User Manual


Users Manual

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 3.8b Radio Network Diagnostic                             3.8d Display Diagnostic
 1. Go to menu 5B2) LAST SENSORS RECEIVED.                 1. Go to menu 5D) DISPLAY DIAGNOSTIC. The page
    Sensors are shown with their radio ID number              shows different informations;
    and the sensor type.                                         1) TIME: current time according to the GS820
          CAUTION! The list of “last sensors                        internal clock.
     received” includes all functioning GS series                2) DATE: current date according to the
    sensors within range. Programming a GS820                       GS820 internal clock.
     display for sensors from a different system                 3) TIME CLOCK BATTERY: self-test pass or fail.
    will disable that system and render indication
                                                                 4) EXTERNAL   POWER:   external power supply
             by both systems inaccurate.
        a. Use Up and Down to scroll through the list.           5) Display Internal temperature.
        b. Press Exit to return to menu 5B).                     6) Base station ID. The base station ID
 3. Go to menu 5B3) SEARCH FOR SENSORS.                             should be the same as the GS820 display
                                                                    serial number printed on the left side of
        a. Press Enter to launch a sensor search.
                                                                    the box.
 4. Go to menu 5B4) BIT ERROR RATE TEST. This test
                                                                 7) Power supply
    should only be conducted by LSI technical
    service personnel.                                           8) Radio certification: “FCC”, “IC” indicates
                                                                    Federal Communications Commission
 5. Press Exit to return to the operation display.
                                                                    (U.S.A.)      and     Industry    Canada
                                                                    certification, “CE” indicates European
 3.8c Lockout Diagnostic                                            Community certification.
 Menu 5C) LOCKOUT DIAGNOSTC shows the lockout                    9) Radio frequency: the frequency used by
 condition of the output (alarm or safe) and the self-              the system network.
 test (pass or fail); it is recommended to manually test
 the lockout condition;                                    8. Press Exit to return to the operation display.
 1. Go to menu 5C) LOCKOUT. Select N° 1 WHITE              3.8e Digital Input Diagnostic
    WIRE. To temporarily activate or desactivate the
    lockout relay press Enter.                             1. Go to menu 5E) DIGITAL INPUT DIAGNOSTIC. The
                                                              page shows the wires digital input status (white,
                                                              green, orange and blue wires).
                                                           2. Press Exit to return to the operation display.

 Figure: Menu 5C) Lockout, condition example

 2. Press Down to go to N° 2 GREEN WIRE. Repeat
    lockout diagnostic test.
 3. Press Down to go to N° 3 ORANGE WIRE. Repeat
    lockout diagnostic test.
 4. Press Exit to return to the operation display.

OPERATIO                                                                                            41

3.9 System Limits                                           Critical system alerts or information messages are
                                                            also displayed on the top part of the LCD. See
Set hoist limits                                            examples below:
The limit menu displays the limits for each sensor in
the sensor list.
1. Go to menu 6) SYSTEM LIMITS.
2. Use Up and Down to select a sensor and press
   Enter to modify.
3. Use Up and Down to adjust the limit and press
4. Press Exit to return to the operation display.
When using the GS820 as a load indicator without
programmed crane specific rated capacity charts
the load limit is typically set to the lesser of the rope
limit, the hoist limit, and the maximum allowed
capacity as determined from the capacity charts.
                                                            Figure: the GS820 displays “system ok”
When using the GS820 as a rated capacity
indicator with programmed crane specific rated
capacity charts the load limit is typically set to the
lesser of the rope limit and the hoist limit.
Note: Press Left and Right simultaneously to
return a limit to the factory default setting. The
factory default maximum limit for load sensors is
10 000 lb per part of line.

 Note: When the weight units are tons the minimum
load limit increment is 0.1 ton per part of line.

3.10 Tare
Zero the hook
1. Go to menu 7) TARE.
                                                            Figure: the GS820 displays an information alert
2. Select the load sensor.
3. Press Enter to set or clear tare weight.
4. Press Exit to return to the operation display.

3.11 Information
Go to Menu 8) INFORMATION. Standard info menu
pages include:
      1.   Software package
      2.   Firmware
      3.   Language pack
      4.   Graphic library
      5.   Capacity chart
      6.   Sensor update pkg
      7.   BIOS (Bootloader) number and version
      8.   USB driver

       42                                                                                         The GS820 System

 Table:    Information Alerts                                    Table:   Information Alerts (Continued)

  Alert:                                                          Alert:
  “LOAD ID: G15000 MAXIMUM LIMIT”                                 “VERIFY WHITE WIRE (SHORTED TO GROUND)”
  Description:                                                    Description:
  The sensor indicates a value greater than the                   Voltage is not detected on the lockout wire when
  operator adjusted limit.                                        safe**. With the standard relay configuration voltage
                                                                  should be present on a lockout wire in safe condition.
    ! WARNING!          Do not operate the crane                      • Verify the wire is not shorted to ground.
              beyond the limits specified by the                      • Verify the wire is not connected directly to the
                      manufacturer.                                     valve coils; a relay should be installed between
                                                                        the wire and the valve coils. Refer to the Power
          • Verify operator adjusted limits in the limit menu.          Supply and Lockout Connection sub section of
                                                                        this manual.
  “ANGLE ID: G15000 MINIMUM LIMIT”                                Alert:
  Description:                                                    “MAIN OUT OF CHART”
  The sensor indicates a value less than the operator
  adjusted limit.
                                                                  One or more primary conditions of the chart selected
                                                                  for the hoist is not met (example: telescopic boom
    ! WARNING!          Do not operate the crane                  length).
              beyond the limits specified by the                       • Verify the conditions of the selected rated
                      manufacturer.                                      capacity chart.
          • Verify operator adjusted limits in the limit menu.
  Alert:                                                          “MAIN ANGLE ABOVE CHART MAXIMUM”
  “LOAD ID: G15000 LOW BATTERY”                                   Description:
  Description:                                                    The boom or jib angle is above the maximum angle
  Less than 10% of battery life remains in the sensor.            permitted by the selected chart. (For charts
     • Schedule battery replacement for the next                  determined by radius only, this message will occur
        available opportunity. Typically several weeks            when the radius is less than the minimum radius
        of operation remain from the moment the                   permitted by the chart).
        sensor low battery warning is first triggered.                • Verify the boom and jib angles permitted by the
                                                                        rated capacity chart selected.
                                                                  “MAIN ANGLE BELOW CHART MINIMUM”
  The display isn’t receiving communication from the sensor.      Description:
      • Verify that the sensor ID number programmed               The boom or jib angle is under the minimum angle
        matches the ID number of the sensor installed             permitted by the selected chart. (For charts
        on the crane. Go to menu 5A1.                             determined by radius only, this message will occur
                                                                  when the radius is greater than the maximum radius
                                                                  permitted by the chart).
  Alert:                                                              • Verify the boom and jib angles permitted by the
  “VERIFY WHITE WIRE (UNEXPECTED VOLTAGE)”                              rated capacity chart selected.

  Voltage is detected on the lockout wire when in alarm*.
  With the standard relay configuration voltage should not           * If the lockout relay is inverted this alert will occur
  be present on a lockout wire in alarm condition.                     when voltage is detected on the wire when safe.
      • Verify the wire connection. Refer to the Power Supply        **If the lockout relay is inverted this alert will occur
         and Lockout Connection sub section of this manual.            when voltage is not detected on the wire in alarm.

