User manual


Users Manual

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  Congiatulations on your recent purchas of Enbrighten Café Lights. Enbrighten
  Caté Lights are                provide Rghting for e with no bulbs to reptace avor
  again! Purchase adddonallight to form one continuous atting us to 750 featt
  imponetait: Betere betalanios, ols reade warving strtemense Includac t the bettorn
              afthem nstucteo.
  inaner t orsire propr instalitonplcas folow cach sip below:
  sip1— mmac serup
    1 — cariill unosct Ca Lh fom bax, Rermave the wrees Coee warnng on revsrs ide.                    8 — PressGolo2 then selec a elorfom the coler pad o setthe olooevey otherbul starthg
    2yhonimtaling café itteovtde, a Ground Fadt Cret nternpter(ec0 eceptace                              wif thesscoed bub.
      idonmnpenmnomidnearsiecale merowbon ce ®                                                        > Durieathe seiection uati, ross th dimening button tochoose one o10 ifferantfght evils.
  sinp 2« nerauine card uorrs                                                                         stobe Setaction Festore
    1 ~ meotaien orly mount Cal ishis t a old wpportstuctire                                             By prosing th Stobe bution the Kghts wil srobethrough l of thecolors i random pater.
       ush asjolts, bnaneatudearothar old mauning surton.
    2 Enc Catd Light i desoned wth munveral evtol for                                                 rade ueacion reature
        meuntingwit lghts hargina donnmard Hardvare options  n n                                         ay presing theFade butr, e ts wlfade in and out thoush l af the color ina
        incude scruun, ts ip w hok and more (notincladec,                                                random patte
    3+ Usejayholy sar is or hyhola to maunt pomer ent:
    4— Guite wirnein complonen w loennlciral and
       cedes my n be ow t support Clé Lighta.                                                         Presthe"modds® button repestnly to yels throunh tflw presnt modan
                                                                                                      «reinda             ht Fada «vitmas «sc ratresay
    * Anansedammed
                 nesmerenexd                                                                          «d whiteand bun sFall              SSoring      stolt
    6— When inkhed mounting.slsctarmlo ecaptacte cover frnly ove he                                   ‘Tmnar Satection Foem
       unsned outatand plup he mals n intothe Grl Recepiacis                                                                ®
                                                                   repiierarniie                      A y prosibg the 2 HourTemerbutton, you wl acvate a hour countdown untghts um of.
                                                                                                      8~ By prosing the 4 Hour Timer butten you wil activatn a fourhourcountdoun unfhts um oft
                                                                                              10— Onea you have cistomized your setig and ar eady to pewaraf yourFyhts prasthe red
                                                                         ©      &                 ON/GEE button bcatngattne top otthe remote
          w                         we                                   I                        wore Your Cah ignts wilasiomatioaly remamberthe last custonizad etlingsand wiltm bock on
                                                                                                           inthsame mode and/oroc
    7 tocate the remotsRemorethe back coverofth rermoteand                                  ue3       meratuine muurince cart uo sers                         Adaiimtte malemecattuem
      InsertbrnAAbotwes Included ntothe omply companment Frmiy                              Extend e length t        yourlghts by ccnrect       than s[ Lz fet              Bube_[rodainerrie
                     come                                                                                       your             ecrracting more one
      "                                                                                     fogether t form one contruoussting un to m fect Smpiyfolow    a                  ®
    ~ To rewaanyour Caté Ushts prestha red ON/OFE buttontocatnd at                          the above nstalidonatops,. maling sure sach comection between x                  G
      tha top oftharemata NePre kaep remaie nsta when not bang usad.           LC           strds s secare and thattheand frmlsreceptacs securcly         «s                 =
    9—Now that your ights are bnaled and powered on taketime to mslore                      cmvered aihe Ee cce core                                                  wontinrares
      Thfoloning anttigs that arprogremmabl vyourremotn                        OQG                4            acrtuams
        Singe Coto Saiction Featire                                            h       G_     1 — Aays inplug Cat Lights rom tharreeptacls prirto emovieg.
           cronsmanerelerandrrasthe commonding bution on t colr                         £     2 Carefily remove anch fuiinaivunly fom the mountng hrdvars.
                        e            ie                                                           Nerri:Roryoursafits rever pul or lghs m mountig hastrare
           wor wihin ts fatureyou can t presthe oimming button                          <                                  putor hi lants          e
                 o adjistrom io difwant lght ns Tha taming ontion is                    P     3— Stow IchsIna d locaton.
                  anly inalalefor sglo—and cua—colorsalction.
                                                                                            swre mesz mermucnions
        Dual Cote Sefection Peature
        A Prow ColorL then select n colorrom theeoko pa o stt ector
           atevary sther bulbstarting with the in bubs.

Important — please reast                                                                         neome
homnaeonennmementrnntrreneraneenmeemuectemac                rnommortenmentenimemnnemon      Intinies
mennnorarenarevmvrditoranesnteerecterizwenre                Eomspess
                                                                 nenames mnacicn            Cenemiet
      Tnduirmiineninininiastuines                           memmounninmel‘~                 rannpiies
»tarerermataremoomnan    nemveale wienesnn
 EmecunomenmmmmmntttWinMrAn                                 |emeenemmememery                meviitims
int my
    ic nomee edtimn wo ons o een mc
                  omeumoumicdnanyt                          cee                             HSun.

Document Created: 2017-06-13 00:44:22
Document Modified: 2017-06-13 00:44:22

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