Test Report_Classic BT


Test Report

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                   RF Test Report
                       Product Name: Smart Phone

                          Model Number: SNE-LX3

               Report No.: SYBH(Z-RF)20180813013001-2004
                              FCC ID:QISSNE-LX3

              Reliability Laboratory of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

    (Global Compliance and Testing Center of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd)

No.2 New City Avenue Songshan Lake Sci. &Tech. Industry Park, Dongguan, Guangdong, 523808,
                     Tel: +86 755 28780808     Fax: +86 755 89652518

isw.     RF TestReporofSNELG


1. The laboratory has passad the acerodtaion by China National Accrodtation Sarvice for
Conformity Assescment (CNAS). The accroditation nurmber is LOB10.
2. The laboratory has passad the aceredtaion by The American Associationfor Laboratory
Actreditation (A2LA} The accreditation numbar is 2174.01
3. The laboratory has been recogrized bythe US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to
perfarm compliance tasting subjecttothe Commission‘s Gortieaton rues. The Designation Number
is CN1173, and the Test Firm Ragisration Number is 294140
4.. The laboratary has bean isted by Incusty Canada to perform electromagnatic amission
messurements. Tre recagnition numbers oftost itare 6269A—1
5. The laboratory(Relabiity Lab of Huawei Technologias Go. Lid) is also namec "Global
Complance and Tasting Certer of Huawel Technologles Co., Lb®,the both names have coedisted
since 2008
8. The testreportis invaldlif not marked with the signatires ofthe persons respansible foproparing
and approving thatast roport
7. The test report i invali thare is any ovidence of erasure andforfalsfeation
8. The test reportis only valifor the test samplas
3. Contantofthe tast regort, in part orinfull cannot be use for publictyandlor promotional
purposes wihout pror writon approvalfrom the laboratory:

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Hwa AF TestRepot l SNELC

Appllcant:              Huawei Technologies Go. Lid
Address:                No.2 New Gity Avenue Songshan Lake Soi. ATech. Industy Park,
                        Donggan, Guangdong, 520008, PR.C

Date of Recelpt Sample: 2018.08—22
Start Date of Tost:     20e0027
End Date of Test:       2ote0010

Test Resut:             Pass

Approved by Sentor      20180810              HeHao                      He       Hao
Engineer:               Dare                    Name                  Signature

Prepared by:            2otec00                 Znoutingto                    ou h
                                                                                 e ho
                        Dare                      Name                  Signature

ReporNo                           Hmnel Propitayard Contisertal                   Page aof 22
svae Aboteneraotator—ano«      Copyight© HuanelTechnoboges Go     d

isw.      RF TestReporofSNELG


1.    Generalnfomaton                                                        s
     14—     AppledBlndtrd                                                   s
     12.     Testlomton                                                      s
     18—     TestEnviormert Gondtion                                         s
2.    TesSunmay                                                              s
3.    DeserptonoliheEquimert underText (EUD                                  7
     34.     Genere Desciptn                                                 7
     52.     EUTenty                                                         7
     33.     TechnialDessipton                                               s
4.    GereraiTestCeeflons/Confiuratons                                      D
     41—     EUT Conigurtions                                               D
     42.     TextEmvionnents                                                in
     43.     Antermarequiement                                              in
     44.     Deserplonoftests                                               12
     45—     TextSetge                                                      is
     48—     TextCondtons                                                   1e
5.    MainTestInstunents                                                    zo
6.    MeasizementUhecaiy                                                    2
7     Apendies                                                              ze

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1      General information

121.    Appled Standard
Aopled uies                  47 GFR FCO Par 2 SubpartJ
                             47 GFR FCG Par 15, Subpar C

Test Mattd                   FCGPUBLIG NOTICE DA 00205 Filngand MensirementGuideFrefor
                             Frequency HappingSprend Spectuen Systems (Released March 30,2000)

                             ANBI CB94—2014, AmerlanNatoral landaro Methods cf Mensuremert t
                             PRado:NoseEmiasons fom LoVotage Electieaand Bearont Equipmert
                             Inthe Range o 9 it t 40 Gite
                             ANBI CB3102015, Americn Natoral Glardant o Testrg Unicensed
                             Wieiess Devces

