test report


Test Report

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                FCC Test Report                                                   Report No. : FR352851

                             FCC Test Report

             Equipment             : Remote Controller
             Brand Name            : General Electric
             Model No.             : GE5399
             FCC ID                : QOB-GE5399
             Standard              : 47 CFR FCC Part 15.231
             Operating Band        : 315 MHz
             Operation             : Manually operated within 5 sec
             FCC Classification : DSC
             Applicant             : Jasco Products Company
                                     10 E. Memorial Rd., Building B,
                                     Oklahoma City, OK 73114, USA
             Manufacturer          : Verdant Electronics(Dong Guan) Co., Ltd.
                                     Langxie Administrative District, Qiaotou,
                                     Dongguan City, Guang Dong Sheng,

     The product sample received on Jul. 05, 2013 and completely tested on Jul. 26, 2013. We,
     SPORTON, would like to declare that the tested sample has been evaluated in accordance
     with the procedures given in ANSI C63.10-2009 and shown compliance with the applicable
     technical standards.

     The test results in this report apply exclusively to the tested model / sample. Without written
     approval of SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC., the test report shall not be reproduced except
     in full.

       Reviewed by:

       Wayne Hsu / Assistant Manager

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TEL : 886-3-327-3456                                                   Report Version    : Rev. 01
FAX : 886-3-327-0973

                 FCC Test Report                                                                                        Report No. : FR352851

                                                      Table of Contents
1       GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...............................................................................................................5

1.1     Information........................................................................................................................................5
1.2     Testing Applied Standards ................................................................................................................ 7
1.3     Testing Location Information .............................................................................................................7
1.4     Measurement Uncertainty .................................................................................................................7

2       TEST CONFIGURATION OF EUT ....................................................................................................8

2.1     The Worst Case Modulation Configuration ........................................................................................8
2.2     Test Channel Frequencies Configuration...........................................................................................8
2.3     The Worst Case Measurement Configuration .................................................................................... 8
2.4     Test Setup Diagram .......................................................................................................................... 9

3       TRANSMITTER TEST RESULT ..................................................................................................... 10

3.1     AC Power-line Conducted Emissions .............................................................................................. 10
3.2     Emission Bandwidth ........................................................................................................................ 12
3.3     Fundamental Emissions .................................................................................................................. 14
3.4     Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions ..................................................................................... 16
3.5     Operation Restriction ...................................................................................................................... 22

4       TEST EQUIPMENT AND CALIBRATION DATA............................................................................. 24



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                 FCC Test Report                                                      Report No. : FR352851

                                  Summary of Test Result
                                      Conformance Test Specifications
Report      Ref. Std.
                              Description                 Measured                          Limit                Result
Clause       Clause
 1.1.2        15.203    Antenna Requirement Antenna connector mechanism           FCC 15.203
  3.1         15.207    AC Power-line       -                                     FCC 15.207                      NA
                        Conducted Emissions
  3.2       15.231(c)   Emission Bandwidth      40 kHz                            Fc(70~900MHz):                Complied
                                                                                  BW fc x 0.25%
  3.3     15.231(b)/(e) Fundamental             [dBuV/m at 3m]:                   [dBuV/m at 3m]:               Complied
                        Emissions               49.00 (Margin 26.62dB) -AV        average: 75.62
  3.4     15.231(b)/(e) Transmitter Radiated    [dBuV/m at 3m]: 1260.000MHz       FCC 15.231                    Complied
                        Unwanted Emissions      46.20 (Margin 7.80dB) - AV        (b)/(e) or
                                                                                  FCC 15.209,
                                                                                  whichever limit
                                                                                  permits higher
                                                                                  field strength.
  3.5     15.231(a)/(e) Operation Restriction   Operated time and silent time     Manually operated Complied
                                                are less than limits.             within 5 sec
NA = Not Applicable

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                FCC Test Report                                               Report No. : FR352851

                                   Revision History
     Report No.         Version              Description                            Issued Date

