Test Report Revised

FCC ID: QOB19210

Test Report

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                                                        FCC ID:QOB19210

         On Behalf of

    Jasco Products Company LLC

       Solid Button RF Remote

       Model Number: ST-601

Prepared for : Jasco Products Company LLC
               311 Northwest 122nd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73114
               United States

Prepared By : Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
              No. 6, Ke Feng Rd., 52 Block,
              Shenzhen Science & Industrial Park,
              Nantou, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

             Tel: (0755) 26639496

Report Number :      ACS-F07029
Date of Test   :     Dec.27, 2006~Jan.23, 2007
Date of Report :     Feb.01, 2007

                            Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

                                                                                                                            FCC ID:QOB19210

                                                   TABLE OF CONTENTS

Description                                                                                                                                          Page
Test Report Declaration
1.    SUMMARY OF STANDARDS AND RESULTS .................................................................. 1-1
      1.1.    Description of Standards and Results.............................................................................................1-1
2.    GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 2-1
      2.1.    Description of Device (EUT) .........................................................................................................2-1
      2.2.    Test Facility....................................................................................................................................2-2
      2.3.    Measurement Uncertainty ..............................................................................................................2-2
3.    POWER LINE CONDUCTED EMISSION TEST................................................................ 3-1
4.    RADIATED EMISSION TEST ............................................................................................... 4-1
      4.1.    Test Equipment ..............................................................................................................................4-1
      4.2.    Block Diagram of Test Setup .........................................................................................................4-1
      4.3.    Radiated Emission Limit 30~1000MHz Standard: FCC Part 15 ...................................................4-2
      4.4.    EUT Configuration on Test............................................................................................................4-2
      4.5.    Operating Condition of EUT..........................................................................................................4-3
      4.6.    Test Procedure................................................................................................................................4-3
      4.7.    Radiated Emission Test Results .....................................................................................................4-3
5.    EDGE BAND TEST.................................................................................................................. 5-1
      5.1.    Test Equipment ..............................................................................................................................5-1
      5.2.    Test Information .............................................................................................................................5-1
      5.3.    Test Results ....................................................................................................................................5-1
6.    STOP TRANSMITTING TIME TEST .................................................................................. 6-1
      6.1.    Test Equipment ..............................................................................................................................6-1
      6.2.    Test Information .............................................................................................................................6-1
      6.3.    Test Results ....................................................................................................................................6-1
7.    20 DB BANDWITH TEST ....................................................................................................... 7-1
      7.1.    Test Equipment ..............................................................................................................................7-1
      7.2.    Test Information .............................................................................................................................7-1
      7.3.    Test Results ....................................................................................................................................7-1
8.    PULSE DESENSITIZATION CORRECTION FACTOR ................................................... 8-1
9.    DEVIATION TO TEST SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................ 9-1
10.   PHOTOGRAPH...................................................................................................................... 10-1
      10.1. Photos of Radiated Emission Test (In Anechoic Chamber).........................................................10-1

                                                                                         Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

                                                                            ree m:poniszi0

                    TEST       REPORT DECLARATION

Applicant      1          Jaseo Products Company LLC
Manufacturer   3.         Smart Technologies & Investment Limited
EUTDescription            Solid Button RF Remote
                          (A) MODEL NO            :     ST—601
                          (B) SERIALNO.           : NA
                          (C) POWER SUPPLY :            Battery TV

Test Procedure Used:

FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15 Subpart C 2006

The device described above is tested by Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. to determine
the maximum emission levels emanating fromthe device,         The maximum emission levels are
compared to the FCC Part 15 Subpart C limits for radiated and conducted emissions.
The test results are contained in this test report and Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. is
assumed full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of tests. Also, this report shows
that EUT is technically compliant with FCC requirements.
This report applies to above tested sample only. This report shall not be reproduced in part
without written approval of Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd
This report must not be used by the applicant to claim product endorsement by NVLAP or any
ageney of the U.S. Government
Date of Test :                              Dec.27, 2006—Jan.2

Prepared by:                                   YoYo Wasg~
                                              YoYo Wang / A istant


