS                               System EMS field (SAR)   -                   EMC 32 Version 8.40
                                                       System CTC-FAR-EMI-
443          CTC-FAR-EMI-RSE                                                    -                   Spuri 7.2.5 or EMC 32 Ver. 9.15.00
444          CTC-FAR-EMS field                         System-EMS-Field (FAR)   -                   EMC 32 Version 9.15.00
                                                                                                    R&S Test Firmware Base=5.14, GSM=5.14
460          Univ. Radio Communication Tester          CMU 200                  108901
                                                                                                    WCDMA=5.14 (current Testsoftw.,f. all band to be used,
489          EMI Test Receiver                         ESU40                    1000-30             Firmware=4.43 SP3, Bios=V5.1-16-3, Spec. =01.00
491          ESD Simulator dito                        ESD dito                 dito307022          V 2.30
524          Voltage Drop Simulator                    VDS 200                  0196-16             Software Nr: 000037 Version V4.20a01
526          Burst Generator                           EFT 200 A                0496-06             Software Nr. 000034 Version V2.32
527          Micro Pulse Generator                     MPG 200 B                0496-05             Software-Nr. 000030 Version V2.43
528          Load Dump Simulator                       LD 200B                  0496-06             Software-Nr. 000031 Version V2.35a01
                                                                                                    R&S Test Firmware Base=5.14, GSM=5.14
546          Univ. Radio Communication Tester          CMU 200                  106436
                                                                                                    WCDMA=5.14 (current Testsoftw.,f. all band to be used
                                                                                                    R&S Test Firmware Base=V5.1403 (current Testsoftw.,
547          Univ. Radio Communication Tester          CMU 200                  835390/014
                                                                                                    f. all band used, GSM = 5.14 WCDMA: = 5.14
584          Spectrum Analyzer                         FSU 8                    100248              2.82_SP3
                                                                                                    R&S Test Firmware Base=5.01, GSM=5.02 WCDMA=
597          Univ. Radio Communication Tester          CMU 200                  100347
                                                                                                    not installed, Mainboard= µP1=V.850
598          Spectrum Analyzer                         FSEM 30 (Reserve)        831259/013          Firmware Bios 3.40 , Analyzer 3.40 Sp 2
620          EMI Test Receiver                         ESU 26                   100362              4.43_SP3
642          Wideband Radio Communication Tester       CMW 500                  126089              Setup V03.26, Test programm component V03.02.20
670          Univ. Radio Communication Tester          CMU 200                  106833              µP1 =V8.50, Firmware = V.20
689          Vector Signal Generator                   SMU200                   100970              02.20.360.142
                                                                                                    CBT V 5.40, FW: V.2.41 (FPGA Digital, V. 3.09 FPGA
692          Bluetooth Tester                          CBT 32                   100236


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 31 of 33

8.1.2. Single instruments and test systems

                                                                                                                          Interval of

                           Equipment                           Type                 Serial-No.        Manufacturer                                       Cal