12 Test Location

TestLocaton                Relatity Latorory of HraneiTechnologes Co, Lt
Addess                     No2 New Giy Avenve Gongstan LakeSe. LTech Inliny Park,Dongpian
                           Cuangions. RRC
1.3 Test Environment Condtion

Anbort Terperntire           teswaso
AnbortRelativHanidty         astosss
Atrosshetc Pressure          Notappleatie

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isw.      RF TestReporofSNELG

2.   Test Summary

Testfm                        FCG Pule No    Resiements               Testfen Wede
208 Emmen Beravan Gam_        tsairent _     im                        Forends®_ Facs
                                             > wX EoiRown
CaerFrequency Sepmraton       19247100       poverstosnW, 20re0d..     Apjends 8|      Pass
                                             row, oram esn
Nuntert Happing Chanrel       arom
                              is             »15 chamels               Aovends 0       Pass
Tine t Occupancy (DvelTire)   152700         <Blewilina perodor        Aovendi D       Pass
                              in             (4#‘hopon nurben
                                             Feo:Condizes 1w
Masimun Pesk OupatPoner       19247b(        uingarsnovavedapping      ApjendsE        Pass
Bdede e
          sroromention        isome
                                             ~2 dbrito ie Ni * res     |_Pereraxt
                                                                         * G—|
Condicied hE Spatass Emnen                   powers pover t            Fecerdx         Fass
Redned Erissens ie            TSAE           oo rar tsstotedsreren     AovendiH        Pass
Restited Bands                1smo           ns
2G Fover Ure Gonaices         1saor          Foo rat tostreomices      Apsendic1       Poss
Enisions                                     int:

svenemnzoreoercoracot 2001
                                     Havel Propéeiny and Cortsental
                                 Copyight© HraneiTechrologes C d
                                                                                    Page s arce

isw.        RF TestReporofSNELG

3.      escription of he Eoulpment under Test (EUT

9.1      General Description

SNEX3 i aiserberequiment inthe GBMWODMMLTE sstem. The GBM fequencybad holdes GSMES and
GENBTand DCSHand RCSHI00 The UWTS requeneybard s BI and B2 and B4 and BS nd 80. The LTE
frequeneyband is B2 and B4 and BS andB7 and BIR andB17 and 828. The Mable Phane inlement uch furatons
as RF signl eceingtrinmiting LTE/RRAUMTE and GSMIGPREEDGE protocal precessing voie,vdeo MS
servce, GPS, AGPS, NFOard LR ets Exemaly i provides one mizro 5D cartirtefc (Rean also used as SM
eardtedace), ephone ort o provide vabe svie) and one SMcart meface ali rovies Bketcot medide
to ynctrorizeditabetween a C andthephone, orto use the bult in maden ofthe phone t ecess h nteretth
a PG,orto exchange dits wthothe Blucaath deviees. SNE L3 may suppot sigl S or ouble SM.Madel
SNEi aamartphore with un SMoringe SM. The difernce ofthem s onl fr SM CARO GNE—LS single
S1Ms deleted ore SWM bysottrre
Note: Onl Bluetothsestdata ncladed in h eport

9.2      EUT Identiy
NOTE:—      Unless trerie reed in the mpor, thefinetoral ooistled in he unts shl s seleced fom e
            below itb not memns l tfunctonal boarls ited below shat bfstaled in one ut

3.2.1     Board

Desipien                       Hociran Vermon                  SoteareVerion
WanBond                        mesrerin                        sieuaezoneicon

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 Haawer        RF Test ReportofSNELX3

