RF Test Report-3G


Test Report

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(    nt'                                                                                  Report Number: 1904FRA14
    \-’                                                                                                             Rev.01

                                            RF Test Report

    Applicant                 :   Getac Technology Corporation

    Product Type              :    Wireless Module

    Trade Name                :   Getac

    Model Number              :   EM7455

    Test Specification        :   FCC 47 CFR PART 22H
                                  FCC 47 CFR PART 24E
                                  FCC 47 CFR PART 27L
                                  ANSI C63.26

    Receive Date              :   Mar. 06, 2019

    Test Period               :   Mar. 16 ~ Mar. 17, 2019

    Issue Date                :   May 07, 2019

                                                     Issue by

    A Test Lab Techno Corp.                                                              s 9y                       _
    No. 140—1, Changan Street, Bade District,                                          neuck (IA\F)
              j 33465, Taiwan
    Tacyuan City         j    (R.O.C.)                                                 Lmg
                                                                                       y               CTestngLaborator

    Tel : +886—3—2710188 / Fax : +886—3—2710190

    Taiwan Accreditation Foundation accreditation number: 1330
    Test Firm MRA designation number: TWOO10

     Note: This report shall not be reproduced except in full,. without the written approval of A Test Lab Techno
     Corp..This document may be altered or revised by A Test Lab Techno Corp. personnel only, and shall be
     noted in the revision section of the document. The client should not use it to claim product endorsement by
     TAF, or any government agencies.. The test results in the report.only apply to the tested sample:

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                                                                     Report Number: 1904FR14

                                 Revision History
Rev.    Issue Date                          Revisions                          Revised By
00     Apr. 15, 2019   Initial Issue                                            Nina Lin
                       Page 5 Revised Class II Permissive Change description
01     May 07, 2019                                                             Nina Lin
                       Page 17 Revised Test Procedure description

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@l                                                                                      Report Number: 1904FR14

                         Verification of Compliance
                                                                                Issued Date: May 07, 2019

 Applicant                          Getac Technology Corporation

 Product Type                       Wireless Module

 Trade Name                         Getac

 Model Number                       EM7455

 FCC ID                             QYLEM7455U

 EUT Rated Voltage                  DC 3.7 V

 Test Voltage                       120 Vac, 60 Hz

 Applicable Standard                FCC 47 CFR PART 22H
                                    FCC 47 CFR PART 24E
                                    FCC 47 CFR PART 27L
                                    ANSI C63.26

 Test Result                        Complied
 Performing Lab.                    A Test Lab Techno Corp.                            ’:
                                                                                       say7 (
                                    No. 140—1, Changan Street, Bade District, \                        )
                                    Taoyuan C|ty 33465, Taiwan (R.O.C.)                offio            oi
                                    Tel : +886—3—2710188 / Fax : +886—3—2710190
                                    Taiwan Accreditation Foundation accreditation number: 1330

A Test Lab Techno Corp. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements set forth in the above
standards. All indications of Pass/Fail in this report are opinions expressed by A Test Lab Techno Corp. based on
interpretations and/or observations of test results. The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of
demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.

                                     1  _/
 Approved By             :      h    iy t/U\             Reviewed By             : EJ’(C        Ou Y”@

 (Manager)                           (Fly Lu)            (Testing Engineer)              (Eric Ou Yang)

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                                                                                                                Report Number: 1904FR14

                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS
1   General Information .................................................................................................................... 5
    1.1. EUT Description ................................................................................................................... 5
    1.2. Mode of Operation ................................................................................................................ 6
    1.3. EUT Test Step....................................................................................................................... 6
    1.4. Configuration of Test System Details .................................................................................... 7
    1.5. Test Instruments ................................................................................................................... 9
    1.6. Test Site Environment ........................................................................................................... 9
    1.7. Summary of Test Result...................................................................................................... 10
2   Measurement Procedure .......................................................................................................... 11
    2.1. RF Output Power Test ......................................................................................................... 11
    2.2. Effective Radiated Power / Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power Test ................................ 12
    2.3. Field Strength of Spurious Radiation Test ........................................................................... 15
3   Test Results............................................................................................................................... 18
Appendix A: Conducted Output Power ......................................................................................... 18
Appendix B: Effective Radiated Power / Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power Test ................. 20
Appendix C: Field Strength of Spurious Radiation ...................................................................... 21

