Test report revised


Test Report

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                                                                 Test report No.   : 23AE0010-YW-1
                                                                 FCC ID:           : QKPFC2710
                                                                 Page              : 2 of 20
                                                                 Issued date       : August 19, 2002



SECTION 1 :         Client information                                                            3

SECTION 2 :         Equipment under test (E.U.T.)                                                 3

SECTION 3 :         Test specification, procedures and results                                    4

SECTION 4 :         Operation of E.U.T. during testing                                            5

SECTION 5 :         Conducted emission                                                            7

SECTION 6 :         Radiated emission                                                             8

Contents of Appendixes                                                                            9

APPENDIX 1: Photographs of test setup                                                             10

APPENDIX 2: Data of EMI test                                                                      12

APPENDIX 3: Test Instruments                                                                      20

A-Pex International Co., Ltd.
108 Yokowa-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-1106 JAPAN
Telephone:   +81 596 39 1485
Facsimile:   +81 596 39 0232                                                          MF060b(23.04.02)

                                                                            Test report No.   : 23AE0010-YW-1
                                                                            FCC ID:           : QKPFC2710
                                                                            Page              : 3 of 20
                                                                            Issued date       : August 19, 2002

SECTION 1: Client information

Company Name                 : Toshiba Corporation Medical Systems Company
Brand Name                   : TOSHIBA
Address                      : 1385 Shimoishigami, Otawara-shi, Tochigi-ken 324-8550 JAPAN
Telephone Number             : +81 287 26 6242
Facsimile Number             : +81 287 26 6054
Contact Person               : Hitoshi Shibutani

SECTION 2: Equipment under test (E.U.T.)

2.1      Identification of E.U.T.
Type of Equipment            : Personal Computer
Brand name                   : TOSHIBA
Model No.                    : FC2710
Serial No.                   : R013-260102
Rating                       : AC 100-120V/ AC 200-240V, 50Hz/ 60Hz
Country of Manufacture       : Japan
Receipt Date of Sample       : August 8, 2002
Condition of E.U.T.          : Production model

2.2 Product description
Model: FC2710, referred to as the EUT in this report, is the Personal Computer designed for a data processing unit
of automated biochemical analyzer.
Dimension:         363(W) x 406(D) x 181(H) mm
Weight:            11 kg
The clock frequency used in the EUT as follows:
 Unit               Device                 OSC Freq.           Input Freq.       Operation Freq.
 Main Board         CPU                    -                   66.6MHz           566MHz              PLL
                    System Controller      -                   33.3MHz           33.3MHz             PLL
                                           -                   66.6MHz           66.6MHz
                    OSC                    14.31818MHz         -                 14.31818MHz
                                           -                   -                 33.3MHz             PLL
                                           -                   -                 48MHz               PLL
                                           -                   -                 66.6MHz             PLL
                    I/O Controller         32.768kHz           -                 32.768kHz
                                           -                   48MHz             48MHz
                                           -                   33.3MHz           33.3MHz
                                           -                   14.31818MHz       14.31818MHz
                                           -                   33.3MHz           8.325MHz            PLL
                    EC                     8.00MHz             -                 8.00MHz
                    Super I/O              -                   14.31818MHz       14.31818MHz
 Video Board        Video Controller       14.31818MHz         -                 40MHz               PLL

A-Pex International Co., Ltd.
108 Yokowa-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-1106 JAPAN
Telephone:     +81 596 39 1485
Facsimile:     +81 596 39 0232                                                                   MF060b(23.04.02)

                                                                              Test report No.   : 23AE0010-YW-1
                                                                              FCC ID:           : QKPFC2710
                                                                              Page              : 4 of 20
                                                                              Issued date       : August 19, 2002
                                                                              Revised date      : August 26, 2002

SECTION 3: Test specification, procedures and results

3.1    Test Specification

Test Specification          :   FCC Part 15 Subpart B
Title                       :   FCC 47CFR Part15 Radio Frequency Device
                                Subpart B Unintentional Radiators

3.2   Procedures & results
    Item       Test Procedure          Limits       Deviation               Worst margin                    Result
 Conducted    ANSI C63.4:2000          Class B         N/A          6.6 dB                                 Complied
 emission                                                           (7.8032MHz: N)
 Radiated     ANSI C63.4:2000          Class B          N/A         1.6 dB                                 Complied
 emission                                                           (465.57MHz: Horizontal)

3.3    Additions or deviations to standards
No addition, deviation or exclusion has been made from standards.

3.4 Confirmation
A-Pex International Co., Ltd. hereby confirms that E.U.T., in the configuration tested, complies with the
specifications FCC Part 15 Subpart B Class B.

3.5 Uncertainty
Conducted emission test
The measurement uncertainty (with a 95% confidence level) for this test was ±2.0dB.
   The data listed in this test report has enough margin, more than site margin.
Radiated Emission Test (3m)
The measurement uncertainty (with a 95% confidence level) for this test using Biconical antenna is ±4.4dB.
   The data listed in this test report has enough margin, more than site margin.
The measurement uncertainty (with a 95% confidence level) for this test using Logperiodic antenna is ±4.8dB.
   The data listed in this test report may exceed the test limit because it does not have enough margin.
The measurement uncertainty (with a 95% confidence level) for this test using Horn antenna is ±5.8dB.
   The data listed in this test report has enough margin, more than site margin.

3.6     Test Location
A-Pex International Co.,Ltd. Yokowa No.2 test site and Shielded room (No.2 site)
108 Yokowa-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-1106 Japan
Telephone number             : +81-596-39-1485
Facsimile number             : +81-596-39-0232
This site has been fully described in a report submitted to FCC office, and listed on October 26, 2000(Registration
number: 90411).
*NVLAP Lab. code : 200109-0

3.7 Test setup, Data of EMI & Test instruments
Refer to Appendix 1 to 3.

A-Pex International Co., Ltd.
108 Yokowa-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-1106 JAPAN
Telephone:    +81 596 39 1485
Facsimile:    +81 596 39 0232                                                                      MF060b(23.04.02)

                                                                               Test report No.   : 23AE0010-YW-1
                                                                               FCC ID:           : QKPFC2710
                                                                               Page              : 5 of 20
                                                                               Issued date       : August 19, 2002

SECTION 4: Operation of E.U.T. during testing

4.1   Operating Modes
The EUT exercise program used during radiated and conducted testing was designed to exercise the various system
components in a manner similar to typical use.

Test sequence is used:  Running mode, Floopy Running, Hard Disk Running, Standby
                          1. FDD and HDD read/ write operations
                          2. 15 inch LCD with touch secreen operations
Justification: The system was configured in typical fashion (as a customer would normally use it) for testing.

4.2    Configuration and peripherals

                                                                   5            8          AC 100V/60Hz
                                              C                            D

                           2   3
                                           A: EUT                      7

                                                                       6          :Ferrite Core           9

                                                             AC 120V/60Hz                   AC 100V/60Hz

             *Cabling was taken into consideration and test data was taken under worse case conditions.

A-Pex International Co., Ltd.
108 Yokowa-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-1106 JAPAN
Telephone:      +81 596 39 1485
Facsimile:      +81 596 39 0232                                                                     MF060b(23.04.02)

                                                                        Test report No.   : 23AE0010-YW-1
                                                                        FCC ID:           : QKPFC2710
                                                                        Page              : 6 of 20
                                                                        Issued date       : August 19, 2002

Description of EUT and Support equipment
 No. Item                   Model number             Serial number     Manufacturer                FCC ID
 A     Personal Computer    FC2710                   R013-260102       TOSHIBA                     QKPFC2710
 B     Keyboard             FKB8720 SERIES           Q9000002          Microsoft                   C9SKB8720
 C     LCD Touch Monitor    41-81367-112             48590219TA00095   3M Touch Systems,           DoC
 D     AC Adaptor               HASU05F              201024A0570       HUA JUNG COMP.              N/A
                                                                       Co., Ltd.
 E     Printer                  C3990A               JPHL021975        Hewlett Packard             DoC

List of cables used
 No. Name                      Length (m)         Shield           Backshell Material              Remark
 1      Keyboard Cable         1.6                Shielded         Polyvinyl chloride              -
 2      RGB Cable              1.7                Shielded         Polyvinyl chloride              -
 3      Serial Cable           1.8                Shielded         Polyvinyl chloride              -
 4      GPIB Cable             3.9                Shielded         Metal                           -
 5      DC Power Cable         1.5                Unshielded       Polyvinyl chloride              -
 6      AC Power Cable         2.3                Unshielded       Polyvinyl chloride              -
 7      Printer Cable          2.5                Shielded         Polyvinyl chloride              -
 8      AC Power Cable         1.9                Unshielded       Polyvinyl chloride              -
 9      AC Power Cable         2.5                Unshielded       Polyvinyl chloride              -

A-Pex International Co., Ltd.
108 Yokowa-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-1106 JAPAN
Telephone:   +81 596 39 1485
Facsimile:   +81 596 39 0232                                                                 MF060b(23.04.02)

                                                                             Test report No.   : 23AE0010-YW-1
                                                                             FCC ID:           : QKPFC2710
                                                                             Page              : 7 of 20
                                                                             Issued date       : August 19, 2002

SECTION 5: Conducted emission

5.1    Operating environment
The test was carried out in a shielded room 4.5 x 3.6 x 2.7m.
Temperature           : See data
Humidity              : See data

5.2    Test configuration
EUT was placed on a platform of nominal size, 1m by 1.5m, raised 80cm above the conducting ground plane.
The rear of tabletop was located 40cm to the vertical conducting plane. The rear of EUT and its peripherals was
aligned and flushed with rear of tabletop. All other surfaces of tabletop were at least 80cm from any other grounded
conducting surface. I/O cables and AC cables that were connected to the peripherals were bundled in center. They
were folded back and forth forming a bundle 30cm to 40cm long and were hanged at a 40cm height to the ground
plane. Each EUT current-carrying power lead, except the ground (safety) lead, was individually connected through a
LISN to the input power source. All unused 50ohm connectors of the LISN were resistively terminated in 50ohm
when not connected to the measuring equipment.
A drawing of the set up is shown in the photos of Appendix 1.

