Users Manual


Users Manual

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                     Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide

       BWC BC-03
       User Guide

        Copyright © Getac Technology Corporation.
                               All Rights Reserved.
                        Phone +886 (0)2-2785 7888
                                            Rev: 1.2

R1.1                                               1

                                                     Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide

Chapter 0: Revision History .............................................................................. 3
Chapter 1: Unpacking ..................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2: System Architecture ..................................................................... 5
Chapter 3: System Requirement .................................................................... 7
Chapter 4: System Specification .................................................................... 8
Chapter 5: System Operation....................................................................... 10
Chapter 6: Management ............................................................................. 15
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting .......................................................................... 21

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                                 Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide

Chapter 0: Revision History

                                            Getac BWC BC-03
                                               User Guide

  Rev              Date                         Description
  V1.0           2018/08/30   Initiation version.
  V1.1           2018/12/05
  V1.2           2019/01/23

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                                         Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide

Chapter 1: Unpacking
      Standard Package
       Item                Description            Outlook   Quantity

        1     BWC BC-03 Body-Worn Camera                       1

      Optional Accessories
       Item                Description            Outlook   Quantity

        1     Chest Mount

        2     Molle Mount

        3     Pocket Mount

        4     Chest Clip

        5     Epaulette Clip

        6     Charging Dock

        7     Magnetic Mount

        8     Swivel Clip
        9     Breakaway Cable

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                                   Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide

Chapter 2: System Architecture
       2.1. Getac Video Solution components
            ⚫ BWC BC-03
            ⚫ BWC VD-03
            ⚫ BWC MD-03
            ⚫ Enterprise Server


                                                    YOUR SERVER
                                              4G LTE

                                              IRSA Light

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                                        Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
       2.2. What is Getac BWC solution?
       In the wake of recent years of police controversy as well as
       subsequent protests, there has been a call to mandate the use of
       Body Worn Cameras to promote Accountability and Transparency.
       Getac Video solution helps police officers automatically recording,
       data offloading and view media evidence and secure it.

       BWC is a video recording system that is typically utilized by law
       enforcement to record their interactions with the public or gather
       video evidence at crime scenes, and has been known to increase
       both officer and citizen accountability.

       If the video is being sent to the Enterprise Server (Intranet), it is
       immediately uploaded directly from the BWC to Enterprise server.
       If the video is being transferred to the Azure, the data is temporarily
       stored at the Network Attached Storage till there is adequate
       bandwidth to upload.

       BWCs Office docks can be centralized and mounted on the wall for
       more efficient use of space. Simple LED Indicators on the BWC
       allows for quick status recognition for express check in/out.

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                                        Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide

Chapter 3: System Requirement
       3.1. Operating System.
                 Version   Supported               Remark
  Win7            64bit         Yes
  Win10           64bit         Yes

       3.2. System Requirement
                Item             Specification         Remark
                           Intel Core i3 or i5
 1       CPU
 2       Memory            4.00 GB
 3       Disk
 4       Software

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                                      Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide

Chapter 4: System Specification
       4.1. BWC BC-03 Hardware Specifications
       Item                   Specification               Remark

       Dimension              83.7 X 73 x 21 mm
       Weight                 180g
       RAM                    8Gb
       eMMC                   64GB; Built-In
       Lens FOV               140 degree(H)
       Wireless - WIFI        802.11 b/g/n/ac
       Wireless - Bluetooth   BLE
       LTE                    Cat-4
       GPS                    Yes
       Slide Switch           Normal/Covert
       Video Categorize       64 Category
       Mark Button            Save "Mark" into Metadata
       Power/RF Button        Yes
       Resolution             1920x1080/30FPS
       File Format            .MP4
       Operation Temp.        -20 ~ 50 degree C
       Drop                   1.8 meter
       IP Rating              IP67
       FCC                    Yes
       CE                     Yes
       IC                     Yes
       RoHS                   Yes
       LTE                    Yes

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                                    Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
       4.2. BWC VD-03 Hardware Specifications
Product Name
                                                Getac VD-03

Vehicle mounting                   Support pass-through holes on
function                           backside and bottom side for
                                   "vertical installation".
Vehicle dock                       Support BWC B3 for battery
function                           charging(both still & moving states) in
                                   "vertical" installation
Office dock                        Support BWC B3 for battery charging
function                           on office table docking in "vertical
I/O Port                           Ethernet Port * 1(10/100Mb)
                                   DC Jack * 1
AC Adapter                         12V, 2A, 24W
Warranty                           Standard 1 year, extendable for 2nd
                                   & 3rd year.
Operation Temp.                    -20~50 degree C; battery charging
                                   temp > 0°C, <40°C
Humidity                           5% to 95%
Vibration test                     MIL-STD-810G Fig. 514.6 E-1
(non OP)
Storage Temp.                      -40~70 degree C
Dock/Undock                        Support 10,000 times life
Status Indicator                   Support Green LED, "On" =
                                   power-connected, "Off" =
Regulation                         FCC, CE
ID and label                       Getac Logo printing & rating label.

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                                          Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide

Chapter 5: System Operation
       5.1. BWC Operation

                                                            Charging LED
                                                              Status LED
 Mode Switch

                                                        Wheel Switch

                                                           On/Off Button;
                                                           WIFI Wake-up

No.        Description
          On/Off Button: Wi-Fi wake-up supported

          Microphone

          Power Status LED

          Camera Status LED

          Mode Switch (Normal/Covert)

          HD Camera Lens

          Wheel Switch

          Main Button (Start/Stop/Mark/Confirm)

          Speaker

           Dock Connector: Connects to the charging dock.

           Interlocking Grooves: Fit the tongues of the Getac mount
           and clip.

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                                      Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
       5.2. BWC Button Function
            Key                      Function                   Remark
1      Power Button    To power on/off body worn camera
2      Power Button    To wake up Wi-Fi forcedly
3      Main Button     To start/stop recording
                       To confirm categorize operation &
4      Main Button

       5.2.1. LED
              Please refer to 5.3.
       5.2.2. Microphone
              For audio recording purpose.
       5.2.3. On/Off Button
              Press power button one time to boot BWC. Press power button
              10 seconds to shutdown BWC.
       5.2.4. Mode Switch
              Normal mode and Covert mode switch.
       5.2.5. Wheel Switch
              When stopping recording, you can use wheel switch to
              categorize the instant.
       5.2.6. Main Button
              To start recording/stop recording and mark/confirm function.
       5.2.7. Speaker
              To provide audio notifications.

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                                     Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
       5.2.8. Action Description
               Action                   State               Audio
Press Power button 1 sec           Power on      Hello
Press Power button for 10 sec      Power off     Goodbye
Wheel select                       Category      Clarify
Press REC button 1 sec             Start         Recording
Press REC button 3 sec             Stop          Stop Recording
Press Power button                 Video Mark    Mark
Mode switch                        Covert On     No sound
Mode switch                        Covert Off    Covert Off (or no
Battery low at 3.1V,               Battery Low   Battery Low
Shutdown at 3.0V
Put on dock                        Battery       Battery Charge

Memory full at 0byte remaining Memory Full       Memory Full
Memory low at 4GB remaining        Memory Low    Memory Low
Press power button 1sec when       Mute On       Mute On
Press power button 1sec when       Mute Off      Mute Off
REC and mute on
Press power button for 3 sec       Audio only    Audio Only
when pre-rec or standby            Recording
Press Power button 3 sec           Audio Stop    Audio Stop
Server send live on                Live On       Live on
Server send live off               Live Off      Live off
Press Power button 3 sec           WIFI On       Wifi on
                                   (power 3
                                   second press)

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                                            Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
        5.3. BWC LED Indicator
                LED                        Function               Remark
 1      Left                Charging LED
 2      Right               Status LED

        5.3.1. Charging LED
        Operation LED                            Operation Mode
Green Solid                       Battery Fully Charge
Red Solid                         Battery Low/Storage Full
Red Fast Blinking                 Storage Low<4GB
Red Slow Blinking                 Charging or battery fail
Yellow Solid                      Battery Charging

        5.3.2. Status LED
        Operation LED                            Operation Mode
                                  Available camera(Data Offloaded/Full
Green Solid
Red Solid                         Storage Full
Red Fast Blinking                 Recording and Live Streaming
Red Slow Blinking                 Recording
Yellow Fast Blinking              Offloading data
Yellow Slow Blinking              Mute in Recording

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                                        Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
         5.4. Audio Prompt
Operation Mode                Beep Sound                  Audio Prompt
Video Tag            Beep/Every press
Storage Full         Beep/5 sec
                     Beep/5 sec with 10 times
Buffer mode and
                     Beep * 2 within 1 second
WiFi connected
Recording mode
and WiFi             Beep * 2 within 1 second
Buffer mode and
                     Beep * 2 within 1 second
LTE connected
Recording mode
and LTE              Beep * 2 within 1 second
Power On                                          Hello
Power Off                                         Goodbye
Category                                          Depend on event
Start Recording                                   Recording
Stop Recording                                    Stop Recording
Video Mark                                        Mark
Covert Off                                        Covert Off
Battery Low                                       Battery Low
Battery Charge                                    Battery Charge
Memory Full                                       Memory Full
Memory Low                                        Memory Low
Mute On                                           Mute On
Mute Off                                          Mute Off
Audio only
                                                  Audio Only
Audio Stop                                        Audio Stop
Live On                                           Live On
Live Off                                          Live Off
Wifi On                                           Wifi on

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                                     Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide

Chapter 6: Management
       6.1. Operation Introduction
       Automatic uploading is Quick, Secure and requires no action
       from the officer.

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                                             Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
       6.2. Real time Monitoring
       The BWC can wirelessly transmit real-time footage when
       connected to the In-Car Video DVR or In-Car PC.
       This footage can then be further transmitted to the squad car
       computer or the police command center to be viewed by the
       commanding officer.
                                                         Event Alerts

                     Video Upload
                    Live Streaming
                  Real-time Location
                                       4G LTE

          BC-03     Geo-fencing Activation

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                                            Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
       6.3. Instant tag
       Turning the Dial allows officers to classify incidents into one of 64
       different preset classifications for quicker and easier access.
       The 64 preset BWC evidence categories can be specified for
       each department.

                          Unlimited incident types can be defined and managed in the cloud

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                                            Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
         6.4. BLE Mesh Network
         BC-03 can be triggered to start recording automatically by BLE
         signal, when trigger box receive event from police car, police
         officer don’t need to press recording button manually.
         Each of the BC-03 can talk each other by BLE to have a small
         group of mesh network.
                                                                    Live Streaming
                                                                    Video Upload
                                                                    Real-time Location
                                                                    Event Alerts

  4G WiFi Hotspot   125° (H)



                     Auto-record Triggers
                                                                 140° (H)

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                                  Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
       6.5. Mobile APP
       With the mobile Getac BWC App, Police officers can perform
       video playback and categorize the videos. Videos are not
       downloaded, but merely played off the BWC.

       6.5.1. Remote Recording

       6.5.2. Video Playback

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                                 Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
       6.5.3. Instant Category

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                                         Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide

    Chapter 7: Troubleshooting
    If your issue is more detailed and has not been covered here, please
    check the rest of the website to see if it has been answered.

    If you need assistance with any of the steps, or you cannot resolve your
    issue, please contact a member of Getac Technology for further help.

    FCC Warning statement
    15.19 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
    subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause
    harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference
    received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
    15.105 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
    limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
    These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
    harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment
    generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
    installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
    harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
    guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If
    this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television
    reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and
    on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
    more of the following measures:
    —Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
    —Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
    —Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that
         to which the receiver is connected.
    —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
⚫      Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
       responsible for compliance could void the authority to operate
    ⚫    This device and its antenna must not be co-located or operating in
          conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
           ⚫   End-users and installers must be provided with antenna
         installation instructions and transmitter operating conditions for
         satisfying RF exposure compliance.

    R1.1                                                                     21

                                      Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
⚫    For product available in the USA/Canada market, only channel
     1~11 can be operated. Selection of other channels is not possible
     FCC RF Radiation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth
for an uncontrolled environment for body-worn configuration in direct
contact to the phantom.

IC Warning statement
RSS-Gen Issue 4 8.4
This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device
may not cause interference; and (2) This device must accept any
interference, including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.

Le pré sent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada
applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est
autorisé e aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas
produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout
brouillage radioé lectrique subi, mê me si le brouillage est susceptible
d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.

RSS-247 6.4(5)
(i)the device for operation in the band 5150–5250 MHz is only for indoor
use to reduce the potential for harmful interference to co-channel
mobile satellite systems;
(ii) for devices with detachable antenna(s), the maximum antenna gain
permitted for devices in the bands 5250-5350 MHz and 5470-5725 MHz
shall be such that the equipment still complies with the e.i.r.p. limit;
(iii) for devices with detachable antenna(s), the maximum antenna
gain permitted for devices in the band 5725-5850 MHz shall be such that
the equipment still complies with the e.i.r.p. limits specified for
point-to-point and non-point-to-point operation as appropriate; and
(iv) the worst-case tilt angle(s) necessary to remain compliant with the
e.i.r.p. elevation mask requirement set forth in Section 6.2.2(3) shall be
clearly indicated.

Users should also be advised that high-power radars are allocated as
primary users (i.e. priority users) of the bands 5250-5350 MHz and
5650-5850 MHz and that these radars could cause interference and/or
damage to LE-LAN devices.
(i) l'appareil pour fonctionner dans la bande 5150-5250 MHz est ré servé
à une utilisation en inté rieur afin de ré duire les risques d'interfé rences
nuisibles à la co-canal systè mes mobiles par satellite;
(ii) pour les appareils avec antenne (s) dé tachable, le gain d'antenne
maximal autorisé pour les appareils dans les bandes 5250-5350 MHz et

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                                       Getac BWC BC-03 User Guide
5470-5725 MHz doit ê tre telle que l'é quipement satisfait encore la pire
(iii) pour les appareils avec antenne (s) dé tachable, le gain d'antenne
maximal autorisé pour les appareils dans la bande 5725-5850 MHz doit
ê tre telle que l'é quipement satisfait encore la pire limites spé cifié es pour
le point-à -point et non point-à -point, le cas é ché ant; opé ration et
(iv) l'angle d'inclinaison du pire (s) né cessaire pour rester conforme à la
pire exigence de masque d'é lé vation é noncé es dans la section 6.2.2 (3)
doit ê tre clairement indiqué .

Devraient é galement ê tre informé s les utilisateurs que les radars à haute
puissance sont dé signé s comme utilisateurs principaux (c.-à -utilisateurs
prioritaires) des bandes 5250-5350 MHz et 5650-5850 MHz et que ces
radars pourraient provoquer des interfé rences et / ou endommager les
appareils LE-LAN.

This device complies with Industry Canada licence‐exempt RSS
standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this
device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept
any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
Le pré sent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada
applicables aux appareils radio
exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisé e aux deux conditions
(1) il ne doit pas produire de brouillage et (2) l’ utilisateur du dispositif
doit é tre prê t à accepter tout brouillage radioé lectrique reç u, mê me si
ce brouillage est susceptible de compromettre le fomctionnement du

FCC SAR value: 0.156
IC SAR value: 0.176

R1.1                                                                         23

Document Created: 2019-04-24 13:04:15
Document Modified: 2019-04-24 13:04:15

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC