Test report part 1


Test Report

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                                                   Test Report
                                              Prepared for: Adasa. Inc

                                                    Model: M6E-M

                         Description: Dual linear polarization directional UHF RFID reader

                                                  Serial Number: 1

                                            FCC ID: QV5MERCURY6E-M
                                             IC: 5407A-MERCURY6EM


                                               FCC Part 15.247 FHSS
                                                 RSS-247 Issue 2
                                                 RSS GEN Issue 5

                                           Date of Issue: February 6, 2019

On the behalf of the applicant:           Adasa Inc.
                                          4060 Sunridge Drive
                                          Eugene, OR 97405

Attention of:                             Clarke McAllister, President
                                          Ph: 541-359-1677 x102
                                          E-mail: cmcallister@adasainc.com

                                                   Prepared by
                                             Compliance Testing, LLC
                                                1724 S. Nevada Way
                                                  Mesa, AZ 85204
                                     (480) 926-3100 phone / (480) 926-3598 fax
                                               Project No: p1860018

                                                                       Poona Saber
                                                                       Project Test Engineer

       This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Compliance Testing.
                              All results contained herein relate only to the sample tested.

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                         Test Report Revision History

Revision        Date                 Revised By                 Reason for Revision

  1.0       June 20, 2018           Poona Saber          Original Document
                                                         -changed the model of the product
                                                         -added measurement uncertainty
                                                         -added RSS rules and clauses
  2.0      January 17, 2019         Poona Saber          -changed measurement of peak
                                                         reading on page 9 with compensation
                                                         for higher RBW
                                                         -Updated Annex A

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                                                              Table of Contents

Description                                                                                                                                      Page

 Standard Test Conditions and Engineering Practices .............................................................................. 6
 Test Results Summary ............................................................................................................................. 8
 Peak Output Power................................................................................................................................... 9
 Radiated Spurious Emissions ................................................................................................................. 12
 Emissions at Band Edges ....................................................................................................................... 13
 Measurement Uncertainty....................................................................................................................... 14
 Test Equipment Utilized .......................................................................................................................... 15

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                                                         ILAC / A2LA

Compliance Testing, LLC, has been accredited in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC
17025:2005. This accreditation demonstrates technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a laboratory
quality management system (refer to the joint ISO-ILAC-IAF Communiqué dated January 2009).

The tests results contained within this test report all fall within our scope of accreditation, unless noted in the table below.

Please refer to http://www.compliancetesting.com/labscope.html for current scope of accreditation.

Testing Certificate Number: 2152.01

FCC Site Reg. #349717

IC Site Reg. #2044A-2

       Non-accredited tests contained in this report:


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The applicant has been cautioned as to the following

15.21 - Information to User

The user’s manual or instruction manual for an intentional radiator shall caution the user that changes or modifications not
expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.

15.27(a) - Special Accessories

Equipment marketed to a consumer must be capable of complying with the necessary regulations in the configuration in
which the equipment is marketed. Where special accessories, such as shielded cables and/or special connectors are
required to enable an unintentional or intentional radiator to comply with the emission limits in this part, the equipment
must be marketed with, i.e. shipped and sold with, those special accessories. However, in lieu of shipping or packaging
the special accessories with the unintentional or intentional radiator, the responsible party may employ other methods of
ensuring that the special accessories are provided to the consumer, without an additional charge.

Information detailing any alternative method used to supply the special accessories for a grant of equipment authorization
or retained in the verification records, as appropriate. The party responsible for the equipment, as detailed in 2.909 of this
chapter, shall ensure that these special accessories are provided with the equipment. The instruction manual for such
devices shall include appropriate instructions on the first page of text concerned with the installation of the device that
these special accessories must be used with the device. It is the responsibility of the user to use the needed special
accessories supplied with the equipment.

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Standard Test Conditions and Engineering Practices

All tests and measurement data shown were performed in accordance with FCC Rules and Regulations, Volume II; Part 2
and the following individual Part: 15.247 Operation within bands 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483.5 MHz, and 5725-5850 MHz.

Except as noted herein, the following conditions and procedures were observed during the testing:

In accordance with ANSI C63.4:2014, ANSI C63.10:2013, FCC DA 00-705, and unless otherwise indicated in the specific
measurement results, the ambient temperature of the actual EUT was maintained within the range of 10 to 40C (50 to
104F) unless the particular equipment requirements specified testing over a different temperature range. Also, unless
otherwise indicated, the humidity levels were in the range of 10% to 90% relative humidity.

                                                Environmental Conditions
                             Temperature                 Humidity                 Pressure
                                (°C)                       (%)                     (mbar)
                                 19-26                     28-41                   941-986

Measurement results, unless otherwise noted, are worst case measurements.

EUT Description
Model: M6E-M
Description: Dual linear polarization directional UHF RFID reader
Firmware: N/A
Software: N/A
Serial Number: 1

Additional Information:
Device is a mobile RFID tag reader micro air vehicle using an RFID module with FCC ID of QV5MERCURY6E-M and
incorporating Adasa G9 antenna to it for class II permissive change on the same ID. The gain of the antenna is 7.15 at its
maximum. The hopping is stopped and device is put on low, Mid and High frequencies for purpose of peak Output power,
radiated spurious emissions. Bandedge emissions are measuremed both with hopping on and hopping stopped.

EUT Operation during Tests
EUT is powered through USB with the laptop which controls its testing configuration as well. Both the unit and the laptop
are located in the chamber for testing and emissions are measured once with laptop in the chamber only to verify no
emissions beyond the limit are emitting from the laptop.

15.203: Antenna Requirement:

                                            X      The antenna is permanently attached to the EUT

                                                   The antenna uses a unique coupling

                                                   The EUT must be professionally installed

                                                   The antenna requirement does not apply

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Qty   Description                                  Manufacturer           Model              S/N

 1    Laptop to control the channels and power         N/A                 N/A               N/A

                                          Length       Shielding         Shielded Hood        Ferrite
Qty   Description
                                            (M)           Y/N                 Y/N              Y/N
      USB cable from the unit to the
 1                                           <1           N/A                 N/A              N/A

      Modifications: None

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Test Results Summary

          Specification                    Test Name                                Comments
                                                             Fail, N/A
                              Peak Output Power               Pass
 RSS 247 5.4
                              Conducted Spurious Emissions     N/A       C2PC only – testing not needed
 RSS 247 5.5, RSS GEN
                              Radiated Spurious Emissions     Pass
 RSS 246 5.5, RSS GEN
                              Emissions At Band Edges         Pass
 RSS 246 5.5, RSS GEN
                              Occupied Bandwidth               N/A       C2PC only – testing not needed
 RSS 246 5.1
                              Dwell Time                       N/A       C2PC only – testing not needed
 RSS 246 5.1
                              Number of Hopping Channels       N/A       C2PC only – testing not needed
 RSS 246 5.1
                              A/C Powerline Conducted
 15.207                                                        N/A       C2PC only – testing not needed
 RSS-GEN §7                   Receiver Spurious Emissions      N/A       C2PC only – testing not needed

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Peak Output Power
Engineer: Poona Saber
Test Date: 6/20/2018

                                                   Test Procedure

The EUT was connected directly to the input of a power meter. The peak readings were taken and the result was then
compared to the limit.
Per Ansi c63.10 part 7.8.5, RBW bigger than 20 dB bandwidth shall be used for power measurement. Measurement
below is compensated for RBW difference per formula below :

Compensated power = measured power + 10 log ( RBWc/RBWm)
RBWc= RBW compensated
RBWm= RBW used for measurement
                                                Test Setup

                               EUT                        Antenna

                                          Transmitter Peak Output Power

                        Recorded Measurement                                Power     Specification Limit
 Tuned Frequency                                         RBW
                                EIRP                                         EIRP            EIRP             Result
      (MHz)                                          COMPENSATION
                               (dBm)                                        (dBm)           (dBm)
       902.75                    26.06              10 LOG ( 500/100)=7      33.06             36              Pass

       915.25                    26.48              10 LOG ( 500/100)=7      33.48             36              Pass

       927.25                    26.38              10 LOG ( 500/100)=7      33.38             36              Pass

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Low Channel peak EIRP radiated

Mid Channel peak EIRP radiated

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High Channel peak EIRP radiated

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Radiated Spurious Emissions
Engineer: Poona Saber
Test Date: 6/20/2018

                                                   Test Procedure

The EUT was tested in a semi-anechoic chamber set 3m from the receiving antenna. A spectrum analyzer was used to
verify that the EUT met the requirements for Radiated Spurious Emissions. The antenna and cable correction factors were
summed with the amplifier gain and entered into the spectrum analyzer as an offset to ensure accurate readings. The
spectrum for each tuned frequency was examined to the 10th harmonic.

                                                      Test Setup

                  EUT                       Antenna                  Amplifier

                              Detector Settings          RBW                 VBW

                                     Peak               1 MHz               3 MHz

                                   Average              1 MHz               3 MHz

Radiated spurious have been checked both for part 15.247 in every 100 KHz Bandwidth outside of the frequency band
and for restricted bands of 15.205 to comply with 15.209 limits.

Please refer to Annex A for test results

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Emissions at Band Edges
Engineer: Poona Saber
Test Date: 6/20/2018

                                                  Test Procedure

The EUT was tested in a 3 meter semi-anechoic chamber. A spectrum analyzer was used to verify that the EUT met the
requirements for band edge with both peak and average measurements. The cable and transducer correction factors
were input into the analyzer as a reference level offset to ensure accurate readings.

                                                    Test Setup

          EUT                     Antenna             Notch filter         Amplifier

Please refer to Annex B for test results

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Measurement Uncertainty

                Measurement Uncertainty (Ulab) for Compliance Testing is listed in the table below.
          The reported expanded uncertainty Ulab(dB) has been estimated at a 95% confidence level (k=2)

                                Measurement                                                 Ulab
                              Radio Frequency                                           ± 1.0 x10-12
                            RF Power, conducted                                         ± 0.43 dB
                        RF Power Density, conducted                                      ± .98 dB
                       Spurious Emissions, Conducted                                    ± 2.49 dB
                           All Emissions, radiated                                       ± 5.7 dB
                                Temperature                                             ± 1.0 deg C
                                  Humidity                                               ± 4.3 %
                                 Dc voltage                                              ± .12 %
                           Low Frequency voltages                                        ± 2.3 %

         The reported expanded uncertainty +/- Ulab(dB) has been estimated at a 95% confidence level (k=2)

                                       Ulab is less than or equal to UCISPR therefore

               •     Compliance is deemed to occur if no measured disturbance exceeds the disturbance limit
           •       Non-Compliance is deemed to occur if any measured disturbance exceeds the disturbance limit

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Test Equipment Utilized

                                                                                  CT         Last Cal         Cal Due
          Description              Manufacturer               Model #
                                                                                Asset #       Date             Date
   Bi-Log Antenna                    Schaffner              CBL 6111D            i00349       8/3/16          8/3/18

       Spectrum Analyzer              Agilent                 E4407B             i00331      11/21/17      11/21/18
   3 Meter Semi-Anechoic                                  3 Meter Semi-
                                    Panashield                                   i00428      8/15/16          8/15/19
   Chamber                                              Anechoic Chamber
                                 Antenna Research
   1-18GHz Horn Antenna                                     DRG-118/A            i00271      6/16/16          6/16/18
   1-18 GHz pre amplifier              Miteq                                     i00509                 NCR

In addition to the above listed equipment standard RF connectors and cables were utilized in the testing of the described
equipment and factors are included in measurement analyzer. Prior to testing these components were tested to verify
proper operation.


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Document Created: 2019-07-23 15:57:59
Document Modified: 2019-07-23 15:57:59

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