Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                                                     Reference number: 285803—1
                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 15

                                        Test Report
                                           Finas           Finnish Accreditation Service
                                                            T004 (EN ISO/IEC 17025)


                  Equipment Under Test:           Bluetooth Smart Module

                  Model:                          BGM111E

                  Manufacturer:                   Silicon Laboratories Finland Oy
                                                  Bertel Jungin aukio 3
                                                  FI—02600 ESPOO

                 Customer:                        Silicon Laboratories Finland Oy
                                                  Bertel Jungin aukio 3
                                                  FI—02600 ESPOO

                 FCC Rule Part:                   15.247;: 2015
                 IC Rule Part:                    RSS—247, Issue 1, 2015
                                                  RSS—GEN Issue 4, 2014
                 KDB:                             Guidance for Performing Compliance
                                                  Measurements on Digital Transmission Systems
                                                  (DTS) Operating Under §15.247 (June 9, 2015)

Date:                30 September 2016                                 Date:                30 September 2016

Issued by:           é [ “          ©                                  Checked by:                /é

                     Emil Haverinen                                                         Rauno Repo
                     Testing Engineer                                                       Testing Engineer

These test results are valid for the tested unit only.
This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without a written permission of SGS Fimko.

                                                                                                                       Reference number: 285803-1
                                                                                                                                     Page 2 of 15

                                                                                                                                       Table of Contents

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................ 3
  Equipment Under Test (EUT) .................................................................................................................... 3
  Description of the EUT .............................................................................................................................. 3
  Ratings and declarations ........................................................................................................................... 3
  Power Supply............................................................................................................................................ 3
  Mechanical Size of the EUT ...................................................................................................................... 3
  Samples.................................................................................................................................................... 3

GENERAL REMARKS ................................................................................................................................... 4
  Disclaimer ................................................................................................................................................. 4

SUMMARY OF TESTING .............................................................................................................................. 5
  EUT Test Conditions During Testing ......................................................................................................... 5

TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................................................................ 6
  Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power ................................................................................................. 6
  Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions 30 26500 MHz ....................................................................... 8
  Transmitter Band Edge Measurement and Conducted Spurious Emissions ............................................... 11

TEST EQUIPMENT ....................................................................................................................................... 15

                                                                                 Reference number: 285803-1
                                                                                               Page 3 of 15

                                                                                        Product Description

Equipment Under Test (EUT)

Trade mark:                 Silicon Labs
Model:                      BGM111E
Type:                       Bluetooth Smart Module
Serial no:                  -
FCC ID:                     QOQBGM111
IC:                         5123A-BGM111

Description of the EUT
BGM111 is a Bluetooth 4.1 compliant Bluetooth smart beacon module with RF connector.

Classification of the device
Fixed device
Mobile Device (Human body distance > 20cm)
Portable Device (Human body distance < 20cm)

Modifications Incorporated in the EUT
No modifications were applied to the EUT during testing.

Ratings and declarations

Operating Frequency Range (OFR):           2402 - 2480 MHz
Channels:                                  40
Channel separation:                        2 MHz
99% Channel bandwidth:                     1.099855282 MHz
Effective conducted power:                 8.32 dBm
Transmission technique:                    DSSS
Modulation:                                GFSK
External Antenna gain:                     2.14 dBi

Power Supply

Operating voltage range:    2.0 - 3.8 VDC (tested with 3.3V regulated by the development board)

Mechanical Size of the EUT

Height: 2.2 mm               Width:15.0 mm                 Length: 15.0 mm


Tests were performed with one sample; radiated measurements were performed with general type antenna
attached to the RF connector of the EUT via short coaxial adapter. Conducted measurements were performed
while short coaxial adapter was attached to the RF connector of the EUT. During the tests the EUT was set into
continuous transmit and was set to the channel under test. Normal test modulation and maximum transmit
power was used in all tests. No modifications were done during the tests.

                                                                                     Reference number: 285803-1
                                                                                                   Page 4 of 15

                                                                                                 General remarks


This document is issued by the Company under its General Conditions of service accessible at
http://www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm. attention is drawn to the limitation of liability,
indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein.

Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company's findings at the
time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client's instructions, if any. The Company's sole
responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all
their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification
of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent
of the law.

Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such
sample(s) are retained for 90 days only. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior
approval of the Company.