                                             6 mesacooinss
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                                               EMC d m i4 4 0#                      |
                                        Stamp only for EMC Dept.       Report
                                        Signature:            «a       |a    Sa
Approved & Authorized Signer
                                             Ken Lu / Deputy Manazer
Name of the Representative ofthe Responsible Party :

                                                      uie Techntogy (SherchenCa,intRepon No 4C umes

                                                                          FCC ID:QOB19210
                                                                                      Page            1-1


   1.1. Description of Standards and Results
       The EUT have been tested according to the applicable standards as referenced below.
         Description of Test Item                  Standard                          Results
                                              FCC Part 15: 15.231
Radiated Emission Test                                                                 PASS
                                              ANSI C63.4: 2003

Band Edge Compliance Test                     FCC Part 15: 15.231                      PASS

Stop Transmitting Time Test                   FCC Part 15: 15.231                      PASS

20 dB Bandwidth Test                          FCC Part 15: 15.231                      PASS

                                                   Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

                                                                   FCC ID:QOB19210
                                                                               Page            2-1


  2.1. Description of Device (EUT)
       Description    :   Solid Button RF Remote

       Model Number :     ST-601

       Applicant      :   Jasco Products Company LLC
                          311 Northwest 122nd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73114 United

       Manufacturer   :   Smart Technologies & Investment Limited
                          Units C&D, 18/F Spectrum Tower, No.53 Hung to Road, Kwun
                          Tong Kowloon HongKong

       Date of Test   :   Dec.27, 2006~Jan.23, 2007

                                            Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

                                                                     FCC ID:QOB19210
                                                                                  Page 2-2

2.2. Test Facility
     Site Description
         3m Anechoic Chamber           :   Jun. 13, 2006 File on Federal
                                           Communication Commission
                                           Registration Number: 90454

         3m & 10m Anechoic Chamber :       Mar.15, 2004 File on Federal
                                           Communication Commission
                                           Registration Number: 794232

         EMC Lab.                      :   Accredited by DATech, German
                                           Registration Number: DAT-P-091/99-01
                                           Feb. 02, 2004

                                           Accredited by NVLAP, USA
                                           NVLAP Code: 200372-0
                                           Apr.01, 2006

2.3. Measurement Uncertainty
       No.                     Item                         Uncertainty              Remark
       1.    Uncertainty for Conducted Emission Test         1.22dB
       2.    Uncertainty for Radiated Emission Test          3.14dB               3m Chamber
       3.    Uncertainty for Radiated Emission Test          3.18dB              10m Chamber
       4.    Uncertainty for Power Clamp Test                1.38dB

                                             Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

                                                                                     FCC ID:QOB19210
                                                                                          Page 3-1

  According to Paragraph (f) of FCC Part 15 section 15.231, Tests to demonstrate compliance with
  the conducted limits are not required for devices which only employ battery power for operation
  and which do not operate from the AC power lines or contain provisions for operation while
  connected to the AC power lines.

                                                      Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

                                                                                   FCC ID:QOB19210
                                                                                         Page 4-1


       4.1. Test Equipment
            The following test equipments are used during the radiated emission Test:
            4.1.1. For Anechoic Chamber
                 Frequency rang: 30~1000MHz
Item   Equipment        Manufacturer    Model No.     Serial No.           Last Cal.        Cal. Interval
1.     EMI Spectrum HP                  85422E        3625A00181           May 15, 06       1 Year
2.     Test Receiver    Rohde & Schwarz ESVS20        830350/005           May 15, 06       1 Year
3.     Amplifier        HP              8447D         2944A07794           Sep. 12,06       1/2 Year
4.     Bilog Antenna Schaffner          CBL6111C      2598                 Jan. 11, 06      1 Year
5.     RF Cable         MIYAZAKI        5D-2W         3# Chamber No.1      Jul. 30, 06      1/2 Year
6.     RF Cable         MIYAZAKI        5D-2W         3# Chamber No.2      Jul. 30, 06      1/2 Year
7.     RF Cable         FUJIKURA        RG-55/U       3# Chamber No.3      Jul. 30, 06      1/2 Year
8.     RF Cable         FUJIKURA        RG-55/U       3# Chamber No.4      Jul. 30, 06      1/2 Year
9.     Coaxial Switch Anritsu           MP59B         M73989               Jul. 30, 06      1/2 Year