     FR352851            Rev. 01         Initial issue of report                    Aug. 15, 2013

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                FCC Test Report                                                       Report No. : FR352851

1         General Description
1.1       Information
1.1.1     RF General Information
                                           RF General Information
     Frequency                        Ch. Frequency            Channel
                       Modulation                                          Field Strength     Co-location
    Range (MHz)                           (MHz)                Number
        315               ASK               315                    1             49                 N/A
Note 1: Field strength performed average level at 3m.
Note 2: Co-location, Co-location is generally defined as simultaneously transmitting (co-transmitting)
        antennas within 20 cm of each other.

1.1.2     Antenna Information
                                              Antenna Category
      Integral antenna (antenna permanently attached)
      External antenna (dedicated antennas) ; Unique antenna connector

1.1.3     Type of EUT
                                                   Identify EUT
EUT Serial Number               N/A
Presentation of Equipment           Production ;       Pre-Production ;   Prototype
                                                   Type of EUT
      Combined (EUT where the radio part is fully integrated within another device)
      Combined Equipment - Brand Name / Model No.:         …
      Plug-in radio (EUT intended for a variety of host systems)
      Host System - Brand Name / Model No.:        …

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                        FCC Test Report                                                          Report No. : FR352851

1.1.4        Test Signal Duty Cycle
                                          Operated Mode for Worst Duty Cycle
      Operated normally mode for worst duty cycle
      Operated test mode for worst duty cycle
                       Test Signal Duty Cycle (x)                    Duty Cycle Correction Factor [dB] – (20 log x)
      29.03%                                                                             10.74
                                                                RBW 1 MHz    Delta 1 [T1 ]
                                                               * VBW 1 MHz             -30.28 dB
             Ref -20 dBm                 * Att       0 dB       SWT 100 ms          37.200000 ms
                 -20                                                         Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                       -57.47 dBm
                                                                                     0.000000 s          A
    1 PK *
    CLRWR                                                                                               TRG



                 -70      TRG -70 dBm






             Center 315 MHz                                 10 ms/

   Date: 26.JUL.2013                02:54:57

Duty cycle = On time 29.03ms bin (2323) / Total Time 100ms bin (8001) = 29.03%
If worst duty < 100%, average emission = peak emission + 20 log x

1.1.5        EUT Operational Condition
Supply Voltage                           AC mains                       DC
Type of DC Source                        Internal DC supply             External DC adapter           Battery

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                FCC Test Report                                                             Report No. : FR352851

1.2       Testing Applied Standards
According to the specifications of the manufacturer, the EUT must comply with the requirements of the
following standards:
      47 CFR FCC Part 15
      ANSI C63.10-2009

1.3       Testing Location Information
                                                    Testing Location
       HWA YA          ADD   :     No. 52, Hwa Ya 1st Rd., Hwa Ya Technology Park, Kwei-Shan Hsiang,
                                   Tao Yuan Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.
                       TEL   :     886-3-327-3456         FAX    :    886-3-327-0973
   Test Condition                Test Site No.        Test Engineer       Test Environment         Test Date
    RF Conducted                   TH01-HY                 Ian              24.8°C / 61%          Jul. 26, 2013
 Radiated Emission               03CH03-HY                 Vic               26°C / 55%           Jul. 22, 2013

1.4       Measurement Uncertainty
ISO/IEC 17025 requires that an estimate of the measurement uncertainties associated with the emissions test
results be included in the report. The measurement uncertainties given below are based on a 95% confidence
level (based on a coverage factor (k=2)

                                                 Measurement Uncertainty
                                    Test Item                                  Uncertainty            Limit
AC power-line conducted emissions                                               ±2.26 dB                N/A
Emission bandwidth                                                               ±1.42 %                N/A
RF output power, conducted                                                      ±0.63 dB                N/A
Power density, conducted                                                        ±0.81 dB                N/A
Unwanted emissions, conducted                          30 – 1000 MHz            ±0.51 dB                N/A
                                                       1 – 18 GHz               ±0.67 dB                N/A
                                                       18 – 40 GHz              ±0.83 dB                N/A
                                                       40 – 200 GHz                N/A                  N/A
All emissions, radiated                                30 – 1000 MHz            ±2.56 dB                N/A
                                                       1 – 18 GHz               ±3.59 dB                N/A
                                                       18 – 40 GHz              ±3.82 dB                N/A
                                                       40 – 200 GHz                N/A                  N/A
Temperature                                                                      ±0.8 °C                N/A
Humidity                                                                          ±3 %                  N/A
DC and low frequency voltages                                                     ±3 %                  N/A
Time                                                                             ±1.42 %                N/A
Duty Cycle                                                                       ±1.42 %                N/A

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                FCC Test Report                                                           Report No. : FR352851

2         Test Configuration of EUT
2.1       The Worst Case Modulation Configuration
                                Modulation Used for Conformance Testing
                        Test Mode                                 Field Strength (dBuV/m at 3 m)
                       ASK-Transmit                                                  49

2.2       Test Channel Frequencies Configuration
                                 Test Channel Frequencies Configuration
                        Test Mode                                Test Channel Frequencies (MHz)
                       ASK-Transmit                                            315-(F1)

2.3       The Worst Case Measurement Configuration
                          The Worst Case Mode for Following Conformance Tests
         Tests Item          Emission Bandwidth, Fundamental Emissions, Radiated Unwanted Emissions
       Test Condition        Radiated measurement
                                 EUT will be placed in fixed position.
                                 EUT will be placed in mobile position and operating multiple positions. EUT
                                 shall be performed two orthogonal planes.
       User Position
                                 EUT will be a hand-held or body-worn battery-powered devices and
                                 operating multiple positions. EUT shall be performed two or three
                                 orthogonal planes.
         Test Mode           ASK-Transmit
                                      X Plane                    Y Plane                       Z Plane

    Orthogonal Planes of

                          The Worst Case Mode for Following Conformance Tests
         Tests Item          Operation Restriction (silent time and operated time)
       Test Condition        Radiated measurement
         Test Mode           Operated normally mode for worst duty cycle condition.

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                FCC Test Report                                                  Report No. : FR352851

2.4       Test Setup Diagram

                             Test Setup Diagram - Radiated Test (Below 1GHz)

                         Test Setup Diagram - Radiated Test (Above 1GHz)

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3         Transmitter Test Result
3.1       AC Power-line Conducted Emissions
3.1.1     AC Power-line Conducted Emissions Limit
                                 AC Power-line Conducted Emissions Limit
    Frequency Emission (MHz)                      Quasi-Peak                          Average
               0.15-0.5                             66 - 56 *                         56 - 46 *
                 0.5-5                                 56                                 46
                  5-30                                 60                                 50
Note 1: * Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

3.1.2     Measuring Instruments
Refer a test equipment and calibration data table in this test report.

3.1.3     Test Procedures
                                                  Test Method
      Refer as ANSI C63.10-2009, clause 6.2 for AC power-line conducted emissions.

3.1.4     Test Setup
                                    AC Power-line Conducted Emissions

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3.1.5     Test Result of AC Power-line Conducted Emissions
The EUT is battery powered; there is no need to do this testing.

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3.2       Emission Bandwidth
3.2.1     Emission Bandwidth Limit
                                           Emission Bandwidth Limit
      Emission bandwidth falls completely within authorized band.
      Fc(70~900MHz): BW       fc x 0.25%
      Fc(>900MHz): BW      fc x 0.5%

3.2.2     Measuring Instruments
Refer a test equipment and calibration data table in this test report.

3.2.3     Test Procedures
                                                  Test Method
      Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause 6.9.1 for 20 dB emission bandwidth and 99% occupied bandwidth

