RF Exposure MPE

FCC ID: QVT-525-V21

RF Exposure Info

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Nebraska Center for Excellence in Electronics
4740 Discovery Drive
Lincoln, NE 68521-5376
Phone: 402.472.5880
Fax: 402.472.5881

                       RF Exposure REPORT
                                                4.9GHz Band

 Company:                             3e Technologies International
                                      9715 Key West Ave. Suite 500
                                      Rockville, MD 20850

 Contact:                             Rich Brazda

 Product:                             DCMA-82 PCI Transmitter Module

 FCC ID:                              QVT-525-V21

 Test Report No:                      RFE101309-02-01

 Issued by:                           NCEE Labs
                                      4740 Discovery Dr.
                                      Lincoln, NE 68521

 DATE:                                14 December 2009

 Total Pages:                         3

    The Nebraska Center for Excellence in Electronics (NCEE) authorizes the above named company to
   reproduce this report provided it is reproduced in its entirety for use by the company’s employees only.
  Any use that a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions made based on it, are the
  responsibility of such third parties. NCEE accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any
  third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this report. This report applies only to the
                                                 items tested.

NCEE Labs                                                              RFE101309-02-01
                                                                  FCC ID: QVT-525-V21

RF Exposure Calculations:
The minimum separation distance is calculated from FCC OET 65 Appendix B, Table 1B
“Guidelines for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure.” This calculation is based
on the highest EIRP possible from the system, considering maximum power and antenna

RF Power Measurement
The RF output of the transceiver was connected to a power sensor and power meter.
Measurements were made with the transmitter continuously active. The highest power
settings were chosen from the 2.4GHz and the 5.7GHz bands.

                       Frequency      Output Power    Output Power
                         (GHz)            dBm             mW
                         4.960           22.26           168.27
                         4.980           23.14           206.06

          Power measurements taken from NCEE Labs report R101309-02-01

Test Equipment Used
                                       MODEL NO.         SERIAL NO.       CALIBRATION
Hewlett Packard Power Meter           4378             100307            20 Jan 2009

Hewlett Packard Power Sensor          8481A            2702A63981        20 Jan 2009

Test Environment
Testing was performed at the NCEE Labs Lincoln facility. Laboratory environmental
conditions varied slightly throughout the test:
               Relative humidity of 40 ± 5%
               Temperature of 20 ± 2º Celsius

         Exposure Limit (mW/cm2) = F/1200        4.13 mW/cm2      4.15 mW/cm2
                 Frequency (MHz)                 4960             4980
         Maximum peak output power (mW)          168.27           206.06
              Antenna Gain (Numeric)             6.31             6.31
                                                 TERRAWAVE        TERRAWAVE
                    Antenna type
                                                 T49080O10007B    T49080O10007B

       Pd = (Pout × G) / (4π × R2)
       R= √ (Pout × G) / (4 π × Pd)

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NCEE Labs                                                                     RFE101309-02-01
                                                                          FCC ID: QVT-525-V21

         Pd = Power density limit, mW/cm2
         Pout = Peak power output, mW
         G =Numeric Antenna Gain
         R = Distance from antenna, cm

Pout       G           Pd          R           Frequency    Calculation
mW         Numeric     mW/cm2      cm          MHz
168.27     6.31        4.13        4.52        4960         Minimum distance to meet limit
168.27     6.31        0.21        20.00       4960         Power density at 20 cm
206.06     6.31        4.15        4.99        4980         Minimum distance to meet limit
206.06     6.31        0.26        20.00       4980         Power density at 20 cm

    1. The minimum safe distance is based on a conservative “worst case” prediction, i.e. using the
       formula shown above and no duty factor. In practice the minimum distance will be much shorter.
       (Ref. 2)

   1. FCC OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01
   2. FCC Supplement C to OET Bulletin 65, edition 01-01
   3. IEEE C95.1, 1999

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Document Created: 2009-12-14 14:27:23
Document Modified: 2009-12-14 14:27:23

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