Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                                      Test Report Number: 4453608EMCO1 Rev: 2
                                                                                                              Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                                    Page: 1 of 34

                                                RF Test Report
                     Project Number:                4453608                            Proposal Number:                 8572
                      Report Number:                4453608EMCO1                            Revision Level:             2
                                      Client:       Elster Solutions LLC

          Equipment Under Test:                     Mini Network Interface Card
                                     Model:         MNIC

           Applicable Standards:                    FCC Part 15 Subpart C, §15.247
                                                    RSS—247, Issue 2
                                                    ANSI €C63.10: 2013
                                                    RSS—GEN, Issue 6

                   Report issued on:                26 July 2019
                            Test Result:            Compliant

                                  Tested by:                               flce Luy
                                                                      Aaron S. Froehlich, E    st Engineer for
                                                                           Paul Lorenzo, EMC Technician

                              Reviewed by:                                           (.:JOC4_
                                                                       David Schramm, OpSrations Manager for
                                                                   Shawn McGuinness, EMC Engineering Leader

Remarks: This report details the results of the testing carried out on one sample, the results contained in this test report do not relate to other
samples of the same product. The manufacturer should ensure that all products in series production are in conformity with the product sample
detailed in this report.
This documentis issued by the Company under its General Conditions of Service accessible at http//www.sas.com/en/Terms—and—
Conditions.aspx. Aftention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction iesues defined therein.
Any holderof this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company‘s findings at the time of its intervention only and
within the limits of Client‘s instructions, if any. The Company‘s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to
a fransaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery orfalsification
of the content or appearance of this documentis unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to thefullest extent of the law.

                                                                                                            Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                                           Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                                           Page: 2 of 34

                                                                         Table of Contents
1      SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ..................................................................................................................................... 3
    1.1       MODIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR COMPLIANCE .............................................................................................................. 3
2      GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................. 4
    2.1       CLIENT INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................... 4
    2.1       TEST LABORATORY ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
    2.2       GENERAL INFORMATION OF EUT .................................................................................................................................. 4
    2.3       OPERATING MODES AND CONDITIONS .......................................................................................................................... 5
    2.4       EUT CONNECTION BLOCK DIAGRAM ............................................................................................................................ 5
    2.5       SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 6
    2.6       CABLE LIST ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4      PEAK OUTPUT POWER .................................................................................................................................................. 7
    4.1       TEST RESULT ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
    4.2       TEST METHOD ............................................................................................................................................................... 7
    4.3       TEST SITE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
    4.4       TEST EQUIPMENT .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
    4.5       TEST DATA .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5      FIELD STRENGTH OF SPURIOUS RADIATION ...................................................................................................... 11
    5.1       TEST RESULT ............................................................................................................................................................... 11
    5.2       TEST METHOD ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
    5.3       TEST SITE .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
    5.4       TEST EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
    5.5       TEST SETUP PHOTOGRAPHS ......................................................................................................................................... 12
    5.6       TEST DATA .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
6      AC POWERLINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS ............................................................................................................ 31
    6.1       TEST RESULT ............................................................................................................................................................... 31
    6.2       TEST METHOD ............................................................................................................................................................. 31
    6.3       TEST SITE .................................................................................................................................................................... 31
    6.4       TEST EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
    6.5       TEST SETUP PHOTOGRAPHS ......................................................................................................................................... 31
    6.6       TEST DATA .................................................................................................................................................................. 32
7      REVISION HISTORY ...................................................................................................................................................... 34

    SGS North America Inc.       Consumer and Retail            620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024                        t (770) 570-1800            www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                                                               Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                  Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                 Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                 Page: 3 of 34

1 Summary of Test Results
       Test Description                                               Test Specification                                     Test Result
     Peak Output Power                           15.247(b)(2)                       RSS-247 S5.4a                            Compliant
 Radiated Spurious Emissions                    15.205 / 15.209                      RSS-GEN 8.9                             Compliant
  AC Powerline Conducted
                                                15.107, 15.207                       RSS-GEN 8.8                             Compliant

1.1 Modifications                 Required for Compliance

 SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail   620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                       Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                   Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                  Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                  Page: 4 of 34

2 General Information
 2.1      Client Information
                         Name: Elster Solutions LLC
                       Address: 208 S. Rogers Lane
      City, State, Zip, Country: Raleigh, NC 27610

2.1       Test Laboratory
                         Name: SGS North America, Inc.
                       Address: 620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100
      City, State, Zip, Country: Suwanee, GA 30024, USA

