user manual 3.23


Users Manual

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                                                                                                                                                                                          10. Using the Speakerphone                                                                  (2) Press and hold both of °V+" and °V—" buttons for 10 seconds until the blue and
      Bluetooth®                                                                                                                                                                          (1) Answering a Cal                                                                             red LED flash 5 times, then the speakerphone will resume standby mode. The
                                                                                                                                                                                              When receiving a phone cal, short press the "MFB"button to answerthe cal.                   speakerphone is now back to original setting, and after power on the speakerphone
                                                                                                                                                                                          (2) Ending a Call                                                                               again, it will enter pating mode automaticaly.
                                                                                                                                                                                              Short press the "MFB"button to end a call
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      NOTES: If the speakerphone is connected with a mobile phone before restore to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      default setting, it will enter pairing mode automatically after restored to defut. If the
                                                                                                                                                                                          (3) Reject a Call                                                                           speakerphone is not connected with the mobile phone before restore to defauk setting,it
                                                                                                                                                                                              When you hear the ringing tone, press and hold the "HFB" button for 2 seconds to        willbe under standby mode afferrestored to default seting
                                                                                                                                                                                              relect the call
                                                                                                                                                                                          (4) Voice Dia                                                                               14. Safety Information
                                                                                                                                                                                              If your mobile phone is voice dialing enabled, under standby mode, short press the      (1) Check local lws regarding use of a mobile phone and speakerphone while driving. If
                                                                                                                                                                                              "MFB"button and say the voice tag after you hear a beap.                                    you use the speakerphone whie driving, ensure your attention and focus remain on
                                                                                             speakerphone, tis recommended to charge the battery fuly for the frst time                       Note: Please make sure to record voice tag into the mobile phone before using voice         your responsiblity of driving safely
                                                                                             Using the car charger                                                                            dial function. Functionalty varies depending on the moblle phone modeis. Please refer   (2) Never allow chidren to pay with the speakerphone. Small parts may be a choking
                                                                                             + Insertthe car charger completely nto the charging slot until the LED fash red.                 to your mobile phone user guide fordetails.                                                 hazard
                                                                                             + Normalfull charge time is 3 hours. (approx.), and the LED will lash off when charge is     (5) Last Number Re—Diaing                                                                   (3) Observe allsigns that require an electrical device or RF radio product to be suitched
           "SOLAR—POWERED"                                                                       completed.                                                                                   Understandby mode, short press the "HFB" button twice forlt number redials.                 off in the designated areas. These could include hospitals, blasting areas, and
                                                                                             Using solar power                                                                            (6) Adjusting the Voume                                                                         potentially explosive atmospheres.
                                                                                             * Diect the solar panel on the back side of the speakerphone toward sun. (Please refer           During a cal, press the V}" or °V—" buttons repeatedly until you reach the desired      (4) Turn off your speakerpnone prior to boarding an aircraft. Do not use your
              MULTIPOINT                                                                         to the recommended instalation positon, as mentioned above)                                  volume level                                                                                speakerphone in an aircraf.
                                                                                             + If the speakerphone recelves suffient sunight for 2 hours, you can talk for duration       (7) Mute & Un—Mute                                                                          (5) Never place or store the speakerphone over the area of the automobile‘s safety atbag
                                                                                                 of up to 1 hour. Using solar power charge, the operation time (the talk time and the         a. Mute: During a cal, short press the "MUTE" button to mute the speakerphone. The          deployment, oit may cause serious injury when a safety arbag deploys.
            SPEAKERPHONE                                                                         standby time) will be extended continuously without any additional charge required by           red LED willflsh on during mute mode
                                                                                                 the car charger.                                                                             b. Un—Mute: Short press the "HUTE" button during mute mode to un—mute the               15. LED Light Indicators
                                                                                             WARNING: Do not attempt to charge the speakerphone with any charger other thanthe                   speakerphone.
                                                                                             one provided. Using another charger may damage or destroy the speakerphone.                  (8) Tansferting Call                                                                          Speakerphone Status                    TED Indcator
                                                                                                                                                                                              a. Speakerphone to Mobll Phone: During a cal, press both of "V#:"and "V—" buttons,        Power OFF Mode                         ore
                                                                                             6. Turning ON/OFF the Speakerphone                                                                  and the callis routed to your mobile phone.                                            Power ON                               Blue LED flash 3 seconds
                                                                                             Pover On: When speakerphone is under off mode, press and hold the "MFB" for 4 seconds               Mobile Phone to Speakerphone: Press both of "V#" and "V—" buttons to route the         Power OFF                              Red LED flash 3 seconds
                                                                                             unti you hear a short beep. The blue LED wl fash 5 times, and then the speakerphone                 call to speakerphone.                                                                  Standby Mode                           Blue LED flash once every 3 seconds
                                                                                             will automaticaly connect to the last connected mobile phone.
