User Manual


Users Manual

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                               Welcome                                                           Additional Functions                                             Using the 4 Modes                                 Bienvenido                                                            Funciones Adicionales                                            Utilizacién de los 4 Modos
                               Invooden Miren«Corpndir n prcinins 206 in tck TheSowbaut          Keyboard Sharteat — Youin Bocsboun fatiew olhe ied Eaclon        Kepboard BModet ui ts wicy oofi nest               Manaal donivedonne > Etonbsns pr e cesZAGG SBeck A                    AlsondeTacada es S Bodcfre td l tdar s cores opocde a            Mode Tecluta‘®«Osio o citvr ds ts mtore
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                                                                                                 rapstaitosdooks                                                                                                                                                                          Infustion conpino vite mimtimdbock
                                                                                                      Home» Opersyour Patchame sw                                 Cise ode® — Qvidtpune h Sm ook sefom              Primeros Pasos
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          C tds — Alr itc hido d tuirad                                    Mode Funda® Sipar ind Sm ockd tecado

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                               Getting Started                                                        Lc« Tursyour Pad ons mod on and ft                          is heoountso yoacan onl utina proveton won                                                                              & sioqine Actiny tevtei modompons clPa                           rhoiterent us pocercitveardela mbune proteccin
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 1— FOLD IN HALF                 1 ho ouP man d ot tepornrnce                                         Sit— Acioim Set                                             Video Mode®— Ramiee o Sn ook one fom t                 i Siet o Pide t mod e e btine de reuide                                                                                           Mode Video® Nee aicSBookd ncucny
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                                 errecint our      wilcply"ZAGG Sn Secl? in old ds miec:                                                                                                                                 se ndquecue mc n n modo contonUnwe concato ol uc
                                 ‘Wivopion o conpite micy                                       Separating Your iPad                                                                                                     mesna ZAGG Sm Betcome diporis diontlescestore on coain           Separar El iPad
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Pudy inaridepand ui.

                                                                                                wdehyaPadandoimy for bolnbort                                                                                            capey lcigiree®. Gando recuite crpuls entat o utds mico U3 aae
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                                  stmimnpte mtie ty tgteits ttyt neonoemcarrs                                                                                                                                            "Whoeremmieic stteierutnitstack imaiut

                               Bienvenue                                                         Fonctions Supplémentaires                                        Utiliserles 4 Modes
    BA0rcomy                   Mureat D¥mtrstone— ce oFuvude ZAGG Sm fok Lo ntretione
                               abartes vow merieo commen commear Gever c innaors dn
                                                                                                 Racsurde ceVn lSie Bookiipe deim n uchr dnrctors
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    9.7—inch iPad Pro
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                                                   PG 1. FRENCH                                                     PG 2. FRENCH                                                      PG 3. FRENCH                                        BLANK PAGE                                                            BACK COVER                                                          FRONT COVER

Document Created: 2016-03-23 15:58:27
Document Modified: 2016-03-23 15:58:27

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