              Accrediting Body: A2LA
                     Type of lab: Testing Laboratory
             Certificate Number: 3212.01

 2.2      General Information of EUT
                Type of Product:             Mini Network Interface Card
                         Model:              MNIC
                 Serial Number:              Not Labeled
                        FCC ID:              QZC-MNIC
              Frequency Range:               902.4-927.6MHz
                   Data Modes:               Mode 2 (high power with data rate 150kbps)
                       Antenna:              PCB Trace Antenna
                  Antenna Gain:              1.71dBi

                   Rated Voltage: 90-276Vac 50/60Hz
                  Tested Voltage: 120Vac 60Hz

       Sample Received Date: 12 December 2018
             Dates of testing: 12 April – 19 July 2019

  SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail   620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                        Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                   Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                  Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                  Page: 5 of 34

2.3 Operating Modes and Conditions
The client programmed three different transmitter modules to transmit at Low, Mid and High Channels
(902.4MHz, 916.5MHz, 927.6MHz).

The modules was installed in the host which was programmed by the client to continuously transmit
when powered on.

 2.4      EUT Connection Block Diagram

  SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail   620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                        Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                     Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                    Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                    Page: 6 of 34

2.5     System Configurations
                                Manufacturer                           Description                           Model Number                 Serial Number

           A                Elster Solutions LLC           Mini Network Interface Card                             MNIC                      Not Labeled

                                                              Support Equipment
                                                            EdgeControl Node – Load
           B                      Honeywell                                                                  FC340A-H-LC                     Not Labeled
                                                              Control Transceiver

2.6     Cable List
   Cable                                                                                                                     Ferrite
                           Port Name                  Start                       End                  Length                                   Shielded?
 reference                                                                                                                 installed?
       1                   AC power                    AC                         EUT                        1.1               No                     No

  SGS North America Inc.     Consumer and Retail   620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024         t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                                Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                   Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                  Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                  Page: 7 of 34

4 Peak Output Power
4.1    Test Result
           Test Description                                      Test Specification                                            Test Result
          Peak Output Power                             15.247(b)(2)          RSS-247 S5.4a                                    Compliant

4.2 Test Method
Fundamental peak power measurements were recorded using the procedures from ANSI C63.10: 2013
clause 7.8.5 and KDB 558074 D01 Measurement Guidance v05r02.

For frequency hopping systems operating in the 902-928 MHz band: 1 watt for systems employing at
least 50 hopping channels.

4.3 Test Site
SGS EMC Laboratory, Suwanee, GA

 Environmental Conditions
               Temperature: 21.8°C
          Relative Humidity: 51.7%
      Atmospheric Pressure: 97.69kPa

4.4    Test Equipment
                       Test End Date: 11-Jun-2019                                                 Tester: PL
             Equipment                             Model                        Manufacturer               Asset Number Cal Due Date
 ATTENUATOR, 10DB (TS8997)                         10DB                    ROHDE & SCHWARZ                     B095594             25-Jul-2019
       RF CABLE (TS8997)                            141                     HUBER & SUHNER                     B095588             25-Jul-2019
      EMI TEST RECEIVER                           ESU40                    ROHDE & SCHWARZ                     B079629              2-Jul-2019
Note: The equipment calibration period is 1 year.

  SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail   620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024    t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                         Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                    Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                   Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                   Page: 8 of 34

4.5    Test Data
                                                 DUT Frequency        Peak       Limit     Result
                                                     (MHz)           Power       Max
                                                                     (dBm)      (dBm)
                                                  902.355368638        28.92       30.0   PASS
                                                  915.953125010        28.93       30.0   PASS
                                                  927.639423036        28.88       30.0   PASS

  SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail    620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                         Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                 Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                Page: 9 of 34

SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail   620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                      Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                 Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                               Page: 10 of 34

SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail   620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                      Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                   Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                  Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                 Page: 11 of 34

5 Field Strength of Spurious Radiation
5.1     Test Result
           Test Description                                       Test Specification                                      Test Result
 Field strength of spurious radiation                   15.209 / 15.205        RSS-GEN 8.9                                Compliant

5.2 Test Method
The initial preliminary exploratory scans were performed over the frequency range as indicated in the
tables below using the max hold function and incorporating a Peak detector and using TILE! software.
The final test data was measured using a Quasi-Peak detector below 1GHz and a Peak detector above
1GHz. For harmonics of the fundamental, Average measurements were made by correcting the peak
value with the duty cycle correction factor. For emissions other than harmonics of the fundamental, the
Average measurements were made using the Average detector. The receivers resolution bandwidth was
set to 120 kHz for measurements taken in the 30MHz to 1GHz frequency range and 1MHz for
measurements for 1GHz and higher. Measurements were made with the antenna positioned in both the
horizontal and vertical planes of polarization. The antenna height was varied from 1 m to 2.5 m and the
EUT was rotated 360° to find the maximum emitting point for each frequency. The radiated
measurements were recorded and compared to the limits indicated in the table below.
There is a limit on spurious emissions produced by an intentional radiator in any 100 kHz Bandwidth
outside the intentional emission band of -20dBc provided the radiator complies with the limits specified
in 15.205© and 15.209(a).