3.2.4     Test Setup
                                             Emission Bandwidth

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3.2.5     Test Result of Emission Bandwidth
                                                  Emission Bandwidth Result
    Modulation Mode                Frequency (MHz)                                    99% Bandwidth (kHz)                                 20dB BW (kHz)
        ASK-Transmit                              315                                                 77                                       40
                       Limit                                                                        N/A                                       787.5
                       Result                                                                                              Complied

                                           Worst Emission Bandwidth Plots
                                                                             * RBW 10 kHz   Delta 1 [T1 ]
                                                                             * VBW 10 kHz              -0.08 dB
                                 Ref -20 dBm            * Att   0 dB         * SWT 500 ms       40.000000000 kHz

                                 -20                                                        OBW 77.000000000
                                                                                            Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                      -77.03   dBm   A
                                                                                               315.000000000   MHz
                          1 PK
                                                                                            Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
                                 -40                                                                  -85.60   dBm
                                                                                               314.971000000   MHz
                                                                                            Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                                      -84.89   dBm
                                                                                               315.048000000   MHz
                                        D1 -57.04 dBm

                                                                         1       1
                                           D2 -77.04 dBm                                                             3DB
                                                                   T1                T2




                                 Center 315 MHz                        50 kHz/                      Span 500 kHz

                         Date: 26.JUL.2013        02:48:13

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3.3       Fundamental Emissions
3.3.1     Fundamental Emissions Limit
   For manually operated within 5 sec, activated automatically within 5 sec, periodic transmissions
  Frequency Band (MHz)           Fundamental Limit (uV/m) at 3m          Fundamental Limit (dBuV/m) at 3m
         40.66-40.70                            2250                                         67
            70-130                              1250                                     61.9
           130-174                         1250-3750(**)                               61.9-71.5
           174-260                              3750                                     71.5
           260-470                         3750-12500(**)                              71.5-81.9
          Above 470                             12500                                    81.9
**1. Linear interpolations, the formulas for calculating the maximum permitted fundamental field strengths
are as follows:
(1) for the band 130 - 174 MHz, V/m at 3 meters = 56.81818×(operating frequency, MHz) - 6136.3636;
(2) for the band 260 - 470 MHz, V/m at 3 meters = 41.6667×(operating frequency, MHz) - 7083.3333.
Based on the average value of the measured emissions.

                             For periodic transmissions (lower field strength)
  Frequency Band (MHz)           Fundamental Limit (uV/m) at 3m          Fundamental Limit (dBuV/m) at 3m
         40.66-40.70                            1000                                         60
            70-130                               500                                         54
           130-174                          500-1500(**)                                54-63.5
           174-260                              1500                                     63.5
           260-470                         1500-5000(**)                                63.5-74
          Above 470                             5000                                         74
** 1. Linear interpolations, the formulas for calculating the maximum permitted fundamental field strengths
are as follows:
(1) for the band 130 - 174 MHz, V/m at 3 meters = 22.72727×(operating frequency, MHz) – 2454.545;
(2) for the band 260 - 470 MHz, V/m at 3 meters = 16.6667×(operating frequency, MHz) – 2833.3333.
Based on the average value of the measured emissions.

3.3.2     Measuring Instruments
Refer a test equipment and calibration data table in this test report.

3.3.3     Test Procedures
      For the transmitter emissions shall be measured using following options below:
           Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause (Reduced VBW) – Duty cycle        100%.
           Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause average value of pulsed emissions. Adjusted by a “duty
           cycle correction factor”, derived from 20log (dwell time/100 ms). Average emission = peak
           emission + 20 log (duty cycle).
           Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause measurement procedure peak limit.
      For radiated measurement, refer as ANSI C63.10, clause 6.5 for radiated emissions

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3.3.4     Test Setup
                                        Fundamental Emissions

3.3.5     Test Result of Fundamental Emissions
                             Field Strength of Fundamental Emissions Result
   Modulation          Frequency      Fundamental                           Limit
                                                        Margin (dB)                               Type
     Mode                (MHz)       (dBuV/m)@3m                        (dBuV/m)@3m
  ASK-Transmit           315             59.75             35.87              95.62               peak
  ASK-Transmit           315             49.00             26.62              75.62             average
                Result                                             Complied

Note 1: Measurement worst emissions of receive antenna polarization: Horizontal.
Note 2: If duty cycle < 100%, average emission = peak emission + 20 log (duty cycle).

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3.4       Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions
3.4.1     Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions Limit
   For manually operated within 5 sec, activated automatically within 5 sec, periodic transmissions
Unwanted emissions limit follow this table or the general limits FCC 15.209, whichever limit permits higher
field strength.
  Frequency Band (MHz)             Spurious Limit (uV/m) at 3m           Spurious Limit (dBuV/m) at 3m
         40.66-40.70                             225                                        47
            70-130                               125                                    41.9
           130-174                           125-375(**)                              41.9-51.5
           174-260                               375                                    51.5
           260-470                          375-1250(**)                              51.5-61.9
          Above 470                             1250                                    61.9
**1. Linear interpolations, the formulas for calculating the maximum permitted fundamental field strengths
are as follows:
(1) for the band 130 - 174 MHz, V/m at 3 meters = 56.81818×(operating frequency, MHz) - 6136.3636;
(2) for the band 260 - 470 MHz, V/m at 3 meters = 41.6667×(operating frequency, MHz) - 7083.3333.
Based on the average value of the measured emissions.

                             For periodic transmissions (lower field strength)
Unwanted emissions limit follow this table or the general limits FCC 15.209, whichever limit permits higher
field strength.
  Frequency Band (MHz)             Spurious Limit (uV/m) at 3m           Spurious Limit (dBuV/m) at 3m
         40.66-40.70                             100                                        40
            70-130                                50                                        34
           130-174                           50-150(**)                                34-43.5
           174-260                               150                                    43.5
           260-470                           150-500(**)                               43.5-54
          Above 470                              500                                        54
** 1. Linear interpolations, the formulas for calculating the maximum permitted fundamental field strengths
are as follows:
(1) for the band 130 - 174 MHz, V/m at 3 meters = 22.72727×(operating frequency, MHz) – 2454.545;
(2) for the band 260 - 470 MHz, V/m at 3 meters = 16.6667×(operating frequency, MHz) – 2833.3333.
Based on the average value of the measured emissions.

3.4.2     Measuring Instruments
Refer a test equipment and calibration data table in this test report.

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3.4.3     Test Procedures
                                   Test Method – General Information
     The average emission levels shall be measured in [duty cycle      98 or duty factor].
     Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause bandedge testing shall be performed at the lowest frequency
     channel and highest frequency channel within the allowed operating band.
     For the transmitter unwanted emissions shall be measured using following options below:
           Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause (Reduced VBW) – Duty cycle         100%.
           Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause average value of pulsed emissions. Adjusted by a “duty
           cycle correction factor”, derived from 20log (dwell time/100 ms). Average emission = peak
           emission + 20 log (duty cycle).
           Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause measurement procedure peak limit.
     For the transmitter bandedge emissions shall be measured using following options below:
           Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause 6.9.2 for band-edge testing.
           Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause 6.9.3 for marker-delta method for band-edge measurements.
     For radiated measurement.
           Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause 6.4 for radiated emissions from below 30 MHz.
           Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause 6.5 for radiated emissions from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz.
           Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause 6.6 for radiated emissions from above 1 GHz.

3.4.4     Test Setup
                               Transmitter Radiated Bandedge Emissions

Magnetic field tests shall be performed in the frequency range of 9 kHz to 30 MHz using a calibrated loop
antenna. Electric field tests shall be performed in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 1000 MHz using a
calibrated bi-log antenna and the frequency range of 1 GHz to 40 GHz using a calibrated horn antenna.

3.4.5     Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions (Below 30MHz)
All amplitude of spurious emissions that are attenuated by more than 20 dB below the permissible value has
no need to be reported.