OPERATIO                                                                                                        43

3.12 Mast Settings                                      To indicate rated mast capacity, the GS820 must
                                                        be programmed with rated mast capacity charts.
                                                        Set the mast capacity chart selection mode in
                                                        menu 4E) 4. The options are:
                                                           None: Rated mast capacity is not indicated.
                                                           The mast load limit is determined by the load
                                                           cell limit (menu 6) and the number of parts of
                                                           Operator mode: The operator must manually
                                                           select the appropriate mast capacity chart in the
                                                           CRANE RIGGING menu.
                                                           Automatic mode: The mast capacity chart is
                                                           automatically determined by the crane load
                                                           chart(s) selected.

Figure: The GS820 displays the mast information

1. Activate mast display in menu 4E) 1.
2. For mast load indication set the mast load cell ID
   in menu 4E) 2; for mast angle and radius
   indication set the mast angle sensor id in menu
   4E) 3. Mast radius indication can be calibrated
   by adjusting the mast radius parameters in 4E) 6
   to 4E) 9.

Note: When a load or an angle sensor is
associated to the mast, the word “(mast)” is added
to the sensor type in the sensor list.
Note: When the mast is deactivated, the system
ignores the sensors associated to the mast;
however, the mast sensor ID numbers are retained
to facilitate future re-activation.

Figure: Mast settings menu

        44                                                                             The GS820 System

    4. USB TOOL
 Download data or upload capacity charts using a                 given by LSI and press Enter. Press Enter once
 USB mass storage device (USB key) without                       again to confirm the data logger download.
 removing the display from the crane.                         4. Transfer progress is indicated on screen.

!        CAUTION! Before transferring (or                     5. When    the transfer is done, “TRANSFER
        downloading) data logger or firmware                     SUCCESSFUL” will appear. Press Enter, then
    updates, make sure the crane is stopped and                  unplug the USB key.
       is in a safe state. The crane cannot be                6. The crane is now ready for operation.
      monitored during the download process.
                                                              4.1b Transfer from USB device to PC
                                                              1. Connect the USB key to a computer.
                                                              2. The data logger file is located in the root
                                         USB Key
                                                                 directory of the USB device:

                                                                 “LSI_MM_dd_yyyy_hh_mm_ss.dtl” where the
 Figure: Transfer charts or data logger files                    double letters represent the time and date of the
                                                                 USB transfer. The size of the file should be 8192 kB.
 4.1 Data logger transfer from                                4.1c Troubleshooting
     Display                                                     Problem:
                                                                 The file does not appear on the USB key.
 4.1a Transfer from display to USB                               Solution 1: Did the transfer complete successfully?
!    IMPORTANT! To copy the data logger to                       Try again.
       the USB key, a password is required;                      Solution 2: Look in the root directory of the USB
    contact LSI to get the download password.                    key? The root directory is the folder that appears
       The Display ID will be asked by LSI .                     when you open the USB key.
 1. Make sure there is at least 8 MB of available                The file appears on the key but its size is 0 kB.
    space on the USB key. Connect the USB key
                                                                 Solution: Did the transfer complete successfully?
    in the USB port, on the left side of the display.            Try again.
                                                                 The following message appears on screen during the
                                                                 transfer: “UNABLE TO CREATE FILE. REPLACE USB”
                                                                 Solution 1: The USB device may not work correctly.
                                                                 Replace the USB device.
                                                   USB Port
                                                                 Solution 2: The USB device may be in read only
                                                                 mode. Allow read/write permissions.
                                                                 An error message appears on screen during the
                                                                 transfer: “ERROR ##“, where ## is the error number.
 Figure: USB port location                                       Solution: restart the GS820 and try again to
                                                                 transfer the file. If the trouble persists, contact LSI .
 2. After a short delay (about 2 seconds), the “USB
    MENU” shows up on the LCD.
                                                                 Nothing happens when the USB key is inserted into
 3. Select “COPY DATALOG. TO USB” and press                      the USB port of the display.
    Enter. In most case, you will be prompted to
                                                                 Solution: Insert the USB key in the USB port, power
    enter a password; enter the download password                down and then power up the display.

USB TOOL                                                                                                     45

4.2 Upload Capacity Charts                               5. Complete the installation as instructed on
! IMPORTANT!       Contact LSI to get the upload
   password; this password changes according to          4.3b Quick Start
 the random number indicated on the LCD. Please          1. Start the data logger viewer application.
       provide the random number to LSI.
                                                         2. Open the log file (see section 4.1b). Only .dtl
1. Connect the USB key to a computer and copy               files generated by the GS820 data logger can be
   the updated chart on the USB key.                        displayed.
2. Connect the USB key in the USB port.
3. After a short delay (about 2 seconds), the “USB
   MENU” will show up on the LCD. Select “GET FILE
   FROM USB” and press Enter.
                                                                                           Wind Report button
4. Choose the file to upload and press Enter.                                        Full Report button
   Example typical file name: “SPKG3_XXXX.820”
                                                         Figure: Data Logger Viewer tool bar
5. A password may be required; enter the upload
   password given by LSI and press Enter.
                                                         4.3c Full Report
6. Transfer progress is indicated on screen.
                                                         To export the full report to Excel, click on the Full
7. When     the transfer is done, “TRANSFER              Report button in the tool bar.
    SUCCESSFUL” will appear. Press Enter and then
    unplug the USB key. The GS820 will restart by        Table: Full report column headings
    itself.                                                Column              Description
                                                           Event ..................Record trigger*
4.3 Data Logger Viewer                                     Date ....................Event date stamp.
The data logger viewer is a software application           Time....................Event time stamp.
used to display the data logger log file on a              System Units......Length units (metric or US) and weight
personal computer (PC).                                                      units at the time of the event.
The data logger viewer converts the log file to a text     Battery Voltage ..Display power supply voltage at the
                                                                             time of the event.
(binary) file, and then displays the contents. Two
reports can be produced and transferred to Excel,          Temperature ......Internal temperature of the display.
the full report and the wind speed report.                 Firm. Version......Display firmware version at the time of
                                                                              the event.
                                                           Sensor # 1..........Sensor type: the sensor number
                                                                               corresponds to the sensor list
                                                                               programmed in the GS820.
                                                           Sensor Status ....Sensor was active or inactive at the
                                                                             time of the event.
                                                           Sensor Battery ..Sensor battery level.
Figure: Excerpt of a full report in Data Logger Viewer
                                                           Value ..................Sensor value.
4.3a Installation on a PC                                * Examples: Crane start-up, sensor alarm. The beginning
                                                           and end of sensor alarms are indicated as “in” and “out”:
Install the CD in a CD-ROM drive. The interactive          examples: “overload in”, “overload out”.
installation process should start automatically within
30 seconds; if not then:
1. Click Start.
2. Click My Computer.
3. Double-click on the CD-ROM drive.
4. Double-click on setup.exe.

        46                                                                                           The GS820 System

 4.3d Wind Report                                                                Wind charts. The data from the Wind or Max Gust
                                                                                 columns can be easily charted.
!         IMPORTANT! The wind report is only
                                                                                 1. Press Control and select the time column and
         available when the data has been recorded
                                                                                    either the Wind or the Max Gust column.
           with the data logger in the automatic
                     recording mode.                                             2. Click Insert → Chart
                                                                                 3. Select X-Y (Scatter)
 To create a wind report in Excel, click on the Wind
                                                                                                                    Max.Gust (mph)
 Report button in the tool bar.

