Test Report


Test Report

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                               PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
                                               6660-B Dobbin Road, Columbia, MD 21045 USA
                                                   Tel. 410.290.6652 / Fax 410.290.6554

                                                MEASUREMENT REPORT
                                                FCC PART 15.247 / IC RSS-210

Applicant Name:                                                                Date of Testing:
Elster Solutions, LLC                                                          April 16, 2010
208 S. Rogers Lane                                                             Test Site/Location:
Raleigh, NC 27610                                                              PCTEST Lab. Columbia, MD, USA
United States                                                                  Test Report Serial No.:

FCC ID:                                         QZCWWIC-C01

IC CERTIFICATION NO.:                           4557A-WWICC01

APPLICANT:                                      Elster Solutions, LLC

Application Type:                              Class II Permissive Change

Model:                                         EA_Gatekeeper with Wireless WIC

EUT Type:                                      A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN

Max. RF Output Power:                          148.25 mW (21.71 dBm) Conducted

Frequency Range:                               902.8 – 927.6MHz

FCC Classification:                            FCC Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter (DSS)

FCC Rule Part(s):                              Part 15 Subpart C (15.247)

IC Specification(s):                           RSS-210 Issue 7

Class II Perm. Change:                         Please See Change Document

Original Grant Date:                           February 18, 2010

This equipment has been shown to be capable of compliance with the applicable technical standards as indicated in the measurement
report and was tested in accordance with the measurement procedures specified in ANSI C63.4-2003. Test results reported herein relate
only to the item(s) tested.

I attest to the accuracy of data. All measurements reported herein were performed by me or were made under my supervision and are
correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I assume full responsibility for the completeness of these measurements and vouch for
the qualifications of all persons taking them.

Grant Conditions: Power output listed is conducted.

PCTEST certifies that no party to this application has been denied the FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act
of 1988, 21 U.S.C. 862.

                                                        FCC Pt. 15.247 900MHz ISM BAND TEST REPORT                    Reviewed by:
                                                                (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                          Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:            EUT Type:
                                                                                                                      Page 1 of 14
0Y1004120623.A3L              April 16, 2010         A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN
© 2010 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                   REV 4.2BTE

                                          T A B L E                       O F             C O N T E N T S

FCC PART 15.247 MEASUREMENT REPORT………………………………………………..……………………...3
1.0         INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................4
            1.1         SCOPE....................................................................................................................................................... 4
            1.2         PCTEST TEST LOCATION........................................................................................................................ 4
2.0         PRODUCT INFORMATION .....................................................................................................................5
            2.1         EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................... 5
            2.2         EMI SUPPRESSION DEVICE(S)/MODIFICATIONS.................................................................................. 5
            2.3         LABELING REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................... 5
3.0         DESCRIPTION OF TEST ........................................................................................................................6
            3.1         EVALUATION PROCEDURE..................................................................................................................... 6
            3.2         RADIATED EMISSIONS ............................................................................................................................ 6
4.0         ANTENNA REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................................................7
5.0         TEST EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION DATA..............................................................................................8
6.0         TEST RESULTS ......................................................................................................................................9
            6.1         SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................. 9
            6.2         RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSION MEASUREMENTS.......................................................................... 10
7.0         CONCLUSION .......................................................................................................................................14

                                                                   FCC Pt. 15.247 900MHz ISM BAND TEST REPORT                                                  Reviewed by:
                                                                           (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                                                        Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:               Test Dates:                    EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                                               Page 2 of 14
0Y1004120623.A3L               April 16, 2010                A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN
© 2010 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                                                              REV 4.2BTE