001         EMI Test Receiver                         ESS                      825132/017        Rohde & Schwarz          12 M          -            30.05.2017
005         AC - LISN (50 Ohm/50µH, test site 1)      ESH2-Z5                  861741/005        Rohde & Schwarz          12 M          -            30.05.2017
007         Single-Line V-Network (50 Ohm/5µH)        ESH3-Z6                  892563/002        Rohde & Schwarz          12 M          -            30.05.2017
009         Power Meter (EMS-radiated)                NRV                      863056/017        Rohde & Schwarz          24 M          -            30.04.2017
016         Line Impedance Simulating Network         Op. 24-D                 B6366             Spitzenberger+Spies      36 M          -            30.05.2019
020         Horn Antenna 18 GHz (Subst 1)             3115                     9107-3699         EMCO                     36/12 M       -            31.03.2017
021         Loop Antenna (H-Field)                    6502                     9206-2770         EMCO                     36 M          -            30.04.2018
030         Loop Antenna (H-field)                    HFH-Z2                   879604/026        Rohde & Schwarz          36 M          -            30.04.2018
033         RF-current probe (100kHz-30MHz)           ESH2-Z1                  879581/18         Rohde & Schwarz          24 M          -            30.04.2017
057         relay-switch-unit (EMS system)            RSU                      494440/002        Rohde & Schwarz          pre-m         1a
060         power amplifier (DC-2kHz)                 PAS 5000                 B6363             Spitzenberger+Spies      -             3
                                                      WRCT 1900/2200-5/40-
066         notch filter (WCDMA; FDD1)                                         5                 Wainwright GmbH          12 M          1g           30.06.2016
086         DC - power supply, 0 -10 A                LNG 50-10                -                 Heinzinger Electronic    pre-m         2
087         DC - power supply, 0 -5 A                 EA-3013 S                -                 Elektro Automatik        pre-m         2
091         USB-LWL-Converter                         OLS-1                    007/2006          Ing. Büro Scheiba        -             4
099         passive voltage probe                     ESH2-Z3                  299.7810.52       Rohde & Schwarz          36 M          -            30.04.2018
100         passive voltage probe                     Probe TK 9416            without           Schwarzbeck              36 M          -            30.04.2018
110         USB-LWL-Converter                         OLS-1                    -                 Ing. Büro Scheiba        -             4
119         RT Harmonics Analyzer dig. Flickermeter   B10                      G60547            BOCONSULT                36 M          -            30.05.2019
136         adjustable dipole antenna (Dipole 1)      3121C-DB4                9105-0697         EMCO                     36 M          -            30.04.2018
140         Signal Generator                          SMHU                     831314/006        Rohde & Schwarz          24 M          -            30.05.2018
248         attenuator                                SMA 6dB 2W               -                 Radiall                  pre-m         2
249         attenuator                                SMA 10dB 10W             -                 Radiall                  pre-m         2
252         attenuator                                N 6dB 12W                -                 Radiall                  pre-m         2
256         attenuator                                SMA 3dB 2W               -                 Radiall                  pre-m         2
257         hybrid                                    4031C                    04491             Narda                    pre-m         2
260         hybrid coupler                            4032C                    11342             Narda                    pre-m         2
261         Thermal Power Sensor                      NRV-Z55                  825083/0008       Rohde & Schwarz          24 M          -            30.05.2018
262         Power Meter                               NRV-S                    825770/0010       Rohde & Schwarz          24 M          -            30.05.2018
263         Signal Generator                          SMP 04                   826190/0007       Rohde & Schwarz          36 M          -            30.05.2019
265         peak power sensor                         NRV-Z33, Model 04        840414/009        Rohde & Schwarz          24 M          -            30.05.2018
266         Peak Power Sensor                         NRV-Z31, Model 04        843383/016        Rohde & Schwarz          24 M          -            30.05.2018
267         notch filter GSM 850                      WRCA 800/960-6EEK        9                 Wainwright GmbH          pre-m         2
270         termination                               1418 N                   BB6935            Weinschel                pre-m         2
271         termination                               1418 N                   BE6384            Weinschel                pre-m         2
