QOF-8032385 Test Report

FCC ID: QOF-8032385

Test Report

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                                                   SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.

    198 Kezhu Road, Scientech Park, Guangzhou Economic & Technological
    Development District, Guangzhou, China 510663
    Telephone: +86 (0) 20 82155555                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
    Fax:       +86 (0) 20 82075059                                                                         Page:       1 of 23
    Email:     ee.guangzhou@sgs.com
                                                                                                           FCC ID: QOF-8032385

1       Cover Page

                                                      TEST REPORT
    Application No.:                          GZEM1301000375RF
    Applicant:                                Disney Interactive Studios, Inc.
    FCC ID:                                   QOF-8032385
    Product Name:                             Disney Infinity Base INF-8032385
    Product Description:                      Radio Frequency Identification with 13.56 MHz as carrier.
    Model No.:                                INF-8032385
    Standards:                                47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART C:2011 section 15.225
                                              ANSI C63.10:2009
    Date of Receipt:                          2013-01-22
    Date of Test:                             2013-01-22 to 2013-01-24
    Date of Issue:                            2013-01-24
    Test Result :                             PASS *

    *     In the configuration tested, the EUT detailed in this report complied with the standards specified above.
          Please refer to section 3 of this report for further details.


                     Strong Yao
The manufacturer should ensure that all products in series production are in conformity with the product sample detailed in this report. If the product in this report
is used in any configuration other than that detailed in the report, the manufacturer must ensure the new system complies with all relevant standards.

The report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, or any agency of the federal government. All test
results in this report can be traceable to National or International Standards.

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at
www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at
www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined therein. Any holder of this
document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their
rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any
unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of
the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 90 days only

                                                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
                                                                                                                                         Page:                2 of 23
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

2 Version

                                                                                       Revision Record
              Version                         Chapter                                   Date                                 Modifier                                      Remark

                    00                                                            2013-01-24                                                                Original

     Authorized for issue by:

     Tested By
                                                                                                                                                       2013-01-22 to 2013-01-24

                                                                    (Daniel He) /Project Engineer                                                      Date

     Prepared By
                                                                    (Daniel He) /Clerk                                                                 Date

     Checked By
                                                                    (Strong Yao)/Reviewer                                                              Date

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
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documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
                                                                                                                                         Page:                3 of 23
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

3 Test Summary
                     Test                                    Test Requirement                                             Test method                                                   Result

        Radiated Emission                                       FCC PART 15 C                                             ANSI C63.10:
         (9 kHz to 1 GHz)                                         section 15.225                                         Clasue 6.4, 6.5
                                                                FCC PART 15 C                                               ANSI 63.10
      Occupied Bandwidth                                                                                                                                                                 PASS
                                                                  section 15.225                                             Clasue 6.9
                                                                FCC PART 15 C                                              ANSI C63.10
       Frequency Stability                                                                                                                                                               PASS
                                                                  section 15.225                                             Clasue 6.8

 Conducted Emissions at                                         FCC PART 15 C                                              ANSI C63.10:
 Mains Terminals                                                  section 15.207                                              Clause 6.2

Tx: In this whole report Tx (or tx) means Transmitter.
Rx: In this whole report Rx (or rx) means Receiver.
RF: In this whole report RF means Radio Frequency.
ANSI C63.10: the detail version is ANSI C63.10:2009 in the whole report.

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
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documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
                                                                                                                                         Page:                4 of 23
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

4 Contents
1         COVER PAGE .............................................................................................................................................. 1

2         VERSION ...................................................................................................................................................... 2

3         TEST SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................................... 3

4         CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................. 4

5         GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................... 5
     5.1             CLIENT INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................. 5
     5.2             GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF E.U.T. ......................................................................................................... 5
     5.3             DETAILS OF E.U.T. ................................................................................................................................ 5
     5.4             DESCRIPTION OF SUPPORT UNITS........................................................................................................... 5
     5.5             DEVIATION FROM STANDARDS ................................................................................................................ 5
     5.6             ABNORMALITIES FROM STANDARD CONDITIONS ..................................................................................... 5
     5.7             OTHER INFORMATION REQUESTED BY THE CUSTOMER ........................................................................... 5
     5.8             T EST LOCATION ..................................................................................................................................... 6
     5.9             T EST FACILITY ....................................................................................................................................... 7
6         EQUIPMENT USED DURING TEST .......................................................................................................... 8