  3.2.2       Sub— Assembly

Sub—Assembly Name             Mode!             Manufecturer                          Desorition
                                                                     Input vatage: 100—240V ~500Hz     0.5A
Adzo                   iwrosszosHo        Huawel Technologies
  lapter                  —               Co.td                      Output voltage: SV =—— 2a on
                                                                     oy       === »a
                                                                     Input vaitage: 100—240V ~500Hz    0.5A
                                          Huawel Technologies
Adapter                Hw—ossecontia                                 Outputvoltage: SV === 2A 0R
                                                                     oy       === »a
                                                                     Input vaitage: 100—240V ~500Hz    0.5A
                                          Huawel Technologies
Adapter                Hw—ossecoua                                   Outputvoltage: SV === 2A 0R
                                                                     ov           2A
                                                                     Input vaitage: 100—240V ~500Hz    0.5A
                                          Huawel Technologies
Adapter                Hw—ossecocho                                  Outputvoltage: SV === 2A 0R
                                                                     oy       === »a
                                                                     Input vatage: 100—240V ~500Hz     0.5A
ha                     i.000200BH0        Huawel Technologies
     lapter               "               Co.td                      Output voltage: SV =—— 2a on
                                                                     oy       === »a
                                                                     Input vaitage: 100—240V ~500Hz    0.5A
                                          Huawel Technologies
Adapter                Hw—oo02008to       0                          Outputvoltage: SV === 2A 0R
                                                                     oy       === »a
                                                                     Input vatage: 100—240V ~500Hz     0.5A
Adzo                   Lw—c00200uH0       Huawel Technologies
   ol                     —               Co.td                      Output voltage: SV === 2a on
                                                                     oy       === »a
                                                                     Input vaitage: 100—240V ~500Hz    0.5A
                                          Huawel Technologies
Adapter                Hw—do0200EHo                                  Outputvoltage: SV === 2A 0R
                                                                     oy       === »a
                                          Huawel Technologies        Input vaitage: 100—240V ~50B0Hz   0.5A
Adapter                Hw—osozcono1
                                          co. uid                    Outputvoltage: SV === 2A
                                                                     Rated capacity: G650m¥h
                                          Huawel Technologies
Rechargesble Lion      HBGBSEB@ECW        _ |;                       Nominal Voitage:       «sgeVv
                                                                     Gharging Voltage: 2== «40

  Report No.                               Huawel Propretary and Confidental                   Page 8 of 22
  SYBH(Z—RF)2018081 2013001—2004        Copyright © Huawe! Technologies Co., Ltd.

isw.     RF TestReporofSNELG

3. Technical Description

Chamctetstes       Descrpion
THRKOperig         240020035   to— 2OR Mz + N 1 Mz where
Rarge              Hiteband          fe‘Operting Frequency n Mz
                                         ChanrelNorier® wit therange tom 0078
Wedhiaton Type     Core        Frequercy HopginSpread Speciu(FiB)
                   Som         Grexm novex sorse
Enision Desirate   crac um
                   waporsc mereso
Bluceath Fener Css Cl
Zetema Dessipion   lovonic Arterra
Zeiema Type        CJ ExemalBJ Inegmied
Zerema Gain        0.1 d pearieara por, ma)
Fover Swopy        BJ 260C Adrer J roE: over:

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isw. RF TestReporofSNELG

4.     General Test Conditions / Confiqurations

4.1.    EUT Configurations

41.      General Go     urations

Corfauraton              Deseiston
Test Aiemns Pors         Unilotremnse spected
                               AMTH tests ae perfomed at l TX antema pors othe EUT, and
                               AlRK tests e peformed t alRK antema poti l the EUT
Mutiie RF Sources        Onerranthe ested RF soune of he EUT e RF sousela aredanbled o snn
                         curng messuremerts

4.12 Customized Confiqurations

# EUT Gont            SaralDeszriten                                  Opertng Frequerey
Thil.Des              GFER modutaton, pactage uie DHhoosingon
Tin_prs.cro           GFER modutaton,pactage uie DHhapging o          cune aremzme
Tin._Dris_Ghao        GFSK meddatonpactage type D. hepgig t           Cune sor asn ie
Tn._DH5_Ghre          GFSK meddatonpaotage tye OS ropgig o.           Cune rer asco uie
TeZortsHep            tt.0GFER modutaton, pactage ie 20hopping on
Th:Zorts_Gr0          tt.0GFER modutaton, pactane ie 20hopping _      oo 0r2i0eNiz
Th:Zorts_Gra          tt.0GFER modutaton, pactane ie 20hopping lt     oo 37 2081 ie
TiZorts_Gnrd          vt.0GFER modutaton, pactane ie 20hopping lt     GnNio 167 2@ ie
TsSorfsHep            BOFC modulaionpactage tpe 3DHhoppngon
Ths_Sorfs_Gr0         BOFC modulaionpactage ype SDHhoppngort          cune aremzme
Ths_sorts_Gra         BORSC modulaionpactage tipe SDHhppngort         Cune sor asn ie
Th2orls_Grd           BOFC modulaionpastage ype SDHhappngort          Grie rer asco uie