Test distance:
        30 MHz to 1 GHz - The EUT to measurement antenna distance is 3 meters
        1 to 18 GHz - The EUT to measurement antenna distance is 3 meters
        18 to 40 GHz - The EUT to measurement antenna distance is 1 meter

                                                                     Limits(1)                                            Peak Limits
                                     Microvolts/m                   dBuV/m                     dBuV/m
          30 - 88 MHz                     100                        40 (2)                       --
         88 - 216 MHz                     150                       43.5                          --
         216 - 960 MHz                    200                        46 (2)                       --
        960 - 1000 MHz                    500                        54 (2)                       --
           1 - 40 GHz                     500                        54 (3)                      74
      (1) These limits are applicable to emissions outside of the intentional transmit frequency band.
      (2) Quasi-peak limit
      (3) Average limit

  SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail   620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                        Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                       Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                      Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                     Page: 12 of 34

5.3 Test Site
10m Absorber Lined Shielded Enclosure (ALSE), Suwanee, GA

 Environmental Conditions                     11 June 2019
               Temperature:                    22.1°C
          Relative Humidity:                   53.3%
      Atmospheric Pressure:                    97.66kPa

5.4    Test Equipment
                       Test End Date: 11-Jun-2019                                                     Tester: PL
             Equipment                                 Model                        Manufacturer               Asset Number Cal Due Date
         ANTENNA, BILOG                                 JB6                             SUNOL                      B079690            11-Dec-2019
              RF CABLE                                SF106                     HUBER & SUHNER                     B079712             24-Jul-2019
              RF CABLE                                SF106                     HUBER & SUHNER                     B079713             24-Jul-2019
              RF CABLE                                SF106                     HUBER & SUHNER                     B079659             23-Jul-2019
              RF CABLE                             SUCOFLEX 100                 HUBER & SUHNER                     B108523             24-Jul-2019
      LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER                            TS-PR18                   ROHDE & SCHWARZ                      15003             24-Jan-2020
       EMI TEST RECEIVER                              ESU40                    ROHDE & SCHWARZ                     B079629              2-Jul-2019

                           Test End Date: 11-Jun-2019                                                 Tester: PL
              Equipment                                Model                        Manufacturer               Asset Number Cal Due Date
                                                        3117                      ETS LINDGREN                     B079691           10-Aug-2020
          RF CABLE                                     SF102                    HUBER & SUHNER                     B079822            25-Jul-2019
               RF CABLE                            SUCOFLEX 100                 HUBER & SUHNER                     B108523            24-Jul-2019
      LOW NOISE AMPLIFIER                            TS-PR18                   ROHDE & SCHWARZ                     15003             24-Jan-2020
       EMI TEST RECEIVER                               ESU40                   ROHDE & SCHWARZ                     B079629             2-Jul-2019
                                                     HPM50108                    MICRO-TRONICS                     B079802            26-Jul-2019
Note: The calibration period equipment is 1 year.

Software: “RSE 30-1000 MHz T7 180823 TILE! profile dated Nov 2018
Software: “RSE 1-18 GHz T7 180716” TILE! profile dated Oct 2018

5.5 Test Setup Photographs
Test setup photographs are in a separate exhibit.

  SGS North America Inc.     Consumer and Retail     620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024    t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                             Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                    Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                   Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                  Page: 13 of 34

5.6     Test Data
5.6.1    30-800 MHz
                                                  Vertical Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                        Low Channel – Y Axis

                                                 Vertical Radiated Emissions Data
                                                       Low Channel – Y Axis
        Frequency      Raw QP        Polarity     Azimuth      Height       AF       Loss     Amp      QP Value      Limit           Margin
           MHz          (dBuV)        (V/H)      (degrees)      (cm)      (dB/m)     (dB)     (dB)     (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)            (dB)
          39.57           34.2          V          184.0       288.0       14.7       0.6     33.0       16.5        40.0             -23.5
          54.30           54.9          V          342.0       212.0        7.6       0.8     33.6       29.6        40.0             -10.4
          79.74           44.4          V          345.0       199.0        7.9       0.9     34.0       19.2        40.0             -20.8