272         attenuator (20 dB) 50 W                   Model 47                 BF6239            Weinschel                pre-m         2
273         attenuator (10 dB) 100 W                  Model 48                 BF9229            Weinschel                pre-m         2
274         attenuator (10 dB) 50 W                   Model 47 (10 dB) 50 W    BG0321            Weinschel                pre-m         2
275         DC-Block                                  Model 7003 (N)           C5129             Weinschel                pre-m         2
276         DC-Block                                  Model 7006 (SMA)         C7061             Weinschel                pre-m         2
279         power divider                             1515 (SMA)               LH855             Weinschel                pre-m         2
287         pre-amplifier 25MHz - 4GHz                AMF-2D-100M4G-35-10P     379418            Miteq                    12 M          1c           30.06.2017
291         high pass filter GSM 850/900              WHJ 2200-4EE             14                Wainwright GmbH          12 M          1c           30.06.2017
298         Univ. Radio Communication Tester          CMU 200                  832221/091        Rohde & Schwarz          pre-m         3
300         AC LISN (50 Ohm/50µH, 1-phase)            ESH3-Z5                  892 239/020       Rohde & Schwarz          12 M          -            30.05.2017
301         attenuator (20 dB) 50W, 18GHz             47-20-33                 AW0272            Lucas Weinschel          pre-m         2
302         horn antenna 40 GHz (Meas 1)              BBHA9170                 155               Schwarzbeck              36 M          -            31.03.2017
303         horn antenna 40 GHz (Subst 1)             BBHA9170                 156               Schwarzbeck              36 M          -            31.03.2017
331         Climatic Test Chamber -40/+80 Grad        HC 4055                  43146             Heraeus Vötsch           Pre-m         2
341         Digital Multimeter                        Fluke 112                81650455          Fluke                    24 M          -            30.05.2018
342         Digital Multimeter                        Voltcraft M-4660A        IB 255466         Voltcraft                24 M          -            30.04.2017
347         laboratory site                           radio lab.               -                 -                        -             5
348         laboratory site                           EMI conducted            -                 -                        -             5
354         DC - Power Supply 40A                     NGPE 40/40               448               Rohde & Schwarz          pre-m         2
355         Power Meter                               URV 5                    891310/027        Rohde & Schwarz          24 M          -            30.05.2018
357         power sensor                              NRV-Z1                   861761/002        Rohde & Schwarz          24 M          -            30.04.2017
371         Bluetooth Tester                          CBT32                    100153            R&S                      36 M          -            30.05.2019
373         Single-Line V-Network (50 Ohm/5µH)        ESH3-Z6                  100535            Rohde & Schwarz          12 M          -            30.05.2017
377         EMI Test Receiver                         ESCS 30                  100160            Rohde & Schwarz          12 M          -            30.05.2017
389         Digital Multimeter                        Keithley 2000            0583926           Keithley                 24 M          -            30.04.2017
392         Radio Communication Tester                MT8820A                  6K00000788        Anritsu                  12 M          -            30.05.2017
431         Model 7405                                Near-Field Probe Set     9305-2457         EMCO                     -             4
436         Univ. Radio Communication Tester          CMU 200                  103083            Rohde & Schwarz          12 M          -            30.04.2017
439         UltraLog-Antenna                          HL 562                   100248            Rohde & Schwarz          36 M          -            31.03.2017
                                                      System CTC-FAR-EMI-                        ETS-Lindgren /
443         CTC-FAR-EMI-RSE                                                    -                                          12 M          5            30.06.2017
                                                      RSE                                        CETECOM
                                                      WRCT 1850.0/2170.0-                        Wainwright Instruments
448         notch filter WCDMA_FDD II                                          5                                          12 M          1c           30.06.2017
                                                      5/40-                                      GmbH
                                                      WRCT 824.0/894.0-5/40-
449         notch filter WCDMA FDD V                                           1                 Wainwright               12 M          1c           30.06.2017