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42. TestEnvironments

NOTE:    Thevalies ied in thetest reportimay bestingentthan hedclied

Envionmert Paanelr      Seieded Vales buing Test
                        Tenperauze               es                     Reatre Hunaiy
imw                     Znbien                   sevoo                  Znve

4.3 Antenna requirements
Excerptfrom §15.200 ofthe FGCRules/Regultions:
"An intenonal radator antenna shallbe desiyned to ensure that no anterna othertthat furighed by
the responsble paty can be used wih thedevice. The use of a permanenty atached antenna or of an
antema that uses uniquecouplng to the inlntlonalradlator shabe considered sutleentto comply wth
the provsions ofthi secton"
The antennas ofthe SNE—LX3 are permanently attached.
Thereare no povisons for connection to an extermal artenna
Te Smart Phone £CC 1D: GISSNELX3 un‘ comples wih the requrement of§15.200
Ch. Frequency (Wit)

                                     o.              Frequency ts
                                     to                   2ane

                                     so                      24

                                     To                      zio

                                   FrequencyChannel Operations

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44— Descriptionoftests
4411 Bandwidih measurement
() Comat EUT test portto universal communicationtastar
(b) Satthe EUT t transmit maximum outpat powerat 24GHz and swich of recuency hopping
function, then set the measuring froguency number, fnall tastthe bandwicth with anversal
communication t
442 Carvierfrequency separation measurement
() Comat EUT test portto spactrum analyzorand univarsal communicationtster
(b) Satthe EUT t transmit masimum outpat powerat 24GHz and switch of recuency hopping
function, then set e measured frguency number to o acfacant channals seporataly and tostthe
earrirfrequency saparation with spectrum analyzor
443 Number o hopping channel
() Comat EUT test porttspactrum analyzorand univarsal communicationtester
(b) Satthe EUT t transmit masimum outpat powerat 24GHz and switch on recuency hopping
function, then sot erough count bme (largerthan 5000 times} to yet allthe hopping reauency channal
isplayedt on the serean of spectrum analyzor
(¢) Gount the evartty of peaks to yatthe number of happing chainnals
444| Time of occupancy
() Comas test portof EUT to spactrum analyzer and universal communicatontestor
(b) Satthe EUT t transmit masimum outpat powerat 24GHz and switch on recuency hopping
(¢) Sotthe span of spectrum analyzer t0 He, and set tresolution bandirith to1 NHe and te vedto
bandwicth to 1 Mz,then get the ¥me domain maasired diagram. and sat swaap timeto 2 tmes of
one burst occuparcy time, and measire the tme of occupancy ofone burst
(d) Satthe resoluton bandwidthtot NHz and the verdo banclvidthto3 NHe and sotthe sweep time
to a periad (04 seconds mulipled by the number of happing channals employed),and count the
number o the bursts
(e) Caleuate the time of occupaney in a period withtime occupancy ofa burst and cuanttyof barsts
445| Peakoutput power
() Comat EUT test portto spactrum analyzorand univarsal communicationtester
(b) Satthe EUT t transmit masimum outpat powerat 24GHz and switch of recuency hopping
(6) Thanset the EUT to transmt athigh, mildand low freguiency and measure the conductod outpat
power soparataly

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         RFTest RegortotSNELX3