             A            B         C          D         E            F                 30
    1       Date        Time     Sensor ID Wind (mph) Nb.Gust   Max.Gust (mph)
    2    2006-12-28   17:17:41    10033        0         0            0                 25
    3    2006-12-28   17:18:42    10033        0         0            0
    4    2006-12-28   17:19:43    10033        0         0            0                 20
    5    2006-12-28   17:20:44    10033        5         0            8
    6    2006-12-28   17:21:45    10033        6         0           10                 15
    7    2006-12-28   17:22:46    10033        8         0           14
    8    2006-12-28   17:23:47    10033        12        0           16                 10

    9    2006-12-28   17:24:49    10033        22        1           30
         2006-12-28   17:25:50    10033        13        0           15                  5
    11   2006-12-28   17:26:51    10033        9         0           12
    12   2006-12-28   17:27:52    10033        9         0           16
                                                                                        17:16:48   17:19:41   17:22:34   17:25:26    17:28:19   17:31:12   17:34:05
    13   2006-12-28   17:29:03    10033        8         0           18
    14   2006-12-28   17:29:54    10033        8         0           12
    15   2006-12-28   17:30:55    10033        7         0           10          Figure: Max. Gust Chart
    16   2006-12-28   17:31:56    10033        7         0           11

 Figure: Excerpt of a Wind Report

 Table:      Wind report column headings
     Column                  Description
     Date ....................Date of event recorded
     Time....................Time of event recorded
     Sensor ID ..........Wind speed sensor ID number
     Wind (mph) ........Average wind speed during the period
     Nb. Gust ............Number of gusts exceeding the wind
                          speed maximum limit during the period.
     Max. Gust (mph) Maximum wind speed (gust) during the

USB TOOL                                                                                                                                                   47

5.1 Sensors                                                   3. The data wires of a load cell may be disconnected
                                                                 to facilitate battery replacement.
5.1a Replacing Sensor Battery                                 4. Remove the battery by hand.
                                                              5. Remove the remaining silicone from both the
!   IMPORTANT! Protect the interior of the                       box and the mounting plate.
    sensor from dirt and humidity at all times.               6. Install the new battery: insert the positive end and
                                                                 then push in the direction of the positive pole.
!    IMPORTANT! Both lithium or alkaline
                                                              Note: A 3.6 volt lithium “D” cell battery will provide
     batteries can be used, however lithium
                                                              about two years of battery life for a load cell, while
     battery will last about 2.5 times longer.
                                                              an alkaline “D” cell battery will provide less than
                                                              one year of battery life*.
1. Unscrew the two allen screws about a quarter
   of an inch.                                                     New high quality “D”
                                                                   cell battery: 3.6 V lithium,
                                              1                    or alkaline
           Hex key 5/32 in.                                                            6
                                                  1/4 in.



                                    Flat bladed screwdriver
                                                              Figure: Install the new battery and reconnect the data wires
Figure: Remove the sensor box from the mounting plate

                                                              7. Reconnect the data wires if disconnected.
2. Insert a flat bladed screwdriver in the battery            8. Apply a non-corrosive RTV silicone all around
   cover notch to pry the box away from the                      the edge of the mounting plate to create a new
   mounting plate. The silicone seal may cause                   seal without bubbles or breaks.
   some resistance.
                                                                                                  RTV non-corrosive
                                                                                                  silicone 8


                                                              Figure: Apply non-corrosive RTV silicone

                                                              9. Reposition the box over the mounting plate and
                                                                 screw in the hex screws. Do not overtighten.
                                                              * Actual battery life will vary greatly depending on
Figure: Disconnect the data wires                             the application, the frequency of use, the age and
                                                              quality of the battery etc.

        48                                                                                            The GS820 System

 5.2 Anti-Two-Block switch                             6. Replace the plunger assembly. Correctly align
                                                          the bottom cover before screwing in the white
                                                          nylon hex bolt of the wire rope. Tighten well.
! IMPORTANT!          Replace all the batteries of
      the anti-two-block switch at the same time.      7. Pull and release the wire rope, the light emitting
      Unchanged batteries will reverse polarity           diode (LED) on the bottom of the sensor should
            severely reducing battery life.               flash red.
     IMPORTANT! Protect the interior of the
    anti-two-block switch from dirt and humidity              New high quality “C”
                                                              cell battery: 3.6 V lithium,
                    at all times.                             or alkaline

!      IMPORTANT! Both lithium or alkaline                                        5
       batteries can be used, however lithium                                                   6
       battery will last about 2.5 times longer.

 5.2a Replacing the GS050 Batteries
                                                       Figure: Install the new batteries and the plunger
!   IMPORTANT! Class I Div I sensors certified by
     CSA or ATEX should use alkaline batteries only.
                                                       8. Reinstall the anti-two-block switch.
      IMPORTANT! Do not unscrew the white              9. Test the anti-two-block system for alarm and
!                                                         lockout before operating the machine.
          nylon hex bolt of the antenna.
      IMPORTANT! Do not unscrew the small              5.2b Replacing the GS075 Battery
         screw to the left of the antenna.
                                                       1. Remove the GS075 anti-two-block from the
 This procedure does not apply to the GS005               crane and clean off dust and grime.
 mechanical anti-two-block transmitter; please refer   2. Unscrew the two screws of the battery cover
 to the Replacing Sensor Battery section.                 and remove the battery cover.
 1. Remove the anti-two-block from the crane and       3. Remove the battery by hand.
    clean off dust and grime.                          4. Insert the new battery following the positive -
 2. Place the anti-two-block on the edge of flat          negative schematic.
    surface. Use an adjustable wrench to unscrew       5. Reposition the battery cover and screw in both
    the large white nylon hex bolt of the wire rope       screws.
    about one half-inch.
 3. Carefully remove the plunger assembly without
    separating it from the cover, and place it on a              New high quality “D”
    clean and dry surface.                                       cell battery: 3.6 V lithium,
                                                                 or alkaline

                   2                                             cover
                                                       Figure: Replacing GS075 battery

    Figure: Remove the plunger assembly of the GS050
                                                       6. Reinstall the anti-two-block switch.
                                                       7. Test the anti-two-block system for alarm and
 4. Slide out the four old batteries.                     lockout before use.
 5. Insert the four new batteries following the
    positive - negative schematic printed on the
    back of the sensor.
MAITEACE                                                                                                49

5.3 Replacing a Sensor                                      7. Slide the white nylon hex bolt to the middle of
                                                               the length of the new antenna.
    Antenna                                                 8. Coat the exposed metal foot of the new antenna
Heavily damaged antennas (ripped out, sheared off,             with an electrical insulating compound by
wire exposed and fraying etc.) should be replaced              carefully inserting it in the mouth of the
to ensure effective communication between the                  compound tube.
sensor and the cabin mounted display unit.
This procedure may be followed without removing the
sensor from the crane if it is safe to do so. If removed,                                           Electrical insulating
an angle sensor must be re-calibrated during                                                        compound
reinstallation for correct angle display (see the angle                                   8
sensor installation section of the user’s manual).