5.3   Test conditions
Frequency range                :   150kHz-30MHz
EUT position                   :   Table top
EUT operation mode             :   Running mode, Floopy Running, Hard Disk Running, Standby

5.4    Test procedure
The AC Mains Terminal Continuous disturbance Voltage has been measured with the EUT in a shielded room.
The EUT was connected to a Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN).
An overview sweep with peak detection has been performed.
The measurements have been performed with a quasi-peak detector, if necessary with an average detector.
The conducted emission measurements were made with the following detector function of the test receiver.
    Detector Type : QP
    IF Bandwidth   : 10kHz

5.5 Results
Summary of the test results: Pass

Date :       August 16, 2002                Test engineer :   Tomoyuki Yamashita

A-Pex International Co., Ltd.
108 Yokowa-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-1106 JAPAN
Telephone:      +81 596 39 1485
Facsimile:      +81 596 39 0232                                                                   MF060b(23.04.02)

                                                                              Test report No.   : 23AE0010-YW-1
                                                                              FCC ID:           : QKPFC2710
                                                                              Page              : 8 of 20
                                                                              Issued date       : August 19, 2002

SECTION 6: Radiated emission

6.1    Operating environment
The test was carried out in an open site.
Temperature          : See data
Humidity             : See data

6.2    Test configuration
EUT was placed on a platform of nominal size, 1m by 1.5m, raised 80cm above the conducting ground plane.
The rear of EUT and its peripherals was aligned and flushed with rear of tabletop. I/O cables that were connected to the
peripherals were bundled in center. They were folded back and forth forming a bundle 30cm to 40cm long and were
hanged 40cm height to the ground plane. Test was made with the antenna positioned in both the horizontal and vertical
planes of polarization. The measurement antenna was varied in height above the conducting ground plane to obtain the
maximum signal strength.
A drawing of the set up is shown in the photos of Appendix 1.

6.3    Test conditions
Frequency range                :   30MHz-5000MHz
Test distance                  :   3m
EUT position                   :   Table top
EUT operation mode             :   Running mode, Floopy Running, Hard Disk Running, Standby

6.4    Test procedure
The Radiated Electric Field Strength intensity has been measured on an open test site with a ground plane and at a
distance of 3m.
Pre check measurements were performed with a search coil at 80-90MHz, 270-290MHz and 500-700MHz which are
high-level emission in a screened room to distinguish disturbances of EUT from the ambient noise.
Measurements were performed with quasi-peak and average detectors.
The measuring antenna height was varied between 1 and 4m and EUT was rotated a full revolution in order to obtain
the maximum value of the electric field intensity.
The measurements were performed for both vertical and horizontal antenna polarization.
The radiated emission measurements were made with the following detector function of the test receiver and the spectrum
     Frequency range : 30 MHz – 1GHz               : 1GHz – 5GHz
     Detector Type      : QP                       : AV
     IF Bandwidth       : 120kHz                   : RBW: 1MHz/ VBW: 10Hz

6.5 Results
Summary of the test results: Pass

Date :       August 16, 2002                Test engineer :   Tomoyuki Yamashita

A-Pex International Co., Ltd.
108 Yokowa-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-1106 JAPAN
Telephone:      +81 596 39 1485
Facsimile:      +81 596 39 0232                                                                    MF060b(23.04.02)

                                                  Test report No.   : 23AE0010-YW-1
                                                  FCC ID:           : QKPFC2710
                                                  Page              : 9 of 20
                                                  Issued date       : August 19, 2002

Contents of Appendixes

APPENDIX 1: Photographs of test setup

Page 10:     Conducted emission

Page 11:     Radiated emission

APPENDIX 2: Data of EMI test

Page 12-17: Conducted emission

Page 18-19: Radiated emission

APPENDIX 3: Test Instruments

Page 20:     Test Instruments

A-Pex International Co., Ltd.
108 Yokowa-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-1106 JAPAN
Telephone:   +81 596 39 1485
Facsimile:   +81 596 39 0232                                           MF060b(23.04.02)

                                                  Test report No.   : 23AE0010-YW-1
                                                  FCC ID:           : QKPFC2710
                                                  Page              : 10 of 20
                                                  Issued date       : August 19, 2002

Conducted emission
Photograph 1

Photograph 2

A-Pex International Co., Ltd.
108 Yokowa-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-1106 JAPAN
Telephone:   +81 596 39 1485
Facsimile:   +81 596 39 0232                                           MF060b(23.04.02)

                                                  Test report No.   : 23AE0010-YW-1
                                                  FCC ID:           : QKPFC2710
                                                  Page              : 11 of 20
                                                  Issued date       : August 19, 2002

Radiated emission
Photograph 1

Photograph 2

A-Pex International Co., Ltd.
108 Yokowa-cho, Ise-shi, Mie-ken 516-1106 JAPAN
Telephone:   +81 596 39 1485
Facsimile:   +81 596 39 0232                                           MF060b(23.04.02)

Document Created: 2002-08-27 08:49:27
Document Modified: 2002-08-27 08:49:27

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