             Frequency rang: above 1000MHz
Item Equipment      Manufacturer      Model No. Serial No.                 Last Cal.        Cal.
1.     Spectrum         Agilent           E4446A      US44300459           Jun.01, 06       1 Year
2.     Test Receiver    Rohde & Schwarz   ESVS20      830350/005           May.15, 06       1 Year
3.     Amplifier        HP                8447D       2944A07794           Mar.13, 06       1/2 Year
4.     Bilog Antenna    Schaffner         CBL6111C    2598                 Jan. 11, 06      1 Year
5.     RF Cable         MIYAZAKI          5D-2W       3# Chamber No.1      Jul. 28, 06      1/2 Year
6.     RF Cable         MIYAZAKI          5D-2W       3# Chamber No.2      Jul. 28, 06      1/2 Year
7.     RF Cable         FUJIKURA          RG-55/U     3# Chamber No.3      Jul. 28, 06      1/2 Year
8.     RF Cable         FUJIKURA          RG-55/U     3# Chamber No.4      Jul. 28, 06      1/2 Year
9.     Coaxial Switch   Anritsu           MP59B       M73989               Jul. 28, 06      1/2 Year
10.    Spectrum         Agilent           E4407B      MY41440292           May.15, 06       1 Year
11.    Amp              HP                8449B       3008A00863           May.15, 06       1 Year
12.    Antenna          EMCO              3115        9607-4877            Jan. 23, 07      1.5 Year

       4.2. Block Diagram of Test Setup
            4.2.1. Block Diagram of connection between EUT and simulators


             (EUT: Solid Button RF Remote)

                                                    Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

                                                                           FCC ID:QOB19210
                                                                                 Page 4-2

    4.2.2. Anechoic Chamber Setup Diagram


                            ANTENNA ELEVATION VARIES FROM 1 TO 4 METERS

                                    3 METERS

                                                              EUT and
                                                              Support System

                                                            TURN TABLE               0.8 METER

                      GROUND PLANE

4.3. Radiated Emission Limit 30~1000MHz Standard: FCC Part 15
        FREQUENCY                   DISTANCE            FIELD STRENGTHS LIMIT
             MHz                      Meters               μV/m          dB(μV)/m
          30 ~ 88                       3                   100             40.0
          88 ~ 216                      3                   150             43.5
         216 ~ 960                      3                   200             46.0
         960 ~ 1000                     3                   500             54.0
        Local Oscillator:               3                  100.80 dB(μV)/m (Peak)
                                                           80.80 dB(μV)/m (Average)
       Above 1000                       3             Other:
                                                           74.0 dB(μV)/m (Peak)
                                                           54.0 dB(μV)/m (Average)
    Remark: (1) Emission level dBμV = 20 log Emission level μV/m
            (2) The smaller limit shall apply at the cross point between two frequency
            (3) Distance is the distance in meters between the measuring instrument,
                antenna and the closest point of any part of the device or system.

4.4. EUT Configuration on Test
    The following equipment are installed on Radiated Emission Test to meet the
    commission requirements and operating regulations in a manner which tends to
    maximize its emission characteristics in normal application.
    4.4.1. Solid Button RF Remote (EUT)
           Model Number         :       ST-601
           Serial Number        :       N/A
           Manufacturer         :       Smart Technologies & Investment Limited

                                            Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

                                                                            FCC ID:QOB19210
                                                                                  Page 4-3

4.5. Operating Condition of EUT
    4.5.1. Setup the EUT as shown in Section 4.2..

    4.5.2. Let the EUT work in test modes (TX) and test it.

4.6. Test Procedure
    The EUT and its simulators are placed on a turn table, which is 0.8 meter high above
    ground. The turn table can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the
    maximum emission level. The EUT is set 3 meters away from the receiving antenna,
    which is mounted on a antenna tower. The antenna can be moved up and down
    between 1 meter and 4 meters to find out the maximum emission level. Broadband
    antenna (calibrated bilog antenna) is used as receiving antenna. Both horizontal and
    vertical polarization of the antenna is set on Test. In order to find the maximum
    emission levels, all of the interface cables must be manipulated according to ANSI
    C63.4-2003 on radiated emission Test.