                                               MEASUREMENT REPORT
                                                          FCC Part 15.247

§ 2.1033 General Information
        APPLICANT:                              Elster Solutions, LLC
        APPLICANT ADDRESS:                      208 S. Rogers Lane
                                                Raleigh, NC 27610, United States
        TEST SITE:                              PCTEST ENGINEERING LABORATORY, INC.
        TEST SITE ADDRESS:                      6660-B Dobbin Road, Columbia, MD 21045 USA
        FCC RULE PART(S):                       Part 15 Subpart C (15.247)
        IC SPECIFICATION(S):                    RSS-210 Issue 7
        MODEL:                                  EA_Gatekeeper with Wireless WIC
        FCC ID:                                 QZCWWIC-C01
        Test Device Serial No.:                 11818738                  Production        Pre-Production   Engineering
        FCC CLASSIFICATION:                     FCC Part 15 Spread Spectrum Transmitter (DSS)
        Method/System:                          Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
        DATE(S) OF TEST:                        April 16, 2010
        TEST REPORT S/N:                        0Y1004120623.A3L

Test Facility / Accreditations
Measurements were performed at PCTEST Engineering Lab located in Columbia, MD 21045, U.S.A.
                         •      PCTEST facility is an FCC registered (PCTEST Reg. No. 90864) test facility with the site
                                description report on file and has met all the requirements specified in Section 2.948 of
                                the FCC Rules and Industry Canada (2451A-1).
                         •      PCTEST Lab is accredited to ISO 17025 by U.S. National Institute of Standards and
                                Technology (NIST) under the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program
                                (NVLAP Lab code: 100431-0) in EMC, FCC and Telecommunications.
                          •     PCTEST Lab is accredited to ISO 17025-2005 by the American Association for
                                Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA) in Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing, Hearing Aid
                                Compatibility (HAC) testing, CTIA Test Plans, and wireless testing for FCC and Industry
                                Canada Rules.
                          •     PCTEST Lab is a recognized U.S. Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) in EMC and
                                R&TTE (n.b. 0982) under the U.S.-EU Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA).
                          •     PCTEST TCB is a Telecommunication Certification Body (TCB) accredited to ISO/IEC
                                Guide 65 by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in all scopes of FCC Rules
                                and Industry Canada Standards (RSS).
                          •     PCTEST facility is an IC registered (2451A-1) test laboratory with the site description on
                                file at Industry Canada.
                          •     PCTEST is a CTIA Authorized Test Laboratory (CATL) for AMPS, CDMA, and EvDO
                                wireless devices and for Over-the-Air (OTA) Antenna Performance testing for AMPS,
                                CDMA, GSM, GPRS, EGPRS, UMTS (W-CDMA), CDMA 1xEVDO, and CDMA 1xRTT.

                                                     FCC Pt. 15.247 900MHz ISM BAND TEST REPORT               Reviewed by:
                                                             (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                     Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:        EUT Type:
                                                                                                              Page 3 of 14
0Y1004120623.A3L              April 16, 2010     A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN
© 2010 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                           REV 4.2BTE

1.0          INTRODUCTION

 1.1         Scope
 Measurement and determination of electromagnetic emissions (EMC) of radio frequency devices including
 intentional and/or unintentional radiators for compliance with the technical rules and regulations of the Federal
 Communications Commission and the Industry Canada Certification and Engineering Bureau.

 1.2         PCTEST Test Location
 The map below shows the location of the PCTEST LABORATORY, its proximity to the FCC Laboratory, the
 Columbia vicinity are, the Baltimore-Washington Internt’l (BWI) airport, the city of Baltimore and the
 Washington, DC area. (see Figure 1-1).

 These measurement tests were conducted at the PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc. facility in New
 Concept Business Park, Guilford Industrial Park, Columbia, Maryland. The site address is 6660-B Dobbin
 Road, Columbia, MD 21045. The test site is one of the highest points in the Columbia area with an elevation
 of 390 feet above mean sea level. The site coordinates are 39o 11’15” N latitude and 76o 49’38” W longitude.
 The facility is 1.5 miles North of the FCC laboratory, and the ambient signal and ambient signal strength are
 approximately equal to those of the FCC laboratory. There are no FM or TV transmitters within 15 miles of the
 site. The detailed description of the measurement facility was found to be in compliance with the requirements
 of § 2.948 according to ANSI C63.4-2003 on January 28, 2009.

