Confidentiality Letter


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                                     Confidentiality Request Letter
                                                                           SGS North America Inc.
                                                                           620 Old Peachtree Road, SUITE 100
                                                                           Suwanee, Georgia, United States

       Attn:    To Whom it May Concern / Application Examiner! Review Engineer! Officer in Charge
       Re:      Confidentiality request regarding application for FCC ID: QOQWFM200

       Dear Madam or Sir,

       We, Silicon Laboratories Finland Oy, a corporation validly organized and existing under the laws of Finland,
       having its principal place of business at Alberga Business Park, Bertel Jungin aukio 3, 02600 Espoo,

                                          >    LONG TERM CONFIDENTIALITY        <

       pursuant to 47 CFR Section 0.459 and 0.457 of the commission’s rules, hereby request confidential
       treatment of the documents listed below, associated with the certification application referenced above.

          Block Diagrams
          Operational Descriptions
          Parts List I BOM

       The documents above contain proprietary information not released to the public. Public disclosure of this
       information may prove harmful to the business of the applicant.

                                           >   Short TERM CONFIDENTIALITY       <

       Additionally, we request the following documents be held confidential until the device is marketed or 180
       days from the grant date, whichever is less. If the device is marketed within 180 days of the Grant Date, the
       applicant will notify the TCB per FCC KDB 726920 DOl Confidentiality Request Procedures.


       Should there be any query regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Thank
       you for your attention to this matter.

       Place and date of issue (of this letter):7,/
       Espoo September 25 2019

       Senior Contact: Pasi Rahikkala
       Job Title: Staff Hardware Engineer, loT Wireless Modules

Silicon Laboratories Finland Dy
Alberga Business Park
Bertel Jungin aukio 3
Fl-02600 Espoo, Finland
Phone: +358 9 435 5060

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Document Created: 2019-10-03 04:06:29
Document Modified: 2019-10-03 04:06:29

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