    This test was performed with EUT in horizontal position and vertical position, the
    highest emission levels was found when the EUT in a horizontal position as show in
    test photo. And this position was made for final emission test.

    The bandwidth of the EMI test receiver (R&S ESVS20) is set at 120kHz for
    frequency range from 30MHz to 1000 MHz.

    The bandwidth of the VBW is set at 300kHz and RBW is set at 120kHz for
    measurement below 1GHz.

    The frequency range from 30MHz to 1000MHz and above 1000MHz are checked.

    The test modes (TX Mode) is tested in Anechoic Chamber and all the scanning
    waveforms are reported on Section 4.7.

4.7. Radiated Emission Test Results

    The frequency range from 30MHz to 1000MHz and above 1GHz. is investigated.
    Please see the following pages.

                                             Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

                                                                              FCC ID:QOB19210
                                                                                    Page 4-4

                       Fundamental and Harmonics Average Result
Freq(MHz) Peak Level    PDCF(dBμV/m)       Average Level Limit(dBμV/m) Conclusion
          (dBμV/m)      (see Section 8)    (dBμV/m)      (average)
   433.78    64.31             -5.42           58.89           80.80      PASS
   867.57    38.81             -5.42           33.39           60.80      PASS

                                               Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

                                                                              FCC ID:QOB19210
                                                                                    Page 4-5

                       Fundamental and Harmonics Average Result
Freq(MHz) Peak Level    PDCF(dBμV/m)       Average Level Limit(dBμV/m) Conclusion
          (dBμV/m)      (see Section 8)    (dBμV/m)      (average)
   433.78    55.21             -5.42           49.79           80.80      PASS
   868.08    35.16             -5.42           29.74           60.80      PASS

                                               Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

                                                                                    No.6,Ke Feng Road,Block 52,
  A1UDIX J                                                                          Shenzhen SciencesIndustry Park
                                                                                    Postcode: 518057

       Data: 3                    File: :2006 DATAIZ006 Report Data\s!smart4SC6QH175—1.EMI (10)
        120 Level (dBu¥im}                                                              Date: 2006—12—27. Time: 14:45:49

                                                                                                  FCC PART 15C_ PEAK


             0 1000                1800.              2600.             3400.                    4200.              5000
                                                          Frequency (MHz)

Bite    no.                 Audix No.1 Chamber                   Data no.           3
Dis.    /    Ant.           3m    3115 FACTOR                    Ant.   pol.        HORIZCHTAL
Limit                       FCC PART 15¢      PEAK
Env. / Ins.                 2src/ses                             Engineer           Jamy
EUT                     :   Rolid Button RF Remote            M/N:3T—601
Power Rating : Battery 12¥
Test    Mode                Tx Hode

       Data: 4                    File: D:{2006 DATAIZ006 Report Data\s!smart4SC6QH175—1.EMI (10)
                 Level (dBu¥im)                                                         Date: 2006—12—27. Time: 14:47:10

                                                                                                  FCC PART 15C_ PEAK



                 1000              1800.              2600.             3400.                    4200.              5000
                                                          Frequency (MHz)

Site no.                    Audix No.1 Chamber                   Data no.           4
Dis.    / Ant.              3m    3115 FACTOR                    Ant.   pol.    :   VERTICAL
Limit          FCC PART 150                    PEAK
Env. / Ins.    2s*C/s44                                          Engineer           Jamy
EuT            Rolid Button                  RF Remote        M/N:3T—601
Power Rating : Battery 12¥
Test Mode      Tx Hode