!   IMPORTANT! The interior of the sensor                   Figure: Coat the exposed metal foot of the antenna
     must be protected from dust, grime and
               water at all times.                          9. Hold the new antenna by the black plastic
                                                               sheathing and guide it through the hole in the
1. Place the crane, boom, jib or ball hook such that           sensor box. Carefully seat the antenna in its
   the sensor is safely accessible.                            mating connector. When the antenna is
                                                               correctly seated, pulling on it will be met with
2. Clean dust, grime and water from the sensor.
                                                               light resistance.
3. Identify the short black whip antenna and the
   white hex bolt securing it.
4. Inspect the antenna for signs of obvious
   physical damage.
5. Carefully unscrew the white nylon hex bolt                                                 White nylon hex bolt
   completely and slide it up the antenna.
                                                                                              TA011 Antenna
                                                                                              Sensor box

                                      7/16 in.                                                Antenna receptacle
                          5           wrench
                                                            Figure: Install the new antenna

Figure: Unscrew the white nylon hex                         10. Carefully re-thread, screw-in and tighten the
                                                                white nylon hex bolt to secure the antenna in
6. Grip the antenna by the base of the black plastic            place. Do not overtighten.
   sheathing and pull it straight out of the hole in        11. Reinstall the sensor if necessary (if removed
   which it is seated. Place the old antenna aside.             from the boom or jib, an angle sensor will
                                                                require re-calibration during the installation
                                                                procedure, see the angle sensor installation
                                                                section of the user’s manual).
                                                            12. Verify that the sensor functions properly.

Figure: Pull out the antenna

        50                                                                                         The GS820 System

 5.4 Load Cells                                               5.4c Care
!     WARNING! Heavy shock may affect load                    Battery. Lithium batteries older than 18 months old
       indication accuracy. Inspect the load cell             (alkaline batteries over 6 months old) should be
         regularly for clearly visible dents or               changed at the first available planned inspection
    scratches. Test the load indication if collision          even if there is not yet a low battery warning. This
                  damage is visible.                          will avoid costly delays in the field.
                                                              Corrosion. Verify that no corrosion is visible on the
 5.4a Reading Accuracy                                        battery holder inside the load cell transmitter. If some
 LSI flat bar load links are pre-calibrated at the            trace of corrosion is visible, rub it off gently and put
 factory. No “zeroing” or other calibration is required       a small amount of dielectric grease* on each battery
 on installation. Each link is heat treated to age the        holder post to protect the contacts.
 steel and ensure stable readings for many years; the         Mechanical stresses. Verify the load cell sides for
 load cells are individually temperature compensated          dents or heavy scratches. The side of the load cell
 to guarantee accuracy. LSI flat bar load links are           under the transmitter box is the most sensitive
 calibrated to indicate between 100% and 104% of              region. Engraving a number in this area will affect
 their Safe Working Load (SWL).                               load cell accuracy and reliability. If the transmitter
 LSI load pins, line riding tensiometers and                  box has been hit and the box does not fit perfectly to
 compression cells must be calibrated at installation         the underlying link, please call LSI to have it
 and every time thereafter the installation, the load         repaired. Engraving on the transmitter box sides will
 sensor or the transmitter is changed.                        not affect reading.
 SAE J 159 4.2.1 recommends load indicating                   Seal. If the transmitter box has been removed it
 devices should show not less than 100% of the                must be correctly resealed with RTV non-corrosive
 actual load and not more than 110% of the actual             silicone.
 load.                                                        Antenna. Small scratches on the antenna will not
                                                              affect radio communications. A heavy bending of the
 5.4b Load Testing                                            antenna or bare sections on the wire may reduce
 LSI recommends testing the load cell every year for          the radio efficiency.
 accuracy. The simplest way of testing a load cell is to      Hex bolts. The hex head bolts on the transmitter
 lift at least two known weights. A test weight should be     box are there to protect the antenna and to hold the
 known with an accuracy of ±1%. If the load cell is           transmitter box on the load cell link. If one or both
 installed at the boom tip dead end, all additional           hex nuts are scratched, it will not affect the load cell
 equipment such as blocks, slings, sensors, etc. should       readings or operation. If the bolt head is bent or
 also be known to an accuracy of ±1%.                         sheared verify that the transmitter box fits tightly to
                                                              the load cell link before contacting LSI for
 Determine the accuracy of the tested system with
 the following formula:                                       replacement bolts.

        Indicated Load
                       X 100 = % of Load
          Actual Load
                                 (Reference: SAE-J-159 7.3)
 The test loads must be significantly relative to the
 load cell capacity. The minimum test weight is
 about 20% of the safe working load; a good test
 weight is greater than 50% of the SWL. For
 example, a 30 000 lb load cell on four parts of line
 has a SWL of 120 000 lb; the minimum test load in
 this case would be 24 000 lb, a good test load
 would be 60 000 lb or more.
                                                              * Dow Corning dielectric grease № 4

MAITEACE                                                                                                51

Display Not On                                          •   Battery status is usually known within 2
1. Verify the connection between the yellow cable           minutes. When 10% or less battery life remains,
   wires and the crane power supply                         for any sensor, a message will be generated
                                                            (the Info alert light will flash). Follow the battery
2. Verify the crane battery, the fuse and the
                                                            diagnostic procedure to identify the sensor.
   accessory switch.
                                                            Batteries do not need to be replaced before the
3. Carefully disconnect the yellow cable from the           LOW BATTERY message is generated. Usually
   display unit and reconnect it.                           several days, or weeks, of operation remain
                                                            from the moment the LOW BATTERY message
Display In Alarm                                            comes. A new high quality alkaline or lithium ‘D’
                                                            cell battery may be used.
1. Identify the sensor in alarm. Place the sensor
   in safe condition (press Bypass if necessary).
2. Verify that the limits, the parts of line and the    Radio communication
   tare are correctly adjusted.                         1. Verify that the antennas have a direct clear line
3. Verify all sensor batteries: see Battery                of sight to each other.
   Diagnostic troubleshooting section.                  2. Verify that the antennas do not point directly
4. Verify the red light on the sensor box flashes          towards, or directly away from, each other.
   (release the wire rope of an anti-two-block,         3. Verify that the antennas are not in contact with
   change the load on a load sensor, change the            metal other than the sensor itself.
   angle of an angle sensor, change the boom            4. Verify the antenna for damage.
   length of a length sensor).
                                                        5. Go to menu 5A) SYSTEM SENSORS DIAGNOSTIC.
5. Verify radio communication: see Radio                   Select a sensor and press Enter to verify the
   communication troubleshooting section.                  sensor status.
                                                        •   “RECEIVED RF POWER: 85%” means radio
Sensor Malfunction                                          reception is at 85%.
1. Verify the sensor batteries: see Battery
   Diagnostic troubleshooting section.                  Lockout Malfunction
2. Verify the red light on the sensor box flashes       1. Verify the connections of the lockout wire(s)
   (release the wire rope of an anti-two-block,            (white, green, orange, blue).
   change the load on a load sensor, change the
                                                        2. Verify lockout coil connections.
   angle of an angle sensor, change the boom
   length of a length sensor).                          3. Verify correct relay installation for lockout
                                                           systems drawing more than one ampere on the
3. Verify radio communication: see Radio
                                                           white wire.
   communication troubleshooting section.
                                                        4. Carefully disconnect the yellow cable from the
                                                           display unit and reconnect it.
Battery Diagnostic
a sensor and press Enter to verify the sensor status.
•   "BATTERY: 50%": 50% of battery life remains
    (typically several months).
    cation not yet established. Verify the radio ID
    corresponds to the installed sensor.

       52                                                                                 The GS820 System

 7.1 Model Numbers                                         Sensors: GCxxx-ATEX-CE series sensors, GS001-
                                                           ATEX-CE, GS002-ATEX-CE, GS010-ATEX-CE,
        CSA and ATEX                                       GS011-ATEX-CE, GS020-ATEX-CE, GS005-ATEX-
        CSA Class I, Division 1 and 2 Rated Equipment:     CE, GS050-ATEX-CE (all intrinsically safe):
        part numbers end with “-CSA”
                                                                           II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4
              Example: GC012-CSA
                                                           7.2b Ensuring Safe Operation in
        ATEX Zone 0 & 2: the letters “ATEX” are included        Hazardous Areas
        in the part numbers
                                                           !                            WARNING!
              Example: GC012-ATEX-CE
                                                               •   Equipment must be correctly installed
                                                                   according to the instructions desbribed in
 7.2 Important Notes for                                           this manual and need to be installed in
     Hazardous Area Certified                                      locations providing adequate protection
     Components                                                    from impact and external damage.
                                                               •   Always make sure the system works
 7.2a Specifications                                               properly. Test all componenents before
                                                                   using the crane. A description of display
!                         WARNING!                                 status and warning lights is available in the
                                                                   Operation section of this manual.
    •   Understand manual before operation.
    •   Replace batteries only in a non-hazardous
                                                           7.2c Product Repair And Servicing
    •   Substitution of components may impair
                                                           LSI products have no replaceable or user
        intrinsic safety.                                  serviceable parts except the antenna and the
                                                           batteries. Suggested load cell maintenance
    •   Substitution of components may impair              instructions are described in the Maintenance
        suitability for Class I, Division 2.               section of this manual. For any other suspected
    •   Do not remove power cable from display             problems, damage or required servicing, please
        when on.                                           contact your closest LSI office.
 Table:    Battery type

           Models               Battery type and
                                                           7.3 Equipment Markings
                                 specification             ATEX Part number (end with CSA-CE)
    GC005-ATEX-CE                     “D” Type                                                       Model №: GS050-CSA-CE
    GC012-ATEX-CE              3.6 V lithium batteries                                                      Anti-Two-Block
                              Tadiran TL-5930 model                                                                 Switch
    GC060-ATEX-CE             Temperature code “T4”
    GC100-ATEX-CE                                                                       WARNING!
    GC170-ATEX-CE                                                                 Read the operator’s manual.
                                                                       C            Test before every use.
                                                                            Batteries: replace with “C” size alkaline
    GS005-ATEX-CE                                                           Duracell model #PC1400.
    GS010-01-ATEX-CE                                                        TEST: the light on the bottom must flicker red
                                                                            and green when the cable is cycled in and out.
    GS010-02-ATEX-CE                                                           International:       +1 281 664 1330
                                                                                                       II 1 G Ex ia IIC T150
    GS020-ATEX-CE                                                      C    Built in 2008
                                                                            4495 Hamel Blvd,
                                                                            suite 110, Québec,
                                                                                                  08ATEX0068 X Issuer: 0344
                                                                                                  Exia IIC T150                C
                                                                                                  WARNING – DO NOT
                                                                            QC, Canada            REPLACE BATTERY WHEN AN
    GS050-ATEX-CE             “C” Type, 1.5 V alkaline                      Serial number is on
                                                                            the front
                                                                                                  EXPLOSIVE GAS
                                                                                                  ATMOSPHERE MAY BE
                             Duracell PC1400 model
                            Temperature code T 150°C

CERTIFICATIO OTES                                                                                                            53

GS050;                                                                                 7.4 Class 1 Division 1 and
                                          Model №: GC012-CSA-CE

                Load Systems
                International Inc
                                          Load Cell 5.4 t (12 000 lb)
                                          Single part line pull capacity
                                          Please read reference
                                                                                           Division 2 certifications
                                          manual for details

                                                  II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4
                                                                                       Class 1, Division 1 certification (intrinsically safe) is
                Built in 2008
                4495 Hamel Blvd, suite
                                           08ATEX0068 Issuer: 0344                     available for most LSI sensors. Class 1, Division 2
                                           Exia IIC T4
                110, Québec, QC,
                                           WARNING – DO NOT
                                           REPLACE BATTERY WHEN AN                     certification (non-incendive) is available for the
                Serial number is on the    EXPLOSIVE GAS ATMOSPHERE
                front                      MAY BE PRESENT
                                                                                       GS550 display.
                                                                                       Certificate CSA #1332949 on master contract
GCxxx, GS001, GS002, GS005, GS010, GS020; GS020;                                       215780 is available on request
      Ignition hazard: "WARNING - POTENTIAL                                            Applicable requirements certified by CSA include:
                                                                                       •   CSA Standard C22.2 No.0.4-M2004: Bonding
FCC                                                                                        and grounding of electrical equipment
                                                                                           (protective grounding)
                                                 Model №: GS050
                                                  Anti-Two-Block                       •   CSA Standard C22.2 No.0-M1991: General
                                                          Switch                           requirements Canadian electrical code part II.
                                                                                       •   CSA Standard C22.2 No.0142-M1987: Process
                               WARNING!                                                    control equipment
                        Read the operator’s manual.
         C                Test before every use.                             C         •   CSA      Standard      C22.2    No.157-M1992:
                 Batteries: “C” size lithium 3.6V or alkaline.                             Intrinsically safe and non-incendive equipment
                 TEST: the light on the bottom must flicker red
                 and green when the cable is cycled in and out.                            for use in hazardous locations
                     USA:                    (888) 819 4355                            •   CSA Standard C22.2 No.213-M1987: Non-
                     International:         +1 281 664 1330
         C                                                                                 incendive electrical equipment for use in class
                  IC:7076A-ICGS050          FCC ID: QVBGS050
                  * This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC
                                                                             C             I, division 2 hazardous locations
                  Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
                  conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
                  interference, and (2) This device must accept any                    •   UL Standard 508, seventeenth                edition:
                  interference received, including interference that
                  may cause undesired operation.                                           industrial control equipment
                                                                                       •   UL Standard 913, sixth edition: intrinsically safe
GS050;                                                                                     apparatus and associated apparatus for use in
                                            Model №: GC012
                                                                                           class I, II, III, division 1, hazardous (classified)
                    Load Systems
                                            Load Cell 12 000 lb
                                            Single part line pull capacity
                                                                                           locations (LS Series)
                  International Inc
                IC: 7076A-ICGS000              FCC ID: QVBGS000
                * This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
                                                                                       •   UL Standard 913, seventh edition: intrinsically
                Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
                1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
                                                                                           safe apparatus and associated apparatus for
                2) This device must accept any interference received,
                including interference that may cause undesired
                                                                                           use in class I, II, III, division 1, hazardous
                operation.                                                                 (classified) locations (GS Series)
GCxxx, GS001, GS002, GS005, GS010, GS020;                                              •   UL Standard 1604, third edition: electrical
                                                                                           equipment for use in class I and II, division 2,
                                                                                           and class III hazardous (classified) locations.
                           See manual for details.
       Replace with Tadiran TL5930 lithium 3.6V battery. Use
       non-corrosive RTV sensor safe silicone only. The use of other
       silicones may void the warranty.
       International Sales & Service (Houston, USA): 281-664-1330
                                                                                       7.5 ATEX certifications
Inside Battery Boxes: GCxxx, GS001, GS002,                                             •   EN 60079-0: 2004 - Electrical apparatus for
GS005, GS010, GS020 (ATEX and FCC);                                                        explosive atmospheres - General requirements
                       LSI INC.                                                        •   EN 60079-11: 2007 - Explosive atmospheres -
                       Battery Operated:
                       D Ty p e , L i t h i u m , 3 . 6 V D C                              Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety “i”
                       C l a s s I , G r. A , B , C & D
                       I N T R I S I C A L LY S A F E
                                                                                       •   EN 60079-26 Explosive atmospheres - Part 26:
                       Te m p e r a t u r e C o d e : T 4
                                                                                           Equipment with equipment protection level
                                                              C        US                  (EPL) Ga
                                                                                       Test Report: KEMA No. 211369200.
Intrinsically safe sensors have the following
stainless steel plate, p/n UB223;

       54                                                                                                                The GS820 System

 7.6 FCC and IC – Instructions                               the antennas listed below, and having a
                                                             maximum gain of 2.0 dB. Antennas not included
     to the User                                             in this list or having a gain greater than 2.0 dB
 This equipment has been tested and found to comply          are strictly prohibited for use with this device.
 with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to   The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.
 part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed         To reduce potential radio interference to other
 to provide reasonable protection against harmful            users, the antenna type and its gain should be
 interference in a residential installation. This            so chosen that the equivalent isotropically
 equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio            radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that
 frequency energy and if not installed and used in           permitted for successful communication.
 accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful         Antenna List
 interference to radio communications. However,
                                                                 LSI P/N:       TA001
 there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
                                                                 Description:   1/4 wave monopole
 in a particular installation. If this equipment does            MFG            Linx Technologies
 cause harmful interference to radio or television               P/N            ANT-916-CW-QW
 reception, which can be determined by turning the
 equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try             LSI P/N:       TA008
                                                                 Description:   1/2 wave dipole
 to correct the interference by one or more of the
                                                                 MFG:           Nearson
 following measures:
                                                                 P/N:           S467AH-915S
 •    Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
                                                             FCC ID: QVBGS000 IC: 7076A-ICGS000
 •    Increase the separation between the equipment
      and receiver.                                          FCC ID: QVBGS001 IC: 7076A-ICGS001

 •    Connect the equipment into an outlet on a              FCC ID: QVBGS050 IC: 7076A-ICGS050
      circuit different from that to which the receiver is   FCC ID: QVBGS075 IC: 7076A-ICGS075
 •    Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV          RF Exposure Warning:
      technician for help.
                                                             This product complies with FCC/IC radiation
 In order to maintain compliance with FCC                    exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
 regulations, shielded cables must be used with this         environment. To comply with RF exposure
 equipment. Operation with non-approved equipment            requirements, the unit must be installed and
 or unshielded cables is likely to result in interference    operated with 20 cm (8 in.) or more between the
 to radio and TV reception.                                  product and your body. This product may not be
                                                             collocated or operated in conjunction with any
! Important!           Changes or modifications to           other antenna or transmitter.
      this equipment not expressly approved by the           This device has been designed to operate with
      party responsible for compliance could void            the antennas listed below, and having a
     the user’s authority to operate the equipment.          maximum gain of 0.5 dB. Antennas not included
                                                             in this list or having a gain greater than 0.5 dB
      FCC ID: QVBGS820             IC: 7076A-ICGS820         are strictly prohibited for use with this device.
      RF Exposure Warning:                                   The required antenna impedance is 50 ohms.

      This product complies with FCC/IC radiation            To reduce potential radio interference to other
      exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled          users, the antenna type and its gain should be
      environment. To comply with RF exposure                so chosen that the equivalent isotropically
      requirements, the unit must be installed and           radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that
      operated with 20 cm (8 in.) or more between the        permitted for successful communication.
      product and your body. This product may not be         Antenna List
      collocated or operated in conjunction with any             LSI P/N:       TA011
      other antenna or transmitter.                              Description:   1/4 wave monopole
      This device has been designed to operate with              MFG            Load Systems International

CertifiCation notes                                                                                 55

7.7 EMI / EMC                                         7.8 Environmental conditions
EMI/EMC (Electro-Magnetic Immunity & Electro-            Ambient        84º C maximum for the
Magnetic Compatibility):                               temperature   sensors, and 59º C maximum
EN 301 489-3 V1.4.1 (2002-08)                                               for the display
Clause 8.2: Limits for radiated emissions from          Operating           -35º C to 85º C
ancillary equipment, measured on a standalone          temperature        (-31º F to 185º F)
basis (measuring distance of 10m): Pass                 Humidity            0% to 100%
Clause 8.3: Limits for conducted emissions DC            range
power input/ouput ports: Pass
Test method used: CISPR 22, EN 61000-3-2: 2000
and EN 61000-3-3:1995+ A1:2001
All tests were performed using measurement
apparatus defined in CISPR 16-1. Radiated
emissions     measurements   conformed  to
requirements of CISPR 16-1.
Clause 8: immunity tests
Enclosure-radio frequency electromagnetic field, EN
61000-4-3: Pass
Signal – RF common mode, EN 61000-4-6: Pass
DC Power input ports, RF common mode, EN
61000-4-6: Pass
Clause 9.2, radio frequency electromagnetic field:
Clause 9.5, radio frequency common mode: Pass
ESD (Electro-Static Discharges)
LSI products are tested against norm EN 61000-4.
Other Compliances
•   SAE J159 and SAE J987
•   ASME B30.5-2000
•   Franklin laboratory: LSI products are safe to
    use in proximity to blasting caps
•   New-York City: MEA 110-05-E, in compliance
    with 19.1.1(a).1 requirements of Reference
    Standard RS 19-2 of the Building Code
•   ABS (American Bureau of Shipping)
      API Spec 2C compliant

       56                                                                      The GS820 System

 7.9 CE
 7.9a Declaration of conformity

 7.9b CE Safety
!       WARNING! When captors are used, the            ! WARNING!      The protection will be impared if
       ambiant temperature should not be higher             the material and equipment are used in a
     than 84°C and the display should not be used          manner not specified by the manufacturer.
     when the ambiant temperature is higher than
    59°C, otherwise there can be a burn possibility.   !      IMPORTANT! The IP of equipment
                                                                    corresponds to 65.
!     WARNING! For the operator’s safety, take
       only the ambiant temperature range into
      consideration. The device should be used
         within this range specified above.