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 32 of 33

                                                                                                                                  Interval of

                             Equipment                           Type                     Serial-No.              Manufacturer                                   Cal

454         Oscilloscope                              HM 205-3                    9210 P 29661            Hameg                   -             4
456         DC-Power supply 0-5 A                     EA 3013 S                   207810                  Elektro Automatik       pre-m         2
459         DC -Power supply 0-5 A , 0-32 V           EA-PS 2032-50               910722                  Elektro Automatik       pre-m         2
460         Univ. Radio Communication Tester          CMU 200                     108901                  Rohde & Schwarz         12 M          -            30.04.2017
463         Universal source                          HP3245A                     2831A03472              Agilent                 -             4
466         Digital Multimeter                        Fluke 112                   89210157                Fluke USA               24 M          -            30.05.2018
467         Digital Multimeter                        Fluke 112                   89680306                Fluke USA               36 M          -            30.04.2018
468         Digital Multimeter                        Fluke 112                   90090455                Fluke USA               36 M          -            30.04.2018
477         ReRadiating GPS-System                    AS-47                       -                       Automotive Cons. Fink   -             3
480         power meter (Fula)                        NRVS                        838392/031              Rohde & Schwarz         24 M          -            30.04.2017
482         filter matrix                             Filter matrix SAR 1         -                       CETECOM (Brl)           -             1d
484         pre-amplifier 2,5 - 18 GHz                                            1244554                 Miteq                   12 M          -            30.06.2017
                                                      System EMI field (SAR)                              ETS Lindgren /
487         System CTC NSA-Verification SAR-EMI                                   -                                               24 M          -            31.07.2017
                                                      NSA                                                 CETECOM
489         EMI Test Receiver                         ESU40                       1000-30                 Rohde & Schwarz         12 M          -            30.05.2017
                                                      WRCG 1709/1786-
502         band reject filter                                                    SN 9                    Wainwright              pre-m         2
503         band reject filter                        WRCG 824/849-814/859-       SN 5                    Wainwright              pre-m         2
                                                      WRCA 800/960-02/40-
512         notch filter GSM 850                                                  SN 24                   Wainwrght               12 M          1c           30.06.2017
517         relais switch matrix                      HF Relais Box Keithley      SE 04                   Keithley                pre-m         2
523         Digital Multimeter                        L4411A                      MY46000154              Agilent                 24 M          -            30.04.2017
529         6 dB Broadband resistive power divider    Model 1515                  LH 855                  Weinschel               pre-m         2
530         10 dB Broadband resistive power divider   R 416110000                 LOT 9828                -                       pre-m         2
546         Univ. Radio Communication Tester          CMU 200                     106436                  R&S                     12 M          -            30.05.2017
547         Univ. Radio Communication Tester          CMU 200                     835390/014              Rohde & Schwarz         12 M          -            30.04.2017
549         Log.Per-Antenna                           HL025                       1000060                 Rohde & Schwarz         36/12 M       -            31.07.2018
            System CTC S-VSWR Verification SAR-       System EMI Field SAR S-                             ETS
550                                                                               -                                               24 M          -            31.07.2017
            EMI                                       VSWR                                                Lindgren/CETECOM
552         high pass filter 2,8-18GHz                WHKX 2.8/18G-10SS           4                       Wainwright              12 M          1c           30.06.2017
557         System CTC-OTA-2                          R&S TS8991                  -                       Rohde & Schwarz         12 M          5            30.09.2016
                                                      System CTC FAR S-
558         System CTC FAR S-VSWR                                                 -                       CTC                     24 M          -            19.04.2017
574         Biconilog Hybrid Antenna                  BTA-L                       980026L                 Frankonia               36/12 M       -            31.03.2019
584         Spectrum Analyzer                         FSU 8                       100248                  Rohde & Schwarz         pre-m         -
594         Wideband Radio Communication Tester       CMW 500                     101757                  Rohde & Schwarz         12 M          -            30.04.2017
597         Univ. Radio Communication Tester          CMU 200                     100347                  Rohde & Schwarz         pre-m         -
598         Spectrum Analyzer                         FSEM 30 (Reserve)           831259/013              Rohde & Schwarz         24 M          -            30.04.2017
600         power meter                               NRVD (Reserve)              834501/018              Rohde & Schwarz         24 M          -            30.04.2017
601         medium-sensitivity diode sensor           NRV-Z5 (Reserve)            8435323/003             Rohde & Schwarz         24 M          -            30.04.2017
602         peak power sensor                         NRV-Z32 (Reserve)           835080                  Rohde & Schwarz         24 M          -
611         DC power supply                           E3632A                      KR 75305854             Agilent                 pre-m         2
612         DC power supply                           E3632A                      MY 40001321             Agilent                 pre-m         2
613         Attenuator                                R416120000 20dB 10W         Lot. 9828               Radiall                 pre-m         2
616         Digitalmultimeter                         Fluke 177                   88900339                Fluke                   24 M          -            30.05.2018
617         Power Splitter/Combiner                   ZFSC-2-2-S+                 S F987001108            Mini Circuits           -             2
618         Power Splitter/Combiner                   50PD-634                    600994                  JFW Industries USA      -             2
619         Power Splitter/Combiner                   50PD-634                    600995                  JFW Industries, USA     -             3
620         EMI Test Receiver                         ESU 26                      100362                  Rohde-Schwarz           12 M          -            30.05.2017
621         Step Attenuator 0-139 dB                  RSP                         100017                  Rohde & Schwarz         pre-m         2
625         Generic Test Load USB                     Generic Test Load USB       -                       CETECOM                 -             2
627         data logger                               OPUS 1                                              G. Lufft GmbH           24 M          -            30.04.2017
634         Spectrum Analyzer                         FSM (HF-Unit)               826188/010              Rohde & Schwarz         pre-m         2
                                                      HDMI cable with Ethernet
637         High Speed HDMI with Ethernet 1m                                      -                       KogiLink                -             2
638         HDMI Kabel with Ethernet 1,5 m flach      HDMI cable with Ethernet    -                       Reichelt                -             2
640         HDMI cable 2m rund                        HDMI cable 2m rund          -                       Reichelt                -             2
641         HDMI cable with Ethernet                  Certified HDMI cable with   -                       PureLink                -             2
644         Amplifierer                               ZX60-2534M+                 SN865701299             Mini-Circuits           -             -
670         Univ. Radio Communication Tester          CMU 200                     106833                  Rohde & Schwarz         24 M          -            30.05.2018
671         DC-power supply 0-5 A                     EA-3013S                    -                       Elektro Automatik       pre-m         2
678         Power Meter                               NRP                         101638                  Rohde&Schwarz           pre-m         -
683         Spectrum Analyzer                         FSU 26                      200571                  Rohde & Schwarz         12 M          -            30.05.2017
                                                                                                          Narda Safety Test
686         Field Analyzer                            EHP-200A                    160WX30702                                      24 M          -            30.04.2017
687         Signal Generator                          SMF 100A                    102073                  Rohde&Schwarz           12 M          -            30.05.2017
688         Pre Amp                                   JS-18004000-40-8P           1750117                 Miteq                   pre-m         -
690         Spectrum Analyzer                         FSU                         100302/026              Rohde&Schwarz           12 M          -            30.05.2017
692         Bluetooth Tester                          CBT 32                      100236                  Rohde & Schwarz         36 M          -            31.03.2017
697         Power Splitter                            ZN4PD-642W-S+               165001445               Mini-Circuits           -             2


