Users Manual

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                                                                                                                             ipad Air Folio

       To reach a trained customer service representative, please use one of the following:
            1-800-700-ZAGG [9244] | 00-1-801-839-3906 for international customers

    For unparalleled scratch protection for your iPad, we recommend ZAGG’s invisibleSHIELD®.

                                                                                                                 *WARRANTY REGISTRATION
                           ©2005 - 2013 ZAGG Inc. All Rights Reserved.                                           Your ZAGGkeys™ Folio comes with a one-year manufacturer’s warranty. In order to activate the warranty,
                                                                                                                 you must register your Folio as well as keep your purchase receipt. If you purchased your ZAGGkeys
                 iPad®, Apple®, and iTunes® are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
ZAGG®, invisibleSHIELD®, and ZAGGkeys™ Folio are trademarks or registered trademarks of ZAGG Inc.                Folio from, ZAGG® has already registered it and has a copy of your proof of purchase.
     This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
        1: This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2: This device must accept any interference
                        received, including interference that may cause undesired operation
                                                                                                                 NEED MORE HELP? PLEASE SEE OUR FAQ SECTION AT:


To insert your iPad® into the Folio start with   If your iPad does not respond to your Folio there may be a simple
the Folio’s keyboard facing you. Then, with      explanation such as a dead battery or an unsuccessful pairing. Please use
                                                 the following to help troubleshoot your situation. If none of the following
your iPad in landscape mode and the
                                                 solve your issue, then please contact ZAGG customer service and one of
volume control buttons facing out (the
                                                 our trained professionals will be happy to assist you.
Home button is on your right) set the
bottom half of your iPad in the cover,           1. .Restart your iPad by holding down the home and power button
making sure it is settled (you may need to          simultaneously until it restarts. Let go of the buttons when you see the
apply light pressure to your iPad to ensure         Apple logo.
it is settled at the bottom of the cover).
                                                 2. Turn your Folio off and back on. You should see the left LED status light
                                                    illuminate briefly, if not, charge your Folio.

                                                 3. After charging, turn your Folio on. If the left LED status light does not
                                                    illuminate, and your keyboard doesn’t operate correctly, please contact
Next, snap the top half into the cover.             ZAGG’s customer support.
Check all corners to make sure they have
seated properly as well.                         4. Forget and re-pair your Folio. On your iPad, select: Settings > General >
                                                    Bluetooth > On. If you see “ZAGGkeys Folio” listed as an available
                                                    device, touch the arrow to the right of it and choose to have your iPad
                                                    forget the device.

                                                 5. Push the PAIR button on your Folio and watch for the right LED status
                                                    light to flash blue.
When your iPad is secure in the Folio, you
can close it and cleverly placed magnets will    6. Your iPad should display “ZAGGkeys Folio” as an available device.
activate your iPad’s sleep/wake feature to          Select it.
help preserve battery life. Simply open your
                                                 7. If your iPad gives you an error message, repeat the pairing process.
Folio to wake your iPad.
                                                 8. If you still can’t get your Folio to pair, it is possible your iPad needs to
                                                    have its software updated.

                                                 To update your iPad’s software, follow these steps:

To easily remove your iPad, simply grasp         1. Plug your iPad into your computer, and open iTunes®.
the top of the Folio’s cover in the middle
and apply a light pressure to the back of        2. In iTunes, select your iPad.
your iPad. Grasp your iPad’s exposed side
                                                 3. Choose to check for software updates.
and lift/pull away from the Folio.
                                                 4. If an update is available, please install it. This will take a few minutes to
                                                    download from Apple.

                                                 5. After your update is complete, repeat the troubleshooting process*.
                                                 * If you continually receive the same error message during pairing, or the above steps don’t work, please
                                                 contact ZAGG’s customer support for assistance.

SPECIAL FUNCTION KEYS                                                                                 POWERING ON AND OFF

                                                                                                      To turn your Folio on, switch the POWER button to the ON position. A red
                                                                                                      LED light on the left will illuminate briefly while the keyboard powers up. To
  Your Cover keyboard has been designed with the following special                                    turn your Folio off, simply switch the POWER button to the OFF position.
  function keys to give you more control of your iPad®:
  Home – Displays your iPad’s home screen
                                                                                                                                           POWER BUTTON
  Lock – Activates and deactivates your iPad’s sleep mode
                                                                                                                      LED LIGHT
  Mic – Activates Siri from your keyboard
  Undo – Undoes your last keystroke
                                                                                                                                                           OFF POSITION
  Redo - Repeats your last keystroke.                                                                                                                    ON POSITION

  Keyboard Hide/Show – Hides or shows your iPad’s on-screen keyboard
  Copy – Copies selected text to your clipboard
  Paste – Pastes clipboard content in your selected field
  Previous Track – Skips to the previous track on your current playlist
                                                                                                      PAIRING YOUR ZAGGkeys™ FOLIO
  Play/Pause – Starts or stops your current playlist
                                                                                                      Pairing your Folio with your iPad is easy. It should only need to be paired once,
  Next Track – Skips to the next track on your current playlist
                                                                                                       using the following directions. If the connection between your iPad and Folio
  Mute – Mutes your iPad’s audio                                                                      is ever lost, simply repeat these steps.
  Volume Down – Decreases your iPad’s volume
                                                                                                      1. On your iPad select: SETTINGS > GENERAL > BLUETOOTH > ON.
  Volume Up – Increases your iPad’s volume
  Caps Lock - Activates the Caps Lock feature. When Caps Lock is on a                                 2. Press the PAIR button on your Folio keyboard. A blue LED light on the
  blue indicator light will remain lit until it is turned off. To turn Caps                              right will flash until your Folio and iPad are paired.
  Lock off, simply press caps lock again.

  World Symbol - Toggles between international keyboards (when                                        3. Your iPad will display “ZAGGkeys Folio” as an available device.
  activated in your iPad’s settings)
                                                                                                         Select this option to complete pairing.
  Battery Symbol - Indicates remaining battery life
  Backlight Symbol - Activates your Folio’s backlight feature. Pressing
  this key once will turn on the backlights at their dimmest setting,
  pressing it twice will brighten the lights, and pressing it three times will
  brighten them to their brightest setting. If you continue pressing the                                                 LED LIGHT        PAIR BUTTON
  backlight button, your Folio will cycle down through brightness
  settings, turn off, then cycle back up through brightness settings.
  NOTE: The backlights will automatically turn off after a couple seconds if not being used. Simply
  begin typing again to activate them.

  Backlight Color Options - Hold the backlight button and press the
  right arrow/color change symbol to select your preferred backlight
  color. Press repeatedly to cycle through available colors.
  NOTE: The backlight feature must be turned on in order to select your preferred color.

CHARGING                                                                           BATTERY LIFE

Your Folio features a powerful lithium-polymer battery that lasts for up to        As mentioned, the Folio features a powerful, rechargeable battery that
three months of normal use* between charges. It comes with a charging              lasts up to three months between charges*. To check your Folio’s remain-
cable you can use to charge your keyboard quickly and conveniently. To             ing battery power, simply press the battery key. The LED light on the right
charge your Folio, simply follow these steps:                                      will flash one of three ways.

                                                                                   1. Three green flashes indicate 50% or more battery life remaining.
1. Plug the micro USB connector into the charging port.
                                                                                   2. Three yellow flashes indicate between 25%-49% battery life remaining.
2. Plug the regular USB connector into any USB outlet (including a
   ZAGGsparq™, your computer, your iPad®, etc.).                                   3. Three red flashes indicate less than 25% battery life remaining. When
                                                                                      your Folio reaches critical battery level, the red light will flash once
3. A blue LED light near the charging port on the left will illuminate to             every five minutes.
   indicate the Folio is charging. Wait until this light turns off, indicating a
   full charge. It usually takes 2-4 hours to completely charge your Folio.        To help preserve battery life, your Folio will enter sleep mode if left on and
                                                                                   not used for several minutes. To awaken your Folio, simply press any key.
4. Remove the Micro USB connector and enjoy your Folio for up to three             The Folio’s battery has no memory and therefore may be charged
   months before you need to charge it again.                                      whenever you wish. For optimal battery life, we recommend turning your
                                                                                   Folio off when it will sit unused for a prolonged time.
* Normal use is approximately 2-3 hours of use per day without the backlit
                                                                                   * This is a safeguard to conserve power until the battery is charged.
  feature. Using the backlit feature will impact battery life and may require
  more frequent charging.

                                       CHARGING PORT
                          LED LIGHT


This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause
undesired operation.

NOTE 1: Any changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

Document Created: 2014-03-25 10:33:54
Document Modified: 2014-03-25 10:33:54

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