CERTIFICATIO OTES                                                                            57

1) PARTS OF LINE                                               13F) Sheave head length parallel
                                                               13G) Sheave radius
2) CRANE RIGGING                                               13H) Deduct
3) DISPLAY SETTINGS                                          14) Auxiliary hoist 2
        1)   Weight units                                      14A) Jib length
        2)   Display language                                  14B) Luffing jib length
        3)   Backlight mode                                    14C) Lattice extension length
        4)   Wind speed units                                  14D) Manual length
                                                               14E) Sheave head length perpendicular
                                                               14F) Sheave head length parallel
4A) SENSOR LIST                                                14G) Sheave radius
  4A1) SENSOR TYPE AND RADIO IDENTIFICATION                    14H) Deduct
        NUMBER                                               15) Auxiliary hoist 3
        1. Configuration select (automatic, manual)            15A) Jib length
        2. Configuration number                                15B) Luffing jib length
        3. Start up page                                       15C) Lattice extension length
4B) SENSOR CALIBRATION                                         15D) Manual length
                                                               15E) Sheave head length perpendicular
                                                               15F) Sheave head length parallel
  4B2) MANUAL PARAMETER ADJUSTMENT                             15G) Sheave radius
  4B3) RESET SENSOR PARAMETERS                                 15H) Deduct
4C) RADIUS SETTINGS                                          16) Auxiliary hoist 4
        1) Boom length                                         16A) Jib length
        2) Slew offset                                         16B) Luffing jib length
        3) Height offset                                       16C) Lattice extension length
        4) Boom deflection                                     16D) Manual length
        5) Boom top length                                     16E) Sheave head length perpendicular
        6) Boom top offset                                     16F) Sheave head length parallel
        7) No load deflection                                  16G) Sheave radius
        8) Jib offset                                          16H) Deduct
        9) Lattice extension offset                          17) Auxiliary hoist 5
        10) Jib mounting point perpendicular                   17A) Jib length
        11) Jib mounting point parallel                        17B) Luffing jib length
        12) Main hoist                                         17C) Lattice extension length
          12A) Jib length                                      17D) Manual length
          12B) Luffing jib length                              17E) Sheave head length perpendicular
          12C) Lattice extension length                        17F) Sheave head length parallel
          12D) Manual length                                   17G) Sheave radius
          12E) Sheave head length perpendicular                17H) Deduct
          12F) Sheave head length parallel            4D) CHART SETTINGS
          12G) Sheave radius                                 1)   Rated capacity indicator
          12H) Deduct                                        2)   Crane capacity chart interpolation
        13) Auxiliary hoist                                  3)   Out of charts default working load limit
          13A) Jib length                                    4)   Enable start section
          13B) Luffing jib length                            5)   Enable stop section
          13C) Lattice extension length                      6)   Retracted boom length tolerance
          13D) Manual length                                 7)   Intermediate boom length tolerance
          13E) Sheave head length perpendicular

      58                                                                               The GS820 System

          8) Extended boom length tolerance                           memory bank C)
          9) Radius tolerance                                      4) Get config. A (Copy memory bank A to
          10) Boom angle tolerance                                    current configuration)
 4E) MAST SETTINGS                                                 5) Get config. B (Copy memory bank B to
                                                                      current configuration)
 4F) DATA LOGGER                                                   6) Get config. C (Copy memory bank C to
          1) Data logger mode                                         current configuration)
          2) Adjust date                                           7) Restore default (Restore factory
          3) Adjust time                                              configuration)
 4G) LOCKOUT SETTINGS                                              8) Clear configuration
          1)    Warning level                            5) SYSTEM DIAGNOSTIC
          2)    Alarm level                              5A) SYSTEM SENSORS DIAGNOSTIC
          3)    Lockout level
                                                         5B) RADIO NETWORK DIAGNOSTIC
          4)    White wire lockout trigger
          5)    Green wire lockout trigger                 5B1)    RADIO NETWORK
          6)    Orange wire lockout trigger                5B2)    LAST SENSORS RECEIVED
          7)    Blue wire lockout trigger                  5B3)    SEARCH FOR SENSORS
          8)    Lockout relay inverted                     5B4)    BIT ERROR RATE TEST
 4H) PASSWORD SETTINGS                                   5C) LOCKOUT DIAGNOSTIC
          1)    Administrator password
                                                         5D) DISPLAY DIAGNOSTIC
          2)    User password
          3)    Tare menu password protection                      1)   Time
          4)    Limit menu password protection                     2)   date
          5)    Info menu password protection                      3)   Time clock battery test
          6)    System start-up password protection                4)   External power supply voltage
          7)    Parts of Line menu password protection             5)   Internal temperature
          8)    Chart Rigging password protection                  6)   GS820 base station identification number
          9)    Display Settings password protection               7)   GS820 (portable) battery level
          10)   Sensor List password protection                    8)   Radio certification
          11)   Sensor Calibration password protection             9)   Radio frequency
          12)   Radius Settings password protection      5E) DIGITAL INPUT DIAGNOSTIC
          13)   Chart Settings password protection       6) SYSTEM LIMITS
          14)   Memory Banks password protection
          15)   Data logger password protection          7) TARE
          16)   Lockout Settings password protection     8) INFORMATION
          17)   Network Options password protection
                                                                   1.   Software package
          18)   System Diagnostic password protection
                                                                   2.   Firmware
          19)   Alarm Bypassed protection
                                                                   3.   Language pack
 4I)   NETWORK OPTIONS                                             4.   graphic library
   4I1)   NETWORK CONTROL                                          5.   capacity chart
   4I2)   REPEATER LIST                                            6.   sensor update pkg
   4I3)   SET UP SENSOR REPEATER                                   7.   bios
                                                                   8.   usb driver
          1) Save config. A (Copy configuration to
             memory bank A)
          2) Save config. B (Copy configuration to
             memory bank B)
          3) Save config. C (Copy configuration to

GS820 MEU OUTLIE                                                                                    59

9.1 Limited Warranty                                       Warranty coverage Period is not extended and the
                                                           Limited Warranty shall expire as if uninterrupted upon
LOAD SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL INC. (hereafter                 the occurrence of the 24th month from shipping from
  LSI warrants its products (the “Products”), for a        LSI.
                                                           LSI If LSI replaces a Product, the replaced Product
period of twenty four (24) consecutive months after        is warranted for the remainder of the original term or
delivery of such Products to the user (as evidenced        sixty consecutive (60) days, whichever is longer.
on a LSI document) (the “Warranty Period”), when
                                                           LSI reserves the right to require from you the user or
installed and used in accordance with specifications
                                                           owner of the Products, prior to determining if the Limited
described in LSI Installer and User’s Manual, as
                                                           Warranty coverage is applicable, that LSI receive the
amended from time to time , LSI technical materials
                                                           data logging equipment used with the Products and that
and any related writings published by LSI with
                                                           LSI be authorized to retrieve all information from such
respect with such Products and any industry
                                                           data logging equipment in order to, among others,
standards, will be free from defects in materials and
                                                           ensure that the written instructions and applicable
workmanship. During the Warranty Period, LSI or its
                                                           standards, including safety margins, were respected
designated service representative shall repair, or at
                                                           and not exceeded during Product use. Failure by you
its option, replace any Product that is confirmed to be
                                                           the owner or user of the Product to supply such
defective by LSI,
              LSI in its sole discretion, in accordance
                                                           information shall be deemed a material default of the
with the Limited Warranty Services Procedures
                                                           terms and conditions of this Limited Warranty and shall
described below.
                                                           be irrevocably construed as evidence that the Product
                                                           was misused or abused. Consequently LSI shall
9.2 Warranty Services                                      irrevocably be relieved of any obligations to
    Procedures                                             compensate you the user or owner of the Product for
                                                           any and all damages resulting from Product failures
In order to benefit of this-mentioned Limited Warranty     when data logging equipment, and access to its
coverages and benefits, the purchaser must notify          content, cannot be freely and readily provided,
LSI customer service or LSI’sLSI authorized distributor    unhampered, to LSI.
or representative originally responsible for the sale of
the Products within 10 days of the occurrence of a         LSI will pay ground freight transportation costs
suspected defect in materials or workmanship, prior        of replacement or repaired parts or Products to
to the expiry of the Limited Warranty Period in order      the destination in Canada and the continental
to obtain a Return Authorization Number. A proof of        United States of America (the “Territory”). LSI will
purchase of the Product, such as an invoice or a           not pay any transportation costs of replacement
receipt certifying the validity of the Warranty, must be   or repaired parts to destination outside of the
presented in order to obtain Limited Warranty              Territory. Shipping and handling costs to
coverage. In any event, even if a Return Authorization     locations outside the Territory shall be the
Number is provided to purchaser, LSI reserves the          responsibility and borne by Purchaser or Owner
right to inspect the damaged Product or part before        of the Product prior to any shipment by LSI.         LSI
the final decision of repairing or replacing the           (Contact LSI to get a Return Authorization
defective Product or part.                                 Number and the address to ship parts).
The Product or part shall be returned to LSI or its
designated service representative, accompanied by
                                                           9.3 Exclusion of Other
the Return Authorization Number with prepaid                   Warranties
shipping charges. The purchaser must insure the
                                                           THE ABOVE WARRANTY IS THE SOLE WARRANTY
shipment or accept the risk of loss or damage during
                                                           APPLICABLE AND THERE ARE NO EXPRESS,
the shipment. Purchaser shall also pay any tariff or
                                                           LEGAL OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS
duty applicable to the return of defective part or
                                                           IN RELATION TO ANY PRODUCTS INCLUDING ANY
Product. LSI will, at its option, repair or replace the
                                                           IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF
Product or part returned to LSI or to its designated
                                                           MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT OR
service representative. LSI owns all parts or Products
                                                           FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND
replaced, repaired or removed from a repaired
                                                           THOSE OTHERWISE ARISING BY STATUTE OR
Product. If LSI repairs a Product, the Product
                                                           OTHERWISE IN LAW OR FROM A COURSE OF

       60                                                                                     The GS820 System

 DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, WHICH ARE                      other causes of action, even if LSI has been advised
 EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN                  of the possibility of such damages. In any event, the
 INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY LSI OR ITS                 total liability of LSI arising from any cause of action or
 EMPLOYEES OR REPRESENTATIVES SHALL                        claim whatsoever, whether (1) in contract, (2) in tort
 CREATE A WARRANTY OR CONDITION OR IN ANY                  (including negligence, whether sole, joint,
                           LSI OBLIGATION.                 contributory, concurrent or otherwise, but not
 LSI DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE BUSINESS                    including intentional, reckless or wanton tort), (3)
 RESULTS OBTAINED FROM THE USE OF THE                      under strict liability, (4) under any environmental or
 PRODUCTS WILL BE APPROPRIATE OR ADEQUATE                  antipollution law or regulation, (5) connected with any
 FOR THE PURCHASER.                                        toxic or hazardous substance or constituent, (6)
                                                           arising out of any representation or instruction, or
 9.4 Exclusion                                             under any warranty, (7) or otherwise, arising out of,
                                                           connected with, or resulting from the design,
 This Limited Warranty does not cover and shall not        manufacture, sale, resale, delivery, repair,
 apply to:                                                 replacement or use of Products or the furnishing of
 •   Any Product that is misused or abused, including      any service shall in no event exceed the price
     being altered, modified or repaired not in            allocable to and paid to LSI for the individual unit of
     accordance to LSI written instructions or             Products or service or part thereof which gives rise to
     authorizations and any use not in compliance with     the cause of action or claim.
     LSI instructions and/or industry standards and        SOME STATES OR JURISDICTIONS DO NOT
     practices;                                            ALLOW THE LIMITATION OR EXCLUSION OF
 •   Any incidental costs or expense, such as shipping     LIABILITY FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL
     charges to LSI or an designated service               DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OR
     representative as well as the technician out-of-      EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.
     pocket expenses including traveling, lodging and
     meal expenses, if any;                                9.6 Recommended Practices
 •   The damages caused during the transport or the        LSI recommends careful consideration of the
     moving of the Products;                               following factors when specifying and installing the
 •   Damages caused by accidents, abuse, misuse, a         Products. Before installing a Product, the Installation,
     force majeure (described as events outside a          Operation, and Maintenance instructions provided
     LSI or any Product user’s control, including war,     with the unit must be read and understood and
     riot, strikes, embargoes) or external cause;          complied with.
 •   Any cost, damage or expenses for field labor or
     any other expenses related to or arising from the     9.7 Choice of law
     replacement of defective parts.                       This Limited Warranty shall be governed by and
 •   Products used for pile-driving, wire rope activated   construed in accordance with the laws of : 1. For
     clamshell or dragline applications. If purchaser      Products sold in Canada: the Province of Quebec or,
     uses the Products for pile-driving, wire rope         For Products sold in the USA: the State of Florida,
     activated clamshell or dragline application, the      without giving effect to principles of conflicts of law.
     limited warranty will be deemed to have been          You agree that the exclusive venue for any disputes
     violated for abuse.                                   arising under this Agreement shall be the state and
 •   Any costs associated with providing LSI with data     federal courts located in Orlando, Florida.
     logging equipment.
                                                           9.7a Entire Agreement
 9.5 Limitation of Liability                               This document contains the entire agreement of the
                                                           parties regarding the subject matter of the Product
 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law,        and supersedes all previous communications,
 in no event will LSI be liable to the purchaser or any    representations, understandings and agreements,
 third party for any indirect, special, consequential,     either oral or written, between you and LSI.
 incidental or exemplary damages whatsoever,
 including but not limited to loss or revenue or profit,
 lost or damaged data, business interruption or any
 other pecuniary loss whether based in contract, tort or

LSI PRODUCT LIMITED WARRATY                                                                             61


                                  LSI Contact Information

                                    Technical Support:
        LSI Technical Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from our
                             Houston and Dubai locations.
    Please direct all technical support questions to either of these locations or
                                 contact us via email:

                     North America                                    Middle East & Africa
             Toll Free Phone: (888) 819 4355                          Phone: +971 6 557 8314
             Toll Free Fax: (888) 238 4099                             Fax: +971 6 557 8315
             International: +1 (281) 664 1330

          USA Corporate Office:          Canadian Corporate Office:              Dubai Corporate Office:
    9633 Zaka Road                     4495 Blvd. Hamel, Suite 110            Q3-171 SAIF Zone. PO Box 7976
    Houston, TX 77064                  Quebec QC G1P 2J7                      Sharjah UAE
    Direct Phone: 281.664.1330         Direct Phone: (418) 650 2330           Phone: +971 6 557 8314
    Direct Fax: 281.664.1390           Direct Fax: (418) 650 3340             Fax: +971 6 557 8315
    Email:       Email:           Email:

                                    © 2010, Load Systems International Inc.

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Document Created: 2010-05-11 10:06:19
Document Modified: 2010-05-11 10:06:19

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