C2PC Test report


Test Report

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                 Emissions Test Report
                    EUT Name: Single Phase REX2 Meter
                    EUT Model: REX2EA
                        FCC ID QZC-R2EA

                          FCC Title 47, Part 15, SubpartC, RSS-210 Issue 7

                   Prepared for:

                                   John Holt
                                   Elster Electricity, LLC
                                   208 South Rogers Lane
                                   Raleigh, NC 27610
                                   Tel: 919 212-4700
                                   Fax: 919 212-5108

                   Prepared by:
                                   TUV Rheinland of North America
                                   762 Park Avenue
                                   Youngsville, NC 27596
                                   Tel: (919) 554-0901
                                   Fax: (919) 556-2043

                          Report/Issue Date: 9 October 2007
                            Report Number: 30762387PC.001

Report Number: 30762387PC.001                                                Page 1 of 21
EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

                               Statement of Compliance
              Manufacturer: Elster Electricity, LLC
                             208 South Rogers Lane
                             Raleigh, NC 27610
                             919 212-4700
      Requester / Applicant: John Holt
       Name of Equipment: Single Phase REX2 Meter
Operation Frequency Range 902.4 MHz to 927.6 MHz
        Type of Equipment: Intentional Radiator
 Application of Regulations: FCC Title 47, Part 15, SubpartC, RSS-210 Issue 7
                 Test Dates: 05 August 2008 to 05 August 2008

Guidance Documents:
        Emissions: FCC 47 CFR Part 15, RSS-210 Issue 7

Test Methods:
        Emissions:    ANSI C63.4:2003

The electromagnetic compatibility test and documented data described in this report has been performed
and recorded by TUV Rheinland of North America, in accordance with the standards and procedures
listed herein. As the responsible authorized agent of the EMC laboratory, I hereby declare that a sample
of one, of the equipment described above, has been shown to be compliant with the EMC requirements of
the stated regulations and standards based on these results. If any special accessories and/or modifications
were required for compliance, they are listed in the Executive Summary of this report.
This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S.
Government. This report contains data that are not covered by NVLAP accreditation. This report shall not
be reproduced except in full, without the written authorization of the laboratory.

                                             Pamela Sequeira      9 October
                                             2008.10.09             2008
                                             13:08:58 -04'00'

                                     NVLAP Signatory                 Date

                                                                      Industry Canada
                                                  90552 and                    IC3755

Report Number: 30762387PC.001                                                                   Page 2 of 21
EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

                                                                 Table of Contents

1     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................. 4
    1.1     SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................ 4
    1.2     PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................ 4
    1.3     SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................................ 4
    1.4     SPECIAL ACCESSORIES .................................................................................................................. 4
    1.5     EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................ 4
2     LABORATORY INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 5
    2.1     ACCREDITATIONS & ENDORSEMENTS .......................................................................................... 5
    2.2     TEST FACILITIES ............................................................................................................................ 6
    2.3     MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY..................................................................................................... 7
    2.4     CALIBRATION TRACEABILITY ....................................................................................................... 7
    2.5     PRODUCT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 8
    2.6     PRODUCT DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................. 11
    2.7     CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................................... 11
3     ANTENNA PORT CONDUCTED EMISSIONS........................................................................... 12
    3.1     PEAK OUTPUT POWER FCC PART 15.247(B)(2).......................................................................... 12
    3.2     SPURIOUS EMISSIONS FCC PART 15.247(C) ............................................................................... 18
4     TEST EQUIPMENT USE LIST...................................................................................................... 21
    4.1     TEST EQUIPMENT USE LIST ......................................................................................................... 21

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EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

1 Executive Summary

1.1   Scope
This report is intended to document the status of conformance with the requirements of the FCC Title 47,
Part 15, SubpartC, RSS-210 Issue 7 based on the results of testing performed on 05 August 2008 through
05 August 2008 on the Single Phase REX2 Meter Model No. REX2EA manufactured by Elster Electricity,
LLC. This report only applies to the specific samples tested under the stated test conditions. It is the
responsibility of the manufacturer to assure that additional production units of this model are
manufactured with identical or EMI equivalent electrical and mechanical components. This report is
further intended to document changes and modifications to the EUT throughout its life cycle. All
documentation will be included as a supplement.

1.2   Purpose
Testing was performed to evaluate the EMC performance of the EUT in accordance with the applicable
requirements, procedures, and criteria defined in the application of regulations and application of
standards listed in this report.
This report is to cover two component changes in the transmitter circuit for a Class II Permissive Change.

1.3   Summary of Test Results

                                     Table 1 - Summary of Test Results
         Test                   Test Method(s)        Test Parameters        Measurement         Result
Peak Output Power          FCC Part 15.247(b)(2)    0.25 Watts             0.232 Watts         compliant
                           RSS-210, Annex 8,
                           Section A8.4 (1)
Spurious Emissions         FCC Part 15.247(C)       Table FCC Part         51.15 dBuV/m @      compliant
                           RSS-210, Annex 8,        15.209                 3meters Average
                           Section A8.5                                    @ 7318.40 MHz

1.4   Special Accessories
No special accessories were necessary in order to achieve compliance.

1.5   Equipment Modifications
No modifications were found to be necessary in order to achieve compliance.

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EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

2 Laboratory Information

2.1     Accreditations & Endorsements

2.1.1    US Federal Communications Commission
TUV Rheinland of North America at the 762 Park Ave. Youngsville, N.C 27596 address is accredited by
the commission for performing testing services for the general public on a fee basis. This laboratory test
facilities have been fully described in reports submitted to and accepted by the FCC (Registration No
90552 and 100881). The laboratory scope of accreditation includes: Title 47 CFR Part 15, 18, and 90. The
accreditation is updated every 3 years.

2.1.2    NIST / NVLAP
TUV Rheinland of North America is accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation
Program, which is administered under the auspices of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
 The laboratory has been assessed and accredited in accordance with ISO Guide 25 and ISO 9002 (Lab
code 200094-0). The scope of laboratory accreditation includes emission and immunity testing. The
accreditation is updated annually.

2.1.3    Canada – Industry Canada
Registration No. IC3755

2.1.4    Japan - VCCI
The Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information Technology Equipment (VCCI) is a group
that consists of Information Technology Equipment (ITE) manufacturers and EMC test laboratories. The
purpose of the Council is to take voluntary control measures against electromagnetic interference from
Information Technology Equipment, and thereby contribute to the development of a socially beneficial
and responsible state of affairs in the realm of Information Technology Equipment in Japan. TUV
Rheinland of North America at the 762 Park Ave. Youngsville, N.C 27596 address has been assessed and
approved in accordance with the Regulations for Voluntary Control Measures. (Registration No. R-1174
and C-1236).

2.1.5    Acceptance By Mutual Recognition Arrangement
The United States has an established agreement with specific countries under the Asia Pacific Laboratory
Accreditation Corporation (APLAC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement. Under this agreement, all TUV
Rheinland of North America at the 762 Park Ave. Youngsville, N.C 27596 address test results and test
reports within the scope of the laboratory NIST / NVLAP accreditation will be accepted by each member

Report Number: 30762387PC.001                                                                 Page 5 of 21
EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

2.2     Test Facilities
All of the test facilities are located at 762 Park Ave., Youngsville, North Carolina 27596, USA.

2.2.1    Emission Test Facility
The Open Area Test Site and AC Line Conducted measurement facility used to collect the radiated and
conducted data has been constructed in accordance with ANSI C63.7:1992. The site has been measured
in accordance with and verified to comply with the theoretical normalized site attenuation requirements of
ANSI C63.4:2005, at a test distance of 3 and 10 meters. This site has been described in reports dated
May 12, 1997, submitted to the FCC, and accepted by letter dated June 25, 1997 (31040/SIT 1300F2).
The site is listed with the FCC and accredited by NVLAP (code 200094-0). The 5m semi-anechoic
chamber used to collect the radiated data has been verified to comply with the theoretical normalized site
attenuation requirements of ANSI C63.4:2005, at a test distance of 3 meters. A report detailing this site
can be obtained from TUV Rheinland of North America.

