Federal Communications Commission Authorisation


Cover Letter(s)

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                                                                                           Phone        +61 8 8328 3850
                                                                                           Fax          +61 8 8328 3951

                   ts              &20.                                                    Address      Seeley International Pty Ltd
 Federal Communications Commission                                                                      112 O‘Sullivan Beach Road
 7435 Oakland Mills Road                                                                                ,L\or;:gal:: SA 5160
         s                                                                                               U
 Columbia  MD 21046
                                                                                           Postal       PO Box 164
                                                                                                        Lonsdale SA 5160
                                                                                           ABN          23 054 687 035
                                                                                           Web          seeleyinternational.com

 To whom it may concern:

 I, the undersigned, hereby authorize Colin Gan, EMC Senior Engineer, of Austest Laboratories
 and hereafter referred to as Austest, to act on our behalf in all manners relating to application for
 equipment authorization, including signing of all documents relating to these matters. Any and all
 acts carried out by Colin Gan, EMC Senior Engineer, of Austest Laboratories on our behalf
 shall have the same effect as acts of our own.

 I, the undersigned, hereby certify that we are not subject to a denial of federal benefits, that
 includes FCC benefits, pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C.

 In authorizing Austest as our agent, we still recognize that we are responsible to:

           a)    comply with the relevant provisions of the certification program;

           b)    make all necessary arrangements for the conduct of the evaluation, including
                 provision for examining documentation and access to all areas, records (including
                 internal audit reports) and personnel for the purposes of evaluation (e.g. testing,
                 inspection, assessment, surveillance, reassessment) and resolution of complaints;

                 make claims regarding certification only in respect of the scope for which
                 certification has been granted;

           d)    do not use our product certification in such a manner as to bring the Certification
                 Division into disrepute and not make any statement regarding our product
                 certification which the Certification Division may consider misleading or

                 upon suspension or cancellation of certification, discontinue use of all advertising
                 matter that contains any reference thereto and return any certification documents
                 as required by the Certification Division;

                 use certification only to indicate the products are certified as being in conformity
                 with specified standards;

           8     endeavor to ensure that no certificate or report nor any part thereof is used in a
                 misleading manner;

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               h)            ensure that any reference to our product certification in communication media
                             such as documents, brochures or advertising, complies with the requirements of
                             the Certification Division;

                1)           keep a record of all complaints made known to the us relating to the product‘s
                             compliance with requirements of the relevant standard and to make these records
                             available to the Certification Division when requested;

               ])            take appropriate action with respect to such complaints and any deficiencies found
                             in products or services that affect compliance with the requirements for

                k)           document the actions taken.

 This authorization is valid until further written notice from the applicant.

  Sincerely Yours,

  Mr Craig Simkin,
  Mechanical Engineer,
  Seeley International Pty Ltd

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Document Created: 2019-01-23 11:45:49
Document Modified: 2019-01-23 11:45:49

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