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               Indoor Mobility Point™
               Quick Start Guide

Trapeze Networks, Inc.                   For the most current version of all documentation, go to
5753 W. Las Positas Blvd.                                   
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Tel: +1 925-474-2200
Fax: +1 925-251-0642
Toll-Free: 877-FLY-TRPZ (877-359-8779)                  Part Number: 730-9502-0242 Rev A

Trapeze Networks

       This document provides basic hardware installation instructions for indoor MP access point models.

                     Warning! Installation must be performed by qualified service personnel only. Read and
                     follow all warning notices and instructions marked on the product or included in the
          Warning!   documentation. Before installing the product, read the rest of this document.

                     Waarschuwing! De installatie mag alleen worden uitgevoerd door bevoegd
                     onderhoudspersoneel. Het is essentieel dat u kennis neemt van alle waarschuwingen en
          Warning!   instructies aangebracht op het product zelf en/of opgenomen in de documentatie.
                     Voordat u het product installeert, dient u dit document in zijn geheel te hebben gelezen.

                     Warnung! Die Installation darf nur von qualifiziertem Servicepersonal vorgenommen
                     werden. Lesen und befolgen Sie alle Warnhinweise und -anleitungen auf dem Produkt
          Warning!   bzw. in der Dokumentation. Lesen Sie vor Installation des Produkts den restlichen Teil
                     dieses Dokuments.

                     Avertissement! L’installation ne peut être effectuée que par un personnel qualifié.
                     Lisez et suivez tous les messages d’avertissement et les instructions inscrits sur le
          Warning!   produit ou inclus dans la documentation. Avant d’installer le produit, lisez le reste de ce

                     Attenzione! L’installazione deve essere effettuata unicamente da personale
                     qualificato. Leggere e rispettare tutte le segnalazioni di attenzione e le istruzioni
          Warning!   indicate sul prodotto o incluse nella documentazione. Prima d’installare il prodotto,
                     leggere tutto il documento.

                     ¡Advertencia! La instalación debe realizarse exclusivamente por parte de personal de
                     servicio cualificado. Lea y siga todas las notas de advertencia e instrucciones en el
          Warning!   producto o la documentación. Antes de instalar el producto deberá leer la parte restante
                     del presente documento.

                     ¡Advertencia! A instalação dever ser realizada exclusivamente por pessoal de serviço
                     qualificado. Leia e siga todas as notas de advertência e instrucões no produto ou na
          Warning!   documentação. Antes de instalar o produto deverá ler a parte restante do presente

2      Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide

                                                                                                Trapeze Networks

                       Varning! Installation får endast utföras av kvalificerad servicepersonal. Läs och följ
                       alla varningsmeddelanden och instruktioner markerade på produkten eller inkluderade
            Warning!   i dokumenteringen. Innan produkten installeras skall resten av dessa dokument läsas.

                       Advarsel! Installation må kun gennemføres af faglært servicepersonale. Læs, og følg
                       alle de advarselsmeddelelser og anvisninger, der er anført på produktet eller i
            Warning!   dokumentationen. Læs resten af dette dokument før installation af produktet.

                       Advarsel! Installasjon skal kun utføres av kvalifisert service personell. Les og følg alle
                       varsels meldinger og instrukssjons merkinger på produktet og i veiledningen. Les
            Warning!   resten av denne veiledningen før produktet installeres.

                       Varoitus! Installatie dient uitsluitend plaats te vinden door bevoegde monteurs. Lees
                       alle waarschuwingen en instructies die op het product zijn aangegeven of in de
            Warning!   documentatie zijn opgenomen, en volg deze op. Lees voordat u het product installeert
                       eerst de rest van dit document.

                       Viðvörun! Aðeins hæfir þjónustufulltrúar mega sinna uppsetningu tækjanna. Lesið og
                       fylgið öllum viðvörunum og leiðbeiningum í þessum gögnum. Lesið restina af þessum
            Warning!   gögnum fyrir uppsetningu.

                       Προσοχή! Η εγκατάσταση πρέπει να εκτελείται μόνο από εγκεκριμένο
                       προσωπικό συντήρησης. Διαβάστε και ακολουθείστε όλες τις
            Warning!   προειδοποιήσεις και οδηγίες που αναγράφονται στο προϊόν ή που
                       περιλαμβάνονται στην τεκμηρίωση. Πριν προβείτε στην εγκατάσταση
                       του προϊόντος, διαβάστε το υπόλοιπο έγγραφο.

                       경고! 공인 서비스 기사만 설치 작업을 수행할 수 있습니다.
                       제품에 표시되어 있거나 설명서에 포함된 모든 경고 문구 및
            Warning!   지침을 읽어 보시고 준수하십시오. 제품을 설치하기 전에 본
                       설명서를 전체적으로 읽어 보시기 바랍니다.

Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide                                                                        3

Trapeze Networks

                     Warning!  設置は、資格を持ったサービス要員のみが行えます。
          Warning!   読み、それに従ってください。製品を設置する前に、本ドキュメントの残りをお読みください。

          Warning!   在安装产品之前,请阅读这份文件的剩余部分。


                     Внимание! Монтаж должен производить только квалифицированный
                     обслуживающий персонал. Прочтите и выполняйте все предупредительные
          Warning!   примечания и инструкции, нанесенные на изделие или включенные в
                     документацию. Перед монтажом изделия прочтите данный документ до конца.

                                                               .‫הרהזא ! דבלב ךמסומ יאנכט ידי לע עצבתת הנקתהה‬
                                                              ‫תונמוסמה תוארוההו תורהזאה לכל םאתהב לעפו ארק‬
          Warning!                          .‫ דועיתב תועיפומ וא רצומה לע‬.‫ואולמב הז ךמסמ ארק‬, ‫רצומה תנקתה ינפל‬


       For more information about MP installation as well as safety and installation requirements, see the
          Trapeze Indoor Mobility Point Installation Guide
          Trapeze Regulatory Information- The Trapeze Regulatory Guide is located at:
 and can be downloaded in PDF

4      Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide

                                                                                                             Trapeze Networks

     Unpacking an MP
         The shipping carton for an MP-432/422/372 access point contains the following items:
         1. One MP access point
         2. Mounting kit:
                 One universal mounting bracket (attached to the MP)
                 One paper mounting template (used for marking cutting areas and screw holes)
                 One two-piece (9/16-inch) 14.2-mm T-bar clamp
                 One two-piece (5/8-inch) 15.9-mm T-bar clamp
                 One two-piece (15/16-inch) 23.9-mm T-bar clamp
                 Two #6 sheet metal screws and two drywall anchors
                 Three adhesive rubber feet
         3. One documentation pack that includes quick mounting instructions (not shown).

                           The Trapeze Regulatory Guide is located at
             Note: and can be downloaded in
                           PDF format.

         Figure 1–1. MP-422 Shipping Carton Contents

                                                                     Mounting template
                                Mobility point

                                                 Rubber feet              Universal

                                                                          mounting bracket

                 T-bar clamps                    Mounting hardware

Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide                                                                                   5

Trapeze Networks

    MP-82 Package Contents


              bracket                 slider
                                                                        RJ-45 cable


       The shipping carton for an MP-82 contains the following items:
       1. One MP-82
       2. Mounting kit including:
              One slider
              Two screws
              One bracket
       3. One RJ-45 cable
       4. Installation manual
                        The Trapeze Regulatory Guide is located at
          Note: and can be downloaded in
                        PDF format.

       Before you begin installation:
       1. Open the carton and carefully remove the contents.
       2. Place the packing materials back in the carton and save the carton.
       3. Verify that you received each item in the previous list. If any item is missing or damaged, contact
          Trapeze Networks.

6      Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide

                                                                                                 Trapeze Networks

     Installation Requirements and Recommendations
         For best results, follow these requirements and recommendations before installing an MP.

      RingMaster Network Plan and Work Orders
         If you are using RingMaster to plan your Trapeze Networks Mobility System installation, you might
         want to create and verify a network plan for the entire Trapeze network installation and generate an
         MP work order, before installing MP access points. A network plan and the MP work orders
         generated from it provide the following information about MP access point installation and
                 Number of MPs required for adequate WLAN capacity in each coverage area
                 Detailed installation location for each MP
                 Settings for all MPs in the WLAN
         (For information about installing RingMaster, creating and verifying a network plan, and generating
         an MP work order, see the Trapeze RingMaster User’s Guide and Trapeze RingMaster Reference

      MX Switch Recommendation
         Trapeze Networks recommends that you install and configure the MX before installing an MP. If the
         switch is already installed and configured for the MP(s), you can immediately verify the cable
         connection(s) when you plug the cable(s) into the MP.

                       All Indoor MP models are designed to receive power only from an 802.3af-compliant
                       source, a Trapeze Networks Mobility Exchange (MX) switch, or a Trapeze-approved
            Warning!   power injector. Connecting an MP access point to a Power over Ethernet (PoE) device
                       that is not approved by Trapeze Networks can damage the equipment.