Test Report TR16-1-0019501T05a, Page 33 of 33

8.1.3. Legend
Note / remarks                       Calibrated during system calibration:
                           1a        System CTC-SAR-EMS (Ref.-No. 442)
                           1b        System-CTC-EMS-Conducted (Ref.-No. 335)
                           1c        System CTC-FAR-EMI-RSE (Ref.-No . 443)
                           1d        System CTC-SAR-EMI (Ref.-No . 441)
                           1e        System CTC-OATS (EMI radiated) (Ref.-No. 337)
                           1f        System CTC-CTIA-OTA (Ref.-No . 420)
                           1g        System CTC-FAR-EMS (Ref.-No . 444)
                           2         Calibration or equipment check immediately before measurement
                           3         Regulatory maintained equipment for functional check or support purpose
                           4         calibration of this equipment
                                     Ancillary equipment   without has no effect
                                                                   calibration   onmechanical
                                                                               e.g. measuring result
                                                                                              equipment or monitoring equipment
                           5         Test System

Interval of calibration    12 M      12 month
                           24 M      24 month
                           36 M      36 month
                           24/12 M   Calibration every 24 months, between this every 12 months internal validation
                           36/12 M   Calibration every 36 months, between this every 12 months internal validation
                           Pre-m     Check before starting the measurement
                           -         Without calibration

9. Versions of test reports (change history)

      Version             Applied changes                                                                                     Date of release
        --                Initial release                                                                                      2016-06-21
        --                --                                                                                                        --


Document Created: 2016-07-12 13:29:57
Document Modified: 2016-07-12 13:29:57

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