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3.4.6     Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions (Below 1GHz)
                       Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions (Below 1GHz)
Operating Mode               1                        Test Freq. (FX)           F1
Operating Function           ASK-Transmit             Polarization              V

Note 1: “>20dB” means spurious emission levels that exceed the level of 20 dB below the applicable limit.
Note 2: “N/F” means Nothing Found spurious emissions (No spurious emissions were detected.)
Note 3: Measurement receive antenna polarization: H (Horizontal), V (Vertical)
Note 4: If duty cycle < 100%, average emission = peak emission + 20 log (duty cycle).

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                       Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions (Below 1GHz)
Operating Mode               1                        Test Freq. (FX)           F1
Operating Function           ASK-Transmit             Polarization              H

Note 1: “>20dB” means spurious emission levels that exceed the level of 20 dB below the applicable limit.
Note 2: “N/F” means Nothing Found spurious emissions (No spurious emissions were detected.)
Note 3: Measurement receive antenna polarization: H (Horizontal), V (Vertical)
Note 4: If duty cycle < 100%, average emission = peak emission + 20 log (duty cycle).

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3.4.7     Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions (Above 1GHz)
                       Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions (Above 1GHz)
Operating Mode               1                        Test Freq. (FX)           F1
Operating Function           ASK-Transmit             Polarization              V

Note 1: “>20dB” means spurious emission levels that exceed the level of 20 dB below the applicable limit.
Note 2: Measurement receive antenna polarization: H (Horizontal), V (Vertical)
Note 3: For the peak measurement is fully sufficient, as the max field strength as measured with the
        Peak-Detector meets the AV-Limit so that the AV level does not need to be reported in addition.
Note 4: If duty cycle < 100%, average emission = peak emission + 20 log (duty cycle).

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                FCC Test Report                                                      Report No. : FR352851

                       Transmitter Radiated Unwanted Emissions (Above 1GHz)
Operating Mode               1                        Test Freq. (FX)           F1
Operating Function           ASK-Transmit             Polarization              H

Note 1: “>20dB” means spurious emission levels that exceed the level of 20 dB below the applicable limit.
Note 2: Measurement receive antenna polarization: H (Horizontal), V (Vertical)
Note 3: For the peak measurement is fully sufficient, as the max field strength as measured with the
        Peak-Detector meets the AV-Limit so that the AV level does not need to be reported in addition.
Note 4: If duty cycle < 100%, average emission = peak emission + 20 log (duty cycle).

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                FCC Test Report                                                         Report No. : FR352851

3.5       Operation Restriction
3.5.1     Operation Restriction Limit
                                         Operation Restriction Limit
      Manually operated: manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically
      deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5 sec of being released.
      Activated automatically: transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5 sec after
      Periodic transmissions: permitted with total transmission time of 2 sec per hour or less.
      Periodic transmissions (lower field strength): each transmission is not greater than 1 sec and the silent
      period between transmissions is at least 30 times the duration of the transmission but in no case less
      than 10 sec.

3.5.2     Measuring Instruments
Refer a test equipment and calibration data table in this test report. Activated automatically within 5 sec

3.5.3     Test Procedures
                                                 Test Method
      Refer as ANSI C63.10, clause 7.4 for periodic operation measurement.

3.5.4     Test Setup
                                            Operation Restriction

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FAX : 886-3-327-0973

                   FCC Test Report                                                              Report No. : FR352851

3.5.5     Test Result of Operation Restriction
                                                Operation Restriction Limit
     Manually operated: manually operated transmitter shall employ a switch that will automatically
     deactivate the transmitter within not more than 5 sec of being released.
     Activated automatically: transmitter activated automatically shall cease transmission within 5 sec after
     Periodic transmissions: permitted with total transmission time of 2 sec per hour or less.
     Periodic transmissions (lower field strength): each transmission is not greater than 1 sec and the silent
     period between transmissions is at least 30 times the duration of the transmission but in no case less
     than 10 sec.