2.2.2    Immunity Test Facility
ESD, EFT, Surge, PQF: These tests are performed in an environmentally controlled room with a 3.7m x
3.7m x 3.175mm thick aluminum floor connected to PE ground. For ESD testing, tabletop equipment is
placed on an insulated mat with a surface resistivity of 109 Ohms/square on a 1.6m x 0.8m x 0.8m high
non-conductive table with a 3.175mm aluminum top (Horizontal Coupling Plane). The HCP is connected
to the main ground plane via a low impedance ground strap through two 470 kΩ resistors. The Vertical
Coupling Plane consists of an aluminum plate 50cm x 50cm x 3.175mm thick. The VCP is connected to
the main ground plane via a low impedance ground strap through two 470 kΩ resistors. For each of the
other tests, the HCP is removed.
RF Field Immunity testing is performed in a 7.3m x 3.7m x 3.2m anechoic chamber.
RF Conducted and Magnetic Field Immunity testing is performed on a 4.9m x 3.7m x 3.175mm thick
aluminum ground plane which is connected to one end of the anechoic chamber.
All test areas allow a minimum distance of 1 meter from the EUT to walls or conducting objects.

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EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

2.3   Measurement Uncertainty
Two types of measurement uncertainty are expressed in this report, per ISO Guide To The Expression Of
Uncertainty In Measurement, 1st addition, 1995.
The Combined Standard Uncertainty is the standard uncertainty of the result of a measurement when that
result is obtained from the values of a number of other quantities, equal to the positive square root of a
sum of terms, the terms being the variances or co-variances of these other quantities weighted according
to how the measurement result varies with changes in these quantities. The term standard uncertainty is
the result of a measurement expressed as a standard deviation.
The Expanded Uncertainty defines an interval about the result of a measurement that may be expected to
encompass a large fraction of the distribution of values that could reasonably be attributed to the
measurand. The fraction may be viewed as the coverage probability or level of confidence of the interval.
The test system for conducted emissions is defined as the LISN, spectrum analyzer, coaxial cables, and
pads. The test system for radiated emissions is defined as the antenna, spectrum analyzer, pre-amplifier,
coaxial cables, and pads. The conducted test system has a combined standard uncertainty of ± 1.2 dB. The
radiated test system has a combined standard uncertainty of ± 1.6 dB. The expanded uncertainty at a level
of 95% confidence is obtained by multiplying the combined standard uncertainty by a coverage factor of
2. Compliance criteria are not based on measurement uncertainty.

2.4   Calibration Traceability
All measurement instrumentation is traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST). Measurement method complies with ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994 and ISO Guide 25.

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EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

2.5   Product Information

                                           Figure 1: Photo of EUT, Front

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EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

                                           Figure 2: Photo of EUT, Rear

Report Number: 30762387PC.001                                             Page 9 of 21
EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

                                           Figure 3: Photo of EUT, Side

Report Number: 30762387PC.001                                             Page 10 of 21
EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

2.6   Product Description
The EUT is a single-phase watt-hour meter with an integrated 900 MHz band, frequency hoping radio. A
bock diagram and schematic showing the major sections of the electronic assembly have been included in
a separate test plan document for submission.

