RF exposure


RF Exposure Info

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ain: Revieving Engineer
MET Labormiies, he
914 WePanpico Avenue
Balimere, MD 21230
Junvary 9,2007
RE RF exponie informatien FCC 1D: QOOWRAPAS220X
ECC 1D Murber Prodict           TuteModel
goowraraszzx                    Bluetoth Access ServerWRAP Access Server

To wirow mm may concery
‘The prodact WRAP Access Server is designed t b used as n access point This ransmiter mast be inalled
10 provide a separaion dsance of ileas20em from everybody
Te sile below is excerned fom Table 1B of 47 CFR 1.1310 ided Limis for Masimuen Pernisniie
Expoie (MPB, Limitsfor GeneralPopubaionUncontolled Exporire

  Prequency Range (MHz)            Pover Density (mWion‘)
         00— 1500                           inseo
       1soo— 100000                           t0
‘The equipmen WRAP Access Server iranmits in the 2400 24€3.5 MHe Rrequency range, s th applicate
MPE limicis 1 mW/em The equipment can be povided with up o 4 Blaetooth mosites WTI 1# (FCC 1D
Under t conditons ied above MPETimts canbe guaraneed a hecalcutaion blow shows:
When provided withthfour Blueooth modides (worst cae)(WTH1# (PCC 1D: QOQWTI 1 fsleasereerto
page 12 of h es eport 24007RET—101)
Measured maximum peak output pover(.np) = 12.48 dm at2441 Mite = 17.80 mW eirp
UsingEquation frem page18 of OET Butlein 65, Bttion 97—01
s «P Gari?" Prad (cir ptent
5 =power deiy in mWern (1 mWased for G
P powerirput o th anerna
    poer gain of h aniema in thdirecion ofinterest elaive 10 anisoiepicradator
R + disanc to e ceo adiaton o be anemnain m (20 em Prediion diterce)
We obain thefllowing resals

Masximum &RP      MRSMMM        noprecienen        7t
     s             SNDP         dorence nd         doniy
                    (nw                            (mttien‘)
     Teas           1750             zo            voosas
The eqsipment can be provided wup to 4 Blistoots modites and addidonaly the equipment has a
Compact Rash swhere anaddiional trnimiter (VLAN, GPRS,eic) n be invalled
In this cae, h tial pover denly aa dstance of 20 em from th device is th sum of the pover densty
from exch ramsmiter (worscasey
Stua Smean t Scomenrosces = 0OO3MET TWE+ 5 cereved
Reninding tiat MPE tinicis 1 m
Staas t nitne
0003481 mWfent + Scommrmens < 1 mWent
Sconom nencs 1 miknt— 0003081 mWent             996519 mit/ont
Scanan rancs ©0 996519 mWent
Prid t P) cmas reson MR £0.906519 mWt
WhereR =20 on
We obain thefllowing resal
Prid (€ t P) ce resen ©5009,009779n=37.00 dn
In thfollowing pargraphs we willpresen some examplesto demonvatethcompliance of he device in
Example (s 18247 or 15407 Compact Plash Card with maximem alloned ed.ep.of 4 W
UsingEquation frem page18 of OET Butlein 65, Bttion 97—01
Sconas roet = Prad (EL1BY cnvanrencraAARR = 2000 mWA (20 en*
Scomenancn > 0795774 mttent
Sreay 5 samar t Seamenrnacs= 000ME mW/em2 + 0 795774 mon=
Sua= 0799253 mW/ent < I mWent

                                                                                  T   oE   @2   W   No   O   Lo   8   &   I   E_   a

Example 2: Part 22 Compact Flash Card with maximum e.r.p. of 1.5 W (Category excluded of MPE
evaluation according to §2.1091)

Using Equation from page 18 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97—01 and considering that e.1.1r.p. = 1.64 x e.r.p.:

S Compact Flash card = PrAd (CA—T.P—) Compact Flash cara ARR" = 1500—1.64 mW/4zt (20 cm) *
S Compact Flash cara = 0489401 mW/em2

S Total = 5 Bluetooth + S Compact Flash cara = 0.003481 mW/cm2 + 0.489401 mW/em2 =

8 tora = 0.492882 mW/cm2 < 1 mW/cm2

Example 3: Part 24 Compact Flash Card with maximum e.r.p. of 3 W (Category excluded of MPE
evaluation according to §2.1091)

Using Equation from page 18 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97—01 and considering that e.1.1r.p. = 1.64 x e.r.p.:

S Compact Flash card   _ Prad (elrp) Compact Flash card /47[R2 ~3000—1.64 mW/Ax (20 Cm) *

S Compact Flash cara =0.978803 mW/em2

S Total = 5 Bluetooth + ® Compact Flash cara = 0.003481 mW/cm2 + 0.978803 mW/em2 =

8 torg = 0.982284 mW/cm2 < 1 mW/cm2

This prediction demonstrates that:

The power density levels at a distance of 20 cm are below the maximum levels allowed by the FCC rules
providing that the transmitter installed (co—located) in the CF slot will have a radiated transmitting power of
37 dBm.


The equipment WRAP Access Server complies with the MPE, if it is installed to provide a separation distance
of at least 20 cm from everybody.



Mr. Mikael Bjorkas
Director of Production
Bluegiga Technologies Inc.
Sinikalliontie 11, 02631 Espoo, Finland
Phone: +358 40 848 3339
E—mail: Mikael.Bjorkas@bluegiga.com

Document Created: 2019-10-08 05:09:23
Document Modified: 2019-10-08 05:09:23

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