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@l                                                                                                Report Number: 19047R 14

1      General Information
1.1.   EUT Description

                                      Getee Technology Cormoration
       Applicant                      5F., Buiding A, No.208, Seo.1, Nangeng Rd., Nengang Dist., Taipei City, 11568,
       Menuecurer                     1&:;? m\zz \‘;‘vca ; Richmond, BC, VBV 344. Ceneda
       Prosuct Type                   Wreless Modure
       Trade Name                     Getee
       Mogel Number                   Emrass
       reeio                          oviewrassu
                                      This is to request a Class II permissive change for FCC ID:OVLEMT4SSU , originally
                                      granted on 2019/9 The major change fled under this application is: Chenge
       Class II Permissive            #1: Additional Chassis edded, Getac, model number: UX10
       Change                         #2: Addtion one antenns, the antenna type is same, the antenna gain is low than the
                                      original application
                                      #3: Disable LTE band 20 by sottwere
                                      Preduct Type: Tablet
       Host Information               Trade Name: Getzc
                                      Model Name: UX10
        IMEI No                       352431080191 380

       Mode                           Band       UL Frequency (MHz)         DL Frequency (MHz)             Modulation
       WCDMARMC12 2KY                   1          18524 — 1907.6              18324 — 1887 6                oPSK
       msura                            v           8204 — 845 6                  871 4 — Bor.6              oPSK

                                        Iv         17124 = 17526               21124 — 21526                 oPSK

                                         ANT           Type                              Max. Gain (dBi)
                                                                    WCDMA/HSDPA! HSUPA Band II                      3.01
                                         MAIN          FPC          WCDMA/HSDPA HSUPA Band V                        047
       Antenns information                                          WCDMA/HSDPA HSUPA Band IV                       290
                                                                    WCDMA/HSDPA! HSUPA Band II                      323
                                         AUX           FPo          WCDMA/ HSDPA HSUPA Band V                       0.30
                                                                    WCDMA/HSDPA HSUPA Band IV                       0.95
       Operste Temp.Renge             +0— 85 C

                      Frequency       Band                         Max. RF Output Power               ERPEIRP
                             avency                                        w                               (w)
       WCDMA/ HSDPA HSUPA Band 1                                          0487                       —           (E1RP]
       WCDMA HSDPA HSUPA Band V                                           0.500                      —           (ERP)
       WCDMA/ HSDPA HSUPA Band IV                                         0.500                     0548         (ELRP]

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                                                                                                Report Number: 1904FR14

1.2.   Mode of Operation

       ATL has verified the construction and function in typical operation. All the test modes were carried out with the EUT
       in normal operation, which was shown in this test report and defined as:
        Test Mode

        WCDMA Band II Link Mode

        WCDMA Band V Link Mode

        WCDMA Band IV Link Mode

       Note: Regards to the frequency band operation: the lowest, middle and highest frequency of channel were
              selected to perform the test, then shown on this report.

              By preliminary testing and verifying three axis (X, Y and Z) position of EUT transmitted status, it was found
              that “X axis” position was the worst, then the final test was executed the worst condition and test data were
              recorded in this report.

1.3.   EUT Test Step

        1     Setup the EUT shown on “Configuration of Test System Details”.

        2     Turn on the power of all equipment.

        Measurement Software
        No.    Description                                          Software                     Version
         1     Radiated Emission                                    EZ EMC             

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                                                                              Report Number: 1904FR14

1.4.   Configuration of Test System Details

       Radiated Emission_ Below 1 GHz

                        AC Input
                                          (6) AC Adapter


                                        (3)                   (5)
                                    Earphone &               Tablet
                                    Microphone                      (4)
                                                       EUT       Micro SD
                      (2)                                          Card

       Radiated Emission_ Above 1 GHz

                        AC Input          (6) AC Adapter

                                                 EUT       Micro SD

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                                                                           Report Number: 1904FR14

                                     Devices Description

      Product         Manufacturer   Model Number          Serial Number           Power Cord
(1)      Monitor         DELL          P2415Qb                                         ---
(2)      Mouse          Logitech      M-UAG96B                  ---                    ---
       Earphone &
(3)                      HTC               ---                  ---                    ---
(4)   Micro SD Card    Transcend           ---                  ---                    ---