448 Band edge spurious emission
() Comat EUT test portto spactrum analyzorand univarsal communicationtester
(b) Satthe EUT t transmit masimum outpat powerat 24GHz and switch of recuency hopping
(¢) Thansot tEUT to transmitathigh, ow feeuency and measure the conductad band odge
spurious soparatal
(¢) Switch on thfrqueney hopping fincion, and repeat above measurement
447| Conducted RF Spurious
() Comat EUT test portto spactrum analyzorand univarsal communiatontester
(b) Satthe EUT t transmit masimum outpat powerat 24GHz and switch of recuency hopping
(¢) Thansot tEUT to transmitat high, mi€le and low freguiency and maasuretro condicted
spurious soparatal
(d) Switch on thfrqueney hopping fincion, and repeatthe above measrement
448 Rediated spurious emission & spurious in restricted band
For freauncy balcw 1GHz, the tetsite semianechoic chamber has motthe requirement o NBA
tolerance 4d8 according tothe standards ANSI CB3.10 (201). The EUT was setup on insulater
80em above the Ground Plano. Forreguency abave 1GHz,the test itful:—anechaic chamber has
matthe requirementofANSI CB3—10 (2019). The EUT was satup on nsulator 180:m above the
Ground Plane.
"The setup and test methads were according to ANSI CB3.10:2013.The Raclated Distrbance
messurements ware made using a Rohde and Schware Tast Recaver and contral sottware
A proiminary scan and a final scan ofthe amissions were madle by using tast scrig.of sofware; the
emissions ware measured using a Quasi—Pesk Detaetor below 1GHz, Paak Detactr and AV datector
above 1GH. The naximal emission valie was acauired by adiusting the antonna haigh, polaration
and turntable azimath in accordance wth the software setip. Normally, the height ange of antarna
was tm to dn, and the azimuth range of urntable was 0‘to 360*The recaive artama has bro
polarizatons V and H
A portable or smal uniconsed wirelass device shallbe placed on non—motalictost firture or other
normetalie supportcaring tsting. The supporing fxtre shall prmit rientation of h EUT in aach of
three orthagonal(, y 2) acls postions such that amissions from the EUT are maxinized
"The EUT communcatas with tBTS simalaterthrough Af nterface. The EUT transmits maximam
output power at 24GHz and swich of freguney hopping function
Measuroment bandwicth. 90 Mz 1000 MHz: 120 kiz
Measuroment bandwicth. 1000 Mz 10° Carrer Froqueney: 1 NHe

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449 Conducted Emission at Power Port
"The Table top EUT was placed upon a nan—metaie table 08 m above the horirontal matal eference
round plane. EUT was comectad toLISN and LSN was comncted toreference Ground Planc. EUT
was 80m from LISN. The set—up and tost methods were according to ANSI C83.10: 2019

Condductad Disurtance at AG Port measurements were undertakon on the L and N Lines. The
emissions ware measured using a Quasi—Pesk Detector and Average Detector
"The EUT communcatas with tBTS simulaterthrough Af nterface, the BTS simulatercortrls the
EUT totransmiterthe maximum gower which darined in specifcation of product. The EUT operated
on the typical charnot
Measurement bandwicth (RBW)for 1506z to 30 MHz: 9 Wiz;

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isw. RF TestReporofSNELG

45— TestSetups
451. Test Setup 1
Tre Blicoth companents ntemma port(s of h EUT ae commecid tthe mensurementinstumentpean
appropriate atervato: The EUT s contoled by Bhetcoth Bystem Gimatar andr POsotirare t eittheapectied
sanal forthe purgose of mensuremerts

                              winser Casir
                           conmetng s RF Cake
                                Masteania          r—»| Atnustor |—a             Measiroment
                                   |                                              Instument
               Bustooth           ;                           i cuise
                                  +             Power         formaing
              Component                         Spiter

                                    duecon                                     Buetooh Systom
                                   consonents                                     Simulator

    Power        Conrol
    Supply         ro

452. Test Setup2
Te senianechoi tariber and fl:arechol charier has methe requrement of ANSICB3.Thetet ditance is
m The antu s accuding to ANSI OBRea cxvcer.ceiizc on ze

"The maxinalemisso vlue is equted by dfustng the antenna helgt, polaison and uriatl ainuth Nomaly,
the belghtrange ofactemna i 1 mtod n, theacimuth ange of urtabe so 20 and thereceive artenn has ho
polatzatons Verieal VJ and Horonta )

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Hamwen      MF Test Repor ofSNELX3

bose |                                                                        ReceiverJ
1 _ _ _ . Ne
                                            (Bolow 1 Giiz)

ti ome | esw                                                                     ecaiver
 L. _ _ _ Nemsi
                                            (Above 1 Giz)

