RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                                           RF EXPOSURE ANALYSIS

Product                                        FCC ID _                     IC number
Bluetooth module                               QOQBLE112                    5123A-BGTBLE112

The product is a Bluetooth low energy single mode module to be used in a various kind of low power

This evaluation cover all three models BLE112-A, BLE112-E and BLE112-N presented in the test reports
264152-7, -8 and -9. The evaluation value is the highest output power generated by the device.

It is designed to be used 20 cm distance from the persons.

Analysis for FCC

The equipment transmits in the 2402 – 2480 MHz frequency range and therefore the applicable threshold is
calculated as stated in FCC document KDB 447498 by using the formula                  60        (where f is a highest frequency
in used)   60          = 24.19mW

Output power considerations:

Max. E.I.R.P value: 4.89 dBm = 3.08 mW
(Value is taken from the test report number: 264152-8. Value contains conducted output power and
antenna gain.)

Analysis for FCC

Since the Max. E.I.R.P value is below the 24.19mW product fulfils FCC requirements without further testing.

Analysis for IC

According to standard RSS-102 RF exposure analysis is required for devices operating abowe 1.5 GHz if the
maximum E.I.R.P. of the device is 5.0 W or more. Therefore RF exposure analysis is not required for this


Equipment complies with the requirements of FCC and IC to RF exposure

                 SGS Fimko Ltd     Särkiniementie 3, PO Box 30 FI-00211 Helsinki, Finland
                                   t. +358 9 696 361 f. +358 9 692 5474 www.fi.sgs.com
                                   Business ID 0978538-5               Member of the SGS Group (SGS SA)

Document Created: 2019-09-11 07:17:33
Document Modified: 2019-09-11 07:17:33

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