                                                                                FCC ID:QOB19210
                                                                                      Page 5-1


  5.1. Test Equipment

  Item Equipment Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. Last Cal. Cal. Interval
  1.   Spectrum Agilent       E4446A    US44300459 Jun.01, 06 1 Year

  5.2. Test Information
   EUT:                           Solid Button RF Remote
   M/N:                           ST-601
   Test Date:                     Jan.23, 2007
   Ambient Temperature:           23℃
   Relative Humidity:             50%
   Test standard:                FCC PART 15C: 15.231
   Test mode:                     Transmitting
   Test Frequency:                433.8MHz
   Test By:                       Jamy

  5.3. Test Results

      The testing data was attached in the next page.

                                                 Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

                               FCC ID:QOB19210
                                     Page 5-2

Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

                                                                                FCC ID:QOB19210
                                                                                      Page 6-1


  6.1. Test Equipment
  Item Equipment Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. Last Cal. Cal. Interval
  1.   Spectrum Agilent       E4446A    US44300459 Jun.01, 06 1 Year

  6.2. Test Information
   EUT:                           Solid Button RF Remote
   M/N:                           ST-601
   Test Date:                     Jan.5, 2007
   Ambient Temperature:           23℃
   Relative Humidity:             50%
   Test standard:                 FCC PART 15C: 15.231
   Test mode:                     Transmitting
   Test Frequency:                433.8MHz
   Test By:                       Jamy

  6.3. Test Results
  Set the spectrum to zero span, activated the EUT by manually, And then, we could see the
  transmitting wave in the spectrum, when the time marker went to “1R”, released the EUT,
  After 233.3ms, we could see the EUT stop transmitting.
     Frequency      Stop Transmitting        Limit: not more than 5 seconds
       (MHz)               Time                     of being released
     433.856         233.3ms                                 5s                             PASS

                                                 Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

 © Agient 16:39:06 Jan 5, 2007                  Warker

Ref —24 dn         «Atten 0 d    (ones   Select Narker
                                         102        3      4


      Marker a
      233.3333333 ms                            Deita Pair
                                            (Tracking ReP)
                                         Ref             a
                                                 Span Pair
                                         Span       Center


 enter 4
                                                    1 of 2

                                                                               FCC ID:QOB19210
                                                                                     Page 7-1


  7.1. Test Equipment
  Item Equipment Manufacturer Model No. Serial No. Last Cal. Cal. Interval
  1.   Spectrum Agilent       E4446A    US44300459 Jun.01, 06 1 Year

  7.2. Test Information
   EUT:                          Solid Button RF Remote
   M/N:                          ST-601
   Test Date:                    Jan.5, 2007
   Ambient Temperature:          23℃
   Relative Humidity:            50%
   Test standard:                FCC PART 15C: 15.231
   Test mode:                    Transmitting
   Test Frequency:               433.8MHz
   Test By:                      Jamy

  7.3. Test Results
    Frequency        20 dB Bandwidth        Limit(kHz): No wider than
      (MHz)               (kHz)           0.25% of the center frequency
     433.856          118.3                    433.8*0.25%=1.08MHz                         PASS

                                                Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

Aglent 161412 Jan 5, 2007                   Narker
               «Atten 0 d8           Select Narker
                                     Por     3 a



                                            Doita Pair
                                        (Tracking ReP)
                                     Ref             a
                                             Span Pair
                                     Span       Center


                                                1 of 2

                                                        FCC ID:QOB19210
                                                              Page 8-1

T period = 50.17ms

                         Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

                                                                               FCC ID:QOB19210
                                                                                     Page 8-2

T ontime(assumed worse case)=25*1.075ms=26.875ms
Duty cycle= T ontime / T period=26.875ms / 50.17ms=0.536
PDCF=20*log(Duty cycle)=20*log(0.536)=-5.42

                                                Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

                                                      FCC ID:QOB19210
                                                              Page 9-1

  [ NONE]

                          Audix Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Report No. ACS-F07029

Document Created: 2007-03-08 17:24:36
Document Modified: 2007-03-08 17:24:36

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