      QP Value = Level + AF + CL - Amp
      Margin = QP Value - Limit

  SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail    620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                         Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                    Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                   Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                  Page: 14 of 34
                                                 Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                       Low Channel – Z Axis

                                                 Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                       Low Channel – Z Axis
     Frequency           Raw QP      Polarity     Azimuth      Height       AF       Loss     Amp      QP Value      Limit           Margin
        MHz              (dBuV)       (V/H)      (degrees)      (cm)      (dB/m)     (dB)     (dB)     (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)           (dB)
       52.48               37.3         H          174.0       150.0        8.0       0.8     33.4       12.6        40.0            -27.4
       53.87               37.4         H          187.0       150.0        7.6       0.8     33.5       12.3        40.0            -27.7
       65.48               27.1         H          193.0       149.0        7.8       0.8     33.8        2.1        40.0            -37.9

   QP Value = Level + AF + CL - Amp
   Margin = QP Value - Limit

SGS North America Inc.     Consumer and Retail    620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                         Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                  Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                 Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                Page: 15 of 34
                                                Vertical Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                      Mid Channel – Y Axis

                                               Vertical Radiated Emissions Data
                                                     Mid Channel – Y Axis
     Frequency       Raw QP        Polarity     Azimuth      Height       AF       Loss     Amp      QP Value      Limit           Margin
        MHz           (dBuV)        (V/H)      (degrees)      (cm)      (dB/m)     (dB)     (dB)     (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)            (dB)
       45.43            35.5          V          329.0       216.0       10.8       0.7     33.0       14.0        40.0             -26.0
       54.00            53.2          V          320.0       151.0        7.6       0.8     33.5       28.1        40.0             -11.9
       81.34            45.8          V          307.0       154.0        7.8       0.9     34.2       20.4        40.0             -19.6

   QP Value = Level + AF + CL - Amp
   Margin = QP Value - Limit

SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail    620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                       Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                    Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                   Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                  Page: 16 of 34
                                                 Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                       Mid Channel – Z Axis

                                                 Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                       Mid Channel – Z Axis
     Frequency           Raw QP      Polarity     Azimuth     Height       AF        Loss     Amp      QP Value      Limit           Margin
        MHz              (dBuV)       (V/H)      (degrees)     (cm)      (dB/m)      (dB)     (dB)     (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)           (dB)
       44.07               24.5         H          197.0      145.0       11.7        0.7     32.8        4.0        40.0            -36.0
       75.80               42.5         H          249.0      397.0        8.1        0.9     34.0       17.5        40.0            -22.5

   QP Value = Level + AF + CL - Amp
   Margin = QP Value - Limit

SGS North America Inc.     Consumer and Retail    620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                         Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                  Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                 Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                Page: 17 of 34
                                                Vertical Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                     High Channel – Y Axis

                                               Vertical Radiated Emissions Data
                                                     High Channel – Y Axis
     Frequency       Raw QP        Polarity     Azimuth      Height       AF       Loss     Amp      QP Value      Limit           Margin
        MHz           (dBuV)        (V/H)      (degrees)      (cm)      (dB/m)     (dB)     (dB)     (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)            (dB)
       39.02            35.4          V          201.0       194.0       15.1       0.6     32.4       18.8        40.0             -21.2
       58.01            49.8          V          205.0       130.0        7.3       0.8     33.6       24.3        40.0             -15.7
       75.61            49.5          V          326.0       120.0        8.1       0.9     34.0       24.5        40.0             -15.5

   QP Value = Level + AF + CL - Amp
   Margin = QP Value - Limit

SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail    620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                       Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                    Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                   Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                  Page: 18 of 34
                                                 Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                       High Channel – Z Axis

                                                 Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                       High Channel – Z Axis
     Frequency           Raw QP      Polarity     Azimuth     Height       AF        Loss     Amp      QP Value      Limit           Margin
        MHz              (dBuV)       (V/H)      (degrees)     (cm)      (dB/m)      (dB)     (dB)     (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)           (dB)
       101.48              24.2         H          119.0      336.0       10.6        1.1     34.7        1.3        43.5            -42.2
       119.09              33.6         H           68.0      384.0       13.6        1.1     34.7       13.7        43.5            -29.9

   QP Value = Level + AF + CL - Amp
   Margin = QP Value - Limit

SGS North America Inc.     Consumer and Retail    620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                         Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                   Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                  Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                 Page: 19 of 34

5.6.2    800-1000MHz
                                                 Vertical Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                       Low Channel – Y Axis

                                                 Vertical Radiated Emissions Data
                                                       Low Channel – Y Axis

        Final measurements were not taken because there are no emissions within a restricted band.

  SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail   620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                        Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                  Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                 Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                Page: 20 of 34
                                               Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                     Low Channel – Z Axis

                                               Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                     Low Channel – Z Axis

     Final measurements were not taken because there are no emissions within a restricted band.

SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail    620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                       Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                 Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                               Page: 21 of 34
                                               Vertical Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                     Mid Channel – Y Axis

                                               Vertical Radiated Emissions Data
                                                     Mid Channel – Y Axis

     Final measurements were not taken because there are no emissions within a restricted band.

SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail   620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                      Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                  Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                 Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                Page: 22 of 34
                                               Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                     Mid Channel – Z Axis

                                               Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                     Mid Channel – Z Axis

     Final measurements were not taken because there are no emissions within a restricted band.

SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail    620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                       Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                 Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                               Page: 23 of 34
                                               Vertical Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                    High Channel – Y Axis

                                               Vertical Radiated Emissions Data
                                                     High Channel – Y Axis

     Final measurements were not taken because there are no emissions within a restricted band.

SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail   620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                      Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                  Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                 Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                Page: 24 of 34
                                               Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                     High Channel – Z Axis

                                               Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                     High Channel – Z Axis

     Final measurements were not taken because there are no emissions within a restricted band.

SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail    620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                       Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                     Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                    Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                   Page: 25 of 34

5.6.3    1-10 GHz
                                                   Vertical Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                         Low Channel – Y Axis

                                                   Vertical Radiated Emissions Data
                                                         Low Channel – Y Axis
            Frequency      Raw Avg      Polarity    Azimuth      Height      AF      Loss     Amp     Final Avg         Limit        Margin
               MHz          dBuV         (V/H)     (degrees)      (cm)     (dB/m)    (dB)     (dB)     dBuV/m         (dBuV/m)         (dB)
             2707.16         45.7          V          44.0       238.0      32.2      2.6     34.4       46.1           54.0           -7.9
             3609.44         47.9          V         292.0       152.0      33.0      3.0     34.4       49.5           54.0           -4.5
             4512.08         35.4          V         315.0       174.0      34.1      3.4     34.3       38.6           54.0          -15.4

           Final Avg = Raw Avg + AF + Loss - Amp
           Margin = Final Avg - Limit

            Frequency      Raw Pk       Polarity    Azimuth     Height      AF       Loss    Amp       Final Pk        Limit         Margin
               MHz          dBuV         (V/H)     (degrees)     (cm)     (dB/m)     (dB)    (dB)      dBuV/m         dBuV/m          dB
             2707.16         50.3          V          44.0      238.0      32.2       2.6    34.4        50.7          74.0          -23.3
             3609.44         52.0          V         292.0      152.0      33.0       3.0    34.4        53.6          74.0          -20.4
             4512.08         44.8          V         315.0      174.0      34.1       3.4    34.3        48.0          74.0          -26.0

           Final Pk = Raw Pk + AF + Loss - Amp
           Margin = Final Pk - Limit

  SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail     620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024        t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                               Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                    Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                   Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                  Page: 26 of 34

                                                 Horizontall Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                       Low Channel – Z Axis

                                                 Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                       Low Channel – Z Axis
          Frequency      Raw Avg      Polarity     Azimuth      Height      AF      Loss     Amp    Avg Value          Limit        Margin
             MHz          dBuV         (V/H)      (degrees)      (cm)     (dB/m)    (dB)     (dB)    dBuV/m          (dBuV/m)         (dB)
           2706.92         43.3          H          252.0       178.0      32.2      2.6     34.4     43.6             54.0          -10.3
           3609.68         48.2          H           15.0       169.0      33.0      3.0     34.4     49.8             54.0           -4.2
           4512.20         40.3          H          260.0       191.0      34.1      3.4     34.3     43.5             54.0          -10.5

         Final Avg = Raw Avg + AF + Loss - Amp
         Margin = Final Avg - Limit

          Frequency      Raw Pk       Polarity     Azimuth     Height      AF       Loss    Amp       Final Pk        Limit         Margin
             MHz          dBuV         (V/H)      (degrees)     (cm)     (dB/m)     (dB)    (dB)      dBuV/m         dBuV/m          dB
           2706.92         49.3          H          252.0      178.0      32.2       2.6    34.4        49.7          74.0          -24.3
           3609.68         52.0          H           15.0      169.0      33.0       3.0    34.4        53.5          74.0          -20.5
           4512.20         47.5          H          260.0      191.0      34.1       3.4    34.3        50.7          74.0          -23.3

