Manual revised


Users Manual

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                SuperAG Duat Band           iz
          1tE 662.21Wivtese tincelAdapter   e
          Nssse > Puus Aress Users Nanuat

          Super A/G Dual Band
IEEE 802.11 Wireless Mini—PCI Bus Adapter

        NL—5354 MP PLUS Aries2

               User‘s Manual

                    Rev 1.1


                                  Super AG DuatBand                         Tirim
                          e a0241 Wireless Mnt.PCIAdapter
                          NSa5t P PLUS Arinz Uoes Maront
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                                 Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction.

                                                                                20 o a o o o oc t t
Chapter 2 Hardware Spec.
  21 Hardware specifiation
  Hardware Confiquration..
  Hardware Installatio
  22 NL—5354 MP PLUS Anes? Technical Description.
  2. Installtion Information
Chapter 3 Driver Information:
Chapter 4 FCC and Regulatory GontrolInformation .
  Antenna Informatior           se
Appendix A Regulatory Gompliance Information ..........


                                Super AG Dual Band
                        1etoa11 Wiretens Min.PCI Adapter
                        nucsast u> pLus aron2 Users tanant
Chapter 1 Introduction
The Dual—Band Wireless A/G Mini PCI bus adapter operates seamiessly and
simultaneously in both the 2.4GHz and 5GHz frequency spectums supporting
the 802.1 tb (24GHz, 11Mbps) and the newer, faster 802.11a (GGHiz,
54Mbps!108Mbps turbo mode) and 802.119 (2.4GHz, 54Mops) wireless
standards. Its the best way to add wireless capabilty to your exising wied
network, orto add bandwdth to your wireless installaton.
To protect your wireless connectviy, the Dual—Band Wireless A/G Mini PCI bus
adapter can enciypt all wireless transmissions through 64/128/152.—bit WEP data
encryption. Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) puts your network on the
cleanest channel in your location. With the Dual—Band Wireless Mini PCI bus
adapter, you will experience the best wireless connectiviy nowadays.

Chapter 2 Hardware Spec
2.1 Hardware specification

                                     Super AG Dval Sand Wisiess Mir.2CIAdapterAL.
                                     sose e RLUS wierr
                                     *Product Descriton:
                                       — Sottr26tz Dunhang Mn PGI Adastr
                                       —SuperA‘G upto tos ons

 DatsRates                               ozttce,9, 12to, 249040572se 100
 (Ato—ale capable)                       (Super A WMbon.
                                         soat19.0,0,12 19,24, 0648 , $720 & 108
                                         eoane:1,2,55, ttige.
 Newor: Slndoris                         wech (iset & Mcomplonce),EEER01,
                                         reeeson10 ieeeson110iegemoa.1t0, un


                             suero Oual tand
                      1E802.11 Wreleas hni.PCI Adaptr
                      HiS95¢ 1P PLUS Aras? Users Monca

                                      ie0. 11et h andi stardart eces02 1x
Constarce                             ree rais cases juL, es somcmnce
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                                      WBA — WeProtacad Access (a2S. 4 128 182.
                                      wep wan anres0y mumentcaton)
                                      AES (drence snevpton Secut)Supnert
            RF Information
Freasensy Sins                        soatte

                                      L2 r9— 2 dechuiman)
                                      Lo armcnarzontuepets)
                                      «2457 —24r20itifrance
mesiAccess Prtccs                     comes racx
Mecuiaton Tectnoony                   s trap: orom (ez.oam, tscoum arse,
                                      w t1s: poss osesx, caree, co
Receive Senatiiy                      soatte
                                      —soctem t evece.—7zcim n atics
                                      —Totem @ sttives
                                      —soctem t evece.—7zcim n atics
                                      —Toem @ setios


                                   suer AG Oual tand                             1
                           1edo2.11 Wreteas Mni.PCI Adapter
                           NS35¢ P PLUS Anes? Users Mn

                                             Sbtom@ Thtgs, #5itm@ 1hiss
 Trarsmt OstoutRover (ysca)                  se ie
                                             1tm «12@ sotiics
                                             Hicom «12 m stticn
                                             1tm «12@ svees
                                             1sdom «12@ askecs
                                             190«Ladzm n 2chzen
                                             1tm «2dm @ «s tps
                                             1c«kadem @38 tops 1ecm +2dem 0 54
                                             13400 «20tor i es
 inerisce                                    neinortyi a
 Comedor                                     2x UFLcomecion
 Omensorspratet)                             A3mmx333mm«50.3nm@2x2 an xi
 Weipt                                       se03e0

 Tenserstre Range                            60 1530 (27 o (317)— Opering
                                             uce 10Gta9r to 1506—Sornge
 Humaay tran condenang}                      5% —to% Tpiel

Hardware Contfiguration
1. RJ—45 Ethernet connector
Provides 10100 Mips connectivityt a wired Ethemet LAN.
2. Reset Button
‘By pressing this buttonfor over 3 seconds, the AP willbe reset with factorydefault
3. Power Supplyconnector
Tt is for connecting to the power adaprer.