                       The MP-432 requires a high-power PoE in order to operate as a dual concurrent radio in
                       802.11n mode with two 10/100/1000 Ethernet ports. This is provided by a high-power,
            Warning!   four wire solution or from two 802.3af PoE inputs on the two Ethernet ports as long as
                       they use the same pair of wires.
                       In High power mode, the power budget supports the full function of this AP. In order to
                       work under the 802.3af limitation, the MP-432 is configured to a default lower power

      Wall Installation Recommendations
         If you plan to install an MP on a partial wall or other vertical surface, orient the top of the access
         point (the side with the LEDs) toward the intended coverage area. The radio antennas transmit
         through the top of the access point but not through the bottom (where the bracket is).
         This recommendation does not apply if you plan to use external antennas. You can orient the
         antennas independently of the MP. Orient an external antenna to face the intended coverage area.

     Cabling Requirement
         The Ethernet ports on an MP access point cannot accept a Cat 5 cable that has an uneven sheath such
         as the one shown in Figure 1–2. The RJ-45 connector on the cable will not seat properly in the
         receptacle on the MP. Use a Cat 5 cable with an even sheath instead.

Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide                                                                          7

Trapeze Networks

        Figure 1–2. Do Not Use a Cat 5 Cable with an Uneven Sheath

        Uneven sheath

    Installing an Indoor Mobility Point
        To install an MP-432/422/372, use one of the procedures in this section.

     Installation Hardware and Tools
        Table 1– 1. Required Mounting Hardware and Tools—Model MP-422

                                                                      Included with the
Mounting Option             Required Hardware and Tools               Product
                            Mounting template                         Yes
                            Universal mounting bracket                Yes
                            T-bar clamp                               Yes

Suspended ceiling—flush     Note: A T-bar clamp is not required for
ceiling tiles               a 15/16-inch (23.9-mm) T-bar ceiling
                            with flush ceiling tiles.
                            Box cutter                                No
                            Small screwdriver (1/8-inch or 3-mm)      No
                            Small-pointed instrument or a paperclip No
                            Mounting template                         Yes
                            Universal mounting bracket                Yes

Suspended ceiling—drop      T-bar clamp                               Yes
ceiling tiles               Box cutter                                No
                            Small screwdriver (1/8-inch or 3-mm)      No
                            Small-pointed instrument or a paperclip No
                            Junction box                              No
                            Two #6-32 x 1-inch machine screws         Yes
                            Universal mounting bracket                Yes
Junction box
                            Small screwdriver (1/8-inch or 3-mm)      No
                            Small-pointed instrument or a paperclip No
                            #2 Phillips-head screwdriver              No

8       Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide

                                                                                                    Trapeze Networks

            Table 1– 1. Required Mounting Hardware and Tools—Model MP-422 (continued)

                                                                              Included with the
 Mounting Option                    Required Hardware and Tools               Product
                                    Two #6 sheet metal screws and two         Yes
                                    drywall anchors
                                    Universal mounting bracket                Yes

 Solid wall or ceiling              Hammer                                    No
                                    Small screwdriver (1/8-inch or 3-mm)      No
                                    Small-pointed instrument or a paperclip No
                                    #2 Phillips-head screwdriver              No
                                    Universal mounting bracket                Yes
                                    Three adhesive rubber feet                Yes
                                    Small screwdriver (1/8-inch or 3-mm)      No
                                    Small-pointed instrument or a paperclip No

                              The MP-422 and MP-432 models are UL2043 plenum rated, so they can also be installed
                Note:         in the space above the ceiling if preferred.

       MP-82 Installation Hardware and Tools

            Mouting Option          Required Hardware and Tools         Included with the Product

            ceiling or wall         mounting template                   yes

                                    small screwdriver                   no
                                    bracket                             yes
                                    slider                              yes
                                    screws                              yes

Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide                                                                          9

Trapeze Networks

       Figure 1–3. Universal Mounting Bracket

                                               Port connector

       Screw holes

                              T-bar flanges

     Suspended Ceiling Installation—Flush Ceiling Tiles
       (For required mounting hardware and tools, see Table 1– 1 on page 8.)
       1. Select an installation location that is centered over a T-bar in the ceiling.
       2. Cut a hole as follows in the ceiling tile for the Cat 5 cable(s):
          a. Place the mounting template over the area where you plan to install the MP access point.
          b. Use the box cutter to cut along the line marking the opening for the port connectors.
          c. Remove the mounting template and the material you cut from the ceiling panel.
       3. Determine whether to install a T-bar clamp onto the ceiling T-bar:
              If the T-bar width is 9/16 inches (14.2 mm), you need to install the 9/16-inch (14.2-mm) T-bar
              clamp. Go to step 4.
              If the T-bar width is 15/16 inches (23.9 mm), the universal mounting bracket fits directly onto
              the T-bar. Go to step 5.
       4. Install the 9/16-inch (14.2-mm) T-bar clamp onto the ceiling T-bar as shown in Figure 1–4.
          a. Slide each half of the clamp onto the T-bar so that the clamp lip is fully on the T-bar.
          b. Slide the two halves of the clamp toward each other until the tabs are inserted completely into
             the holes and the clamp fits snugly on the T-bar.