2.7   Configuration
Each meter type was installed in turn in a meter socket appropriate for measuring electricity consumption.
Preliminary testing was performed on each of the three meter types to determine the configuration that
produced maximum radiation. The following meter types were tested:

                                Meter Form                                    Test Voltage
                         Single-phase REX2 meter                                 240Vac
                            (Form 2S provided)
          Single-phase REX2 meter with internal service disconnect               240Vac
                        switch (Form 2S provided)
                         Single-phase REX2 meter                                 120Vac
                            (Form 1S provided)

All units have an internal microwave slot antenna printed on the main PCB. There are no other antenna
options to be tested. The printed circuit board assembly is connected to line voltage (120 or 240V ac) and
to the output of a current transformer. There are no other cables or wires connected to the Single-phase
meter. For the service disconnect meter, there is a disconnect option board that connects to the main board
via the 10-pin header J5.
The final configuration was selected to produce worse case radiation and place the EUT in the most
susceptible state. The Rex2 meter with the internal service disconnect switch was determined to have the
worst case emissions and was therefore used for all final testing displayed in this report.

Report Number: 30762387PC.001                                                                 Page 11 of 21
EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

3 Antenna Port Conducted Emissions
Testing was performed in accordance with 47 CFR Part 15, ANSI C63.4:2003, RSS-210 Issue 7. These
test methods are listed under the laboratory’s NVLAP Scope of Accreditation. This test measures the
levels emanating from the EUT, thus evaluating the potential for the EUT to cause radio frequency
interference to other electronic devices.

3.1   Peak Output Power FCC Part 15.247(b)(2)
The maximum peak output power of the intentional radiator shall not exceed 0.25 watts for systems
employing less than 50 hopping channels, but at least 25 hopping channels. (Conducted Measurement)
The peak output power was measured at CH1, CH15, and at CH31. The measurement was made using a
direct connection between the RF output of the EUT and the spectrum analyzer. After the measurement
was made the cable loss and the attenuator was added to the measurement. The spectrum analyzer’s
resolution bandwidth was greater than the 20dB bandwidth of the modulated carrier and the video
bandwidth was equal to the resolution bandwidth.
Test Setup

                                                       20 dB Attenuator
Spectrum Analyzer                                                         RF Output connection
Peak Power Output         Low Band

                                           Frequency       Un-modulated Peak
                                            (MHz)            Power (dBm)

                   00                       902.400              21.11
                   31                       914.802              21.99
                   34                       916.014              22.16
                   48                       921.626              22.58
                   63                       927.597              21.79

                          Figure 4 – Un-modulated Peak Power

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EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

                           Marker 1 [T1]                   RBW   1 MHz       RF Att     30 dB
        Ref Lvl                            21.11 dBm       VBW   1 MHz
         37 dBm                 902.40080160 MHz           SWT   5 ms        Unit          dBm
          20 dB Offset


        1MAX                                                                                     1MA






        Center 902.4008016 MHz                   200 kHz/                           Span 2 MHz

Date:          3.OCT.2008       10:14:53

                              Figure 5: CH 0 (902.4 MHz) Peak Output Power

Report Number: 30762387PC.001                                                           Page 13 of 21
EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

                            Marker 1 [T1]                  RBW   1 MHz    RF Att     30 dB
          Ref Lvl                          21.99 dBm       VBW   1 MHz
           37 dBm                914.80200401 MHz          SWT   5 ms     Unit          dBm
           20 dB Offset


          1MAX                                                                                1MA






          Center 914.8 MHz                       200 kHz/                        Span 2 MHz

 Date:           3.OCT.2008      10:16:27

                            Figure 6: CH 31 (914.802 MHz) Peak Output Power

Report Number: 30762387PC.001                                                         Page 14 of 21
EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

                           Marker 1 [T1]                   RBW   1 MHz        RF Att     30 dB
        Ref Lvl                            22.16 dBm       VBW   1 MHz
         37 dBm                 916.01402806 MHz           SWT   5 ms         Unit          dBm
          20 dB Offset


        1MAX                                                                                      1MA






        Center 916 MHz                           200 kHz/                            Span 2 MHz

Date:          3.OCT.2008       10:24:06

                            Figure 7: CH 34 (916.014 MHz) Peak Output Power

Report Number: 30762387PC.001                                                            Page 15 of 21
EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

                           Marker 1 [T1]                   RBW   1 MHz        RF Att     30 dB
        Ref Lvl                            22.58 dBm       VBW   1 MHz
         37 dBm                 921.62605210 MHz           SWT   5 ms         Unit          dBm
          20 dB Offset



        1MAX                                                                                      1MA






        Center 921.6 MHz                         200 kHz/                            Span 2 MHz

Date:          3.OCT.2008       10:26:16

                            Figure 8: CH 48 (921.626 MHz) Peak Output Power

Report Number: 30762387PC.001                                                            Page 16 of 21
EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

                           Marker 1 [T1]                   RBW   1 MHz        RF Att     30 dB
        Ref Lvl                            21.79 dBm       VBW   1 MHz
         37 dBm                 927.59799599 MHz           SWT   5 ms         Unit          dBm
          20 dB Offset


        1MAX                                                                                      1MA






        Center 927.6 MHz                         200 kHz/                            Span 2 MHz

Date:          3.OCT.2008       10:17:35

                            Figure 9: CH 63 (927.597 MHz) Peak Output Power

Report Number: 30762387PC.001                                                            Page 17 of 21
EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

3.2     Spurious Emissions FCC Part 15.247(c)

3.2.1    Test Methodology Preliminary Test
A test program that controls instrumentation and data logging was used to automate the preliminary RF
emission test procedure. The frequency range of interest was divided into sub-ranges to yield a frequency
resolution of approximately 300 kHz and provide a reading at each frequency for each 6° of turntable
rotation. For each frequency sub-range the turntable was rotated 360° while peak emission data was
recorded and plotted over the frequency range of interest in horizontal and vertical antenna polarization’s.
Preliminary emission profile testing was performed inside the anechoic chamber. The EUT was placed on
a 1.0m x 1.5m non-conductive table 80cm above the floor. The EUT was positioned as shown in the setup
photographs. The receiving antenna was placed at a distance of 3m at a fixed height of 1m. Measurement
equipment was located outside of the chamber. A video camera was placed inside the chamber to view the
EUT. Final Test
For each frequency measured, the peak emission was maximized by manipulating the receiving antenna
from 1 to 4 meters above the ground plane and placing it at the position that produced the maximum
signal strength reading. The turntable was then rotated through 360° while observing the peak signal and
placing the EUT at the position that produced maximum radiation.
Final testing was performed on an NSA compliant test site. The EUT was placed on a 1.0m x 1.5m non-
conductive table 80cm above the ground plane. The placement of EUT and cables were the same as for
preliminary testing and is shown in the setup photographs. Deviations
There were no deviations from this test methodology.

3.2.2    Test Results

As originally tested, the EUT was found to be compliant to the requirements of the test standard(s).

Report Number: 30762387PC.001                                                                  Page 18 of 21
EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