                                  surer o oual gand
                          1e80241 Wreleas MiniPC Adapter
                          HL—S35H P PLUS Arcn? Users Monsal
Hardware Installation
1. Configure your notebool or PC with Wireless LAN card.
2. For Wired LAN, comect your PCs‘ Ethemer port o anyAP‘s LAN port by an
Ethemet cable
3. For WLAN, lcate the AP to a proper position
4. Wlig the putwer ondats . power ces

2.2 NL—5364 MP PLUS Aries? Technical Description

The NL—5364 MP PLUS Aries? eard is made by Senao Intemational Co., Ltd
 (ww with datasheet inkc
hito: finwew senao com(english/oroduetiproduct wireless01. outdoor 1.asp?ostl=Wircless .
It functions as an 802.11aig Dual Band Wireless Min—PCI Adapter. It uses the
Atheros ARS002 chipset
 hisp:(fwuse atheros com/peARS0O®XBuifetihi
Itincludes 2 chips: Atheros AR 5212 Mac controler, and Atheros ARS1 12 Dual
band Radio.on—a.Chip (RoC)
   The NL—5354 MP PLUS Ares2 eard has functions which are described below;

   + Support for IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.119
   + Universal wireless connectvity for seamiess roaming between any
     802.11—based network
   + Uses digtal CMOS technology exclusively, minimizing power consumption
     and cost while maximizing reliabiity
     Highly integrated 2—chip set
     2.4/5 GHz dual band Radio—on—a.—Chip (RoC)
     MultiprotocolMAG / baseband processor that supports the RoC
     Wireless Multmedia Enhancements Gualty of Service support (Q08)
     Super AG "" mode delivers up to 108 Mbps raw data rate with typical end
     user throughput exceeding 60 Mbps
   + Hardware encryption for the WLFi Protected Access (WPA) and IEEE
     80211 secunty specifications, provides Advanced Encryption Standard
     (AES), Temporal Key Integriy Protocol (TKIP) and Wired Equivalent
     Privacy (WEP) without performance degradation
   + ynamic Frequency Selection/Transmit Power Control (DPS/TPC) for
     international operation
     Supportfor draft IEEE 802.11e, h, and i standards
     Enhanced third generation performance, transmnission range and reliablity
The NL—§354 MP PLUS Anes?2 card uses the chipset functions as follows


                             surer AG Oual tand
                       1e802.1 Wireteas MnPot Adapter
                       NSsse ir 28 arest Users Mawas
ARS1 12 Dual band Raio—on—2—Chip (ReC)
   +    All CMOS dual band rado chip
   + Dynamic IF Dual Conversion architecture provides super—heterodyne
     performance at Zero IF prices
   + Support for IEEE 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.119
   + Operates from 2.3225 GHz and 5.25—5.850 GHz
   + Integrated thirdgeneration power amplifer (PA) and low.noise amplfier
   +~External PA and/or LNA can be used for special applications
   + Eliminates all IFfiters and most RF fiters, no extemal voitage—controled
     oscilators (VCOs) or surface acoustic wave (SAW) fiters needed
   + Increased sensitvty and multpath tolerance
   +    Enhanced transmnt and receive chains

ARS2 12 Muliprotocol MAC/baseband processor
   + Supports both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz RoCs
   + SuperA/IG * mode includes dynamic 108 Mbps capabiity, realtime
     hardware data compression, dynamic transmit optimization and
     standards—compliant bursting
     No extemal FLASH or RAM memory needed
     PCI 2.3 and PC Card 7.1 hostintertaces with DMA support
     Integrated analogto—didtal and digitalto—analog converters
     Senal EEPRONM, LEDs, GPIOs peripheral interfaces
     Low power operational and sleep modes
2.3 Installation Information

The card has 2 U.FL RF connectors for antenna diversity.

The A2 is for both transmission and receiving, but the A1 is for receiving only.
The A1 and A2 support 802.11a, b, g in auto—switch inside the chipsct.


                               super AG DualBand                        Hickts
                        1cE 60211 Wls        PC Adapter
                        n—S354 > PuuS anet UsesMancal

Chapter 3 Driver Information:
The softirare driver can be downloaded from the link below;
htipJwwan senaocomfenaiishiproductiproduct Joad w.asp?httptp=1&proid=000
Chapter 4 FCC and Regulatory Control Information
To assure continued complance (example — use only shielded interface cables
when connecting to computer or peripheral devices}, any changes or
modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user‘s authonty to operate this equipment
Radio Frequency Interference Requirements
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules and Canada RSS—210
Operation is subject to the following conditions:
1. This device may not cause harmfuinterference.


                                surer wG Dual Band
                         ie 8021 Wreieas oiPol Adaper
                         fcSosttr> mArent User Marcat
2. This device must accept any interference received, including
interference that
    may cause undesired operation
3. This ransmiter must not be co—located or operated in conjunction with any
    other antenna ortransmitter
Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply wth the imits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules, These Imits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmfuinterference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radiofrequency
energy, and, i not installed and used in accordance wth the instructions, may
cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is no
quarantee that interference wil not occur in a partcularinstallaton. f this
equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio ar television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the useris encouraged
to ty to correetthe interference by one of the following measures:
We deciare that NL—535 MP Plus Aries? (Atheros 1 Tafg Mimi PCI Bus Adapter)
is Imited in CH1~CH11 by specifed firmware controlled in the USA,


FCC Radiation Exposure Statement

This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an
uncontrolled environment
This device complies wih FCG RF Exposure Imits set forthfor an uncntrolled
environment, under 47 CFR 2. 1093 paragraph (d)(2)
To comply with FCC RF exposure complance requirements, the antenna used
for this transmiter must be installed to provide a separation distance of atleast
20 cm from all persons and must not be co—ocated or operating in conjunction
with any other antenna or transmitter
This transmiter must not be colocated or operating in conjunctionwith any other
antenna or transmiter

This module is restricted to the described / contained herein 3eTI application(s)
The module is for OEM installation only and cannot be sold to end user directly
Antenna Information:
Only the antema types lsted belowcanbe used
Antenna 1: Bdbi omni directional antennas for 802. fa


                                suer o Oual tand
                        1E802.11 Wreleas hni.PCI Adaptr
                         HiS95¢ 1P PLUS Aras? Users Monca
Anterna 2: Sdbi omni directional antennas for 802.1 1b
Antenna 3: 14dbidirectional antennas for 802. 1 19/o

This module must be labeled with FCC ID.
If the FOC ID is not visible when the module is installed inside another device,
then the outside of device must also display a label referring to the enclosed
module. The exterir label can be * Contains Transmitter Module FCC
1D:QVT—WLAN—MPA " or similar wording

                                     rage ioor n

                                    Surer NC DvaliRand
                           tet: t02.11 Wreless MinRCH Adaoter
                           NS35t eP BLUS Aesc Users tancal

Appendix A Regulatory Compliance
Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the lmits for a Class B
cigital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These imits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmfulinterference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may
cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is no
quarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. f this
equipment does cause harmful nterference to racio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the useris encouraged
to try to correctthe interference by one ofthe following measures:
~ Reorient or relocate the receing antenna
— Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
— Connect the equipment nto an oullet on a cireuit diferent from thatto which the
receiver is connected
— Consultthe dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
folowing two conditons: (1) This device may not cause harmfulinterference, and
(2) is device must accept any interference received, including interference that
may cause undesired operation
FCC Caution: Any changes or modiications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user‘s authonty to operate this
imrortant Note:
FCC Raciation Exposure Statement:
This equipment complies with RCC raciation exposure Imis set forth for an
uncontrolled environment, This equipment should be installed and operated with
iminimum distance 20cm between the raciator & your body:
This device is intended only for OEM integrators under the following
The antenna must be instaled such that 20 cm is maintained between the
anterna and users, As long as condlion above is met, furher transmiter
test wil not be requred. However, the OEM integrator is sresponsible for testing
their end—product for any additiona! complance requirements required with this
module installed (for exampe, digial device emissions, PC peripheral requirements,
INMPORTANT NOTE: in he event that these conditions can not be met(for example
certain laprop configuations or co—location with another tamsmitter), then the FCC
auhorization is no longer considered valid and the FCC TD ean not be used on the final

                                       Page i tss

                                 Surer G Ouat tand
                          1tE 00211 Weteso Mini2GI Adapter
                          1cSase e PLUS Aess Users Mamcat
product In these cireumstances,the OEMinterrator will be responsible
the end product (including the ransmiter)and obraining a separate FCC authorization
End Product Labeling
This transmiter module is authorized only for use in device where the antenna maybe
installed such tht 20 emmay be maintained berween the antenna and users (for example
Access Point, Router). The final end product must belabeled in a visble acea with e
following: "Contans TXFCC TD: QVT—WLAN—NMP1®
Manual Information That Must be Included
The OEM integrator has to be aware notto provide information tothe end user
regaraing howtoinstall oremove this RF moclule in e users manual ofthe end
product which integrate this module. The users manual for OEMintegrators end
users mustinclude the folowing informationin a prominent lcaton INPORTANT
NOTE: To comply wih FCC RF exposure compliance requirements,the antenna
usefor ths ransmiter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least
20 em from all persons and must not be co—located or operating in conjunction with
any other antenna or transmtter~

                                      rage rearre

Document Created: 2005-04-05 13:48:24
Document Modified: 2005-04-05 13:48:24

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC