Test Report

FCC ID: QVT-525-V21

Test Report

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Nebraska Center for Excellence in Electronics
4740 Discovery Drive
Lincoln, NE 68521-5376
Phone: 402.472.5880
Fax: 402.472.5881


Company:                              3e Technologies International
                                      9715 Key West Ave. Suite 500
                                      Rockville, MD 20850

Contact:                              Rich Brazda

Product:                              DCMA-82 PCI Transmitter Module
FCC ID:                               QVT-525-V21

Test Report No:                       R091008-02-02B

APPROVED BY:                          Nic Johnson _____________________
                                      Test Engineer

DATE:                                 30 Dec 2009

Total Pages:                          27

    The Nebraska Center for Excellence in Electronics (NCEE) authorizes the above named company to
   reproduce this report provided it is reproduced in its entirety for use by the company’s employees only.
  Any use that a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions made based on it, are the
  responsibility of such third parties. NCEE accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any
  third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this report. This report applies only to the
                                                 items tested.

NCEE Labs                                                       R101309-02-02B
                                                          FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
                              Table of Contents

1.0   Summary of test results
      1.1 Reason for amendment

2.0   EUT Description
      2.1  Equipment under test
           2.1.1 Identification
           2.1.2 EUT received date
           2.1.3 EUT tested date
           2.1.4 Manufacturer
           2.1.5 Serial number
      2.2  Testing location
      2.3  EUT setup
      2.4  Objective

3.0   Test Results
      3.1   §2.1046 and §90.1215 – RF Output Power
      3.2   §2.1046 and §90.1215 – Power Spectral Density
      3.3   §2.1049, §90.209, §90.210 – Occupied Bandwidth
      3.4   §2.1053 and §90.210 – Radiated Spurious Emission
      3.5   §2.1051 and §90.210 – Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminals
      3.6   §2.1055 - Carrier frequency stability

Appendix A – Test Photos

Index of Figures

                                 Page 2 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                            R101309-02-02B
                                                                FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
1.0   Summary of test results

      The equipment under test (EUT) was tested for compliance to FCC Part 90 and
      Part 2. Below is a summary of the test results. Complete results can be found in
      Section 3.

         Rule                       Description                       Result
       § 2.1046                   RF Output Power
       § 90.205                  Peak Transmit Power                 Compliant
                                Power Spectral Density
       § 2.1049
       § 90.209                  Occupied Bandwidth                  Compliant
       § 90.210
       § 2.1053           Emissions and emission limitations
       §90.210                   Spurious Emission

      1.1    Reason for amendment.

             This report has been modified to include the following sentence in
             section 2.0:

             “The EUT uses the same radio card and the same RF section for both the
             5.7GHz and 4.9GHz band.”

             Bandwidth measurements were repeated on 30 December 2009 with a
             video bandwidth of 1MHz.

             This report includes and makes obsolete both NCEE Labs report
             R101309-02-02 and R101309-02-02A.

                                  Page 3 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                              R101309-02-02B
                                                                  FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
2.0     EUT Description
The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was an wireless network adapter PCI module capable
of multi-band operation including 802.11 a, a turbo, b, g and g turbo. This functionality
of the EUT is covered by NCEE Test Report R101309-02-01. This report covers only
operation in the Public Safety Band from 4960MHz to 4980MHz. The EUT uses the
same radio card and the same RF section for both the 5.7GHz and 4.9GHz band.

       2.1     Equipment under test
               2.1.1 Identification: DCMA-82 PCI Transmitter Module,
               2.1.2 FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
               2.1.3 EUT received date: 10 November 2009
               2.1.4 EUT tested dates: (see Section 3)
               2.1.5 Manufacturer: 3e Technologies Int.
               2.1.6 Serial number: C194918A02E8C01

       2.2     Testing location
       All testing was performed at the NCEE Labs Lincoln, NE facility, which is an
       A2LA accredited EMC test laboratory.

       2.3    EUT Setup
       The EUT was tested on an adapter board. The board included two transmitters,
       only one was active. The EUT was set to operate on the highest and lowest
       frequency (Channel 40 and 80) in the 4.9GHz emergency band. Only the
       functionality of these frequencies were tested and covered in this report.

       2.4     Objective
       This report is prepared on behalf of 3e Technologies Int. in accordance with Part
       2 and Part 90 of the Federal Communication Commission’s rules. The objective
       of the manufacturer is to determine compliance with FCC rules for output
       power, power spectral density occupied bandwidth and spurious emissions.

                                    Page 4 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                               R101309-02-02B
                                                                   FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
       Test Equipment

                                       MODEL NO.         SERIAL NO.        CALIBRATION
Rohde & Schwarz Test Receiver*        ESIB26           100037            16 Sep 2009

EMCO Biconilog Antenna***             3142B            1647              8 Feb 2008

EMCO Biconilog Antenna**              3142B            1654              6 Feb 2009

EMCO Horn Antenna***                  3115             6415              5 Feb 2008

EMCO Horn Antenna**                   3115             6416              5 Feb 2009

Hewlett Packard Power Meter           4378             100307            20 Jan 2009

Hewlett Packard Power Sensor          8481A            2702A63981        20 Jan 2009

Rohde & Schwarz Preamp                TS-PR18          082001/003        15 Dec 2008

Agilent Variable Power Supply         E3631A           KR01128922        20 Nov 2009

Thermotron Thermal Chamber            SM-32C           13264             15 Nov 2007

OML WR28 26 to 40GHz Mixer            M28HWD           Ka91124-1         24 Nov 2009

*Test receiver included an upgrade with an internal oscillator which was used with the
mixer to make measurements from 26 – 40GHz.
**Used for a receiving antenna
***Used for a transmitting antenna

                                   Page 5 of 27

NCEE Labs                           R101309-02-02B
                               FCC ID: QVT-525-V21

            3.0 Test Results

               Page 6 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                         R101309-02-02B
                                                             FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
     3.1     Peak Transmit Power

     Test:                 FCC §2.1046 and §90.205

     Test Result:          Complies                    Date: 20 Nov 2009

     Test Description
     Per FCC §2.1046 and §90.205, the maximum power of the transmitter for
     mobile station is 33.00dBm.

     Test Environment
     Testing was performed at the NCEE Labs Lincoln facility. Laboratory
     environmental conditions varied slightly throughout the test:
            Relative humidity of 40 ± 5%
            Temperature of 20 ± 2º Celsius

     Test Setup
     The RF output of the transceiver was connected to a power meter through
     appropriate attenuators.

     Test Results

                       Frequency      Output Power   Limit
             Channel     (GHz)            dBm        dBm      Result
               40         4.96           22.26       33.00     PASS
               80         4.98           23.14       33.00     PASS

                                   Page 7 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                             R101309-02-02B
                                                                 FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
     3.2     Power Spectral Density

     Test:                 FCC §2.1046 and §90.205

     Test Result:          Complies                       Date: 2 Dec 2009

     Test Description
     Per FCC §2.1046 and §90.205, the maximum power spectral density of the
     transmitter for mobile station is 21.00dB/MHz.

     Test Environment
     Testing was performed at the NCEE Labs Lincoln facility. Laboratory
     environmental conditions varied slightly throughout the test:
            Relative humidity of 40 ± 5%
            Temperature of 20 ± 2º Celsius

     Test Setup
     The RF output of the transceiver was connected to a spectrum analyzer through
     20dB attenuators. The spectrum analyzer was used to make power spectral
     density measurements. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidths were
     set to 1MHz, and the frequency span set to 15MHz. The plots on the following
     page include all correction factors from attenuation.

     Test Results

                                       Peak Power
                       Frequency     Spectral Density    Limit
             Channel     (GHz)          dB/MHz          dB/Mhz    Result
               40         4.96            19.64          21.00     PASS
               80         4.98            20.11          21.00     PASS

                                   Page 8 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                                             R101309-02-02B
                                                                                 FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
                                Marker 1 [T1]            RBW   1 MHz      RF Att        60 dB
                 Ref Lvl                    19.64 dBm    VBW   1 MHz
                 30 dBm                4.96432625 GHz    SWT   500 s      Unit             dBm
                                                                 1 [T1]              19.64 dBm
                                                                           4.96432625 GHz


            15                                                                                   IN1
                 1MAX                                                                            1MA


             5                                                                                   P0





                 Center 4.957367334 GHz           1.5 MHz/                       Span 15 MHz

       Date:            2.DEC.2009   17:23:49

                            Figure 1 - Power Spectral Density, Channel 40
                                Marker 1 [T1]            RBW   1 MHz      RF Att        60 dB
                 Ref Lvl                    20.11 dBm    VBW   1 MHz
                 30 dBm                4.98233226 GHz    SWT   500 s      Unit             dBm
                                                                 1 [T1]              20.11 dBm
                                                                           4.98233226 GHz


            15                                                                                   IN1
                 1MAX                                                                            1MA


             5                                                                                   P0





                 Center 4.976906413 GHz           1.5 MHz/                       Span 15 MHz

       Date:            2.DEC.2009   17:21:52

                            Figure 2 - Power Spectral Density, Channel 80

                                            Page 9 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                           R101309-02-02B
                                                               FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
     3.3     Occupied Bandwidth

     Test:                 FCC §2.1049, §90.209, §90.210

     Test Result:          Complies                     Date: 30 Dec 2009

     Test Description
     The occupied bandwidth is required to be less than the maximum authorized
     bandwidth of 50MHz.

     Test Setup
     The RF output of the transmitter was connected to the input of the receiver in
     spectrum analyzer mode through sufficient attenuation. The resolution
     bandwidth was set at 1 kHz and the bandwidth was measured 20dB below from
     the peak emission.

     Test Environment
     Testing was performed at the NCEE Labs Lincoln facility. Laboratory
     environmental conditions varied slightly throughout the test:
            Relative humidity of 40 ± 5%
            Temperature of 20 ± 2º Celsius

     Test Results

                                         Emission      Max
                       Frequency        Bandwidth      Limit
             Channel     (GHz)            (MHz)       (MHz)     Result
               40         4.96            30.81       50.00      PASS
               80         4.98             31.46      50.00      PASS

                                   Page 10 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                                                   R101309-02-02B
                                                                                       FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
                            Delta 1 [T1]                     RBW   100 kHz          RF Att      60 dB
             Ref Lvl                          -0.17 dB       VBW        1 MHz
              16.3 dBm            30.81154309 MHz            SWT       25 ms        Unit           dBm
        15                                                                 2 [T1]          -10.80 dBm
                                                                                     4.94466934 GHz
                                                         1                 1 [T1]            -0.17 dB
                                                                                    30.81154309 MHz
                                                                           1 [T1]             8.94 dBm
         5                                                                           4.96290581 GHz

             1MAX                                                                                        1MA


       -10                                2                            1





             Center 4.96 GHz                        10 MHz/                            Span 100 MHz

     Date:          30.DEC.2009   14:15:32
                           Figure 3 – Occupied Bandwidth, Channel 40
                            Marker 2 [T1]                    RBW   100 kHz          RF Att      60 dB
             Ref Lvl                      -10.96 dBm         VBW        1 MHz
              16.3 dBm             4.96380762 GHz            SWT       25 ms        Unit           dBm
        15                                                                 2 [T1]          -10.96 dBm
                                                                                     4.96380762 GHz
                                                                           1 [T1]            8.39 dBm
       10                                                1
                                                                                     4.98384770 GHz
                                                                           1 [T1]            0.32 dB
         5                                                                          31.46292585 MHz

             1MAX                                                                                        1MA


                                      2                            1





             Center 4.982144289 GHz                 10 MHz/                            Span 100 MHz

     Date:          30.DEC.2009   14:12:47

                           Figure 4 - Occupied Bandwidth, Channel 80
                                              Page 11 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                            R101309-02-02B
                                                                FCC ID: QVT-525-V21

     3.4       Emissions and emissions limitations to §90.210

     Test:                  FCC §2.1051 and §90.210

     Result:                Complies                    Date: 2 Dec 2009

     Test Description
     On any frequency removed from the center of the assigned channel by more
     than 150 percent at least: 53 + 10 log (P) dB = -34.40dBm. Emissions must also
     comply with Mask M from Part 90.210.

     Test Environment
     Testing was performed at the NCEE Labs Lincoln facility. Laboratory
     environmental conditions varied slightly throughout the test:
            Relative humidity of 40 ± 5%
            Temperature of 20 ± 2º Celsius

     Test Setup
     The RF output of the transceiver was connected to a spectrum analyzer through
     appropriate attenuation. The resolution bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer was
     set at 300 kHz. Sufficient scans were taken to show any out of band emissions
     up to 40GHz. The test setup can be seen in Figures 2 through 4 of appendix A.

     Test Results
     The spurious emissions at the antenna terminals were found to comply with FCC
     §2.1051 and §90.210.

                                 Page 12 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                                     R101309-02-02B
                                                                         FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
                       Marker 1 [T1]               RBW       300 kHz     RF Att     30 dB
       Ref Lvl                         1.26 dBm    VBW       300 kHz
        20 dBm                4.96172345 GHz       SWT         5 ms      Unit          dBm
                                                                1 [T1]            1.26 dBm
                                                                           4.96172345 GHz



        1MAX                                                                                 1MA






       Start 4.9 GHz                        10 MHz/                             Stop 5 GHz

Date:          7.DEC.2009   17:22:46

                                Figure 5 - Mask M, Channel 40

                                       Page 13 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                                     R101309-02-02B
                                                                         FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
                        Marker 1 [T1]                RBW   300 kHz       RF Att     30 dB
       Ref Lvl                    -18.94 dBm         VBW   300 kHz
        20 dBm                4.96172345 GHz         SWT     5 ms        Unit          dBm
                                                                1 [T1]          -18.94 dBm
                                                                           4.96172345 GHz



        1MAX                                                                                 1MA






       Start 4.93 GHz                       9 MHz/                          Stop 5.02 GHz

Date:          7.DEC.2009   17:46:15

                                Figure 6 - Mask M, Channel 80

                                       Page 14 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                                            R101309-02-02B
                                                                                FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
                              Marker 1 [T1]            RBW   100 kHz     RF Att     30 dB
               Ref Lvl                   -51.96 dBm    VBW   100 kHz
               -38.2 dBm           989.33867735 MHz    SWT   500 ms      Unit          dBm
                                                                1 [T1]          -51.96 dBm
                                                                         989.33867735 MHz


               1MAX                                                                          1MA





               Start 30 MHz                     197 MHz/                        Stop 2 GHz

       Date:          7.DEC.2009   14:47:20

                              Figure 7 - Channel 40, 30MHz - 2GHz
                              Marker 1 [T1]            RBW   100 kHz     RF Att     30 dB
               Ref Lvl                   -49.80 dBm    VBW   100 kHz
               -38.2 dBm             4.80120240 GHz    SWT   740 ms      Unit          dBm
                                                                1 [T1]          -49.80 dBm
                                                                          4.80120240 GHz


               1MAX                                                                          1MA




               Start 2 GHz                      290 MHz/                     Stop 4.9 GHz

       Date:          7.DEC.2009   14:48:29

                              Figure 8 - Channel 40, 2.0GHz - 4.9GHz

                                         Page 15 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                                            R101309-02-02B
                                                                                FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
                              Marker 1 [T1]            RBW   100 kHz     RF Att      30 dB
               Ref Lvl                   -38.86 dBm    VBW   100 kHz
               -35.8 dBm             6.61523046 GHz    SWT   500 ms      Unit           dBm
                                                                1 [T1]           -38.86 dBm
                                                                          6.61523046 GHz


         -45                                                                                  IN1
               1MAX                                                                           1MA




               Start 5 GHz                      200 MHz/                         Stop 7 GHz

       Date:          7.DEC.2009   14:50:13

                               Figure 9 - Channel 40, 5GHz - 7GHz
                              Marker 1 [T1]            RBW   100 kHz     RF Att      30 dB
               Ref Lvl                   -54.66 dBm    VBW   100 kHz
               -35.8 dBm            16.17034068 GHz    SWT    2.8 s      Unit           dBm
                                                                1 [T1]           -54.66 dBm
                                                                         16.17034068 GHz


         -45                                                                                  IN1
               1MAX                                                                           1MA




               Start 7 GHz                      1.1 GHz/                        Stop 18 GHz

       Date:          7.DEC.2009   14:51:07

                              Figure 10 - Channel 40, 7GHz - 18GHz

                                         Page 16 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                                                R101309-02-02B
                                                                                    FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
                                Marker 1 [T1]              RBW   100 kHz     RF Att       30 dB
               Ref Lvl                    -53.33 dBm       VBW   100 kHz
               -35.8 dBm             25.47795591 GHz       SWT   2.15 s      Unit            dBm
                                                                    1 [T1]           -53.33 dBm
                                                                             25.47795591 GHz


         -45                                                                                       IN1
               1MAX                                                                                1MA





               Start 18 GHz                      850 MHz/                      Stop 26.5 GHz

       Date:          7.DEC.2009   14:53:04

                              Figure 11 - Channel 40, 18Ghz - 26.5GHz
                                Marker 2 [T1]              RBW   100 kHz     #2/4 CVL 20.0dB
               Ref Lvl                    -47.87 dBm       VBW   100 kHz
               -29.5 dBm             31.47795591 GHz       SWT    3.4 s      Unit            dBm
                                                                    2 [T1]           -47.87 dBm
                                                                             31.47795591 GHz
                                                                    1 [T1]           -42.18 dBm
         -40                                           1
                                                                             33.47995992 GHz



               1MAX                                                                                1MA






               Start 26.5 GHz                   1.35 GHz/                           Stop 40 GHz

       Date:          7.DEC.2009   15:56:51

                              Figure 12 - Channel 40, 26.5GHz - 40GHz
                         *includes correction factor from external mixer

                                          Page 17 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                                               R101309-02-02B
                                                                                   FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
                              Marker 1 [T1]               RBW   100 kHz     RF Att     30 dB
               Ref Lvl                   -50.33 dBm       VBW   100 kHz
               -37.6 dBm             1.00907816 GHz       SWT   500 ms      Unit          dBm
                                                                   1 [T1]          -50.33 dBm
         -40                                                                 1.00907816 GHz


               1MAX                                                                                1MA





               Start 30 MHz                     197 MHz/                           Stop 2 GHz

       Date:          7.DEC.2009   15:23:07

                              Figure 13 – Channel 80, 30MHz - 2GHz
                              Marker 1 [T1]               RBW   100 kHz     RF Att     30 dB
               Ref Lvl                   -47.27 dBm       VBW   100 kHz
               -33.7 dBm             4.92000000 GHz       SWT   740 ms      Unit          dBm
         -35                                                       1 [T1]          -47.27 dBm
                                                                             4.92000000 GHz


               1MAX                                                                                1MA





               Start 2 GHz                      292 MHz/                      Stop 4.92 GHz

       Date:          7.DEC.2009   15:00:28

                              Figure 14 - Channel 80, 2GHz - 4.92GHz

                                         Page 18 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                                              R101309-02-02B
                                                                                  FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
                                Marker 1 [T1]           RBW   100 kHz      RF Att      30 dB
               Ref Lvl                    -37.73 dBm    VBW   100 kHz
               -33.7 dBm              6.64288577 GHz    SWT   500 ms       Unit           dBm
         -35                                                     1 [T1]            -37.73 dBm
                                                                            6.64288577 GHz


               1MAX                                                                             1MA




               Start 5.02 GHz                    198 MHz/                          Stop 7 GHz

       Date:          7.DEC.2009   14:58:46

                                Figure 15 - Channel 80, 5.02GHz - 7GHz
                                Marker 1 [T1]           RBW   100 kHz      RF Att      30 dB
               Ref Lvl                    -53.35 dBm    VBW   100 kHz
               -35.8 dBm             14.93587174 GHz    SWT    2.8 s       Unit           dBm
                                                                 1 [T1]            -53.35 dBm
                                                                           14.93587174 GHz


         -45                                                                                    IN1
               1MAX                                                                             1MA





               Start 7 GHz                       1.1 GHz/                         Stop 18 GHz

       Date:          7.DEC.2009   14:57:27

                                Figure 16 - Channel 80, 7GHz - 18GHz

                                          Page 19 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                                                R101309-02-02B
                                                                                    FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
                                Marker 1 [T1]              RBW   100 kHz     RF Att       30 dB
               Ref Lvl                    -52.32 dBm       VBW   100 kHz
               -35.8 dBm             25.47795591 GHz       SWT   2.15 s      Unit            dBm
                                                                    1 [T1]           -52.32 dBm
                                                                             25.47795591 GHz


         -45                                                                                       IN1
               1MAX                                                                                1MA





               Start 18 GHz                      850 MHz/                      Stop 26.5 GHz

       Date:          7.DEC.2009 14:55:46
                              Marker 2 [T1]                RBW   100 kHz     #2/4 CVL 20.0dB
               Ref Lvl                    -51.17 dBm       VBW   100 kHz
               -29.5 dBm             31.34268537 GHz       SWT    3.4 s      Unit            dBm
                                                                    2 [T1]           -51.17 dBm
                                                                             31.34268537 GHz
                                                                    1 [T1]           -45.85 dBm
                                                                             33.31763527 GHz

         -50                              2

               1MAX                                                                                1MA






               Start 26.5 GHz                   1.35 GHz/                           Stop 40 GHz

       Date:          7.DEC.2009   15:54:58

                              Figure 17 - Channel 80, 26.5GHz - 40GHz
                         *includes correction factor from external mixer

                                          Page 20 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                            R101309-02-02B
                                                                FCC ID: QVT-525-V21

     3.5       Spurious Emission

     Test:                 FCC §2.1053 and §90.210

     Result:               Complies                       Date: 20 Nov 2009

     Test Description
     The measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 10 meters from the EUT.
     During the tests, the antenna height and polarization as well as EUT azimuth
     were varied in order to identify the maximum level of emissions from the EUT.
     The test was performed by placing the EUT on 3-orthogonal axis. The frequency
     range up to 40GHz was investigated.

     The EUT was then removed and the replaced with a substitution antenna of the
     same model as the receiving antenna. A signal generator was connected to the
     substitution antenna by a non-radiating cable. The absolute levels of the spurious
     emissions were measured by the substitution. Spurious emissions in dB = 10 log
     (TXpwr in Watts/0.001) which is the absolute level.

     Test Environment
     Testing was performed at the NCEE Labs Lincoln facility in the 10m semi-
     anechoic chamber. Laboratory environmental conditions varied slightly
     throughout the test:
            Relative humidity of 40 ± 5%
            Temperature of 20 ± 2º Celsius

     Test Setup
     The transmitter was placed on a wooden turntable, and it was transmitting into a
     non-radiating load which was also placed on the turntable.

     Test Results
     See following table

                                   Page 21 of 27

      NCEE Labs                                                                 R101309-02-02B
                                                                           FCC ID: QVT-525-V21

                       Radiated Spurious Emission, Substitution Method Measurements
                                                       Signal  Transmit
            Pre‐scan    Antenna                      Generator Antenna
Frequency    Level       Height     Angle     Pol.     Level    Factor        Level    Limit    Margin
   MHz        dBm         cm        deg.                dBm       dB          dBm      dBm

  494.98     ‐60.94        133       200       H       ‐20.59      18.50      ‐39.09   ‐13.45   25.64
  527.98     ‐59.06        149       158       H       ‐20.98      19.30      ‐40.28   ‐13.45   26.83
  923.98     ‐59.29        99         0        H        ‐22.1      23.90      ‐46.00   ‐13.45   32.55
 1452.00     ‐50.61        100        5        H        0.41       25.20      ‐24.79   ‐13.45   11.34
 9920.00     ‐41.40        99        140       V       21.56       38.10      ‐16.54   ‐13.45    3.09
                                               Channel 80
  494.98     ‐47.98        163       206       H       ‐17.71      18.50      ‐36.21   ‐13.45   22.76
  527.98     ‐45.62        150       157       H       ‐16.87      19.30      ‐36.17   ‐13.45   22.72
  560.98     ‐43.25        150       171        H      ‐17.81      19.50      ‐37.31   ‐13.45   23.86
 1452.00     ‐50.86        100        5         H       5.31       25.20      ‐19.89   ‐13.45    6.44
 9960.00     ‐41.70        99        198        V      23.01       38.10      ‐15.09   ‐13.45   1.64

         1. Cable factor from signal generator to transmit antenna is less than 1dB.
         2. Antenna and cable factor for the receiving antenna are taken into account in the
             pre-scan level.
         3. Limit = 10 log (TXpwr in Watts/0.001)

                                            Page 22 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                             R101309-02-02B
                                                                 FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
3.6       Carrier Frequency Stability

Test:                    FCC §90.213

Test Method:             TIA-603-C, Section 3.2.2

Result:                  Complies                     Date: 20 Nov 2009

Tested per TIA-60-C:2004. Conducted power was measured on a spectrum analyzer
with resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth set to 100KHz. The center frequency
was found by measuring the frequency of the signal 10dB below the peak on the high
and low end of the signal. The frequency half way in between these frequencies was
recorded as the center frequency. The EUT support board is supplied by 5VDC. This
input voltage was varied by (+/-)15% for each temperature setting.

          Test Setup:

          Test Procedure:

          Channel 40 nominal: 4960.000MHz
          Channel 80 nominal: 4980.000MHz

          Allowed deviation: 0.494MHz
          Channel 40: 4959.510 – 4960.494MHz
          Channel 80: 4979.510 – 4960.494MHz

          See the standard for test procedures.

                                      Page 23 of 27

NCEE Labs                                                       R101309-02-02B
                                                           FCC ID: QVT-525-V21
     Test Results:

     Ambient temperature: 22degC         Relative Humidity: 45%

               Test conditions           Frequency (MHz)
                                         Channel 40      Channel 80
       Temperature     Input Voltage        Frequency     Frequency
                          (VDC)               (MHz)         (MHz)
            -30°C          5.00              1960.14       1980.02
            -30°C          5.25              1960.02       1980.03
            -30°C          4.75              1960.01       1980.04
            -20°C          5.00              1960.00       1980.01
            -20°C          5.25              1959.11       1979.91
            -20°C          4.75              1960.02       1980.01
            -10°C          5.00              1960.12       1980.03
            -10°C          5.25              1960.12       1980.02
            -10°C          4.75              1960.89       1980.10
             0°C           5.00              1959.89       1980.12
             0°C           5.25              1960.10       1979.94
             0°C           4.75              1960.01       1980.18
            10°C           5.00              1960.09       1980.01
            10°C           5.25              1960.02       1979.98
            10°C           4.75              1960.03       1980.02
            20°C           5.00              1960.00       1979.99
            20°C           5.25              1959.87       1980.12
            20°C           4.75              1960.02       1980.19
            30°C           5.00              1960.02       1980.11
            30°C           4.75              1960.01       1980.06
            30°C           5.25              1960.03       1980.04
            40°C           5.00              1959.99       1980.08
            40°C           5.25              1960.00       1980.09
            40°C           4.75              1960.13       1980.07
            50°C           5.00              1960.50       1979.97
            50°C           5.25              1960.17       1980.10
            50°C           4.75              1960.10       1980.01

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NCEE Labs                                  R101309-02-02B
                                      FCC ID: QVT-525-V21

            Appendix A: Test Photos

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NCEE Labs                                                              R101309-02-02B
                                                                  FCC ID: QVT-525-V21

      Figure 18 - Radiated Emissions Test Setup, with 50ohm Load on Antenna Output

      Figure 19 - Radiated Emissions Test Setup, with 50ohm Load on Antenna Output

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NCEE Labs                                                                                   R101309-02-02B
                                                                                       FCC ID: QVT-525-V21

                                         Index of Figures
Figure 1 - Power Spectral Density, Channel 40 ............................................................... 9
Figure 2 - Power Spectral Density, Channel 80 ............................................................... 9
Figure 3 - Occupied Bandwidth, Channel 40 ................................................................. 11
Figure 4 - Occupied Bandwidth, Channel 80 ................................................................. 11
Figure 5 - Mask M, Channel 40...................................................................................... 13
Figure 6 - Mask M, Channel 80...................................................................................... 14
Figure 7 - Channel 40, 30MHz - 2GHz .......................................................................... 15
Figure 8 - Channel 40, 2.0GHz - 4.9GHz....................................................................... 15
Figure 9 - Channel 40, 5GHz - 7GHz............................................................................. 16
Figure 10 - Channel 40, 7GHz - 18GHz......................................................................... 16
Figure 11 - Channel 40, 18Ghz - 26.5GHz .................................................................... 17
Figure 12 - Channel 40, 26.5GHz - 40GHz.................................................................... 17
Figure 13 – Channel 80, 30MHz - 2GHz ....................................................................... 18
Figure 14 - Channel 80, 2GHz - 4.92GHz...................................................................... 18
Figure 15 - Channel 80, 5.02GHz - 7GHz...................................................................... 19
Figure 16 - Channel 80, 7GHz - 18GHz......................................................................... 19
Figure 17 - Channel 80, 26.5GHz - 40GHz.................................................................... 20
Figure 18 - Radiated Emissions Test Setup, with 50ohm Load on Antenna Output...... 26
Figure 19 - Radiated Emissions Test Setup, with 50ohm Load on Antenna Output...... 26

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Document Created: 2009-12-30 14:26:41
Document Modified: 2009-12-30 14:26:41

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