Cover letter - v2


Cover Letter(s)

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Date: November 6th, 2019

 To:                                              From:

       Regulatory Certification Body              Silicon Laboratories Finland Oy,
       DEKRA Testing and Certification, S.A.U.    Alberga Business Park, Bertel Jungin aukio
       Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía            3,
                                                  02600 Espoo,
       C/ Severo Ochoa 2 & 6                      Finland
       29590 Campanillas
       Málaga, Spain

Related to product:

 Type of equipment:                   Wi-Fi bgn wireless radio module with embedded full stack

 Brand name:                                                                      Silicon Labs

 Model name:                                                WGM160P22A and WGM160P22N

 FCC ID:                                                                      QOQWGM160P

 IC:                                                                        5123A-WGM160P

To whom it may concern,

We hereby declare that we would like to perform a Class 2 Permissive Action for FCC and ISED
to update the WGM160P family homologation of Wi-Fi modules (802.11 b/g/n 2.4 GHz with
20MHz of bandwidth), because of some changes that are explained below.

The WGM160P offers two RF ports that can also provide the support for switched antenna
diversity, if desired, using an internal switch.
The Wi-Fi modules can make use of an integral antenna connected to the primary RF port, or
an external antenna that can be connected to either the primary or secondary RF ports, or two
external antennas connected to both RF ports when the switched diversity is desired:

           Model WGM160P22A:
             o RF1: Internal chip antenna (1.86 dBi)
             o RF2: External dipole antenna (2.14 dBi)

       -   Model WGM160P22N:
             o RF1: External dipole antenna (2.14 dBi)
             o RF2: External dipole antenna (2.14 dBi)

The first change concerns the center frequency of the internal chip antenna, because some
modulation errors were found to exceed the Wi-Fi specifications with the WGM160P variants
having the integrated chip antenna (model WGM160P22A), when such antenna was used.

This is a Bill of Materials change of one impedance match component of the integral antenna
and the change does not affect any conducted results. The element that changed is an
inductor and its new value is 0.2 nH (the previous one was 0.3 nH).

The internal antenna, which is assembled in the WGM160P22A models, consists of the chip
antenna itself with three matching components. See below Figures 1 and 2 where it is
indicated the location of the inductor L2 in the Schematics and in the photo (internal photos
are identical than before).

                             Figure 1 Internal Antenna - Schematics

                           Figure 2 Internal Antenna – Internal photo

The second change is not to the module itself but actually relates to the installation guide and
to the band edge testing.

The originally reported emissions were tested with an application PCB with width of 50mm
which gives the highest radiated power. However, we had later realized that even though the
50mm board gives the highest radiated power, it is still not the worst case for the band edge at

The worst case for the band edge is actually observed with an application PCB being 40mm
wide. So now we would like to retest with 40mm-wide board while lowering further the
Transmission Power of the two highest channels, so to remain compliant, and have the best
confidence to pass band edge under all circumstances. Notice that the configuration to further
decrease the Transmission Power affects equally the primary and secondary RF ports.

We are also adding the response from the FCC concerning an inquiry about this Permissive
Change (Tracking Number 770543).

In addition to all the above, it is to be noticed that no test reports related the unintentional
radiator part are being submitted. In fact, we have determined that for JAB part the change is
a Class I. In other words, the behavior as unintentional radiator (EMC) is the same as before.

Considering these changes, we have performed new testing and got a new RF test report for
radiated emissions of the model WGM160P22A to ensure that it is still in compliance with FCC
and ISED (notice that the external antenna variants are not affected and conducted
measurements remain the same)

For this, we are submitting the following new evidences related to the product:

       New RF test report for radiated emissions of the model WGM160P22A
       New Schematics
       New Bill of materials (they were not sent in the initial homologation)




By:             Pasi Rahikkala
Title:          Staff Hardware Engineer
Company:        Silicon Laboratories Finland Oy
Telephone:      +358407047953

Document Created: 2019-11-07 07:42:23
Document Modified: 2019-11-07 07:42:23

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