RF Esposure


RF Exposure Info

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                               Intertek                                                                                                                                        Test Report No. 1508253STO—MPE, Ed 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Page 1 (2)

                                                                              RF EXPOSURE ANALYSIS


                                 Type of equipment:                                                                         WIFI Module

                                 Brand name:                                                                                BlueGiga

                                 Type / Model:                                                                             WF111—E

                                 Manufacturer:                                                                              BlueGiga Technologies Oy

                                 By request of:                                                                            Silicon Laboratories Finland Oy

                                 FCC ID: QoOgQwFi111

                                 IC Number: 5123A—BGTWF111

                                 Operating range: 2412 — 2462 MHz


                                 CFR 47 §1.1310
                                 RSS—102 issue 5 (2014)


                                 Highest output power to antenna is +19.15 dBm
                                 With +2.2 dBi antenna gain EIRP is +21.35 dBm or 136.5 mW

                                 The manual recommends that the operator is not closer than (r) 20 cm to the transmitter‘s

                                 A worst case calculation is as follows:

                                 ; _ _LRP
                                           4x t xr

                                 Maximum power density is
                                 S= 01365 /( 4 x x x 0,2 ) = 0.2716 W/m* = 0.0272 mW/cm*

                                 "This report is for the exclusive use of nterte‘s Clientand is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client, Intrtek‘ responsibiity and labiity are limited to the torms and condiions of
                                  the agreement. Intetek assumes no liabity to any party, other than to the Clienin accordance withthe agreament,for any loss, expense or damage accasioned by the use of ths report. Onl the Cliont is
                                  authorized to permt copying or ditrbution ofthis report and then only in ts entrely. Any use of the Intertak name or one of ts marks frthe sale or advertsement ofthe tested materia, product or sarvice
5 114 13—11 Stromberg 207111

                                  mustfrst be approved in wriing by ntertek. Tho observations and testresulls n this report arerelovant onlyto the sampletested. This reportby tsaf dons not imply thatthe materia, roduct,orsevice is
                                                                                                             or has ever been under an Intertok certication program

                                                                                                                          Intertek Semko AB
                                                                                                  Torshamnsgatan 43, Box 1103, SE—164 22 Kista, Sweden
                                                                                                  Telephone +46 8 750 00 00, Fax +46 8 750 60 30
                                                                                     Registered in Sweden: No: SES56024059901, Registered office: As address

                              Intertek                                                                                                                                      Test Report No. 1508253STO—MPE, Ed 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Page 2 (2)


                                 CFR 47 §1.1310 (e) table 1 Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure: 1 mW/cm*

                                 RSS—102 section 2.5.2: states that at or above 300 MHz and below 6 GHz and the source—
                                 based, time—averaged maximum e.i.r.p. of the device is equal to or less than 1.31 x 10
                                £°°%° W (adjusted for tune—up tolerance), where f is in MHz;
                                 Maximum EIRP 136.46 mW < 2,68 W at 2412 MHz.

                                The requirements are fulfilled.

                                Intertek Semko AB, Radio& EMC

                                Date of issue: 2015—09—22

                                            P N/—
                                Issued by: Daniel Nilsson

                                This report ifor e exclusive use of nterte‘s Client and is provided pursuanttothe agremant between Intertek and ts Cliont.Interte‘s responsibity and labity are Imited to the trms and condtions of
                                the agreement. Intertek assumes no labiity o any party,otherthan to the Cliert in accordance wih the agreement,for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of thisreport. Only the Client is
                                 authorized to permt copying or cistrbution othis report and then only in ts entrely. Any use of the Intertek name or one ofts marks for the sale or advertsement ofthe tested materia, product or sarvice
8114 13—11 Sttomberg 207111

                                mustfrst be approved in wrling by Intertok. The observations and tost resulls n thisreport are relevant onlyto the sampletested. This report by itsalf does not imply thatthe matari, product, or sevice is
                                                                                                          or has ever been under an Intertek cerficaton program

                                                                                                                       Intertek Semko AB
                                                                                           Torshamnsgatan 43, Box 1103, SE—164 22 Kista, Sweden
                                                                                               Telephone +46 8 750 00 00, Fax +46 8 750 60 30
                                                                                  Registered in Sweden: No: $E556024059901, Registered office: As address

Document Created: 2019-06-03 13:37:38
Document Modified: 2019-06-03 13:37:38

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