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         RFTest RegortotSNELX3

453 Test Setup3
"The mss cable o the EUT (mayhe per AGDC Adagteg mus be connecid tLISN.The LISNshal b placed 0. m
from he boundacyofUPT and bonded toa gpund reference plano LBN mourted ot of he groun refererce
plane.Thiditance i between th losespots ofhe LISNandthe EUT. Al ther uns o theEUT and assccited
exvipmert shal beateast .0 fom the LN

Gaurd connectons, nbererequind fr sley purposes,shallb connectd o the refereme geund pin of heLISN
and, where nototentseprvided orspeced y the marufactver,shallb o samelengh as e main cableand
un paralel t themais convecton ata separtiondatace of t mae tan 01 m

                                            Stieing eom

   ‘                                                                                    04m

                                                                             s                —
   |          [                                                                          5$
   |       Recove
                               —meuee—| usn

svnemzoreoetco1900t 2004
                                       Hhavel Proptetay and Corttenta
                                    Copylaht©HameiTeshmlages Co, L
                                                                                      Page tr oze

            RFTest RegortotSNELX3

46. TestConditions

Test Gase           Test Contions
                    Contawrsten     Desetpton
208 Enizion         |Mess: Vemd_|   DAOPTOs
Banduich E8W.       [Testne         imw
                    Test Seup       Test Seup 1
                    Eurcem          Tin_prs_cre. ri_os.cres, Tin_pns_cie,
                                    Thezous_c%e, Tezous_crse, te_2oisoire,
                                    ussous_ofe,Twssous_cise, ts_soisce
Garie: requeney—|Ness Ned           DR 0070
Separaton           Texm            imw
                    Test Seup       Test Soup 1
                    ENT Con         T.Den
                                    ussorts Hep
Numberof Happng Mess Wetved         DR 0070
Chanvel             Text Em         ima
                    Test Seup       Test Soup 1
                    ENT Con         T.Den
                                    ussorts Hep
Tiol Gezupancy Mess: Vetred         DAOPTOs
(DretTing      Text Em              ima
               Test Seup            Test Seup 1
               EUT C                Tin_prs_Ghes,
HMaximim Peak.—     Mess Ned        OR 007G
Condicied Oupat     |Testem         ima
Pover               Test Seup       Textfeup i
                    EUT C           Tin_prs_cro. wi_ois_Gre, Tin._Drs_Oie,
                                    Thezous_c%e, Tezous_crse, te_2oisoire,
Burd edye sparous Mess Wemad        DR 0070
enision           Text En           ime
                  Test Seup         Test Seup 1
                  EUT Con           Tin_prs_cro. ri_ons_ove,
                                    Twezous_cno, Tezous_cire,
                                    ussous_on tssous.cire
Corticire           Mess Wetred     00070
Spurous Enisson     Tescene         ime

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Test Gase          Test Gordtons
                   Contawaten      Dessipien
                   Test Seup       Test Seup 1
                   ENT Con         Tin_prs_cre. i_pis_ove, Tin.Dr_ome,
                                   Twezous_c%e, Tezous_crse, tve_2oisoire,
                                   ussous_ofe,Twssous_cise, ts_sousce
Reciaed Enissors Mess Need         DA 00705,0854, Bs 10
in te Resticted                    (h 20e i 1 it
Barde                              P         nawr — 100 lt VW — 200 Witz;Det — Penk
                                   Fiias     RBYr «120 i: Oet » CISPR OunsiPeat
                                   21 it ass otte
                                   Avernge:. RBW ME VBW » 10 He; Det = PealcSnceptine » Aso;
                                             Tace «Sige
                                   Peaks     RBW MilyVOW «3 MMz,Det « Pea; Sneepiine «Aute:
                                             Trace# MaxHoks" 100
                   Text Em         ima
                   Test Seup       Text Soupr
                   ENT Con         Sorime 1 itz   min_pus.Gro tot Con)
                                   Tsom:          Tipus_cre. Ti_pis_Gres, ri_os.ove,
                                                  Tizors_one, Tezonscrso,
                                                  Tis_sors_cne, Tssonts.crso,
                                   sisore         Thii_oi.C10 (Woree Gon),
                                                  Toi.Chao (Worse Gor),
                                                  T.usChrd (WereGor)
                                   Te zes one       mmpus.Gra mont Com)
#G Pover e         Mess: Netrod    AG mains concuse
Condinied                          Pre       RBW » 1010;Det = Peak
Entssons                           ns        RBH «9WDo = C6°R CnsPeak & Aveage
                   Texm            imw
                   Test Seup       TextSoups
                   EuTo            Tin prs_on