7         TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................ 10
     7.1             E.U.T. TEST CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................................... 10
     7.2             ANTENNA REQUIREMENT ...................................................................................................................... 11
     7.3             RADIATED EMISSIONS........................................................................................................................... 12
     7.4             OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH......................................................................................................................... 17
     7.5             FREQUENCY STABILITY ........................................................................................................................ 19
     7.6             CONDUCTED EMISSIONS AT MAINS T ERMINALS 150 KHZ TO 30 MHZ ................................................... 20

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format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
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document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
                                                                                                                                         Page:                5 of 23
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

5 General Information
    5.1         Client Information
           Applicant:                                                    Disney Interactive Studios, Inc.
           Address of Applicant:                                         1200 Grand Central Avenue, Glendale, California, 91201 United States

    5.2         General Description of E.U.T.
           Product Name:                                                 Disney Infinity Base INF-8032385
            Model No.:                                                   INF-8032385

    5.3         Details of E.U.T.
            Antenna Type:                                                Cooper Wire printed circuit board
            Antenna gain:                                                0 dBi
            Modulation                                                   Read the tags: BPSK,
                                                                         Write the tags: ASK
            Power Supply:
                                                                         DC 5.0V (supplied by Xbox via USB cord)
            Power cord:
                                                                         1.8m unscreened USB cord

5.4 Description of Support Units
          Description                              Manufacturer                                    Model No.                                       SN/Certificate NO
  Monitor                                             SAMSUNG                                          225MS                                    CR22HVMP900646W
  Xbox 360 Console                                      Microsoft                                ETA-62/2006                                          0196032 93605

5.5 Deviation from Standards

5.6 Abnormalities from Standard Conditions

5.7 Other Information Requested by the Customer

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format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction
documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
                                                                                                                                         Page:                6 of 23
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

5.8 Test Location
            All tests were performed at:
            SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd., Guangzhou EMC Laboratory,
            198 Kezhu Road, Scientech Park, Guangzhou Economic & Technology Development District,
            Guangzhou, China 510663
            Tel: +86 20 82155555 Fax: +86 20 82075059
           No tests were sub-contracted.

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format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction
documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                               SGS—CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                  Report No.: GZENM130 100037501
                                                                  Page: 7 of 23
                                                                  EoS ID: aorsoszzes

