v1140-104-1_modular approval letter_v2

FCC ID: QWY-V1140-104-1

Cover Letter(s)

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                                                                                                           3 peiker       menschen. entwickein. ndahe.

Attention: Federal Communication Commission
Equipment Authorization Division, Application Processing Branch
7435 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, MD 21048

                                                                                                      Date:          04—21—2016

Subject: Modular Approval Statement

FCC Certification Number:               QWY— V1140—104—1


Pursuant to Paragraphs RSP—100 Issue 10 November 2014 Item 7.3 and CFR § 15.212, we herewith
declare for our module.

Modular approval requirement                                                                                        Yes                    No *
(a) The radio elements must have the radio frequency circuitry be shielded.
Physical/discrete and tuning capacitors may be located external to the shield,                                      YES
but must be on the module assembly.
*Please provide a detailed explanation if the answer is "No.":

(b) The module shall have buffered modulation/data input(s) (if such inputs
are provided) to ensure that the module will comply with the requirements set
out in the applicable RSS standard under conditions of excessive data rates or
*Please provide a detailed explanation if the answer is "No.":

(c) The module shall have its own power supply regulation on the module.
This is to ensure that the module will comply with the requirements set out in                                                               NO
the applicable standard regardless of the design of the power supplying
circuitry in the host device which houses the module.
*Please provide a detailed explanation if the answer is "No.":

The 3.8V voltage regulator is not located on the module. This regulation has to be managed by the host device.

(d) The module shall comply with the provisions for external power amplifiers
and antennas detailed in this standard. The equipment certification submission
shall contain a detailed description of the configuration of all antennas that will
be used with the module.
*Please provide a detailed explanation if the answer is "No.":

(e) The module shall be tested for compliance with the applicable standard in
a stand—alone configuration, i.e. the module must not be inside another device                                      YES
during testing.
*Please provide a detailed explanation if the answer is "No.":

                                                                                                             M                                           Seite 1
                                          peiker acustic GmbH & Co. KG. Max—Planck—Strabe 28—32. D—61381 Friedrichsdorf, Amtsgericht Bad Homburg HRA 1897
                                                                                           ph4i: peiker Verwaltungs CGmbH, Amisgericht Bad Homburg HRB 1369
                                                  Vorsitzender der Geschaftsfuhrung: Andreas Peiker. Geschifisfubrer: Mathias K6hler. Reinhard Kromer—von Baerle
                                                         Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Dr, Helmut Rothenberger   Ein Unternehmen der peiker Firmengruppe

                                                                                                           3 peiker       menschen, entwickeln, ndhe.

(f) The module shall comply with the Category I equipment labeling
requirements and CFR § 15.212(a)(1)(vi).
*Please provide a detailed explanation if the answer is "No.":

(g) The module shall comply with applicable RSS—102 exposure requirements
and any applicable FCC RF exposure requirement which are based on the                                              YES
intended use/configurations.
*Please provide a detailed explanation if the answer is "No.":

(h) The modular transmitter complies with all applicable FCC rules. Instructions
for maintaining compliance are given in the user instructions.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at the address shown below

This declaration is submitted by

                       i.A. Martin Hofmann                                                    i.A. Philippe Seguret
                       — Certification Coordinator —                                          — Certification Coordinator —

Friedrichsdorf,           .  /
04/21/2016               /4 9'/

                                                                                                                                                          Scite 2
                                         peiker acustic GmbIH & Co. KG, Max—Planck—StraBe 28—32. D—61381 Friedrichsdorf, Amisgericht Bad Homburg HRA 1897
                                                                                           phG: peiker Verwaltungs GmbH. Aimisgericht Bad Homburg HRB 1369
                                                 Vorsitzender der Geschiiftsfithrung: Andreas Peiker. Geschifisfuhrer: Mathias K6hler. Reithard Kromer—von Bacrle
                                                        Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Dr. Helmut Rothenberger    Ein Unternehmen der peiker Firmengruppe

Document Created: 2016-04-21 10:59:48
Document Modified: 2016-04-21 10:59:48

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