         Final Pk = Raw Pk + AF + Loss - Amp
         Margin = Final Pk - Limit

SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail      620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024        t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                              Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                   Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                  Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                 Page: 27 of 34

                                                 Vertical Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                       Mid Channel – Y Axis

                                                 Vertical Radiated Emissions Data
                                                       Mid Channel – Y Axis
          Frequency      Raw Avg      Polarity    Azimuth      Height      AF      Loss     Amp     Final Avg         Limit        Margin
             MHz          dBuV         (V/H)     (degrees)      (cm)     (dB/m)    (dB)     (dB)     dBuV/m         (dBuV/m)         (dB)
           2747.88         46.6          V         250.0       249.0      32.2      2.6     34.3       47.1           54.0           -6.9
           3663.64         42.7          V          25.0       250.0      33.1      3.1     34.3       44.5           54.0           -9.5
           4579.44         34.3          V         334.0       103.0      34.4      3.4     34.3       37.8           54.0          -16.2

         Final Avg = Raw Avg + AF + Loss - Amp
         Margin = Final Avg - Limit

          Frequency      Raw Pk       Polarity    Azimuth     Height      AF       Loss    Amp       Final Pk        Limit         Margin
             MHz          dBuV         (V/H)     (degrees)     (cm)     (dB/m)     (dB)    (dB)      dBuV/m         dBuV/m          dB
           2747.88         50.4          V         250.0      249.0      32.2       2.6    34.3        50.9          74.0          -23.1
           3663.64         48.8          V          25.0      250.0      33.1       3.1    34.3        50.6          74.0          -23.4
           4579.44         45.0          V         334.0      103.0      34.4       3.4    34.3        48.5          74.0          -25.5

         Final Pk = Raw Pk + AF + Loss - Amp
         Margin = Final Pk - Limit

SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail     620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024        t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                             Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                    Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                   Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                  Page: 28 of 34

                                                 Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                       Mid Channel – Z Axis

                                                 Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                       Mid Channel – Z Axis
          Frequency      Raw Avg      Polarity     Azimuth      Height      AF      Loss     Amp    Avg Value          Limit        Margin
             MHz          dBuV         (V/H)      (degrees)      (cm)     (dB/m)    (dB)     (dB)    dBuV/m          (dBuV/m)         (dB)
           2748.12         47.6          H          201.0       228.0      32.2      2.6     34.3     48.1             54.0           -5.8
           3664.12         47.3          H          119.0       196.0      33.1      3.1     34.3     49.1             54.0           -4.9
           4580.04         40.5          H          243.0       186.0      34.4      3.4     34.3     44.0             54.0          -10.0

         Final Avg = Raw Avg + AF + Loss - Amp
         Margin = Final Avg - Limit

          Frequency      Raw Pk       Polarity     Azimuth     Height      AF       Loss    Amp       Final Pk        Limit         Margin
             MHz          dBuV         (V/H)      (degrees)     (cm)     (dB/m)     (dB)    (dB)      dBuV/m         dBuV/m          dB
           2748.12         51.9          H          201.0      228.0      32.2       2.6    34.3        52.5          74.0          -21.5
           3664.12         51.1          H          119.0      196.0      33.1       3.1    34.3        52.9          74.0          -21.1
           4580.04         47.9          H          243.0      186.0      34.4       3.4    34.3        51.4          74.0          -22.6

         Final Pk = Raw Pk + AF + Loss - Amp
         Margin = Final Pk - Limit

SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail      620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024        t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                              Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                   Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                  Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                 Page: 29 of 34

                                                 Vertical Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                      High Channel – Y Axis

                                                 Vertical Radiated Emissions Data
                                                       High Channel – Y Axis
          Frequency      Raw Avg      Polarity    Azimuth      Height      AF      Loss     Amp     Final Avg         Limit        Margin
             MHz          dBuV         (V/H)     (degrees)      (cm)     (dB/m)    (dB)     (dB)     dBuV/m         (dBuV/m)         (dB)
           2782.92         50.4          V         226.0       109.0      32.3      2.6     34.4       51.0           54.0           -3.0
           3710.16         44.7          V         299.0       170.0      33.2      3.1     34.4       46.6           54.0           -7.4
           4636.92         32.9          V         145.0       207.0      34.5      3.4     34.3       36.6           54.0          -17.4

         Final Avg = Raw Avg + AF + Loss - Amp
         Margin = Final Avg - Limit

          Frequency      Raw Pk       Polarity    Azimuth     Height      AF       Loss    Amp       Final Pk        Limit         Margin
             MHz          dBuV         (V/H)     (degrees)     (cm)     (dB/m)     (dB)    (dB)      dBuV/m         dBuV/m          dB
           2782.92         53.2          V         226.0      109.0      32.3       2.6    34.4        53.8          74.0          -20.2
           3710.16         50.1          V         299.0      170.0      33.2       3.1    34.4        52.0          74.0          -22.0
           4636.92         44.6          V         145.0      207.0      34.5       3.4    34.3        48.2          74.0          -25.8

         Final Pk = Raw Pk + AF + Loss - Amp
         Margin = Final Pk - Limit

SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail     620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024        t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                             Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                    Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                   Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                  Page: 30 of 34

                                                 Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                       High Channel – Z Axis

                                                 Horizontal Radiated Emissions Plot
                                                       High Channel – Z Axis
          Frequency      Raw Avg      Polarity     Azimuth      Height      AF      Loss     Amp    Avg Value          Limit        Margin
             MHz          dBuV         (V/H)      (degrees)      (cm)     (dB/m)    (dB)     (dB)    dBuV/m          (dBuV/m)         (dB)
           2782.68         50.2          H          193.0       187.0      32.3      2.6     34.4     50.8             54.0           -3.2
           3710.28         45.5          H          114.0       213.0      33.2      3.1     34.4     47.4             54.0           -6.6
           4638.36         37.2          H          211.0       184.0      34.5      3.4     34.3     40.9             54.0          -13.1

         Final Avg = Raw Avg + AF + Loss - Amp
         Margin = Final Avg - Limit

          Frequency      Raw Pk       Polarity     Azimuth     Height      AF       Loss    Amp       Final Pk        Limit         Margin
             MHz          dBuV         (V/H)      (degrees)     (cm)     (dB/m)     (dB)    (dB)      dBuV/m         dBuV/m          dB
           2782.68         53.0          H          193.0      187.0      32.3       2.6    34.4        53.5          74.0          -20.5
           3710.28         50.0          H          114.0      213.0      33.2       3.1    34.4        51.9          74.0          -22.1
           4638.36         46.0          H          211.0      184.0      34.5       3.4    34.3        49.6          74.0          -24.4

         Final Pk = Raw Pk + AF + Loss - Amp
         Margin = Final Pk - Limit

SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail      620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024        t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                              Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                    Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                   Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                  Page: 31 of 34

6 AC Powerline Conducted Emissions
6.1    Test Result
              Test Description                                          Test Specification                                    Test Result
          Conducted Emissions                            15.107 / 15.207                  RSS-GEN 8.8                         Compliant

6.2 Test Method
With the receiver’s resolution bandwidth was set to 9 kHz, exploratory scans were performed over the
measuring frequency range (0.15 MHz to 30 MHz) using a max hold mode incorporating a Peak detector
and Average detector and using the TILE! software. The final test data was measured using a Quasi-
Peak detector and Average detector and compared against the limits indicated in the table below.

                                     Frequency Range                                     Limits (dBuV)
                                                                                          Avg 56 to 46
                                       0.15 to 0.5 MHz
                                                                                          QP 66 to 56
                                                                                            Avg 46
                                         0.5 to 5 MHz
                                                                                             Pk 56
                                                                                            Avg 50
                                          5 to 30 MHz
                                                                                             Pk 60

6.3 Test Site
SGS EMC Laboratory, Suwanee, GA

 Environmental Conditions:
                 Temperature:                27.4°C
            Relative Humidity:               50.3%
         Atmospheric Pressure                98.19kpa

6.4    Test Equipment
                       Test End Date: 7-May-2019                                                  Tester: PL
             Equipment                             Model                        Manufacturer                Asset Number Cal Due Date
                                                  NNB 51                            TESEQ                      B087573              3-Dec-2019
             RF CABLE                            UC-N-MM-78                MAURY MICROWAVE                       17017              24-Jul-2019
      EMI TEST RECEIVER                            ESU40                   ROHDE & SCHWARZ                     B079629               2-Jul-2019
       The calibration period equipment is 1 year.
       CNR – Calibration Not Required
Software: “181112 Conducted Emissions Tile7” TILE! profile dated 12 Nov 2018

6.5 Test Setup Photographs
Test setup are in a separate exhibit.

  SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail    620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024      t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                            Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                                Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                               Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                              Page: 32 of 34

6.6    Test Data

                                                              Line 1 Conducted Emissions Plot
                                                                                                                         Quasi-Peak Limit
                                                                                                                         Average Limit
                                                                Conducted Emissions - 150 kHz to 30 MHz                  Line 1 Peak Emissions
                                                                                Line 1                                   Line 1 Final QP measurement
                                                                                                                         Line 1 Final Avg measurement


           Amplitude (dBuV)






                              150.00K                              1.00M                                            10.00M                      30.00M

                                                              Line 1 Conducted Emissions Data
                 Frequency                  QP Value          QP Limit QP Margin Avg Value                         Avg Limit          Avg Margin
                    MHz                      dBuV               dBuV        dB         dBuV                         dBuV                  dB
                   0.150                     34.5               66.0       -31.5        17.4                         56.0               -38.6
                   0.380                     38.4               58.3       -19.9        23.2                         48.3               -25.1
                   0.629                     25.4               56.0       -30.6        14.4                         46.0               -31.6
                   0.816                     24.8               56.0       -31.2        13.8                         46.0               -32.2
                   0.984                     24.4               56.0       -31.6        13.5                         46.0               -32.5
                   2.162                     22.3               56.0       -33.7        11.3                         46.0               -34.7
                   2.300                     23.2               56.0       -32.8        11.1                         46.0               -34.9
                   2.896                     25.7               56.0       -30.3        11.9                         46.0               -34.1
                   3.068                     20.5               56.0       -35.5        10.1                         46.0               -35.9
                   4.480                     19.6               56.0       -36.4        9.5                          46.0               -36.5

  SGS North America Inc.                Consumer and Retail   620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024        t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                                          Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                               Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                              Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                             Page: 33 of 34

                                                            Neutral Conducted Emissions Plot
                                                                                                                        Quasi-Peak Limit
                                                                                                                        Average Limit
                                                               Conducted Emissions - 150 kHz to 30 MHz                  Neutral Peak Emissions
                                                                              Neutral                                   Neutral Final QP measurement
                                                                                                                        Neutral Final Avg Measurement


         Amplitude (dBuV)






                            150.00K                               1.00M                                            10.00M                      30.00M

                                                            Neutral Conducted Emissions Data
               Frequency                  QP Value          QP Limit QP Margin Avg Value                          Avg Limit          Avg Margin
                   MHz                     dBuV              dBuV          dB        dBuV                          dBuV                  dB
                 0.218                     25.7               62.9       -37.2        14.1                          52.9               -38.7
                 0.380                     29.8               58.3       -28.5        19.1                          48.3               -29.2
                 0.557                     19.1               56.0       -36.9        12.3                          46.0               -33.7
                 0.786                     18.6               56.0       -37.4        11.4                          46.0               -34.6
                 0.974                     17.8               56.0       -38.2        10.8                          46.0               -35.2
                 1.423                     16.3               56.0       -39.7        10.0                          46.0               -36.0
                 2.039                     16.4               56.0       -39.6        9.4                           46.0               -36.6
                 3.041                     16.1               56.0       -39.9        8.1                           46.0               -37.9
                 5.150                     13.3               60.0       -46.7        7.4                           50.0               -42.6
                 7.268                     14.1               60.0       -45.9        8.0                           50.0               -42.0

SGS North America Inc.                Consumer and Retail    620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024        t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                                         Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

                                                                                  Test Report Number: 4453608EMC01 Rev: 2
                                                                                                 Elster Solutions LLC. / MNIC
                                                                                                                Page: 34 of 34

7 Revision History
                                                   Description of changes                                                Revision Date
       0                                       Initial release                                                          23 April 2019
                          Updated RSE with data for client adjusted MNIC boards.
                                       Removed Test Setup Pictures
       1                    Updated Block Diagram and System Configuration                                              26 June 2019
                                    Added Peak Output Power section
                                 Changed client information to match grant
                                 Updated model number throughout report.
                                 Section 1 – Test Summary table updated
                            Section 4.1 – References updated for FHSS device
                          Section 6.1 – Updated Results to include RSS GEN ref.
       2                                                                                                                 26 July 2019
                                    Section 6.2 – Updated test method
                    Section 7 – Updated test method for Intentional Radiators (removed
                      Class A/B references). Updated data to reflect the correct limit.
                                      Updated regulatory references.

 SGS North America Inc.   Consumer and Retail   620 Old Peachtree Road NW, Suite 100, Suwanee, GA 30024   t (770) 570-1800         www.sgs.com
                                                                                                                       Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

Document Created: 2019-08-14 11:32:02
Document Modified: 2019-08-14 11:32:02

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