 59 Test Facility
        The testfacityis recagnizedcorifed,or aceredted by thefoloing organizatons
   ®—    MVLAP (Lab Code: 20061t—0)
         $GS—08TC Standards Technical Servces Go. Lid., Guangehou EMC Laboratory is recognized ue
         the Natlonal Voluntary Laboratory Accredtation Program (NVLAPNIST}. NVLAP Code: 20011.0.
   &     acua
         $GS—08TC Standards Technical Servces Go. L. EMG Laboraory can also pertarm testing for t
         Austalan C—Tick mark as a resul of our NVAP accredtaton
   *     SGS UK(Certiicate No 92), 5GS—TUY SAARLAND and SGB—FINKO
         Have approved SGSCSTC Stendards Technical Services Co., Lid, EMC Laboratory as a supper
         Evo Testine services and sarery TestiNe servioes
   ®     CNAS (Lab Code: Lotér)
         5GS—08TC Standards Technical Servces Go. L. ENC Laboratory has bean assessed and in
         complance with GNA—0.0:2006 aceredtation erteri fortesing laboratories (dentcal to
         1E0NEC 170252005 General Requirements)forthe Compotence of Testing Laboratoris
   #     FCG (Registration No.: 2za08)
         $GS—08TC Standards Technical Servces Go. Lid. ENC Laboratory has bean restered and l
         descrbed in arepot fled vith the (GC) Federal Communieatons Comnission, The acceptance let
         frem the FCG is makitained in ourfles. Reglsvaton 282009, May 51, 2002
   ®     industry Canada (Registration No: 48208—1)
         The Sn10m Alernate Semtanscholc chamber of 8GS—CSTC Standards Technical Sevices o L
         has been registered by Gortfcxtion and Enginseringo Incucty Canadla for racto equlpment testin
         with Regitraton No. 482081
         Date of Registration: Febmary 18, 2009 Vald untl February 18, 2011
   #     ¥CCI (Registration No.: Re2480 and G:2504)
         The 10n Sermbanecholc chambr and Shielded Reom of SGS—CSTC Standards Tachnical Sevice
         Go, Lid.have bean regitered n accardance with the Rogulations fr Voluntary Contral Measures
         with Regltration No.: R—2480 and G—2584 respectively
   ®      CBTL (Lab Gode:TL12s)
         $GS—08TC Standards Technical Servces Go. L. ESE Laboratory has bean assessed and fuly
         comply with he requirements of SO/IEC 17023:2008, e Basic Rules,IEGEE 01:2006—10 and Rul
         of procedure IEOEE 022008—10, and the revant IEGEE CB—Schome Operatlonal decuments
         "This cotfieate was iesued August 6, 2009 and vald untl Mey 19, 2012


                                                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
                                                                                                                                         Page:                8 of 23
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

6 Equipment Used during Test
    RE in Chamber
                                                                                                                                                              Cal.Due date Calibration
        No.                 Test Equipment                            Manufacturer                      Model No.                    Serial No.
                                                                                                                                                              (YYYY-MM-DD)  Interval
                            Compact Semi-                            ChangZhou
  EMC0525                                                                                                      N/A                         N/A                   2014-08-30                      2Y
                           Anechoic Chamber                           ZhongYu
  EMC0522                  EMI Test Receiver                       Rohde & Schwarz                         ESIB26                      100283                    2013-06-29                      1Y
  EMC0056                  EMI Test Receiver                       Rohde & Schwarz                          ESCI                       100236                    2013-03-12                      1Y
                           RI High frequency
  EMC0528                                                                      SGS                           20 m                          N/A                   2013-06-01                      1Y
                          Trilog Broadband
  EMC2025                                                              MESS-                            VULB 9163                     9163-450                   2013-12-17                      2Y
                         Antenna 30-3000MHz
  EMC0524                Bi-log Type Antenna                       Schaffner -Chase                     CBL6112B                          2966                   2013-11-27                      2Y
  EMC0519                Bilog Type Antenna                        Schaffner -Chase                     CBL6143                           5070                   2013-03-26                      2Y
                               Horn Antenna
  EMC2026                                                              MESS-   BBHA 9120D                                           9120D-841                    2013-11-28                      2Y
  EMC0518                   Horn Antenna                           Rohde & Schwarz                          HF906                      100096                    2014-07-01                      2Y
                              1-26.5 GHz
  EMC0521                                                                    Agilent                        8449B                  3008A01649                    2013-03-12                      1Y
  EMC0049                      Amplifier                                     Agilent                        8447D                  2944A10862                    2013-03-12                      1Y
  EMC0075                   310N Amplifier                                 Sonama                            310N                    272683                      2013-03-12                      1Y
  EMC0523                Active Loop Antenna                           EMCO                                  6502                     42963                      2014-04-07                      2Y
                              Broad-Band                           SCHWARZBECK
   EMC2041                  Horn Antenna                               MESS-                           BBHA 9170                      9170-375                   2014-06-01                      3Y
                         (14)15-26.5(40)GHz                          ELEKTRONI
                             10m Semi-
  EMC0530                                                                      ETS                             N/A                         N/A                   2014-04-27                      2Y
                          Anechoic Chamber