(5)      Tablet          Getac           UX10                   ---                    ---

(6)    AC adapter         FSP        FSP065-RBBN3               ---                    ---

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@l                                                                                          Report Number: 19047R 14

1.5.   Test Instruments

       For Conducted
       Test Period: Mer. 16— Mer. 17, 2018
             Equipment             Menufacturer      Mode! Number_|        SerialNumber|—     Cal.Date   Cal. Period
           Unversal Redio
        Communication  Tecter         Agilent           essise             myarsinss         cann2ors      1 yeer
           Universal Redio
        Communication   Tester                          cmurco                mase?          cann2018      1 year
            Power Supply             kemiuey              2303               4045200         e2n272010     1 year

       For Rediated Emissions
       Test Period: Mer. 16, 2018
             Equipment            Menufacturer         Model Number        Serial Number     Cal. Date   Cal. Peried
        EXA Signal Analyzer         Keysight              NeoroA           mys2z2re12        ovnar2ore     1o
          (10 He—44 Gitz)            Smd
           Pre Ampliier
           (1=255  Gie)               Aglent
                                        C                  ss4so           soceaozzer       ronemore       1 y yeer
                 Amplitero            Aglent               s«7D            seasAme          ovnar2ore      1 yeer
                 Broadband         Schwarzbeck
                                  MessEloitron           vuraerse              a15          1oamore        1 yeer
           Hom Antemna            scrmanzerck           seHmer20n           srzop—sse       cerazos        1o
            L1—18 Gite)          mEse—cLektronik
              RF Cable                               lemcros—n—n—sooo)        teor—r        aaror201e      1 yeer
         Microwae Cable                              EMCWD:D'%A'SM'W          romis         1us00r8        1 yeer

         Microwae Cable                              EMC102—V—Kv—1            151001        e2r20r2018     1 yeer

1.6.   Test      Site Environment

                      tems                        Required (IEC 60068—1)                        Actual
        Temperature (°C)                                   1535                                    25
        Humidity (G6RH)                                    2575                                    so
        Barometric pressure (mber}                       sso—1060                                 aco

        Test Setting Condition
           Ny              Normal Voltage                     aAc rov
           NT            Normal Temperature                    sc

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                                                                                            Report Number: 1904FR14

1.7.   Summary of Test Result

                     FCC Rule                                         Description                           Result

        §2.1046                            Conducted Output Power                                            Pass
        §22.913(a)(5)                      Effective Radiated Power
        §24.232(c)                                                                                          Pass
                                           Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power
        §27. 50(d)(4)                                                                                      (Note2)
        §27.50                             Peak to average ratio
        KDB 971168 D01 (5.7.1)
        §22.917(a)                                                                                           N/A
                                           Emission Bandwidth & Occupied Bandwidth
        §24.238(a)                                                                                         (Note1)
        §22.917(a)                                                                                           N/A
                                           Band Edge Measurement
        §24.238(a)                                                                                         (Note1)
        §22.917(a)                                                                                           N/A
                                           Conducted Spurious Emission
        §24.238(a)                                                                                         (Note1)
        §22.917(a)                                                                                          Pass
                                           Field Strength of Spurious Radiation
        §24.238(a)                                                                                         (Note2)
        §22.355                                                                                              N/A
                                           Frequency Stability for Temperature & Voltage
        §24.235                                                                                            (Note1)
        §27. 54
       Note1: Class II permissive change. No need for verification.
       Note2: Effective Radiated Power / Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power and Field Strength of Spurious Radiation is
              tested using the worst Conducted Output Power.

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        fltl                                                                                  Report Number: 19047R 14

    2      Measurement Procedure
    2.1.   RF Output Power Test

           m    Limit

           m    Test Setup

                     Universal Redio

           m Test Procedure
           a.. The EUT was set up for the maximum power with wih simulator
           b. Setthe EUT to fransmit underlow, middle and high channel and record the powerlevel shown on simulator

           m Uncertainty
           The measurement uncertainty is defined as for RF output power measurement is 1.2 48

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                                                                                              Report Number: 1904FR14

2.2.   Effective Radiated Power / Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power Test

             Limit
       For FCC Part 22.913(a)(5): The E.R.P. of mobile transmitters and auxiliary test transmitters must not exceed 7
       For FCC Part 24.232(c): The E.I.R.P. of Mobile and portable stations test transmitters must not exceed 2 Watts.
       For FCC Part 27.50(d)(4): The EIRP of Mobile and portable stations transmitters are limited to 1 watt for 1710~1755

             Setup
       Below 1 GHz

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                                                                           Report Number: 1904FR14

Above 1 GHz

For Substituted Method Test Set-UP

                  Ground                               mast
                                     d: distance in
                                         meters                   1-4 meter
                                     d = 3 meters


            Substituted Sleeve Dipole or         Broadband (Bi-log)
            Horn Antenna                         Antenna or Horn Antenna

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    ntl                                                                                     Report Number: 19047R 14
      m Test Procedure
      a. The EUT was set up forthe meximum power with wwan ink date medulstion. The power was measured with
          Spectrum Analyzer. All measurements were done at 3 channels (low, middle and high operational fequency
      b.— E.1R.P power measurement, in the sem—anechoic chamber, EUT placed on the 0.8 m (1.5 m for above
          1 GHz) height of Tum Table, rotsted the table around 360 degrees to search the meximum rediation power and
          receiver antenna shall be rotated vertical and horzontal polerizetion and moved height from 1 m to 4 m to find
          the maximum poler rediated power. The ‘Reed Value®is the spectum reading the meximum power value
      0. The substtution entenna (Note:1 & 2)is substituted for EUT at the same position and signals generstor export
          the CW signal to the substiution antenna vie a TX cable. Rotated the Turn Table and moved receiving antenns
          to find the meximum rediation power. Adjust output power level of 5.G to get a Value of spectsum reading equal
          to ‘Read Value" of step a. Record the power level of 8.G
      4.  E.1R.P.= Output powerlevel of 8.G TX cable loss + Antenns gein of substiution horn
      e.  ERP.=EIRP—215 08
      Note: 1. Below 1 GHz Substtuted Method Test Sleeve dipole antenna to B—Log Antenna
            2. Abve 1 GHz Substifuted Method Test Homn antenns to Homn Antenns
      m    Uncertainty
      The measurement uncertaintyis defined as for Field Strengih of Spurious Reciation measurementis + 3.072 dB
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                                                                                         Report Number: 1904FR14

2.3.   Field Strength of Spurious Radiation Test

           Limit
       The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below the
       transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB.
       It is measured by means of a calibrated spectrum analyzer and scanned from 30 MHz up to a frequency including
       its 10th harmonic.

           Setup
       Below 1 GHz

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                                                                         Report Number: 1904FR14

Above 1 GHz

For Substituted Method Test Set-UP

                     Ground                              mast
                                     d: distance in
                                         meters                     1-4 meter
                                     d = 3 meters


              Substituted Sleeve Dipole or         Broadband (Bi-log)
              Horn Antenna                         Antenna or Horn Antenna

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                                                                                         Report Number: 1904FR14

     Test Procedure
a. The EUT was set up for the maximum power with wwan link data modulation. The power was measured with
    Spectrum Analyzer. All measurements were done at 3 channels (low, middle and high operational frequency
b. E.I.R.P power measurement. In the semi-anechoic chamber, EUT placed on the 0.8 m (1.5 m for above 1 GHz)
    height of Turn Table, rotated the table around 360 degrees to search the maximum radiation power and receiver
    antenna shall be rotated vertical and horizontal polarization and moved height from 1 m to 4 m to find the
    maximum polar radiated power. The “Read Value” is the spectrum reading the maximum power value.
c. The substitution antenna (Note:1 & 2) is substituted for EUT at the same position and signals generator export
    the CW signal to the substitution antenna via a TX cable. Rotated the Turn Table and moved receiving antenna to
    find the maximum radiation power. Adjust output power level of S.G to get a Value of spectrum reading equal to
    “Read Value” of step a. Record the power level of S.G.
d. E.I.R.P. = Output power level of S.G - TX cable loss + Antenna gain of substitution horn
e. E.R.P. = E.I.R.P.- 2.15 dB
f. Measurement range 9 kHz - 10 th Harmonic

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                                                                                        Report Number: 1904FR14

3    Test Results
Appendix A: Conducted Output Power

                       Modulation                        Frequency   Burst Average Power       Peak Power
          Bands                          Sub-Test
                         Type                              (MHz)      (dBm)       (W)        (dBm)      (W)
                                                           1852.4     23.58      0.228       26.95     0.495
                          QPSK             -----           1880.0     23.53      0.225       26.91     0.491
         Band II
                                                           1907.6     23.57      0.228       26.96     0.497
                                                           1852.4     22.73      0.187       26.05     0.403
                                            1              1880.0     22.67      0.185       25.88     0.387
                                                           1907.6     22.71      0.187       25.99     0.397
                                                           1852.4     22.12      0.163       25.44     0.350
                                            2              1880.0     22.13      0.163       25.41     0.348
          HSDPA                                            1907.6     22.15      0.164       25.43     0.349
          Band II                                          1852.4     22.11      0.163       25.29     0.338
                                            3              1880.0     22.05      0.160       25.29     0.338
                                                           1907.6     22.13      0.163       25.40     0.347
                                                           1852.4     22.56      0.180       25.74     0.375
                                            4              1880.0     22.44      0.175       25.76     0.377
                                                           1907.6     22.53      0.179       25.77     0.378
                                                           1852.4     22.14      0.164       25.32     0.340
                                            1              1880.0     22.08      0.161       25.28     0.337
                                                           1907.6     22.12      0.163       25.28     0.337
                                                           1852.4     20.07      0.102       23.38     0.218
                                            2              1880.0     20.06      0.101       23.36     0.217
                                                           1907.6     20.10      0.102       23.26     0.212
                                                           1852.4     21.06      0.128       24.22     0.264
                          QPSK              3              1880.0     20.99      0.126       24.31     0.270
          Band II
                                                           1907.6     21.07      0.128       24.30     0.269
                                                           1852.4     20.09      0.102       23.32     0.215
                                            4              1880.0     20.04      0.101       23.31     0.214
                                                           1907.6     20.00      0.100       23.26     0.212
                                                           1852.4     21.94      0.156       25.23     0.333
                                            5              1880.0     21.86      0.153       25.03     0.318
                                                           1907.6     21.89      0.155       25.07     0.321
     Note: The peak power testing result was used peak detector.

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                                                                                   Report Number: 1904FR14

                  Modulation                        Frequency   Burst Average Power       Peak Power
     Bands                          Sub-Test
                    Type                              (MHz)      (dBm)       (W)        (dBm)      (W)
                                                      826.4      23.75      0.237       26.97     0.498
                     QPSK             -----           836.6      23.73      0.236       26.99     0.500
    Band V
                                                      846.6      23.74      0.237       26.99     0.500
                                                      826.4      22.90      0.195       26.12     0.409
                                       1              836.6      22.86      0.193       26.10     0.407
                                                      846.6      22.88      0.194       26.13     0.410
                                                      826.4      22.29      0.169       25.55     0.359
                                       2              836.6      22.27      0.169       25.46     0.352
     HSDPA                                            846.6      22.26      0.168       25.44     0.350
     Band V                                           826.4      22.32      0.171       25.54     0.358
                                       3              836.6      22.30      0.170       25.50     0.355
                                                      846.6      22.31      0.170       25.50     0.355
                                                      826.4      22.72      0.187       25.89     0.388
                                       4              836.6      22.63      0.183       25.93     0.392
                                                      846.6      22.67      0.185       26.01     0.399
                                                      826.4      22.31      0.170       25.62     0.365
                                       1              836.6      22.29      0.169       25.48     0.353
                                                      846.6      22.27      0.169       25.49     0.354
                                                      826.4      20.27      0.106       23.56     0.227
                                       2              836.6      20.27      0.106       23.56     0.227
                                                      846.6      20.23      0.105       23.38     0.218
                                                      826.4      21.25      0.133       24.52     0.283
                     QPSK              3              836.6      21.23      0.133       24.55     0.285
     Band V
                                                      846.6      21.17      0.131       24.49     0.281
                                                      826.4      20.21      0.105       23.55     0.226
                                       4              836.6      20.24      0.106       23.38     0.218
                                                      846.6      20.22      0.105       23.46     0.222
                                                      826.4      22.11      0.163       25.26     0.336
                                       5              836.6      22.12      0.163       25.29     0.338
                                                      846.6      22.10      0.162       25.27     0.337
Note: The peak power testing result was used peak detector.

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                                                                                          Report Number: 1904FR14

                        Modulation                        Frequency   Burst Average Power          Peak Power
           Bands                          Sub-Test
                          Type                              (MHz)      (dBm)        (W)         (dBm)        (W)
                                                            1712.4     23.66       0.232        26.97        0.498
                           QPSK             -----           1732.6     23.61       0.230        27.07        0.509
          Band IV
                                                            1752.6     23.59       0.229        26.96        0.497
                                                            1712.4     22.73       0.187        25.91        0.390
                                             1              1732.6     22.80       0.191        26.03        0.401
                                                            1752.6     22.71       0.187        25.90        0.389
                                                            1712.4     22.20       0.166        25.39        0.346
                                             2              1732.6     22.23       0.167        25.55        0.359
          HSDPA                                             1752.6     22.16       0.164        25.33        0.341
          Band IV                                           1712.4     22.19       0.166        25.44        0.350
                                             3              1732.6     22.18       0.165        25.50        0.355
                                                            1752.6     22.16       0.164        25.43        0.349
                                                            1712.4     22.55       0.180        25.72        0.373
                                             4              1732.6     22.63       0.183        25.81        0.381
                                                            1752.6     22.49       0.177        25.63        0.366
                                                            1712.4     22.18       0.165        25.36        0.344
                                             1              1732.6     22.22       0.167        25.51        0.356
                                                            1752.6     22.12       0.163        25.29        0.338
                                                            1712.4     20.07       0.102        23.35        0.216
                                             2              1732.6     20.15       0.104        23.40        0.219
                                                            1752.6     20.09       0.102        23.41        0.219
                                                            1712.4     21.14       0.130        24.41        0.276
                           QPSK              3              1732.6     21.17       0.131        24.35        0.272
          Band IV
                                                            1752.6     21.01       0.126        24.27        0.267
                                                            1712.4     20.10       0.102        23.36        0.217
                                             4              1732.6     20.12       0.103        23.41        0.219
                                                            1752.6     20.02       0.100        23.22        0.210
                                                            1712.4     22.03       0.160        25.21        0.332
                                             5              1732.6     22.06       0.161        25.23        0.333
                                                            1752.6     21.97       0.157        25.12        0.325
      Note: The peak power testing result was used peak detector.

Appendix B: Effective Radiated Power / Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power Test
       Band 4
            Band        Modulation Frequency Ant. Read Level          Correction Factor                       Limit
                                     (MHz)   Polar. (dBm)                  (dBm)           (dBm)      (W)     (W)
                                              H     19.19                   8.18           27.37     0.546     <1
          WCDMA          QPSK        1732.6
                                               V    17.67                   8.18           25.85     0.385     <1

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     ntl                                                                                     Report Number: 19047R 14

    Appendix C: Field Strength of Spurious Radiation

         Standard               Par 2ei8z4c827                            Test Distarce               3m
         Testtem                Harmonic                                  Power                       Ao 120 io iz
         Frecuency              1ree0 Niz                                 Tenp (C)Hum.(RH)            sercysosun
         Mode                   a asanp aoraraH
         Ant.Por                Horzontal

          No.       Frequercy       Reading      Correct Factor        Resut         umt     Margin        Remark
                      (ule)          (dom)           «o)               (dom)         (Bm)     @o)
           1        cass.200         e?              1828              sest         12.00    4ss            peak
           2        s197.200         sase            1801              s1ss         1300     s              peak

         Standard               Par 2ei8z4c827                            Test Distarce               3m
         Testtem                Harmonic                                  Power                       Ao 120 io iz
         Frecuency              1ree0 Niz                                 Tenp (C)Hum.(RH)            sercysosun
         Mode                   a asanp aorarav
         Ant.Por                Vertical

          No.       Frequercy       Reading      Correct Factor        Resut         umt     Margin        Remark
                      (ule)          (dom)            «o)              (dom)         (Bm)     @o)
           1        cass200          oo              188               se7a         18.00    asra           peak
           2        stere0o          ies             1801              seea         12.00    anca           peak

                                                            21 of 21

Document Created: 2019-05-14 11:15:31
Document Modified: 2019-05-14 11:15:31

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