10     Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide

                                                                                            Trapeze Networks

         Figure 1–4. Step 4—Installing a T-bar Clamp
                                                  Slide together
                         T-bar clamp halves

         5. Unlock the universal mounting bracket from the MP by inserting a small-pointed instrument or a
              paperclip into the Unlock hole on the MP as shown in Figure 5.

                     Use a small-pointed instrument or a paperclip to unlock the bracket. Do not use a

               !     screwdriver because it may cause damage to the MP lock mechanism or electronic
                     components. Do not use excessive force when inserting a tool into the Unlock or Lock
             Caution hole.

         Figure 1–5. Step 5—Unlocking the Bracket

Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide                                                                    11

Trapeze Networks

       6. Remove the bracket as shown in Figure 1–6.

       Figure 1–6. Step 6—Removing the Bracket

       7. Install the universal mounting bracket as follows onto the T-bar or T-bar clamp:
           a. As shown in Figure 1–7, place the universal mounting bracket against the T-bar or clamp so
              that the two screw holes face downward and the two T-bar flanges face upward and are
              adjacent to the T-bar edges.
       Figure 1–7. Step 7—Top View

       Universal mounting


       Port connector

       (Viewed from above ceiling tiles, looking down.)

           b. Properly align the bracket for mounting by placing the bracket so that its port connector
              opening is to the left of the hole you cut for the cables.
           c. Rotate the universal mounting bracket clockwise until the flanges snap into place on the T-bar
              or clamp as shown in Figure 1–8.

12     Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide

                                                                                               Trapeze Networks

         Figure 1–8. Step 7—Bottom View

         Port connector                Universal mounting bracket

         8. Pull the Cat 5 cable(s) about 6 inches (about 15 cm) out of the hole in the ceiling tile and through
             the port connector opening to create enough slack to insert the cable(s).
         9. Insert the Cat 5 cable(s) into the connector(s):
                  For a single connection, use the connector for port 1.
                  For redundancy, insert one cable into each connector.
         10.Install the Kensington lock, if you plan to use one.
             a. Loop the Kensington lock cable around an object that cannot be moved or damaged by a person
                pulling on the cable.
             b. Insert the key into the Kensington lock.
             c. Insert the Kensington lock into the security slot on the MP.
             d. Rotate the key right or left to secure the lock to the MP.
             e. Pull on the lock to verify that it is secured to the MP.
             f. Remove the key.
         11.Lift the MP access point into place on the universal mounting bracket as shown in Figure 1–9.
             Make sure the cable feeds properly into the ceiling as you lift the device, and does not become
             trapped between the access point and the bracket.
         Figure 1–9. Step 10—Placing the MP Access Point on the Bracket

Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide                                                                       13

Trapeze Networks

       12.Lock the MP access point onto the bracket by inserting a small-pointed instrument or a paperclip
            into the Lock hole on the MP as shown in Figure 1–10.

                       Use a small-pointed instrument or a paperclip to lock the MP. Do not use a screwdriver

                       because it may cause damage to the MP lock mechanism or electronic components. Do not
                       use excessive force when inserting a tool into the Unlock or Lock hole.


       Figure 1–10. Step 11—Locking the Bracket


       13.To ensure that the MP is fully locked onto the bracket, gently pull down on the access point and
            attempt to rotate it from side to side.
       14.If the access point comes off the bracket, relock the device onto the bracket.
       15.If the MP requires an external antenna, install and connect the antenna. (See “Connecting an MP
            to an External Antenna” .)

     Suspended Ceiling Installation—Drop Ceiling Tiles
       (For required mounting hardware and tools, see Table 1– 1 on page 8.)
       1. Select an installation location that is centered over a T-bar in the ceiling.
       2. Cut a hole as follows in the ceiling tile for the Cat 5 cable(s):
            a. Place the mounting template over the area where you plan to install the MP access point.
            b. Use the box cutter to cut along the line marking the opening for the port connectors.
            c. Remove the mounting template and the material you cut from the ceiling panel.
       3. Install the T-bar clamp that fits the T-bar:
            a. Slide each half of the clamp onto the T-bar so that the clamp lip is fully on the T-bar.
            b. Slide the two halves of the clamp toward each other until the tabs are inserted completely into
               the holes and the clamp fits snugly on the T-bar.
            Figure 1–11 shows an example for a 15/16-inch (23.9-mm ) T-bar. Figure 1–12 shows an example
            for a 5/8-inch (15.9-mm) T-bar.