                  Figure 1-1. Map of the Greater Baltimore and Metropolitan Washington, D.C. area
                                                   FCC Pt. 15.247 900MHz ISM BAND TEST REPORT          Reviewed by:
                                                           (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:      EUT Type:
                                                                                                       Page 4 of 14
 0Y1004120623.A3L              April 16, 2010   A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN
 © 2010 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                   REV 4.2BTE


 2.1         Equipment Description
 The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is the Elster A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN
 FCC ID: QZCWWIC-C01. The test data contained in this report pertains only to the emissions due to the
 EUT’s 900MHz transmitter.

 •     This module has been previously approved and we confirm the following:

             A)     The hopping sequence is pseudorandom
             B)     All channels are used equally on average
             C)     The receiver input bandwidth equals the transmit bandwidth
             D)     The receiver hops in sequence with the transmit signal

 •     15.247(g): The system is designed to comply with all of the regulations in Section 15.247 when the
       transmitter is presented with a continuous data (or information) system.

 •     15.247(h): The system does not coordinate it channels selection/ hopping sequence with other frequency
       hopping systems for the express purpose of avoiding the simultaneous occupancy of individual hopping
       frequencies by multiple transmitters.

 •     The EUT consisted of the following component(s):

     Manufacturer / Model                          FCC ID                  Description

     Elster / Model: EA_Gatekeeper                                         A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and
     with Wireless WIC                                                     900MHz LAN
                                                Table 2-1. EUT Equipment Description

 2.2         EMI Suppression Device(s)/Modifications

 No EMI suppression device(s) were added and no modifications were made during testing.

 2.3         Labeling Requirements
 Per 15.19; Docket 95-19

 The label shall be permanently affixed at a conspicuous location on the device; instruction manual or pamphlet
 supplied to the user and be readily visible to the purchaser at the time of purchase. However, when the device
 is so small wherein placement of the label with specified statement is not practical, only the trade name and
 FCC ID must be displayed on the device per Section 15.19(b)(2).

 Please see attachment for FCC ID label and label location.

                                                      FCC Pt. 15.247 900MHz ISM BAND TEST REPORT             Reviewed by:
                                                              (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                   Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:         EUT Type:
                                                                                                             Page 5 of 14
 0Y1004120623.A3L              April 16, 2010      A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN
 © 2010 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                         REV 4.2BTE


 3.1         Evaluation Procedure
 The measurement procedure described in the American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of
 Radio-Noise Emission from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9kHz to 40GHz
 (ANSI C63.4-2003) and FCC Public Notice DA 00-705 dated March 30, 2000 entitled “Filing and Measurement
 Guidelines for Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Systems” were used in the measurement of the Elster
 A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN FCC ID: QZCWWIC-C01.

 Deviation from measurement procedure…………………………………………….....................................None

 3.2         Radiated Emissions
                                                Preliminary measurements were made indoors at 1-meter using broadband
                                                antennas, broadband amplifiers, and spectrum analyzers to determine the
                                                frequency producing the maximum EME. Appropriate precaution was taken to
                                                ensure that all EME from the EUT were maximized and investigated. The
                                                system configuration, clock speed, mode of operation or video resolution, and
                                                turntable azimuth with respect to the antenna was noted for each frequency
                                                found. The spectrum was scanned from 30 to 200 MHz using a bi-conical
                                                antenna and from 200 to 1000 MHz using a log-spiral antenna. Above 1 GHz,
 Figure 3-1. 3-Meter Test Site                  linearly polarized double ridge horn antennas were used.

                                                Final measurements were made outdoors at 3-meter test range using
                                                RobertsTM Dipole antennas or horn antennas (see Figure 3-1). The test
                                                equipment was placed on a wooden and plastic bench situated on a 1.5m x
                                                2m area adjacent to the measurement area (see Figure 3-2). Sufficient time
                                                for the EUT, support equipment, and test equipment was allowed in order for
                                                them to warm up to their normal operating condition. The detector function
                                                was set to CISPR quasi-peak mode and the bandwidth of the spectrum
   Figure 3-2. Dimensions of                    analyzer was set to 100kHz for frequencies below 1GHz or 1MHz for
       Outdoor Test Site                        frequencies above 1GHz. Above 1GHz the detector function was set to
                                                average mode (RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 10Hz).