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction
documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
                                                                                                                                         Page:                9 of 23
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

   Conducted Emission
                                                                                                                                                                 Cal.Due date Calibratio
       No.                 Test Equipment                            Manufacturer                       Model No.                      Serial No.
                                                                                                                                                                (YYYY-MM-DD) n Interval
  EMC0306                   Shielding Room                               Zhong Yu                     8 x 3 x 3.8 m                         N/A                          N/A                      N/A
  EMC0118                 Two-line v-netwok                                  R&S                          ENV216                         100359                   2013-03-12                       1Y
  EMC0102                             LISN                                                             MN2050D/1                           1421                      2013-9-6                      1Y
                      Artificial Mains Network                                                                                    S.N.320311201
  EMC2046                                      AFJ Instruments                                              LT32C                                                 2013-03-12                       1Y
                                 (LISN)                                                                                                 50
  EMC0506                 EMI Test Receiver                       Rohde & Schwarz                         ESCS30                         100085                   2013-03-12                       1Y
  EMC0107                     Coaxial Cable                                  SGS                               2m                           N/A                   2013-07-10                       1Y
  EMC0106                     Voltage Probe                                  SGS                              N/A                           N/A                          N/A                       1Y
                                                                   Fischer Custom
  EMC0120                        8 Line ISN                                          FCC-TLISN-T8-02                                       20550                    2013-11-5                      1Y
                                                                 Communications Inc.
                                                                   Fischer Custom
  EMC0121                        4 Line ISN                                          FCC-TLISN-T4-02                                       20549                    2013-11-5                      1Y
                                                                 Communications Inc.
                                                                   Fischer Custom
  EMC0122                        2 Line ISN                                          FCC-TLISN-T2-02                                       20548                    2013-11-5                      1Y
                                                                 Communications Inc.
  EMC2047                             CDN                                                               L-801:AF2                          2793                   2014-11-11                       3Y
  EMC2048                             CDN                                                             L-801:M2/M3                          2738                   2014-11-11                       3Y
  EMC2062                    6dB Attenuator                                    HP                           8491A                         24487                   2014-01-04                       1Y
   EMC167              Conical metal housing                            SGS-EMC                               N/A                           N/A                   2013-12-16                       1Y

   General used equipment
                                                                                                                                                                Cal.Due date Calibratio
       No.                 Test Equipment                            Manufacturer                       Model No.                      Serial No.
                                                                                                                                                                (YYYY-MM-DD) n Interval
  EMC0006                             DMM                                    Fluke                             73                      70681569                     2013-11-5                      1Y
  EMC0007                             DMM                                    Fluke                             73                      70671122                     2013-11-5                      1Y

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
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document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
                                                                                                                                         Page:                10 of 23
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

7 Test Results
    7.1         E.U.T. test conditions
             Test Voltage:                                              AC 120V
             Requirements:                                              15.31(e): For intentional radiators, measurements of the variation of
                                                                        the input power or the radiated signal level of the fundamental
                                                                        frequency component of the emission, as appropriate, shall be
                                                                        performed with the supply voltage varied between 85% and 115% of
                                                                        the nominal rated supply voltage. For battery operated equipment, the
                                                                        equipment tests shall be performed using a new battery.
             Type of antenna:                                           Cooper Wire printed circuit board
             Operating Environment:
             Temperature:                                               22-25.0 °C
             Humidity:                                                  48-55% RH
             Atmospheric Pressure:                                      1001-1010 mbar
             Test frequencies and                                       According to the 15.31(m) Measurements on intentional radiators or
             frequency range:                                           receivers, other than TV broadcast receivers, shall be performed and,
                                                                        if required, reported for each band in which the device can be
                                                                        operated with the device operating at the number of frequencies in
                                                                        each band specified in the following table:
                                                                        According to the 15.33 (a) For an intentional radiator, the spectrum
                                                                        shall be investigated from the lowest radio frequency signal generated
                                                                        in the device, without going below 9 kHz, up to at least the frequency
                                                                        shown in the following table:

            Number of fundamental frequencies to be tested in EUT transmit band
              Frequency range in which              Number of            Location in frequency range
                  device operates                  frequencies                    of operation
                    1 MHz or less                       1                             Middle
                  1 MHz to 10 MHz                       2                 1 near top and 1 near bottom
                                                                          1 near top, 1 near middle and
                  More than 10 MHz                      3
                                                                                  1 near bottom

            Frequency range of radiated emission measurements
             Lowest frequency generated
                                                      Upper frequency range of measurement
                      in the device
                                           10 harmonic of highest fundamental frequency or to 40 GHz,
                 9 kHz to below 10 GHz
                                           whichever is lower
              At or above 10 GHz to below  5th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency or to 100 GHz,
                          30 GHz           whichever is lower
                                           5 harmonic of highest fundamental frequency or to 200 GHz,
                   At or above 30 GHz
                                           whichever is lower, unless otherwise specified

          Remark:Test frequency is 13.563 MHz.

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format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
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document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
                                                                                                                                         Page:                11 of 23
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

    7.2 Antenna Requirement
           Standard requirement

           15.203 requirement:

           For intentional device. According to 15.203. an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that
           no antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device.

           EUT Antenna

           The antenna is an Cooper Wire printed circuit board and integrated on the main PCB and no
           consideration of replacement. The best case gain of the antenna is 0 dBi.

           Test result: The unit does meet the FCC requirements.

This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overleaf, available on request or accessible at www.sgs.com/terms_and_conditions.htm and, for electronic
format documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at www.sgs.com/terms_e-document.htm. Attention is drawn to the limitation of liability, indemnification and jurisdiction
issues defined therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company’s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s
instructions, if any. The Company’s sole responsibility is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction
documents. This document cannot be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this
document is unlawful and offenders may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s)
are retained for 90 days only.

                                                                SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
                                                                                                                                         Page:                12 of 23
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

    7.3         Radiated Emissions
                  Test Requirement:                                         FCC Part 15 C section 15.225
                  Test Method:                                              ANSI C63.10: Clause 6.4, 6.5
                  Measurement Distance:                                     3 m (Semi-Anechoic Chamber)
                  Test Status:                                              Test the EUT connected with Xbox in reading tags status.
                  the field strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated under this Section shall not
                  exceed the following:
                  15.225(a): The field strength of any emissions within the band 13.553-13.567 MHz shall not
                  exceed 15,848 microvolts/meter at 30 meters.i.e. 124. 0dBµV/m @ 3 m.
                  15.225(b): Within the bands 13.410-13.553 MHz and 13.567-13.710 MHz, the field strength of
                  any emissions shall not exceed 334 microvolts/meter at 30 meters. i.e. 90. 5dBµV/m @ 3 m.
                  15.225I: Within the bands 13.110-13.410 MHz and 13.710-14.010 MHz the field strength of
                  any emissions shall not exceed 106 microvolts/meter at 30 meters. i.e. 80. 5dBµV/m @ 3 m.
                  15.225(d) :The field strength of any emissions appearing outside of the 13.110-14.010 MHz
                  band shall not exceed the general radiated emission limits in § 15.209
           Out of band emissions shall not exceed:
              Frequency range (MHz)                               Quasi-peak limits(dBµV/m)
                     1.705 - 30.0                                             69.5
                       30 to 88                                                40
                      88 to 216                                               43.5
                      216 to 960                                               46
                     Above 960                                                 54
  At transitional frequencies the lower limit applies.
          Test Procedure:
          1) 9 kHz to 30 MHz emissions:
          For testing performed with the loop antenna. The center of the loop was positioned 1 m above
          the ground and positioned with its plane vertical at the specied distance from the EUT.During
          testing the loop was rotated about its vertical axis for maximum response at each azimuth and
          also investigated with the loop positioned in the horizontal plane.
          2) 30 MHz to 1 GHz emissions:
          For testing perfomed with the bi-log type antenna. The measurement is performed with the EUT
          rotated 360º, the antenna height scaned between 1m and 4m, and the antenna rotated to repeat
          the measurement for both the horizontal and vertical antenna polarizations.
           Detector Peak for pre-scan

                      Test Receiver test                                                                                        Detector
                                                                         9 kHz-150 kHz                                150 kHz-30 MHz                                 30 MHz-1000 MHz
                            RBW                                              200 Hz                                        9 kHz                                         120 kHz
                            VBW                                              ≥ RBW                                        ≥ RBW                                          ≥ RBW
                           Sweep                                              auto                                          auto                                           auto
                       Detector function                                       QP                                           QP                                              AV
                            Trace                                           max hold                                     max hold                                        max hold

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                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
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                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

                  Test Configuration:
                  1) 9 kHz to 30 MHz emissions:

                  2) 30 MHz to 1 GHz emissions:

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                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

                     1)          Intentional Emission and Spectrum Mask
              Test Frequency                             Quasi-Peak (dBµV/m)                                         Limits                                     Margin (dB)
                        (MHz)                           Vert i cal                   Hori zont al                  (dBµV/m)                      Vert i cal                      Hori zont al
                      13. 110                              51.48                           50.56                        69. 5                       18. 02                            18. 94
                      13. 410                              49.49                           42.55                        80. 5                       31. 01                            37. 95
                      13. 553                              50.42                           51.59                        90. 5                       40. 08                            38. 91
                      13. 564                              53.85                           49.52                       124. 0                       70. 15                            74. 48
                      13. 567                              49.49                           48.27                        90. 5                       41. 02                            42. 23
                      13. 710                              49.32                           48.34                        80. 5                       31. 18                            32. 16
                      14. 010                              49.70                           47.58                        69. 5                       19. 80                            21. 92

                     2)          Spurious Emission: below 30 MHz
              Test Frequency                             Quasi-Peak (dBµV/m)                                         Limits                                     Margin (dB)
                   (MHz)                                Vert i cal                   Hori zont al                  (dBµV/m)                      Vert i cal                      Hori zont al
                        2. 254                            50. 15                          49. 48                        69. 5                       19. 35                            20. 02
                        9. 975                            54. 49                          50. 99                        69. 5                       15. 01                            18. 51
                      27. 543                             55. 20                          51. 47                        69. 5                       14. 30                            18. 03

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                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
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                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

                       3)        Spurious Emssion: above 30 MHz
                    The following test results were performed on the EUT.

                    Peak scan
                    Level (dBµV/m)

                    Quasi-peak measurement

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                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385


                    Peak scan
                    Level (dBµV/m)

                    Quasi-peak measurement

                       The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor, Cable Factor & Peramplifier.
                       The basic equation with a sample calculation is as follows:
                       Final Test Level =Receiver Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Factor –Peramplifier Factor.
                       According to 15.35 (b) When average radiated emission measurements are specified in the
                       regulations, including emission measurements below 1000 MHz, there is also a limit on the
                       radio frequency emissions, as measured using instrumentation with a peak detector function,
                       corresponding to 20 dB above the maximum permitted average limit for the frequency being
                       investigated unless a different peak emission limit is otherwise specified in the rules, e.g., see
                       Section 15.255.

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                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
                                                                                                                                         Page:                17 of 23
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

    7.4         Occupied Bandwidth
                   Test Requirement:                                         FCC Part 15 C section 15.215
                   Test Method:                                              ANSI C63.10: Clause 6.9
                                                                             Operation within the band 13.110 –14.010 MHz
                   Test Status:                                              Test the EUT connected with Xbox in reading tags status.
                   15.215(c), Intentional radiators operating under the alternative provisions to the general
                   emission limits, as contained in §§ 15.217 through 15.257 and in subpart E of this part, must
                   be designed to ensure that the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission is contained within the
                   frequency band designated in the rule section under which the equipment is operated. The
                   requirement to contain the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission within the specified frequency
                   band includes the effects from frequency sweeping, frequency hopping and other modulation
                   techniques that may be employed as well as the frequency stability of the transmitter over
                   expected variations in temperature and supply voltage. If a frequency stability is not specified
                   in the regulations, it is recommended that the fundamental emission be kept within at least the
                   central 80% of the permitted band in order to minimize the possibility of out-of-band operation.
                   Test Procedure:
                   The useful radiated emission from the EUT was detected by the spectrum analyzer with peak
                   detector. Record the 20 dB bandwidth of the carrier.
                   The useful radiated emission from the EUT was detected by the spectrum analyser with peak
                   detector. The vertical Scale is set to 10dB per division. The horizontal scale is set to 20 kHz
                   per division. Read the down 20dB bandwidth of the carrier.
                   Set the spectrum analyzer: Span = 15 kHz
                   Set the spectrum analyzer: RBW = 500 Hz, VBW = 500 Hz
                   Sweep = auto; Detector Function = Peak. Trace = Max Hold.
                   Mark the peak frequency and -20dB points bandwidth.

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                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
                                                                                                                                         Page:                18 of 23
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

                  Test plot as below:
                                                                             Marker 1 [T1 ndB]                        RBW       500 Hz          RF Att          30 dB
                                                        Ref Lvl              ndB               20.00 dB               VBW       500 Hz
                                                        8 dBm                BW        1.23246493 kHz                 SWT      600 ms           Unit                 dBm
                                                                                                                                    1 [T1]                 -9.72 dBm
                                                    0                                                                                            13.56277455 MHz
                                                                                                                                   ndB                     20.00 dB
                                                                                                             1                     BW              1.23246493 kHz
                                                                                                                                    T1 [T1]               -30.23 dBm
                                                                                                                                                 13.56214329 MHz

                                                 -20                                                                                T2 [T1]               -29.00 dBm
                                                                                                                                                 13.56337575 MHz
                                                        1MAX                                                     T2                                                        1MA






                                                        Center 13.563 MHz                                1.5 kHz/                                       Span 15 kHz

                  20dB bandwidth lower frequency : 13.5621MHz

                 20dB bandwidth upper frequency : 13.5633MHz

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                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
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                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

    7.5         Frequency Stability
                   Test Requirement:                                         FCC Part 15 C section 15.225 (e)
                   Test Method:                                              ANSI C63.10: Clause 6.8
                   Test Status:                                              Test the EUT connected with Xbox in reading tags status.
                   15.225(e): The frequency tolerance of the carrier signal shall be maintained within +/- 0.01%
                   of the operating frequency over a temperature variation of –20 degrees to +50 degrees C at
                   normal supply voltage, and for a variation in the primary supply voltage from 85% to 115% of
                   the rated supply voltage at a temperature of 20 degrees C. For battery operated equipment,
                   the equipment tests shall be performed using a new battery.
             Test Procedure:
             1. The EUT was turn-up.
             2. With all power removed, the temperature was decreased to -20°C and permitted to
                  stabilize for three hours. Power was applied and the maximum change in frequency was
                  noted within one minute. With power OFF, the temperature was raised in 10°C steps. The
                  sample was permitted to stabilize at each step for at least one-half hour. Power was
                  applied and the maximum frequency change was noted within one minute.
             3. The temperature tests were performed for the worst case.
             4. Variation in the primary supply voltage from 85% to 115% of the rated supply voltage at a
                  temperature of 20°C. The maximum frequency change was recorded.
        Test Result:

        Operating Frequency: 13.5627 MHz,
        Limit: total emission within +/- 1.35627kHz(+/- 0.01% of the operating frequency)

           Frequency stability vs. temperature
            Environment Temperature       Measured Frequency                                                                 Frequency Measure with Time Elapsed
                      (°C)                      (MHz)                                                                              Total emission within kHz
                        50                     13.5625                                                                                     -0.0002
                        40                     13.5631                                                                                      0.0004
                        30                     13.5626                                                                                     -0.0001
                        20                     13.5627                                                                                      0.0000
                        10                     13.5628                                                                                      0.0001
                         0                     13.5632                                                                                      0.0005
                       -10                     13.5629                                                                                      0.0002
                       -20                     13.5628                                                                                      0.0004

           Frequency stability vs.input voltage
                Power Supplied              Measured Frequency                                                               Frequency Measure with Time Elapsed
                     (VAC)                        (MHz)                                                                            Total emission within kHz
                      102                        13.5631                                                                                    0.0004
                      120                        13.5627                                                                                    0.0000
                      132                        13.5628                                                                                    0.0001
                      138                        13.5626                                                                                   -0.0001

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                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
                                                                                                                                         Page:                20 of 23
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

    7.6         Conducted Emissions at Mains Terminals 150 kHz to 30 MHz
            Test Requirement:                                        FCC Part 15 C section 15.207
            Test Method:                                             ANSI C63.10: Clause 6.2
            Frequency Range:                                         150 kHz to 30 MHz
            Detector:                                                Peak for pre-scan (9 kHz Resolution Bandwidth)
            Test Limit
                                        Limits for conducted disturbance at the mains ports of class B
                                     Frequency Range                                                                           Class B Limit dB(µV)
                                          (MHz)                                                             Quasi-peak                                                Average
                                           0.15 to 0.50                                                      66 to 56                                                 56 to 46
                              0.50 to 5                           56                         46
                               5 to 30                            60                         50
                 NOTE 1 The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0,15
                        MHz to 0,50 MHz.
           EUT Operation:                                            Test EUT keep reading the tags mode. For intentional radiators,
                                                                     measurements of the variation of the input power or the radiated signal
                                                                     level of the fundamental frequency component of the emission, as
                                                                     appropriate, shall be performed with the supply voltage varied between
                                                                     85% and 115% of the nominal rated supply voltage.
                                                                     Test the EUT connected with Xbox in reading tags status.

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                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
                                                                                                                                         Page:                21 of 23
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

           Test Configuration:

            Test procedure:
           1. The mains terminal disturbance voltage test was conducted in a shielded room.
           2. The EUT was connected to AC power source through a LISN 1 (Line Impedance Stabilization
           Network) which provides a 50Ω/50µH + 5Ω linear impedance. The power cables of all other units of the
           EUT were connected to a second LISN 2, which was bonded to the ground reference plane in the
           same way as the LISN 1 for the unit being measured. A multiple socket outlet strip was used to
           connect multiple power cables to a single LISN provided the rating of the LISN was not exceeded.
           3. The tabletop EUT was placed upon a non-metallic table 0.8m above the ground reference plane.
           And for floor-standing arrangement, the EUT was placed on the horizontal ground reference plane, but
           separated from metallic contact with the ground reference plane by 0.1m of insulation.
           4. The test was performed with a vertical ground reference plane. The rear of the EUT shall be 0,4 m
           from the vertical ground reference plane. The vertical ground reference plane was bonded to the
           horizontal ground reference plane. The LISN 1 was placed 0,8 m from the boundary of the unit under
           test and bonded to a ground reference plane for LISNs mounted on top of the ground reference plane.
           This distance was between the closest points of the LISN 1 and the EUT. All other units of the EUT
           and associated equipment was at least 0,8 m from the LISN 2.

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                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

7.6.1 Measurement Data
                An initial pre-scan was performed on the live and neutral lines with peak detector.

               Quasi-Peak and Average measurement were performed at the frequencies with maximized peak
               emission were detected. For EUT the communicating was worst case mode.

                The following Quasi-Peak and Average measurements were performed on the EUT:

                     Neutral Line

                   Measure data:

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                                                                                                                                         Report No.: GZEM130100037501
                                                                                                                                         Page:                23 of 23
                                                                                                                                         FCC ID: QOF-8032385

                     Live Line

                   Measure result:

                                                                                 --The End of Report--

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Document Created: 2013-02-19 16:01:20
Document Modified: 2013-02-19 16:01:20

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