14     Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide

                                                                                           Trapeze Networks

         Figure 1–11. Step 3—Installing the T-bar Clamp for a 15/16-inch (23.9-mm) T-bar

                                                   Slide together
                         T-bar clamp halves

         Figure 1–12. Step 3—Installing the T-bar Clamp for a 5/8-inch (15.9-mm) T-bar

                                                         Slide together
                         T-bar clamp halves

         4. Unlock the universal mounting bracket from the MP by inserting a small-pointed instrument or a
              paperclip into the Unlock hole on the MP as shown in Figure 1–13.

                     Use a small-pointed instrument or a paperclip to unlock the bracket. Do not use a

               !     screwdriver because it may cause damage to the MP lock mechanism or electronic
                     components. Do not use excessive force when inserting a tool into the Unlock or Lock
             Caution hole.

Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide                                                                    15

Trapeze Networks

       Figure 1–13. Step 4—Unlocking the Bracket

       5. Remove the bracket as shown in Figure 1–14.

       Figure 1–14. Step 5—Removing the Bracket

       6. Install the universal mounting bracket as follows onto the T-bar clamp:
          a. As shown in Figure 1–15, place the universal mounting bracket against the T-bar clamp so that
             the two screw holes face downward and the two T-bar flanges face upward and are adjacent to
             the T-bar edges.
          b. Properly align the bracket for mounting by placing the bracket so that its port connector
             opening is to the left of the hole you cut for the cables.
          c. Rotate the universal mounting bracket clockwise until the flanges snap into place on the T-bar
             clamp as shown in Figure 1–16.

16     Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide

                                                                                               Trapeze Networks

         Figure 1–15. Step 6—Top View

         Universal mounting

         T- bar

         T-bar clamps
         to T-bar)

         Port connector

         (Viewed from above ceiling tiles, looking down.)

         Figure 1–16. Step 6—Bottom View

         Port connector                            Universal mounting bracket

         7. Pull the Cat 5 cable(s) about about 6 inches (15 cm) out of the hole in the ceiling tile and through
              the port connector opening to create enough slack to insert the cable(s).
         8. Insert the Cat 5 cable(s) into the connector(s):
                    For a single connection, use the connector for port 1.
                    For redundancy, insert one cable into each connector.
         9. Install the Kensington lock, if you plan to use one.
              a. Loop the Kensington lock’s cable around an object that cannot be moved or damaged by a
                 person pulling on the cable.
              b. Insert the key into the Kensington lock.
              c. Insert the Kensington lock into the security slot on the MP.
              d. Rotate the key right or left to secure the lock to the MP.
              e. Pull on the lock to verify that it is secured to the MP.
              f. Remove the key.
         10.Lift the MP access point into place on the universal mounting bracket as shown in Figure 1–17.
              Make sure the cable feeds properly into the ceiling as you lift the device, and does not become
              trapped between the access point and the bracket.

Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide                                                                        17

Trapeze Networks

       Figure 1–17. Step 9—Placing the MP Access Point on the Bracket

       11.Lock the MP access point onto the bracket by inserting a small-pointed instrument or a paperclip
          into the Lock hole on the MP as shown in Figure 1–18.

                     To prevent possible damage to the MP, make sure the device is fully locked onto the
                     bracket before releasing it.

       Figure 1–18. Step 10—Locking the Bracket


       12.To ensure that the MP access point is fully locked onto the bracket, gently pull down on the access
          point and attempt to rotate it from side to side.
           If the access point comes off the bracket, relock the device onto the bracket.
       13.If the MP requires an external antenna, install and connect the antenna. (See “Connecting an MP
          to an External Antenna” .)

18     Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide

                                                                                              Trapeze Networks

      Junction Box Installation
         (For required mounting hardware and tools, see Table 1– 1 on page 8.)
         1. Unlock the universal mounting bracket from the MP access point by inserting a small-pointed
              instrument or a paperclip into the Unlock hole on the MP as shown in Figure 1–19.

                     Use a small-pointed instrument or a paperclip to unlock the bracket. Do not use a

               !     screwdriver because it may cause damage to the MP lock mechanism or electronic
                     components. Do not use excessive force when inserting a tool into the Unlock or Lock
             Caution hole.

         Figure 1–19. Step 1—Unlocking the Bracket

         2. Remove the bracket as shown in Figure 1–20.

         Figure 1–20. Step 2—Removing the Bracket

         3. Attach the universal mounting bracket to the junction box as shown in Figure 1–21:
              a. Place the universal mounting bracket against the junction box so that the two screw holes face
                 the junction box and align over the screw holes in the box.
              b. Insert the #6-32 x 1-inch machine screws in the universal mounting bracket’s screw holes, and
                 use a #2 Phillips-head screwdriver to tighten them.

Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide                                                                     19

Trapeze Networks

       Figure 1–21. Step 3—Placing the Bracket on the Junction Box

       Junction box

                                  Port connector

       4. Pull the Cat 5 cable(s) about about 6 inches (15 cm) out of the junction box and through the port
          connector opening to create enough slack to insert the cable(s) into the port connectors.
       5. Insert the Cat 5 cable(s) into the connector(s):
               For a single connection, use the connector for port 1.
               For redundancy, insert one cable into each connector.
       6. Install the Kensington lock, if you plan to use one.
          a. Loop the Kensington lock’s cable around an object that cannot be moved or damaged by a
             person pulling on the cable.
          b. Insert the key into the Kensington lock.
          c. Insert the Kensington lock into the security slot on the MP.
          d. Rotate the key right or left to secure the lock to the MP.
          e. Pull on the lock to verify that it is secured to the MP.
          f. Remove the key.
       7. Lift the MP access point into place on the universal mounting bracket.
           Make sure the cable feeds properly into the junction box as you lift the device, and does not
           become trapped between the access point and the bracket.
       8. Lock the MP access point onto the bracket by inserting a small-pointed instrument or a paperclip
          into the Lock hole on the MP as shown in Figure 1–22.

                      To prevent possible damage to the MP, make sure the device is fully locked onto the
                      bracket before releasing it.

20     Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide

                                                                                                Trapeze Networks

         Figure 1–22. Step 7—Locking the Bracket


         9. To ensure that the MP access point is fully locked onto the bracket, gently pull down on the access
             point and attempt to rotate it from side to side.
             If the access point comes off the bracket, relock the device onto the bracket as described in step 8
             on page 20.
         10.If the MP requires an external antenna, install and connect the antenna. (See “Connecting an MP
             to an External Antenna” .)

      Solid Wall or Ceiling Installation
                      The solid surface mounting option requires Cat 5 cable that does not have strain relief,
             Note:    unless you plan to route the cable through a hole in the wall or ceiling. The other options
                      can use Cat 5 cable with or without strain relief.

         (For required mounting hardware and tools, see Table 1– 1 on page 8.)
         1. Prepare holes in the wall or ceiling for the universal mounting bracket, using the following steps:
             a. Place the paper mounting template over the location where you want to install the MP access
             b. Mark the screw hole location(s).
                 If you plan to route the Cat 5 cable externally along the wall or ceiling, mark the locations of
                 both the center screw hole and the screw hole by the port connector opening.
                 If you plan to route the Cat 5 cable through a hole in the wall or ceiling, mark the location of
                 the center screw hole only. You cannot use the screw hole by the port connector opening if you
                 cut a hole for the opening.

                     Do not mark the four holes on the edges of the bracket. (These are the holes indicated by
            Note:    the dashed lines in Figure 1–25.) The MP access point fits into these holes. They are not
                     screw holes.

             c. Remove the template.

Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide                                                                       21

Trapeze Networks

       2. Install the drywall anchor(s):
            a. Hammer a drywall anchor into each hole, up to the beginning of the threads on the anchor.
            b. Screw each anchor the rest of the way into its hole using a #2 Phillips-head screwdriver.
            c. Remove the screw from each anchor and save the screw(s) for step 6 on page 22.
       3. Unlock the universal mounting bracket from the MP access point by inserting the 1/8-inch or
            3-mm screwdriver into the Unlock hole on the MP access point as shown in Figure 1–23.

                   Use a small-pointed instrument or a paperclip to unlock the bracket. Do not use a

             !     screwdriver because it may cause damage to the MP lock mechanism or electronic
                   components. Do not use excessive force when inserting a tool into the Unlock or Lock
           Caution hole.

       Figure 1–23. Step 3—Unlocking the Bracket

       4. Remove the bracket as shown in Figure 1–24.

       Figure 1–24. Step 4—Removing the Bracket

       5. As shown in Figure 1–25, feed the Cat 5 cable(s) through the port connector opening and align the
            universal mounting bracket over the drywall anchors so that the two screw holes in the bracket
            face the drywall anchors.
       6. Insert the #6 sheet metal screws into the screw holes, and tighten them to secure the universal
            mounting bracket to the wall or ceiling.

22     Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide

                                                                                                 Trapeze Networks

             (If you routed the Cat 5 cable through a hole in the wall or ceiling, insert the screw into the center
             screw hole only.)

                     Do not insert screws in the four holes on the edges of the bracket. (These are the holes
            Note:    indicated by the dashed lines in Figure 1–25.) The MP access point fits into these holes.
                     They are not screw holes.