                                                                                             Power Off: Speakerphone is under standby mode, press and hold the "MEB" button for 4         11. MultiPoint Feature                                                                        Standby (Disconnect Bluetooth Device)|_Blue LED fash twice every 3 secondo
                                                                                             seconds untl you heara short beep. The red LED willflsh 5 times before power of.             (1) Activate Mutipoint Connection                                                             Standby—Low Voltace                    Red LED flash once every 3 seconds
                                                                                                                                                                                              The default seting of the speakerphone‘s multioint function is OFF, You can activate      Talk in progress                       Blue LED flash once every 6 seconds
                                                                                             7. Pairing                                                                                       the mutipoint function for connecting with 2 mobile phones atthe same time.               Palring in progress                    The red and blue LED flash on altematively
                                                                                             Prior to using the speakerphone for the first time, you must pair it with a Bluetooth            a. Multipoint ON: Under standby mode, press and hold "V+" button for 3 seconds            Charging in progress                   Red LED steady on
                                                                                             enabled mobile phone. The steps below describe paiting instructions for a ypical Bluetooth           until you hear a beep.                                                                Charging completed                     or
                               User Manual                                                   enabled mobile phone:                                                                            b. Multipoint OFF: Under standby mode, press and hold "V—" button for 3 seconds
1. About Alzetooth Speakerphone                                                              (1) Place the speakerphone and mobile phone no more than 1 meter (3 feet) apart                     until you hear a beep. The speakerphone will tum off the multipointfunction and      16. Product Specification
This versatle Bluetooth speakerphone is specially designed for user to enjoyconventence      (2) Ensure the speakerphone is turned off.                                                          power off automatically. When power on the speakerphone again, it will only          Bluetooth Complance: Bluetooth V2.1+EDR
and freedom of wireless communication. Dual capacity of use on desictop like a               (3) Press and hold the "MFB" button for 6 seconds untl the LED flash red and blue                   connectto the last connected Bluetooth device.                                       Operating Frequency Band: 2.4GHz ~ 2.48GHz unlicensed ISM band
Conference Speakerphone and ir—car like a Hands—free car kit. Advanced builtin                   aternatively, it is now ready for pairina.                                               (2) Multipoint Palting                                                                      Output Power: Class 2,up to 10 meters
microphone wth D.5.P. soluion for Echo Cancellation & Nolse Suppression that gives you       (4) Activate the Bluetooth function on your mobile phone and search for accessible               a. First mobile phone: Pair the speakerphone with one of the Bluetooth—enabled          Support Profles: Headset and Handsfree 1.5 profles
impeccable full duplex sound qualty.                                                             Bluetooth device by referring to your mobile phone user quide for detals.                       mobile phones:                                                                       Support Multiple Pated Devices: Memorie paired data of 8 Bluetooth phones
                                                                                             (5) Select "BT Speaker"from the ist osearched devices                                               Second mobile phone: Power OFF the speakerphone. Press and hold the "MFB"            Stand—by Time: Up to 1400 hours
2. About Blzetooth Technology                                                                (6) Enter the pre—programmed code "0000" and press "OK" o pai the speakerphone and                  button for 5 seconds to enter pairing mode again to pair and connect with the
Bluetooth wireless technology is set t revolutionize the personal connectiviy by providina       the phone.                                                                                      second mobile phone.                                                                 Talk Time: Up to 1113 hours
freedom from wired connections—enablinglinks and connectivity between notebooklaptop,        (7) When patring is completed, the speakerphone is under the standby mode with the blue          c. Connect with the fist paired mobile phone tothe speakerphone.                        Battery Charging Time: Using charger about 3 hours, Using solar power about 18 hours
mobile phones, portable handheld devices and other Bluetooth enabled devices within              LED fashes in every 3 seconds. Please place the mobile phone and the speakerphone        (3) Multipoint Connection/Link with 2 Mobile Phones                                         Charger Voltage: DCS.0%, 400mA
10 meters. Utlfzing alobal sound & digital data 2.4GHz TSM transmission, it makes global         within 10 meters (32 feet) sensing distance                                                  After the multioint function is activated, please folow the steps below to connect      Battery: 3.7V 550mAH, (Rechargeable Lithium—ion Battery)
communicationin the way you‘venever dreamed of                                               NOTE: If the pairing cannot be completed within 2 minutes after the palting mode is              with 2 Blustooth enabled moblle phones at the same time.                                Size: 92.5 x 54 x 15.5 mm
                                                                                             activated, the speakerphone will power off automaticaly. Please repeat steps above to pair       When power on the speakerphone, it wil automatically search and connect the last 2      Weight: 605 (wthout windshield mount), 699 (with windshield mount)
3. Appearance and Fun                                                                        the speakerphone and mobile phone again.                                                         mobll phones that have been connected before.