ResertNo                              HanelPropetay and Corttenta                Page toorz2
svnemzoreoetco1900t 2004            Copylaht©HameiTeshmlages Co, L

isw.        RF TestReporofSNELG

5.     MainTest Instruments

                                      Main Test Equipments
        Exprenttire        HMandtcuzer Nedal          Seral Namber       Caibne     Gat bue
     Wriess Gommuricaion      #glem     Nioros         inoversse         zuomm      morce
        Sonaizereme            Forn         easro      instssone         zowmtar   zownume
       Spectrum Araizer        igjiem       neweor     inaomiew          zuons     |_more

                                        Main TestEosipments
      EqupmentNiare           Wandcurer       _|_Model   SeralNumber    Calbue       C be
        Testeomer                ras         Esure          Towser     zoerzs       |_zorenns
        Testreomer               mas           Ese          ronss      zoerzs       |_zoienns
     Specturm anaize             ras          reus          morn       zoerzs       |_zoienns
     Spectum anaize              ras         rems           Toorss     zoerzs       |_zorenns
                            ms         whheze           rovese         zons         movsmas
  Anternss(sitt stt
                            ms         whheze           rovess         zons         movsmas
  Anternss(sit it
 Trlcg Broadbond Anemna                  vase
                        sommnzseox                     eiescsr         zornaes      zoremce
        cor—soe                          siss
 Double Rdged Wvegude
                            ms          ursor           rocsos         zorser       moser
 Homrtems (1G—teGite
                         ETBLnigen      stt            steose          2orrzco      zorenne
   ZifcalianNievon.         S          Ewaimo           roorse         mss          znssy
      Une Ingecance
                            ms          ewers           rovsee         mss          snosy
    Stiblaton Netvork
                                    Sottware nformation
         Testion             SutenreNane                    Wondscurer               Verion
            re                  enc                            ras                   vezso
            ce                  Euce                           res                   waso

ResertNo                                   HanelPropetay and Corttenta             Page 20 t 2e
svnemzoreoetco1900t 2004                Copylaht©HameiTeshmlages Co, L

isw.     RF TestReporofSNELG

6.   Messurement Uncertainty

Fora 95%contdece level(t» 2, the mensirementexpardedurceraintas fordefned stems, in secordarce with
the recormendatonsot 50 17025 as folonng

Test tm                                                      ExendeUncetainy
Tansrit OiputPone: Datn           FoverGnt                   u—sme
Renam                             Wganitema                  mrx
Bard Edge Gonplarce               Ditubimse Fover en)        U=0300
Spirous Emasons,Gondaaed          Diurtence Roverden]        Aiz—a aie: U=pede
                                                             seoimndoit: U=1om8
                                                             eagn—issole. Umrake
                                                             issommzroit U=take
                                                             meoiezssoite. U=1 sn
FeldSvergihaf Spurous Rediaten    ERRNEIRF Idanl             For m Ghanbec
                                                             u. sooce gontte—aity
                                                             u .408 (t otecity
                                                             u.i cefi oi ass ols
FrequereySaoity             Frequency Aecurcy F5
#G PoverUre Gondled Ensions Dtrnnce Votageld@pM
buy Grce                    buy Grce d

ResertNo                               HanelPropetay and Corttenta                      Page 21 o ze
svnemzoreoetco1900t 2004            Copylaht©HameiTeshmlages Co, L

isw.    RF TestReporofSNELG

7   Apperdises

         AoperdahNo                                   Descrpion
svene rnzoreoercoracot 2004 A                    Aoperdictor Blietaath


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svnemzoreoetco1900t 2004        Copylaht©HameiTeshmlages Co, L

Document Created: 2019-10-29 04:12:30
Document Modified: 2019-10-29 04:12:30

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