SOP 1 Radiated Emissions                                      Tracking # 30762387PC. Page 1 of 2
EUT Name       Single Phase REX2 Meter                          Date            5 August 2008
EUT Model      2S                                               Temp / Hum in 74 degrees F / 33%rH
EUT Serial     2150                                             Temp / Hum out
Standard       FCC 47 CFR Part 15, RSS-210 Issue 7              Line AC / Freq. 120VAC / 60hz
Deg/sweep      12 degrees                                       RBW / VBW       1Mhz / 3Mhz
Dist/Ant Used 3 meters / 3115                                   Performed by    Pamela Sequeira
Configuration 2S 2150. L3 = 2.2nH; C28 = 3.3pF
  Emission    ANT ANT Table FIM Avg            Amp         Cable    ANT    E-Field   Spec     Spec
    Freq     Polar Pos       Pos     Value     Gain        Loss    Factor   Value    Limit    Margin
   (MHz)     (H/V) (m)      (deg)   (dBuV)     (dB)        (dB)    (dB/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)    (dB)
 902.8 MHz
  2708.60      H     1.37    256     41.70    36.01        7.81    29.68   43.19      54      -10.81
  2708.60      V     1.04     57     41.81    36.01        7.81    29.21   42.83      54      -11.17
  3611.60      H     1.04    318     33.76    35.74        9.42    31.82   39.26      54      -14.74
  3611.60      V     1.00      0     33.15    35.74        9.42    31.61   38.44      54      -15.56
  4513.20      H     1.00    233     34.60    35.83        10.51   32.43   41.71      54      -12.29
  4513.20      V     1.11     76     32.50    35.83        10.51   32.62   39.80      54       -14.2
  5416.00      H     1.00    331     32.13    35.15        11.28   34.17   42.43      54      -11.57
  5416.00      V     1.00     45     29.93    35.15        11.28   34.33   40.40      54       -13.6
  8124.20      H     1.00    359     26.34    35.46        15.81   37.27   43.96      54      -10.04
  8124.20      V     1.00     20     24.48    35.46        15.81   37.22   42.05      54      -11.95
  9026.60      H     1.29      0     21.92    35.94        15.50   37.61   39.08      54      -14.92
  9026.60      V     1.00    308     22.47    35.94        15.50   37.81   39.83      54      -14.17

 916 MHz
 2747.60        H      1.00     311        36.76   35.93   7.94    29.79   38.56      54      -15.44
 2747.60        V      1.26      0         41.16   35.93   7.94    29.34   42.51      54      -11.49
 3663.60        H      1.00     321        34.01   35.61   9.25    31.93   39.58      54      -14.42
 3663.60        V      1.00      0         32.39   35.61   9.25    31.76   37.79      54      -16.21
 4580.40        H      1.00     233        35.25   35.95   10.93   32.58   42.81      54      -11.19
 4580.40        V      1.04     69         34.81   35.95   10.93   32.74   42.54      54      -11.46
 7327.20        H      1.26     11         33.54   36.11   14.35   36.42   48.20      54        -5.8
 7327.20        V      1.46      8         31.08   36.11   14.35   36.42   45.74      54       -8.26
 8245.00        H      1.34     234        25.87   35.57   15.76   37.35   43.41      54      -10.59
 8245.00        V      1.00      0         26.28   35.57   15.76   37.34   43.82      54      -10.18
 9159.00        H      1.00      0         21.56   36.04   15.43   37.63   38.58      54      -15.42
 9159.00        V      1.02     347        21.52   36.04   15.43   37.83   38.74      54      -15.26

921.6 MHz
 2764.60        H      1.11      0         38.06   35.95   7.99    29.84   39.94      54      -14.06
 2764.60        V      1.00      2         40.71   35.95   7.99    29.40   42.15      54      -11.85
 3686.80        H      1.00     76         33.36   35.53   9.18    31.97   38.98      54      -15.02
 3686.80        V      1.00     345        34.62   35.53   9.18    31.82   40.09      54      -13.91
 4607.40        H      1.14     357        35.86   35.98   10.94   32.64   43.46      54      -10.54
 4607.40        V      1.04     68         35.33   35.98   10.94   32.79   43.08      54      -10.92
 7373.60        H      1.28      6         35.02   36.05   14.42   36.52   49.92      54       -4.08
 7373.60        V      1.13     355        29.37   36.05   14.42   36.55   44.29      54       -9.71
 8293.20        H      1.00     25         27.19   35.59   15.73   37.38   44.71      54       -9.29

Report Number: 30762387PC.001                                                         Page 19 of 21
EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

 Emission        ANT     ANT        Table     FIM Avg        Amp          Cable     ANT    E-Field   Spec                   Spec
   Freq         Polar    Pos         Pos        Value        Gain         Loss     Factor   Value    Limit                  Margin
  (MHz)         (H/V)    (m)        (deg)      (dBuV)        (dB)         (dB)     (dB/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)                  (dB)

