User manual


Users Manual

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                                                  PG. 1 ENGLISH                                                     PG. 2 ENGLISH                                                     PG. 1 SPANISH                                                       PG. 2 SPANISH

                         Welcome                                                           Additional Functions                                                i   Bienvenida                                                         Funciones Adicionales
                         wenadon Mania Conpintrion on ustiy eZAGG Fol knpout The
                         ow l tou o ho o n d vin oFol Kp tecidcsurt nite
                                                                                           Kepboa Shoriane» You foe Kpbort hss ul otte n on insyoute
                                                                                           w totat moyeu wotcad iHer‘sa fw oh mon se Arcion.
                                                                                                                                                               1   PFwanl ts bretrecdonen Etoniamen po icori dn ZAGG uio Acortnatin
                                                                                                                                                                   1n mies c arpens uet id uio Garis m w dn d ripto e                 Auje dTecado «S ncadoFolo hotdas s tecis de fincones upeciiesa
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                                                                                                                                                               1   nestabsovati.                                                      imeitaroschro uarh fAnionefanrias 5nocuda in adoce Aeviores
                                                                                                    Man« Opresyour dats mc                                     i                                                                      epecdy in marcldeinivadores corpll vimgptntomrvcton.

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                         Getting Started                                                            Heeme — Gpeeyour devatahome urven                          1   Primeros Pasos                                                     M Meng— Mn meed d tirdipert.
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                           Hinepromir t m ton ofs n Pras                                                                                                       1      s olo enperindo del tain Podscan ts
                                                                                                                                                                       connpleon pore d profdepe oc rofepeuis
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                           ‘becoris t naan olt mend eopey To                                                                                                   1       Prodon i pate d ante d e ablet s ue mie en
                           ruroie youris proscunnl fon e back oo                              Beuny» tm o + o chnceremaningbeny nsTi                                  inxpret
                                                                                                                                                                         ue npator   Corpraietoda in qs j                             0. nsmet tt +0 paaiteneadcrd bret prodonnindo es
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   1— FOLD IN HALF         HAlpd yfi o                                                         i fuves pefors rtaly e uty                                       i       h mar iue moiors htcedpare                                     . Betaetc« it +i par snet l d ut retarte Te heve
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                            aroe D w ig oi ramad hkde Poweut ottrm meontto                   instgeaicns                                                       i                                                                          pardupioane po n uen d l lags sop n tocinoroirieces
sexccon®   Feowr cont®      Sm jourolo Hyrount ol es LBD lfierig tsamed ot
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                                                                                                                                                                      tecadoFoin Un LEDdn nondeons fln olbttn e                        A Canbl de Calor «uks t + mpestamer oi duptzat por o s
                         3 puie—CE Enrnyounet Navsobt mtine on onten porwihold
                                                                                                                                                               i      wravdide dnet i mgde e soapel ncals Fole Un LED rio                 evionsciponiimn
                           th FeieeBarioth uon orthem mesed A n LBD undart Pn                                                                                  i      peoadertndord qu e mapde
                           bettonvilh url pirrg h compete Stet ‘ZAGGFole® Fon yeuts                                                                            i
                            Intefanddis defeetocorgies piing                                                                                                   i   "3 Gonmide~ CB Vatts goee Sletea® deleie it monds sn
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                                                                                                                                                               i      daie in etinde remrade         hausue k oneiin m ton
                                                                                           soirmarteervetame                                                   1      cenplnto Sdecioen "ZMGG is ce s fea ce dicotven dignier t ts    puranUnisteities=
                                                                                           meeraineciont                                                       i      iidpan cortir n covnitr
A_                                                                                         Reivceminatntne nrmentimininourtfntu oieas maw                      i                                                                      Petencometazes
                                                                                           Ricotmimtadnmmmintamebheasisirrcamek                                                                                                       '--H_-g-_v;,;r:,;_-:,_-x_vg_—--f-w                 mmenoate

 2— FOLD IN HALF                                                                                                                                               1
                         Bienvenue                                                         Des Fonctions Supplémentaires                                       i
                         Hanau DIatractone Fctone eutn ZAGG Fln en insucione
                         windee oi moinor ons conrenar nue vove FoloGarder n
                                                                                           Racemurd evu— Vsre ce Foppoe tde s tretu e focfontiie
                                                                                           nuie pos dn e baal n on Vod ontarc dfi akePowr
      Mckcovee           Inruciin d dérarige ids pouurrifimce is o posr coter e            ane ie du cb incio ie t n m atncton nsc                             i                                                                                                            Quick Start
                         vesincomple o raeunl dudincion iter sigofeaiactions

                                                                                           mesistmrocion.                                                      i
                                                                                                    Meri« Oorele mersdevese dipost                             i

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                         Pour Commencer                                                             Ammarl~ Oinenn dscoide se dapoiit                          1
                            Intracitere «inie hilate re s tiiec                                     Antour — eteivor demerpognenralpntatin coerie              |
                            ie Folo n cormencnt olsb Viu psrver e                                   Eademe Charger s mode de vilce vore tb alkmerat un         |
                            dnbuonunie snn pou anedr
                            dirs nfond t boti Preme e donas davire iess
                            dhre sds dviv t V n ces inda
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                            doveve uie t fruidin iecowrte                                      direremerts jines incevert in bter ble: Trix petemens           i
                                                                                               rogpsiedivent ure bateri is fanle                               i
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                         7 ts tow tealonherstacalon=(B) Promer n bostond miesoun               Cordrae ue ui dn ies d anvenl. uj                               i
                           dersion pou almervore ce Folo,Une LBD vai lumern                    o ca e ige i k ture.                                            i
                           Eit Prasr attai o bocton d it oustrvion perdirt is             /A Changeo codour > Aosupme t + t porfiediir in mt couturs           i
                           sondessou diinire vtr caverFobo Une LED reuge clotis pour           dertve 6ings
                           indoper qoi s dnin,                                                                                                                 1
                         3 Inmier= CE Viiee aue e paorires Blatoot® de voresblese ert                                                                          i
                           is enaile on attak s bostonBumioth d Zag Folo prdit                                                                                 i
                           ‘rissecsndis Une LRD bawnsou s beuton demive un tclrctos                                                                            i
                           j‘ ce ue s herolg scorsidt Sdeclomer ZAGG folo"a ourtr          qnmarieinetictimes
                                                                                           meveinztncse                                                        i
                           die ut de dipostt diponilor ds e lt pourconpiterls              Poraticininnermeaeinanacte                                          i
                           peroigs                                                         @rmontie  onln m e iteinuen esniornteree
                                                                                                                                  m ie tae                     1 sune
                                                                                           enpmaeinneamantenneene                                              1
                                             PG 1. FRENCH                                                           PG 2. FRENCH                                                         BACK COVER                                                         FRONT COVER

Document Created: 2019-07-05 07:25:34
Document Modified: 2019-07-05 07:25:34

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