                                         Operation Time Restriction Plots
                                                           RBW 1 MHz      Delta 1 [T1 ]
                                                          * VBW 1 MHz                 0.89 dB
                   Ref -20 dBm          * Att    0 dB      SWT 10 s               5.000000 s
                   -20                                                    Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                    -83.24 dBm
                   -30                                                            1.580000 s
          1 PK *
          CLRWR                                                                                  TRG



                   -70    TRG -70 dBm

                   -80       1                                        1





                   Center 315 MHz                       1 s/

          Date: 26.JUL.2013         03:00:50

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TEL : 886-3-327-3456                                                               Report Version      : Rev. 01
FAX : 886-3-327-0973

                    FCC Test Report                                                                        Report No. : FR352851

4          Test Equipment and Calibration Data
  Instrument          Manufacturer            Model No.               Serial No.    Characteristics    Calibration Date      Remark

    Spectrum                                                                                                                Conducted
                           R&S                  FSP 40                  100305       9KHz~40GHz          Mar. 20, 2013
    Analyzer                                                                                                                (TH01-HY)

    Temp. and
     Humidity          Giant Force         GTH-225-20-SP-SD       MAA1112-007         -20 ~ 100          Nov. 21, 2012

     Signal                                                                                                                 Conducted
                           R&S                  SMR40                   100116      10MHz ~ 40GHz        Jun. 27, 2013
    Generator                                                                                                               (TH01-HY)

 RF Cable-2m        HUBER+SUHNER            SUCOFLEX_104          SN 345675/4       1GHz ~ 26.5GHz             NA

 RF Cable-3m        HUBER+SUHNER            SUCOFLEX_104          SN 345669/4       1GHz ~ 26.5GHz             NA
Note: Calibration Interval of instruments listed above is one year.

     Instrument           Manufacturer           Model No.             Serial No.    Characteristics   Calibration Date      Remark

      Spectrum                                                                                                              Radiation
                               R&S                 FSP30                100793       9kHz ~ 30GHz        Sep. 26, 2012
      Analyzer                                                                                                            (03CH03-HY)

 3m Semi Anechoic                                                                    30MHz ~ 1GHz                           Radiation
                        SIDT FRANKONIA            SAC-3M              03CH03-HY                          Dec. 01, 2012
     Chamber                                                                             3m                               (03CH03-HY)

      Amplifier                  HP                 8447D             2944A08033    10kHz ~ 1.3GHz       May 03, 2013

      Amplifier               Agilent              8449B              3008A02120    1GHz ~ 26.5GHz       Aug. 16, 2012

  RF Cable-R03m              Jye Bao               RG142                CB021        30MHz ~ 1GHz        Jan. 17, 2013

    RF Cable-high            SUHNER           SUCOFLEX 106            03CH03-HY      1GHz ~ 40GHz        Jan. 17, 2013

    Bilog Antenna         SCHAFFNER              CBL 6112D               22237       30MHz ~ 1GHz        Sep. 22, 2012

    Horn Antenna              EMCO                  3115                 6741        1GHz ~ 18GHz        May 31, 2013

      Turn Table          EM Electronics       EM Electronics           060615       0 ~ 360 degree            N/A

    Antenna Mast                 MF               MF-7802             MF780208179        1~4m                  N/A
Note: Calibration Interval of instruments listed above is one year.

     Instrument           Manufacturer           Model No.             Serial No.    Characteristics   Calibration Date      Remark

    Loop Antenna              TESEQ               HLA 6120               31244       9 kHz - 30 MHz      Dec. 02, 2012
Note: Calibration Interval of instruments listed above is two year.

SPORTON INTERNATIONAL INC.                                                                    Page No.               : 24 of 24
TEL : 886-3-327-3456                                                                          Report Version         : Rev. 01
FAX : 886-3-327-0973

Document Created: 2019-06-16 09:57:39
Document Modified: 2019-06-16 09:57:39

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