( 1) Speaker                                                                                                                                                                              (4) Answerthe Second Call durig a Call (3 way callor two ink function)                      HOTES: Thspeakerphone is in conplance wth the specifed Aluctooth verion. It ds not auarantee
( 2) HMicrophone                                                                             8. Connection/Link betweenSpeakerphone and Mobile Phone                                          When receiving a second cal, press "MFB" button twice to hold the first call on line    compatisiy ofalfinctons on every Buetooth enabled device. lease check wth your mable phone‘s
                                                                                                                                                                                              and answer the second call                                                              use manualfocompatity and inctonalty
( 3) tep                             BC903M                                                  After palting is completed, speakerphone is always under standby mode. Before you
( 4) Charing Socket (5—pin USB)                                                              place or answer a call, if the headset con is not shown on phone screen, please follow       (5) Reject the Second Callduring a Call (3 way call or bwo lik function)                    Ts devics conpleswth Part 15 of e FCC Rule. Opertonis subjct o the folouing bo condtions(1) ths
                                                                                             the steps below to actvate the Bluetooth connection/link through your mobile phone or            When receiving a second cal, press and hold the "MFB"button for 3 seconds to refect     deice may ot cause harmfu intefence,and (2) hi cevicmustaccep an Intrence recaed, ncling
( 5) Mute Button                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      inorencsthat maycause undesrd opeaton.
( 6) MFB Button (Mu—Function Button)                                                         speakerphone until the headset con is on the screen.                                             the second mobile phone cal.
( 7) Volume Increase (V+)                                                                    + On phone: Select the "T Speaker" from the paired list on your mobile phone‘s               (6) Switch between 2 Phone Calls (3 way callor two lik function)                            Changes or maifcations not expressy approiedby the pary responsble for complance could vaid the users
                                                                                                  Bluetooth menu.                                                                             a. When having 2 call on the Iie, press "MFB"button bwice to swtch between these        authorty to operate the eavemert
( 8) Volume Decrease (V.)                                                                    + On speakerphone: Short press "HMFB" and select "Accept" on phone sereen to accept                 2 phone calls
( 9) Solar Panel                                                                                 connection.                                                                                                                                                                          "Tisequiment has ben esd and iundto complwith thmt o a Cass 8 dlgtaldevce, pursuant o Part
( 10) Windshield Mount                                                                                                                                                                        b. When having 2 calls on the lie, short press the "MFB" button once to end the         15 ofthe FCC Rules,These is ar designed to rovide reonatle potecion aganst harmfinteerence
                                                                                                                                                                                                 current call and stay with the other call                                            in a residental insalaton. Thi eaupment generates, uses and can radate rado fequency enargyandinot
                                                                                             9. Disconnection betweenSpeakerphoneandMobile Phone                                          NOTES: When the muipoint feature using, the device can not support three—way calling        Intaled and used in accodance wth the insbuctons, may causeharmu inteferenct ade communicatons.
4. Recommend Installation 8090389                                                                                                                                                         feature.                                                                                    Hoveve; ther is o gvarantsthatitefrence wl rot oecrin partdar Instalaton.
                                                                                             When you need to connect your speakerphone with another Bluctooth enabled mobile
    Position                                                                                 phone, please folow the steps below to discomnect the speakerphone with the pre—paired                                                                                                   11 ts equipment doescause harmfd intrfrenct radl o televiion recepton, wichcan be detemined by
t is recommended that the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             turming the eaipment ofand on,the useis encouraged to y to corect the Interence by oneor moe of
                                                                                             mobile phone.                                                                                12. Low Voltage Protection of Battery                                                       thefoloving measurs:
speakerphone is positioned on                                                                + On phone: Select "Disconnecting" on the Bluctooth device Ist of your moble phone‘s                                                                                                     = Rearent o rdocatethe receningantema.
to the top of the left side of the                                                               Bluetooth menu to remove the comection.
                                                                                                                                                                                          When the voltage of battery decreased to 3.3V, the red LED will fash in every 3 seconds,    = Increasethesepraton beweenthe ecupmentand recavec
windshield as shown in the pictures below                                                                                                                                                 and the speakerphone willbe power off automaticaly whenthe voltage under 3.0V.              = Conmect h equipment nto an oitt on a areitdfferntrom hat twhich thereconeis comectd
WARNING: Do not place or store the speakerphone over the area of the automobiles             + On speakerphone: Power of the speakerphone.
                                                                                             NOTE: When losing the connection/Ink,the speakerphone willtum off automaticaly in 15                                                                                                     = corsitthe deaer oan expedercd rado/TV echnican fohp
sefety altbag deployment, orit may cause serious injury when a safety aitbag deploys.        mminutes. The blue LED will fash bwice in every 3 seconds when the speakerphone is not
                                                                                                                                                                                          13. Restore to Default Setting
                                                                                             connected wth mobile phone.                                                                  Please fallow the steps below to reset the speakerphone to its original settig and remove   1€c5—008 labeinfo:
5.. Charging Your Bluetooth Speakerphone                                                                                                                                                  all the previous pating and connection                                                      This css digtal apparatus comoles with Canadian 1c5—003."
The Bluetooth speakerphone comes with a buit—in rechargeable battery. Pror to using the                                                                                                   (1) Ensure the speakerphone is under standby mode.                                          "t apparell numérique dela Cass est conforme l norme NMB—003 d Canada."

Document Created: 2010-03-23 11:37:29
Document Modified: 2010-03-23 11:37:29

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