  8293.20         V      1.16        353          30.12      35.59        15.73        37.39     47.65          54           -6.35
  9214.80         H      1.91        353          21.56      36.12        15.41        37.64     38.50          54           -15.5
  9214.80         V      1.00         5           22.49      36.12        15.41        37.84     39.63          54          -14.37

927.6 MHz
 2782.60          H      1.00        312          35.68      35.98        8.05         29.89     37.65          54          -16.35
 2782.60          V      1.00         0           38.78      35.98        8.05         29.46     40.32          54          -13.68
 3711.00          H      1.00        40           29.23      35.51        9.03         32.02     34.78          54          -19.22
 3711.00          V      1.00        345          30.81      35.51        9.03         31.89     36.23          54          -17.77
 4637.40          H      1.00        225          34.08      36.01        10.77        32.70     41.54          54          -12.46
 4637.40          V      1.00        63           33.15      36.01        10.77        32.85     40.76          54          -13.24
 7420.00          H      1.19        347          33.55      35.94        14.56        36.62     48.79          54           -5.21
 7420.00          V      1.00        49           28.44      35.94        14.56        36.68     43.73          54          -10.27
 8347.40          H      1.00        268          26.20      35.61        15.72        37.41     43.72          54          -10.28
 8347.40          V      1.00        21           26.31      35.61        15.72        37.45     43.87          54          -10.13
Spec Margin = E-Field Value - Limit, E-Field Value = FIM Value - Amp Gain + Cable Loss + ANT Factor ± Uncertainty
Combined Standard Uncertainty   uc(y) = ± 1.6dB    Expanded Uncertainty   U = kuc(y)     k = 2 for 95% confidence

Report Number: 30762387PC.001                                                                                       Page 20 of 21
EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

TUV Rheinland of North America
762 Park Ave., Youngsville, NC 27596
Tel: (919) 554-3668, Fax: (919) 554-3542

4 Test Equipment Use List

4.1    Test Equipment use list
                                                                                                         Last Cal      Next Cal
        Equipment                 Manufacturer                    Model #             Serial/Inst #
                                                                                                        dd/mm/yy       dd/mm/yy
                                         SOP 1 - Radiated Emissions (5 Meter Chamber)
 Amplifier, preamp              Agilent Technologies   8449B                          3008A01480        30-Jan-08      30-Jan-09

 Amplifier, preamp              Hewlett Packard        8447D                          1937A01766        30-Jan-08      30-Jan-09
 Ant. BiconiLog                 EMCO                   3142                           1007              22-Feb-07      22-Feb-09

 Antenna Horn 1-18GHz           EMCO                   3115                           2236              25-Jan-07      25-Jan-09
 Ant. BiconiLog                 Chase                  CBL6140A                       1108              13-Jun-08      13-Jun-10
 Receiver, EMI                  Rohde & Schwarz        ESIB40                         100043            9-Jun-08       9-Jun-09
 Spectrum Analyzer              Agilent Tec.           E7405A                         US39440157        04-Dec-07      04-Dec-08
 Cable, Coax                    Andrew                 FSJ1-50A                       003               25-Jan-08      25-Jan-09
 Cable, Coax                    Andrew                 FSJ1-50A                       030               30-Jan-08      30-Jan-09
 Cable, Coax                    Andrew                 FSJ1-50A                       045               30-Jan-08      30-Jan-09
       •       Calibration of equipment past due for re-calibration will be performed expeditiously. If any equipment is
                       found to be out of tolerance at that time, affected customers will be notified accordingly.

Report Number: 30762387PC.001                                                                               Page 21 of 21
EUT: Single Phase REX2 Meter Model: REX2EA
33_EME/I 01/29/2001

Document Created: 2008-10-09 13:08:58
Document Modified: 2008-10-09 13:08:58

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