                                                The half-wave dipole antenna was tuned to the frequency found during
                                                preliminary radiated measurements. The EUT, support equipment and
                                                interconnecting cables were re-configured to the set-up producing the
                                                maximum emission for the frequency and were placed on top of a 0.8-meter
                                                high non-metallic 1 x 1.5 meter table (see Figure 3-3). The EUT, support
                                                equipment, and interconnecting cables were re-arranged and manipulated to
   Figure 3-3. Turntable and                    maximize each EME emission. The turntable containing the system was
        System Setup                            rotated and the height of the receive antenna was varied 1 to 4 meters and
                                                stopped at the azimuth and height producing the maximum emission. Each
                                                emission was maximized by: varying the mode of operation or resolution;
                                                clock or data exchange speed; scrolling H pattern to the EUT and/or support
                                                equipment, and powering the monitor from the floor mounted outlet box and
                                                the computer aux AC outlet, if applicable; and changing the polarity of the
                                                antenna, whichever determined the worst-case emission. Photographs of the
                                                worst-case emission can be seen in the test setup photographs. Each EME
                                                reported was calibrated using the Agilent E8257D (250kHz – 20GHz) PSG
  Figure 3-4. Normalized Site
                                                Signal Generator. The Theoretical Normalized Site Attenuation Curves for
  Attenuation Curves (H&V)
                                                both horizontal and vertical polarization are shown in Figure 3-4.

                                                        FCC Pt. 15.247 900MHz ISM BAND TEST REPORT            Reviewed by:
                                                                (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                  Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:           EUT Type:
                                                                                                              Page 6 of 14
 0Y1004120623.A3L              April 16, 2010        A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN
 © 2010 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                          REV 4.2BTE


 Excerpt from §15.203 of the FCC Rules/Regulations:
 “An intentional radiator antenna shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
 responsible party can be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an antenna
 that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the
 provisions of this section.”

   •     The antenna for the 900MHz LAN radio of the Elster A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and
         900MHz LAN is permanently attached.

   •     There are no provisions for connection to an external antenna.

 The Elster A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN FCC ID: QZCWWIC-C01 unit
 complies with the requirement of §15.203.

                                                   Ch.               Frequency (MHz)

                                                    1                        902.8

                                                    :                           :

                                                    31                       914.8

                                                    :                           :

                                                    63                       927.6

                                                Table 4-1. Frequency/ Channel Operations

                                                         FCC Pt. 15.247 900MHz ISM BAND TEST REPORT         Reviewed by:
                                                                 (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)               Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:           EUT Type:
                                                                                                            Page 7 of 14
 0Y1004120623.A3L              April 16, 2010        A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN
 © 2010 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                        REV 4.2BTE


Test Equipment Calibration is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

  Manufacturer               Model                         Description                    Cal Date    Cal Interval   Cal Due      Serial Number

          -                 No.165          (30MHz - 1000MHz) RG58 Coax Cable               N/A                         N/A            N/A

          -                 No.166          (1000-26500MHz) Microwave RF Cable              N/A                         N/A            N/A

          -                 No.167           (100kHz - 100MHz) RG58 Coax Cable              N/A                         N/A            N/A

      Agilent               11713A                   Attenuation/Switch Driver           12/2/2009       Annual      12/2/2010     3439A02645

      Agilent                8447D                     Broadband Amplifier                  N/A                         N/A        1937A03348

      Agilent                8449B                   (1-26.5GHz) Pre-Amplifier           12/2/2009       Annual      12/2/2010     3008A00985

      Agilent               85650A                     Quasi-Peak Adapter                12/2/2009       Annual      12/2/2010     3303A01872

      Agilent                8566B               (100Hz-22GHz) Spectrum Analyzer         12/2/2009       Annual      12/2/2010     3638A08713

      Agilent               E8257D               (250kHz-20GHz) Signal Generator         3/25/2009      Biennial     3/25/2011    MY45470194

      Agilent               N9020A                     MXA Signal Analyzer               10/22/2009      Annual      10/22/2010   US46470561

      Anritsu              ML2495A                         Power Meter                   10/12/2009      Annual      10/12/2010      941001

       Emco                   3116                  Horn Antenna (18 - 40GHz)             9/9/2008      Triennial     9/9/2011     9203-2178

       Emco                 3816/2                             LISN                       9/8/2008      Biennial      9/8/2010     9707-1077

   MiniCircuits          VHF-1300+                       High Pass Filter                   N/A                         N/A           30716

       Sunol               DRH-118                  Horn Antenna (1 - 18GHz)             5/14/2009      Biennial     5/14/2011      A050307

       Sunol                  JB5                  Bi-Log Antenna (30M - 5GHz)           7/17/2009      Biennial     7/17/2011      A051107
                                          Table 5-1. Annual Test Equipment Calibration Schedule

                                                               FCC Pt. 15.247 900MHz ISM BAND TEST REPORT                         Reviewed by:
                                                                       (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                               Quality Manager
    Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:               EUT Type:
                                                                                                                                  Page 8 of 14
    0Y1004120623.A3L              April 16, 2010            A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN
    © 2010 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                           REV 4.2BTE

 6.0            TEST RESULTS

    6.1         Summary

             Company Name:                             Elster Solutions, LLC
             FCC ID:                                   QZCWWIC-C01
             Method/System:                            Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS)
             Number of Channels:                       25 (per network)

  FCC Part               RSS                                                                                  Test       Test
                                                 Test Description                 Test Limit                                      Reference
  Section(s)           Section(s)                                                                           Condition   Result


                                            General Field Strength     Emissions in restricted bands
                                            Limits (Restricted Bands   must meet the radiated limits
 15.205, 15.209      RSS-210 [A8.5]                                                                          RADIATED    PASS       Section 6.2
                                            and Radiated Emission      detailed in 15.209 (RSS-210 table
                                            Limits)                    3 limits)

                                                        Table 6-1. Summary of Test Results

                                                              FCC Pt. 15.247 900MHz ISM BAND TEST REPORT                   Reviewed by:
                                                                      (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                         Quality Manager
    Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:             EUT Type:
                                                                                                                           Page 9 of 14
    0Y1004120623.A3L              April 16, 2010          A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN
    © 2010 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                                    REV 4.2BTE

6.2         Radiated Spurious Emission Measurements
§15.247 (d) / §15.205 & §15.209; RSS-210 [A8.5]

The EUT was tested from 9kHz and up to the 10th harmonic of the fundamental frequency of the transmitter
using CISPR quasi peak detector below 1GHz. Above 1 GHz, average measurement was used, using
RBW = 1MHz, VBW = 1/τ Hz, where τ is the pulse width in seconds, and linearly polarized horn antennas. All
out of band emissions appearing in a restricted band as specified in Section 15.205 of the Title 47 CFR must
not exceed the limits shown in Table 6-2 per Section 15.209. REF!

                                                               Field Strength               Measured Distance
                                                                   [μV/m]                       [Meters]

                               0.009 – 0.490 MHz                2400/F (kHz)                          300

                               0.490 – 1.705 MHz                24000/F (kHz)                             30

                               1.705 – 30.00 MHz                      30                                  30

                               30.00 – 88.00 MHz                     100                                  3

                               88.00 – 216.0 MHz                     150                                  3

                               216.0 – 960.0 MHz                     200                                  3

                                Above 960.0 MHz                      500                                  3

                                                      Table 6-2. Radiated Limits

Sample Calculation

o     Field Strength Level [dBμV/m] = Analyzer Level [dBm] + 107 + AFCL [dB]

o     AFCL = Antenna Factor [dB] + Cable Loss [dB]

                                                      FCC Pt. 15.247 900MHz ISM BAND TEST REPORT                Reviewed by:
                                                              (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                      Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:          EUT Type:
                                                                                                                Page 10 of 14
0Y1004120623.A3L              April 16, 2010       A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN
© 2010 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                            REV 4.2BTE

Radiated Spurious Emission Measurements (Cont’d)
§15.247 (d) / §15.205 & §15.209; RSS-210 [A8.5]

          Mode:                                  Continuous Tx

          Measurement Distance:                  3 Meters

          Operating Frequency:                   902.8MHz

          Channel:                               1

                                   Analyzer                                            Field
              Frequency                                       Pol        AFCL                   Limit           Margin
                                     Level     Detector                              Strength
                [MHz]                                        [H/V]       [dB]                 [dBμV/m]           [dB]
                                    [dBm]                                            [dBμV/m]

                 2708.40             -115.50     Avg           H         36.69         28.19            53.98   -25.79
                 2708.40             -102.60    Peak           H         36.69         41.09            73.98   -32.89
                 3611.20             -115.20     Avg           H         36.69         28.49            53.98   -25.49
                 3611.20             -101.90    Peak           H         36.69         41.79            73.98   -32.19
                 5416.80             -115.29     Avg           H         48.12         39.82            53.98   -14.16
                 5416.80             -102.69    Peak           H         48.12         52.42            73.98   -21.56
                                               Table 6-3. Radiated Measurements


1. All emissions shown lie in the restricted bands specified in §15.205 and are below the limit shown in Table 6-2.

2. Average Measurements > 1GHz using RBW = 1MHz and VBW = 1/τ Hz, where τ = pulse width in seconds.

3. The antenna is manipulated through typical positions, polarity and length during the tests. The EUT is manipulated
through three orthogonal planes.

4. The EUT is supplied with nominal AC voltage and/or a new/fully-recharged battery.

5. The spectrum is measured from 9kHz to the 10 harmonic and the worst-case emissions are reported. No significant
emissions were found beyond the fifth harmonic for this device.

6. Levels at - 135 dBm represent the analyzer noise floor and signify that no emission was detected.

7. Above 960MHz the limit is 500 μV/m (54dBμ/m) at 3 meters radiated.

                                                     FCC Pt. 15.247 900MHz ISM BAND TEST REPORT                    Reviewed by:
                                                             (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                          Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:        EUT Type:
                                                                                                                   Page 11 of 14
0Y1004120623.A3L              April 16, 2010     A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN
© 2010 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                               REV 4.2BTE

Radiated Spurious Emission Measurements (Cont’d)
§15.247 (d) / §15.205 & §15.209; RSS-210 [A8.5]

          Mode:                                  Continuous Tx

          Measurement Distance:                  3 Meters

          Operating Frequency:                   914.8MHz

          Channel:                               31

                                   Analyzer                                            Field
              Frequency                                       Pol        AFCL                   Limit           Margin
                                     Level     Detector                              Strength
                [MHz]                                        [H/V]       [dB]                 [dBμV/m]           [dB]
                                    [dBm]                                            [dBμV/m]

                 2744.40             -116.28     Avg           H         36.85         27.57            53.98   -26.41
                 2744.40             -103.48    Peak           H         36.85         40.37            73.98   -33.61
                 3659.20             -116.63     Avg           H         40.20         30.56            53.98   -23.42
                 3659.20             -103.98    Peak           H         40.20         43.21            73.98   -30.77
                 5488.80             -113.36     Avg           H         46.05         39.69            53.98   -14.29
                 5488.80             -100.71    Peak           H         46.05         52.34            73.98   -21.64
                                               Table 6-4. Radiated Measurements


1. All emissions shown lie in the restricted bands specified in §15.205 and are below the limit shown in Table 6-2.

2. Average Measurements > 1GHz using RBW = 1MHz and VBW = 1/τ Hz, where τ = pulse width in seconds.

3. The antenna is manipulated through typical positions, polarity and length during the tests. The EUT is manipulated
through three orthogonal planes.

4. The EUT is supplied with nominal AC voltage and/or a new/fully-recharged battery.

5. The spectrum is measured from 9kHz to the 10 harmonic and the worst-case emissions are reported. No significant
emissions were found beyond the fifth harmonic for this device.

6. Levels at - 135 dBm represent the analyzer noise floor and signify that no emission was detected.

7. Above 960MHz the limit is 500 μV/m (54dBμ/m) at 3 meters radiated.

                                                      FCC Pt. 15.247 900MHz ISM BAND TEST REPORT                   Reviewed by:
                                                              (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                         Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:        EUT Type:
                                                                                                                   Page 12 of 14
0Y1004120623.A3L              April 16, 2010     A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN
© 2010 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                               REV 4.2BTE

Radiated Spurious Emission Measurements (Cont’d)
§15.247 (d) / §15.205 & §15.209; RSS-210 [A8.5]

          Mode:                                  Continuous Tx

          Measurement Distance:                  3 Meters

          Operating Frequency:                   927.6MHz

          Channel:                               63

                                   Analyzer                                            Field
              Frequency                                       Pol        AFCL                   Limit           Margin
                                     Level     Detector                              Strength
                [MHz]                                        [H/V]       [dB]                 [dBμV/m]           [dB]
                                    [dBm]                                            [dBμV/m]

                 2782.80             -114.73     Avg           H         32.77         25.04            53.98   -28.94
                 2782.80             -101.63    Peak           H         32.77         38.14            73.98   -35.84
                 3710.40             -116.02     Avg           H         37.01         28.00            53.98   -25.98
                 3710.40             -102.47    Peak           H         37.01         41.55            73.98   -32.43
                 5565.60             -114.12     Avg           H         46.25         39.13            53.98   -14.85
                 5565.60             -101.72    Peak           H         46.25         51.53            73.98   -22.45
                                               Table 6-5. Radiated Measurements


1. All emissions shown lie in the restricted bands specified in §15.205 and are below the limit shown in Table 6-2.

2. Average Measurements > 1GHz using RBW = 1MHz and VBW = 1/τ Hz, where τ = pulse width in seconds.

3. The antenna is manipulated through typical positions, polarity and length during the tests. The EUT is manipulated
through three orthogonal planes.

4. The EUT is supplied with nominal AC voltage and/or a new/fully-recharged battery.

5. The spectrum is measured from 9kHz to the 10 harmonic and the worst-case emissions are reported. No significant
emissions were found beyond the fifth harmonic for this device.

6. Levels at - 135 dBm represent the analyzer noise floor and signify that no emission was detected.

7. Above 960MHz the limit is 500 μV/m (54dBμ/m) at 3 meters radiated.

                                                      FCC Pt. 15.247 900MHz ISM BAND TEST REPORT                   Reviewed by:
                                                              (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                         Quality Manager
Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:        EUT Type:
                                                                                                                   Page 13 of 14
0Y1004120623.A3L              April 16, 2010     A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN
© 2010 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                               REV 4.2BTE

7.0          CONCLUSION

 The data collected relate only to the item(s) tested and show that the Elster A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA
 Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN FCC ID: QZCWWIC-C01 is in compliance with Part 15 Subpart C (15.247)
 of the FCC Rules.

                                                   FCC Pt. 15.247 900MHz ISM BAND TEST REPORT          Reviewed by:
                                                           (CLASS II PERMISSIVE CHANGE)                Quality Manager
 Test Report S/N:              Test Dates:      EUT Type:
                                                                                                       Page 14 of 14
 0Y1004120623.A3L              April 16, 2010   A3 Alpha Meter with CDMA Wireless WIC and 900MHz LAN
 © 2010 PCTEST Engineering Laboratory, Inc.                                                                  REV 4.2BTE

Document Created: 2010-04-27 10:40:12
Document Modified: 2010-04-27 10:40:12

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