                                                                              Reference number: 285803-1
                                                                                            Page 5 of 15

                                                                                      Summary of Testing

          Test Specification                               Description of Test                     Result
      §15.207(a) / RSS-GEN 8.8                 Conducted Emissions on Power Supply Lines             N/T
    §15.247(b)(3) / RSS-247 5.4(4)               Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power                PASS
    §15.247(a)(2) / RSS-247 5.2(1)                           6 dB Bandwidth                          N/T
     §15.247(e) / RSS-247 5.2(2)                         Power Spectral Density                      N/T
            RSS-GEN 6.6                                 99% Occupied Bandwidth                       N/T
       §15.247(d) / RSS-247 5.5             100 kHz Bandwidth of Frequency Band Edges and           PASS
                                                    Conducted Spurious Emissions
 §15.209(a), §15.247(d) / RSS-247 5.5        Radiated Emissions Within The Restricted Bands         PASS

Some tests were not performed; this report will be used to apply for C2PC to original device which has been
fully tested.

EUT Test Conditions During Testing

The EUT was in continuous transmit mode during all the tests. The hopping was stopped and the EUT was
configured into the wanted channel. Normal modulation and duty cycle was applied in all the tests.

Following channels were used during the tests when the hopping was stopped:
Channel Low (Ch 0) = 2402 MHz
Channel Mid (Ch 19) = 2440 MHz
Channel High (Ch 39) = 2480 MHz

Test Facility

        Testing Location / address:          SGS Fimko Ltd
        FCC registration number: 90598       Särkiniementie 3
                                             FI-00210, HELSINKI
        Testing Location / address:          SGS Fimko Ltd
        FCC registration number: 178986      Karakaarenkuja 4
        Industry Canada registration         FI-02610, ESPOO
        number: 8708A-2                      FINLAND

                                                                                  Reference number: 285803-1
                                                                                                Page 6 of 15

                                                                       Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power


Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power

Standard:                       ANSI C63.10           (2013)
Tested by:                      EHA
Date:                           30.9.2016
Temperature:                    23 C
Humidity:                       47 %
Measurement uncertainty           2.87dB              Level of confidence 95 % (k = 2)

FCC Rule: 15.247(b)(3)
RSS-247 5.4(4)

For systems using digital modulation in the 2400-2483.5 MHz bands the limit is 1 Watt. As an alternative to a
peak power measurement, compliance with the one Watt limit can be based on a measurement of the maximum
conducted output power.


Table 1: Maximum peak conducted output power
                   Conducted Power
    Channel                             Limit [dBm]       Margin [dBm]           Result
      Low               8.32                  30               21.68             PASS
      Mid               7.91                  30               22.09             PASS
      High               7.38                 30               22.62             PASS

   Figure 1:      Channel Low

                                      Reference number: 285803-1
                                                    Page 7 of 15

                           Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power

Figure 2:   Channel Mid

Figure 3:   Channel High

                                                                                                     Reference number: 285803-1
                                                                                                                   Page 8 of 15

                                                                                Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions

Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions 30                                 26500 MHz

Standard:                            ANSI C63.10                 (2013)
Tested by:                           EHA
Date:                                27.9 - 28.9.2016
Humidity:                            42 - 46 %
Temperature:                         22 - 23 C
Measurement uncertainty                4.51 dB                    Level of confidence 95 % (k = 2)

FCC Rule: 15.247(d), 15.209(a)
RSS-247 5.5

In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally modulated
intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be at
least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired
power. In addition, radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in Section 15.205(a), must
also comply with the radiated emission limits specified in Section 15.209(a).

The correction factor in the final result table contains the sum of the transducers (antenna + amplifier + cables).
The QuasiPeak value is the measured value corrected with the correction factor.

    Frequency range [MHz]                  Limit [µV/m]                     Limit [dBµV/m]                      Detector

             30 - 80                              100                            40.0                          Quasi-peak
             88 - 216                             150                            43.5                          Quasi-peak
           216 - 960                              200                            46.0                          Quasi-peak
          960 - 1000                              500                            53.9                          Quasi-peak
          Above 1000                              500                            53.9                           Average
          Above 1000                           5000                              73.9                            Peak

Low channel

Table 2: Quasi-peak results (ch low)
 Frequency     QuasiPeak               Bandwidth        Height                  Azimuth      Corr.    Margin       Limit
                            Time                                 Polarization
   (MHz)       (dBµV/m)                  (kHz)           (cm)                    (deg)       (dB)      (dB)      (dBµV/m)
     -              -         -            -               -           -           -           -        -            -

Table 3: Peak results (ch low)
 Frequency      MaxPeak               Bandwidth         Height                  Azimuth      Corr.   Margin        Limit
                             Time                                Polarization
   (MHz)        (dBµV/m)                (kHz)            (cm)                    (deg)       (dB)     (dB)       (dBµV/m)
 2386.800000       40.1     1000.0     1000.000         179.0         V          121.0       -7.1     33.8         73.9
 2400.000000       67.8     1000.0     1000.000         228.0         V          122.0       -7.0      6.1         73.9
 2402.000000      103.6     1000.0     1000.000         228.0         V          122.0       -7.0       -            -
 4803.500000       49.7     1000.0     1000.000         150.0         V          26.0        -3.1     24.2         73.9
 7205.100000       49.1     1000.0     1000.000         150.0         V          80.0         0.4     24.8         73.9

                                                                                          Reference number: 285803-1
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                                                                        Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions

Table 4: Average results (ch low)
 Frequency      Average             Bandwidth   Height                  Azimuth   Corr.   Margin      Limit
                            Time                         Polarization
   (MHz)       (dBµV/m)               (kHz)      (cm)                    (deg)    (dB)     (dB)     (dBµV/m)
 2390.000000     27.9      1000.0   1000.000    231.0         V          120.0    -7.1     26.0       53.9
 2400.000000     50.1      1000.0   1000.000    229.0         V          122.0    -7.0      3.8       53.9
 2402.000000     98.4      1000.0   1000.000    228.0         V          123.0    -7.0       -          -
 4804.000000     38.8      1000.0   1000.000    150.0         V          26.0     -3.1     15.1       53.9
 7205.500000     36.6      1000.0   1000.000    166.0         V          73.0      0.4     17.3       53.9

Middle channel

Table 5: Quasi-peak results (ch mid)
 Frequency     QuasiPeak            Bandwidth   Height                  Azimuth   Corr.    Margin     Limit
                            Time                         Polarization
   (MHz)       (dBµV/m)               (kHz)      (cm)                    (deg)    (dB)      (dB)    (dBµV/m)
 109.940000      29.3      1000.0    120.000     100.0        V          272.0     11.4     14.2      43.5

Table 6: Peak results (ch mid)
 Frequency     MaxPeak              Bandwidth   Height                  Azimuth   Corr.   Margin      Limit
                            Time                         Polarization
   (MHz)       (dBµV/m)               (kHz)      (cm)                    (deg)    (dB)     (dB)     (dBµV/m)
 109.940000      31.2      1000.0    120.000    100.0         V          272.0    11.4      -           -
 2440.250000     102.4     1000.0   1000.000    254.0         V          195.0    -7.2      -          -
 4879.400000      49.1     1000.0   1000.000    166.0         V          72.0     -3.0     24.8       73.9
 7320.800000      48.1     1000.0   1000.000    150.0         V          120.0     0.5     25.8       73.9

Table 7: Average results (ch mid)
 Frequency      Average             Bandwidth   Height                  Azimuth   Corr.   Margin      Limit
                            Time                         Polarization
   (MHz)       (dBµV/m)               (kHz)      (cm)                    (deg)    (dB)     (dB)     (dBµV/m)
 2440.000000     97.1      1000.0   1000.000    254.0         V          194.0    -7.2      -          -
 4879.900000     38.1      1000.0   1000.000    150.0         V          31.0     -3.0     15.8       53.9
 7319.400000     35.5      1000.0   1000.000    150.0         V          123.0     0.5     18.4       53.9

High channel

Table 8: Quasi-peak results (ch high)
 Frequency     QuasiPeak            Bandwidth   Height                  Azimuth   Corr.    Margin     Limit
                           Time                          Polarization
   (MHz)       (dBµV/m)               (kHz)      (cm)                    (deg)    (dB)      (dB)    (dBµV/m)
     -             -         -          -          -           -           -        -        -          -

Table 9: Peak results (ch high)
 Frequency     MaxPeak              Bandwidth   Height                  Azimuth   Corr.   Margin      Limit
                            Time                         Polarization
   (MHz)       (dBµV/m)               (kHz)      (cm)                    (deg)    (dB)     (dB)     (dBµV/m)
 2479.750000     101.5     1000.0   1000.000    267.0         V          195.0    -6.9      -          -
 2483.500000      60.6     1000.0   1000.000    267.0         V          195.0    -6.9     13.3       73.9
 4960.500000      49.1     1000.0   1000.000    150.0         V          82.0     -3.1     24.8       73.9
 7440.600000      45.3     1000.0   1000.000    150.0         V          235.0     0.6     28.6       73.9

Table 10: Average results (ch high)
 Frequency      Average             Bandwidth   Height                  Azimuth   Corr.   Margin      Limit
                            Time                         Polarization
   (MHz)       (dBµV/m)               (kHz)      (cm)                    (deg)    (dB)     (dB)     (dBµV/m)
 2480.000000     95.8      1000.0   1000.000    266.0         V          195.0    -6.9      -          -
 2483.500000     43.1      1000.0   1000.000    266.0         V          195.0    -6.9     10.8       53.9
 4959.900000     38.5      1000.0   1000.000    150.0         V          84.0     -3.1     15.4       53.9
 7439.500000     33.6      1000.0   1000.000    167.0         V          214.0     0.6     20.3       53.9

                                                                                                                Reference number: 285803-1
                                                                                                                             Page 10 of 15

                                                                                                 Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions

Radiated Band Edge results

                                            FCC Part 15 Class B Spurious Emission 1-4GHz 3m (optimized 2.4 GHz TX)

      Level in dBµV/m


                         2380                 2385                  2390                 2395            2400            2405
                                                                       Frequency in MHz

                         FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength 3 m PK [..\EMI radiated\]
                         FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength 3 m AV [..\EMI radiated\]
                         Preview Result 1-PK+ [Preview Result 1.Result:1]
                         Preview Result 2-AVG [Preview Result 2.Result:2]
                         Final Result 1-PK+ [Final Result 1.Result:1]
                         Final Result 2-AVG [Final Result 2.Result:1]

   Figure 4:                      Radiated Band Edge measurement graph (ch low)

                                            FCC Part 15 Class B Spurious Emission 1-4GHz 3m (optimized 2.4 GHz TX)

      Level in dBµV/m


                         2475                 2480                  2485                 2490            2495            2500
                                                                       Frequency in MHz

                         FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength 3 m PK [..\EMI radiated\]
                         FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength 3 m AV [..\EMI radiated\]
                         Preview Result 1-PK+ [Preview Result 1.Result:1]
                         Preview Result 2-AVG [Preview Result 2.Result:2]
                         Final Result 1-PK+ [Final Result 1.Result:1]
                         Final Result 2-AVG [Final Result 2.Result:1]

   Figure 5:                      Radiated Band Edge measurement graph (ch high)

                                                                                              Reference number: 285803-1
                                                                                                           Page 11 of 15

                                     Transmitter Band Edge Measurement and Conducted Spurious Emissions

Transmitter Band Edge Measurement and Conducted Spurious Emissions

Standard:                           ANSI C63.10               (2013)
Tested by:                          EHA
Date:                               28.9.2016
Humidity:                           22 %
Temperature:                        42 C
Measurement uncertainty              2.87 dB                   Level of confidence 95 % (k = 2)

FCC Rule: 15.247(d), 15.209(a)
RSS-247 5.5
In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally modulated
intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be at
least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired
power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement, provided the transmitter demonstrates
compliance with the peak conducted power limits. If the transmitter complies with the conducted power limits
based on the use of RMS averaging over a time interval, as permitted under paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the
attenuation required under this paragraph shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB. Attenuation below the general limits
specified in Section 15.209(a) is not required. In addition, radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands,
as defined in Section 15.205(a), must also comply with the radiated emission limits specified in Section
15.209(a) (see Section 15.205(c)).

Table 11: Band edge attenuation.
                                             Band Edge Attenuation
                     Lower Band Edge                                              Upper Band Edge
                        -46.31 dBc                                                     -50.55 dBc
                                                      Limit: -30dBc

Table 12: Conducted spurious emissions channel low
   Frequency [MHz]        Level [dBm]       Limit [dBm]       Margin [dB]     Result
       763.01               -69.92            -13.53             -56.39       PASS
      2399.98               -42.39            -13.53             -28.86       PASS
      2402.26                6.47                 -                   -      Carrier
      3765.21               -65.11            -13.53             -51.59       PASS
      4803.55               -42.54            -13.53             -29.02       PASS
      7206.76               -54.89            -13.53             -41.36       PASS
      12525.78              -58.15            -13.53             -44.62       PASS
      15835.43              -56.67            -13.53             -43.14       PASS
      16121.26              -55.20            -13.53             -41.67       PASS
      19132.42              -57.44            -13.53             -43.91       PASS
      24454.53              -55.88            -13.53             -42.35       PASS
      25553.32              -56.39            -13.53             -42.86       PASS

                                                                              Reference number: 285803-1
                                                                                           Page 12 of 15

                                 Transmitter Band Edge Measurement and Conducted Spurious Emissions

Table 13: Conducted spurious emissions channel mid
   Frequency [MHz]    Level [dBm]       Limit [dBm]   Margin [dB]   Result
       993.77           -70.18            -13.91        -56.27      PASS
      2281.20           -67.98            -13.91        -54.07      PASS
      2440.26            6.09                -             -        Carrier
      3958.70           -65.47            -13.91        -51.57      PASS
      4879.58           -41.45            -13.91        -27.54      PASS
      7320.76           -56.42            -13.91        -42.51      PASS
      12489.22          -59.03            -13.91        -45.12      PASS
      15859.24          -57.04            -13.91        -43.13      PASS
      16196.54          -55.33            -13.91        -41.43      PASS
      21167.76          -57.10            -13.91        -43.19      PASS
      24148.45          -56.18            -13.91        -42.27      PASS
      25617.07          -56.61            -13.91        -42.70      PASS

Table 14: Conducted spurious emissions channel high
   Frequency [MHz]    Level [dBm]       Limit [dBc]   Margin [dB]   Result
       908.99           -68.91            -14.46        -54.44      PASS
      2205.82           -68.03            -14.46        -53.56      PASS
      2480.26            5.54                -             -        Carrier
      2483.52           -47.21            -14.46        -32.75      PASS
      4959.55           -41.50            -14.46        -27.04      PASS
      7439.35           -58.08            -14.46        -43.61      PASS
      11803.37          -58.94            -14.46        -44.48      PASS
      15495.97          -57.11            -14.46        -42.65      PASS
      16148.82          -55.34            -14.46        -40.87      PASS
      21828.30          -57.53            -14.46        -43.06      PASS
      24435.60          -55.97            -14.46        -41.50      PASS
      25621.89          -55.46            -14.46        -40.99      PASS

                                                                Reference number: 285803-1
                                                                             Page 13 of 15

                       Transmitter Band Edge Measurement and Conducted Spurious Emissions

Figure 1:   Lower Band Edge

Figure 2:   Upper Band Edge

                                                                       Reference number: 285803-1
                                                                                    Page 14 of 15

                        Transmitter Band Edge Measurement and Conducted Spurious Emissions

Figure 3:   Conducted spurious emissions 30 - 26500 MHz channel low

Figure 4:   Conducted spurious emissions 30 - 26500 MHz channel mid

Figure 5:   Conducted spurious emissions 30 - 26500 MHz channel high

                                                                                 Reference number: 285803-1
                                                                                              Page 15 of 15

                                                                                              Test Equipment


Equipment            Manufacturer            Type                Inv or serial   Prev Calib   Next Calib
MONITORING ANTENNA A.H. SYSTEMS              SAS-200/518         inv:7873        -            -
                   AGILENT                   E7405A              inv:9746        2016-01-07   2018-01-07
ANTENNA MAST       MATURO                    TAM 4.0E            inv:10181       -            -
TURNTABLE            MATURO                                      inv:10182       -            -
                     MATURO                  NCD                 inv:10183       -            -
PREAMPLIFIER         ALC MICROWAWE           AWB-2018-40-08      sn:14           2016-08-30   2017-08-30
PREAMPLIFIER         MERCURY SYSTEMS         ALS1826-41-12       -               2016-09-02   2017-09-02
TEST SOFTWARE        ROHDE & SCHWARZ         EMC-32              -               -            -
EMI TEST RECEIVER    ROHDE & SCHWARZ         ESU 26              inv:8453        2016-06-10   2017-06-10
SIGNAL ANALYZER      ROHDE & SCHWARZ         FSV40               inv:9093        2016-06-10   2017-06-10
ANTENNA              SCHWARZBECK             VULB 9168           inv:8911        2014-11-04   2016-11-04
ANTENNA              EMCO                    3117                inv:7293        2016-03-16   2018-03-06
ANTENNA              EMCO                    3160-09             inv:7294        2016-03-16   2017-03-16
HIGH PASS FILTER     WAINWRIGHT                                  sn:10           2016-01-22   2017-01-22
ATTENUATOR 10 dB     HUBER & SUHNER          6610.19.AA          sn:7            2016-02-02   2017-02-02
ATTENUATOR 10 dB     PASTERNACK              PE7090-10           -               2016-04-01   2017-04-01
AC POWER SOURCE                              5001 iX Series II   inv:7826        -            -
DC POWER SOURCE      MASCOT                  -                   inv:3733        -            -
MULTIMETER           FLUKE                   23                  inv:8252        2015-10-20   2016-10-20

All used measurement equipment was calibrated (if required).

Document Created: 2016-10-20 13:10:08
Document Modified: 2016-10-20 13:10:08

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