         Figure 1–25. Steps 5 and 6—Bracket Placement on Solid Wall or Ceiling

         7. Insert the Cat 5 cable(s) into the connector(s):
                 For a single connection, use the connector for port 1.
                 For redundancy, insert one cable into each connector.
         8. Install the Kensington lock, if you plan to use one.
             a. Loop the Kensington lock’s cable around an object that cannot be moved or damaged by a
                person pulling on the cable.
             b. Insert the key into the Kensington lock.
             c. Insert the Kensington lock into the security slot on the MP.
             d. Rotate the key right or left to secure the lock to the MP.
             e. Pull on the lock to verify that it is secured to the MP.
             f. Remove the key.
         9. As shown in Figure 1–26, place the MP access point on the bracket, making sure to remove any
             slack that occurs in the cable between the bracket and the MP access point.

Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide                                                                         23

Trapeze Networks

       Figure 1–26. Step 8—Cable Placement


                                          Universal mounting bracket

       10.Lock the MP access point onto the bracket by inserting a small-pointed instrument or a paperclip
          into the Lock hole on the MP as shown in Figure 1–27.

                     To prevent possible damage to the MP, make sure the device is fully locked onto the
                     bracket before releasing it.

       Figure 1–27. Step 9—Locking the Bracket


       11.To ensure that the MP access point is fully locked onto the bracket, gently pull on the access point
          and attempt to rotate it from side to side.
           If the access point comes off the bracket, relock the device onto the bracket as described in step 10
           on page 24.

24     Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide

                                                                                             Trapeze Networks

         12.If the MP requires an external antenna, install and connect the antenna. (See “Connecting an MP
              to an External Antenna” .)

      Tabletop Installation
         For required mounting hardware and tools, see Table 1– 1 on page 8.
         1. Reverse the universal mounting bracket:
         Unlock the universal mounting bracket from the MP access point by inserting a small-pointed
         instrument or a paperclip into the Unlock hole on the MP as shown in Figure 1–28.

                     Use a small-pointed instrument or a paperclip to unlock the bracket. Do not use a

               !     screwdriver because it may cause damage to the MP lock mechanism or electronic
                     components. Do not use excessive force when inserting a tool into the Unlock or Lock
             Caution hole.

         Figure 1–28. Step 1a—Unlocking the Bracket

         2. Remove the bracket as shown in Figure 1–29.

         Figure 1–29. Step 1b—Removing the Bracket

         3. Turn over the universal mounting bracket, then align the bracket over the cable ports and the four
              mounting posts as shown in Figure 1–30.

Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide                                                                    25

Trapeze Networks

       Figure 1–30. Step 1c—Turning Over the Bracket

       4. Once the bracket is fully seated, lock the bracket onto the MP access point by inserting a
          small-pointed instrument or a paperclip into the Lock hole on the MP as shown below in
          Figure 1–31.
       Figure 1–31. Step 1d—Locking the Bracket


26     Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide

                                                                                            Trapeze Networks

         5. Attach the three rubber adhesive feet onto the universal mounting bracket, in the three location
             circles, as shown in Figure 1–32.
         Figure 1–32. Step 2—Installing the Rubber Feet

         6. Insert the Cat 5 cable(s) into the connector(s):
                 For a single connection, use the connector for port 1.
                 For redundancy, insert one cable into each connector.
         7. Install the Kensington lock, if you plan to use one.
             a. Loop the Kensington lock’s cable around an object that cannot be moved or damaged by a
                person pulling on the cable.
             b. Insert the key into the Kensington lock.
             c. Insert the Kensington lock into the security slot on the MP.
             d. Rotate the key right or left to secure the lock to the MP.
             e. Pull on the lock to verify that it is secured to the MP.
             f. Remove the key.
         8. Place the MP access point in the desired location on the table.
         9. If the MP requires an external antenna, install and connect the antenna. (See “Connecting an MP
             to an External Antenna” .)

Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide                                                                   27

Trapeze Networks

     MP-82 Ceiling Mount Installation
       1. Attach the metal slider to the back of the Access Point using the two small screws. The slider
           should still be able to slide after the screws are tightened. Make sure that the slider is left in the
           same position as shown below so that the slots are accessible.

       2. Clip the metal to a ceiling tile separator.

       3. Slide the moveable section into place and tighten the screw (from underneath) to secure it.

28     Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide

                                                                                               Trapeze Networks

         4. Position the Access Point so that the two tabs from the ceiling bracket locate in the slots in the
             Access Point.

         5. Slide the slider across to lock the Access Point to the bracket.

      MP-82 Wall Mount Installation
         Use the included mounting bracket to wall-mount the MP.
         1. Screw the mounting bracket to a wall. If mounting to drywall, use the four screws and four wall
         2. Connect the Ethernet cable (for power and network connection) to the port on the back of the
         3. Mount the MP-82 onto the mounting bracket.

Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide                                                                         29

Trapeze Networks

     Connecting an MP to an External Antenna
       Each radio in an MP-422 or MP-372 can use an optional Trapeze external antenna. To mount the
       antenna, see the instructions that come with the antenna.

                   The external antenna must be installed at least 20 cm from the MP access point.


       To connect a mounted external antenna to an MP-422 or MP-372:
       1. Attach the exterior antenna cable that is shipped with the antenna to the MP external antenna
           Both connectors are labeled to indicate the radio type. The MP has standard SMA connectors for
           attachment to the 802.11b/g antenna and to the 802.11a antenna.

                   The external connectors on the MP are labeled: 11B/G and 11A. Each connector is a

                   standard SMA connector. Make sure you attach the antenna to the correct connector.

                   If the MP is installed in a Trapeze Networks outdoor MP enclosure, attach the antenna
          Note:    cable to the lightning surge arrestor (if installed) or the enclosure’s SMA bulkhead

       2. Attach the other end of the antenna cable to the antenna.

     Configuring the MP
       To configure the channels, power settings, and other MP parameters, see the following:
          Trapeze Mobility System Software Quick Start Guide
          “Configuring MP Access Points” chapter in the Trapeze Mobility System Software Configuration

     External Antenna Connectors
       The Indoor MPs (except for the MP-432) havev connectors for attaching optional external antennas.
       Table 1– 2 lists the external antenna models.
                    External antennas are not supported on the MP-432 or the MP-82.

30     Indoor Mobility Point™ Quick Start Guide

Trapeze Networks

                    The numbers in parentheses in the table below are the numbers that appear on the back
           Note:    of an 802.11a antenna reflector plate. To verify an 802.11a external antenna model
                    number, look for the number in parentheses

       Table 1– 2. Trapeze External Antenna Models
        Model                            Type               Gain
                                                                             Horizontal       Vertical

                                         802.11a            8 dBi            360°             15°
                                         802.11b/g          6 dBi            360°             25°
                                         802.11a            8 dBi            360°             15°
        ANT-7360-OUT (MP-422 only)
                                         802.11b/g          6 dBi            360°             22°

        ANT-5060 (ASTN6S)                802.11a            14.5 dBi         60°              14°

        ANT-5120 (ASTN6T)                802.11a            12.5 dBi         120°             14°

        ANT-5180 (ASTN6H)                802.11a            10.8 dBi         180°             14°

        ANT-1060                         802.11b/g          10 dBi           60°              65°

        ANT-1120                         802.11b/g          7 dBi            120°             60°

        ANT-1180                         802.11b/g          6 dBi            180°             40°

                   The Indoor MP radios are certified for use only with these external antennas.

                                     © 2008 Trapeze Networks, Inc. All rights reserved. Trapeze Networks, the Trapeze Networks logo
                                     design, Trapeze Smart Mobile, Trapeze Networks Mobility System Software, RingMaster,
                                     Mobility System, Mobility Exchange, Mobility Point, SafetyNet, MX, and MP are registered
                                     trademarks and/or registered service marks of Trapeze Networks, Inc. Trapeze, Smart Mobile,
                                     Mobility System Software, Mobility Domain, SmartPass, NonStop Wireless, Medical Grade
                                     Mobility and Wireless Without Limits are trademarks and/or service marks of Trapeze
                                     Networks, Inc. All other products and services are trademarks, registered trademarks, service
                                     marks, or registered service marks of their respective owners.
                                     All statements, specifications, recommendations, and technical information are current or
                                     planned as of the publication of this document. They are reliable as of the time of this writing
                                     and are presented without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. In an effort to
                                     continuously improve the product and add features, Trapeze Networks reserves the right to
                                     change any specifications contained in this document without prior notice of any kind.

      Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of
the FCC Rules.     These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful
interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one of the following measures:
z     Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
z     Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
z     Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
z     Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This
device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.

FCC Caution: Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could
void the user's authority to operate this equipment. This device and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating
in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.

FCC Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator & your body.

Canada C Request
"Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device
must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device."

"To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the
equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) is not more than that required for successful communication"
"This device has been designed to operate with an antenna having a maximum gain of 18 dBi. Antenna having a
higher gain is strictly prohibited per regulations of Industry Canada. The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms."
“To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the
equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that permitted for successful communication.”

The County Code Selection feature is disabled for products marketed in the US/Canada

This Class [B] digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe [B] est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.

Document Created: 2009-01-06 16:51:07
Document Modified: 2009-01-06 16:51:07

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC