Cover Letter


Cover Letter(s)

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August 2"°, 2010

Equipment Authorisation Division
Federal Communications Commission
7435 Oakland Mills Road
Columbia, MD 21046


Request for Confidentiality

Pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the commissions rules, we hereby request that
the following documents be held confidential:

   e     Internal photograph

The device under grant QGVBGSOO01 has following specialties; the circuit board is
enclosed in dielectric gel (Dow Corning P/AN: 4207). If the circuit board is pull out of the
enclosure, it will be damaged. The device is installed on the boom of the crane. These
locations are not accessible to general public. Once installed, these products can be
serviceable only by a qualify crane technician.
The device can meet following FCC rules, the internal photos may be held confidential
since the circuit board is enclosed in a material that would destroy the circuit board if
removed. And if a non—consumer device is inaccessible to the general public, such as a
device mounted on the top of a large tower (or in a fenced enclosure) that is only
serviceable by the licensee or his designated technicians.
The internal photos contain trade secrets and proprietary information and are not
customarily released to the public. The public disclosure of this information might be
harmful to the company and provide unjustified benefits to our competitors. We also
notice that the internal photos were already exhibited to the public from the date of grant
till this confidentiality request is approved.

Dated         20        Day of August                                  20 10

By:                Al _                     Eric Beaulieu
       _.‘         _Signature                                Printed
Title:    Technologies Manager

On behalf of :            Load Systems International Inc

Telephone:       418—650—2330

Document Created: 2010-08-04 10:26:05
Document Modified: 2010-08-04 10:26:05

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