

RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                                 MPE Assessment
                                                                           No: 0306SEELEY_MQWC(Receiver)_MPE(FCC)
                                                                                                 FCC ID: R2ESIA19
                                                                                                         Page 1 of 3
                                                                                                  Doc Id: FCC MPE Report (2013-05-09)


                                  COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT
                          FCC 47 CFR 1.1310

Client:                                   Seeley International Pty Ltd
Address:                                  112 O’Sullivan Beach Road, Lonsdale, SA 5160, Australia

Report Number:                            0306SEELEY_MQWC(Receiver)_MPE(FCC)
                                          [This report supersedes report 0226SEE_MQWC(Receiver)_SARExempt(FCC)]

File Number:                              SEELEY161223
Equipment Name:                           MagIQtouch Wireless Receiver
Equipment Model No:                       MQWC
Equipment FCC ID:                         R2ESIA19
Equipment Description:                    MagIQtouch Wireless Receiver

                                          (General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure)

Assessed by:                              Colin Gan

Approved by:                              Phillip Kane

Date of Issue:                            06 Mar. 2019

                Results appearing herein relate only to the sample(s) assessed through the submitted test report(s).

          This report is issued errors and omissions exempt and is subject to withdrawal at Austest Laboratories discretion.

                        This document shall not be reproduced in any form except in full.

                                                                                    MPE Assessment
                                                              No: 0306SEELEY_MQWC(Receiver)_MPE(FCC)
                                                                                    FCC ID: R2ESIA19
                                                                                            Page 2 of 3
                                                                                 Doc Id: FCC MPE Report (2013-05-09)

                                EQUIPMENT DETAILS Note 1
 MANUFACTURER:                                      Seeley International

 MODEL:                                             MQWC

 OPERATING FREQUENCY:                               915.1 MHz to 927.1 MHz
 TRANSMITTER POWER INTO ANTENNA:                    12.0 dBm (15.8 mW)
                                                    Permanently connected wire antenna,
                                                    approx. 7.5 cm long

 ANTENNA GAIN:                                      -5 dBi (0.316 numeric gain)


   1. Data taken from Austest FCC report 0228SEELEY_MQWC(Receiver)_FCC15C.

   2. Minimum separation distance of equipment from human body is understood to be 20cm or greater.

FCC § 15.247(b) RF Exposure Criteria for Intentional Radiators

RF Exposure Requirements: FCC §1.1307(b)(1), §1.1307(b)(2) and §1.1307(b)(3):
Systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be operated in a manner that
ensures that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy levels in excess of the
Commission’s guidelines.

RF Radiation Exposure Limit: FCC §1.1310:
As specified in this section, the Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) Limit shall be used
to evaluate the environmental impact of human exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation
as specified in Sec. 1.1307(b), except in the case of portable devices which shall be
evaluated according to the provisions of Sec. 2.1093 of this chapter.

                      This document shall not be reproduced in any form except in full.

                                                                               MPE Assessment
                                                         No: 0306SEELEY_MQWC(Receiver)_MPE(FCC)
                                                                               FCC ID: R2ESIA19
                                                                                       Page 3 of 3
                                                                           Doc Id: FCC MPE Report (2013-05-09)

Maximum Permissible Exposure

(As specified in Table 1B of 47 CFR 1.1310 – Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure
(MPE), Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure)

           Frequency range (MHz)                                Power density (mW/cm²)

                 300 – 1500                                                 f/1500

               1,500 – 100000                                                1.0

MPE Calculations

Results of MPE calculations for the EUT is shown below:

       S = [(30 x P x G) / (377 x d2)]

       S – Power density (mW/cm2)
       P – Power (mW)
       G – Antenna numeric gain
       D – Distance (cm)

       S = [(30 x 15.8 mW x 0.316) / (377 x {20 cm}2)] = 993.26 x 10-6 mW/cm2

       Limit = f/1500 = (915.1 / 1500) = 0.610 mW/cm2

Austest Summary and Recommendations

The equipment complies with FCC 47 CFR 1.1310: Limits for Maximum Permissible
Exposure (MPE), Limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure, when the
indicated minimum separation distance of 20cm is adhered to.

If compliance is sought for model numbers other than those listed in the test report, then the
compliance folder must hold additional documentation, demonstrating the equivalence of the
products between the different model numbers.

                   This document shall not be reproduced in any form except in full.

Document Created: 2019-03-06 16:17:50
Document Modified: 2019-03-06 16:17:50

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